#onision drama
clownmoans · 1 year
so like… is onision still dead or did he resurrect himself again
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onision meme bc i hate him
me: mom, theres a greasy onion in the fridge!
mom: don't be scared, just cut off the bad parts.
the onion:
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british-vaushite · 1 year
just found out that onision has multiple multi hour albums.
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real-total-drama-takes · 11 months
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stand by beth until the day i die
why he shirtless tho
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weaselbeaselpants · 4 months
Lily, I did/do agree with you on some fandom takes, especially back during the DownWithMolestia days. Heck I agree with a lot of your takes in current year. Even if I agreed with you on everything you say I'd still fucking drop you and hope every single one of your fans wakes up and does so to for the right reasons --that you're a predator/lying abuser, not that you hate Gay Rocks in Space-- too.
Like, you wanna hear proof some folks' who I not only liked but REALLY like their videos and still absolutely think are in the wrong?
JonTron and Brad Jones.
I still find myself quoting their damn videos every now and again because god damnit that shit is/was funny, sue me. I loved CinemaSnob especially and god JonTron's videos were so much fun.
Too bad JonTron said some of the worst, most horrendously antiblack shit I've ever heard and has never fucking apologized for it or even BEGUN to have an iDubbz moment. I believe Pewdiepie feels+understands what he did was wrong more than JonTron and that's a bad sign. Jon was funny, a white person. Don't care. I'm never going to follow anything he makes again because the stuff he had to say was heinous and no it doesn't just "go away" because another white yter is in trouble for this kind of thing or it's been so many years since his 'canceling' and 'doesn't matter'. Really?
CinemaSnob is less racist (publicly) but he showed his true colors by publicly choosing to stay with his toxic friends and showing he was a two-sided jerk, and then made up lies about doxxing and harassment just to sweeten the deal. What he did (while roping Double Toasted in no less) was straight up admit that he doesn't care about any of the shit leveled at Channel Awesome, even after CA themselves admitted to hiding a sexual predator, because "he'd still have a career" even after he hurt anybody. Say all you want about any yter, breadtube or whatever, being callous and 'uncaring' or blocking ppl that just disagree w them- "apologize even if you don't mean it = dumb", "Logan Paul filmed a dead body and he still has a career", it's that side you showed of yourself, Brad, that is always going to make me actually genuinely hate myself for quoting your old videos or seeing you show up in an old Phelan or Allison vid.
Whether it be personally or politically, you can look like an ass and even the biggest fans of your work are gonna be shaken up and drop you for it-- to which you'll probably say they were never really "your REAL fans" for being "sensitive" w really it's just people having independence and critical thinking.
I would not be the person I am now if I didn't disagree/look into the drama buzzing around my personal fav yters like Lindsay Ellis and Jenny Nicholson with an open mind. I know (of, not rlly know) these women and their careers and the points where they were definitely getting harassment and if there's any credible basis for shitty behavior they've done - no matter how I feel about their work, I DON'T want to defend it just because I have this parasocial comfortzone in their essays. I don't want to entertain hate campaigns and lolcow farmers, I want to always do my due diligence and genuinely know "wait wtf did 'x' say about 'x'." In the case of folks like Ellis or PanPizza or Quinton Reviews here's usually always some degree of nuance or-"yes soandso isn't a [thing I thought they were cuz of drama I saw], but I'm personally allowed to not like them bcuz of how they handled these accusations"-vibes. Valid asf. That's me with some of the people I watch, like Wendigoon. It's fine.
In the cases of JonTron, Brad Jones, Emily Youcis and now Lily Orchard....no. Fuck this. I'm an adult and it's not the quality of your work you make whatsoever, it's all about your personality. If you are shitty and vile, possibly even criminal (hate speech should count as criminal, Youcis) and you don't even begin to care that you are any of those things...yeah why should I give you the time of day or treat your work like it's different from you as a person?
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tuhbanbuv · 10 months
When someone copywrite claims your video even if you've used the footage in fair use, they don't just want the money.
They have your dox if you dispute the claim. It's a scare tactic. BE CAREFUL.
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signeficunt · 7 months
i wonder how many youtubers who got cancelled and disappeared off the platform just made new faceless channels with ai scripts and voice overs
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willowcrowned · 2 years
number seven of the top ten worst life experiences is mentioning a casual and obvious fact to someone only for it to be met with a blank stare that tells you that it was actually a niche weirdo fact for niche weirdos (you)
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unmask-strange-aeons · 2 months
@strange-aeons is the @the-muppet-joker
As we all know the muppet joker is a joke, he is unreal. But who is he really? Who is the REAL identety behind the Muppet joker. I am proud to announce that I found out who HE is. His real name was Strange aeons all along. Think about it. The Muppet Joker makes constance references to Father Stranges videos. Like famous tumblr posts. His fanfiction feels like Onisions books that Strange read and made Videos about. He has a furry companion his kermit just like Father Strange has Thursday and Gurl-Girl. He was into Reality Shifting about the same time Father Strange made a video about it. The muppet Joker talkes like Mod Shadow from Sonic for real justice, which she has a video about, he also strangly is like edward in midnight sun, during his march crush, which Father Strange also read. Also the muppet joker hates horses because of the lesbian horse stories that Father Strange made a video about. He also has an unsettling methots to reach his ambition like Patrice Wilsons from ARK MUSIC FACTORY.
Is the snapewives, followering one devine leader, which is the muppet joker to them. The Brotherhood also has aspects of the cult of Thanfiction, the glorifying of the leader, the leader has unchecked authority. The commitment from the brotherhood also remembers me to the Rabies Pride situation.
He stated to be a devoted catholic. Fahter Strange went to a catholic School. He also now has a rebranding going on to become a femenist, and it gives, girl defined and classically abby, which again Father Strange has Videos.
He uses Tumblr like Father Strange.
Now you might wonder how she would do all this. Well i can tell you how. She has made many videos about internet drama such as The Muppet Joker, see Mrs Scribe, Thanfiction, Sonic for real Justice, HIVliving, the My Immortal drama, they where fakers and liers just like the Muppet Joker. She also would know how to opperate a Soft puppet army through studding there strategies. BUT i dont belive that the muppet Jokers Follower all are soft puppet accounts more so I belive them to be Patreons from Father Strange. Who needs a soft puppet army when you have an army that PAYS you to be in your own army.
Now surely you wonder, why? Why would Father Strange do this? There are many explornations.
There is no more internet drama for her to make good videos about so she just makes her own.
This wasnt her idea at all but the Patreons to have some fun.
Father Strange is doing all of this to create to ultimate Tumblr fake story, something so big it escapes the realm of tumblr. And it did from Youtube too Tiktok to X, intergram, tumblr and Reddit its everywhere. She has created to ultimate Tumblr Fake story.
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i know that this is not perfect evidence. BUT the once that fit like a glove are as the young people today say "SUS". And it cannot be left alone. If YOU find anymore similarites to Father Strange and the Muppet Joker Please inform me. Together i am sure we can reveal the turth.
What they didnt know was that his name was Strange aeons all along.
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woomycritiques543 · 11 months
In all honesty.
After seeing my comments, i’ve realized that the only reason that Vivziepop hasn’t been called out yet officially is not because there’s “not enough” information out there.
It’s because people are insane.
I got comments calling Vivziepop’s “snake in a tub” art (you know the ones.) “debunked”. Like- how do you debunk something like that?! How does someone even consider something like that normal?! It’s come to a point where I feel like just moving on from Vivziepop content because the world has gone bananas and Vivziepop drama is very representative of just how much creators get away with these days.
Especially on social media. It’s crazy!
It’s honestly crazy just how much people get away with on social media. How do people get away with supporting Blaire White?! How does Blaire White get away with well- being Blaire White?! -and for so long too?! It’s so insane seeing that Onision never went to jail or that Brandon Rodgers got away with supporting him. It’s just so crazy. Honestly.
What a clown world we live in.
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
Hey accounting anon here. I'm very versed in onision drama, so I'm throwing my two cents in from that last anon asking what will make you happy about what happens to Viv.
So, Onision is an abomination I warn everyone about looking into. If you haven't heard of him, consider yourself bless because you didn't have to watch him do the shit he did. Onision did a lot of crap, but since he's an idiot he well documented it on to YouTube and various social media platforms like Twitter, tumblr, and Facebook. There's so many sites that have archived and store the things he's done, I recommend the website life of onion if anyone is curious, but please be warned and proceed with caution.
I use to literally have panic attacks and cry. Why? Cause it'd horrify me the things he posted online and how he was getting away with it. He documented abusing an ex he groomed, he went as far as to upload a video on to YouTube ridiculing her instead of taking her to the hospital. THAT STUFF IS TRIGGERING, PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL LOOKING INTO IT.
Onision moved from victim to victim with ease, he even had his current spouse start recruiting and luring victims to him. One thing was they made rating forums where girls as young as 12 were submitting pictures for Onision to rate. Onision featured on girl who was 13 and said some very heinous things about her, which affected her badly. So that victim's sister reached out to Onision asking for it to be removed and he refused then harassed her sister. He did get some backlash, but it took someone with a platform like Blaire White to get more powerful people to pay attention to him. Blaire confronted onision about that situation during a live stream debate in fact.
After Blaire, Chris Hansen got involved and that finally led to Onision's downfall. Onision lost his sponsorships, his patreon, his twitch paternerships, and had to sell his house. People have reported he delivered this ubereats and doordash meals afterwards. Right now Onision has two lawsuits currently ongoing.
I'm happy. I hope one day Shiloh, Sarah, and the rest of his victims can sleep ok and never have to worry about him again. Last I heard, Shiloh is recording and working on songs and Sarah is now enjoying her privacy. Onision is a monster and he deserves to rot in hell.
Thank you for the recap, Anon. If there's a hell, Onision deserves to burn in it.
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aquadraco20 · 9 days
A list of youtubers I subscribed to that ended up self destructing aka Why Can't Anyone be Normal?
In somewhat chronological order (my memory is a bit hazy and I can't be bothered to check the dates)
Onision - should've seen this one coming a mile away but I was young and didnt know any better
Shane dawson - I lost interest and unsubscribed before whatever drama with him went down
Jontron - A shame. But being a comedian, I feel like his bad opinions would've reared their heads sooner or later.
ProJared - this one was entertaining, but looking back it was a trainwreck for everyone involved and even the fans who were unsubbing were being nasty, including me.
Jenna Marbles - IMO one of the single greatest tragedies of the internet. The pinnacle of purity culture hurting people who didn't deserve it. Her last video before shit went down ended with her saying happy pride month and Black Lives Matter. An absolute travesty.
John Green (he came back) - this one was just online harassment for literally no reason. John Green did nothing wrong. He committed the heinous crime of writing Young Adult fiction while not being a Young Adult.
James Charles - I was actually starting to become interested in make up because of him. People just can't resist drama I guess??
OwONekko - I just started watching her recently. 100% her fault. First it was AI support, then it was accidental transphobia, then it was intentional transphobia, then it was insulting her own fans, then it was saying that anyone who criticized her was racist. Just an adult having a full blown toddler meltdown because she had a bad opinion.
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mrigasiras · 4 months
Chitra, housed in between the tail end of sidereal Virgo and the beginning of Libra, is a master artisan. Its symbol is a shining pearl or jewel. It represents one who knows how to perfect something, add the necessary heat and pressure, to make something as beautiful and pristine as possible.
I have seen that many Chitra natives are comedians, or have a comedic aura about them. Comedy allows someone to poke and prod at someone's flaws and insecurities, in a way that isn't totally debilitating or obvious. Even when they are saying things with the harshest brutality, the sparkling energy of Chitra causes people to reflect the harshness back on themselves.
Weird Al Yankovic has Chitra moon and has been doing parody songs since the 80s. He pokes at the music industry and other sensitive topics, but no one really bats an eye, because he is so charming -- a dazzling pearl, mesmerizing to the masses.
Weird Al is a more mild example, but I see this over and over again with Chitra natives-- they do controversial things but do not suffer the consequences.
Examples: Shane Dawson, Chitra moon -- has had so many controversies of doing "demon"-like behavior including inappropriate conduct. Same with Onision, Chitra moon. Doja Cat seems to live her life based on controversy. I also notice they embody the brutality of their yoni animal -- the male tiger.
Controversy seems to blow over them. They are the star jewel, the one everyone loves to look at, even if they are stirring up drama and chaos. They bring needed pressure to one's life, to refine them into a better person.
Don't forget what I said before -- they are master architects, even if it's unconscious. They know what is not quite right and what needs to be tweaked and pointed out. Would a master architect accept any flaws in his masterpiece?
Chitras love the spotlight, to be with the most "God" like -- their deities are demons who wanted to become Gods. Shane Dawson, as I stated before, has rubbed elbows with elite, rich people. Doja Cat, rubs elbows with the rich and elite. Kim Kardashian, is fully saturated in her elite lifestyle.
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malscare · 1 year
like objectively I understand enjoying and staying on top of youtube drama is one of my worse qualities but literally where am I supposed to find theatrics like this. ukulele apology video for grooming allegations with screenshots a month after bragging about being uncancelable on a podcast. the shane dawson I didn't cum on my cat copypasta. onision wearing a backwards bullet proof vest to court.
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onisiondrama · 1 year
I love finding out new onision lore. I didn't know that his former middle school crushes were chapters of his life, like literally. Seems like no one is truly ever free of onision if he can continue talking them up.
The rabbit hold goes deep. There's archives of his internet activities since 2000. If you're interested in lore I have a wiki lol. He's had loads of online journals, uploaded essays he wrote for school, tons of pre-YouTube websites and online drama. It goes on and on.
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stardustmade009 · 9 months
12/29/23 Hasan Piker said to please defend him more, finally I have been given the permission I need to sephiroth post. Late Christmas Early New Year Miracle!!!! Drama frog rejoice
(cross posting from reddit)
Hi long time lurker. And look, this is a page about HASAN PIKER. This is the place for what I'm about to do, I'm a girl with a bunch of interests and sometimes those interests intersect in ways I just sit on for years cause quite honestly I'm using "girl" v loosely and I'm 31 woman and I know what "cringe" is because I wrote the book, so I just kinda shit post in comments on twitter to release the stress of being a fan of Hasan, and I don't have a twitter anymore, so I thought I was just going to have to die on this.
But finally, on this day I was watching a clip from the 12-29-23 at 4 in the morning cause I got off work early (https://youtu.be/kMwQQmVMcAw?si=XhjWf6R_O5UgH9MX&t=294) and I got all I need to let out about 4 years of built up Hasan drama. So mods, Daddy said I could so please please please don't delete this. This is perfect fodder on who to block personally and as I will elaborate, I done my time in this community, just let me have my soap box.
Who am I and what give me this authority? (a disclaimer) As stated above I'm up at 4 am, and this is "off early", I work nightshift factory job in middle america who's worked there for 10 years with a long side story I will not bore you with. I found Hasan when he did the breakdown on fb and just liked the way he broke down the news. Is he a perfect person? No. There are many things I wish he didn't do. (Hoobastank) But on the whole, solid person who's world view is refreshing to listen to and I don't lose sleep in supporting my like in him because he tries to be ethical with his spending and its like $5, come on, I can spend $5 to enjoy myself ad free at that top of the hour if I want. I work 12 hour shifts.
But as I said, I work 12 hours, and where Hasan sometimes makes 10 hours of content, I also have other interests and sometimes I'm doing that, sometimes I'm a drama girlie (and it's super sexist if you judge me), sometimes I'm a goblin. And boy howdy how I wish the drama girlies would rally around Hasan because he's chill with QT and Rae, cause then I wouldn't have to do this myself. But alas, we must all sometimes be the change we want to see in the world, and the drama girlies don't know about this filth, so here I am. Youtube channel-less and angry. So I'm gonna vent about the latest drama here for a moment cause I've been sitting on this need since Hasan's biggest mistake, befriend the worlds more admired online deadbead father since Onision, Steven Kenneth Bonnell II (wiki).
The Meat and Potatoes (If you don't want my auto-bio but wanna be a drama goblin with me) I find it ABSOLUTELY INSANE that ANYONE in the dgg orbit thinks they get to get their fucking panties in a twist over "edgy jokes" like mocking Claira "Harassed a woman over a tweet about a cookbook for two years" Sorrenti doing cocaine with a Road Runner gif when she went on a very public bender and harassed every fucking person she could and hides behind being a fucking addict instead of showing even a drop of remorse for her action past the "I want to keep my job and keep calling myself the one true leftist so I'm sorry uwu" video/clip from a stream she didn't even have the time to do on its own, I don't remember but I watched it and she was full of shit cause I don't believe the cocaine bender was 2 years, aka the amount of time she harassed Roslyn Talusan, unless those "tasty noodles" has the flour subbed out with cocaine.
"Oh but but but Hasan said the r slur that one time" harks the orbitor. oh, wow. The community where if I even could edit there is no program around that could make a montauge of the amoung of time even one of your favs has said it, and Hasan has, say it with me, changed and tries not to be a fucking asshole, something you orbitor fucks could never understand.And the most insane of it all is the worse thing you could list of things Hasan REALLY did and has shown zero remorse for, beside the cracker thing, they cheered gleefully because they liked his more dirtbag shit. Hasan having the most unhinged reaction to being asked to not do a fundraiser with Hogwarts Legacy for the trans community, I've never seen them gargle balls harder. WHY?? Cause they wanted to bully Jessie Gender, a truly respectable person.
That was the only real thing. (a bit tongue in cheek I'm too high and this is much longer than I planned on he has done some other things. but they were mouth to sack there too)
"Oh but he was wrong about RUSSIA!!!!!" Do you fire the weather person for being wrong? Shut up.
So to all of them, either get a real job other than being the most annoying online cult or hurry up and drink the coolaid or whatever your own cults endgame is. I've blocked you and you're still leaking through. Idk. Idc. Just leave Hasan Piker Alone.
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