imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
How about an introverted reader who is chill at the thought of being away from society? She's studying programming/coding and does digital art for extra income, generally jobs that will let her work from home.
Cabin in the woods? Isolation? A mythical beast of a husband? Hell, all she needs is good wifi and she'll be marching into her home ahead of him!
As for the guy to pair up with... I was thinking Weresnow leopard!Curtis or werewolf!Bucky. Selkie!Jake could work as well...
All this particular reader has to hear is "weeklong vacation away from other people" and she is completely sold
This reader is a fan of fairytales and Grimm’s books, she inflicts that into her digital art—and you can’t tell me she doesn’t have a chase kink
Introverted though she is, the idea of being set loose in the woods to be chased by weresnowleopard!Curtis is all she needs
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Glad to know that this is a shared experience across generations. Like girl I can feel your pain, boredom and relief.
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silkythewriter · 4 months
Hello! New anon here, um, so we have the headcanons for Vox x extravert reader. But what are your headcanons for Vox x introvert reader?
Got me curious :3
Vox x introvert reader!
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Warnings!: Non!
Fandom!:Hazbin hotel!
Author note!: AH I WAS WAITING FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS (≧▽≦) TYSM FOR REQUESTING THIS! Hazbin hotel has my mind running and my hyperfixation on this show is actually wild. IM SO GREATFUL FOR ALL THE REQUESTS TRUELY
Summary!: Vox with a introverted reader!
❤️Written by silkythewriter Do not steal or repost on any other platform please! <3❤️
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First things first, he always makes sure the paparazzi’s back off. Being with one of the more popular and powerful overloads is definitely going to come with some press!. But don’t worry you’ll little head off he can always just zap the equipment or threaten them.
As the show shows us he’s one little show off! But as much as he’d love to show what’s his and who’s he’s with he’d keep it private if your uncomfortable with the sudden spot light.
Depending on your personality behind closed doors, like if your more on the calmer side, or on the but more ecstatic side, it will determine what he prefers to do with you!
If your on the calmer he’d love to wind down in your arms and just lay for a bit! Maybe put on the latest news. Or show you the good press he’s getting for his latest invention. He likes having someone to listen like actually listen as much as he likes having power and using it to scare people. It does effect his daily conversation with people since they want to get one his bad side, so he adores the calm conversations with you! Even if your more a listener then a talker.
Now if you were more on the hyper side behind closed doors, he’s gonna be so confused. Where was all this energy when you guys were in the building?! ヘ(° □°)ヘ!!
Once you explain your a bit more introverted in-front of people you don’t know. Which he has to admit he gets it to a degree.
Most of the time he handles any social interaction and takes the lead if someone approaches you not that he’s jelly of them or anything! Yk that meme where it’s like
“They said no pickles” that’s quite literally you and him
Sometimes holds your hand or links pinky’s with you if your ever feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the workers in the building, or the camera shoved into your face. He hates seeing so stress so he dose his best to figure something out, which he always does!
If your not a busy demon like him and are just with him for most of the day which he will admit in secret he absolutely loves he has your own little space in the three Vs building for you to chill out and not get interrupted. He filled it with whatever you said you’d like, even stuff you didn’t tell him… weird…(💧゜^゜)
Sometimes teases you, just because he doesn’t like seeing you upset doesn’t mean he’s gonna let you get away that easy!
Like one time him you and the two other Vs were ordering over phone and rang up the place. Before handing you the phone hurriedly as they picked up making you stammer and stumble over your words from surprise. He cracked up over this, now your always alert when he has a phone around you…
He’s devious, sometimes he makes you go up and ask for straws or something you always end up getting a bit freaked out only for him to laugh as he calls the waiter himself and does it. Yea he’s foul.. -_-
On the brighter note! He always with you in a second if your having trouble with a person and are to nervous to speak up. He dosent mind doin it for you!
Makes you steer clear of the other Val and velvet, their chatter boxes, also he just prefers you to not have to talk to them.
Sometimes he basks in the pure knowledge that your more comfortable with him then others
Overall! He does tease!, he loves the expressions you make!, but in all honesty even with his personality and attuned he’s a sweetheart! Does whatever makes you uncomfortable for you!, he’s a gentleman after all.
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hungryforloveletters · 3 months
"My life is very simple. I read a lot of books. I watch a lot of movies. Listen to a lot of music. Walk the dog. Cook. Be with my family."
-Cillian Murphy
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halsinswhire · 6 months
Can I request headcanons for Gale, Halsin, and Astarion with shy gn s/o?
I am so sorry that this took so long. Writer's block is evil, but i really hope you enjoy it.
Headcanons for Gale, Astarion, and Halsin with a shy gn partner
Whenever you first meet Astarion will definitely pick on you a bit about being shy. Now he will not be mean or cruel at all, it is more of a teasing playfulness. He would volunteer you for any speaking roles and sit to watch you get flustered. Coming to your rescue is his favorite new hobby, and getting to tease you about it later on when you’re alone together.
If someone is making fun of you or in any way makes you uncomfortable then Astarion to the rescue. When you first meet and he is still feeling pretty stabby, you might have to keep some people from being on a missing persons poster.
Anything he can do to make you nervous he will do whenever possible. Leaning really close when he talks to you, and making it to where you can feel his breath on your neck. If you decide to let him feed from you then prepare for all of the dramatics and flare. He will caress your face, and have his other hand gripped onto your side pulling you closer.
“No need to be shy my darling, it’s just me.” As if he is not doing and saying some of the most head turning things. When you are officially together then this just gets even worse for you. He is even more out there and says things like “Love, you get all flustered just for me hm?”
When you got together it was after a lot of confusion on his part because even though you are shy around everyone you seem even more so around him. Poor baby thinks you are scared of him so go give him a hug he’s earned it.
As the relationship goes on I feel like Astarion would become more and more understanding and start to tease you less and less. The teasing will never stop, but it won’t be as constant as it was in the beginning .
No one can tell me this man wouldn’t be incredibly protective over his love. When walking around in public he would make sure to stay by your side in case you need his help with conversation. Will verbally attack anyone who is rude to you or causes your anxiety to spike. 
Oh my sweet baby I love this man. I do not care what anyone says I would die for this sweetheart. 
On one hand Gale is incredibly protective over you, but on the other he still knows to let you handle yourself. If someone pushes you too far then he will get involved to keep you from panicking or anything bad from happening. 
When walking around in public settings he keeps an arm around your waist and holds you close. His presence is a calming factor for you, and this is something you will both use to your advantage. If you need to lie for some reason then Gale will be on standby to keep you calm enough to be more deceptive.
Just because he is a sweetheart does not mean that he wouldn’t be a tease. Now it would not be nearly as often as the others, but he will still pick on you on occasion. Gentle touches when passing by, mocking you a bit if you stutter some, and getting way too close when he whispers in your year are just some examples of ways he will tease you. 
He absolutely loves that you are shy around everybody. He says that it saves time by keeping you from having unnecessary conversations, but we all know that he just thinks it is adorable when you are flustered. You will sit there glaring at him with a pouty look on your face while he is saying “I did absolutely nothing wrong my flower, and I stand by that.” 
While Halsin is not shy, he is not exactly out there all of the time either. He is the perfect person to go to at parties or other public events where you need to escape. A quick look in his direction and he will be steadfast in your rescue from whatever is causing you discomfort.
Everyone knows that Halsin is incredibly tall, 7 feet to be specific, and he will use his height to advantage on intimidation when someone bothers you. Like Gale he knows that you can handle yourself, but he does not think that you should have to. 
Making you nervous is something he can do with no effort, but sometimes he likes to fluster you on purpose. Wrapping his arms around your shoulders, leaning his head on top of your head, and whispering the most heinous of things in your ear. If Halsin were to ever make you genuinely uncomfortable then he would be very quick to apologize. Think wooden ducks he whittled and flowers he picked for you. 
If you would like for him too then he would be very willing to do the talking for you, or to just be there in support. Seven foot tall golden retriever, he is so sweet and supportive. When you are out in public together then he is walking side by side with you and holding your hand. Letting you lead where to go and he just follows happy to be there.
Whenever you get overwhelmed and start to panic, you do not even have to say anything Halsin will notice right away. Whatever methods you have that help you he will gladly be there for you to do whatever you need. If you are panicking and for whatever reason cannot calm down then he will grab you in a big hug, pull you close so that you can feel his heartbeat and know that he is there, so you are safe.
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sugarsfics · 1 year
“If we both want to fit, we’ll have to cuddle”
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“If we both want to fit, we’ll have to cuddle” 
Summary: Eddie invites you over for a movie night. Movie night is in his room. The only place to sit is his bed. His bed is small 
Trope: Eddie x shy!reader; friends to lovers 
Warning: use of y/n 
30 day challenge: Day 7 Send Request <3 
For the past hour Eddie has been running around the trailer making sure everything was perfect. Why? Because you are coming over, his crush is coming over. He has been crushing on you for a while. Every class he had with you he would find an excuse to talk to you, asking you for a pencil, piece of paper, answers, making a joke, anything to hear you talk or smile. That smile. The first time you smiled at him he was whipped, that smile made him smile, little did you know that when you turned to face the board you took his heart with you. You were very to yourself, only talking when spoken to, you had a small group of friends that he always saw you with. It took time but you eventually got comfortable with him, he was so grateful. P.E was one of your classes together before he sat on the bleachers alone looking at you, now you sit with him P.E became his favorite class. During that class he learned so much about you, this particular class you told him that you love the movie The Outsiders and how you have been waiting for it to be back in the video store. Eddie pulled so string, one of the workers he sells to works there so he told him he would give him a discount if he got the movie once the person returned it. So that brings you to now, he got the movie Monday, told you about Tuesday at school, then made plans to watch it together on Saturday. Since then he has been deep cleaning the trailer. Stressing out a girl is coming over, you are coming over.
You were just as stressed out as much as him. Everything seemed fine in theory of making of plans. But as Saturday came closer the bubblier your stomach got; you were going to Eddie’s house. Eddie what a beautiful man, you had a huge crush on him never in a million years did you think that he would talk to you let alone invite you his house to watch a movie. You triple checked your outfit, sat in front of your mirror in different positions making sure you looked good in all, brushed your teeth, took ten mints, and did everything you could think of to look pretty. When you felt decent you walked out quickly. You try to scurry pass your stepbrother room “Y/N” shit he saw you “Yes” “Where are you going” “out” “where” should you lie or tell him; lie he was way to over protective “To my friend's house” “Which one” think think “Alexis” she will cover for me “Are you going to stay the night” am I? What is going to happen tonight? Those bubble guts came back “I am not sure yet” “ok let me know” “will do Stevie” “Don’t call me that” Yea your stepbrother was Steve Harrington.  
You drove to Eddie’s trying to focus on the road, but your mind couldn’t stop racing. It was a little scary, but you zoned back in when you pulled into the trailer park, not sure how you made it here. Eddie heard a car pull up and quickly looked out the window and saw your sage green car, you said that it was a gift from your grandma when you were 16. He fixed his hair then opened the door for you “Welcome to my castle” he said “hi Eddie” you spoke. There was a small staring contest between you too then Eddie broke the silence “This way to my cave” he led you to his room. You were about to be in a guy's room you thought, she is about to be in my room he thought. “Um movie is in going to grab the popcorn anything to drink?” “Water please” you sounded so sweet and polite he would get you anything if you asked him “Got it make yourself at home” You stared at his bed for a few seconds it was small but there was no other place to sit, so you sat at the corner. He walked in a minute later and was freaking you are on his bed, he tried to hide his excitement and climb into his bed “You can come further in I won’t bite” he joked you crawled next to him didn’t make any eye contact, your bodies were so close together you felt his warmth. Even being so close, your leg was falling off the bed, you tried not to think about how uncomfortable this was going to be. Eddie saw your leg he wanted to grab it a pull it close pull you close, "If we both want to fit, we’ll have to cuddle” Eddie said where did that courage come from “are- are you sure” “Yea I don’t need you falling off” he opened his arms. Your heart started beating fast, there were so many firsts today already and now you are going to be in his arms. Your body didn’t know how to react so you slowing lied on him, he chuckled. As the movie played you slowly melted into him. The movie ended but neither of you moved, if anything you are scooting closer together. Eddie turned you to face him “Hi” “Hi” you giggled “This is nice” “Yea” “Maybe this could be a regular thing” “What do you mean” you asked “Saturday could be movie date nights” “Date? Was this a date” “It could be if you want it to be” there was silence again he thought he messed up “I have never been on a date before” you said shyly “Me either, tonight was a lot of my first” “Me too” you grinned at him. “You were a lot of my firsts” he continued “How” “Well the first girl to come to my house, first girl to be in my bed, first girl I cuddled with” He intertwined your hand together “This is my first time holding a girl's hand and this is my first kiss” he leaned in you met in the middle fireworks explode all around you. He pulled away but you brought him closer “Sorry I um I really liked that” he pecked your lips “So did I” He put on another movie, but you feel asleep “first girl to sleep with me” he laughed cuddling into you more than falling asleep himself . You were awoken by banging on the door. You and Eddie did not want to leave each other’s arms, but it only got louder. “Stay here” he kissed your forehead. He opened the door to a pissed off Steve “Harrington?” “Munson?” “What are you doing here” “Why is my sister's car in your lawn” “Sister?!” 
Tag list: @thefreak0fhawkinshigh let me know if you want to be added
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sea-lanterns · 5 months
Extroverted girlfriends who recharge their introverted girlfriends: Navia, Yelan, Lisa, Amber, Yanfei, Ningguang, Nilou, Keqing, Dehya, Shinobu, Candace, Signora
Introverted girlfriends who need their extroverted girlfriends to recharge: Sucrose, Clorinde, Ei, Ayaka, Shenhe, Mona, Jean, Ganyu, Layla, Sara, Yun Jin
Introverted girlfriends who just need to be left alone: Rosaria, Lynette, Xianyun, Kokomi, Arlecchino, Sandrone, Chiori, Chevreuse, Skirk, The Shogun
Extroverted girlfriends who accidentally drain their introverted girlfriends: Furina, Miko, Yoimiya, Hu Tao, Eula, Beidou, Faruzan, Columbina
Remember: The definition of an introvert is someone who drains energy while hanging out with other people, and an extrovert is the opposite. Extroverts are people who gain energy while hanging out with other people, so they don’t need alone time to recharge their social battery.
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solannn · 4 months
Headcannon Ideas.😋 (for haikyu)
What about a introvert male reader? Someone who doesn’t attend the boys games because he’s not a fan of social interaction ?😩.
Angst? Fluff?
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🐱┆ THE Sun proposed to the moon
🦊┆ And moon said,idk(x3) give me
a break
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• ˚୨୧⋆。 When he saw that you didn’t attend his matchs,he was really upset he thought that you forgot about it.
• he went to asked why you didn’t attend it. He wanted you met his friends/teammates.
• so he decided to go talk to you,he didn’t any harm or someth. ‘Cause seeing you’re seat empty was hurt breaking for him.
• so he knocked at your door,waiting few minutes until you open the door. You make him enter you house.
• he sat on your couch so do you,the air was quite tension you didn’t know why so much tension
•"Why aren’t you attending my match?" He asked "I’m- I’m not fan of social interaction-" your voice cracked a bit "I’m not fan of crowd and my social aren’t quite you know..? You said.
• he ‘ohhhed’, well know he knew why you didn’t attend it "But could you at least be here ? Seeing your special seat emp-" you interrupted him
• " i can try,only for you I guess." That made him smile and hugged you warmly so you hugged back.
• "and I understand that you aren’t the best at social skills" he said "when your ready I could make you met my team" he added and you smiled.
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•˚୨୧⋆。He would be so disappointed/upset he wanted to show you how strong and cool he was in volleyball.
• When he wanted you to met his friends or teammate he were never there
• He truly loved you,you were his first male lover and real love so he made him upset,sad to see your seat empty.
• it’s been only few months of dating,you were already a sort of power couple.
• he finally decided to talk to you. He grabbed his phone and call you and says a meeting point he waited few minutes for you arrival.
•After few minutes you were there he choose to talk first about it "why do you miss my matchs,seeing you seat empty is really erm-" he hesitated
• "im sorry if I hurt you- I’ll try my best I swear ! I’m just not ready to meet your team. My social skills isn’t real you know.." you apologized he understood and smiled.
OIKAWA,Atsumu,nishinoya,goshiki(?) ,hoshi ?,bokuto
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elliesmainhoe · 1 year
introvert gf!ellie x introvert gf!reader? like the ‘i hate everyone else but u’ troupe <333 the only time they’d get out of the house is when dina forces them 🤧
Ellie Williams Headcanons: Introvert!Reader X Introvert!Ellie
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Nah this is felt-
As an introvert I'm upset that I didn't come up with this before
But okay so-
You two are the absolute cutest!
Often you both just sit in comfortable silence at home, just doing your own trivial tasks. Ellie drawing and you typing away on your laptop
It's adorable.
Dina is your #1 shipper!
But it's also the bane of her life. Trying to get one introvert out of the house was difficult
But two? No chance
"Oh come on!~ it won't be that bad" Dina whined, draping herself over the arm chair in your living room while you and Ellie were cuddling on the couch.
"A party? Loud drunk sweaty people? Loud noises? No thanks" Ellie grunted her hand combing through your hair.
"They'll be weed~"
"and? We can smoke weed at home?"
You didn't go to the party
And on the rare occasion that you do attend a party- you and Ellie last one hour before you go home and hibernate lol
At home date nights
They include: making dinner together, drawing eachother and movie nights <3
You have a cat. A tabby named kiwi
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She's your baby. (looks like ↑ those pics)
Her nicknames for you are: Angel, Baby and Princess (yes she's basic)
Ellie carries you around everywhere. Piggybacks, bridal style, arms around her neck and your legs round her waist.
All your friends think it's adorable
If you can't play guitar already then she teaches you
If you can then you play together ❤️
This is such a cute idea thx for the request anon!
Taglist:@aunslie @lonelyfooryouonly @prettypeoniesx @daryldixonh0e @kittynnie @lovelyyevelyn @randomhoex @moonlightdivine @haerinwho @mufflaa @mial1l @sarahsmileslikesarahd0esntcare @moonlighting87 @escaping-reality8 @magicalfreakcowboylawyer @hejdevkdbdjsd @dergy @half-of-a-gay @ellieismami @cyberlainn @gollumsmygel @sseorii @kyleeservopoulos @taloulalila @ellieluhme @kiiyoooo @delusionalvioleht @joelscharm @hi2647 @gumdropkoo @coffeeandbookskeepmealive @womaniza @namgification
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rahuratna · 5 days
Nanami Kento: Relationship Headcanons, Part 2
Contents: pre-relationship headcanons, slow burn, pining, introvert reader, falling in love
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ღ You've laid down ground rules for yourself, rules not meant to be broken, and yet you find yourself twisting them, testing their pliability, skimming along the edge of what is acceptable. Your chance meetings with Nanami at work continue, much the same as always. Sometimes you two may sit in comfortable silence. Sometimes you may speak about mundane things, or his latest mission. There seems to be an unspoken agreement that you will not ask about each other's personal lives, that you will keep the interaction impersonal and detached.
ღ Until you don't. Or rather, he is the one who asks and your hand falters over the lid of your packed lunch. He wants to know what type of sandwiches you prefer. Such a simple, innocuous question. A little strange too, since he has never asked anything directly about you before. You glance across at him and for a second, you think he looks embarrassed at having asked. You brush away the thought. Nanami never does things without a purpose. You tell him that you like the kind with smoked salmon, cheese and herbs, the one the cafeteria sells on Thursdays. He nods, as if satisfied and resumes his meal.
ღ Such a simple question, but you think it over when you reach home. Why would he ask something like that? Was it simple curiosity? You laugh out loud in the emptiness of your apartment, soft jazz music emanating from the TV speakers. You go to do the dishes and your step feels inexplicably light.
ღ You decide to ask him a question the next day. Oh, no need to be concerned, you tell yourself. You've broken none of your rules. You ignore the little doubt that tugs at your mind. You eventually ask him, rather abruptly you think, whether he likes crosswords. He considers you over the rim of his glasses before nodding slightly. He mentions that he likes the cryptic, and the particular newspaper he buys which makes the puzzle as challenging as he prefers. He goes back to working on his report, and you can't be certain (because Nanami is so difficult to read), but you think that he seems pleased.
ღ Questioning becomes routine between the two of you. You both keep the questions light at first, as if testing one another out for ... what it could be, you couldn't say. And then, he starts to ask about different things. He asks for your opinion on what a student sorcerer said to him, for your beliefs on the manner in which some of the clans operate, for your thoughts on the best way to deal with certain mission scenarios.
ღ Sometimes, you don't even get to ask your questions. He comes into the break room, carrying the weight of a full workday on his shoulders, and then he sees you and his brow clears, the corners of his mouth straightening out of their dour expression. He approaches you immediately, offering greetings, before dropping into the seat beside you with a sigh, unbuttoning his jacket and loosening his tie. He lays out for you, in his brisk, clinical manner, what occurred during the mission that day and what issues he encountered. His arm may brush against yours, he may lean closer to you, those earnest eyes of his capturing yours, as if he will not accept anything less than your complete attention. On days like these, you can't ask your questions, but you don't mind at all. You save them up, hoarded like precious gems in some long-buried den, for later.
ღ The more you question each other, the more you get to know about him. Not because of the questions themselves, no. More the manner in which he responds to them. Beneath his cut glass exterior, you realise that Nanami is a man who feels very deeply, and with conviction. He is sensitive, as you learn when you find out that he kept small mementoes of transfigured humans who never made it. He is considerate, having memorized the favourite drinks and snacks of everyone who seems to be closer to him. He is perceptive, as you learn when he offers you an extra copy he bought of his paper, having noted how curious you were about his crossword. He is gentle, as you see in his interactions with Yuuji. Your knowledge of him is a soft unfolding, perilous at the centre.
ღ You tell yourself that this is enough. That it will never go beyond this. As far as he is concerned, you may just be a trusted colleague who forms part of his daily routine, nothing more. You cast your rules in steel and then tear them out of the mould each time, turning them over in your hands, wishing you could break them apart. You have never felt weaker.
ღ And one day, he may enter the break room, pausing in the doorway, a first for him. He is always so decisive in every word and action. You may be puzzled by his hesitancy and give him your usual welcoming smile, your world already made a little brighter by his presence. You may shift your chair a little to the left, as you always do, to show him that there is always room for him at your table.
ღ Nanami takes off his glasses. There is something more open there, something warm, something that threatens all the safeguards you have set around yourself. He finally makes his way over and sinks into the chair beside you, his demeanour strangely helpless, in your eyes. He produces his phone from a pocket, looking down at it for a while before placing it carefully on the table between the both of you. Nanami tells you that he prefers to have the contact details of anyone from Jujutsu Tech who may be of importance to his work in the future. He hopes that it isn't too presumptuous, but he would greatly appreciate your contact too. The phone lies on the table, a small metal island separating two continents on the verge of collision. You take it in your hand. It is still warm from his touch.
ღ You tell yourself, as if repeating it a hundred times will make it true, that this is enough. It is enough. Enough. Enough. You whisper his name, reverently, to the ceiling of your bedroom. Kento.
ღ It is not enough. It never will be.
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@tsukimefuku @actuallysaiyan @kentocalls @g-kleran
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intothegenshinworld · 2 years
Small spoilers for world quest in Sumeru!!
Imagine creator!reader running away from Teyvat (imposterAU, stress, whatever-) and comming across the Aranara*. After befriending the little guys, you permanently move in with the forest creatures.
Creator!reader might be the true ruler of Teyvat, but they feel more at home with the little chubby plant guys that keep them company.
*The Aranara are adorable forest creatures in Sumeru.
Yes you're sitting between 20 of these small guys as they put flower crowns on your head. If I had more time I'd write something about this... maybe later lol
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cold-kitty · 13 days
Darling stuck inside tomogatchi x neet/introvert yan ?
Yes! Of course, he must always get you in the end, so this one's a little bit more fantasy centered.
Contains: Some angst, some fluff, murder
If you're uncomfortable with this, have a religion that goes against or has a bad history of these, please skip! I also don't know much about them, so if it makes no sense, it is not my fault.
(Yes, this is Shin from yansim, stfu♡)
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Yan!Introvert who gets a Tomogatchi for his birthday.
Yan!Introvert has - as sad as it is - genuinely no friends. Not even one. So why not have a virtual friend that he doesn't have to worry about upsetting?
Yan!Introvert who starts to enjoy using his Tomogatchi, like, a lot. You're this cute little chibi that he gets to love and take care of, and you make these cute little pixelated noises!
Yan!Introvert who is constantly checking on you to the point that he gets in trouble at school.
Yan!Introvert who ignores everyone more. Who needs people when he has you?
Yan!Introvert who starts to get depressed. You're not real, you're only pixels in a game. He cries every night because of that. Oh what he would give for you to be real, to take care of you and not some lousy pixels, to have you love him back. But he can't, unless...
Yan!Introvert who immediately goes online, searching desperately for something he can do to make you real. And then he finds it, a sacrificial ritual.
Yan!Introvert who immediately goes out and kills someone. It doesn't matter if it's for you.
Yan!Introvert gets everything set up, you in the middle of an array of body parts. He says the words, trembling, and there you are! You're so confused, it's so adorable!
Yan!Introvert who immediately tackles you to the ground, cradling your head so you don't hit it. He's sobbing, full on ugly sobbing. He's so happy, he can truly care for you now, and as God as my witness he's the best thing you could ever ask for.
I love pathetic men so much.
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hermarsh · 4 months
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nothing is cooler than the neglected reader who slowly becomes the main villain.
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l13 · 10 months
How would Jonathan (before becoming the spot) feel like if his gf just kept slapping his ass, anytime, anywhere, because if it were me I would not be able to keep my hands to myself 🤭🤭
He's so bbg
this man would 100% whimper the first time you slapped his ass, he'd legit let out a "Mmf-" and you'd both freeze
"Did you just-"
"No, I didn't."
"You did-"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
if you actually make a habit of slapping his ass, he'd get used to it and also be flattered, like omg you like his ass enough to slap it? aww now he's hard for you, bend over.
if you slapped his ass in public, like at a grocery store or smth, he'd turn r e d, immediately whirling around to see if anyone witnessed this CRIME (no one saw, thankfully)
after some time though he'd join in the fun, and pinch your ass if he passed by you, and you were pleased to see that his ears still turned red even when he was the one doing it to you (he's scared of pda but faces his fears for you dw)
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djljpanda · 6 months
Hello,I hope your having an amazing day:) I typed this out and I accidentally clicked off,so here I am agian! Your writing for bee/beelzebub is amazing!!
May I request bee with a s/o that's more introverted,but really sweet and affection in closed doors,Like a black cat,that doesn't drink,or do drugs,they don't like the taste ,and they just aren't a fan of drugs,but they take drugs sometimes to overwork themselves/to keep themselves up,with a mix of energy drinks and coffee,to stay up and finish things for their job,You can choose the job:)
Thank you for reading this,remember to take care of yourself,have an amazing day/night/evening:DD
Beelzebub X Introverted Reader
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You started off as her security for her party’s just to make sure everything runs smoothly. But Bee had always wanted to get close to you as she found you very cute.
She tried by giving you a drink but you just turned your head away to afraid to speak up as she was a sin.Her next try was giving you drugs which you looked at and took, never thought you would getting drugs from the sin of gluttony herself. Little by little you had gotten comfortable with her
But you really hated your job as you hated being stuffed in a room with demons but money is money. Bee would notice this and would always check up on you and you were grateful for that.
When Bee noticed her attraction to you she just thought she wanted to sleep with you and dip but those feelings were deeper than she thought so she took into action.
You two started dating and Bee will always make sure you’re okay. Like seeing you take a mix on drugs and energy drinks to stay for your new job she would get worried and will talk to you about it. Bee does make sure you get your rest.
When you do at times you would not want to be touch but like a cat you would come up to her purring as you rubbed your face into her neck. Bee just loves any affection you give her as she finds you very sweet.
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It’s long past sundown when you and Tetsurou return to his apartment. Your legs are aching; the shoes you wear are one of your most comfortable pairs, but there’s little that shoe choice can do when you’re on your feet for the whole day.
A pair of hands comes to your shoulders to help you out of the coat you’re wearing, and you help them along happily, grateful for the assist. The moment your arms are freed you let out an exaggerated sigh, heels clicking on the hardwood as you dart for the couch and then throw yourself onto it. From the door, where he’s shrugging off his own coat, your boyfriend snickers.
“Take off your shoes at least, you heathen.”
Lifting your head just enough to see him over the arm of the couch, you pout and lift a foot. “You try taking these things off. Do you see how many straps there are?”
He bends to undo his own dress shoes. “Why did you wear them, then?”
“They’re comfortable.” You let your head fall back again, into the pile of pillows covered in black cat hair and smelling wonderfully of Tetsurou. Your eyes flutter closed as you sigh. “And they look nice. The straps are for show.”
Just as your leg is beginning to get tired and you’re about to let it fall back to the couch, a big hand catches the ankle. You startle a little, eyes flying open again to find that Tetsurou has approached the couch. His grip wraps around your ankle as he lifts your leg up a little further, his other hand coming up to begin dealing with the many straps you’d just complained about.
“What are you doing?” There’s laughter in your voice, a little breathy—in the barely lit apartment he strikes a handsome silhouette standing above you like this, tall and broad-shouldered, with the removal of his suit jacket revealing a crisp white button-up that fits him well. His hand is warm even through the stockings you’re wearing.
“You asked me to take them off,” he responds easily.
Long, lithe fingers deftly undo each one. The shoe loosens upon your foot until Tetsurou can remove it entirely, grey eyes staring down at where you lay propped up on your elbows. He sets it down carefully on the arm of the couch, but keeps his grip on your foot steadfast.
“I was being rhetorical.”
“Just let me spoil you.” His thumb is rubbing circles into your ankle as he grins down at you.
“By taking off my heels?”
“Mm-hmm.” He bends down, quick as a flash, to peck at your stocking-clad leg, lips pressing there-and-gone against your shin just above your ankle. And then he eases your leg down, just slightly, before guiding it and the rest of your body to turn as he steps around the couch to face you. “I’m being a gentleman.”
“Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?”
Pausing in his movement, he raises an eyebrow. “You don’t like it?”
“Never said that.” You rush to sit up and he lets go of your foot to let you.
Moments later, however, he surprises you by sinking to his knees. The motion makes you gasp under your breath; a noise you’re not entirely sure he hears, not when he’s busying himself with your remaining shoe.
You can feel the heat of him now, with how close you are. On instinct you reach out to lace your fingers in his messy hair, and he lets out a quiet, content little noise in acknowledgement, almost subconsciously pressing back into your touch.
The second heel is off faster. He places it next to its twin, rising up and reaching out with that huge wingspan, though his hand still doesn’t leave your newly bare foot. It pinches at the hosiery covering your skin, pulling the mesh fabric off just enough for you to feel it. You expect him to get up; join you on the couch, or perhaps lead you back to the bedroom to get ready for bed. Instead, he shuffles up closer—still on the floor, hand still at your ankle—and bends down to press a kiss just above your knee, right beneath the hem of your dress, and then lays his head in your lap.
He sighs a little. You feel his hand tracing up your leg until his fingers catch the crook of your knee, thumb coming around to rub at the other side through your stocking.
“‘M so tired,” he all but groans into the fabric of your dress, and you give a quiet laugh. “Don’t laugh, I’m serious, we saw too many people today. If I have to interact with another person in the next forty-eight hours I might have a breakdown.”
“And whose fault is that, hm? Whose friends were they?”
At your teasing voice, he lifts his gaze to pout up at you through his lashes.
You laugh again, reaching down and pressing your palms to his cheeks, tilting his head further up towards you so that you can lean down and peck his nose.
“Does your social interaction ban include me?”
That pout deepens. He pulls away from your hold to bury his face in your lap again, hand trailing up your thigh and then over to wrap his arm around your legs so securely you can barely move them. When it speaks, the words are one again muffled by the fabric of your dress, and they make warmth bloom in your chest.
“Absolutely not. If I couldn’t be around you I think I’d die. You restore me.”
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