#wereworlf sebastian sallow
bloofinntoona · 2 years
Sebastian werewolf x reader? This is something I can see happening because he always trying to find a cure for Anne and he just goes too far before realisation sinks, which results in a frantic Seb seeking MC help that he doesn’t have time to be wolfing out and with little knowledge of the subject they both just scrambling before MC has to take care of a panic Sebastian throughout the night
oh god sorry for the super late reply. i literally had the idea and story in my head for WEEKS before i finally got the chance to write it.
basically self-indulgent, werewolf!sebastian sallow x f!reader, angst, hurt/comfort
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"Lycanthropy was the state in which a werewolf found him or herself: that of turning into a fearsome and deadly near-wolf. Muggles were far less likely to be infected by lycanthropy than wizardkind, as the wounds had a higher fatality rate. To date, there was no cure for lycanthropy. Lycanthropy was a deeply feared and despised condition, as tragic tales were told that victims begged to be allowed to die rather than becoming werewolves."
Professor Hecat walked around the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, explaining the Lycanthropy illness, or what you had learned in the muggle world; werewolves. Drawings and photos of human-like wolves filled the chalkboard and walls. You couldn't deny that some of the pictures were terrifying, their teeth were significantly sharper than regular wolves, and you could imagine how painful it would be to get scratched by their long nails. You were too busy scribbling in your notebook to notice an agitated boy sitting next to you. A deep sigh escaped his lips, breaking you from your focus. You looked at Sebastian, his brows furrowed, fingers busy twiddling his quill, yet his paper was untouched.
"Not taking any notes, are we?" You teased.
Sebastian shrugged, flashing you a quick smile that transformed you into a blushing mess. Ever since you met Sebastian at your fifth year, you had already thought that the brunette was severely attractive and charming. At first, you assumed that he was like that with everyone, but you started to notice the lingering touches and gazes that both exclusively shared. It did leave you confused, but you were not the type to rush into a relationship anyways. You were happy enough to see Sebastian healed after the incident with Solomon and Anne - finding comfort to know that Anne was taken care of by their distant relative, and Sebastian stopped using the Dark Arts altogether.
His behavior in class worried you, but you decided to think nothing of it. Sebastian draped his arms around your shoulder, walking with you and Ominis to the library. You found your favorite table on the second floor, setting your papers and quill on the table. Professor Hecat assigned the class to finish a 4,000 words essay on Lycanthropy by next week, and you figured you'd start as soon as possible.
"Are werewolves common in the Wizarding World?" you broke the silence, stretching your arms as you leaned back on your chair.
"Not really," Ominis shook his head, "I've only heard stories from my family. But I have yet to see one in person."
Sebastian scoffed, "Nasty creatures. I would be content with my life not meeting one."
"Well, I wouldn't say they are terrible..."
"Says the person who thinks Thestrals are beautiful." Sebastian lightheartedly chuckled, "By the way, may I borrow the book once you are done with it? I plan on continuing my essay tonight."
You and Ominis shared a look, it was uncommon for Sebastian to not finish his assignment together with the group. You lent him the book anyways, bidding the two boys goodbye as you excused yourself for the night.
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After that particular DADA class, Sebastian was acting a bit differently than usual. You noticed him frequently tucked on the sofa, reading any Lycanthropy books that he could find in the library - including the restricted section. You teased him about it, earning a shrug or dry laughs from the Slytherin boy.
The evening breeze caressed your hair, and the cold sent chills down your spine. Yet your left hand was burning hot as Sebastian held it and shoved it in his pocket, making a comment about how you always forgot to bring your gloves. It was incredibly difficult to listen to what Professor Sharma was spewing about, maybe it was something along the lines of constellations but your head was filled with thoughts about Sebastian. It didn't help that the stars shone brightly that night, mimicking the freckles on Sebastian's face.
Unfortunately, you had to let him go when Professor Sharma assigned the class to draw the constellation seen from your personal telescope. You settled on a spot next to the pillar, setting your telescope to point at a bright area in the sky, finding a constellation to focus on.
"You might need to move the lenses a tad bit to the right." Amit, the brightest student in the class, approached you.
"Ah, right! Thank you, Amit." You did so, thankfully showing a clearer view of the stars so you could move on with the assignment. You thought Amit was a bit odd at first, but you eventually found him pleasant to talk to, especially since he was very knowledgeable.
"If I could add, that is what is known as Serpens Caput, due to its similarity as the shape of a snake-"
Before Amit could finish his sentence, you could feel a hand dragging your arms back. You were surprised to find Sebastian with his brows furrowed, if his gaze could kill, Amit would probably be on the ground already. "She can do it herself, thank you."
"Sebastian!" you lightly hit his arms. Your face was red, a mix of embarrassment and anger filled your body.
The full moon shone brightly that night, illuminating Sebastian's irritated face. He groaned, immediately retreating to the Astronomy tower.
"Merlin- I'm so sorry, Amit. Thank you again for helping me." You frantically followed Sebastian, leaving a confused Amit on the balcony.
Sebastian paced the empty classroom, biting his thumb, eyes still full of resentment and annoyance. "Sebastian?" you called out, "He was just helping me... I don't see the harm in that."
"Ugh, I can't believe you're so naive!" Sebastian walked towards you, he slammed his hand on the wall, trapping you in between, "It was so obvious that he was flirting with you! I saw how he was eyeing you throughout the year. I bet he would shove his hand under your skirt if he has the chance."
Your mouth hung in shock, "That was a terrible thing to say, Sebastian! and I am perfectly capable of defending myself."
"Really?" You swore you saw a glint of red on Sebastian's pupil before he leaned down to crash his lips against yours, forcing his tongue inside as your teeth clashed with his. "How come I was able to do that then?"
Your vision blurred when Sebastian pulled away, your trembling hands pushed him back. It was not supposed to be like this. You were waiting, mentally begging for this boy to kiss you after years of pining, but you didn't expect to have your first kiss taken forcefully. When you braved yourself to look up at Sebastian, you were taken aback to see his shocked expression. He took a couple steps back, voice trembling, "I am so, so sorry, Y/N... I'm not myself right now..."
You were about to chase after him again before feeling a stinging pain on your upper arm. You decided to take off your robes, and to your horror, you found small cuts at the area where Sebastian held you tightly earlier.
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You ended up going on a sneaky trip to the hospital wing, using a disillusionment charm to steal some bandages to cover your wounds - better to fix this on your own than having to explain yourself to the nurse. To be quite honest, the pain you felt in your chest hurt more than the scratches. You had seen Sebastian in his worst moments, but nothing had prepared you for what just happened.
"Y/N!" Just when you were about to head back to the dorm, Ominis ran towards you. His hair was disheveled, totally opposite of his usual proper style. Sweat trickling from his chin, you reckoned he had been running around for a while.
"I've been looking everywhere for you," he huffed, "I heard what happened in your Astrology class. I'm sorry."
You shook your head, "I don't know what happened, Ominis. For the first time in a while, I was scared of him... As if he was going to hurt me."
"Look, there's something I need to tell you," Ominis bit his lower lip, before lowering his voice, "Remember how I told you that Sebastian's parents were professors and they passed away after a research incident?"
You nodded, intently listening.
"You see, I remembered that Sebastian and Anne had briefly mentioned that their parents were keen on learning about Lycanthropy. My suspicion grew when Sebastian has been acting weird after Defense Against the Dark Arts class... So, I secretly sent an owl to Anne." Ominis took out a crumpled letter from his pocket, showing an envelope signed "A.S."
"In the letter, Anne confirmed my thoughts. Mrs. Sallow was a werewolf, and the condition was passed down only to Sebastian. Apparently, even Sebastian didn't know about this until his parents died while looking for a Lycanthrope cure..."
"... And remember the lesson? A person will experience their first transformation when they came of age and during the full moon." Ominis gestured to the window, which was showing a bright full moon.
"Bloody hell!" You cursed, panic surging through your body. Everything made sense now, the anger that you felt earlier now turned into worry and regret. You should have chased after Sebastian earlier, doubts filled your head, imagining if something bad happened to the boy you cared for the most.
"I'll try to find him around the castle. Do you know anywhere he might go?"
You nodded, "I think I might. I shall go straight away."
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"Sebastian?" your voice echoed through the dark hallways. He was not in the Undercroft, and you thought he couldn't go far enough outside of the school. The only other place that nobody knew except you, Sebastian, and Ominis was Salazar Slytherin Scriptorium. You managed to convince Ominis to stand guard outside, to make sure that no other students or teacher found out.
Your deduction was correct, a tattered and torn green Slytherin tie laid on the entrance floor. Ripped cloths from Sebastian's robe and shirt lead him to the Slytherin's room. After you heard a blood-curling scream, you ran past the Cruciatus Curse door and barged into the room.
Your eyes were met with red orbs, glowing in the midst of the dark room. Emerging from the shadow, Sebastian's body was about twice his normal height. Yet his shoulder was hunched, his skin was exchanged to dark-brown fur, and you could see faint light bouncing off his sharp teeth as he growled. His legs were shaped like canine's, ready to pounce you.
You couldn't help but tremble at the sight of the werewolf. You took out your wand and placed it down next to your feet, "I'm not going to hurt you, Sebastian."
As you were about to move, Sebastian darted and leaped towards you, trapping you underneath him. You instinctively held out your arms, using all your strength to hold his shoulder back. His snout was inches away from your face, snarling, ready to attack. "Sebastian!" you screamed, "It's me, Y/N!"
The werewolf hesitated for a bit, and you took the chance to grab your wand. "Depulso!" you casted, pushing Sebastian off you, slamming his body against the stone wall. Sebastian let out a whine, his body slumped down. You quickly ran close to him, cupping his face in your hands, "Sebastian, I'm here. I'm not going to leave you."
Your emotions overwhelmed you as tears started to stream, "Gods, Sebastian, I'm scared I'm going to lose you. Please, listen to me!"
As you were sobbing into his chest, you felt his figure start to move, shifting back to his human form, revealing the handsome face you so much adored. "Y/N?" Sebastian croaked, his weak hands found their way around your waist.
You leaned down to hug him, closing the gap between your bodies, "I thought I lost you..." you sniffled, "You should've told me."
"I'm scared you're going to run away from me if I told you that I'm a werewolf," Sebastian sighed, stroking your hair gently, "I was anxious because I came of age this year, and I had never experienced this before. I tried to control myself, but to be frank, seeing you earlier set me off and I couldn't remember what happened after."
You felt his chest heave, "I'm so sorry, Y/N, I'm sorry for hurting you." Sebastian looked away, but you could see tears dropping down from his eyes, "Look, I understand if you don't want to see me again-"
You pressed your lips against his forehead, down to his nose, and finally landed on his lips. "I love you too much to avoid you, Sebastian," you whispered, rubbing his tears away.
Blush crept on Sebastian freckled cheeks, his hazel eyes finally met yours. "I love you too, Y/N."
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