baliportalnews · 9 months
Astra Half Marathon 2023: Dukung Gaya Hidup Sehat dan Berkelanjutan
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Astra melalui komunitas pelari perusahaan-perusahaan Grup Astra, Astra Runners, akan mengadakan lomba lari Astra Half Marathon 2023 bertema ‘Xtramile’ pada 5 November 2023 di Astra Biz Center, BSD, Tangerang bertepatan dengan peringatan Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) ke-10 Astra Runners. Pembukaan rangkaian acara Astra Half Marathon 2023 berlangsung dalam konferensi pers di Menara Astra, Jakarta, Senin (31/7/2023). Turut hadir dalam acara Konferensi Pers Astra Half Marathon 2023 para pembina Astra Runners, yang terdiri dari Direktur Astra Agro Lestari, Djap Tet Fa; Group Chief Financial Officer Astra, Infra Halim Wahjana; Head of Corporate Communications Astra, Boy Kelana Soebroto; Direktur Astra Agro Lestari, Rujito Purnomo; dan Presiden Direktur Astra Property, Nilawati Irjani. Melalui tema Xtramile, Astra Runners ingin mengajak masyarakat untuk melakukan berbagai usaha yang lebih dari biasanya serta tidak terbatas untuk saat ini dan masa mendatang setelah tiga tahun belakangan dunia dihadapkan pada tantangan luar biasa (extraordinary) akibat pandemi Covid-19. Selain untuk menginspirasi dan mendukung gaya hidup sehat, gelaran Astra Half Marathon 2023 juga bertujuan untuk mengampanyekan gaya hidup berkelanjutan yang ramah lingkungan. Contoh penerapannya adalah dengan mengemas race pack menggunakan karung goni sebagai upaya mengurangi penggunaan plastik sekali pakai dan menyediakan tempat sampah yang berbeda sesuai jenis sampah di lokasi acara untuk mendukung gerakan daur ulang sampah. “Lomba lari ini diadakan sebagai bukti nyata komitmen Astra untuk terus menggerakkan gaya hidup sehat sekaligus berkelanjutan melalui kegiatan pelestarian lingkungan. Dengan melibatkan masyarakat luas dalam lomba ini, para peserta dapat berkontribusi dan memberikan dampak positif yang lebih besar dalam mengatasi isu lingkungan yang terjadi saat ini. Mari bersama-sama kita berlari untuk hari ini dan masa depan Indonesia yang lebih baik,” ujar Chief of Corporate Affairs Astra, Riza Deliansyah. Dengan mengusung tagline ‘We Run, We Care, We Share’, Astra Runners melalui lomba Astra Half marathon 2023 mengajak publik untuk ikut berlari dalam tiga pilihan kategori, yaitu 5K, 10K, dan half marathon. Lomba ini juga mengajak peserta untuk lebih peduli terhadap lingkungan, khususnya dalam penggunaan kembali barang-barang sekali pakai (reuse), pengurangan penggunaan plastik sekali pakai (reduce), dan mendorong kebiasaan untuk mendaur ulang produk lama menjadi sesuatu yang baru dan berguna (recycle). Selain itu, setiap peserta lomba secara otomatis turut mendukung program pengelolaan sampah menjadi barang bernilai tambah melalui program kolaborasi bersama Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) binaan Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra (YDBA). Melalui lomba lari yang menargetkan sebanyak 4.000 pelari untuk berpartisipasi ini, para peserta yang berpartisipasi diharapkan dapat merasakan semangat kerjasama dan keterlibatan dalam menciptakan perubahan positif bagi lingkungan sekitar. Publik dapat melakukan pemesanan tiket Astra Half Marathon 2023 saat periode early bird tanggal 10 hingga 17 Agustus 2023 melalui www.astrarunners.com untuk mendapatkan promo harga istimewa. Komunitas Astra Runners berdiri pada 9 November 2013 oleh sekelompok anak muda yang berkarya di Grup Astra dan memiliki hobi yang sama, yaitu olahraga lari. Astra Runners rutin mengadakan kegiatan olahraga lari satu bulan sekali dan lomba lari tahunan. Saat ini, Astra Runners sudah memiliki lebih dari 1.900 anggota yang tersebar di berbagai perusahaan Grup Astra. Semangat Astra dalam mengampanyekan gaya hidup sehat dan berkelanjutan melalui lomba lari Astra Half Marathon 2023 sejalan dengan Astra 2030 Sustainability Aspirations dan cita-cita Astra untuk sejahtera bersama bangsa serta mendukung Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Indonesia.(bpn) Read the full article
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miraggiosworld · 2 years
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Behind a Great Man there have to be a great woman @union.energia #energía #weshare https://www.instagram.com/p/CjD8EDhjwVs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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weshareedu · 2 years
Global Projects
Share thoughts, Ideas, and Questions:
1. Find a historic picture (person, place, thing, etc.) and explain what the picture is and why it is significant.  
What, why, where did you choose this picture? Share what you learned about the picture, and why you chose it. 1-3 minutes.  
Example, history, art, music, universe, cultures, math, etc. Online Learning tips, Online teaching tips, tips and tricks of a software application, Gaming tips. Quotes?   
2. Upload historical pictures to TikTok 
Effects (optional) 
Standard photo upload and Add Text  
Instructional video Below 
How to add text to your TikTok 
Instructional video below 
How to Duet on TikTok 
Green Screen 
Instructional video below 
How to Use Green Screen on TikTok  
Edit a TikTok:   
3.   Answer the Questions below your TikTok Video  
Add Title Thoughts(self-reflection), Ideas, Questions 
Why do you feel this is going to be beneficial to someone other than yourself?   
Share on TikTok and add hashtag #ShareEDU and #TeachBoldley 
Follow tags: #ShareEDU and #TeachBoldley 
Share Self –Reflections via text, video, or audio format.  
Was this a positive experience? 
What barriers did you experience using TikTok 
How do you feel about using social media in your course? 
Would you consider using this tool? 
My Example: 
Some More Examples: 
Here are three examples from a TikTok channel called, “7 minutes in History” 
*Notice: You do not need to create a TikTok account to view your colleagues TikToks 
To complete this assignment without downloading TikTok you can create a Written, Slide deck, audio, and 
Learning Objectives 
Demonstrate how to research, create, articulate, and share findings in TikTok.  
Articulate the knowledge that they wish to share 
Why do you feel this is going to be beneficial to someone other than yourself?   
Demonstrate that images create so many different emotions and reactions.  
Individual Collaborate using DUET tool in TikTok 
7 minutes in history on Tiktok. TikTok. (n.d.). Retrieved June 9, 2022, from https://www.tiktok.com/@7minutesinhistory/video/6950959074485751046?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7106231826419598894 
7 minutes in history on Tiktok. TikTok. (n.d.). Retrieved June 9, 2022, from 
7 minutes in history on Tiktok. TikTok. (n.d.). Retrieved June 9, 2022, from 
30+ ready-to-use TikTok lesson ideas for teachers - the complete classroom guide. Book Widgets. (2022, January 6). Retrieved June 9, 2022, from https://www.bookwidgets.com/blog/2022/01/30-ready-to-use-tiktok-lesson-ideas-for-teachers-the-complete-classroom-guide 
How to use green screen on TikTok. Digital Trends. (2022, June 2). Retrieved June 9, 2022, from https://www.digitaltrends.com/social-media/how-to-use-green-screen-on-tiktok/ 
How to duet on Tiktok. YouTube. (2020, January 19). Retrieved June 9, 2022, from https://youtu.be/9S2mY8YFBsY 
How to add text to TikTok. YouTube. (2019, November 25). Retrieved June 9, 2022, from https://youtu.be/6iTbxeC4GrQ 
Jaruševičiūtė, G. (2022, May 28). 50 important historical images that might change your perspective on things (new pics). Bored Panda. Retrieved June 9, 2022, from https://www.boredpanda.com/interesting-historical-photos/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic 
Roth, E. (2022, May 18). How to use TikTok: 11 tips for Beginners. MUO. Retrieved June 9, 2022, from https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-use-tiktok-tips-for-beginners/ 
YouTube. (2021, April 20). TIKTOK editing tips 2022. YouTube. Retrieved June 9, 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=js5LmLT363g 
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huang0415 · 1 year
【H& 台南微醺文旅】台南背包客旅店.客棧住宿推薦
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rogerrcoyle · 1 year
we share
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keithtrasporte · 3 months
Our Coffee Cup App
Members: Princess Keith C. Trasporte
Charmaigne T. Escobido
Materials used while making: Mockit WeShare
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lovecathcatherine · 9 months
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平時做嘢經過已經好想試吓呢間Pancake店 門口已見到顆貓貓樹好可愛 今日終於有時間同朋友仔嚟試吓
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我哋緊坐喺貓貓樹隔離 不過原來影相打卡都有啲難道 玻璃位成日見到行人或者的士
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講返啲嘢食,餐廳主打無麩質日式班㦸 果然喺香滑鬆軟好多 絕對可媲美日本嘅Pancake店
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餐廳除咗pancake之外,仲有鹹店熱食 我哋叫咗個芝士和牛漢堡班戟 $168 呢個熱食得喎,用原味Pancake包住嘅和牛 非常Juicy 和牛肉味濃郁,彈牙有口感 仲有至愛香脆薯餅,值得一試
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法式熔岩朱古カ班戟 $148 見佢幾得意,有士多啤梨點朱古力醬 朱古力醬唔係凍咗會變脆皮嗰隻 好啱小朋友食,賣相得意又好味
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飲品叫咗白桃特飲同柚子物語 兩杯都唔錯,幾清新,好適合夏天飲
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Pancake Senmon 專門 (銅鑼灣) 銅鑼灣百德新街57號海華大廈地下B號舖@pancake.senmon #pancakes #pancakeday #無麩質 #日式班㦸 #無麩質飲食 #銅鑼灣美食 #香港美食 #小夏美食情報 #美食圖鑑 #打卡餐廳 #打卡美食 #topcitybiteshk #打卡 #打卡cafe #貓貓 #hkfoodies #美食 #foodieshk #hkigers #小夏打卡推薦
謝謝大家來看LoveCath夏沫的文章啊~^^~ Catherine (LoveCath夏沫), 電郵 [email protected] / [email protected]
Instagram ~ http://instagram.com/lovecathcath
Fans Page ~ http://www.facebook.com/lovecathcath Facebook ~ http://www.facebook.com/cath.lovecath YouTube ~ http://www.youtube.com/c/LoveCath夏沫  Openrice ~  http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/userinfo.htm?userid=758718 分享平台 Blog Girlssss ~ https://girlssss.com/author/lovecath/
Blogspot ~ http://lovecath.blogspot.com/ She ~ http://blog.she.com/lovecath/ ESDLife ~ http://wow.esdlife.com/lovecath UBlog ~ http://blog.ulifestyle.com.hk/blogger/lovecath/ bastillepost ~ https://www.bastillepost.com/hongkong/author/2814-lovecath?variant=zh-tw Wordpress ~ https://lovecathcath.wordpress.com/ Weshare ~ http://www.weshare.hk/lovecath Pixnet ~ http://lovecath.pixnet.net Fanpiece ~ http://women.fanpiece.com/lovecath/ Tumblr ~ http://www.lovecathcatherine.tumblr.com
Seewide ~ https://www.seewide.com/space-1126.html
Rebeaute ~ https://rebeaute.hk/author/lovecath/
Medium ~ https://medium.com/@lovecathcath
Girlab ~ https://girlab.hk/all-blog-posts/frontend-publishing/status/publish/
Beautylife ~ http://beautylife.hk/home.php?mod=space&uid=76979
Qooza ~ http://beauty.qooza.hk/u/LoveCathCath/shares
LoveCath 夏沫
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changhua520 · 1 year
【記者林明佑/彰化市報導】WeCan WeShare公益平台辦理第四屆「有想髮」愛心捐髮公益活動,於20日上午在彰化縣政府中庭舉行,邀請30位建國科技大學美容系傑出校友為這些捐髮者義剪,預計募集111束捐髮,一起為化療中掉髮的癌症病友盡一份心力,將一束束的長髮所編織的愛,傳達出去。https://youtu.be/z9wW0JlU2F0
#有想髮 #捐髮 #彰藝 #癌友
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flodsynd · 1 year
kan jeg lave en weshare med de fyre jeg har været sammen med uden kondom den sidste måned for at dække omkostningerne til alt det jeg skal have til min sure fisses opfuckede ph-værdi?
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bybarn · 2 years
Det er som om vi aldrig har eksisteret
Kun i en feberdrøm
Indtil din bror skriver til mig om dine sidste ting
Eller du forlader vores weshare
Jeg har svært ved at tro at jeg nogensinde finder nogen der kan få mig til at grine så meget som du kunne
På den måde var vores breakup et stort selvmål
Jeg tror aldrig jeg bliver elsket sådan igen
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juciesourgrape · 2 years
finding out ur watching the same impulseSV among us vod as ur bestie #whataretheodds #whyarewelikethis #weshare(1)braincell
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olincino · 1 year
The Whitechapel download links don't work for me, unfortunately, it says "blocked" in a bold font... But thank you soo much for your efforts, you're just lovely and it's much appreciated!
Oh my, you country probably blocks that place.
Only other option I can come up with is to give me your email and I can send it via Weshare or something like that.
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clenfay · 1 year
Witch Hazel Body Wash
CLENFAY Witch Hazel Body Wash is a one-stop cleansing and moisturizing solution. The mild, pH balanced body wash formulated with natural witch Hazel, Almond oil, and Aloe Vera moisturizes the skin. It conditions the skin and makes it soft as feather.
The ambrosial fragrance gives you heavenly and luxurious feel while taking shower.
Some Magical benefits:
1) It Has Anti-Aging Properties, Moisturizes the Skin.
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3)May assist to minimise the build-up of oil on the skin.
4) Results in revitalised skin that feels clean, smooth, and hydrated
5)It fights blemishes, acne and Aids in Removing Skin Irritation.
6)It Cleanses the Skin Thoroughly and Exfoliates the skin.
Shop now: www.clenfay.come
#witchhazel witchesofinstagram #witchcraft #twitchstreamer #switch #witchy #witches #twitchtv #twitchaffiliate #scarletwitch #witchythings #witchyvibes #bodywash #clenfay#wecare #weshare
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444names · 1 year
argonian names from tes BUT excluding "j"
Afatsa Aleem Alide Aliteh Alius Amedu Anern Antios Apadorus Aphetata Aphian Aplat Appersei Arsei Artran Aseeh Aseus Assaves Astulm Atcha Aturlus Augath Augue Auguen Augul Azavat Azisha Baced Bares Bashyes Beeusek Berez Berius Beroosaa Biarts Bithoh Borus Brack Brana Brashei Brayita Breteely Bronake Bukkass Caeed Caemew Caestus Calaugul Caleakus Caleel Calees Calen Caleshes Caleto Calgna Calidash Caligo Calis Caltu Camem Casuts Catenei Charz Cheen Cherala Chides Chiseus Chops Cleeh Cleena Cleshea Clonir Concheeh Crodith Croper Dameema Damrius Dandena Daskarz Dawaza Dazate Deban Dedayin Deerius Deeus Deexu Deiemeek Demee Dempeehl Depaht Dereeka Deseeh Deseus Dezei Dimes Dinei Dineye Dithick Ditsish Dorhecks Dorlus Dorul Dowakees Draber Drace Dradem Dramern Dreminy Drided Driocla Droarams Droclea Droditer Droguht Drorath Drossi Drosupar Drouchu Drules Dulesha Dussil Eatar Eekepa Elian Etarp Eterlu Evern Filees Fincicin Fivee Fixtra Flesheal Fogus Forurath Frogus Gades Gahra Gaill Garto Gasha Gatpash Geeus Gerius Gerosza Ghtsa Girclear Givetza Glaugus Glemat Glooks Gonian Greed Grius Gulack Hades Haheel Hanaseus Heamed Heantil Heava Hecre Hectiber Hects Hectsa Heebbloo Heekes Heeta Heeus Heinexil Herds Herez Heyeren Hikus Hinka Hixulan Hleshang Honees Hounura Huxus Iaraced Icleez Iclosyna Imatheel Imeen Iocless Itexi Izeen Keenseks Keeys Kenel Klaya Knuxill Kukhup Kurlu Larlus Leehei Leelgna Leemace Leeustum Leseer Letseer Ligalls Lishad Lornik Lorus Loseuk Losurea Lotabs Lotulus Lougus Louposa Louts Lowirees Ludle Macla Maclees Macrai Maggila Maggla Mahki Manti Mardow Mares Margoll Marks Martum Matea Maten Matha Mearana Medags Medorr Medus Meedasum Meeka Meelf Meeteana Meeten Meetrom Metuu Mingul Misius Mohank Mokizt Mokus Monial Mosske Moxul Mucitsei Muramus Murwus Mushixir Nasalks Nastan Naters Needleso Neligher Nepaxi Neries Nerowa Neshin Nesht Nesqoo Niana Nikalz Nilana Nindry Nisei Nishei Nispakil Nomeebas Nosar Nowave Nowls Nulmtul Oleel Olielaud Onikus Orlinevu Ornus Osheek Outia Outvalz Oveer Ozeehsur Palks Pamagg Pashal Peenus Perasa Perdom Perez Perigh Perlis Permeran Perns Perus Peshand Pilalz Pines Plesheer Prianulm Pries Prodo Purei Purkee Quicedee Raius Rangsius Rasarzar Redguska Reelius Reers Refinan Rellsong Retings Romedaza Rosynax Sarnsu Scaes Scasios Seetret Seeza Seies Selor Shalius Shalks Shatulm Shecines Sheexius Shemi Sherah Shules Shumeek Sissin Siures Skashat Smarkeet Smomea Smotulm Socleela Sogul Solnik Somed Someez Spady Spals Spees Sperite Spila Spillory Ssion Stabeza Stabiar Stillos Sting Stleth Stoucins Sumank Sumeemis Swins Tadzi Talide Taneeka Tanif Tapaw Tapeeth Taspe Tateeka Tatheew Tathen Teeda Temed Thecks Thero Thesta Thoks Tibeel Tides Tinka Tiochuvh Tipta Tlesh Tlulz Tonix Toomus Tosadee Tosynai Tratesh Trius Tsarast Tsarlus Tseeus Tseus Tuicus Tulus Tumeemez Tuurash Tyrerna Tyrice Tyris Tyroar Uaixth Uazilaix Ukeeh Ukura Unashuns Usssali Uters Utsark Utulix Veeseus Veetvus Vigerius Viocla Vishen Voicus Voiny Vondrow Vudoss Vuhass Vuilur Wades Wanitly Washeom Washer Wazat Weeus Weshar Weveete Whera Whokes Wilaith Wulings Xatheien Xeehes Xeesh Xhosyna Xixullo Xollies Xolus Xoway Xuzeena Zinust
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lovecathcatherine · 10 months
日本燈飾排名第1的 名花之里 (なばなの里)
日本燈飾排名第1的 名花之里 (なばなの里)
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「唔想睇字可以睇片, 拉到最底有我拍既 YOUTUBE 片介紹, 詳細好多的 ^^ 」
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    「名花之里」喺日本國內最大型嘅夜間燈飾展。 場內有好多不同嘅燈海打卡位,真係好靚呀!
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睇完大概7分鐘嘅表演再繼續行,就會去到「光之隧道 - 櫻」,
1. 光之隧道 
2. 光之聖誕樹 
3. LED燈光Show「天空之船」 
4. 光之隧道 - 櫻 
5. 光之雲海 
6. 水上燈光 – 光之大河
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  日本燈飾排名第1的 名花之里 (なばなの里) https://youtu.be/SHB-PlHHI0s
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名花之里 2022 – 2023 夜間燈飾資訊 
營業時間: 平日 10:00~21:00、星期五六至22:00 
「名花之里」官方網站 https://www.nagashima-onsen.co.jp/nab... 
なばなの里「名花之里」 〒511-1144三重県桑名市長島町駒江漆畑270 
#名花之里 #名古屋 #osaka #travevlog #vlog #vlogger #travelblogger #大阪 #日本景點 #日本旅行 #日本旅遊 #lovecath #夏沫 #環遊世界 #なばなの里 #長島 #天然溫泉 #溫泉
謝謝大家來看LoveCath夏沫的文章啊~^^~Catherine (LoveCath夏沫),電郵 [email protected] / [email protected]
Instagram ~ http://instagram.com/lovecathcath
Fans Page ~ http://www.facebook.com/lovecathcath Facebook ~ http://www.facebook.com/cath.lovecath YouTube ~ http://www.youtube.com/c/LoveCath夏沫  Openrice ~  http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/userinfo.htm?userid=758718 分享平台 Blog Girlssss ~ https://girlssss.com/author/lovecath/
Blogspot ~ http://lovecath.blogspot.com/ She ~ http://blog.she.com/lovecath/ ESDLife ~ http://wow.esdlife.com/lovecath UBlog ~ http://blog.ulifestyle.com.hk/blogger/lovecath/ bastillepost ~ https://www.bastillepost.com/hongkong/author/2814-lovecath?variant=zh-tw Wordpress ~ https://lovecathcath.wordpress.com/ Weshare ~ http://www.weshare.hk/lovecath Pixnet ~ http://lovecath.pixnet.net Fanpiece ~ http://women.fanpiece.com/lovecath/ Tumblr ~ http://www.lovecathcatherine.tumblr.com
Seewide ~ https://www.seewide.com/space-1126.html
Rebeaute ~ https://rebeaute.hk/author/lovecath/
Medium ~ https://medium.com/@lovecathcath
Girlab ~ https://girlab.hk/all-blog-posts/frontend-publishing/status/publish/
Beautylife ~ http://beautylife.hk/home.php?mod=space&uid=76979
Qooza ~ http://beauty.qooza.hk/u/LoveCathCath/shares
LoveCath 夏沫
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