demonic-pokeyfruit · 5 years
Why Do I Wish for These Adventures?
*wakes up*
*makes coffee*
*sits down in a comfy recliner*
"Let's see how the Onion is further incrminiating himself, shall we?"
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icalledhimpietro · 5 years
Call me controversial, I don't care, I have to say it
I don't know about you guys but I'm fully ready for the FBI to finally investigate Onision. It's been a long time coming and judging by the statements that have been made, it's long overdue.
Thank God for Chris Hansen for giving the victims a platform and safe space to describe what happened to them and for contacting the FBI and just generally doing what has needed to be done for a long time.
Nothing but love for the victims whether they have spoken out or not, you are valid and you have so many people ready to support you should you choose to speak out. For those who have spoken up already, you are doing the right thing, you have done nothing wrong by speaking up, you are strong, you are brave, and you speaking on your experience is going to help make sure that what happened to you doesn't keep happening to young impressionable fans of his. We support and we stand with you.
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icalledhimpietro · 5 years
When one of the most well known and one of the most criticized creators on Youtube doesn't even want to utter your name, username, or even spend more than three seconds using you as an example of a creator abusing the system and just refers to you as a degenerate
That's when I found out how black listed Onision is on the Youtube
People know, they just refuse to give him the attention he craves and begs for day after day because they know the second they say his name, they know the second they turn their eyes toward him and call him out, he gets attention and he wins because YouTube will not do shit to reprimand him.
Don't get on your favorite Youtuber's case for not talking about him. There's a reason for their silence and it's a respectable reason.
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demonic-pokeyfruit · 5 years
Stinky Onion Perv
We're making great headway with Onision now that Chris Hansen is getting involved, but I'm craving the day he actually gets his remaining channel and Patreon eliminated and thrown in prison. I'll be using this image relentlessly.
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Just a reminder that he and Kai have custody over two small children.
(If Onision supporters come at me, that would literally be comedic gold and would make my day~ )
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