#weresnowleopard!Curtis Everett
imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
How about an introverted reader who is chill at the thought of being away from society? She's studying programming/coding and does digital art for extra income, generally jobs that will let her work from home.
Cabin in the woods? Isolation? A mythical beast of a husband? Hell, all she needs is good wifi and she'll be marching into her home ahead of him!
As for the guy to pair up with... I was thinking Weresnow leopard!Curtis or werewolf!Bucky. Selkie!Jake could work as well...
All this particular reader has to hear is "weeklong vacation away from other people" and she is completely sold
This reader is a fan of fairytales and Grimm’s books, she inflicts that into her digital art—and you can’t tell me she doesn’t have a chase kink
Introverted though she is, the idea of being set loose in the woods to be chased by weresnowleopard!Curtis is all she needs
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