#what do u gain from having such broad shoulders kai
vialae · 4 months
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their size difference gets me each time
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rnufharose · 6 years
Love Yourself (Bangtan and EXO fanfiction/SehunxOC)
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Chapter 6
Sehun continued his trek back to the house, his grip on Vivi's leash tightening ever so slightly. His mind was racing, for he had come face to face with the newest member of Bangtan. It looked like his hyungs were correct--she was very cute, and he could feel his cheeks turning red. He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, ridding himself of any thoughts but failed miserably. He wanted to stay calm and collected when he entered the house but that shy part of him continued to resurface.
"Vivi," he pursed his lips, the sounds of kisses leaving his lips as he received his dog's attention. "Come, we're about to go inside." He slipped his keys into the lock and opened the door, letting him go inside first before entering, closing the door behind him. "Good boy."
"You're back!" Suho was laying on the couch, lifting himself into a seated position when he spotted the youngest and his dog. "What took you so long?"
"I ran into Taehyung and Jin hyung," he answered sincerely. "Vivi ran off and he found them."
"How are they?" the leader wondered. "are they in good health?"
"Ne," he took off Vivi's leash and took off his jacket, seating himself next to Suho. "Don't we have practice later?"
"Don't worry about practice. We're performing Love Shot anyway. We have the choreography down anyway," Suho waved a hand and assured him. "By the way, was she there?"
"'She?'" Sehun wondered before he realized who he was referring to. His cheeks went hot again and he coughed a bit. "Oh! U-Um..."
"You did?!" He asked, shifting and staring straight at the maknae, "Is she cute?!"
"Hey!" Sehun snapped gently. "You'll be seeing her soon! You'll find out yourself, won't you?"
Suho raised his brows in amazement. "So she is cute! And you think so too! Sehun-ah is always so composed but he's a tall baby who wants a girl's attention! I bet that's why Vivi went running because he also knew she's cute!"
"Shh!" He pressed a hand to his hyung's mouth, shaking his head vigorously. "Dear Lord, speak low!"
Kyungsoo came walking inside and he stumbled backward, dumbfounded, watching as the two of them were pressed against each other. This wasn't the first time this happened. He recalled when they first debuted and they had moved into this house, they played the same trick on Chanyeol's girlfriend, who used to spy on them from her bedroom window. "Is Yeon-hee spying on us again?" He asked, walking toward them and pulling Sehun away from Suho. "Hey! What are you doing?!"
"Kyungsoo-ah, don't worry. Sehun is just being shy," he laughed, explaining to him. "He ran into Bangtan's female member."
"You did?!" Kyungsoo was now holding disbelief. He threw himself in front of Sehun. "Is she cute?!"
"Ugh," Sehun rolled his eyes, "No, she's ugly."
"I... don't know if that is supposed to be sarcastic," Kyungsoo spoke slowly.
"Of course she is!" Sehun exclaimed, burying his face in his hands and sighing. "She's..." he remembered the way Vivi ran to her. Ha-Neul, with her brown hair, her big brown eyes, and her creamy skin. She had a pretty smile, and she seemed to have a spritely personality--what he wanted to find in a girl. She was also very polite and respectful, plus she loved Vivi upon just laying eyes on him. This was too good to be true. "...beautiful. I want to see her on stage now..." he admitted truthfully. His heart was racing and his head was spinning.
"What's going on here?" Chanyeol asked as he too joined him, eyebrow cocked. "Sehun's face is all red. Is he becoming shy again?"
"Saranghaeo," Suho sang teasingly, mimicking the maknae's voice. "Saranghaeo, jagi!"
"Be glad this girl didn't ask to take a picture of your abs," Kyungsoo slapped his shoulder. "Ah, now I want to see her... this isn't fair. You got to see her before I did..."
Sehun sighed heavily and pressed himself against the headboard of the couch, staring at the ceiling, "Lord give me strength... what am I going to do with myself...?"
(Ha-Neul's PoV)
"Gomaweo, Unnie," I replied as I watched Ji-woo slip slightly longer nails under my cuticles. This was the first time I had ever gotten my nails done. I never knew how relaxing it was to be pampered.
"Don't mention it," she chuckled, painting them before turning the UV light on. "You have such pretty hands too. So dainty and cute. They deserve to have special treatment. Gel lasts a very long time and these colors will go well with the outfits I'm making for you and the boys." She placed my hands under the light. "Tae told me you learned almost all of MIC Drop's choreography today. You're a quick learner!"
"Yup, but I still have to make it look as natural as them," I nodded. "Then I'll be learning the choreography of Fake Love afterward. We have to perform two songs for the show."
"Fake Love is a great song," she began to apply more nail polish once the lights turned off. "Love is the theme of the Song Festival coming soon. You'll all be learning a new dance break once it comes around. And then afterward, you'll be heading to Hong Kong, then Japan, Taiwan, and back to Korea for one more Festival."
"I guess since a lot of idols are coming out about their relationships, the industry chose that theme?" I asked.
"That's right," she agreed. "But as supportive as many fans are, there are some who are still obsessive about their biases. No doubt it'll be the same once you gain fans too, but you shouldn't let that stop you from falling for someone. A few years ago, Hyuna and E'Dawn had announced their relationship but the fans weren't so kind. They sent death threats and wished for E'Dawn to leave Pentagon because they felt cheated. However, can you really stop someone from falling in love?" She continued. "They had to keep their relationship under wraps and ever since Kai and Jennie announced their relationship, many others have as well. Despite fans coming together, there have been far more fan wars as of late."
"But Kai had another girlfriend back then, didn't he?"
"Krystal," Ji-woo began to pamper my other hand. "That previous relationship wasn't received well... the boys have had crushed as well but they have been very scared of starting anything. Since they've gone international, they've been extra careful, closing off their hearts, but that shouldn't stop them. I want them to be happy, especially Hoseok. He may smile all the time but I know some days, he fakes that smile..."
My mind was circling back to what happened several hours ago when we had run into Sehun. He was very attractive... he had a nice smile and the way he always sticks out his tongue was absolutely adorable. He was tall, and his skin was like milk, and his broad shoulders...
"Ha-Neul-ah," Ji-woo snapped her fingers and I jolted slightly.
"Ah!" I made a sound and asked. "N-Ne?"
"Are you in la la land?" She asked. "you just went quiet for a second."
"Gwenchana, Unnie," I assured her. "I was just thinking about what you said... it makes me all the more determined to unite all of the groups and show obsessive fans we all love each other."
"You really are determined to bring everyone together, huh," she had finished her work with my nails and began putting her equipment away. "I hope it works, for everyone's sakes. And please, don't be afraid. If you fall for someone, let it happen. Don't let any fan stop you."
I gave her a single nod before looking down at my nails, each colored white with flower nail art on the ring fingers. The flower was the same color as the cover of Bangtan's most recent album. "Gamsahamnida."
There was a knock on the door and Yoongi leaned against the frame, "Dinner is ready. You should eat."
"What did Jin make this time?" Ji-woo stood up and I followed suit.
"Gimbap," he answered. "Oh, Ha-Neul-ah. Good job with today's practice. Jin and Tae told me about it."
"Gomaweo, Oppa," I smiled at the rapper. "Has Namjoon Oppa decided which lines I'll be singing?" We made out way out of the room and into the corridor."
"Ne, he'll tell you exactly what lines you'll be singing," he replied, the smell of Jin's cooking wafting into my nostrils.
"By the way," Yoongi tucked his hands into his sweatpants. "You should know that idols don't just sing and dance. You'll need to find some odd jobs."
"Eh?" I asked him and he continued speaking.
"Acting and modeling. When we aren't on tour or not singing or composing songs, make sure to do those. And Tae and Jin also told me you can't read music even though you play the piano. Starting tomorrow after practice, for one hour every day, I'll be teaching you how to read music."
"Yoongi-ah," Ji-woo held a scolding tone. "Don't be so hard on her. I swear you act like a grumpy grandpa all the time. Aren't you the lazy one who doesn't want to contribute to the choreography?"
"Hey, don't undermine me while I'm lecturing one of the maknaes!" He argued.
"Don't worry, Oppa," I spoke quickly, hoping to stop them from arguing. "I'll work hard, I promise. I know you're just looking out for me."
"Good," he said before breaking into a little smile, patting my head. "you're a lot more understanding than the others. That makes me happy."
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years
Social Media Myths: Retweeting Yourself Doubles Your Reach
New Post has been published on https://britishdigitalmarketingnews.com/social-media-myths-retweeting-yourself-doubles-your-reach/
Social Media Myths: Retweeting Yourself Doubles Your Reach
Every day social media managers are tasked with more labors than Heracles while also toiling with that multi-headed beast known as The Algorithm. That’s why we love sharing the best social media tips with each other, right? We need to make the juggling easier. But, how do you know the good social media tips from the myths?
I see social media myths everywhere: on Reddit, in Slack groups, even on the big networks. It’s hard to discount some of the stories because we have so many variables at play. The Algorithm shoulders much of the blame here because sometimes the creators don’t even know how it all works.  So, you might hear scheduling posts will destroy your organic reach. This means you stay awake all night just so you can send that post at the right time. Eventually, you hear that it isn’t true. We need to find a way to separate the myths, claims, stories, and suppositions from the best practices and useful advice.
So, I am going run the tests on your behalf to see if we can find the best social media tips that aren’t fake and debunk the myths that make you nervous. This month it’s all about Twitter and their fight against the 500,000 bots they block daily and how this is impacting things on the platform.
#Socialmedia myths exposed: the truth about retweeting yourself Click To Tweet
The theory
#TwitterTips How to Automatically Retweet your Own Tweets for Double the Engagement via @debbiediscovers https://t.co/FfxmRottas
— Deborah Kay (@debbiediscovers) September 21, 2018
I saw this quite a bit this month: retweet yourself and double your impressions and engagements. It was really popular among “shadowbanees” who were not getting the impressions they were accustomed to. It was easily one of my favorite social media tips of the month because it is so polarizing: faux pas or pas mal?
This is not just one of those shadowy social media tips, but it is one of the more controversial. Some people have argued passionately for it. Twitter is amazingly complicated; tweets have a shelf life of a minute, but you need to constantly tweet. We also know that repeating tweets can be problematic, so you need variety in your tweets. When one of these tweets performs well, then you can really get jammed up because you know people will like it, but many people missed it and you can’t re-publish it.
Retweeting yourself makes sense, right?
Well, you know a lot of people will mock you for indulging in this kind of trumpeting. Twitter can be a scary place, and people generally see self-retweeting and liking as a sign of desperation and narcissism.
There is some latitude given when retweeting yourself.
You’re allowed to retweet yourself for this
— John R. Sigety (@JRSigety) September 21, 2018
You’ve just gotta earn it first.
But these are company channels, so why not experiment a little?
Usually, I wouldn’t take social media tips from randoms on Twitter, but I decided I was willing to risk the company to look a little socially awkward in this case. If retweeting yourself will double your retweets, impressions, and all those other little measures we love so much, then I would consider it one of my best social media tips.
What’s going to happen?
If the theory is correct, every tweet I retweet will receive a boost in impressions and engagement. Obviously, the benefits will be an exponential thing with more popular tweets enjoying a bigger jump, but this will also be an effective strategy for the less popular tweets too. The bump will be large enough to incorporate it as a regular practice in the future.
How am I going to do it?
I am going to pick the best performing and worst performing tweets and then retweet them. In some instances, I will quote them, and in others, it will be a standard retweet. I am also going to select older tweets and retweet them.
The results
I started off with a quoted retweet from our monthly WordPress news article. My quoted retweet for the monthly news got a slight impression boost. It got in front of 147 more people but performed much worse than the original in terms of actual engagement.
The original tweet leaned into Yoast’s popularity and the growing concerns about Gutenberg for WordPress.
This is the result of the retweet with a quote. I removed the Yoast mention but retained the hashtag. There was a slight boost to the impressions but the dip in engagements counteracts it. This is not just a problem from retweeting but the removal of the mention. Yoast engaged with the original tweet, so it gave a little bump.
I also tried a straight retweet of an underperforming post. This is a more interesting tweet because it doesn’t really glom onto anything external, apart from WordPress.
The results here are fascinating. This second post had no engagement, you can see the narcissist-tweet from me in the box. No one liked it, no one retweeted it, yet it got more impressions than the news retweet above.
You can see in the details that nothing interesting happened with only 2 genuine engagements. Check out how well it performed, impressions wise, compared to a regular tweet.
The retweet was never popular, and the engagement rate is almost unmeasurable but somehow it has almost eclipsed a tweet with a good engagement rate.
I decided to try this with another, let’s say unloved, tweet on a different account. As you can see there was nothing doing with the original tweet. It seemed a worthy tweet for the experiment.
The retweet led to twice the amount of impressions with 3 times the engagement (taking the retweet out of the number). The numbers are still low, but there was a significant uptick.
I saw this really pay dividends with a popular post. A retweeted Hansel and Gretel post doubled in impressions and engagements.
So, it seems pretty simple, right? Find the best tweets and then retweet them for twice the impressions and engagements. Actually, it is not always that simple.
I have a decent enough tweet here which reached around 70% of our followers with an engagement rate of ~0.88%. When I blast it, I am going to see something amazing right? I am going to viral, right? I’ll start a YouTube channel, and become a star.
Eh. Maybe put the Lambo on hold for a few months or so.
Once again, I am the lone retweeter. We got a little bump in both impressions and engagement rate (0.94%) but I was a little disappointed. The theory that all retweets would enjoy a double bump didn’t hold here.
So…I switched accounts. I got another comic tweet which had a 50% impressions rate on an engagement rate of 0.93%
Once again, I made no changes but I was hoping to see a nice bump for the tweet regardless.
The impressions hobbled to just 1575 which is a gain of 78. The engagements are not that much better; we get just 2 extra link clicks. I should be happy that the engagement rate is now over 1% but at what cost?
Finally, I decided to put it to the test with a different content type. Link tweets are the unfortunate tweets of the Twitterverse. Generally, they are not too special but they are kind of necessary.
I picked a popular tweet that leaned heavily into a broad hashtag, Marketing, and included a mention for SendinBlue.
You can see that the impressions are lower than 50% and the engagement rate is sputtering at 0.36%. On the bright side, we saw an unpopular tweet double its performance after a retweet. So, I head into this one with confidence.
What do you think?
This is the first time I have seen the engagement rate drop following the retweet. When you take my original tweet out of the calculations the new engagement rate is 0.33 from an extra 126 impressions.
The verdict: Social media tip or trouble?
So, it is true that I saw a bump every time I retweeted myself, but I really wanted a leap. In some cases, I saw over a 100% increase in the impressions, but in other cases, I saw ~10% increases. When it comes to engagement I saw a worse performance with just an additional retweet, or view, in some cases. While this might mean a 100% increase it’s not much when I moved from 1 to 2.
The bump was not at all exponential. The rate of increase was lower the more popular the tweet. I also found that I was never able to reliably double anything (except the tweets themselves). The increases were, across the board, inconsistent. If you retweet, you will see more impressions, this is how the system works, but is it worth it?
Not really.
The only retweets that met the conditions of the myth were those that had performed poorly, and their performance was not significantly better on the retweet. I think it is more valuable to ditch them and find something more interesting to tweet.
#Socialmedia myths tested: The verdict is in on retweeting your own tweets Click To Tweet
Myth busted. It’s one of the social media tips that will work in some cases but shouldn’t be part of your ongoing strategy.
Do you know any social media tips you think might actually be social media myths? Maybe you’ve heard something and you’d like to see it tested. Let us know in the comments!
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The post Social Media Myths: Retweeting Yourself Doubles Your Reach appeared first on Revive Social.
Source: https://revive.social/social-media-myths-social-media-tips/
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