#what I AM mad about it that they didn't even leave comments/kudos on the fic they copied from >:(
casiavium · 10 months
at the risk of the person I am talking about seeing it. I am going to vaguepost on tumblr.com lol
there's someone on ao3 straight copy-pasting my fanfic After the Sunset and changing the POV, and you know what. I can't even be mad about it.
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There's honestly.... A lot more than this, even if most of it is original, this is just what stood out to me the most because like. Hey. That was my idea. The other stuff was generic ghiralink/skyward sword (even if it was my exact wording) but like.... I can't be mad, I straight up copy pasted from the game in this fic. I don't even like my own writing, but this made me feel better about it tbh. I kind of think the author is either younger or their first language isn't English, especially because for some reason Gaepora's name is Robert? In this fic?
But also if you happen across this fic don't attack them, I'd rather not say anything directly to them, I'm a little annoyed and definitely would if it was writing I liked more, but also.... I 100% admitted I copied from the game, and don't really care about Sunset enough to be upset so. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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redbelles · 5 months
twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by: the wonderful @carry-the-sky 💖
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
i don't ever really abandon old fandoms, but so far 2024 has been all berserk (nothing posted yet, unforch) and masters of the air
4. top five fics by kudos
like a heartbeat drives you mad
the dreadful need in the devotee
and my body found the wind
stuck in colder weather
all the love you need
5. do you respond to comments?
yes! it may take me a hundred million years, but i appreciate each and every comment i get, and i often go back to them for a little jolt of "hey, people actually like your writing!" motivation when i'm stuck
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
lmao uh. known angst goblin meg redbelles here, but i honestly didn't have to do much work to the canon endings of robert baratheon (the clouds will form a crown) or judas iscariot (in the violence of our dreams) to make them even more horrifically angsty, so. one of those, probably!
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i don't tend to go for out and out happy endings—i prefer bittersweet—but i feel like the answer is either the mercy wheel, which fixes dany’s gabarge season eight character arc, or tongue’s talkin’ riddles (sticky sweet), which gives chrissy and eddie a mostly happy future together instead of horrible deaths in deeply cursed hawkins
and! for what it's worth! the chimneys hardly ever fall down is going to end on a happy note! they're just going to have to Suffer a lot to get there! it's fine!
8. do you get hate on fics?
9. do you write smut?
me, currently 3k into a m/m/f threesome scene:
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10. craziest crossover:
i enjoy spitballing about crossovers, but i doubt very seriously that i'll ever write one
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i'm aware of, no
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
i've had offers before, but i've declined every time; they all wanted to host the translations outside of AO3, which is not something i'm comfortable with
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
yep! keep calling me home is a really fun little round robin fic i wrote with three other authors a couple years ago
14. all time favorite ship?
i can't read suddenly.gif
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. what are your writing strengths?
imagery, emotion, themes, dialogue
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
plot? never heard of her. also, i feel like i still suck at writing humor
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
to crib from a previous answer: unless you speak the language, it gets real dicey real fast. i personally avoid it unless a) it’s a canonical term/phrase, like all the faux-russian bullshit in the grisha trilogy, or b) i can check the grammar/usage with a native speaker or someone who is solidly fluent
19. first fandom you wrote in?
[redacted] way back ages ago on [redacted]
20. favorite fic you've written?
recency bias talking here, but i am so, so, so fond of the chimneys hardly ever fall down; i challenged myself to write the first chapter as one continuous scene (i feel like i sometimes abuse scene breaks to heighten tension), and honestly i think i nailed it. also, this sequence:
Maybe he is drunk. That would make sense. He’s going to wake up and find himself alone at the bottom of a bottle. Back in the cold blue, Fort shot to shit and tumbling from the sky like a wounded bird, trailing fire and screaming as she falls. Maybe he won’t wake up at all— maybe he’s dead in a potato field, a ghost who never made it back in the first place. His heart can’t fucking take it.
like, i'm sorry, but that's brutal! and i am so proud of it!
tagging: @sluttyhenley @littlelindentree @oatflatwhite @meyerlansky @ladywaffles
@charmtion @anthropologicalhands @jacyevans @thatworldinverted @thatgirlnevershutsup
and anyone elso who wants a go ✨
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bereft-of-frogs · 3 months
@aurorawest tagged me in 20 questions and I am doing them expediently to make up for all the other tag memes I've forgotten about (sorry)
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 91
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 807,565
3. What fandoms do you write for? Right now pretty exclusively Star Wars, but I had a solid MCU phase there, and have dabbled in Six of Crows, this show Into the Night (tiniest fandom I've ever written for, I think I make up about half of the fics in the tag even now), and I wrote exactly 3 Locked Tomb fics one time.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? 1. pain and other human sensations 2. bone and broth 3. like a tear on a cheek 4. never never quite touch anything 5. the undoing
(I'm starting to feel weird about those five because I...don't really think they represent my best work anymore but I also know due to a combination of luck and good timing (and unhinged persistence in one case), nothing else I write will ever touch them so...there they remain at the top perpetually...)
5. Do you respond to comments? I do! I try at least, during lulls in posting I'm usually not checking as much, and my current policy for the MCU fics is not to respond unless I feel like there's something productive to say.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I think it's a tie but one of them probably doesn't count. 1) apocalyptic appellations, also discussed below, basically ends with the darkest ending for one set of characters and 2) this one probably doesn't count because this isn't the last chronological scene, the narrative ends happily BUT because I chose to literal roll the dice and write the scenes out of order 'I feel like I'm borrowing all my time' ends on the angiest scene, which ironically got me stuck in a time loop because I'd get to the end in editing and be like 'hm. I'm sad now. Back to 1 to make myself feel better!'
Oh, also my first high republic fic - banishing the chill - ended PRETTY angsty if I do say so myself.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? This was really hard to pick because I feel like my MO is either to gently nudge characters back onto their canon plot, where terrible things happen, or leave them with even more trauma. Idk, I guess the dark ocean duology ended fairly well? There was a hug?? It only took like 40k to get there????? That counts maybe?????
8. Do you get hate on fics? Occasionally haha, I think I got a couple of the '#problematic' comments on old smut but it was more likely to be character hate mingled with hate comments? Which can be annoying like even with controversial characters I'm usually writing because I find something compelling about them, so it can be frustrating when people either flatten them down to 'they're the worst' or get mad at me for giving them motives other than 'cackling evil'.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Used to, sort of lost the ability to...
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Once. apocalyptic appellations. And it is pretty crazy. God, I love this crossover. I didn't write a lot in 2022, but I really like what I did write. Almost certainly my final MCU fic, it really felt like I went out on a bang. Loki series crossed over with the tiniest fandom I've ever participated in, for the television show Into the Night. Into the Night is about an apocalypse where the sun is killing people (#sun's fucked up cinematic universe) and a small group of survivors circling the globe on an airliner. One of the main characters is a helicopter pilot named Sylvie, whom I LOVE, and for months after the Loki series premiered I'd do a bit of a double take on any sufficiently vague posts about that-other-Sylvie. But then I thought it would be kind of interesting if her name was perhaps just another thing she acquired from one of the many apocalypses she lived in...
For real, I really do love this crossover, and I'm glad it was my last MCU fic.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of, lmk tho I guess!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Also not that I'm aware of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? In a past life...yes. But that was a long time ago.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? I feel like...I don't really 'ship'. Idk, I have the occasional ship I'm into for a brief moment, but I'm really a Gen person so ships don't really stick with me, I can't really name an 'all-time favorite' because it feels so dependent on mood/story...
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I did leave one series dangling in the MCU that I will never go back to finish and I do feel bad about that. Sryy...
16. What are your writing strengths? I feel like I get a lot of positive comments about tension building?
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I think I get too caught up in dialogue that I forget to describe what people are doing. Also repetition.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Eh, I probably wouldn't honestly, just keep it as like, narration. I'm not Tolstoy. My French is probably not good enough to write dialogue, I definitely don't speak any other languages well enough, and I don't personally thinks it adds to what I specifically write.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Ever, it was for something I don't want to admit to in the 90s, incoherent scribbles in a diary. Previous posting life was [redacted for teenage embarrassment]. Oldest fic on current account....is a crossover. I swear, I really don't usually write crossovers, but it was a kind of weird American Gods/Supernatural crossover. (I also NEVER wrote Supernatural fanfic, that was not the redacted one above, but I have always wanted to write this ONE Supernatural fic that's basically just about Dean learning to accept the inevitability of death through an exploration of death gods/afterlives. There are going to be footnotes. It will be so obnoxious but I WILL finish it some day.)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? I couldn't pick just one but I have a lot of love/often reread: spare me over (also proof/comfort that I've often had an inverse relationship between *my* personal faves and what gets the most kudos/comments, this is one of my lower kudos'd MCU fics, but it's one of my favorites), dark underground // violent sky (I'm real proud of that twist), apocalyptic appellations (and I'll KEEP talking about it--), I feel like I'm borrowing all my time (my one and only time travel fic), always proud of longer things that are plot-heavy (dark ocean duology, alone amidst the ruins, the current fic I'm posting: the station)
I'm too awkward to tag others because even though I LOVE being tagged I'm convinced I'm bothering people, but as usual: open tag! you want to answer 20 questions, please answer 20 questions!
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sweepseven · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Another post in a seemingly unending series of posts in which I talk about writing to make me feel like I've accomplished any actual writing. Results so far are middling.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
53! How and when?? (The answer is "Kà and a pandemic.")
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Cirque du Soleil at the moment, but a long running rp is soaking up the majority of my creative thoughts just now. That's its own whole thing with a blog and fics and AUs upon AUs.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Wing Dust (Miraculous Ladybug, T, perpetually bemused that I wrote this in the first place and yet here it is at number one)
Downpour (Mad Max Fury Road, G, my first for a fandom that did so much for me as an author)
War Song (Mad Max Fury Road, T, strong contender for favorite fic I've ever written)
Idle in Neutral (Mad Max Fury Road, G, I forget I wrote this one all the time and whenever I get kudos for it I'm like whom??? I love that it has a life all its own.)
Mantle (Mad Max Fury Road, G, another one I continually forget about lol)
That's the curse of writing for tiny fandoms! The ones I have loved most, that have mangled my brain for months on end are destined to have like a dozen readers total. On the other hand it's very gratifying to know I'm writing for a small handful of people extra extra psyched to find content. And in the meantime I have these, many of which I've let myself forget, that have found their audience anyway. It's a very rewarding feeling, like I could make the effort, move on, and still leave people happy years later.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Most times yes!! And I'm so so lucky to get the most thoughtful comments of all on my most niche fics. Makes it all more than worth it.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Walkabout and I love it. Cirque du Soleil Kà, T.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Tea Series by a mile. Didn't know I had it in me until pushed by @studiokawaii , and I'm so glad they did. Cirque du Soleil Kà, T.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Honestly so few people are aware of them that it's not really a risk. What is hugely embarrassing is the confirmed knowledge that Cirque artists know about and have read some of them. But there's nothing I can do about that, lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes! Somehow I feel like I'm always writing it, and then I look at my total body of work and am like "...where is all of it." Historically it was mostly M/M, but Kà got me actually writing F/M for the first time. Most common themes are experience vs. inexperience and tense power dynamics. I'd love to write more dub con.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Only ever one. Decree, another for Mad Max Fury Road, in which the Vuvalini are each granted one single potentially worldshaping wish à la Puella Magi Madoka Magica. I know why people don't click on it, but I'm fond of it!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No and tbh I can't imagine anyone would bother.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but I'd be open to it if anyone cared to take on the project! I love translated fics. What a nice thing to do, granting someone else's work the opportunity for new eyes.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but again @studiokawaii and I have had some great fic/art collaboration in the past couple years with inspiration coming from both directions.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Snape/Harry. I never talk about it, I've never written it myself (I think?? maybe in high school I did), but honestly it's been so long that I think there's no unseating it now. The amount of care, dedication, creativity, and talent coming from that group, even after so long, is truly unique and remarkable. All time favorite ship to write has been Counselor's Son/Twin Sister by a landslide.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
It pains me, but I think I'm kidding myself if I try to claim The Shape of Things To Come doesn't qualify. I love the idea, I know exactly where I want it to go, but something about the enormity of the ground that needs to be covered in order to get there has spooked me.
I also have two highly embarrassing WIPs - one for Shadow & Bone and another for fucking Teen Titans - that I doubt will ever be finished. I just adore both ideas and it's fun thinking they've at least taken some kind of shape somewhere, even if they never make it out into the world.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Creating believable characterization and distinctive voices from very sparse source material. At least that's what I've been told, which I take as an immense compliment. I also think I write tension rather well, whether it be sexual, conflicting emotions, or threatening hostility.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Well right now my ability to finish anything feels pretty fuckin weak. I struggle with action scenes, like physical fights or scenes in which a lot is going on in multiple places at once. Hitting a natural rhythm with them is very difficult for me. Pacing for longer fics doesn't come easily to me either, and I always worry if my longer work reads like a bulleted list of stuff I knew needed to happen rather than an actual story with a true and natural flow. That's part of what's bogging me down with Shape of Things.
I also love commas too much.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Depends. You can't just throw it in there imo - it's a great opportunity for mindful characterization and shouldn't be treated like checking a box, or worse, a reminder to your audience that the source material doesn't match the language you're writing in. I'm not multilingual so the most you're likely to see from me are vague hints at certain dialects and accents in Kà, for instance, since they're not speaking any real language anyway.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Teen Titans. It's still out there somewhere, likely a somewhat embarrassing blip on the radar of some long forgotten LJ community. I got some early encouragement there that put me where I am today. Nurture and welcome new writers, people!!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Borderline Suspect. I put so much into it. It was a real milestone fic for me, unlike anything I'd ever written before, and it stands so apart in my memory that I just can't choose any other. At the time I thought it was everything I could possibly want to say about Ka and CS/TS, but when it was through I found myself more motivated and inspired than ever.
Some of the most valuable and rewarding feedback I've ever gotten came from this fic, and the intensity of the response, however contained by the size of the fandom, has made me feel incredibly lucky. People came out of nowhere to talk to me about it, send art for it, push me through writing lulls with comments that turned entire days around. I made new friends because of it. I don't see myself writing anything quite like it ever again. Even if I did, I couldn't dream of a more gratifying response. Cirque du Soleil Kà, E.
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andfollowthesun · 3 years
✨ Annual Writing Self-Evaluation 2021 ✨
thank u @quelsentiment for the tag! this is atrociously late but nevertheless:
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 16 2. Word count posted for the year: 132,643 3. Fandoms I wrote for:
star wars
check please
1d lmao
4. Pairings: .... lots lmaooooo i have a short attention span.
star wars: finnpoe, dinluke, obikin, obianidala.
omgcp: nurseydex, pbj
witcher: yenralt, geraskefer
1d: ot5, zouis, narry
5. Story with the most:
Kudos: sit down, breathe, and just listen
(ok the fic above is my most popular by kudos, bookmarks, & comments!! so not gonna relink it 3 times lol)
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why):
it tells us to seek shelter, my obianidala everybody lives au bc i went into a huge deep dive of motherhood, and padme's legacy....... it's probably the fic that made me think most deeply about a character!
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why):
hmm probably if it matters, and if you notice. i adored working w the artist on this for the check please big bang, but as much as i love ocean's 11 and heists, i am just really terrible at writing action scenes. i tried to skip past the action scenes in this fic and just do what i was good at but it doesn't capture the same pizzazz as the movies. oh well!
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
a comment on it tells us to seek shelter that said i had a great grasp on tension and narrative....... bruh.
9. A time when writing was really, really hard:
after i finished the first draft of i had no map when i started and now here i am (somewhere real called loving you) i had a full on crisis bc i panicked i a) wasn't portraying the boys accurately, and b) didn't give their relationships with one another and all the complications that would come with a reunion the justice that it deserved. almost completely chickened out and threw out the whole thing lol
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
again, in it tells us to seek shelter i wasn't intending to write about padme & leia at all, but as soon as i started thinking about padme and who she would be if she survived mustafar, there wasn't anyway i couldn't not write about the anxieties she'd have for her children, and how that could strain her relationship with them.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
From even in jest, or as an afterthought:
She stands up and shoulders him out of the way, clanging a pan onto the stove and flinging open the fridge so hard it slams against its own hinges. She’s mad at herself for bringing it up, for ruining a nice morning by saying it out loud, and she’s mad that she’s mad, and guilty, and all mixed up.
“Hey.” He touches her shoulder lightly, and it makes her furious.
“What,” she snaps, swinging around. She’s holding a carton of eggs in one hand, and her movement slams it directly into his chest. There’s an audible crack, which ruins their plans of omelettes for breakfast.
He looks at her searchingly. Takes the broken eggs from her hands, tosses them in the bin. Sticks two slices of bread into the toaster.
“I don’t hate you anymore,” he says, eyes still glued firmly on the toaster. She feels the fight leave her. They stand in silence until the toast pops up.
“And anyway,” Jaskier says, plating the toast, and pulling out the spreads from the pantry. “He’s not here.”
There isn’t anything Yennefer can say to that. 12. How did you grow as a writer this year:
forced myself to write humour, and do a proper examination of the interactions between friends. it's surprisingly difficult to distill the weird-ass conversations you have with close friends into something that's enjoyable for someone else to read lmao.
13. How do you hope to grow next year:
hmmm! hopefully i'll be able to write something longer!
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
@spookside @defiantgalaxy genuinely do NOT know where i would be without you two holy shit thank you for cheerleading and editing !!!!
@usetheforce everytime i wrote a particularly angstly obi-wan scene i'd think first, "i am the only person who'd want to read this", and then "actually, nope, denims will want to read this". thank u for ur comments <3 <3 <3
fandom giants spqr, and jibrailis (on ao3), who all taught me about writing humour, character introspections, and the joys of writing a specific industry/profession in a way that's knowledgeable and exciting but not alienating.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO don't need the city (don't need proof). yeah. on a lighter note, the hospital scene in twist a little closer now really did happen to me lol. and of course, all i can remember is, which is inspired by a real tradition in a friend's hometown.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
uh. don't write linearly? whenever i felt like i was getting blocked on one scene i would just hit enter a bunch of times and start another scene. you can always rearrange/edit/cut scenes later, but your confidence always just shoots up when there are actual words on the page.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
got a narry fic currently going thru editing phase, and some jotted down notes for another one that i might finish at some point. plus the beginnings of a lilo fic where they run a local government campaign ..... unsure where it's gonna go though. i guess we'll see!
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read
anybody who wants to do it!! i love reading these :)) happy new year, and a blessed 2022 for everyone !
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viva-la-sterek · 7 years
Hi there, I just found your blog! I'm super excited to have a blog that recs recent fics, I have been finding it so hard to find any lately. So thank you! I saw your merman rec list and am super excited to read all these merman fic I didn't even know existed! Because there so many new fics you recommended that I didn't even know about, I was wondering if you would be up for doing a Werewolf Convention reclist? Of course only if you want to. Thanks so much for putting your time into this blog!:)
Sorry it took me so long to put this together! Only just checked the inbox for this blog yesterday and am so happy to have a first prompt!!! Yay! So thank you so much!! 
★=Fics that could use more kudos, comments, and appreciation.
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We Have Potential by @dragon-temeraire (2/2 | 10,196 | Teen)
Derek has finally been invited to the annual North American Werewolf Convention. The only problem? They’re expecting him to bring a significant other. He doesn’t actually have one, but everyone volunteers Stiles for the job.
Enjoyed this so much!: 
Espy Me, While I Watch You by ​frostedgoddess / @derrickhale (11/11 | 30,823 | Gen.)
Derek Hale is a lot of things; Alpha, leader, survivor, and hopeless closet fanboy to the devastatingly cute YouTube sensation, Spark Stiles Stilinski.
Then, Derek’s betas come up with an amazing plan to get Derek an emissary. Any Alpha’s dream come true.
And it will be, if Derek can juggle his responsibilities as an Alpha, judgement, guilt, and roughly a metric fuckton of self-loathing and doubt about whether he’s good enough for a beautiful thing like Stiles.
Wonderful! Will leave you with awwws: 
Mates and Mushrooms by mikkimouse / @mad-madam-m  (1/1 | 11,536 | Explicit)
Derek’s not that excited about spending three days at a conference getting propositioned by every Alpha with a single pack member. Stiles has a plan to make it stop.
It might be a great plan…if only Derek weren’t head over heels in love with him.
It might be an even better plan if someone at the conference didn’t have a vested interest in Derek staying single.
Sweet, sweet, sweet:
Logistics of Traveling with Werewolves by SylvieW / @sylvie-w (1/1 | 11357 | Mature)
The pack attends the National Werewolf Association Conference for the first time since they got their shit together. Derek doesn’t like being away from home, or facing people from his past. Stiles does his best to help out… without letting his feelings get in the way. It’s harder than he thought since they’re sharing not only a hotel room, but a bed.
Like What You See? by cloudyskiesandcurlyfries / @dylanlovesthemets (1/1 | 1,691 | NR)
Stiles and Derek have to pretend to be together while attending a werewolf conference. Also Derek’s red thumbhole sweater makes an appearance
Hottt!! 0_0: 
★Quick by LupusScintilla / @inkandblade (1/1 | 433 | Mature)
The sunlight held back by the blinds on the window was almost, but not quite, as bright as the evil glint in Stiles’ eye a few moments ago.
Pack Dynamics Among Born Werewolves by @alocalband​ (1/1 | 3,009 | Mature)
A Werewolf Convention AU in which both Derek and Stiles are complete nerds about supernatural politics.
Short but so sweet and important!:
★taking the pain away by triggeringthehealing / @froggydarren (1/1 | 471 | Teen)
The obvious thought is the werewolf pain leeching power. That is what he’d expect to think of when someone asks about a touch that’s healing. But when the topic is brought up at the meeting of the packs – no, Stiles, you can’t call it a convention, this isn’t cosplay and fanboying – that’s not where Derek’s mind drifts.
★Indulgence by @inell (1/1 | 2,500 | Explicit) 
Derek and Stiles indulge in a mutual kink in a hotel corridor outside a crowded ballroom during a werewolf conference.
Wonderful series!: 
★we crave a different kind by Marishna (1/1 | 2,128 | Teen)
“Right. Your boring, safe life. Sheltered here at the den where you never have to risk anything.” Derek was starting to get angry with the way Laura was talking about him, like he was some kind of shut-in who never saw the light of day but she kept talking. “I challenge you, Derek Hale. The conference is ending tomorrow and everyone will be leaving. I want you to go out tonight, to the bar around the corner I told you about. Have a drink, talk to some people.”
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