#wet air scrubber
ventilair-axial-fan · 8 months
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aeronom · 2 years
Keep your commercial kitchen safe and healthy with a fresh air system. Installing a fresh air system removes airborne contaminants, reduces smoke and odors, helps maintain consistent temperatures, and ensures proper ventilation for optimal hygiene. Enjoy the benefits of a fresh air system.
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imagineredwood · 2 years
"So how was the vacation?"
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Request: reader is Happy’s adult daughter and what their relationship is like
Pairing: Dad!Happy Lowman x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: None really, a quick reference to a one night stand
Word count: 749
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You huffed as you placed the heavy box on top of the bar counter, Happy looking over at the noise. You rolled your shoulders, the box clearly a bit too much for you, Happy throwing a glare over at the new prospect who was simply walking quietly behind you. Seeing the look from your father, he held his hands up in defense.
"I offered to carry it like six times. She kept saying no. Wouldn't let me grab it from her."
Happy accepted that response, knowing that you were exactly the type. He couldn't be mad; he'd raised you that way.
Strong. Independent. Self-reliant.
He'd raised you to be able to take care of yourself because he wanted you to be self-sufficient. Not having to deal with some man's shit because you felt that you needed to. He wanted you strong and capable, but like himself, sometimes you took that too far and had to have your arm twisted to accept help. He chuckled and shook his head, giving you his attention. "What's in the box?" You huffed and reached in, pulling out a large bottle of Pine-Sol and a scrubber brush. "I'm going to clean. It's a fucking pig sty in this place." Chibs laughed from his side of the bar and stood up, dropping a kiss to the side of your head as he passed by. "Good to have you back, lass." Your vacation had been relatively short, just nine days away with your best friend to try and explore a new place and do some self-care. Things with the club had tense, to say the least, and Happy had recommended you getting away. You were hard-headed and stubborn just like him and it took a good deal of convincing before you relented. You half felt that it was because he wanted you to relax, helping Lyla at Diosa and Gemma with the garage starting to make you feel overworked. But the other half of you felt like he only wanted you away so that you weren't present for a specific event or decision. You knew enough to know that your Dad was sneaky when it came to that. Especially if it was something that was going to be dangerous. You were protective. Worrisome at times. He was your only parent. Of course, you worried for him. Your vacation was done now and before you sat down with him to find out what you missed, you had to clean. Really clean. Not clean like the prospects who apparently thought that simply meant passing along a wet rag. Happy stood and walked alongside you as you wiped and scrubbed and sanitized the bar top. "So how was the vacation?" You grinned, thinking back to the massage and facial you had gotten. "It was amazing. So relaxing. They use this steam thing that opens up your pores and then they cleanse and massage and layer like ten products over and over. Walked out of there looking like a glazed donut." You turned your head side to side to show the glow on your skin, Happy shaking his head with a smile, his heart warm to know you had relaxed and been pampered. It was a stark contrast to what you would have been doing had you been in Charming still. He kept asking questions, relishing in hearing and seeing you beam and talk about the new places you had seen and enjoyed. Then a specific sentence had him back into dad mode immediately. "He bought me a drink; he was nice. Polite. He was on vacation too." Chibs snorted as he looked over and saw Happy's face, knowing the exact feeling. The sound drew your attention away from the stain you were scrubbing and back to their faces, your eyes rolling quickly. "Oh chill. We drank for an hour, cracked some jokes, and then we left. Separately just like we came. I didn't sleep with him, you can relax." Happy huffed, glad to hear it, yet not even liking to be faced with the possibility. He countered, despite the vacation being his idea. "This is why I don't like you going out alone." Your hands being thrown up into the air in exasperation paired with the look of disbelief on your face had Chibs doubling over, a small spurt of whiskey shooting out of his mouth and onto your freshly cleaned bar top. The Scotsman quickly wiped it away with a laugh before you noticed, happy to hear the familiar sound of playful father-daughter bickering once again.
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sexhaver · 9 months
Late, but in response to your last selfie: You Are Pretty. Do you do anything special to style/take care of your hair? Or cut in any particular way? Or have you just figured out the Low-Maintenance Natural Princess Curls hack.
i use shampoo + conditioner every 2 or 3 days (applied in the shower with a scalp massager/hair scrubber and a wet brush respectively), then wrap it up in a turby twist or similar product to dry for an hourish before letting it down to air dry the rest of the way. also a silk nightcap so you don't wake up choking yourself with hair. oh, and only silk scrunchies. other than that i do nothing to or with my hair because im scared my hairline will realize im almost 30 if i wake it up
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jpitha · 1 year
Just a Little Further 17
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
The moment I sat down on the Throne, something activated. The lights that I turned on in the room became brighter, and there were more of them. Galleries on my left and right lit up, empty now but clearly meant for the residents to see me when I make speeches or proclamations. And most surprising of all
I can see.
I can see how many ships are docked - it's 6 counting us. Hah, we're listed as UNKNOWN STARSHIP. Hold on, I can fix that... There. Now we're listed as FarReach - Human/K'laxi exploration Starjumper.
I can see how many people are here - it's 11.5 million - huh, Rapid River Roaring wasn't lying after all.
I can see the food distribution centers - they're offline. What the? How are people getting fed? Clearly something is up there. I won't turn them on just yet until I learn more.
I can see the environmental systems... why are they running at such low output? That doesn't seem right. I think if I push here, and tweak there... There we go. That should help a great deal.
I can see... wait, what's this over here?
I can see the Gate
The Gate is locked.
How did we get through the Gate then? I mean, that means that Ottarn won't be able to get through at least. I'll have to explore that one later.
Turning away from the Gate, I look back at the Starbase. Hmm. It feels like I'm on the edge of something big. If I were to just... let go a little bit... I think I can... see...
I regain consciousness on the floor, out of breath, with Ava kneeling over me nearly in tears from panic. "Melody! Melody! Oh thank goodness you're all right!"
I sit up and look around. Ava wraps her arms around me and hugs me tightly. "I was so scared Melody. After you sat on the Throne, I heard noises like heavy machinery starting up, and then there was this storm of wind, and then your eyes glowed and there was a scream."
"Slow down Ava, a scream?"
"It came from everywhere. It sounded like the whole Starbase was screaming! It sounded like you were screaming. I looked up at you, and you had blood coming from your nose and ears and your mouth was open and you were glowing but your body wasn't making noise. I-I didn't know what to do, so I pulled you off the Throne."
Reaching up to my face I touch my ears, sure enough, my finger comes back wet with blood. I can feel it drying under my nose. What the hell happened?
You tried to integrate with Reach of the Might of Vzzx, but the Nanites weren't ready. You had a partial connection. Ava was correct to pull you off.
But what does it mean? What about all that stuff I saw?
When you sit on the Throne and truly integrate you become Reach of the Might of Vzzx. This is what Builders are.
Wait. Our starbases and starships are operated by AIs. You're telling me that out here they're operated by Builders?
Builders build. They rule. They are.
I look back at Ava "Thank you Ava, the Nanites tell me that you saved me." I return the hug just as tightly. "Builders are the starbases out here. They sit in the throne and become the starbase."
Holy shit. That's the missing piece!
"Ava! I know why everything looks so run down here. They haven't had a Builder on the throne in a long time. Reach of the Might of Vzzx is running on automatic! The wind you heard? The environmental systems were running at a super low setting. I turned up the air and scrubbers!"
Ava breaks the hug and looks at me wide eyed. "You mean that they... don't have AIs here, they have... humans running all the stations? As Builders?"
"Yes, I think that's how it works. A Builder, or a team of Builders lives and works at every starbase and they... become the starbase with the help of the Nanites. My Throne is like a... superpowered version of that. I can see so much more than the Starbase. I was able to perceive out into space, I could see the Gates! Ours is locked by the way, Ottarn isn't going anywhere."
"But, how did we get through then?"
I shrug "Builder magic I guess. As we learn more, we will become more proficient at operating things I think. For now, I'm going to take it easy and just try and get a handle on the basics." I move to get up and get back onto the Throne.
"No Melody! It nearly killed you!" Ava's voice trembles.
I reach for her hand and squeeze it tightly. "It's okay Ava. I know what I did wrong. I tried to go to deeply too early. The Nanites say I'm not ready to fully integrate yet, but I can get on and at least like... read the status log. Find out what needs to be done, and then make plans. I'm also going to try and reach out to FarReach, and let her know what I've found."
"Okay, if you say so." Ava plunks down next to the throne, sitting on the floor. "I'm staying right here though. If you start making the Starbase scream again, I'm pulling you off."
"Thanks Ava, please do that." I smile warmly at her. With the dried blood under my nose and down my neck, it probably doesn't look at nurturing as I meant it to.
Sitting again, I'm more prepared for it, but it's still a shock when I become the starbase again. This time, I reach out for the radio. There, okay, I see how it works. I think about the human system frequency for our Starjumpers and try and talk to FarReach.
There's a pause and a burst of static, then it clears and I hear FarReach! "This is FarReach, joint Human/K'laxi exploration Starjumper, who is this?"
"Hi FarReach!" I say brightly! "It's Melody!"
"Melody? Where are you? What are you doing? I suddenly got flooded with radio until I opened the mic to listen, and then it focused in on the standard channel."
"Sorry, that was me."
"You? Are you at a comm station?"
"Kind of? I'm Reach of the Might of Vzzx right now."
"I know you're on the Starbase Melody, where on the Starbase are you?"
"No no, I mean I am Might of Vzzx right now. I've reassumed my Throne and it turns out when a Builder does that.. they kind of become the starbase.
"Become the-- Melody, What are you doing?" FarReach sounds worried.
"Don't worry FarReach, other than the screaming - that was totally my fault, I tried to go too deep at first - it's fine. It's better than fine actually! I can see everything. I can see the Gates - they're locked by the way, I have no idea why we can traverse them. Also I can see... everything. It's tough to describe."
"Believe it or not, Melody, I have a hunch I know what you mean. You're looking at things like we see them."
"Yes! That's what I was thinking. I don't think they have AIs out here, they have Builders."
"Melody, that's... quite a lot. Is this what being an Empress is over here?"
"I think it's what being a Builder is. As Empress I think I have access to like, a higher level. I tried to access it, but Ava said I made the whole Starbase scream, and she had to pull me off the Throne."
"We heard that! That was you?" FarReach sounds worried.
"Ava said it was. Sorry if I scared everyone."
"And you got back onto the Throne?"
"Well, yes. I am Empress now. This starbase hasn't been managed in a long time. I need to read the logs and figure out how to start affecting repairs."
There's a pause at that. I bet FarReach is talking with the crew.
"So Mei'la was right. Thank you for reaching out and letting us know where you are and that you're safe. Captain Q'ari was worried when Mei'la and Fer'resi came back alone. Ava is with you?"
I look down at Ava, and she looks back up to me worried. I smile down to her and give her a thumbs up.
"Yes, Ava is here with me, she's okay too."
"Thank you Melody. Come on back when you're able. Everyone would love to hear about what you found." and FarReach closes the connection.
Huh. That was odd. She sounded distracted at the end. I wonder why.
The crew told her something she didn't like.
But what, do you suppose?
Many people in the crew do not like your new role and title. Some worry about what it means for them, others worry about what it means for things back home. Still others seethe with jealousy.
No, that can't be it. Why would they be jealous? Why would they worry about what this means for back home?
Melody, you are being naïve again. You are Empress. You can control matter. You can order people to do anything. You rule this side of the Galaxy now, and can easily rule the other again.
But it's not like I'm going to do anything bad to anyone. I'll be a good Empress. A great one even.
Great Empresses are feared as much as they are loved. More so perhaps. We can discuss this later. Look, you are seated upon your Throne. Much can be done here, call up the Gate map.
I think about a Gate map. Springing in front of me is a stylized map of the Galaxy. I recognize the spiral arms and it's actually quite pretty. A small royal blue dot is lit. That must be here.
I concentrate on the map "Show me the location of all Gates."
A flood of yellow dots appears on the map, all over the Galaxy. Far more than we had mapped out, truly there are over five hundred of them.
"Show me currently active Gates."
A worryingly small amount of the yellow dots turns blue. Maybe seventy five of them? Interestingly there is a large cloud of blue dots over on the other side of the galaxy, back home. Other than a small swarm around here, that's the largest other location of Gates.
Even after they rejected your rule, they kept their Gates and they are some of the largest group now active. The Nanites chuckle to themselves.
Hmm. If the Gates are connected to each other - and they'd have to be in order to work then I wonder...
"Ping all Gates. Color code replies; Green as working active gates, Yellow as working but deactivated gates, Red as locked but still active gates, and Black as no reply received."
At that command, I can feel it. My... order, my command leaves the Reach and connects to the Gate. There's a sense of spreading as the command reaches out. How am I able to see the Gates so quickly? What am I seeing?
There is only The Gate. All Gates you traverse are... shadows of The Gate that exist in four dimensional spacetime. They all pass through The Gate that exists in a higher plane.
So Gate traversal is instantaneous?
Well yes. You're not moving once you enter the Gate. The Addressing Module directs the Gate where to put you in Spacetime. It takes no time, because no distance is traveled.
Wild. Did Builders make them?
Yes, long, long ago. It was one of our greatest achievements.
Okay, so I have the data, but how to interpret it. Let me try and overlay the results of the Census over the galaxy map. When I look up, my jaw drops.
Way more of the gates are green than I had figured. As in, active, operating and ready to traverse. The majority are yellow, meaning that they're currently not online, but can be brought online. There are only a few red gates, and no black gates.
The Gate system is completely intact.
Wait, what's that red gate over on the other side of the galaxy. There's a locked gate near home. The K'laxi have never reported to us they found a locked gate. I wonder if that's one we don't know about or if...
That's the Gate to Earth.
It's just locked? As in, I could unlock it and open it?
At any time, Empress.
But, we never had a Gate. We explored our system inside and outside and never found any technology - and believe me we looked. We spent millennia thinking we were alone until we met the K'laxi.
I want to unlock the Gate. Pass through it, and show everyone what I found, what I am.
You need only say it, Empress.
No. Not yet. I need to be able to go there in a way that's... befitting me.
Back to the starbase. If it has 11 something million people, then it has to be way larger than what I've seen. Show me the whole thing.
I'm shown. I see kilometers upon kilometers of halls, thousand upon thousands of living quarters, I see gardens, and parks and playgrounds and offices and... I see a whole transit system I had no idea was here! I can't believe there's a train here and I haven't ridden it yet!
Remembering Ava, I say out loud "Holy shit, this place is huge. The parts that we've seen is barely a tenth of the whole place. They have a train Ava! Let's go for a ride later!"
Ava smiles "I'd love that, Melody."
Wait a minute. I turn inwards again.
"Give me a listing of all known Starbases."
A list appears next to the galaxy map. Almost every system at one time had a Starbase at least as large as this one, some had even larger ones.
"Give me a listing of known Planets."
A slightly smaller, but still large list appears. I'm starting to feel faint. What have I dived into? There are literally tens, if not hundreds of billions of people here. Back home there around 15 billion humans spread across space, with 4 or 5 billion K'laxi and 3 or 4 billion Xenni. Combined that's...
That's more people than what I can effectively rule. What am I doing? I don't even know about this whole Starbase, let alone the Galaxy. One person can't rule a Galaxy, no matter how much they want to. What are these Nanites trying to sign me up for?
We need you to understand the immenseness of your task, and understand that we do not intend for you to rule alone. Currently, you are the only Builder known, but that never meant you were meant to be the only Builder. Make more.
W-What? I don't even have a partner! I don't even really know yet if I like men or women or both or neither! I'm barely out of my teen years, I can't make more people!
Sigh. Not like that, Melody. Use us. Use the Nanites to make Builders. You are Empress, only you will have the commanding voice, but other Builders will help you to rule. Start with that one, Ava. She already craves it. She will be a welcome and loyal addition.
I look over at Ava. She's still looking at me worriedly. She really does want to be a part of all this - whatever it's going to be.
There are others too. Q'ari wants to be involved very badly, but we don't know if the Nanites will work on K'laxi. We don't know how we feel about K'laxi Builders too.
Don't be racist. They'd do a fine job.
So you say, Empress. Invite them then.
Ugh. If I'm going to do this, the Nanites are right. I need help. I'll need more Builders. Should I do this? I want to do this, but is that the Nanites talking? Every time I let them off leash I tend to sound... intense. I wish I had some coffee.
I wish I could get some range time in.
I sigh. Am I doing this? Am I really doing this?
I think I am. I have never really wanted anything as much as I want this. As much as I want to show everyone what I can do, what I can be.
I stand up and break the connection. I feel... empty for a moment. I can see how people could get addicted to data streams like that. I stretch mightily and sit down on the floor next to Ava.
"Ava. There's a metric ton of work to be done, and I don't think I can do it all on my own. I don't want to do it all on my own. The Nanites were giving me options and I was wondering..."
As I speak, her eyes get wider and wider and she practically vibrates from excitement. She knows what I'm going to ask her.
"Do you want to become a Builder? You won't get the voice that orders people around, that's an Empress thing apparently, only one person as a time can do that. I can see why too, what happens if we both have the ability and try to use it on each other, right? Anyway. The Nanites say I can make you a Builder, and you can help me out. We'll need more Builders too. I want to try on the K'laxi too, Captain Q'ari seems like she wants in, though I don't know if she'll agree to it. Being Captain is important to her. So what do you say?"
"Yes yes yes yes! I want in!"
I hold up a hand. "This means that officially, your old life is over. It means throwing our lot in on this side of the Galaxy permanently. We can Gate home for visits or something, but it won't be for a while, and it'll be as foreigners. We will be cutting ourselves off from our old lives."
"My old life sucked ass. I want in!"
"Okay, last thing." I take a breath. "It could mean - though I hope it doesn't - that we will be seen as enemies back home. You saw the Marien's ship, it's trying to escape and is taking days to get somewhere FarReach can go in hours. FarReach alone has enough firepower to shrug off any threat we can bring to bear. If the folks back home decide to cause trouble for us, it'll be big trouble. If you throw in with me, it becomes your trouble. Our trouble.
Ava kneels down in front of me without a single bit of hesitation. "I want this, Melody. More than anything else I've ever wanted. I accept all the risks, I happily throw my old life away."
We like her. She gets it.
I stand up in front of her.
Okay then, how do we give her the Nanites?
Give her a kiss.
You are kidding me.
We are completely serious. It's the quickest way to transfer enough of us to begin the process. Plus, it's ceremonial, has an air of regal intimacy about it. Also, she'll love it.
I reach down and gently tip her head up with my fingers, bend down and gently kiss her on the lips.
She leans in slightly and melts into the kiss.
Told you she'd love it.
"Rise, Builder."
She stands on shaky legs. "Builder Ava, it will take a day or so for the Nanites to replicate and integrate, but once they do, you will be a Builder like me, and be able to do many of the things I can do. You will be my right hand, and be my voice where I am not. You will carry out my decisions and have the power to make your own. Together with the other Builders I create, we will reunite this galaxy and show everyone our power, our might and our love."
"I am yours to command Empress."
"Excellent. Your first task is to get me my coffee supplies from FarReach, I am dying for a cup."
Part 18
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mintmatcha · 11 months
Hi Mint!
From what I gathered, you have straight but fine hair and you experience greasy scalp. Everyone’s hair is going to be different and certain lifestyle (routines, genes, diet, stress) could also contribute to hair conditions.
My biggest concern from what I gathered so far is if you experience hair loss. Because normally fine hair is fragile and an oily scalp could lead to buildup and eventually impact new growth and the quality of hair.
I do recommend brushing frequently to distribute the oil throughout the hair, but you may need to be careful with the type of brush used because you don’t want your hair to get caught. I would also recommend the use of a scalp scrub biweekly since it clears buildup (especially if you use styling products). A scalp massager is also really good for stimulating the scalp (there’s wet and dry options).
And as for messy hair in the morning, I would recommend blow drying your hair (cold hair) before going to bed. Cold air sets the hair into shape. Also hair is more fragile when wet, so that’s why going to bed with wet hair results in frizzier hair in the morning. An extra step to reduce the frizz is to invest in a silk or satin cap & pillow case.
Also, it was a genuine question and those comments were uncalled for. I hope today will be a better day ☀️
my hair is a little thin and I take a spironolactone for it/acne!
I did a little hair scalp scrubber today while I did a deep cleanse! I'll keep you updated <3
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intechbulks · 7 months
The Vital Role of Dust Collector Manufacturers in Keeping Our Air Clean
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Dust may seem like an insignificant nuisance, but it's anything but. Microscopic particles can wreak havoc on our health, environment, and industrial processes. Fortunately, unsung heroes stand sentinel against this silent threat: dust collector manufacturers. These companies play a crucial role in safeguarding our air quality, and Intech Bulk Handling Systems Pvt. Ltd., a leading chain conveyor manufacturers in India, stands out as a prime example.
Invisible Hazards, Tangible Impact:
Dust exposure poses significant health risks, triggering respiratory problems like asthma and allergies. In industrial settings, it can also compromise product quality, damage equipment, and even escalate fire hazards. Dust collectors combat these issues by capturing and filtering dust particles, ensuring cleaner air for workplaces and communities.
How Dust Collectors Work:
These unsung heroes come in various configurations, each suited to specific applications. Common mechanisms include:
Cyclones: Utilizing centrifugal force, they separate heavier dust particles from air.
Bag filters: Air passes through fabric bags, trapping dust while clean air exits.
Cartridge filters: Similar to bag filters, but with pleated cartridges offering higher efficiency.
Wet scrubbers: Water sprays capture dust, often ideal for sticky or hazardous materials.
Intech's Contribution to Cleaner Air:
Intech Bulk Handling Systems, while specializing in chain conveyors, also recognizes the importance of dust control. They offer a range of dust collection systems tailored to various industries, including:
Cement: High-efficiency bag filters capture fine dust particles, protecting workers and the environment.
Pharmaceuticals: Dust-free environments are crucial for product purity. Intech's systems ensure compliance with strict regulations.
Food processing: Preventing dust contamination safeguards product quality and consumer health. Intech provides solutions for both dry and wet ingredients.
Beyond Individual Companies:
The efforts of dust collector manufacturers reach far and wide. They contribute to:
Improved public health: By reducing dust exposure, they help prevent respiratory illnesses and promote overall well-being.
Environmental protection: Dust collectors control air pollution, contributing to cleaner air and mitigating climate change effects.
Enhanced industrial efficiency: Cleaner work environments and protected equipment lead to improved productivity and reduced maintenance costs.
Dust collector manufacturers may not grab the headlines, but their work is essential for our health, environment, and industrial well-being. Companies like Intech Bulk Handling Systems, with their commitment to innovative solutions, exemplify the critical role this industry plays in keeping our air clean. As we strive for a healthier and more sustainable future, appreciating and supporting these silent guardians of clean air becomes ever more important.
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flickeringflame216 · 1 year
Same hair!!! same hair!!! If you don't mind telling, what products do yoy use/how do you care for your hair? I had it figured out when I lived in the middle east and now that I'm back in the States I cannot keep it from frizzing and just...NOT listening to me!
ooh nice! *high fives*
Ok so. I cut my hair really, really short a little more than a year ago. I'm talking 3/4 inch buzz cut short.
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This ^^ is about what it looks like now, a year and a half and a lot of maintenance cuts later. The care is very different now compared to when it was long, so I'll do my best to remember since I assume your hair is longer.
So I grew up not knowing at ALL how to care for my hair. It was generally kind of a mess. I feel ya on the stubborn frizz, friend! Best advice is to mess around and find out. Experiment! Find what works for you! I tried soooo many products and did a lot of research to figure out my hair! Like with anything else, people will do a lot of yelling on the internet about how bad X thing is for your hair. Especially sulfates and silicones, people looooove to yell about those. (Note: I did end up avoiding sulfates and silicones, but I won't yell at people who can use them in their hair scot-free.) Take it with a grain of salt. I'm not a professional but here are some things that worked well for my hair when it was longer (it oscillated between collarbone and past bra-strap length when dry for awhile):
Wash day: I washed my hair once a week or at most every 5 days. Even though I have very coarse individual strands and my hair doesn't look fragile, it's prone to breakage if it gets too dry.
Scalp: My scalp was getting a bit crusty from the new wash routine! Product buildup is real. I got a silicone scalp scrubber from Walmart--nothing fancy, it was probably like $7. I still use it even though my hair is short now--it cleans effectively and gets rid of that icky scalp feeling for me.
After-shower routine: My hair (this applies to curly hair in general, i think) hates being combed or brushed when dry. That means I had to get products in and set up the "structure" of my hair, or how I wanted it to look when it was dry, while it was still wet. This is the cheap version--I get my haircare products at Walmart and don't own a diffuser. If you can afford better products/tools, more power to ya!
Wash day routine-- a. detangle before getting in the shower! I would sometimes dampen my hair with a spray bottle or just in the sink beforehand to make this easier. A chunky wide-tooth comb can help detangle, and you want to go slowly to avoid breakage. b. wet hair and wash with the shampoo of your choice (I'll list some that have worked for me below). You can use a scrubber thingamajig or just your fingers. c. rinse out the shampoo and condition. I had to use way more conditioner that I thought I would at first, since my hair was so dry. Then I would let the conditioner sit there while I did the rest of my shower routine. When my hair was near waist-length I would tie it up with a scrunchie in the shower so it was out of the way and the conditioner stayed in. d. rinse out almost all the conditioner. I would leave a very small amount in, again because of dryness. If that's not a problem for you skip this step--again, experiment til you find what works! e. I found that terry cloth towels destroyed my hair. If that's a problem for you, try microfiber towels or an old cotton t-shirt. Some people swear by styling their hair soaking wet, but that never worked for me since it had to air dry. I dried it to medium damp and then added products f. only on wash day, I would scrunch in some kind of medium-hold gel. Get your curls hydrated and defined at this stage! There are lots of methods for this. I never had to do much besides the gel and the scrunching, but there are some great resources I can link if you need them. Once your hair is 80-90% dry, scrunch again from the ends to the roots to get rid of the "cast" (the crunchy feeling from the gel). And that's day 1 hair! usually it's a bit less voluminous than your rest-of-the-week hair, but has great curl definition.
All the other days-- I put my hair up in a pineapple in the shower and avoided getting it wet. Then I'd use a spray bottle with a fine mist (also from walmart eyyyy) to dampen the shaft of my hair (so avoiding soaking the roots) and scrunch gently. This reactivates the product (whether gel or something else) from day one. I'd add a small amount of mousse or leave-in conditioner, depending on what I was doing with my hair that day and how it was looking. Then you just mess with it a little to get it where you want and voila! Ready to go!
Sleep-- I covered my hair to sleep. Usually with a little bandeau or scarf of some kind, just to keep it from getting frizzballed from rolling against my pillowcase. You could also get a silk pillowcase, which is said to help with that, but I personally never did (silk be expensive).
Products-- Right now I use Native shampoo and conditioner and Maui moisture curl mousse and that's it. When my hair was longer I bounced around a lot. Maui moisture shampoo and conditioner (I know I used the Heal & Hydrate and Nourish & Moisture specifically) worked pretty well, and smells AMAZING, but beware of silicones in some of their conditioners if you're avoiding them. I also used their gel. I tried Aussie and didn't love them for my hair, I tried Shea Moisture and their stuff was better but hit-or-miss for me from product to product. The Hairitage line wasn't bad, but again I think they used silicones in their conditioners. Native works well for my hair now, but I never used them when I had long hair so idk. Also they're a wee bit pricey compared to what I'm used to (but they have great sales). Hopefully this is a good starting point and you can find what works for you! Hit me up if something was unclear or you have more questions--or just to share something that went well! It was tons of fun rambling (sorry this is so long) so thanks for the ask, friend! ~Zaki P.S. Do you mind telling where in the middle east? I get it if you can't share or don't want to, just asking because my Dad is Egyptian (that's where the curls come from lol) and I was curious if you're also from around there!
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limpwristed-pride · 2 years
Straightforward Ways To Clean an Oven
Step by step instructions to Make Your Oven Clean
There are various types of ovens, hence it is important to choose the best way of cleaning that compares to the type of your oven. You should realize that there are gas and electric ovens as well as self-cleaning and forever cleaning ones. Tidy up of the oven will help to keep its usefulness.
Tidy up of an electric oven
There are two heating parts in an electric baking oven. One component is installed for broiling and another is for baking. To make the cleaning easy it is better to pick a model that is furnished with the eliminating bottom bake component.
Know that most of electric ovens have explicit pivots that let to eliminate the entryway. In this way open the entryway and attempt to raise it. Without the entryway you will get to the farthest pieces of your oven easily. The eliminated entryway permits you to wash additionally its glass and inside part without effort.
Tidy up of a gas oven
You can apply the hand crafted safe cleanser to clean the inner parts of the gas oven. You want to consolidate 2 tablespoons of baking pop (borax) and dishwashing sythesis, 1/4 cups of ammonia and 1/2 cup of heated water. Put this cleanser on spills and drop it for 30 minutes or even a night to water-drench. Use a nylon scrubber to relax a few spills and mop everything with a wet wipe.
The drawback of an oven is viewed as the dirtiest. Attempt to move away the ground board by raising it or by drawing a few screws that fix this board.
At the point when you pull off the bottom of the oven, don't neglect to clean the gas burner. You want to turn it on. Its openings might be hindered in the event that the fire isn't super durable on the two sides of the gas-fly. For this situation switch off the oven control and put the wire in the obstructed openings.
Check the usefulness of the gas-stream. You should see a constant blue 1-inch cone. You can fix an air shade in your gas oven with the assistance of the proprietor's manual. The air clasp is installed to direct the air blend and the fire tone.
Tidy up of a self-cleaning electric oven
If you have any desire to clean your self-cleaning oven, don't use fabricating cleansers as they are inconsiderate and can consume, canker the china surface. The bits of china will be popped off the oven when it arrives at the 900 degree level for self-cleaning. In reason behind truth, all that you want is to heat the oven to the necessary temperature and to wipe the dust-like buildup subsequent to cooling of the oven.
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ventilair-axial-fan · 8 months
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hilcoindustrial · 2 days
Flue Gas Treatment Plant: An Essential Step Towards Cleaner Air
As industrialization advances, the need for cleaner air becomes increasingly urgent. Flue gas, released from industrial processes like power generation and chemical production, contain harmful pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter. These emissions contribute to environmental problems like air pollution, acid rain, and global warming. To combat these issues, flue gas treatment plant (FGTP) have become essential for mitigating harmful emissions before they enter the atmosphere. Hilco Industrial, a leader in the sale of used industrial machinery, offers high-quality, pre-owned gas treatment plants that provide an affordable and effective solution for industries looking to minimize their environmental impact while adhering to regulations.
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Understanding Flue Gasses
Flue gasses are the byproducts of combustion processes. When fossil fuels such as coal, oil, or natural gas are burned, the combustion generates energy but also produces various gaseous pollutants. Without proper treatment, these emissions can contribute to environmental issues such as acid rain, smog formation, and global warming. Therefore, treating these gasses is crucial for industrial plants that wish to comply with environmental regulations and reduce their carbon footprint.
Key Components of a FGTP
A flue gas treatment plant is a complex system that employs multiple technologies to clean and purify gasses. Below are some of the key components typically found in such plants:
1. Scrubbing Systems: One of the most common methods for treating flue gas is through scrubbing systems. Wet scrubbers generally use a liquid. Dry scrubbers, on the other hand, use a dry reagent, often lime or sodium bicarbonate, to neutralize acidic gasses.
2. Electrostatic Precipitators (ESPs): Particulate matter, which can include tiny particles of ash, dust, and heavy metals, is removed using electrostatic precipitators. These devices use an electric field to charge particles, causing them to stick to collector plates, from which they can later be removed and disposed of safely.
3. Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR): Nitrogen oxides (NOₓ) are some of the most harmful pollutants in flue gasses, contributing to respiratory issues and environmental damage.
4. Activated Carbon Injection (ACI): This technology is particularly useful for removing mercury and other heavy metals from flue gas. Activated carbon is injected into the gas stream, where it absorbs pollutants, which can then be captured and removed.
5. Filters: These filters ensure that fine particulate matter does not escape into the atmosphere, improving overall air quality.
Benefits of a FGTP
The advantages of installing a flue gas purification are numerous, both for the environment and industries:
Compliance with Environmental Regulations: Governments worldwide are setting increasingly stringent air quality standards. An FGTP helps industries meet these regulations, avoiding potential fines and shutdowns.
Reduction of Harmful Emissions: By removing pollutants, FGTPs minimize the harmful effects of industrial emissions on public health and ecosystems.
Improved Public Image: Companies that invest in clean technologies demonstrate social responsibility, improving their public perception and gaining favor with environmentally conscious consumers.
Flue gas treatment plants are indispensable for industries aiming to reduce air pollution and meet stringent environmental standards. By removing harmful pollutants, these plants contribute significantly to cleaner air and a healthier ecosystem. For businesses seeking cost-effective options, Hilco Industrial is selling industrial equipment including gas treatment plants, providing an opportunity to invest in environmentally responsible technology without the high costs of purchasing new systems.
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essarairsystems · 3 days
Wet Scrubber system Manufacturers
Essar Enviro Air Systems is a well-known manufacturer of wet scrubbers in India, recognized for our expertise and commitment to quality. Wet scrubbers are essential devices that effectively remove chemical pollutants from gas streams, including those produced in industrial processes.
Key Features
High Temperature & Moisture Resistance: Our scrubbers are designed to handle extreme conditions.
Gas Removal: Efficient in capturing harmful gases and particulates.
Cooling Mechanism: Equipped with systems to neutralize temperatures, ensuring operational safety.
Wet scrubbers are widely utilized across various industries, such as:
Acid Plants
Fertilizer Plants
Steel Mills
Asphalt Plants
Power Generation Facilities
Why Choose Essar Enviro Air Systems?
As a leading manufacturer, Essar Enviro Air Systems combines advanced technology and expertise to deliver reliable and efficient wet scrubber solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of diverse industrial applications.
Contact Us
For inquiries or to place an order for wet scrubbers, please contact us. Our team is ready to assist you with your requirements!
If you have any specific questions or need further information, feel free to ask!
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Industrial Filter Unit
An industrial filter unit is a vital component in various manufacturing, processing, and production environments. These units are designed to remove contaminants such as dust, particulate matter, oil mist, and other impurities from air, gases, liquids, and chemicals to ensure a clean and safe working environment and to protect equipment and products from contamination.
Types of Industrial Filter Units:
Air Filters:
HEPA Filters (High-Efficiency Particulate Air): Capture 99.97% of airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns, commonly used in cleanrooms, laboratories, and environments requiring high air purity.
Baghouse Filters: Use fabric filter bags to capture dust and particulate matter, typically used in industries like cement, mining, and metalworking.
Cartridge Filters: Utilize pleated filter media to capture fine dust and particles, offering high efficiency and a compact design, often used in welding, pharmaceuticals, and food processing.
Electrostatic Precipitators: Use an electrical charge to remove particles from industrial exhaust, commonly used in power plants and industrial processing.
Liquid Filters:
Centrifugal Separators: Separate particles from liquids by using centrifugal force, often used in water treatment, oil refining, and chemical processing.
Pressure Leaf Filters: Consist of multiple vertical leaves coated with filter media, used in industries like edible oils, chemicals, and mining for liquid-solid separation.
Automatic Self-Cleaning Filters: Designed to filter liquids without interrupting the process, commonly used in water treatment, food processing, and petrochemical industries.
Cartridge Filters: Used for filtering fine particles from liquids, commonly found in water purification, pharmaceuticals, and beverage production.
Gas Filters:
Activated Carbon Filters: Remove gases, odors, and VOCs (volatile organic compounds) from air streams, widely used in chemical processing, gas purification, and environmental protection.
Coalescing Filters: Designed to remove oil, water, and particulates from compressed air and gas streams, commonly used in petrochemical, gas, and manufacturing industries.
Particulate Filters: Capture solid particles from gas streams, used in various industries including automotive, aerospace, and chemical processing.
Oil Mist Collectors:
Electrostatic Oil Mist Collectors: Use electrostatic charges to capture fine oil mist from the air, commonly used in machining, metalworking, and automotive industries.
Centrifugal Oil Mist Collectors: Separate oil mist from air using centrifugal force, often used in industrial environments with high oil mist generation, such as CNC machining.
Dust Collectors:
Cyclone Separators: Use centrifugal force to separate large dust particles from the air, commonly used in woodworking, metalworking, and agriculture.
Wet Scrubbers: Use liquid (usually water) to remove dust particles from gas streams, widely used in industries like mining, chemical processing, and power generation.
Industrial Vacuum Systems: Designed for heavy-duty dust collection, used in industries like construction, metalworking, and manufacturing.
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10 Advanced Equipment for Professional Water Damage Restoration
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Water damage can hit unexpectedly, leaving behind a trail of destruction. It requires fast, efficient action to prevent further issues. In the realm of water damage restoration, using cutting-edge equipment is crucial for adequate recovery. This blog will explore the latest ten tools and technology professional water damage restoration service providers use. 
Water Extraction Machines
One of the most critical steps in water damage restoration is removing excess water from the affected area. Professional water damage restoration companies use high-capacity water extraction machines designed for this purpose. These machines feature potent pumps and vacuums that can quickly remove large volumes of water from surfaces.
Why It Matters:
Rapid water extraction prevents further damage and reduces the risk of mold growth. The sooner excess water is removed, the less likely structural damage and mold infestations will occur.
2. Dehumidifiers
Once the bulk of the water is extracted, regulating the humidity levels is essential. Dehumidifiers used by a professional water damage restoration service are industrial-grade and can handle large volumes of air. These devices remove moisture from the air. This helps dry out the affected materials and prevent mold growth.
Why It Matters:
High humidity levels can exacerbate water damage and lead to mold and mildew. Dehumidifiers help restore a controlled environment that speeds up the drying process. They also protect the property from additional damage.
3. Air Movers
Air movers, or blowers, are powerful fans that increase air circulation in the affected area. By directing airflow across wet surfaces, they help accelerate the evaporation process. These devices that a water damage restoration service uses dry out carpets, hardwood floors, walls, and other materials.
Why It Matters:
Effective air movement ensures that all damp areas dry out quickly and evenly. This prevents warping, swelling, and other issues associated with prolonged exposure to moisture.
4. Moisture Meters
Moisture meters are critical tools for evaluating the scope of water damage. These devices measure the moisture content in wood, drywall, and concrete. There are two main types: pin-type meters and pinless meters. Pin-type meters use metal probes to measure moisture levels. While pinless meters use electromagnetic sensors.
Why It Matters:
Accurate moisture readings help professional water damage restoration service providers determine which areas require additional drying. It also checks whether the drying process is complete. This helps ensure no hidden moisture is left behind, which could lead to future problems.
5. Infrared Cameras
Infrared cameras or thermal imaging cameras, allow restoration professionals to see beyond the surface. These devices detect temperature variations. They also detect hidden moisture trapped behind walls, under floors, and within insulation.
Why It Matters:
Finding hidden moisture is crucial for comprehensive water damage restoration. Infrared cameras help water damage restoration service providers locate areas that may not be visible to the naked eye. Thus ensuring that all affected areas are addressed.
6. Ozone Generators
Ozone generators neutralize odors caused by water damage. These machines produce ozone gas, which reacts with and eliminates icky smells from mold and mildew.
Why It Matters:
Odors from water damage can be persistent and difficult to remove. Ozone generators help ensure that the property looks and smells fresh after restoration.
7. Air Scrubbers
Air scrubbers improve indoor air quality during the restoration process. These devices filter out dust, mold spores, and bacteria from the air. They provide a cleaner environment for both the restoration team and the property occupants.
Why It Matters:
Air quality can be compromised during water damage restoration. Air scrubbers help maintain a healthier environment by removing harmful particles from the air, which is especially important for those with respiratory conditions.
8. Carpet Drying Systems
A top water damage restoration service relies on specialized carpet drying systems to dry carpets and padding quickly. These systems use a combination of air movement and controlled heat to accelerate the drying process.
Why It Matters:
Carpets and padding that remain wet for extended periods are prone to mold growth and structural damage. Carpet drying systems ensure that carpets are dried thoroughly, reducing the risk of these issues.
9. Structural Drying Equipment
For extensive water damage, structural drying equipment is used to dry out walls, ceilings, and floors. This equipment often includes a combination of air movers, dehumidifiers, and heaters to address large-scale drying needs.
Why It Matters:
Properly drying a building's structure is essential for preventing long-term damage and ensuring its integrity. Structural drying equipment helps restore the building to its pre-damage condition.
10. HEPA Vacuum Cleaners
HEPA vacuum cleaners are used to remove dust, dirt, and debris from surfaces and the air. These vacuums are equipped with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters that capture fine particles, including mold spores and allergens.
Why It Matters:
Cleanliness is crucial after water damage restoration. HEPA vacuums that a water damage restoration service uses help ensure the environment is contaminant-free, promoting a healthier living space.
Advanced equipment is pivotal in effective water damage restoration. Each tool addresses specific aspects of the restoration process, from water extraction machines to HEPA vacuum cleaners. Using the latest technology, professional water damage restoration service from United Water Restoration can ensure thorough and efficient recovery, minimize damage and restore properties to their pre-damage condition. If you experience water damage, choose the experts equipped with advanced tools.
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friscodamagerepair · 29 days
How to Choose the Right Equipment for Water Damage Restoration
Water damage restoration is a critical process that requires specialized equipment to effectively handle and mitigate the damage caused by water intrusion. Whether you’re a homeowner tackling minor issues or a professional dealing with extensive damage, selecting the right equipment is crucial for a successful restoration. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to choose the right equipment for water damage restoration, ensuring that you can manage the process efficiently and effectively.
Understanding the Types of Equipment Needed
The first step in choosing the right equipment is understanding the types of equipment required for various stages of water damage restoration. The process generally involves several key phases: water extraction, drying, cleaning, and dehumidification. Each of these phases requires specific tools to ensure thorough and efficient restoration.
Water Extraction Equipment: This includes high-powered pumps and wet vacuums designed to remove standing water from affected areas. For minor water damage, a portable wet vacuum may suffice. However, for more extensive damage, especially in commercial settings or large residential areas, industrial-grade pumps are necessary. These pumps are capable of handling large volumes of water quickly and efficiently.
Drying Equipment: After extracting water, the next step is drying out the affected area. This is done using air movers and dehumidifiers. Air movers, or fans, help to circulate air and accelerate the evaporation process. Dehumidifiers remove moisture from the air, preventing secondary damage such as mold growth. Both types of equipment work together to thoroughly dry out water-damaged materials.
Cleaning and Sanitizing Equipment: If the water damage involves contamination, such as from sewage or floodwater, cleaning and sanitizing become critical. Equipment in this category includes steam cleaners, scrubbers, and disinfectants. These tools help to remove contaminants, eliminate odors, and ensure that the affected areas are safe and hygienic.
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Assessing Your Needs
Choosing the right equipment involves assessing the extent of the water damage and your specific needs. For smaller, localized issues, basic equipment such as a wet vacuum and small air movers might be sufficient. However, for larger or more severe damage, particularly in commercial or multi-story buildings, you’ll need more powerful and specialized equipment.
Severity of Damage: Evaluate the severity of the water damage to determine the size and type of equipment required. For minor leaks or spills, residential-grade equipment may be adequate. For major flooding or significant damage, industrial-grade equipment will be necessary to handle the volume and ensure thorough restoration.
Size of the Area: The size of the affected area also impacts equipment choice. For small rooms or single areas, portable equipment may be sufficient. For larger spaces or entire buildings, you’ll need equipment with higher capacities and capabilities, such as larger dehumidifiers and high-output air movers.
Type of Water Damage: The type of water involved (clean, gray, or black) will influence the choice of cleaning and sanitizing equipment. Contaminated water requires more advanced cleaning and disinfecting tools to ensure proper sanitation and safety.
Quality and Efficiency
When selecting equipment, quality and efficiency are paramount. High-quality equipment not only performs better but also lasts longer, offering better value over time. Look for equipment from reputable brands known for their durability and performance. Additionally, efficient equipment can speed up the restoration process, reducing downtime and minimizing further damage.
Brand and Reliability: Choose equipment from trusted manufacturers with a reputation for reliability and performance. Investing in high-quality tools can lead to better results and fewer issues during the restoration process.
Energy Efficiency: Consider the energy efficiency of the equipment. Energy-efficient models can save on operating costs and are better for the environment. Look for equipment with energy-saving features and certifications.
Training and Maintenance
Proper use and maintenance of restoration equipment are essential for optimal performance. Ensure that you or your team are trained in the operation of the equipment to maximize its effectiveness and avoid potential damage. Regular maintenance and servicing of the equipment are also crucial to ensure its longevity and reliability.
Training: Ensure that operators are trained in the correct use of the equipment. Proper training helps in efficient operation and prevents misuse or damage.
Maintenance: Regularly maintain and service your equipment to keep it in good working condition. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for maintenance and address any issues promptly. Also check this post https://friscodamagerepair.tumblr.com/post/759588169666740224/water-damage-restoration-myths-debunking-common
Choosing the right equipment for water damage restoration is essential for effective and efficient recovery. By understanding the types of equipment needed, assessing your specific needs, and focusing on quality and efficiency, you can ensure that you are well-equipped to handle water damage effectively. Whether you are dealing with minor issues or extensive damage, selecting the appropriate tools will significantly impact the success of your restoration efforts and the overall condition of your property.
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aqozatech · 1 month
How to Remove Smell from Sewage Treatment Plants
Sewage treatment plants play a crucial role in maintaining public health and environmental cleanliness. However, the unpleasant odors associated with these facilities can be a challenge. Here are effective strategies to control and eliminate those foul smells:
1. Odor Control Systems
a. Activated Carbon Adsorption
How it works: Activated carbon adsorbs odorous gas molecules, oxidizing them and releasing odorless gases into the atmosphere.
Effective against: Hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, VOCs, and mercaptans.
Implementation: Install activated carbon filters or beds in key areas of the treatment plant.
b. Chemical Oxidation
How it works: Water scrubbing with oxidizing or neutralizing chemicals suppresses odors.
Chemicals used: Sodium hypochlorite, sodium hydroxide, or other suitable agents.
Application: Use chemical dosing systems in odor-prone zones.
c. Biological Oxidation (Biofilters)
How it works: Microorganisms break down odorous compounds.
Benefits: Environmentally friendly and cost-effective.
Setup: Install biofilters in ventilation systems or near odor sources.
d. Wet Air Scrubbing
How it works: Scrubbers pass odorous gases through water to neutralize or absorb the odor.
Ideal for: Controlling emissions from exhaust vents.
Maintenance: Regularly clean and maintain scrubber systems.
2. Proper Ventilation and Air Circulation
Ensure good airflow within the plant to prevent stagnant pockets of foul air.
Regularly inspect and maintain ventilation systems.
Consider natural ventilation through well-placed openings.
3. Covering Tanks with Caution
While sealing tanks prevents odors from escaping, consider worker comfort.
Balance containment with the need for fresh air and worker well-being.
Remember that each sewage treatment plant is unique, so adapt these strategies to your specific facility. By implementing effective odor control measures, you can create a healthier environment for workers and nearby communities. 🌱🌬️
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