#what can i say i gravitate towards chars with trauma and no therapy to speak of for miles on end
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this is my formal submission to the ii fandom: take these goobers i love em'
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storyofwhoiam · 3 years
Do you gravitate toward certain characters?
What is on your wishlist?
How do you get your muse in the zone to work on asks/replies?
Mun Questions @shcftingpieces
Do you gravitate toward certain characters? My brain initially says no but I'm pretty sure if you look at my muse list, 90% of my muses fit into one of the following categories (all of which require therapy tbh):
Emotionally Stunted Numpty* — I'm talking repressing feelings, being completely oblivious to their own feelings, claiming that they have no feelings because they're too strong/badass for that nonsense, refusal to talk about trauma in any respect because it's in the past so what's the point, putting everyone else's needs before their own, self-loathing, anger issues, distracting from feelings with sex, alcohol, drugs, or any other self-destructive behaviour
Charred Cinnamon Roll — May have some of the trauma that the Emotionally Stunted Numpty has but may not. Could be anywhere from lightly toasted to cremated, but still manages to be a ray of sunshine to everyone around them and is just a blessing
Irredeemably Evil Manipulator — Bad guys are fun to write, particularly smart bad guys. I have no intention of giving them a lighter side or an AU where they're not evil, they're just here to screw things up and cause drama
What is on your wishlist? Aside from what's on my wishlist tag, I started and this is just going to be too long, I'm making a whole new post. Please hold.
How do you get your muse in the zone to work on asks/replies? I'm definitely very auditory focused, so I generally need to be able to imagine the sound of their voice and I'm good. Sometimes that means listening to them in a youtube video to get it in my head. For the muses I write the most though, I tend to have go-to phrases that I can easily imagine hearing them saying and once I can hear it, I'm off (Franky "She killed Iman Farah", John "I love you, Mrs Solis", Robin "So what do I do now?", Delia "She says she's my friend and it's making her cry", Bridget "Oh, baby", Zara "You look at me like I am nothing").
* I feel I should clarify for those that I don't speak to ooc a lot (because apparently this has caused confusion in the past) — numpty is a word that I use exclusively affectionately, if we are talking ooc and I call you a numpty, I am doing so with love <3
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