#what can I say when you tell me TERFS mainly target trans women and 'only' want me to detransition.
dragontatoes · 24 days
maybe it's how it gets people on the radfem pipeline or maybe it's me being triggered from erasure of my own experiences, but I've been seeing a lot of gender essentialism in the last couple weeks and it has me feeling like joker from the joker
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0w0tsuki · 10 months
You wanna know what fucking sucks about the trans andro crowd? You know besides the fact that all it takes is a transfem breathing the wrong direction at them for them to call her a Terf. The fact that they have the SHEER GAUL to claim it is in the name of TransUnity.
You wanna know what trans unity was? It was a term created for us to rally around when this tide of genocidal legislation started rising. To gather around and show SUPPORT for one another. To mobilize and RESIST this wave of hatred.
And tbros saw this as a very convenient shield, an uno reverse card, something to accuse other people of being against when they themselves aren't performing it. If you call them out on their infighting and punching across they will use the very fact that your criticizing them of this to argue that actually? NO! YOUR infighting!
None of these tbros are going in counter protest to ACTUAL Terf rallies. They aren't spreading donation posts. They aren't talking about news about daily anti-trans laws being put forth and trying to resist them. No. They spend their whole time trying to Gotcha! Trans women.
You know what people interested in ACTUAL TransUnity don't do? We don't have our top blog actively promote a blog dedicated to block evading (while simultaneously blocking out all criticism) to grab full username screenshots of trans folks they want to witch hunt and put them next to hate anons from feds calling them shit like zipper tits in order to whip up their audience to either sent hate or to EXCLUDE THEM. Like actually patting themselves on the back that they got swaths of the community to denounce and exclude us. All while trying to claim it's not transmisoginistic because they're MAINLY targeting other transmen. You know. Those trans men who said "actually that's kinda fucked up. I'ma actually stand in solidarity with my sisters" who were immediately branded as traitors by them. DEFINITELY not an attempt to separate us from the few allies we have while simultaneously telling those in your community "THIS is what happens if you stand against us!"
They don't "joke" about their group chat of Transandrophobia truthers that have been called transmisoginsts so many times that they see calling themselves that as an inside joke signalling each other to swarms posts about transmisoginy.
They don't purposely form insular communities where the only transfems allowed are those who sign at the gate they agree to every single say and they have social clout within that circle for organizing it. They don't try to USE said clout to try and redefine the TERF for these people in a way that would give them the position to call transfems TERFs (which they themselves admit to being a former member of).
And they don't try to discredit and not read arguments from the other side by screenshoting their bios to see if there's anything that they can point out that in their opinion shouldn't be listened to in the first place from "oh she's a white uwu cat girl" to "oh she's a bi lesbian". For all of the hand wringing that the trans andro crowd goes on about how "everyone listens to trans women over trans men and we just get ignored" they CERTAINLY don't have ANY interest in actually listening to trans women. There are no attempts at appeals to our arguments. No "I can see why trans women feel this way and I want to acknowledge their oppression while still advocating for mine" just "oh so you just hate trans men". No attempts at actual UNDERSTANDING trans women who feel hurt by their actions.
Your telling me the crowd who so ADAMANTLY opposed the terms transmisoginy and tme/tma in the first place. Who viewed every post of transfems complaining about the intracommunity oppression they felt as a personal attack on them. Your telling me these people should be given the benefit of the doubt when they try to argue for their own term which is DEFINITELY not reactionary to transmisoginy.
Your going to tell me the crowd that has convinced themselves that they are in a subculture war against transfems have their hearts in the right place and are trying to bring the community together when they are actively working to exclude transfems and their allies from the queer community?
Yall should find FUCKING APPALLING these people who've only ever acted like exclusionary bullies about their politics take a term that was supposed to be a rallying cry for trans people and turn it into the "so much for the tolerant left" but for the queer community, to demand all of the patience and consideration in the world while giving none. I don't even have to argue against their theory. Their actions speak louder than words.
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eggplantusiv · 4 years
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Ugh, because my brain has made me contractually obligated to talk about this let’s get a few things straight. Firstly, for the uninitiated, this is about a post about a website or smthn called “bad apples” that tells you if a movie has someone in it who’s been accused (I use accused because sometimes the court decides they aren’t, but we should still not support them until it’s proved otherwise) of sexual assault. I commented on the post that the people who make it should add more info. Like if they support TERF ideologies or are antisemetic, I said this because Harry Potter was one of the listed movies that was a “fresh apple” (it’s rotten for other reasons, like how the books suck but whatever) . So now I’m being targetted by terfs because I “hate women” so first things first, let me tell you what I commented on it.
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It says: “They should expand their horizons a bit to add antisemetism and terfs, because harry potter had no reason being branded as having “fresh apples”
This leads us into the first thing: I had never once said that rape is less than either of those things, though they seemed to hone in on my mention of TERFs, because gods forbid trans people have rights, amirite fellas
So apparently me saying they should add more, means that rape is less, not what i said but go off The first ask says “rapists r bad but gotta make sure we put them on the same level as women who express opinions men don’t like!!!” Let me make something clear lol, BEING A TERF ISN’T HAVING AN OPINION MEN DON’T LIKE!!! IT’S OPENLY HARMFUL TO A LOT OF PEOPLE I FUCKING CARE ABOUT, THIS SHIT AIN’T ABOUT ME, IT’S ABOUT MY FRIENDS. I don’t give 2 shits about what you say about me but let’s not defend the ideology that fucking tries to kill a lot of people because you can’t have 1 drop of fucking compassion. Next up in that same ask “are you serious??? this is why all males are a joke, you literally think women advocating for ourselves is as bad as sexual assault.” Okay can I just say that I never said that XD. Also, being a TERF isn’t “women advocating for themselves” because you openly reject Trans Women and NB folks because they “aren’t women” but hey, what do I know, I think women are stinky. Lastly on that first one is: “Gotta make sure men are protected and women are punished at all times huh incel”. Oh, I’m an incel now? You know that I’m gay, right, you know that if I was an incel I’d be mad at men, right? That’s what “Confirmed Bachelor” means, it’s in my bio. Whatever next ask ASK NUMBER 2!!! “misogynist loser thinks he knows feminism better than real women but what else is new?? get help freak” This one’s a real doozy, I especially like the “real women” part, surprised they aren’t saying something like “womyn” or “wombyn” but whatever. I’m not gonna try to dissuade the “misogynist” part, mainly because men are always just a bit misogynist by default because we live in a society yadda yadda. Anyway, at no point did I say I knew feminism better than anyone lol, and definitely not a woman, but hey, you aren’t women, you’re slime creatures so I probably do THE FINAL ASK!!!! “get a life don’t you have something better to do than threaten women for wrongthink on the internet incel” Firstly, no I don’t. Secondly, When did I threaten anyone. Thirdly, wrongthink isn’t a word, it’s two words, unless we’re doing a firetruck thing. And lastly: I’m fucking gay, if I was an incel I’d hate men for not fucking me, not women. Anyway, if you read through this, I’m open to criticism, please if I said something bad or yucky or whatever let me know, this is the only time I’m gonna post TERF anons, if you know how to make TERFs stop bothering me let me know, I might turn anon off, though if any of my nice sweet anons who I love and care very much so about don’t want me to I won’t. Also if there are any tags you want on this please tell me
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