#what amy needs is better writing that showcases her more obscure traits like tarot reading and leading Team Rose for example
rubywolf0201 · 2 years
To follow up on @gritsandbrits talk on misogyny and sexism in the Sonic fandom, I want post an unfriendly reminder that Amy Rose, the lead female of the Sonic franchise, is and still gets hate from the venomous clowns. From using terms like stalker to express their dislike of her, slutshaming her, want the other Sonic characters AKA her own friends and allies to murder her for no reason but the fanfic author having a hateboner for Amy (therefore throwing away their canon morality save for Eggman and the other villains), being demonized not just for shipping but also to paint her in a bad light to even wanting SEGA to retire her whole entire character completely!
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