imxthexhandler · 1 year
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have. -----------------------------
OOC: I'm in a shippy mood, so... I'm just gonna choose 3 random ships.
Ben/Amelia - @bennyboylewis
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Amelia has a tattoo around her ankle with iris flowers and blue hearts with the text "As you wish" written, due to the fact Ben repeatedly tells her this when she asks for a favor after finding out it's one of her favorite books and movies. She got the tattoo after they moved in together.
Jake/Amelia - @drjacobkelly
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Apparently, when her surrogate nephew met Jake and Ronnie on Christmas Eve when she brought them along for dinner, he got along so well with them, the next time Amelia was babysitting him, she got a phone call from J.J. while fixing dinner. She could very easily hear Tommy on the other line asking Amelia if Jake was going to be his uncle.
J.J. hasn't stopped teasing her about it since.
Cillian/Amelia - @wetheresilientfew
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The first Valentine's Day they experienced as a married couple, Cillian got Amelia a plush Chewie and chocolates. Chewie sits on her desk. Amelia got him a leather version of Han Solo's jacket from The Empire Strikes Back and a bottle of whiskey.
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wetheresilientfew · 1 year
Do you have a muse list?
That should work but click the 5th numeral on the blog or ad /muses to the end of my url
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born-of-loss · 3 years
[ closed starter for @wetheresilientfew ] 
Reina had a knack for picking up on people’s emotions. Especially when they were drinking alone in a crowded room. 
She was never afraid to approach people she thought might be lonely, either. She was considerably well-versed in the approach, and she had a few natural gifts; she was friendly and, was not too modest to admit, beautiful. Or at least unique. She pulled her hair forward to drape across her shoulders, lilac locks framing her face, and sat beside the black-haired man at the bar.
“You look too young to be this lonely.” She stated, voice warm, compassionate. “Credit for your thoughts?” Green eyes stared at him, wide and expectant.
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continued from x
Puffing out her cheeks, she waited for the heat in her cheeks to die down but that was difficult as the kiss kept replaying. She was all too aware of how close they were and the taste of his lips that lingered on her own. The silence would linger until he broke it which made her the red on her cheeks deepen. 
“W.. well of course I am..” she stammered a bit before smiling. Finding herself drawn closer to him as she lingered. Once again she was just inches away from him and her brown orbs darted to his lips to his eyes. A bright smile was on her lips as she tried to ignore how hot her cheeks felt. “You’re.. pretty handsome yourself.”
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madeofstories · 3 years
Becky straightened, the blue satin dress form fitting and unlike anything she was used to wearing. Although, perhaps more strange than that was the red wig that she wore. The ginger curls framing her face and falling over her shoulders. It was the first time she’d taken off the golden Star of David necklace Jemma had given to her before she’d left for the war. She felt naked with out it. To make herself feel a little more at home within her own skin she clasped a pearl necklace around her throat. Better. Her heels clicked across the floor as she collected her fur shawl and her purse. 
Twenty minutes later she stood outside the witch’s apartment. Her fingers rasped sharply at the door. “Vela?” 
Once the door opened, Becky’s red lips curved into a smile. “I have a proposal for you.”
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“ great. “ he mumbles, turning to look at him once he slides into the car and then back out the windshield again. “ I thought that this day was looking up. “ of course no day ever looked up for him and he made sure that everyone knew it. he didn’t like it when people didn’t impress him and he also didn’t like it when people crowd up his space. especially not when he had to share a car space with them and work on a case with them as well. that seemed to make him scream internally out of frustration. didn’t the Chief know that he did just fine on his own?
tapping his fingers' on his leg he lets out a slow breath, not caring that the silence was either accepted or even craved - he just wanted to get the ice breakers out of the way. taking down a hard swallow he adjusts himself more fully in the seat, fixing the jacket that he’s wearing. “ where are we headed then? I’m sure the Chief preferred to give you the destination address rather than me. “
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truesymphony · 3 years
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@wetheresilientfew​ said:  "Happy Birthday Ray." Velahari sets down a small cake for the other woman. "No I didn't buy it before you ask, I thought that I would try my hand at baking."
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“Ya made it?  Well then we should try it.”  Ray said as she reached out running her finger down the side to gather up some icing.  She licked it off then gave a little nod of approval.  “So far so good.  Let’s cut it.”
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badasshybridqueen · 4 years
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The hybrid made her way down the street, fresh blood putting a healthy flush in her cheeks. She’d never get tired of witches blood - especially after how they’d almost killed her daughter. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of something crunching on the ground several feet away. 
Hayley sighed, senses picking up a heartbeat not far from her. She inhaled deeply - human. Not a threat. “You probably shouldn’t follow strangers,” she commented turning to face whoever was behind her. “Come on, come out. I know you’re there.”
@wetheresilientfew​ hit the ❤️ for a starter
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leroiloup · 4 years
CELL PHONE HEADCANONS   /   accepting   /   @wetheresilientfew
what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone
Minion 2.0
what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
this one
what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone
default ringtone
my muse’s last text to your muse
[ sent : 6:23am ] you’re already late, daylight’s burning
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crassussativum · 5 years
💰 If your OC had all the money they could ask for what would they do with it? Where would they go and what would they buy? Are they the only one who benefits from this wealth? And the gift one for Cato and uh... Lets say Mav cause why not
((Assuming Cato for the first one too bc he seems to be everyone’s favorite lol. So being the grandson of the Palavenian Primarch, Cato’s financially set for life. He gets something of a monthly allowance to do with whatever he wants and for the most part he’s responsible with it, using it on things like art supplies or snacks or gifts for friends, or things for his cat, Prince.
🎁 What would be the perfect gift to buy your OC? What would be the worst gift? Are they themselves any good at gifting things or are they really indescisive? How do they wrap their presents?
(Cato’s easy, buy him something food related. Or art related. Idk about worst gift bc he’s happy just knowing it came from the heart. Wrapping things, he’s a tape monster. There’s always too much tape.
(Mav likes practical gifts for himself and others. Need a new pair of shoes or some socks? He’s noticed and he’s got it covered for you. Favorite shirt’s got a hole in it? He borrowed it and sewed it up for you. He’s very neat when it comes to wrapping, just a the right amount of tape, clean corners and edges. Idk how he does it but I wish he’d teach me.))
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imxthexhandler · 2 years
Person: Hey, how are you?
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Welp, I had something typed out, but I had to take care of a work task for my job, came back to the tab, and...Tumblr ate it...
I am so sorry for the unexpected hiatus. I’m trying. I’m trying my best here to function, to be a human. Still dealing with the shock/denial and anger stages of GRIEF. Trying to get better with eating, making sure I take my meds... Trying to get writing done.
Got a graphic I promised for @leschanceux; and first up for replies is gonna be @scinglives and @spinxeret.
Special thanks to @bennyboylewis; @koiwrites; @wetheresilientfew; @avengingspiderman; @agentjjkelly; @shieldagentnatasharomanoff​ and @sah1x1s​ for keeping tabs on me. Y’all rock. Thank you to everyone who has reached out. I am sorry I have not been better with replying to messages. Again, it is something I’m going to be working on.
So...that’s a wrap.
Oh! And these wonderful Poe Dameron and Marc Spector text posts are from my-secret-shame. These are not my creation. I just didn’t want to clog up their posts with my messy sobbing. There is a link to their blog so you can check out the really cool edits they make!
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goddamnmuses-a · 5 years
send ❔ and i’ll list a couple muses that i’d like to throw at yours!
send ❔ and i’ll list a couple muses that i’d like to throw at yours!
Salazar Slytherin
Sandor Clegane
Geralt of Rivia
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daggersandsparks · 5 years
👌 👌 // he has but 👌 👌 👌
{  send me 👌 if your muse would bang mine }
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❝Such a surprise.❞
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“ i know i’m a monster, but you look at me like i’m a man. ”
Cillian had been talking about something that had went wrong on a job; an innocent person had gotten hurt in the crossfire. It seemed to really weigh on the raven haired males mind in that moment as he spoke. Lucy kept her legs crisscross as she kept her sole focus on his; brown eyes searching his face to get a full read on his emotion. It was never easy for someone to have something like that happen. At one point, she almost had someone drown from the summoning of her spirits. It was so long ago now that it was a foggy memory and something she tried not to visit too often. When he said the line of being a monster it made her expression changed; the supportive look immediately turned upset. Lips turning upside down as she suddenly took his hands to her. Although it made her cheeks flushed slightly, she wasn’t going to let it slide. 
“No, Cillian. You’re not a monster. You’re a man who makes mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes.. you didn’t do it on purpose.” 
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captain-outoftime · 6 years
✂ - point sternly at a chair and tell my muse to sit down (patching up an injury)
Steve rolled his eyes, though frankly, his leg was weak enough that he didn’t have much choice in the matter but to sit. “I’d love for people to stop shooting me,” he muttered.
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truesymphony · 3 years
😈😈 one for Vel and one for cillian lol
Send if your muse has a crush on mine
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“Pretty sure I knew that but it’s sweet to hear.”
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