lastcallatrockysbar · 2 years
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This is a couple of days late, but the deanwinchesterweek prompt for Music Moment inspired this little drabble in my head, so I’ll share it anyway 😊 Thanks to @firefly-graphics for the divider!
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Dean yawned as he started coffee brewing, standing still for a moment to breathe in the enticing aroma. Eyes closed, he smiled to himself. Usually he was the one bracing himself for the next catastrophe, constantly reminding himself that the few hours or days of peace wouldn’t last. But the last few weeks had finally begun to settle into his bones, his outlook shifting.
When she had come into their lives, things had definitely improved. But now that he had finally admitted his feelings and they had started an actual relationship, he found his mood was downright sunny. He shook his head at himself. “Little Mary freaking Sunshine, that’s what you sound like right now,” he berated himself, but he was still smiling as he took a swallow of coffee and pulled out the makings of breakfast.
As he set the carton of eggs down, he reached for the radio, turning on the classic rock channel, grimacing slightly at the current drone of news. He hitched his sweatpants up a little, turning his head as she walked into the room. She barely had her eyes open, shuffling along in her baggy socks and boxer shorts, along with a stolen henley. (She had insisted to him that it had shrunk in the wash, but he doubted it was true – it looked pretty damn good on her, anyway.)
He stepped up behind her and slid an arm around her waist, bending to kiss the side of her neck as she stood with her face practically buried in her coffee mug. “’Mornin’, babe,” he said softly, and she  leaned back into him. She mumbled her reply, and he moved back to the stove. “You want pancakes, or just bacon and eggs?”
The voice on the radio announced a Bob Seger song, and Dean’s face lit up with a grin as the first notes of Old Time Rock and Roll drifted from the speaker. He reached to turn the volume all the way up, grabbing the whisk in his other hand as the second ‘DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH DUH’ echoed through the kitchen. She whirled to face him, eyes wide as he began to bellow out the words into his whisk-mic. “Just take those old records off the shelf…”
She began to giggle as he danced around, singing at the top of his lungs. He reached for the spatula on the counter and handed it to her, eyebrows raised expectantly, then grabbed her hand and dragged her to the open area of the floor. “Sing with me!”
“I like that old time rock and roll!” Their voices rang through the bunker with complete disregard for the notes, the two of them dancing around each other as they wailed into their makeshift microphones.
By the time they reached the last chorus, Sam was standing in the doorway, head shaking in disbelief as he watched them performing with complete abandon. When she turned to see him there, she struck a pose and threw one arm out, pointing a finger at him as they sang one more round of ‘I like that old time rock and roll!’ Sam couldn’t suppress a snort of laughter as he finally walked into the room, heading for the coffee pot.
The song faded to its end, and Dean hugged her, both of them rosy-cheeked and laughing at their own antics. Dean pulled back with a gasp as the guitar riff to Nazareth’s Hair of the Dog blared forth, and Sam turned to throw them an indulgent smirk as he left the kitchen, moving towards the library where the decibel level was a little more ear-friendly. “Now you’re messin’ with a  - son of a bitch!” followed him down the hall as the two self-appointed rock stars scream-sang into their kitchen utensils.
He sat down at the table, shaking his head with a grin. Dean was happier these days – not quieter, but definitely happier.
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Tags for my lovelies:  @saenalife​    @deanscarlett​    @jensensgotyoudean​    @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis​    @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog​    @geeklibrarian​    @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid​     @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan    @mrswhozeewhatsis​    @littlegreenplasticsoldier​    @sleep-silent-angel​    @darcia22​    @winchesterprincessbride​    @ellen-reincarnated1967​    @eyes-of-a-disney-princess​      @deanslittleangel2y5​    @melanie451​        @spectaculacular-sammy​     @bookchic20​    @jodyri​    @selma-jean-blog​           @savingapplepie-eatingthings​    @kittenofdoomage​    @masked-maiden42​    @lean-mean-deanwinchester​    @ericuhlorain​    @undecided-garden    @ceeceewinchester​    @typicalweirdbookworm​          @callmesweetheartifyoumeanit​    @youtoldalie​    @tanithlowisabamf-blog​    @deandoesthingstome​    @jxackles​    @nerdwholikesword​    @soivebuiltupaworldofmagic​    @kreweofimp​  @gabavaldman​    @chaos-and-the-calm67-blog​    @darkx143​    @disassociativedogma​    @ioanashalala​    @jencharlan​    @deansthirstblog​     @dorky-and-i-know-it​    @mischief-maker1​    @winchestersandwordprocessors​    @percussiongirl2017​    @bringmesomepie56​   @akshi8278​    @torn-and-frayed​    @sandlee44​   @wingedcatninja​  @evansrogerskitten​   @emoryhemsworth​  @peaceinourtime82​  @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior​  @sarcasmqueen74​   @maliburenee      @mrsjenniferwinchester​   @yeehawbitchs​   @emily-winchester​  @hobby27​
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seenashwrite · 6 years
@saenalife reblogged your photo “Valentine’s Day Fanfic Plot Point Guide” and added:
This is awesome (par for the course with Nash tbh). I’m not really in writing mode atm, but if I were, I’d totally be working that diagonal from top left to bottom right (esp because I just learned to make orange truffles that are to die for).
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I thank you for those kind words, and I have to confess much of those tropes come directly from the neverending bucket of shmoop that is the Hallmark Movie Channel. Like, you can seriously hit close to any number of their scripts just by randomly rolling the dice, as it were, on one of my charts. And folks who’ve seen the others will notice many repeats, because all they do is regurg into said bucket and just tweak based on the season of the year! It’s amazing. I’m jealous, I want to work for them, I could pound out a script a week. 😂 PS: orange truffles holy moly love love love, jealous there, too
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 6 years
I just wanted to thank you for the reblog/comment on Marysue! I also saw you over on AO3, giving it some love. :) It was actually in the works when you did your challenge and I so wanted to be able to join, but I knew I'd never make the deadline. I am thrilled that you enjoyed it now, though! Thanks again!
I was so happy with all of the submissions to that challenge! I fizzled out on it, myself, so I have extra admiration for everyone who managed it! Yours is most excellent!
Read The Real Marysue HERE!
Check out the masterpost of stories submitted for the Not An April Fool’s Joke Challenge HERE!
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@saenalife replied to your post: Maybe sometimes it's best not to give trolls what...
@anon - Maybe it’s best not to tell someone else how to stand up for themselves? This is more polite, but basically no different from people telling Mimi who she should and shouldn’t ship.
^^^^^^^ That.
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katwinchester67 · 7 years
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I was tagged by @theboreddragon So this is my handwriting, I tried to make it readable as much as I could. I'm tagging: @abigailwinchester8379 @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @misscrosslord @saenalife @supernaturalfreewill And any of my followers who wants to do it :)
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wilwheaton · 7 years
Are you a William Gibson fan? He's one of my favorites. It can be years since I read one of his books, but all it takes is that first page and I'm completely immersed in the universe he's created. He just makes it so real, so "of course, that's how it would be". I loved The Peripheral, btw.
Yeah, I’m a huge fan. I’ve been reading his books since ... I think Neuromancer? I think I discovered it in 1987 or so, and I’ve read all of his stuff since then.
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kittenofdoomage · 2 years
Ok, so here they come. Birthday Celebration / Share the Love Fest Part 2 (since my love for you was technically part 1 ;))
I'm going to start with my original Tumblr family, though who knows how many are actually still around or will see this. I'm experiencing big nostalgia here and will probably also forgot so so many of those who made my time here special all those years ago, but here goes:
@littlegreenplasticsoldier - always and forever one of my absolute favorite story tellers. The way she puts a story together with something that looks like ease (no matter how furiously the feet are paddling below the surface - I know!) Ali always took such care with our SPN family, weaving compassion, consideration, and respect into all the relationships. And my God, the stories! All were so great and she knows my favorite **cough / Force of Habit / cough** but I recently stumbled across the Winchester Triplets saga again, and man, what fun. I have to give her props for always being willing to take our prompts and build such a great life!
@mrswhozeewhatsis - another amazing supporter of all things SPN fanfiction, Michelle is such a generous and fun writer AND reader. I know she's taken on Pond duties, but I also have a hilarious memory of some stationary!kink. I do think there was more, but here's what I found!
@manawhaat - Mana is another amazing Pond runner. So many great ideas. So much support of the SPN fanfic writer community. Also a great lover of John, along with the boys, and I remember a surfer!au that made me want to dive into the ocean of Winchester.
@sebbytrash - Kale is a writer no matter how much she'll tell you she isn't. She was a founding member of the Pond and such an amazing and giving reader. She used to compile regular fic recs of any and every SPN fic anyone tagged her in and gave such good Dean edit reblogs. She's across the Atlantic from me, so every morning I would wake up to just the stuff of dreams in my feed, mostly thanks to her. She switched to Marvel, and especially Seb, when she really picked up writing steam but it was always fun to see. And I can't forget this little Steve number she made for me.
@withoutaplease - Laur was perhaps the first Sam!girl I connected with on Tumblr. She came on the scene like a freight train and did not slow down. Her boyfriend!Sam series was a dream. These days she keeps me flush with Steve/Stancy/Eddie/Billy fic/art/dreams. It's glorious and I'm glad she found a writing bug again, even if it isn't SPN!
@saenalife - somewhere along the way I got it stuck in my head that Saena was from Scandinavia, so it was always a mystery to me how well she captured the Oregon coast in her fantastic Dean x OFC fic, Gimme Shelter. I always love to see her cross my dash, even if it's not new fic.
I unfortunately never interacted much with @thepriexperience when I was actually active in the fandom, but I follow her and love her random spams of whatever feelings are happening in the moment. You'll have to go to AO3 to find it now, but her Under the Hood Into the Heart series was amazing!
Thank you, Rhi, for letting me relive some fun memories here!
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zmediaoutlet · 5 years
tagged errr a while ago by the delightful @lizblogging to do a lil game and heck it is a cold morning and I don’t want to put pants on, so:
Rules: Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better.
Top 3 ships: well there’s Sam/Dean, but that’s cheating, so I’m going to do three beyond the obvious: Steve/Tony, Thor/Loki, Holden/Amos [seriously, I need the captain fucked by his bodyguard/mechanic YESTERDAY]
Lipstick or chapstick: chapstick forever; if I put on lipstick my first reaction is ‘yikes’ and then I clean it off immediately. Currently into Eos mango.
Last movie: um, last movie in theaters was... Jojo Rabbit, I think. (superb, of course.) Last movie I watched at home was Dolemite Is My Name; also superb, in a very different way.
Last song: right now I’m listening to Confederate Jasmine by Bill Callahan. it’s extremely... adult.
Reading: just finished all of the Temeraire books by astolat/Naomi Novak (am shipping Laurence/Tarkay SUPER hard, ahem), trying to decide what to pick up next. Probably it’ll be the Secret Commonwealth, by Philip Pullman.
Tagging: I’m going with a bunch of people who I really don’t know, so apologies if you’re not into tag games --
@zoycitem; @jensensgotyoudean; @supernaturalfragilistic; @vania-montoya; @lastactiontricia; @unhawkeye; @jarpadandjensens; @angeredcrow; @saenalife
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rizlowwritessortof · 3 months
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Michaela’s mundane life takes a strange turn when she has a random encounter with a very attractive stranger in her local bar. It must be déjà vu – or maybe it isn’t.
Part 1 coming this weekend!
Tags for my lovelies: 
 @saenalife    @deanscarlett    @jensensgotyoudean    @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis    @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog 
   @geeklibrarian    @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid      @mrswhozeewhatsis    @littlegreenplasticsoldier    @sleep-silent-angel  
  @darcia22    @winchesterprincessbride    @ellen-reincarnated1967    @eyes-of-a-disney-princess      @deanslittleangel2y5  
  @melanie451        @spectaculacular-sammy     @bookchic20    @jodyri    @selma-jean-blog   
        @savingapplepie-eatingthings    @kittenofdoomage    @masked-maiden42    @lean-mean-deanwinchester    @ericuhlorain  
  @undecided-garden    @ceeceewinchester    @typicalweirdbookworm          @callmesweetheartifyoumeanit    @youtoldalie 
   @tanithlowisabamf-blog    @deandoesthingstome    @jxackles    @nerdwholikesword    @soivebuiltupaworldofmagic  
  @kreweofimp  @gabavaldman    @chaos-and-the-calm67-blog    @darkx143    @disassociativedogma   
 @ioanashalala    @jencharlan    @deansthirstblog     @dorky-and-i-know-it    @mischief-maker1   
 @winchestersandwordprocessors    @percussiongirl2017    @bringmesomepie56   @akshi8278    @torn-and-frayed  
  @sandlee44   @wingedcatninja  @evansrogerskitten   @emoryhemsworth  @peaceinourtime82 
 @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior  @sarcasmqueen74   @maliburenee     @mrsjenniferwinchester   @yeehawbitchs  
 @emily-winchester  @hobby27    spnbaby-67   @zepskies  @ladysparkles78  
@alwaystiredandconfused   @just-another-busyfangirl
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katwinchester67 · 8 years
So, good morning/afternoon/evening/whatever time it is where you are!
I’m in my last year at college which means that I have to hand in my thesis until the middle of April. I was lucky enough to be able to choose a subject which is very, very close to my heart and that is *drumrolls* FANFICTION! Some of you may have read my earlier post about my struggle with this choice but all those struggles ended when I was thankfully allowed to choose that certain teacher as my advisor whom I originally wanted and whose class I have attended this spring.
Anyway, she was very enthusiastic about my subject and helped me decide what exactly it is that I want to focus on about fanfiction. First, I wanted to write about the Mary Sue character type and that’s still part of it, but after talking to her and presenting my arguments about why I want this subject so much, she helped me realize that actually I have a mission with all this and that mission could be present in my thesis without taking away from its scientific value.
Wondering what that mission is? It’s the same thing I talked about in my earlier post. I’d like to tell people that fanfcition is more than what most people think about it. It’s more than satisfying ourselves through badly written, cliched pornography with poor grammar. Fanfiction IS valuable, there are fanfictions that have actual, real literary value and I’d like to make people realize that. In order to do that we have to start talking about it outside of fandom, WE have to talk about it, WE, who write it, WE, who read it, WE, who love and create all the amazing fanart.
So, that’s the foundation of my thesis. I need to do research on the subject, so I created a survey about the following questions:  What do people think about the stories themselves? What do they think about the people who write it? What do they think about the people who read it? If you write, do you tell people (your friends, family, etc) or is it not something that you can proudly “advertise”? And if you read? Do you tell people that?
So, I would be very grateful if you followed the link below and answered my questions. It would be tremendously helpful, if you shared it with non-readers/writers because I’m interested in their answers too, since I have specific questions for them. You can even share it with non-fandom member friends or anyone you can think of, because I’m really curious about their opinion on fanfictions too.
If you have any questions or comments or anything, please feel free to message me, or you can send me an email at [email protected]
I’ll tag some of my favorite people and dear friends on here and I would be eternally grateful if you could signal boost this. THANK YOU!! 😚💕💕 (Please forgive me if I tagged you and you don’t want to be tagged, I only try to get this to as many people as I can. I need around 100 people to fill the questionnaire.)  
@leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid, @saenalife, @rainygalaxynerd, @winchestersinthedrift, @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog, @supernaturalfreewill, @kaz2y5-imagines, @ilostmyshoe-79, @misscrosslord, @abigailwinchester8379, @deandoesthingstome, @thenightyouknow @the-thing-about-life-is @theboreddragon @rosegoldsherlock @the-7-percent-solution
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Okay, checking in! This one's given me some trouble, but I've managed a (hopefully decent) start on it and have a week off work to focus a bit more, so I'm cautiously optimistic. :)
We have faith in you babe. You got this.  And I hope you enjoy the challenge in the meantime! Thank you!! - Ali
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Rules: Write 10 words or phrases that have to do with your current wip, then tag 10 people to do the same.
Tagged in this v generously by @zmediaoutlet and tbh I’ve not got anything actively on the go but this is something I think from time to time about picking up again and it was a surprisingly good exercise to think up the 10 things 
Sometimes when things get knocked down they stay that way for awhile before anything else go up in their place. 
Chalk dust on the heel of a hand can punch you in the gut
Do you count the beads as they slip off the string or purposefully look away so you won’t know when the last one clatters?
The way cigarette smoke stays in wool
The way the damp stays in everything. 
Sometimes a whole story plays out with other people’s knickknacks on the shelves.
Real doesn’t mean what you think. 
Sometimes pleasure gets you through.
A friend you can talk to isn’t always a friend you talk a lot to. 
Fucking quietly out of necessity is pretty hot. 
Ermm it has been so so long I don’t even know who on here is writing anymore. Maybe @saenalife @anotherwinchesterfangirl @acklest ? 
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rizlowwritessortof · 7 years
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@saenalife mentioned rizlowwritessortof in a post “Fic Tag Game”
I was tagged by @rizlowwritessortof (Thanks, sweetie! Also, now I have to go back and re-read the bull-riding fic. For science.)
Why did I just picture you like this? :D All right, Mr. Winchester, we’re going to need to take some measurements... for science, of course...
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But then, while I was looking for ^^that, I saw this, and now I can’t stop laughing:
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deandoesthingstome · 6 years
Hi, Can you please add me to Dean and Jenden tagd?
Dear New Friend -
Hi! Hello. Hey there. So here’s the thing. 
I don’t really have tag lists, per se. When I wrote, which feels like eons and ages ago these days, I had a group of friends and followers who trusted me with a good story and I trusted them with my words. They did not let me down. 
But these days, it feels a little like I let them down. Or maybe my words let us all down. 
Whatever the case, I don’t write anymore. And I don’t post a ton either. I lurk. You’ll find a random “fuck the man” post here and there; maybe a hint into another show I’m watching (or re-watching) from time to time; possibly an adorable puppy or small animal designed to steal your heart right out of your chest; Steve or Thor (see previous item). I also never wrote RPF. I read it from time to time, but just can’t get into the swing of that. No judgement, just a fact.
So what I did, dear new friend (who is welcome to turn away when you find out what you came here for is gone), is reblogged my mobile masterlist, just in case you can’t access the one in my header. You should find it on the post just below this one on my blog. I noticed on my phone that some of the links were missing, so I tried to fix them, but I don’t know if it worked and if it didn’t, I don’t know what else to try. But I think if you get to at least one part of a series, you should be able to find links to the other parts. I hope. 
I see some folks from time to time who post a new thing with a note that the spark has returned. I sincerely hope the same will happen for me one day. Until then, please feel free to peruse some of the best masterlists around. They also, may or may not be writing still, but the content is undeniable.
@sp-oops : Full masterlist (there is more than Dean here and nothing not worth it)
@littlegreenplasticsoldier : Full masterlist (you’ll find a mix of reader insert with some of the most original storytelling I’ve ever encountered on this site)
@saenalife : Full masterlist (this is all Dean and so involved)
@wheresthekillswitch : Dean only, Full masterlist (mix of genre here)
@deansdirtylittlesecretsblog : Dean 1, Dean 2, Dean 3, Full masterlist (yes, she is so prolific, she has 3 full Dean lists. enjoy!)
@ilostmyshoe-79 : Dean only, Full masterlist (you don’t put Baby in a corner)
@kittenofdoomage : Dean only, Full masterlist (she writes for everyone and it’s mostly smut and all amazing)
@torn-and-frayed : Full masterlist (she’s a full Dean/Jensen girl and her masterlist is intense; she is smut free and sensational)
@seenashwrite : Full masterlist (pretty sure you find no RPF here, ever; don’t recall smut being any part of this list either)
There are a million others and I can’t name them all. I’m sorry. But don’t forget to check out Ye Old @spnfanficpond where you find One Fish, Two Fish, Old Fish, New Fish. They are the best.
Have fun. Make friends. Enjoy your time here. Also don’t forget about water, fresh air, and sunlight.
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 7 years
Oh boy, this is about that fic again. I remember that the curse on Dean was to make him a demon magnet, they could track him despite the angel warding on his ribs. And the grandma was mentioned, Bobby had only met her once and by the time he was meeting the reader grandma had passed away. The first chapter has Sam meeting her in a book store, he was looking for lore about a monster that was kidnapping kids and eating them. I think the monster was called the basket woman?? Ty so much for helping.
I saw @saenalife‘s reblog before I got to this ask, but it sounds the same!! Head over and read Gimme Shelter and see if we’re right!
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List 10 songs you’re vibing on currently and tag 10 mutuals
Yes! Do it! Thanks for the tag @pinknerdpanda
1. American Dream- LCD Soundsystem cover by Emily Haines
2. Bonfire- Childish Gambino
3. American Slang- The Gaslight Anthem
4. Transgender Dysphoria Blues- Against Me!
5. Wildflowers- Miley Cyrus (Spotify version)
6. Mercury Switch- The New Deal
7. Headphones- Walk The Moon
8. Benzi Box- Danger Doom
9. Immigrant Song- Led Zeppelin
10. The Donnybrook Affair- Carbon Leaf
My musical taste is so bizarre. Please also note that I could've filled this whole list with Against Me! songs. Just go listen to them oh my god.
@amanda-teaches @hannahindie @babypieandwhiskey @notnaturalanahi @crispychrissy @atwistoffate @roxyspearing @saenalife @stunudo @moonlitskinwalker
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