#wfbi answers
I know you wrote "Life Imitates Art" ages ago, but I just wanted to tell you that I'm in love with it and it rocks so thank you.
Oh my gosh, thank you and bless you, friend! You rock. And hey: while I will readily admit that I did indeed write it ages ago, I am also at an age where a year and a half sounds longer than it feels. There is no expiration date on the warm fuzzies I get when I receive feedback as kind as this. 
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Roving review bunny here! I just finished reading Betting on Red, and now I have ideas for my person... Don't hate me for stealing your genius, but if it worked on Cas... Anyway, I grinned all the way though this story, and holy... First off, I like that Cas is the one asking for it this time. And the balance of innocent!Cas and dirty!Cas is spot on! Fans self... Love Love LOVE!!! Are you wearing lipstick, Cas? You bet he is! Hehehehe... Gorgeous writing, recommending this to a friend. Sigh...
Hey, when it works, it works, right? So glad you enjoyed it! And thank you so, so much for the awesome review! Not to mention the recommendation; I can’t think of a higher compliment, so bless you for that. I am right there with you, friend: needy Cas is, like, the opposite of a problem. It always makes me happy when people mention or quote that last line, because (despite being unplanned when I started) it was one of the first things I wrote and I still get a kick out of it. Thank you again! I’m sorry if I’m super-late in my response to this, but you’ve made my day! 
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I just read Life Imitates Art and holy crap. More!! More!! Encore! We need an Encore!! Are you going to write a part Two?? I love how you develop the characters to be so authentic. It's not just a character you slapped Dean's face over. But I need a part Two!!
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Aaahhh! Thank you so much, anon! It thrills me to no end that you find the characterization authentic, and you are very, very kind to say so. I don’t think I’ll be doing a part two to that specific fic, but I will definitely do more for Dean in the future! How could I not? 
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Hi! Really liking "a finer line" so far. Could you do another gadreel fic where he thinks he has to suffer his PTSD alone, but reader catches on. She lets him stay in her room to "watch over her" (aka not confined and alone, feels trusted) a little angst, a lotta fluff, please. Smut optional. (But def appreciated)
Hey, thanks! If you like angst and fluff as much as I do (and smut; let’s be honest here), I think you’ll like where AFL is going in the future. ;) I’m really behind on my to-write list because of the holidays (and life in general this December, wow), but I can add your request to the list for you! There’s not enough Gadreel love around these parts, is there? Happy New Year, anon.
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Your stuff is awesome. Thank you for sharing it!
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Thank you for saying so, anon! You’re too kind! I’m always happy to share. And thanks to everyone for sticking around with me! December has been one heck of a month over here, but I’m hoping to have plenty more to give you all in the new year. Happy holidays, guys.
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Hey there! Could you write an angsty(is that even a word?) fic with YoungJohn!Michael x Angel!Reader inspired by Skylar Grey's Love The Way You Lie (Original Demo) song? You could throw some smut in there if you're up for it. Thanks and keep being awesome! PS: Sorry for the anon ask, I have an account but I'm not at home right now. Also, I may have sent this question twice because the connection here is awful, sorry for that too.
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An archangel plus angst?! You are speaking my language, anon. Yes, I can! I’m not the world’s fastest writer (my apologies for that), but I’ll see what I can do! Just listened to the song and I actually have an idea for the fic already. Adding it to the list now.
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Okay, so I got home late from work and I'm not blaming you or anything, but I WAS reading the second chapter of A FIner Line when I missed my train stop and had to circle back. Just sayin'! PS - Really looking forward to the next chapter!
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Oh, you are wonderful! That’s most likely what I’ll post next, seeing as it’s about half-done at the moment. :) It actually works really well to cleanse my writing palate (so to speak) in between one shots, since it’s relatively low maintenance. I just need to fit some good old-fashioned Sammy shower smut into it first. ;) 
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I just read thru all of your "200 followers" ship-lets (luckily, because tumblr didn't notify me that you answered my ask) and I just have to say, I am in AWE. Every one of them was perceptive and well thought out. I'd never have been able to do so many different moments so well, in such a short amount of time. I love seeing people do stuff that I can't; it inspires me to try harder. So thanks for being you and sharing your talent with all of us!
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Oh my gosh, @saenalife! Forgive me if I go full Jared on you for a moment here. Thank you so much! And to be honest, your writing always has this lovely, natural pace and flow to it that I think I struggle to accomplish, so the feeling is mutual! Whenever I pick up something of yours, I feel “at home,” like I need to be sitting in a comfy chair with a cup of tea before I continue. It’s wonderful. (So you can imagine my joy when I read this!)
PS. SHIP-LETS! I had no idea what to call them, but that’s perfect.
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Congrats on 200 followers! You more than deserve it. I'd love a male or female match, please and thanks! I'm 5'1" with pixie-cut dark hair, gray eyes, and freckles. I wear a lot of red lipstick. Softspoken and a little motherly, but not boring. Usually the first one drunk at a party, but also the one snatching car keys and passing out water at the end of the night. I love dad jokes, animals, good beer, and bad horror movies. To most people's surprise, I'm a very fast driver and a very good liar.
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Before you, Bela Talbot had insisted upon working alone. You were the only exception. And really, with a line of work as niche as supernatural con artistry, there were only so many ways that it could have gone down. Two ways, if you’re being brutally honest. Either one of you had to run the other off (which in all likelihood would have been unsavory, to say the least), or you had to come to some sort of agreement.
As tempting as option number one had been at first (for both of you), she had to admit: you were good. You flew under the radar so effortlessly it bordered on unfair–petite, soft-spoken, unassuming little you, who could run a con with the best of them. And, okay, maybe she had a thing for the combination of dark hair and red lips.
The two of you were a slow burn, but oh, did it burn so well. Partners in crime became partners in everything. You were a charming combination of laid back and playful (and it had been a long time since she was willing to admit how much she needed that). In return, she drove you crazy–in only the best ways, of course. And when it came right down to it, you were far more unstoppable together than you ever had been apart. 
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I was wondering if I could get a ship? I'm Matt (or Calista), 5'8" and lanky, I have short dirty blonde hair and hazel/green eyes. I'm pretty artsy, and love being alone at home with some alternative playing as I draw or read. I could be considered as cold towards some but once I truly trust someone, I can open up to them. I love being outside when it rains and bad weather is when I often find my peace. I bottle my emotions but prone to let it all out when it all gets too much. Thank you again
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When Castiel first touched down, the two of you didn’t have much to say to each other. You weren’t nearly as outspoken as your two brothers, and it was always your tendency to hang back and observe. Especially where angels were concerned. None of you had even known they existed, and they were quickly proving themselves to be more than trouble and less than trustworthy. 
For the first time in a long time, you could hardly believe what was in front of you. You watched and watched, and–eventually–you started to like what you saw. Cas was like a storm himself–fierce, unpredictable, and yet strangely calming. 
You were the first one to notice the changes in him, to see the gears shift and click as he grew to realize that certain rules were better off broken. Of your family, you were the least surprised when he fell on the side of rebellion–for the sake of humanity. For the sake of the Winchesters. For one Winchester in particular, who he’d discovered had the beautiful habit of sitting in the rain and watching the world go by.
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Congrats on your 200! I actually just followed the other night :D I'm Sofia and I'm about average height with a moderate figure and black hair and hazel eyes. I struggle with relationships due to some family troubles, but I try to always be kind and open-minded towards others. I am an artist, I draw and write when the moment strikes me. I suffer from being too sensitive sometimes and fearing the worst. I have always been fascinated by monsters and the dark, it's comforting in a way.
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To say you had a unique outlook on life might be the understatement of the year. Not because you were wrong in it, per se; in truth, it made a lot of sense. As a hunter, it was your job to peek through the cracks, search the dark corners. For many others, it wasn’t a happy life–just a necessary one–but for you? There was something comforting about the fact that if you actively sought out the worst, you could only be pleasantly surprised. 
Which is precisely what happened when you tracked a demon and he led you straight to the Devil. You’d heard the rumors (something, something, Winchesters; something, something, Lilith–blah, blah, blah). And you’d fact checked. You were thorough. 
In hindsight, where you ended up probably wasn’t coincidence, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t damn shocking at the time. You’d made a life of looking for monsters, but this was the first time you could say that one had well and truly looked back. And even though you didn’t know what you expected him to be, exactly, “relatable” sure as hell hadn’t been on the list. But you understood each other, in a way–the family drama, the idiosyncrasies.
One conversation became another, another, another–until the rest, as they say, was history. Just… Maybe not a history you really look forward to explaining for the thousandth time to the thousandth person who looks at you slack-jawed as you say “Yes, that Lucifer, the Lucifer. Yes, I know.”
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It is SO AWESOME that you finally reached that 200 mark--but you deserve it! Rooting for 300! If you're still doing that prompt thing (and if not, ignore me!)--I'm Samantha. Voracious reader and classic rock listener (music in general really), naturally flirty personality, MAJOR geek, esp. Star Trek and Harry Potter. Has some self-esteem issues but hides it behind false-cockiness and sarcasm. :D (By the way, if you're swamped or tired of doing these, you can totally ignore me. No issues here!)
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You were willing to admit that when you first met the Winchesters, your eyes had been on Dean. But as you began teaming up with them more–(and more and more and…)–your gaze had shifted to Sam, and Sam was where it stayed.
Sam had enough experience with Dean’s false cockiness to know when you were hiding behind a similar mask, and no one was better than him at pulling it away. He showed you the beauty behind it, in his words, his actions–and he always had time for you. 
It got to the point where you were practically a permanent fixture in their lives, and Dean had taken it upon himself to christen your blossoming relationship as “Sam Squared.” Of course, the two of you openly eye-rolled the name, but behind closed doors each of you had to admit: you kinda liked the sound of it.
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Ooh, ooh, I want a ship, if it's not too late! I'm honest and non-judgmental and can be a hugely awkward dork, at least that's how it feels to me. I can be witty and sharp sometimes, and unforgiving when I feel betrayed. I'm constantly trying to become a better, more true version of myself. Things I love: cats, books, trees, and being a woman. (And CONGRATS on the 200, with many more to come, if the quality of your writing has anything to do with it! You deserve it!)
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In a lot of ways, you and Dean are the perfect pair. You appreciate a man who is steadfast, honorable. And he’ll be damned if he doesn’t love a woman with confidence and drive. You’re different sides of the same coin, and the two of you have a way of building each other up, making each other better. 
Even when you don’t agree, you compromise. He’s more than willing to overlook your recent habit of taking in strays on your downtime–cats in this case, though it could be argued that he’d been the stray once–on the condition that he gets to name them. 
First Tangerine, and then Heartbreaker. When you get to Kashmir, the pieces start falling into place. If you know Dean (and, oh, do you ever), he’s way more on board with this new hobby than he’d been letting on.
“Zeppelin again?” You’re only teasing, of course, and you wrap it with your look–he knows the one.
"Oh, sweetheart, you wound me. Zeppelin always.”
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Hello Miss, to keep this short and simple, my name is Amber, my personality is Spencer Reid, season 4 Castiel, and the Tenth Doctor in one, I am short, and usually have to ask others for help to reach the tops of fridges...I love books, like, REALLY love books, I have a love for ALL cultures, especially Japanese and Italian, I love listening to people talk, watching how their eyes might glaze over, or how their face scrunches up as they speak. My curiosity has saved and endangered me. Male ship!
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You’d been drawn to Sam from the start. It was kind of a given, him being the more worldly and well-read of the two Winchesters. Oh, it’s nothing against Dean–you like him well enough, but Sam… 
Sam’s the one who gives you a sly wink when he pulls the dishes from the top shelf before dinner. (”Thought I’d save you the trouble.”) Sam’s the one whose little subtleties of expression you know by heart–the wrinkle of his brow, the purse of his lips, the dimpled smiles. 
And Sam’s the one who patches you up when you get just a little too eager to try out a new technique on a hunt. 
”Let me guess–’for science?’” 
Those dimples again.
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Congrats! I'm Tressa, 27, a grad student kind of bookish (aka: totally bookish), Dean girl, I'm a trained journalist, I'm a total movie geek and I'm. rey dedicated to my family and friends!
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What most people see when they look at Dean Winchester is the swagger, the bravado, the love-’em-and-leave-’em. You’re not most people.Maybe it’s the journalist in you, but you’ve always been good at digging deeper, reading between the lines.
You see the notes he tucks in between the pages of your books when you leave them lying on the table. You see that he spends more time watching you than the screen during movie night at the bunker (a tradition you’d all but insisted upon starting–and Dean hasn’t missed one yet).
Sure, the Dean you see is a bit unexpected, a little more carefully hidden. But if you had to make a bet, you’d say that yours is the truer story.
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congrats on 200!I'm shane, female, 35, slimish, tall, blue eyes, long brown curly hair. I
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It only took Dean one date to decide that you were a dream come true. Of course, “date” is used very loosely here. The two of you had teamed up on a vamp hunt, and after one particularly steamy shower (that he never failed to remind you about, God bless him) you’d gone out for burgers and beer. Even after your plates were empty, you’d spent hours debating the important issues in life: Stallone versus Van Damme, Led Zeppelin versus Pink Floyd–all the usual suspects.
One “date” soon became many, and even though Dean had never been much of a dog person, he had to admit that Ruby was impressive. She gave a whole new meaning to the term “hunting dog.” It was when he finally broke his long-held “no dogs allowed” rule for his precious Baby that you realized he was hooked–on both of you. He knew you and Ruby were a package deal, and there was no way in hell he was gonna let you be the one who got away.
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