#what a typo chirst
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Interactive Summer: Day 6 - Shade “Turning over one of the last pages, you suddenly come across a vivid yet abstract sketch of a nokken, sharp claws reaching towards the viewer while long strands of hair obscure their form.  You nearly drop the book in shock, flinching as the image is revealed to you. Is this how Shea truly sees you?” [Virtue’s End by Crimsis] ____________________________________________________ Okay, so I really loved this scene. I am playing a Nokken (I am sooo happy about this option) helvling, and yes, I image her to look human enough to confuse(/seduce) others at first glance. Also, I believe Shea has much more better drawing skills than moi ^^””” - sorry Crimsis - I really tried to make it scary (unsuccessfully) yet still attractive. Also, don’t mind the legs and hands, I was in a hurry - however still high because I captured the expression of my poor helvling as I intedned, and it was such a great feeling after having a horrible art block.  Please go any play the Virtue’s End (it’s under rewriting, but the old version is such a nice intoruction) it has a great premise and such an interesting world. Like Crimsis’ illustations as well  ♡.♡ and write nice messages. 
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random-jot · 6 years
Alright here it is
the ultimate conspitacty theory. Ill let you know right now i am very tired making this, it will make little sense and it’s, it’s a long’un
“Sports" is actually a front for a secret society - acouncil if you will - who are out to get me sepcifically.
I ahve never excelled at sport
Never been good at it/enjoyed it/enjoyed watching it, none of that, not having it. Sport and I; just not compatible
But my familyt and a fair few of my friends - into sport. What does this mean?
Conversation turns to sport and I cannot contribute
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When the world cup was happening and i was in school the school went bloody mad and started assigning students to flags. We just had a week dedicated to football and the cup and i was assigned to teamGB - BORING! Don’t assign me to my own bloody country, at least give me a fun one
I rode a bike and fell off and broke my arm and had to perform my GCSE drama exam wearing a bright green cast.
My A Levels took place over the London Olympics and WOULDNT YOU KNOW IT the school went bloody mad and made my media a-level project required to be sports related
The year before us got to make a mock horror movie trailer for their project and i had to pretend to know and care about bloody sailing
And I had to go out on a dingy on a lake IN WINTER to film some boats
But it doth not end there
The Tour De France came through my hometown once and now every year we have our own seperate thing called the Tour dE Yorkshire and  every year from now intil forever i guess, all the roads get blocked off and every single person int he town becomes an “expert” on cycling
And it screws the train timetable up
And since Brexit happened all funds for the uk film indusrty - an industrt that up unitl recently i was strongly considering going into - are controlled by a specific UK ents office
ents as in entertainments, not big talking trees
But this office is also in charge of giving funds to sports - so basically all the money goes to the sports and the uk film & tv indistry is left with a bxo of scraps to work with
Like a high school putting all their budget towards sports instead of theatre/arts but on a much bigger scale
not to mention all the times i’ve had to sit thorught the phraase “you don’t like sports? but what about [inset sport]?”
Of all the things
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I’m not going to be able to see Ant=Man and The Wasp
Until a mONTH after it comes out
because some fuckers are kicking a ball about and thats more importyant than anything in the entire workd
het assholes
maybe i just wanna see a movie
jesus chirst i am tired
i’ was up very early this morning - like 5am - and it is nearly midnight
hecne the typos that i am mnot correcting
i’m not sure where i even started with this tbh, jsut needed a bit of a rant
In conclusion Sport™ is evil and it is out to get me, thank you for coming to my ted talk
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