#his hand doesnt even fit on the book properly
vialae · 1 month
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their size difference gets me each time
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Hi hello spoilers for the ENTIRETY of riptide (specifically episodes 78, 93, 110, tho the entire campaign ep1-ep115 is talked about here) and also. A read more since this is a very. Very. Long post. And i dont intend to colour of the sky you <3
Yknow im just thinkin like ik the common theory is that chips the nameless prince and im still pretty in agreement but im also. Thinking.
Bc i relistened to episode 78 where goobleck finds the book on the nameless prince. (32:35ish) And id basically entirely forgotten abt it until i relistened to 93, heard charlies sparknotes version n wanted to listen 2 it for myself. And like.
Im pretty sure, unless im interpreting grizzlys words wrong, that the nameless prince is whatever entity was mentioned in the 110 prophecy ?
Tho its hard because. He gave a summary of what the book was about since goobleck didnt properly read it i think he just kinda. Skimmed. And he started by saying that the book is about a prince, a self proclaimed prince at that, but mostly just an entity born in the abyss. So im not sure if that entity is the same person as the prince or if theyre two different people ???? But for the sake of Thinking ill say theyre the same bc i dont see why they wouldnt be.
But he goes on to say that this book talks about this abyss entity, and how it became obsessed w spreading corruption in a world of mostly peace. And how it wants to learn about the inhabitants of this world (?) And then the book ends in chaos and tragedy, where the entire world falls to corruption. The entity destroys all living things ("this race of living creatures") and then consumes even more worlds by spreading its abyss corruption. And how its also almost. Parasitic.
So. This sounds a lot like the 110 entity.
"An entity threatens world stability / caged in the deepest layers of infinity [...] forboded calamity, the chosen is warned / the shape of all life shall take a new form / its choice to be made with no time to mourn"
Definitely sounds like this entity is the same, it threatens world stability by spreading its corruption, and this infinity could be the abyss. The shape of all life line draws my attention tho bc of how grizzly described the entity as destroying "this race of living creatures" and like a parasite.
Althoughhhhh i will have to relisten to. The just rolled for episode 93 because i think it was then that the 3 players made their guesses as to who the guarding giant, nameless prince and unborn kings are and grizzly said One was correct. I know they guessed arlin as the guarding giant and i think niklaus chip or rose's kid were other guesses perhaps ? Tho im not sure as to Where they fit each.
[HI HELLO i have now relistened to the rolled for 93. Condi guessed Arlin as the guarding giant, Chip as the nameless prince and Rose's Kid as the unborn kings. Only 1 of these is correct]
Ill also have to relisten to the stone age what if. Because even though that what if probably doesnt contain much thatd be important since. Its a what if. And it was back in the desire arc. The ending of it reminds me a bit of the nameless prince section where the entity destroys more worlds by spreading its corruption. Andddddd yea if that what if means anything at all then that could suggest niklaus as the entity or the nameless prince ?
Something else that gets me though is the legend lore scroll itself. We all know about the guarding giant nameless prince and unborn kings but. What i keep thinkin on is the beginning and end:
"A map that is a guide and a key / passed around the hands of destiny / it leads to chaos infinity / beneath the seas / the guardian giant / the nameless prince / the unborn kings / all wait to be inevitably free"
The very end with the "inevitably free" sounds like. One line of the 110 prophecy ("its release in time an inevitability" IT being the entity) and niklaus' greatest desire: freedom.
There is a consistent theme of freedom throughout riptide - or instead, a need/want for it. Gillion and jay both work towards freedom from the elders and navy respectively, islands (and casinos) early campaign all wanted freedom from various curses, pirates strive to create freedom from the navys rule, navys claim to strive to create a world free of "chaos".
However, across the nameless prince skim read, the legend lore scroll, and the 110 prophecy, there are manyyyy many parallels between them. Parallels, which i spent about 2 hours brainrotting about yesterday
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It has been a couple days since i have made this biggg graphic and ive had a lotta time to dwell on this all and think. Because there are definitely many reasons why chip could be the nameless prince - and like a lotta other people i Know he has a bigger role in the world of mana than it seemed at first. However, i do feel like that role isnt the role of the nameless prince.
I mean, i probably have forgotten some evidence since i havent rewatched the ENTIRE campaign in a littleeee bit, just random episodes i think would have points of interest. But so far, we dont exactly know a whole lot about the nameless prince, only that whoever it is, is waiting to be free, could be whatever entity these poems and texts talk of, and has links to the hole in the sea. There were also a lot of details in the hole during episode two of the oneshot, which could be linked back to the prince. Lemme justtttt. Get the notes i took during my rewatch of it.
So, on the staircase where the three had their flashbacks, there were a few engravings in the wall. Some were words in abyssal primordial which read "what do you desire", others were depictions of humanoids with gems and coins, some were depictions of slavery + power. However, one stood out to finn since whilst the others repeated, this one was unique and singular. And it was the mountain with a crown above it.
This ofc could be passed off as mostly unimportant since it appeared so very early in the campaign, but we all know grizzlys dming and worldbuilding style isnt like that - everything thats been mentioned so far has been important in some way or another, and events from incredibly early episodes still affect the present day.
Although, unfortunately, i am Not Smart. And dont really know what this could Mean.
Weve seen a few mountains throughout the campaign, and none that instantly feel connected to that. Theres the mountain they all climbed in 111 of course, but that just housed those ice pirates, not anything much to do with a prince. It did also make me think of edison kingdom, since that has a monarchy and is a stacked city, howeverrrrr i doubt it would be that since. I dont see the relevance.
The crown is of course the only part here we can really connect to anything, that being the nameless prince. Since, they are a PRINCE afterall (although i do think these names are more metaphorical than literal). There ARE other places throughout the campaign crowns appear (once again, edison, and queen) though i doubt the edison kingdom would be so important to what feels like personal riptide pirate story, and queen didnt exist much as a character until they were introduced in episode like. 80smth. And their name is only queen bc charlie started the bohemian rhapsody bit.
SOOO yea basically. Summed up. Shits addin up. And also not addin up. I have lots of thoughts on this stuff, howeverrrr like ive said before im. Not very good at analysing. And also not the most articulate either. All in all, i think chip could possibly not be the nameless prince, and whoever the nameless prince IS could be whatever entity has been mentioned around a lot. The end. Goodbye. Thanks 4 readin. Love u.
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rorykeanersactualgf · 1 month
request where Benny Weir helps the reader calm down from a nightmare or panic attack
A/N: i quite like this idea, decided to use both of them in a mix bcs why not??? :) again if anything is wrong with the post, please tell me so i can fix it, hope you like it lovelies :)) xx i was also a bit unsure on what the dream would be so i left that to your interpretation, i hope that was okay
CW: mentions of a panic attack, mention of Benny dying (IT DOESNT HAPPEN DW), comfort, cutesy fluff, all the good stuff.
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It had been a weird day. Nothing inherently wrong or out of place, but just...off. It felt like something was going to happen, but nothing did. I thought it was just me being paranoid or disassociating from myself so I decided to tell my wonderful boyfriend, Benny, about it on the walk home.
"Hey Benny?" I said, looking up at him through my eyelashes.
"Yes my love?" Benny asked, looking down at me with his heart-warming, signature grin following.
"I've been feeling kind of off today, not too sure why though," and clung to his warm arm and rested my head on his shoulder as we walked.
"Oh, do you feel ill? Need anything to eat or drink?" he asked while simultaneously pulling his bag forward to grab food and/or drinks from it, "Is it a headache? I think I have a spell for that somewhere in this book." He enquired while giving me a bottle of water, an apple and flipping through his spell book, scanning over the pages quickly.
"Woah-kay, thanks for the food and drink, and no offence but I don't want to end up with a set of bat wings yet again when last time I came to you for a stomach-ache." I said with a small chuckle leaving me, making me feel a little bit better than I was before.
"Hey! That was one time! And even you admitted that the wings were kind of cool to have." He said with emphasis lacing every word that left him like he was a child.
"Well it was cool, I will admit to that but it was less cool when none of my clothes fitted me properly, and I felt more nauseous than I was before." I said with my arms crossed over my chest with a small smile itching at the corners of my mouth and fake seriousness in my tone, "I've just been feeling out of it today, almost constantly paranoid that something bad will happen. I might just be overthinking again, I don't know," I said looking at my feet, taking a bite out of the apple he gave me.
"Hm..." he stood still for a moment, placing his spell book in his bag again and thought about what to say," Do you need anything like a hug or a kiss, you know I have plenty of those to share for you, my love?" He said with a big smile gracing his face with a cheeky look in his eye as he walked back over to me and held the sides of my arms gently so I could push him off if I wanted to, but I didn't, I smiled and nodded to him and he leaned down into me so I could wrap my arms around his neck and he could wrap his around my waist while nestling his head into the side of my neck so he could leave a few innocent kisses to my cheek, jaw, and neck.
After a few minutes of holding each other, we let go to continue going home and I had basically forgotten about how I was feeling today...
That was until later that night when I had finally gotten to sleep after messaging Benny and my friends goodnight, I had woken up in a frenzy, beads of uncomfortably cold sweat tricking down my spine like a demon touching the very nerves of my spinal cord. I couldn't catch my breath, nothing was making sense in my brain because it was moving too fast for me and my still sleep addled brain to process. The dream wasn't real, it couldn't have been...Benny was still alive...right?
With trembling hands and wobbly vision from the tears brimming my eyes, I called Benny, not realising that it was around half 2 in the morning and he was most definitely asleep. The first ring..... nothing. The second ring..... nothing again. Panic started to rise high in my chest, and at the third ring Benny answered, his groggy and sleepy voice rung through my ears as a wave of relief flooded through me like a tsunami.
"Hello..?" he said again, unsure of who called him, only feeling his phone vibrate and lifting it to his ear without looking at the number, rubbing his eyes.
Short sniffles and hyperventilative breaths, almost too quiet for his similarly sleep addled brain to pick up on but he just managed to, and a quiet sob and a whisper of "hi" was picked up and Benny woke up a bit more, he looked at his phone to see that it was me that was calling and he shot up in bed, suddenly very awake and a bit dizzy from the sudden movement. "Baby? Are you okay? Talk to me, please."
I tried to speak, to formulate any sort of wording that could be considered anything but gibberish but only shaky breaths and stammers of what I wanted to tell him actually came out. I couldn't breathe, it felt like all the air was sucked out from around me and my lungs but I still felt its chilly hands trail down my spine and exposed arms.
It had taken Benny a moment to realise what was happening but when he realised what was happening, he started to guide me through it, virtually holding my hand while I felt I almost lost grip on reality.
"Okay, listen to me baby, I'm right here, listen to my voice, breathe with me." His soothing voice sounded through the speaker as I followed along with him, breathing in through my nose for 5 seconds, holding it for 7, breathing out my mouth for 8. When my breathing went back to semi-normal, he continued to guide me, even though I heard slight rustling in the other side of the phone.
"You're doing so good baby, okay, now can you tell me 5 things you can see?" I started looking around my room and named a few things I could see.
"Very good, now can you tell me 4 things you can touch?" He continued to praise me throughout the call, listening very intently.
"Uh, my blanket, my phone, my shirt and my pillow."
"Mhm, now can you name me 3 things you can hear?"
"Well now I can hear something being zipped up, a small bang and a pained grunt from you, are you okay? Benny? Benny, please say you're okay..." I continued to trail off and ramble because at the time I thought something bad was happening on his side.
"I'm okay baby, we're focusing on you right now. What are 2 things you can smell?" He said through gritted teeth, in hindsight it was probably from him stubbing his toe in the dark. (baby is okay don't worry haha.)
As he said this, I could hear wind on his side of the phone, and now that I was calmer I could tell he wasn't in danger and that he was probably doing something.
"Um, I don't know, my (fragrance of choice) and some laundry detergent from my bed." I said more as a question than a statement.
As I was saying this, I heard a small incantation be cast and a woosh of air not far from my house and a slight tap on my window and got up to see what it was. Peeking from behind my curtain, I saw Benny with a big and proud smile gracing his face as he gestured if I wanted a hug with a coy smile on his face. I leant into him as he pressed a small, sweet kiss on my lips as he finally asked,
"What's 1 thing you can taste?"
"You," was all that barely left me as I went back up onto my tiptoes to kiss him again... and again... and again... until we both eventually fell asleep in each others arms, now content and with a warm feeling in both of our chests and faces.
A/N: hope you like it at least a bit xx
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woncherie · 2 years
Hi! I saw your request ps were open and that you wrote for One Piece, and I thought i could give it a shot. Could I request a fluff scenario with straw hats x fem!reader who is sick and cause she always helps the rest of the crew now they all take care of her. (I’m sick right now and I honestly want some comfort lol) please and thank you! 💕
hello beloved <3 it took me a few days but here it is!! i hope you like it!! and i hope you got well <3
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strawhats when you are sick:
im gonna be very honest with you here. i think the only useful people in the strawhat crew are chopper and sanji when you are sick.
that doesnt mean that the other members arent gonna worry about you though!
chopper will make you some medicine and order you to stay in your bed to get enough sleep.
sanji is probably gonna be a bit dramatic at the beginning, crying and throwing a fit that you wont be around him anymore for a few days. he loves your presence and you always offer your help in the kitchen, even though it might not even be your best strength.
after calming down a bit (nami probably punched him in the face until he stopped crying), he's gonna make you something to eat to strengthen your body again. his food is gonna make you feel soothened and safe <33
now to the useless people in the crew:
luffy is gonna be sulking! you arent here to play with him anymore? he can understand that you are sick and you need rest, but seeing you so tired and exhausted in your bed? it pains him to see you like this.
luffy is gonna sit on the bed, right next to you, and tries to make you laugh. he's gonna bend his face and tickle you until you are laughing again (even though thats probably gonna make you feel more exhausted. but he's trying his best, i promise.)
usopp is right next to him, showing you a few party tricks he learned that might amaze you. they are both just trying to make you forget about your symptoms and kill the time that you are forced to spend in bed & play games with you. (chopper wont let you leave early. nope. not gonna happen.)
zoro is gonna be absolutely clueless on how to help you. he might hand you a few tissues when you ask him for them, but not without grumbling a bit. he may act annoyed that you are sick and that he has to help now, BUT he also stays when the others are gone, taking a nap on the floor next to your bed so you dont feel too lonely. you told him he doesnt need to stay. he told you to shut up. (lovingly of course)
robin and nami are gonna be the only people on the ship who are checking in on you properly every few hours. nami brings you something to drink, robin gets you a book she enjoyed, and they both stay a few minutes. they probably will start a small talk about something one of you read a few days ago, just for you to ignore your symptoms for a few minutes before tucking you back into bed.
Brook is gonna be camping in your room too, playing you a few songs on his violin just for your mood to rise again.
im so sorry for this trash i just produced. idk my brain couldnt come up with more. im sorry i kept u waiting for nearly a week and then post this bs here JFKSLKSSK i hope you still like it though <3
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colrana · 1 year
i miss parker do you also miss parker (this is a request to hear more about your megan + parker interps)
omg...thank you for handing me the mic im so touched
the answer is yes! i do miss parker macmillan. i also miss megan ito! i miss them both so much. (also i feel deranged how it is confirmed that the book was the reader but im keeping my megan ito as reader thoughts forever!!!!)
i mainly focus on their relationship / megan ito more than just solely parker, but thats just how i go i suppose! parker to me kinda works in my brain how i believe that megan ito would exactly see him, and its kinda fitting in that way? (i do feel bad for that though) (im also paging @citadarkisle because hes my fiance and my parker interp is *heavily* based off his! he got more indepth thoughts on parker than i could ever muster)
so the way megan would describe parker would be this: a broken player who is a rival both and a friend, and full of *potential* melded up in one ball! with one issue: the parent issues. at least, thats how megan ito summarizes him and his issues. she kinda molds him into her narrative and makes him ripe for the saving and for the salvation that she truly believes she can bring to him.
parker in the meanwhile is kinda...passive to this? she isnt particularly harmful to him, and just having his boundaries be, as he would maybe describe, *gently* walked and trampled all over isnt really as bad compared to the literal hell his life is with being pulled at ten million directions and somehow being hated and revered at the same time... so like megan? yeah shes kinda like...maybe agreeable to that.
they have a roommates situation at megans place which is kinda pathetic-sad. awkward, quiet nights sleeping in the same bed because their relationship is like........ .............. incalculable. there is admiration there, but wrong? its to the left. there are arguments and boundaries crossed, but never to the point where they ever break off their friendship. and even saying *friendship* is odd. they were friends, yes! but then they got into a weird grey area........
i dont think theyve ever held hands or kissed or brushed arms or anything like that, actually. i dont think theyve had the silent-love filled room moments where they lock eyes and are smitten or like, believe that each other held love for each other. i think they knew they were in some *position* but not sure what it was. i mean they sure as hell were something more than basic friends. i think parker had normal friends somewhere in his teams! and megan too! but oh my god i think they were just in an interlocked battle that parker want *nothing* with but megan just had the fixation to keep holding him on.
i believe that megan is at heart a kind person and didnt mastermind the stolen forcefield out of ill will. i saw that action as a last resort for her. that she was willing to put their friendship on the line to make *visible* change in parkers life. she had an infatuation with fixing his issues, to finally pull him out of his shell, and to be *right* most of all. its kinda why i draw megans gaze towards the symbolic *orb* whenever i draw them together. i just love the symbolism of her being so fixated on something that doesnt exist, or doesnt need to exist, or that she never really properly took his words or history or anything truly to heart because she *felt* for his *situation* more than *him*.
you ever feel compelled to solve something for someone else? a problem that is so deep and beyond your means but feels so *tangible*? that youd do anything and would throw yourself into it to finally have it accomplished? to solve it *for* them, because you think you can see it from the outside and that gives you the authority and allows you to rob them their agency? these are the sort of questions that i play around with the parker + megan relationship as a whole....
i hope this wasnt too long!!! id love to elaborate more on specific details if anyones curious, but yeah! thank you ; - ;
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dr4cking · 3 years
Bad Grade.
masterlist taglist
draco malfoy x reader | smut |
warning : professor!draco 🥵 reader is of age! and you can make up draco's age whatever you wanted.
y/n waited nervously in her class, she was early than the others and it makes her sitting alone in the class.
she had exams last week but she didnt really study for it and that was the exact reason why she was nervous today.
if she got a bad grades her parents would make sure to threatened her.
she looked up from her desk as a loud footsteps walking into the class, she found the youngest and the hottest teacher in hogwarts staring at her deeply, a smirk formed onto his face making her gulped.
"morning, miss y/n" she gets goosebumps when she heard his deep voice calling out her name.
"morning professor.." draco’s smirk get wider as he saw her body tremble in her seat, only his voice and she already like that.
"why so tense, miss y/n?"
"nothing, professor.." she replied, staying her gaze on her desk, trying so hard not to look up at him and get herself in more embarrassment.
draco clicked his tongue around his teeth making her turned her head at him instantly.
he raised his eyebrows at her sudden action.
but when he was about to taunt her more, the door burst open by the students filling the class one by one.
"miss y/n." she looks up at her professor as he called her name, her body jolted out at his voice echoed in the room.
"yes, professor?"
"come here, please." she gets up from her seat nervously, all her classmates already interrogating her by their eyes.
"care to explain to me why you get a P for my subject?" she swears she almost passed out at his intonation.
"i- i'm sorry professor, i wasn't study-"
"great, meet me after class, you need to fix your grade" y/n unknowingly rubbed her thighs together when draco said that, she secretly hoped he doesnt noticed that.
but he did and thats why he was trying to hide his smirk.
"yes professor, i'm sorry" she took her test and made her way back to her seat. hell, he's so intimidating.
after the class ended, y/n being the only one who stayed in her seat.
she sighs and stares at draco's back who was still cleaning the board.
"well, which part of my subject that you dont understand, miss y/n?" draco said as he takes a seat in front of her desk, opening her book.
"its the draught of living death potions, professor." she was trying her best to not let her voice getting shaky.
draco nodded and begin to explaining the subject to her, his fingers were pointing at her book.
but all she could think now is about the tension filling the air, and the more she stares at his fingers the dirtier her mind gets.
his hands-
merlin, even his hands are so hot. the veins decorating his arms suited him so much, and his long fingers are the perfect size to reach her spot when they're going inside her cu-
y/n shook her head in disbelief at what she just imagined in her mind not realizing that draco has stopped talking.
"lost in your dirty mind, princess?" draco chuckles as he sees her cheeks heated in embarrassment, his eyes turned dark as he examining her face.
she forgot he has legilimency.
"sshh.. i see you're not as innocent as the others think of you, yeah?" she gulped at his question, her face was flushed as the thick tension filling the room.
"no answer hm? tell me y/n, what is it that you want?" he rose up from his seat moving to stand beside her, looking down at her.
"tell me whats going on inside your dirty mind" he tilted her head to look up at him, his thumb running on her bottom lip making her shuddered.
"i- i want you, professor.." y/n said quietly not be able to look into his eyes much longer.
"want me? for what?"
"i want you burying yourself deep inside me, professor" she slapped her hand over her mouth and her eyes widened at what she just said.
"filthy little thing." draco chuckles lowly before moving down his hand and grabbed her throat.
"earn it." she nodded at him before her hands shakily unbuckled his belt and his trousers letting it falls down to his ankle making draco gripped her throat tighter.
she pulled down his boxers making him hissed when his semi hard cock hitting his lower abdomen.
she quickly wrapped her hands around his length and squeezes him tightly causing him to pull on her hair.
"dont play with me if you dont wanna face the consequences." she nodded before spitting on his cock stroking it with her hand making him groaned.
y/n wasted no time and pulled him all the way in her mouth moaning when his tip hit the back of her throat.
she starts to fucked him in and out of her mouth. her hand pumping on what she couldnt fit in her mouth.
she pulled out for a second to rest her jaw then she swirls her tongue on his slit making him groaned and bucked his hips. she gagged instantly when draco pushed his cock back in her mouth, tired of her teasing.
"you look so fucking filthy, y/n. sucking your professor's cock now, hm?" she let out a moan to answer him making him whimpered at the vibrations.
one of her hands gripping on the back of his thigh pushing him deeper down her throat as she continues sucking him. her other hand playing with his balls giving them attention too.
"fuck- gonna cum down your throat til you choked out, shit- y/n" he moaned out loud as he shoots his thick cum down her throat, y/n swallowed instantly moaning at the taste. some of it dripped down onto her chin but she quickly wipes it and cleans it.
"get up" she obeyed at his order, now facing her professor at the same level.
draco leaned into her face and capturing their lips together kissing her roughly as his hands roaming around her body.
"get on your desk." she immediately throw away all her things on her desk and get on top of it, like he asked.
"you're my good girl, dont you?" he asked as he stands in between her thighs, his cock rubbing her inner thigh making her clawed on the desk underneath her.
"yes prof-"
"its draco" she nodded as she starts to unbuttoning her shirt showing him her clothed breasts.
"yes draco, i'm your good girl" she said seductively and taking his hands in her guiding them to her breasts.
"please, touch me draco.." draco squeezes her breasts in his hands and snatches her bra off of her making her winced, now she was exposed in front of her professor.
"such a pretty tits, all mine?" he twirled her hard nipples in his fingers, pulling and pinching it making the owner hissed in pain.
"yes, all yours draco.." with that draco latched his mouth onto her left nipple as his hand playing with the other one.
"mmh.. yes draco.." she tugged at his blonde locks as he continues assaulting her puffy nipples.
draco plopped out her breasts of his mouth, her nipples now red and swollen.
he gives her a smirk and he pushed her skirt up to her stomach, taking off her panties placing it in his pocket.
"souvenirs." he grins cheekily at her confused face.
he suddenly inserts his fingers into her, stretching her out a little bit making her breath hitched.
his fingers pumping her faster and when he curls them inside she screams his name out loud.
her legs spasmed when she feels her high approaching her, she dug her nails on his shoulder deeper.
but before she could reach her high, he abruptly pulled out his fingers making her cried out as her aching cunt clenching around nothing.
he quickly shoved his fingers down her throat letting her tasting herself, he moaned when he sees her sucking on her fingers delicately.
pulling her hips closer to him and lining up his now hard cock again on her entrance.
"now be a big girl and lead me into you." y/n whines as a protest but she quickly grabbed his cock and pushing it inside her.
she wrapped her legs around his waist and bucked her hips to get him deeper inside her and finally all of him was inside of her. they both throw their heads back in pleasure.
"you act so innocent yet here you are, burying my cock deep inside you." y/n moaned at his words starting to fuck herself on him.
"i'm not innocent draco, for you i'm not.. please just fuck me already" draco chuckles devilishly at her attempts to bounce on his cock.
"cant even fuck yourself properly, such a dumb girl" he gives in to her, snapping his hips forcing his cock hitting deeper inside her and starts to thrusting at steady pace.
"oh my god.. yes yes please feel so good.." she moans loudly, her body writhing on the desk. she propped herself on her elbows to support herself as she rolled her hips to meet his thrusts.
"so fucking tight baby.. never felt this good before" draco praised as he pounding harder into her, he guides her hips with his hands to meet his thrusts making both of them moaning louder.
her eyes rolled back when his tip brushed her spot, he noticed and pounding into her spot over and over again making her seeing the stars.
"draco please.. i'm so close!" y/n wrapped her hands around his shoulder to pull him closer and kissing his lips to muffled her screams as the coil tightened in her stomach.
"cum on me, you- pathetic- little slut" draco snapped harder leaving no space between their bodies.
his hand slapping and pinching her clit making the girl squirmed letting the coil snapped through her body. her legs are shaking and her vision blurry.
her body burns when she realized she just cummed hard on her professor's cock, she looked down and see that her juices coating him. then looking up at him making eye contact.
"fuck- you're a mess, gonna cum inside your tight cunt, stuffing you up full with my fucking cum- holyshit-"
he came to a full stop with her name left his lips as he spilled all of his warm thick cum inside her, spraying all of it into her filling her up like he said.
draco stay inside her for a few minutes, both of them are still catching their breaths and he pulled out of her gently as he softened.
he looked at her flushed face before cupping her cheeks and reconnecting their lips again. the kiss lasted a minute before they pulled away to redressing themselves.
"i'll change your grade. but in all seriousness, study harder, baby" y/n melted at the nickname he gave her, pecking his lips one more time.
"of course, thank you professor" she shots him a wink before leaving the class, making him blushing madly.
i dedicate this to @angelic-bitxh cuz we have a deal of sharing ghost pics 😊🤝
tagging : @dracoscum @hellounicorn @onyourgoddamnleft @whoreforgeorgeandfred @turn-to-page-394-please @underappreciated-spoon-321 @youreso-golden @silverdelirium @littlemissnoname13 @dracmalf0y-dm @dlmmdl @f4iryluvy @starstruckgranger @yiamalfoy @lieswithoutfairytales @drxcolvr @black-repunzel99 @seriouslyinlove @slut4dracoo @alexthealexthealex
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Xiao as a daughterfucker amuses me bc i cant imagine him being a father. Much less a good one to a girl. He probably either knocked someone up while he was too under the effects of karmic debt to control himself or maybe your even his kid from that god who enslaved him. That crazy goddess who raped him and used him for her sexual gratification and for war until Morax ended her life. He didnt hurt you, tho, tiny little thing who hid behind a wall and trembled while your mommy was being slaughtered. Morax foisted you onto Xiao bc he’s your father and Xiao... well, begrudgingly took care of you out of devotion to Rex Lapis. Don’t be fooled tho, he hated your guts. You look like your mom aside from the few features so obviously or closely similar to his own- and he hates that woman with every fiber of his being.
While you grow up Xiao pretty much only gets you whatever the adepti tell him to. Clothes for decency, food for nutrition, a handful of books for learning, and a weapon to survive.
He finds your growth annoying. Running around and trying to talk and touch him as if he’d ever shown a hint of warmth. By the time youre 13 You wise up, thankfully, to his intense dislike and learn to be more quiet and withdrawn. Learn to get out of his sight without him having to glare at you first. Good. You two live like strangers with him you dropping things you need for survival at your side of the abode before going off to work.
And its just... you look like your mom. But you are not her. Xiao knows this better than anyone, really. He feels a bit bad but its hard to be nice to someone who looks like his tormentor. Someone he still has nightmares about and makes him want to rub his flesh raw and bleeding so he doesnt feel gross. Your touch is unwelcomed but comfortingly warm, whenever you have the guts to touch him or help him wrap bandages and healing salves on his injured form after a day of work. Its annoying.
It’s annoying how his eyes start to trail over your emerging curves. The soft swell of your breasts, the smooth curve of your waist to your hips to your thighs, even the uncomfortably (for him) thick meat on your ass draws his attention when you flit about the house in the sparse and, honestly, immodest robes you call clothes. And it gets worse as you grow older and the voices of the damned start to whisper inappropriate thoughts about you onto his mind. How you’d look splayed on his cock, clenching and spasming as he fills your insides while your mouth hangs open with drool dripping down onto your breasts. How you’d whine when he grabs you by the hair and drags you to his cock and you’d hungrily suck it like its your last meal. How you’d open your legs and sing his praises and reassure you love him even as he defiles you inside out.
It’s terrible. Its bad. Its immoral- even by adepti standards. But you just have to grow up like your mother, dont you, and make your poor father suffer even more? with your tits you never knew how to properly wrap up with bandages so you just let free under your shirt, the nipples poking through whenever you get cold. Or those robes that are obviously TOO short and ill fitting that you insist on wearing while you run around doing housework. Or the submissive lowering of your head when you greet him when he comes home from work and it really takes effort to not bend you over and fuck your virgin hole until its a sloppy little cumdump like it OUGHT to be.
And Xiao hates it. Hates he has to be the better person, the reasonable one, and restrain himself because his daughter is too stupid even with all that education she got from the other adepti. Maybe your tempting him for real. There’s no other explanation. Or maybe Ganyu’s to blame for your whorish behavior? Ganyu certainly inherited it from her mom with how she dresses and she mustve passed it onto you somehow. Some weird girl thing he’s not privy to.
Well as your father he has to correct you now, doesnt he?
Which is why he doesnt really mind your screams and flailing when he pins you down on your bed and tears your clothes apart. Sneering at your pathetic attempt to brandish a weapon at him and slapping you hard enough for you to see stars bc how dare you point a knife at your father? As he forces your legs open and gets his dick out, staring at your pussy for a moment and commenting how much of a Slut you are because why are you wet? He’s your dad and he’s punishing you, does it make you happy? That Daddy’s finally paying attention to you? So you really were trying to seduce him before werent you? And he tsks as he shoves a finger in and wriggles, noting how wet you are and growling that you better not have whored around and he’ll kill anyone who touched his daughter before he shoves his whole length in.
(Your screams are so loud he ends up shoving those pathetic bandages into your mouth to gag you as he pumps himself into your warm, deliciously tight heat. He goes on for hours, days, weeks. Youre both adepti whether you like it or not, so you have so much more stamina and durability- Xiao doesnt intend to be kind.
After all, your mother never showed him mercy. He should repay her “kindness” back onto you.)
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woundjob · 3 years
very interested in building a home as a metaphor for love and especially interested in this in regards to postwar wolfstar building their love together again. they’ve already got a foundation (foundations kate nash) but it’s old and cracked and needs a serious upheaval. remus returns from the forest not a beast but a lumberjack, red plaid clad and sweating with the weight of logs for a cabin, and sirius falls into his arms, no longer a tragic villain or hero or antihero, happy to be the damsel this time. the house is built on fertile land, sweet smelling shrubberies and trees that sway in a spring breeze, and they till the ground and plant a garden, desperate to bring something good into the world, to give life to something pink or blue or purple, lavender and daffodils and bluebells and lupines, of course.
perhaps there is a bookstore downstairs. perhaps the bookstore downstairs is a storefront in hogsmeade, a clever bit of magic that makes the downstairs a portal to another world. downstairs they sell books and moleskins and quills and ink and upstairs they relearn what it means to be a man beloved. upstairs they spend evenings placing bricks delicately around them with shaking hands, tetrising logs that remus, the wolf and the farmer, has brought back from journeys into the forest outside. perhaps the bookshops is where they go during the day. perhaps they go elsewhere, wanted men that they are. perhaps remus goes, kisses sirius on the cheek and leaves in the mornings with a briefcase and an “i love you baby” and sirius spends all day baking a roast for dinner, cleaning the house on all fours with an apron round his skirt
perhaps the days without his love get boring. he is, after all, a human firecracker, and needs to be bright and loud and busy, but after the war he’s frightened to leave the home they’ve built some days. it feels more comfortable to be embraced by it, and the lopsided ways the logs all fit together, the nervously rebuilt walls and floors and ceilings, and he can’t bear to leave. not yet. so sirius finds something to do with his hands. there’s a leak in the sink. a hole in the wall, a crack in the windows. the foundation needs a bit of straightening, the stairs need new paint, the cabinets need to all be screwed in, and then, if he has a moment, there are crafts to be done. a blanket, red plaid. soaps, smelling strongly of lavender. a wreath for the front door, with little moony and padfoot charms that welcome his love home.
properly domesticated love. doesnt have to be literal. they don’t have to settle down to settle down. they could travel to ireland and france and germany and island and the house will be built whether it is around them or not. (you’re my only home the magnetic fields) but they are taking a ruin and renewing it. refurbishing it. filling it with furniture and books and love. an old house does not have to die. the purpose of a house is to have people in it, and with a constant human presence and some DIY, an old forgotten house can become a home again
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peachysnzs · 3 years
genshin snz headcanons
i caved here are literally All my genshin snz headcanons cause im thinkin so hard rn
def sneezes in fits but tries to stifle whenever possible
uses his elbow most of the time, but sometimes when hes especially deep in a fit he ends up just sneezing desperately in the air
quiet and breathy
tries to make his sneezes as discrete as possible but the further in fits he gets, the more desperate his sneezes sound
every time he has a buildup to a sneeze, he kinda just shudders leadin up to it yknow
he always tries to be cautious and not get anyone sick when he is sick bless him
ok this fucker inhabits an ice mountain theres no way he doesnt get at least a *couple* colds
sneezes in likes twos, threes
this is so unoriginal bcs hydro vision but like her sneezes are def at least a bit wet-sounding
uses tissues when avaliable, but if not she just kinda turns to the side
loud and high-pitched
she sneezes relatively suddenly and it takes her by surprise sometimes
tbh mona feels like somebody who’d have allergies and being all sniffly and miserable looking and still try to deny that shes allergic to anything and that youre stupid for thinking so. very tsundere.
speaking of sniffly her nose probably just constantly runs like a tap when shes sick
she wouldnt even try to keep her germs to herself and would be disgusted at sick ppl even if she was the one to get you sick
hu tao
literally almost never sneezes* but when she does its singles
uses her elbow and covers her mouth, ty hu tao for being a good snz role model
kinda low and naturally soft
long ass fucking buildups! her nose just kinda itches for a whole two minutes and her breath wavers before she sneezes quickly
so for the asterisk * i kinda lied, she sneezes up a storm only when sick, she has kinda a subpar immune systme so whenever shes sick she just is stuck with sneezng consistently through the whole day til shes dizzy
also sneezes in singles, occasional doubles
alternates between using hankerchiefs if avaliable or just her elbow
i feel like jean is the type of person to like excuse herself right before succumbing to a fit
small sneezes, decently graceful
i feel like shed had a dust allergy honestly
jean literally will not take sick days even when she has awful colds, and while she tries not to get ppl sick she does a kinda awful job at it
two to four usually
elbow once again, but sometimes when shes gliding she cant really use her arms so she just sneezes in the air
squeaky def, high pitched
she def has hayfever and one day opens her glider and its just covered in pollen
no build ups to her sneeze, just a sharp inhale and then the snz
we already saw her snz so
either single sneezes or long ass fits, no inbetween
sneezes into her gloves, but when her sneezes start to get messy she switches to a hankerchief
breathy and feminine
cyro characters get colds cause i say so
no fr tho eula just miserable w a cold and just constantly having to duck foward and sneeze into her gloves
half of her cold is her denying shes sick even when she looks absolutely horrible and the other half is complaining about how miserable she feels and demanding people to do things for her
doubles usually
he sneezes into the air or in his hands this fucker would never sneeze in his elbow
messy and desperate
long! ass! fucking! buildups! he tries to hide the hitching with his builds ups but hes not at all good at it
his sneezes get so much messier the sicker he is, until hes practically just dripping
dont be decieved by the way he hides being sick, he desperately craves being coddled whenever hes sick because of his home life
suprisingly good at caretaking
triples and quadruples i feel like
elbow primarily, but sometimes uses tissues
loud and rough
he tries so hard to hide his allergies but it never works because his sneezes are always so loud
fuck it give him all the allergies
his voice gets stuffy so quickly when even in like a five foot vicinity of flowers, and his nose itches so much to the point where it feels like hes just constantly building up to another sneeze
has probably sneezed on someones drink at least once while he had a cold
almost only fits and he fucking hates it
he usually pinches his nose to stifle but if he cant manage he either quickly goes for the elbow or just ducks his head down and sneezes towards the floor
shaky and itchy-sounding if that makes sense
yknow that little gasp people do sometimes before sneezing i feel like hed do that
never takes sick days unless forced to by jean or diluc, and ends up shambling through his daily tasks shaky and feverish and sneezy
he tries to stifle but it really does not work
singles, and if u catch her sneezing she’ll probably make you swear to silence
literally just in the elbow
honestly i feel like shed sneeze like a kitten, or just really high and femme
she sees being sick/allergic as a sign of weakness so fights sneezing very hard. like u can see the visible effort she makes pinching her nose and shit after her breath hitches even once
also one of those dumbasses that stifle way too much and doesnt take sickdays
doubles unless shes allergic, then its fits
she has a fancy ass lace hankerchief she carries w her speficially for snzs to look ‘proper’
she forces her sneezes to be elegant, sneezing naturally is loud tho
small buildups but v audible breaths building up to a sneeze
she has a good immune system but when she does get sick she gets it bad and tries to cover up her flushed face and red nose with makeup
without people around her she just lets herself be miserable while sneezes, lettting out small little “..guh...” after a particularly bad fit
doubles or triples
beidou would also like never use her elbow, shed sneeze in her fist even if the sneeze is messy as hell
loud and proud of it
look all im saying is beidou is a walking health hazard whenever sick, she doesnt try at all to keep colds to herself and can and wil sneeze into her hand only to shake yours seconds later 
no buildups, just sudden sneezes that scare the shit out of people tho
very very fucking messy
half the time does not care if shes sick, she doesnt really feel like she needs to take sick days because she doesnt feel that bad and stuff like that
singles and occasional doubles
she keeps tissues on her and uses them relatively often
delicate and proper
the idea of lisa having a dust allergy is just everything to me, like she blows off dust from a book and ends up stuck for a few minutes with her nostrils flaring until she finally sneezes desperately into a tissue
rarely gets sick, but when she does milks the hell out of it to be as lazy as possible. like “oh im feeling so awful rn, maybe a kiss will make me feel better?~”
fits fits fits
hands or elbows, really depends on how hard the sneeze hits him
decently loud and a bit high pitched
look venti is an anemo god all im saying is when he sneezes the wind picks up, and when he has fits its enough to push you over
to remedy this he just avoids everyone when sick and avoids cats with a a passion
buildups are very breathy and desperate
his nose runs so much near cats and he makes a godddamn mess of himself the longer hes around them
cats absolutely love him regardless
he gets fits only bcs i say so
literally either just the air or his hands because nobody ever taught him that he should like cover his mouth properly when sneezing
quiet but messy
the idea of xiao w just torturuous buildups does something for me. he’ll be stuck there w his breath hitching and hazy eyes for like a whole minute before he finally just ducks into his hand and makes a mess of himself
he does not understand being sick and absolutely hates it when he does get sick, 100% tries to power through it and ends up a fucking mess by the end of the day
his sneezes get stuck so often
his nose gets so fucking flushed and twitchy after a while of sneezing
doubles or triples
sneezes in her elbow most of the time
soft and low
when she gets sick she gets so sleepy, her sneezes just kinda draw all the energy outta her and she usually ends up taking a nap
shes allergic to dogs too bcs why not
she doesnt want to bother people when sick or get them sick too so she usually takes copious sickdays until shes absolutely certain that she cant get anyone sick
triples literally always for some reason
either into his fist or into a hankerchief
low and masculine, a bit loud
doing the same god shtick with him, the floor tends to shake whenever he gets particularly sneezy and stuff on cupboards can and will fall over when in the vicinity
no buildups really, hell just be in the middle of talking and then he blinks a bit and then sneezes roughly
he doesnt really take sick days but he doesnt really deny hes sick either, just kinda tries to get through the day despite feeling awful
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modern-vellichor · 4 years
In Her Blood; Three
Summary: Steve's birthday gives plenty opportunity to play your little game. Bridges are being rebuilt between you and Steve when Sarah doesnt come home.
Pairing: DadsBestFriend!Bucky x Reader, Sam x Steve
Warnings: smoking, angst, drinking, alcohol use (not abuse), uncomfortable family dynamic, age gap relationship.
Previous Chapter || Masterlist
Sam, Sarah and Bucky are all standing around the kitchen counter, Steve is blowing out candles on a birthday cake.
You shoulder through the front door, carrying a large cardboard box on your hip. You place it on the counter in front of Steve, and you smile.
"happy birthday, Steve-o"
He looks a little confused at first, he's wary opening the box. He's faced with oil paints and synthetic brushes, canvases and a mole skin sketchbook.
"were these spare from school?", he asks her, trailing his finger down the spine of his notebook.
"nope, bought them in my supply shop before I flew back, been hiding it in my trunk", she smiles, sitting herself in the stool beside Bucky.
"well", he says, surprised. "Thank you"
You shoot him a kind smile and turn to Sarah as she explains the plans for the night; "we're going to a new place, it should be nice and quiet considering it is the fourth of July"
The next time you're all together, Sam and Steve are clad in suits and you and Sarah are tugging dresses along behind you. You climb into your car and shout to Sarah through an open window.
"I'll pick up Barnes and follow yall there, wait for us outside!"
She throws you a thumbs up and you pull up outside of Bucky's house, honking your horn.
When he opens his door you have to hurriedly pick your jaw from the floor before he slides in next to you, his suit hugging every muscle perfectly.
You throw a pack of Marlboro Golds at him and he knows what to do. Lighting one between his teeth, he passes it to your lips. You nod in thanks, and then he drops his hand to your thigh, giving it a light squeeze. Your breath catches in your throat.
It isn't long before you're parking on the curb next to your family and throwing your butt out the window. Bucky is opening your door and offering his hand before you even have your belt unplugged. You take his hand and graciously step into the humid summer night.
The bar is quaint, dimly lit. Your dress shimmers in the flickering candle light, warm and homely. Bucky's hand stays on the small of your back, rubbing hot circles on exposed skin.
You and Bucky are the last to slot into the curved bench around a large table, you only have to step over Bucky to escape, but he's got you trapped, right where he wants you.
You all drink the night away slowly, whiskeys and Manhattan's, a cranberry vodka soda for you, a dangerous drink.
Bucky's hand stays on your thigh the whole night, hidden under the table, the slit in your dress the perfect place to slip his hand to bare flesh.
It's just gone midnight when Sam and Steve are sauntering onto the dancefloor and swaying in eachothers arms.
Bucky turns to you with a mischievous grin and an outstretched hand, "would you like to dance, doll?", his tone mocks innocence and sincerity, enough so Sarah isn't suspicious of your secret rendezvous.
Your smile is equally as devilish, you take his hand, "Actually, I would"
He smirks as he leads you to the floor by the hand, its terribly intimate and the risk of being caught looms dangerously close, neither of your care. He spins and dips you, holding you close to him. You catch Sam's eye and he winks at you with a joking smile, you throw a thumbs up behind Bucky's back and smile.
"they're so clueless", you whisper into his ear, breath tickling his neck as you nibble at his earlobe.
"kitten", he growls, "stop that"
"you're so scary", you mock, but you stop nonetheless, parting from him and dragging him to the bar and then outside.
You hold your cigarette between your fingers and your glass is hanging lazy from your other grip. Bucky stands behind you, chin on your shoulder and arms iron-tight around your waist.
When you bring the smoke to your lips he allows you a long pull before taking it from you, placing it loosely between his oh-so-kissable lips.
He takes a drag for himself and then presses his lips to yours, sticky smoke fills your lungs and you smile, he pulls away and you blow a cloud in his face with a giggle.
Bucky and Steve are driving everyone home, their tolerance higher than everyone else's, and Sarah too tired to drive.
You rest your hand on Bucky's thigh as he pulls into your driveway, you're leaning on him as he walks you to your room. He's tucking you into bed and you're pulling him in next to you. He lays in your arms for a moment before he's making for the door. You let out a disappointed whine, but you stop at the click of a lock. You smile as he slips under the covers next to you. You press sweet kisses to his lips, tangled in each others arms.
He slips into the guest bedroom while you're still asleep. You and Sarah are the only two awake early the next morning, Steve already out for his run.
"god is real", you giggle into your coffee mug.
Sarah smiles back at you, she sees your stupid grin and blushing cheeks, "really?", she presses.
"he was sleeping in my bed night. God in jeans", you grin, sipping your strong coffee.
Steve comes in then, pouring himself a cup, you and Sarah stop talking.
"morning girls", you both mumble back a 'mornin'.
That afternoon, the five of you all gathered in the living room, Sarah excuses herself.
"I'm going out with Nate"
You all smile at her and wish get goodbye. Then you turn to your parents confused. Your head is resting on the armrest while your legs are thrown over Bucky's lap.
"who the fuck is Nate?", you question.
"language", Steve mumbles, not looking up from his fresh sketchbook.
"Nate is her boyfriend", Sam explains, you smile knowingly, shooting Bucky a discreet wink.
The day passes lazily, and soon you and Steve are the only ones awake. You stroll into the living room where he is sat, reading some old book.
"Sarah not home yet?", you ask as you make yourself comfortable in the armchair.
"no, not yet?"
It's already late, and so you turn to him. "why dont you go to bed, I'll wait up for Sarah"
"no it's okay, I'll stay up, why dont you get some sleep"
"I'll keep you company"
Its oddly comfortable, the two of you cozy in armchairs and warm lighting. You're curled up in a blanket, typing away on your laptop, Steve sprawled out across the room with his book.
The night rolls on and you both grow more worried.
"should we call the police?", he says, his back is straight, he's anxious.
"no", you say softly.
"arent the first 24 hours the most crucial in missing persons cases?", he stresses.
"that's missing children, Dad. She's almost nineteen", you both pause, that's the first time you've called him Dad since you turned 16. "if she's not hone by morning we'll call the police, and then we'll round up a gang and go looking"
You shut your laptop and settle next to him, you throw you arm over his broad shoulders and comfort him. Eventually the two of you fall asleep.
You're startled awake he next morning by the sound of the door opening, you both scramble up, expecting Sarah. Instead you find Sam and Bucky.
"is Sarah home?", you question, still groggy. Bucky smiles at your sleepy form.
But Sam looks worried, "I dont know, why?"
You shoot Steve an anxious look and bolt up the stairs, you find her bedroom empty, and jump back down the stairs. "she didnt come home last night"
At that moment, Sarah bustles in. Her makeup is smudged and her clothes wrinkled, dark circles prominent under her eyes. You and Steve's demeanors immediately change to angry and defensive.
"where we're you?", you say simultaneously.
"out with Nate, I told you"
You and Steve glance at each other before he's ordering Sarah into the kitchen. You follow after Steve, Sam leads Bucky away into the living room, distracting him.
You have always been able to tell you were Steve's daughter. You both tower over Sarah as she rubs her temple. You hold yourselves with the same power, the same dominance. Bucky and Sam watch discreetly from the hall, and Bucky cant deny the similarities.
When you talk you use the same rough tone, "where the fuck were you?", "what were you thinking?", "we were gonna call the cops, do you know how worried we were?". Its biting and cold, you're both furious.
"you would never do this if Y/N disappeared for a night", she snaps. You both freeze, Steve straightens up, you're shocked into silence.
"Y/N knows how to hold her own. Y/N is an adult, I trust Y/N to ge safe, and to keep herself safe incase anything were to happen", he states, tone unnervingly even and monotone.
"I'm an adult too", she whines.
"You're not even nineteen, Sarah", you snap. "We still have to order you coke and chips whenever we go out, you may be a legal adult but you sure as hell don't act like one"
At that Sarah storms up the stairs and slams her door. You and Steve sigh as Bucky and Sam amble into the kitchen. Steve pours everyone a cup of coffee, you all sit in comfortable silence.
"Hey, what if we all go up to the lake, its perfect this time round, I'm sure we can all fit in the cabin", Steve says after a while. You all nod in agreement, Sam starts up the stairs to tell Sarah.
"wha'd'ya think, Y/N?", Steve smiles, all of a sudden shy. He's not used to being so soft with you, the two of you hadn't properly gotten along since you were 14, and here you were, together, close.
"I'll start packing", you smile.
@vicmc624 @adriannajackson @zizzlekwum @chipilerendi @madaroni37
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helisol · 4 years
Tumblr media
again not a finished fic but very extensive notes, this one’s a chonker, 4k words
tl;dr: take it a ds9 but make it into high fantasy wizards. garashir, kiradax and quodo. we’ve got it all here folks.
I read a book about a young witch apprentice in a world where every magician has a ~special name~ based on an object/plant/animal they’re spiritually connected to.
then I watched ds9 and got introduced to the concept of cardassians being lizards.
the result- wizard lizard.
So Garak “The Lizard” is a mage that got exiled from his home country and ended up taking a pretty neat job in a rural area of a larger empire where being a wizard is Cool and Widely Accepted. 
his duties include keeping the villages around his tower safe, looking for young mages to turn into apprentices, and sometimes making clothes because he’s Still A Tailor.
however, because of his chronic “i no wanna work” disease, this lizard has not actually been looking around the villages near him for magically gifted children. shame on him. 
because through his negligence Julian Bashir, young village doctor, grew up without even knowing that he can do ~magic~
but he soon finds out when his town gets attacked by a Big Evil Magic Monster. The Lizard is taking his sweet time to come to their rescue and Julian can’t just sit by and watch innocent people get mauled by a Chimera or Giant Mantis.
So Julian does the heroic thing and jumps inbetween a wounded child and the monster in the exact second Garak shows up.
And he gets to watch as Julian unleashes some Magic for the first time.
Then Garak Kind Of Abducts Julian So He Can Teach Him Magic
Garak is contractually obligated and allowed to take on anyone who is capable of magic as an apprentice, and he finds Julian’s magic interesting enough to invoke that contract now. Not Julian himself though. Only his magic. for now.
Julian- for like, the first week- is NOT OKAY with being teleported into a tower fortress by a wizard he finds intimidating and scary, and he loudly protests when Garak actually starts to teach him magic spells.
However, this is Julian, and he *is* intrigued by the thought of being able to use magic For Doing Good.
So one night he admits defeat and slinks up to the tower and goes “Okay. Compromise. Teach me healing magic.”
To which Garak is like 👀 “Okay.”
They start having regular magic lessons mostly focused on healing, which Julian is just naturally good at. So they move on to other things. Which Julian is Not naturally good at.
And he becomes very frustrated.
Garak tries to assuage him and says that he doesn’t have to be accomplished in every single field and discipline- which is logically true- but Julian is having none of it since Garak is accomplished in every field.
In a fit of anger Julian unleashes emotional magic again and breaks some of Garak’s things. Books, vials, a desk, nothing super major. But Julian is still surprised and shocked at himself for causing trouble like this and he Runs Away. Straight up exits stage left.
And Garak, who just got flung against the wall by his little apprentice, just rushes to the window and looks as Julian runs away and he is. Disappointed.
Next we have Julian returning home and everyone is like "Doctor!!! You were gone for half a year???" And Julian is like "I thought I was only gone for a month at most-"
Yeah the joke is time flies when you’re having fun because Julian *did* have fun living with Garak. He doesn’t regret leaving though, after all Garak was probably furious after he wrecked his study he wasn’t.
So Julian says to himself "Hmph. I'll just stay home for a week. Garak will hardly notice I'm gone. And then I can make it up to him."
But Then He Stays For A Whole Month
He has to instruct a new doctor to take over the nearby villages, do some paperwork, help some sick people, practice some magic on his own- and at the end of the month He Doesn’t Want To Stay Any Longer.
He’s always been different from the other village people, and now he finally got a taste of what it’s like to have someone help you to achieve your potential and widen your horizon and he *doesn’t* want to give that up for a boring but busy country life.
So back to the tower it is. Julian arrives, the place is kind of messy, and when he finds Garak he is in his study. on the floor. a little drunk, definitely sad, and Very Surprised To See Him.
Here we get a scene where Garak tipsily tells Julian how much he’s grown to appreciate him, not just for his magic talent, but as a person- and that he’s missed him.
But The Next Morning Garak Does Not Remember
And he's just like "Oh Julian. Youre back. I'd almost forgotten about you."
For a second Julian wants to punch a wall because *Yesterday You Told Me You Missed Me*, but then he just Smiles. settles for what they have right now. and asks Garak to continue teaching him magic.
so they go on. and have. so many gay moments.
And then Garak gets told to attend some kind of magic council meeting/banquet.
Julian says something along the lines of "Oh well, guess I'll stay home. You know, protect the fort. Practice magic." but he's a little sad about it.
But garak just goes "Hmm No. I'm taking you with me"
"What-" "I'm introducing you as my apprentice to the magic council." "W h a t-" "Oh also you need pretty clothes for this so I'm gonna make you some. Since you’re a commoner with no actual taste." "W H A T-"
So garak makes a really nice suit for Julian and for himself they match and they go to the Cool Wizard Banquet.
At which Julian meets a lot of wizards and witches and he's like "Wow this is so exciting!" but he also realises he is a Total Country Bumpkin And Noob compared to these people and their apprentices.
He also hears that Apparently the Local Wizard of every region is supposed to do a 5-yearly sweep of the surrounding towns to check for kids that have magic potential and then send them to Magic School/take them in as their apprentice directly.
And Garak. Did not do that.
He was Lazy and Angery. Exile will do that to you.
Julian isn’t too happy when he learns about this and he walks out of the banquet hall into the garden- to where Garak follows him.
"So just because you were all bitchy about having to follow this country's rules about magic you let me grow up not knowing my full potential? How many of my childhood friends might be able to do magic if they tried?"
“I was in a really bad place back then."
"SO WHAT? Things are okay now because you found me? If you had been two minutes early during that attack you wouldnt even know I could use magic!"
"...but I *wasn’t* early!"
So Julian just throws up his hands in frustration and leaves to get away from Garak for a while.
The next day he mingles more with the other apprentices and they exchange Ideas and Skills and also Gossip about their teachers.
Some of the apprentices suggest that Julian could go to magic school for a while before applying for a *new* teacher, since obviously Garak did him wrong.
This doesn’t sound like a bad idea, so he talks with some older mages and most of them are friendly and are like “Oh yeah, sure, we’d love to take you in.”
But then it turns out a lot of people are talking behind his back about how much of an outlier he is.
(wizard culture is like 50% magic and 50% gossip)
So Julian is standing on a balcony and down below he hears a group of Douche Wizards discussing his inadequacies.
And it kinda makes Julian feel like absolute shit, so his powers go wobbly again. But then enter stage right: Garak
Who properly puts those wizards into their rightful place like "Say one more bad thing about my apprentice and I’ll blast your punk ass back to Romulus. You should KNOW the reason why I dont usually take apprentices, but here you are anyway saying he has no power. He has more power in his pinky than all of you combined."
Turns out there’s an extra layer to Why Garak didn’t do the "Check for Magicians in your Area" thing- it’s because he openly has no interest in training or working with anyone who isnt Special or Powerful.
Which means Julians happens to be. very special. and very powerful.
And hearing that from Garak makes him go 😳
His emotions are running high and he starts *floating*. Probably the worst thing to do on a first floor balcony out of All The Things To Do On A First Floor Balcony.
So he’s Floating and he doesnt know how to make that Stop.
He panics, starts falling and basically crashes right into Garaks arms.
"Oh great, youre right on time. We're leaving."
"What? But the banquet lasts for a week?" also I'm still a little mad but also a little in love with you?
But Garak has already teleported them back to the tower before he can really argue.
Anyway Julian is upset about many things overall, but mostly that he didnt get to dance. He practiced a lot in his off time.
Thank God Garak Knows This 
"...I know how to make magic music. Let’s have a little fun at least."
They dance and Julian starts floating *again*.
Garak 👀’s @ Julian floating "Okay I’ve been recording most of your emotion based powers. This is new."
Julian just Floats Higher out of embarrassment, so garak is like ‘well I'll just join him up there.’
Turns out his emotions are too unclear, which makes his magic unbalanced, so really all they have to do is get him some Clarity.
Garak is like "Well one very easy way to do that is-" and then they kiss in the air. Floating. because I’m gay and I will use gay magic tropes as I see fit.
so that’s the garashir side of things, on to kiradax
There's Some Slow Burn In There
Basically Kira is a mage, but instead of using magic to fight she just Enchants Swords/Arrows/Other Weapons.
Because she fought in a wizard war and when there's not a lot of mana potions to go around you have to get creative.
She didn’t get a proper magician name because she was actually never anyone’s apprentice, but people still call her The Blade because she is just so cool.
Anyway in this universe mages age very slowly, and Kira is probably around 60 years old when she meets Jadzia. Which is not a lot in wizard years.
She does feels a little inadequate about being so Young and Inexperienced she didn’t really expect nor wanted to run into the legendary Jadzia Dax who everyone thinks is like 300 years old, maybe more.
So meeting someone who is her complete opposite just makes her go "Hmph. I dont wanna associate with you." 
But Jadzia keeps popping in randomly around her almost every day until Kira snaps like "WHAT is your problem???"
“I never learned how to enchant tools."
"Can you teach me?"
"The great Dax has never enchanted a single tool or weapon?"
"I took care of everything with other types of magic. Will you teach me?"
So Kira Nerys, The Blade, the person everyone looked down on because she uses enchanted tools instead of magic for everything- is being asked by this legendary mage to teach her something. What an honor. What an incredible thing.
But She Says No
So Jadzia keeps bothering her every day.
But eventually bothering her turned into "Hey wanna get some coffee? Wanna go to the library with me? Can I look at you while youre in the smithy? Do you wanna look at me while I come up with new magic formulas? Wanna get drunk together and maybe kiss but definitely have no recollection of it in the morning?"
- over a span of 10 years.
But at the end of those 10 years Jadzia still hasnt learned how to enchant tools.
And it takes One day at the magic banquet for Nerys to actually realise the Implications of that.
It’s the third banquet they've been to- together, as each other’s plus one.
They color coordinate their robes and wear matching accessoires. The works.
And Kira decides that now is the day to grill her Totally-Not-Girlfriend about the reason why she sticks around.
"You could have just gotten someone else to teach you how to enchant things."
"Why would I need anyone to teach me, I have you to enchant things *for me*."
"No but before I started doing it for you. Like the whole first five years of knowing me."
"Oh well I didn’t want anyone else because I was very much infatuated with you."
And Kira just bluescreens. Error 404 nerys.exe not found.
Until she catches herself.
"You...*were* infatuated with me?"
"Yes? You obviously never saw me that way though. So I stuck around for the good company and the coffee."
Now you see over the course of 10 years Kira’s irritation about Jadzia slowly turned into Something Else. But she thought Jadzia only saw her as a friend.
On the other hand Jadzia definitely had feelings from the start, but because kira was in Denial she didnt act on those feelings.
If I were a shitty writer or- god foirbid- *Straight*, I would have there be a miscommunication right about now and prolong their useless lesbian suffering.
But I’m not.
Basically Kira just goes 
"Okay but when you say *were* attracted to me does that mean you *stopped*?"
"Uh. No?"
"Cool. Excuse me, I need a moment."
So she tries to hide from this sudden revelation and her feelings in a hedge maze, but there’s no use hiding from Jadzia.
 Who, instead of just walking around the labyrinth to find her like a normal person, basically whacks down the bushes in a straight line until she reaches Kira.
"THERE YOU ARE! I used this completely unenchanted sword to get to you and tell you I definitely still like you. Now will you PLEASE teach me how to enchant tools as your first courting gift?"
And Kira is like "God yes you dumbass-" and they kiss.
now wizard quodo is funny because I kind of started this part as a joke but then it all got Serious
First of all Quark is Actually A Really Powerful Magician.
But what does he do with his great power?
Move from his home country to the city of wizards and open a bar.
Because he is still fundamentally *Quark*.
And Odo is still fundamentally Odo, because he is a Shapeshifting Alien From Actual Outer Space You Know.
He still went through the whole "I was studied by scientists (wizards) and couldnt let them know I was sentient for a long time which made me very grouchy and lonely" thing.
So Odo spends like ~100 years going from captivity/being an object of scientific study to living as a guard in the city of wizards.
Basically everyone thinks that Odo cant use magic- including Odo- because, well, he’s a bunch of slime that came from a meteor.
Then he meets Quark, powerful wizard and bartender.
And he has *no* idea who he is.
Only that he’s the guy who runs that one shady gambling bar and is involved in some illegal business.
And Quark is like "Ah finally. A worthy opponent."
So he and Quark have the same vibe as on DS9- where Quark keeps doing illegal stuff and Odo tries to stop him and the universe decides to say enemies to lovers 400k words slowburn.
And one day Quark gets into some Seriously shady business with some people who are now very aggressively demanding Quark give them their money back
and they're. you know. threatening violence.
Odo shows up and right before this one dude is about to straight up sucker punch Quark he's like "HALT!" and Wow He Made A Magic Happen.
Now. Because Quark is Indebted to Odo. He is expected to take him on as his magic apprentice.
At first he is Not Down For That. They both aren’t. So even though technically they are teacher and apprentice they both just refuse to work together.
Until Odo goes to check up on Quark one day- because as we all know he makes it a point to drop by his bar four times a day just to let him know he's thinking about him- and Quark is in trouble again.
Only this time Odo is like "I'm not gonna help him. I dont even know how I *could* help him. Since he hasn’t taught me any magic, the bastard."
So he wants to just pass by and leave when Quark basically starts to just Demolish these people with magic in a frightening and totally not impressive display.
MIND YOU Quark is still generally incompetent. If this was D&D he'd have like, very low skill points but unlimited spell slots.
Anyway Odo goes 👀
Because him being unable to use magic in a country/city where everyone he *knows* can use magic has always made him feel bad.
So he goes to Quark like "Okay. I changed my mind. Please teach me magic."
And Quark tries to teach Odo magic, earnestly. 
And Odo tries to learn magic from Quark, for real. 
But the key word here is *try*.
Because neither is very good at what theyre *trying* to do.
Odo didn’t Really want to learn from Quark and that's pretty much the reason why Quark doesnt Really want to teach Odo. But They Try.
There’s a lot of fights and arguments and "You’re not doing it right" vs "You’re not explaining it right"
But hey, at least Odo can now do some magic, which makes his guard job a lot easier.
He also gets to socialise more with other wizards and their apprentices, and he becomes a generally happier pile of humanoid goo!
Meanwhile Quark slowly but surely turns into a more Respected wizard. And his bar also becomes a bit more respectable as well.
it's almost like,,they both wanna be,,,,their best selves,,
and learning to work together has Somehow set them on the right path,,,
idk man sounds kinda gay,,,,
But then the banquet rolls around.
Quark is like "Oh fuck I Have to take Odo to this social function because hes my apprentice and thems are the rules."
and Odo is like "Oh fuck I Have to attend this social function with Quark because thems the rules."
The vibe they’re both getting is- "It's all fun and games when we're by ourselves but Somehow acting friendly in public feels Wrong." 
So they agree to Arrive together and then split up and spend as little time as possible together lest they fall victim to some kind of *feeling*.
And like all plans that Odo and Quark make it works out brilliantly for Exactly 5 Minutes.
Because while Quark is talking to his accomplished and very boring wizard acquaintances he kinda realises "God I wish Odo were here-"
And as Odo is talking to all these annoying ass apprentices he kinda realises "God I wish Quark was here-"
So that's what they do on the first day of the banquet. and the second. and the third. 
They just keep only seeing each other from the corner of their eyes but dont really get to talk/argue about anything and it's making them feel Not So Good, Actually
Now the fourth day is the kicker.
Because while Odo is talking to some people he gets tapped on the shoulder and there he is! The worst father on this side of the galaxy! Doctor Mora- but like, as a wizard scientist.
"Oh my god Odo? You’re here? How did you manage that? You can’t use magic dont be silly! *I* studied you and who would know you better than me? What? *you* know yourself better? Nonsense, now walk with me- how have you been :)?"
Obviously Odo is getting Very distressed but he can't exactly say No, so he walks around with Mora.
They sit down near a fountain and his ‘father’ just starts grilling Odo about what he's been up to.
And eventually they start talking about Quark
"Wait, *Quark*? The absolute magic failure who runs that disgusting establishment? That Quark?"
"Well I wouldnt put it like that, he’s not-"
But Mora goes on- "Oh no my dear boy that won't do! You have to learn from a *good* wizard. Like me! Dont you want that? Oh I'm sure you want that. That nasty good for nothing will resign as your teacher first thing tomorrow!"
And Odo is like "Now wait a minute, Quark might have his flaws, but-"
"There! See, you admitted it. He's flawed. He can't possibly be a good teacher for you. But I would be! I *raised* you."
But Odo is getting Rather Angy right about now.
"Well you did a pretty bad job raising me considering you didnt even know I could do magic until now."
"I can’t believe it. Quark is such a bad influence on you. You never used to talk back at me. This is what happens when you hang around with people who dont know you like I do."
Then something in him snaps and Odo just goes Off on Mora.
And he basically breaks the fountain theyre sitting at with some accidental emotional magic.
So after Mora goes "...I better get someone to fix that-" and runs off, Odo is standing in front of this broken fountain and thinks about how this might be a cruel metaphor for his life. And then the worst possible thing happens.
He Spots Quark Badly Hidden Behind A Pillar
Internally he just goes 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 
Externally though it’s more like "How much of that did you hear???"
Quark’s trying to lighten the mood with a "Haha well it's hard to avoid hearing things with lobes as big as mine!" 
But Odo is not playing, so he breaks the fountain some more. As intimidation.
So Quark goes "Okay. Alright. I heard all the parts where you defended my honor. Now move aside."
And Odo goes 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAA' inside again, so he doesnt really move but just gets nudged aside by Quark.
Who returns the fountain back to its previous state.
Things are nice and silent for a second but then Quark disturbs the moment by saying "Okay now, real talk- you want another teacher, is that right?"
So Odos head whips up and he goes "No??? What the fuck quark. I thought you listened to that conversation. Youre the only one I want-"
and he Immediately slaps a hand over his mouth because Oh God That Came Out Wrong-
But Quark is just Laughing and being his usual little shit self like "Haha good one, let's go back inside now. (where the social conventions will force us to remain apart so we dont have to confront what you just said.)"
on the inside though- Quark is just as 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' as Odo
"I absolutely Cannot go inside and socialise right now, I’ve had Quite enough of that." 
"Oh...well then...i'll leave you be?"
"No don’t-"
So Odo quickly grabs Quark’s hand (and Quark just fuckin uh dies on the spot) but he's not very communicative at the moment. So Quark kinda has to just interpret that for himself.
"Aaaaalright- let’s just take a walk then."
So they walk through the rose garden. holding *hands*. and Quark points out nice or interesting things while Odo just nods or hums in agreement.
Until they’ve come full circle and end up back at the fountain, where Quark is like "Okay. Wanna go back inside *now*?" 
Because he swears if they spend one more second like this he will HAVE to kiss this pile of space goo and he’d rather Odo make that decision for him.
And Odo is like "I just want to stay with you."
So Quark is like ‘Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool’, pulls them behind a hedge and kisses Odo.
because on GOD I enjoy the “going from an argument straight into kissing” trope, but that one is actually too on brand for quodo so I HAD to change it up.
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iconsumeheadcanons · 4 years
persona characters autism headcanons!
hi im autistic and i started my day with sun so now im !!!!!!!!! some of these headcanons are from elsewhere on tumbr, but i dont know where :(((  so i am hoping someone out there knows that n that everybody knows that i love them <3
(also go check out mollypaup and i think hypeswap if you havent already! they post some good stuff autism+adhd hc too!!! i think.. oh! and thieves-in-the-palace!!!)
there was some artwork from someone on tublr..where they pointed out that he doesnt really talk outside the metaverse so--hes hyperverbal as joker and just near nonverbal as akiren
he stims ALL THE TIME. that phone thing, the pencil thing, the little tappy tap of his foot, pulling at his bangs when hes embarrassed/smug. someone get him a fidget spinner. he’ll prob learn to do tricks with it
he probably sucks at focusing in class, like i know its just the game design but hes always surprised out of his daily “star out the window at the nearby office building” when his teachers ask him questions
mona mentions when the pt is at Wilton for the first time (after they run into shido) that joker eats like shit, and that could have multiple causes at the start of the story of course, but when i first played i thought that joker was a picky eater and that the variety (and amount of food) at the buffet would be an Ordeal...
tho mona makes that comment bc joker looked pale after having a little ptsd moment from shidos voice, but i didnt know that the first time i played
maybe when joker makes a face at ryuji putting so much ginger in his gyudon? joker probably does not like pickled ginger lol
his favortive foods are all spicy, which is why the curry he makes for his friends is always ‘overly spicy’, and why kasumi makes him a curry bento and joker kept going “...?” .... “....?!”
overly reflective glasses have been a great plus for him bc now he never has to make real eye contact every again!
mona Soft. play with Ann hair. maybe Braid. nice
puns (Gorou the Goroumet)
he has so many options to be straight up rude sometimes in game. he probably no clue on his own, which is why he defaults to Not Talking. people probably mention his constant scary face, which is just him being nonexpressive, squinting at all the fucking bright lights, and Tired
executive function who? we do everything last minute folks
high pain tolerance, which is why he was the kid that was always climbing trees in elementary school to get basketballs unstuck from the branches
his sixth sense lets him see treasure and possible places to climb/crawl bc 1. Shiny? Steal it. Steal it Now. and 2. Could i fit in that? Time to Find Out
probalby a bit of a klepto too oops. he’ll return it tho!! but he has to do it dramatically or he’ll die
cant sit properly to save his life
smells and touch are Great, they can keep him grounded when his brain goes off to police or dead rivals or guilt or
if a friend hung out with him and gave him total reigns of the agenda, he would choose to nap on the floor while his friend does something off to the side quietly
hyperfocuses on handy tasks (i.e. lockpicks, coffee brewing, cleaning, his part time jobs) and some things like movies and books. everything else is a tossup
his (normal) navigation app is his most used app bc he still doesnt know where hes going, even though he only goes to the same few places in the city
hates being sweaty, literally cannot stand it. probably double exhausted during the summer
but Needs Compression so hes often Struggling
paraphrase from p5d “i have no motor skills so i cant play rhythm games :(” need i say more? (i will regardless)
echolalia all the time, from anime, memes, the PT
those headphones she wears all the time? noise cancelling ear protectors babey
only talks about her interests, “normal” talking is Not Easy, but she is still communicative w others despite her worries. shes not “hard to understand” at all but she feels the anxiety nonetheless
only talks informally, cannot talk ‘politely’ with out imitating someone around her
shes had meltdowns and anxiety attacks in game :( i relate so hard
Technology. thats it
def had an egypt phase that pops up every few months. probably came from yu-gi-oh
has Immune to Bright Lights buff.  joker is very jealous
“Time to make like a tree and leave!” and 30 other iterations
video game metaphors are the only ones that makes sense to her
probably relates hard to robot characters in anime for their general androgyny and confusion about human emotions and connections
probably gets told that shes “too smart to be on the spectrum” by teachers >:( she fails their classes on purpose
wakaba’s autistic too that just how it is
the Connection that she establishes with Joker is so Warm. my life goals include adopting an older brother like futaba has lsdkfjslkfj
also eater of 5 foods only, i mean, she brings cup ramen to the beach. i just really admire her...
hides in small spaces for comfort
doesnt she have like uhhhhh hyperthymesia or something like that?
his entire social link is learning how humans work, which i relate
talks seriously all the time
“sarcasm? who is that? are you saying I was sarcastic?...how?”
cant remember to take care of his body, and madarame did not help with that either
lot of uncomfortable staring, hes overdoing the eye contact thingy
infodumps all the time, doesnt know hes doing it
needs a lot of support even if he doesnt think he deserves it. no one ever complains about helping him out tho
visual stims my friends
he didnt know that you could look up pictures on the internet but he does know you can stream live videos of waterfalls and fluffy animales!!
I am certainly in the mood
for something salty today.
he and joker are scared of math. numbers do not interact
Yusuke, futaba, and akiren are a trio and i know this bc their first day of non-thievery interacts is Akiren clearing Futabas room w/o permission, futaba hyperfocusing on destroying medjed, and yusuke rearranging futabas figurines so they are more visually appealing
morgana is a support friend for all of them bc igor knows they need it
yes, he mostly wears gray semi formal clothes bc parents tell him to, no, he will not changes this
Schedule or Death
“sorry, could you repeat that?” “huh? oh yeah, i was saying that--” “yeah that’d be cool.”
cats, fishing, he just likes to be quiet. you can literally spend a day at the beach just to think if you want, and that is what yu want
has a lot of scripts for things (of which he shares with nanako!) but if he runs out he just stops talking..
inaba is a godsend bc its so fucking quiet and warm
he Yearns to hold his friends hands, but he shies away from a lot of touch (excepting yosuke, teddie, and nanako)
Cooking and Cleaning makes the world better. he and joker vibe together with this
unlike akiren, he strong arms any executive dysfunction into Be Productive or Else. his punishment is feeling the pure anxiety of having to make up for ‘lost time’. (another symptom of his workaholic parents)
writes everything down, notes are very neat, has pages dedicated for bad doodles when hes not feeling his usual Super Classroom Focus
Cannot handle secondhand embarrassment (most often caused by yosuke) and will quietly slip away to random cats or origami folding
hungry, crunch crunch folks. probably needs chewelry bc he used to chew on his shirt collars when he was younger.
cleans up after everyone in the food court, constantly worries about them accidently hurting themselves. likely spends half of group conversations watching peoples hands
he canonically eats expired food, nanako plz help your brother
really clumsy, but people only notice after they decide that he is a cool person
video games are too chaotic for him
exhausted every night from the pure amount of masking he does, if a friend spends the night (or is like yosuke) they will know his more comfortable weirdo self (tho everyone knows hes a weirdo eventually)
hyperempathetic, sometimes just understands animals and children better than peeople his age or older
her jokes
she and souji get in ‘trouble’ together, she and joker commit crimes together
she and chie have to coordinate outfits, its important
actually understands metaphors, but does not understand people
like me, had no clue that creepy kid was flirting with her
she is very angry when she has meltdowns that might involve slamming doors and shouting. her parents call these ‘tantrums’ and ‘unfitting for a polite daughter’ but really thats because her meltdowns tend to be caused by arguments w her family after a long day of school and TV world traipsing
the metronome meme, except hers goes between Loudest Person in the Room to Quietest Pin Drop in the Planet. she is completely unaware of this
her atmosphere brightens when chie appears. that is not only the lesbian energy within her, but also because chie is like her Favorite Person
Cannot wear Pants. No (tho she wants to try it! but she puts them on and her soul instantly squashes)
happy flappy lesbian! watch out!
the pouty face. all the time lskdfjlasdkf
hes really snappy sometimes and i love that for him. he and akechi should fight just to see what would happen (please read Bang Bang Shoot Shoot on AO3)
“do not touch me or my hat, thank you”
no one has ever seen him shutdown and no one ever will (except for his grandpa)(and kanji)(and rise)
probably likes certain food textures and will stand for nothing less, probably feels embarrassed about his preferences with friends
constantly jumps between ‘everybody hates me so i should act like them so they dont hate me’ to ‘i refuse to be anything but very comfortable as myself, and i dont care that im making you upset sir’
he and souji are the king and queen of subtle stims, but for unhappy reasons :(
does not make jokes. cannot joke around. understand? yes, do? no.
loose clothes are the only good clothes, but all tags and obtrusive seams will be obliterated by kanji tatsumi
not very empathetic so he probably comes off as an asshole to strangers (like when he throws away his classmates confession letters without reading them) but he tries so hard to sound comforting when his buds are struggling.
his understanding of others emotions/reactions come from his learning as a detective, which seems cold+clinical to others, especially compared to souji, whos completely unexpressive but very introverted people person
big personality!! very people-oriented!! koromaru and her are buddies!! when shes having a real bad time, shes very quiet and expressions turn off
interrupts herself in the middle of conversations all the time. no one knows where shes coming from. her brains is thousands of km ahead of her body
bouncey legs, swingin arms, twirlly skirt, little somersaults! when will she stop? never!
very obvious music stims with her hands and arms! people are like “oh there she goes! happy as usual!” shes listening to minatos heavy metal playlist
switches from exhausted to excited within milliseconds. no one can predict, not even her
SEES has to ask her for context all the time cuz she’ll just continue shit from 2 weeks ago without warning
professionals will assume shes very childish bc of how chipper she is, but she is beyond mature for her age and only feels comfortable enough to have serious conversations if a person has proved themself able to handle it
collects every little thing. her room is a mess and she has to get rid of most of it every time she moves :(
hates cleaning! smells bad, feels bad hhhhhgggg
dont let mitsuru-senpai see her bedroom
gets lost in the middle of conversations with others bc shes thinking about a story connected to one(1) word that was said earlier
 no sense of time and place, she just sees her friends and goes “ah, this is the right place, then” but junpei and akihiko are also lost so now theyre all screwed
no talkies, no walkies
his story in the movies is him literally learning how to function around people he cares for
doesnt get jokes, expressions, body language, empathy, subtlety, metaphors, physical contact, or eye contact. aigis is probably the only person he truly understands right away
he is still nice to people because he doesnt see a reason not to be, but also he has very limited energy so only his senpai and old people get his most polite-kindnesses
cannot describe feelings for the life of him. the team wont know hes injured or sick until hes passed out
everything is too loud, time to drown it out with my loud ass music
rocking and chewing stims, ryoji is the first person to point him out for these subtle stims (not accusingly of course, just general pure curiosity and love for the uniqueness of humanity)
likes to cover his face with whatever is available, lives like a bat in a dark dry cave
will wear anything that has pockets and his blue/gray/black palette
sleepy at all times bc he never has much energy
when he was younger he probably needed a lot of support, especially after his parents died, because he wouldnt communicate like a neurotypical and would shutdown for hours in the middle of school without warning. probably missed a lot of lessons and field trips out of pure overstimulation
eating at all times. no preference, just whatevers closest
his meltdowns probalby include humming whining noises and curling up in a ball, which makes people want to touch him, but that is the LAST thing he wants. put a blanket on him! play some music! do not talk and do not expect him to speak
aigis is the only person who can touch him normally bc her hands are cold and he likes cold
never nude, feels mmmmmmmmm without clothes and probalby wears a full robe in the hotsprings
will not do things that take more than one step w/o someone else walking him thru it, which Same
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cynicalrainbows · 4 years
The Next Best Thing Chapter 15
Catalina arrives early, when they’re still finishing the last of the birthday pancakes.
Anna is spreading Nutella with a surgeon's precision to ensure it covers her pancake right to the edges; Anne is running her fingers through a maple syrup puddle on the table and licking them. Baby Catherine is chewing on a bit of plain pancake in her highchair and Mary is putting the pan in the dishwasher. 
She’s only eating the strawberries but she aims a cuff at Anne when Anne asks if it’s because she’s on another diet and tells her to mind her own business. 
Anne subsides with a giggle and steals a spoonful of Nutella straight from the jar, whispering that Mary couldn’t fit into her new jeans when she tried them on last weekend. Mary’s face goes redder than the strawberries and she looks crosser than ever- but they’re interrupted by the doorbell.
 Cathy abandons her own pancake-face (with a Father Christmas beard of snowy white whipped cream- it looks excellent even though she’s not really that fond of the taste of whipped cream) when she hears Catalina’s voice in the hall doing the boring grown up Garden’s looking lovely, traffic, parking, price of petrol stuff that all grown ups seem incapable of not saying when they meet each other.
(She’s glad that when she sees Anne and her other friends, they can just jump right into talking about interesting things like books and television and whether rubbing two jelly aliens together and putting them in the freezer makes then make a tiny alien baby, and is it murder if your tamagotchi dies because you weren’t allowed to get down from Sunday Lunch to feed it, and is it true that if you swallow chewing gum, it ties up your stomach and kills you, and how it is that the chocolate in the bottom of a Cornetto manages to taste so much nicer than normal chocolate, and why is it that sharpening your pencil is boringboringboring when you’re in the middle of drawing a picture but really satisfying and fun when it means you get to stop doing handwriting practise to do it, and is it true that there was a boy in Year Four who stuck his whole finger into the teachers special electric pencil sharpener on a dare and had the tip of his finger sharpened away to nothing?)
She doesn’t quite have the courage to interrupt- but when Catalina sees her hovering in the doorway, she interrupts herself and stops agreeing with Anne’s Mum that the price of petrol is extortionate nowadays and gives Cathy such a big hug it lifts her right off her feet.
She lets herself cling tight for a moment and then lets go- she isn’t a baby after all, although there’s a little bit of her that wishes she was Kitty’s age so she could be picked up and cuddled properly. 
‘How are you?’
She nods. ‘I’m ok.’
Anne’s Mum does a bit lipsticky smile like a lady in an advert and asks if she slept well and she nods again. ‘Yes thank you.’
She hopes Catalina has mostly forgotten last night and doesn’t bring it up to Anne’s Mum.
(She knows grown ups can be so sneaky like that sometimes, sharing your secret things with one another and pretending they’re doing it for your own good.) 
She especially hopes that Anna won’t say anything- she hasn't yet but you never know, and even though Cathy doesnt think she’d say anything on purpose, she might just by mistake. She can’t even ask Anna to keep quiet because then Anne will hear and want to know what it is that Anna is meant to keep quiet about.
And Anne is terrible with secrets.
Not with keeping them, she’s actually very very good at withstanding all sorts of secret-spilling torture, even Chinese Burns, but with wanting to know other people’s. Once she knows them, she’s always perfectly happy to not tell anyone else, on pain of death- but Cathy still doesn't want to have to explain everything about last night to Anne. She doesn’t want Anne to think that she didn’t enjoy her birthday after all.
Anne’s Mum says that Catalina would be welcome to stay for a cup of coffee- or a Cappuccino or an Afogato even- but that the Photographer will be arriving soon. She says the word like photographer should have a capital letter.
Anne bobs up out of nowhere, licking Nutella from her fingers and asking what photographer and can’t Cathy and Anna stay to play a bit longer.
 Anne’s Mum hisses at her not to be silly, of course they can't stay and of course Anne knows who the photographer is, she’s told her all about it.
‘It’s for the birthday photoshoot.’ She adds to Catalina and Catalina nods politely and says it sounds lovely.
‘But it's not my birthday.’
‘Well, it'll be like a second birthday.’ Anne’s Mum’s smile is still there but it’s looking a bit forced now.
Anne seems to perk up a bit at the idea of a second birthday, and Cathy is just wondering if she’ll be allowed to have two birthdays two if this is now a Thing, when Anne pauses.
‘But then Cathy and Anna have to stay or it won't be a proper party!’
Anne’s Mum gives an impatient little sigh. ‘Of course it isn't a proper party! I do wish you'd listen- it's a photoshoot, like I said.’
‘But you just said it was my second birthday!’
‘For goodness sake Anne! I shouldn't have to explain every little thing to you- you’re eight now, you're not a baby!’
Anne scowls.
‘You’re going to say goodbye to Cathy nicely and then go and have a shower so you can be ready…. With any luck, your friend’s parents will be here soon too before the other children get here.’
Cathy wonders if Anne’s Mum has forgotten Anna’s name.
‘But if there are other children anyway, why can't I have Anna and Cathy?’
‘Well it's only fair!’ The smile falters and is hurriedly replaced. ‘They’ve come to the sleepover so we thought it would be nice to spread things around a bit and let your other friends be part of the photoshoot!’
It’s uncomfortable and horrible listening to Anne get scolded: it feels like there is something sad and grey making the air heavier.
Anne’s mum is scowling like she’s really really annoyed and she’s so glad that Catalina is not like Anne’s Mum and doesn't get cross when she asks questions- she knows if she was suddenly told she was having a photoshoot, she’d be asking even more questions than Anne.
Actually, she’s glad Catalina is not like Anne’s Mum, full stop.
‘Which other friends?’
Cathy wonders if maybe Anne has got some other girls from their class coming to play once she and Anna are gone, and it’s not a nice thought, but then Anne’s Mum starts saying names and she doesn’t recognise any of them.
‘-and Ingrid and Patience and Harriet-’
‘But I don't like them!’
‘Of course you do!’
Anne does an experimental single stamp of her foot; it’s like a challenge. ‘I hate them-’
They don’t hear the rest, because at that moment, Anna comes into the hall, looking confused at all the commotion, and Anne’s Mum sighs and seizes Anne by the wrist and tugs her further down the hall.
It’s all a bit awkward. Catalina is asking Anna how she is and if she had a nice time at the sleepover but she can’t listen properly, because really, all she can pay attention to is the cross sound of Anne’s Mum’s voice as she hisses things in Anne’s ear while she Anne squirms and whines and tries to pull away.
When they come back, Anne has stopped arguing.
‘What do we say?’
 ‘Thank you for coming, Cathy.’ 
She hates how Anne looks now, all sad and crumpled and flat. It's not at all how you should look on your birthday (or even the day after your birthday) and she has to hang onto Catalina’s hand tightly to stop her stomach from squeezing uncomfortably.
She can only manage a little ‘Thank you for inviting me’ in response, which doesn’t really feel like a good enough response considering it was her first sleepover ever, but Catalina squeezes her hand and then smiles warmly at Anne.
‘I hope you had a lovely birthday, carino. A photoshoot sounds like it will be lots of fun- im sure Cathy will be very excited to hear about it on Monday. I'm certainly interested in hearing about it!’
(She might be annoyed, at any other time, at Catalina calling Anne one of the names that’s really just for her- but she isn’t now. She just wants Anne to go back to looking normal and happy like she usually does.)
Catalina squeezes Cathy's hand again, and bit more firmly this time and she realises she’s meant to add something.
‘It'll be like being a celebrity…’ She’s not sure if she sounds very convincing so she tries harder. ‘You’re so lucky, Anne! Everyone at school will be so jealous!’
Anne’s Mum gives an approving nod and beams at her, and she turns her head so she doesn’t have to see it. Anne gives a very small reluctant smile. She doesn't say anything but she looks a tiny bit more cheerful as she goes up to shower, Anna trailing behind her.
They say another goodbye and thank you to Anne’s Mum and then they’re out onto the pavement.
She’s still holding onto Catalina’s hand but Catalina doesn’t seem to mind, she swings their joined hands between them.
‘So how was the sleepover? Did you have a lovely time mija?’
She nods.
‘What did you do? Did Anne like her present?’
‘She loved it. She said it was her second best favourite present.’
‘What was her first?’
Cathy describes the heelies and Catalina laughs. ‘Thank goodness! I was going to ask if you girls had had a fight, to get those bruises-’
Cathy twists her arm and notices for the first time the purply blue bruises blooming. 
‘It’s ok, they don’t hurt. I only fell over a bit. Anne fell over much more but that’s because she was trying to do a jump like the ice skaters on tv.’
‘Well I'm glad she liked her presents so much. Poor little thing.’
(Cathy isn’t sure why Catalina calls Anne poor- everyone at school, even the teachers, know that Anne’s parents have more money than sense. This means they’re rich.)
‘Anna thought my present was really good too. She said her present was really boring next to mine and she’d have to think up something more interesting next time.’
‘What did she get Anne?’
‘Jewelry making set. You can make earrings that you can wear even if you don’t have pierced ears.’ She hopscotches along the paving stones- it doesn’t really work like proper hopscotch though because they’re too close together. ‘Although Anna has her ears pierced already.’
(She’s a tiny bit jealous of Anna’s tiny gold studs- they look very cool. They’re not enough to make her want holes punched in her ears though, even the thought makes her feel a bit sick. Anne thinks she’s silly- she’d LOVE to have her ears pierced. 
She’s not allowed though, because ear piercings are one of the few things Anne’s Mum and Jane agree on, albeit for different reasons: Jane thinks Anne is much too young, Anne’s Mum says it’ll make her look common.
 Anne doesn’t think she’s too young, and she says that she doesn’t care about looking common because she wants to look cool...but neither Jane nor her Mum will budge.)
‘Did Anne like it?’
‘I think she did. She said that we could all make jewelry for the Inca Princess next time Anna and I came over to play. And then Anna cheered up a bit. I think she was worried Anne wouldn't like her present.’
Cathy doesn't feel like saying that she was also worried Anne wouldn't like her present. It feels funny also to be talking about Anna and not talking about the night before….but hopefully, it maybe means that Catalina has forgotten all about it.
She doesn’t bring it up on the walk home anyway- Catalina listens with great interest to an edited version of the story of the little attic girl, giving very appreciative gasps in all the right places and not interrupting even once to ask silly questions about whether or not the little girl has a swimming pool. 
‘That was an excellent story mija.’
‘Really?’ Catalina looks like she means it.
‘Wonderful- very imaginative. Makes me glad we don’t have an attic!’
Cathy giggles. ‘Anne said the little attic girl would come to my attic tonight and I reminded her that we didn’t have one and she said that next time, she was going to make up a story about a little girl who lived in a flat. Anna said it didn’t sound very scary.’
‘I suppose you’ll have to wait to hear it to know if it is or not.’
‘Anna said I should make up another story for next time.’
‘Well, I hope you’ll tell me if you think any more up, I’d love to hear them.’
‘Ok.’ Perhaps she’ll make up a story specially for Catalina- a special grown up story that has grown up things in it, like when they play Soap Opera in the playground and everyone plays that they’re having cancer and babies and cocktails. ‘It might be scary though.’
‘That's ok, mija. You have to let the muses guide you when you’re creating.’ 
Cathy knows all about the muses already- they’re spirity things that give you ideas and imagination when you’re doing art or writing, they’re what Catalina blames when she’s having trouble phrasing an idea for work.
(Not only are the muses very friendly to Artists of All Kinds, they are actually rather useful when it comes to the resultant mess of artistic endeavour.
Catalina introduced her to the concept on The Muses on her second week, the first time she’d tried painting in her new bedroom and coincidently the first time she’d made any actual serious mess there.
It hadn’t been her fault that the paint had spilled like it did and it hadn’t spilled much, but it had been enough to make her ponder what it would be like to see her godmother Properly Angry.
She hadn’t, until that moment, considered what a Properly Angry Catalina would look like. As she thought about it- and it wasn’t a terribly nice thought- she also realised that whatever form it took, there was nothing she could do about it. There wasn’t anywhere else for her to go. 
She wondered if, seeing the paint, Catalina would think about that too. She wondered if it would make her regret having to be the one to take care of her.
She’d never been scared of her godmother, but she was when Catalina saw the paint.
‘Ay dios mio, what IS that?’
She tucked her chin down into her chest. ‘Paint.’ Her voice is very small.
Catalina fanned her face. ‘I thought it was blood, I thought-’ She shakes her head hard, like she’s shaking thoughts away, then touches it and frowns. ‘It’s dried. Why didn’t you tell me before, it would have been easier to- Oh mija, it’s alright, don’t cry-’
She started looking guilty rather than annoyed.
Once Cathy was settled in her lap, scrubbing her sore eyes with a tissue and only hiccuping a little bit, Catalina had very nicely explained that while it was technically Cathy’s fault for spilling the paint, it was also her own fault for not telling Cathy to put down newspaper before she started painting and that maybe having a cream carpet was just asking for it, whatever that meant.
‘So perhaps it all balances out, querida.’
‘Are you really cross?’
‘Do I look really cross, mija?’
She considered. ‘No.’
‘Good, because I’m not. I know it wasn’t on purpose. Let’s just both try to remember the newspaper next time, ok?’
‘And we’ll blame the muses for this one.’
Once Catalina had explained about the muses, she’d said that they should probably get on with cleaning it up ‘before someone else sees it and thinks you’ve got a body hidden under your bed.’
She’d still felt a bit wobbly, when she thought about the stain. Catalina had given her a big cuddle and said that a little paint wasn’t the end of the world and that it would probably come right out. It turned out though that Catalina herself wasn’t really sure how to get paint out of carpet, so she’d gotten out her phone to check- ‘There’s no excuse for not finding things out nowadays, mija’- and she’d even let Cathy type the question into google herself.
The paint had come out on the second attempt, and Catalina had made her promise to always tell her right away if anything like that ever happened again.
So everything had worked out alright after all, even if she still hadn’t seen Catalina really, properly angry yet.)
Going back to the flat feels funny because it feels like coming home but everything also looks a little bit different- Catalina reassures her that it’s just how things feel sometimes after a trip.
‘It’ll go away mija’
Cathay still cant help looking around though. ‘Why are the books different?’
‘What’s that?’
Cathy points at the bookshelf- the spines are different colours.
‘Just felt like it was time for a little shuffle around, it makes me remember which books I haven’t looked at for a while.’
This makes sense.
It’s the middle of the morning: Catalina has a mug of the dark, rich coffee that she buys in little paper sacks from the special food shop in town. Cathy likes the smell but not the taste, although she hopes that will change when she grows up because coffee seems to be all that grownups drink. Coffee and wine, except she isn’t sure if she likes wine yet- Catalina lets her sip at her coffee when she asks but she hasn’t yet given in over Cathy’s requests to be allowed a taste of her merlot.
(‘Maybe when you’re nine or ten, mija. I just don’t dare any earlier, the harpies would tear me to pieces.’
Harpies is what Catalina calls the other mums at school; Cathy isn’t allowed to tell anyone that though, even Anne, on pain of every unpleasant torture, mi vida.
‘A glass?’
‘A sip. A very little sip. And not until you’re older, like I said.’
‘I could just not tell anyone.’ 
Cathy is quite good at not telling people things, she’s good at keeping secrets- which is why she doesn’t even give Catalina a list of some of her best, most well kept secrets to prove it- like how Anne spilt blue nail polish on the carpet in Mary’s bedroom and blamed it on Kitty even though it wasn’t exactly a lie because Kitty had been playing with it too and it really could just as easily been her and honestly, it would have been fairer, all things considered, for Kitty to be the one to spill it, considering she’s only little.
Catalina is shaking her head.
‘But I’m very good at keeping secrets!’
‘I know, mija-’
‘I didn’t tell my teacher that you did the last sum for me on my homework.’
Catalins gives her a stern look. ‘Good because as I recall, that was a deal we made so that you would go to bed and stop worrying about it.’
‘And I didn’t tell her. So you could let me try and I wouldn’t tell anyone.’
‘But wouldn’t it be a bit pointless if you couldn’t tell anyone? Wouldn’t you want to tell Anne?’
This is true- it’s actually a bit pointless if she can’t even tell Anne, although Anne surely doesn’t count as anyone- but she doesn’t want to weaken her position so she shakes her head steadfastly, and Catalina laughs and says she’ll be a wonderful lawyer when she’s older and gives her a kiss on the top of her head rather than a sip of wine.)
They have fancy twisty pastries with apricot jam and Cathy has a mug of warm frothy milk with a tiny bit of coffee in it, a pinch of cinnamon and a sprinkling of brown sugar. It doesn't matter that it’s not real coffee- it's much nicer than coffee anyway.
The coffee milk in the special china cup with her name on it, even though she’s already had one breakfast because Catalina had said she hadn’t eaten yet and did she think she could manage elevenses even if it wasn’t quite eleven?
She thought she probably could, having not finished her pancake and she was right. The apricot pastries are delicious; she thinks it’s what sunshine would taste like sunshine was spreadable. Catalina says that’s the best description of apricot jam she has ever heard.
She’s reading one of her library books- the last time Catalina had visited her, back when her parents were alive, she’d brought one of the series with her and read it aloud while they were waiting for lunch to be ready and she’d quite liked it, but now reading it for herself, she doesn’t recognise all the characters.
Catalina had read her a story about Juliana and Diane and George (who was really Georgina) and Anne and Timmy the Cat, who were cousins and had adventures on an island- but when she tries to read it for herself, the names are different and the children are different and it’s a dog not a cat, who keeps on licking everything and barking and it’s just not as good as before.
(She has no idea why the children decided to swap lovely clever Timmy the Cat for a horrible barky, licky, bitey dog. She thinks it was a bad decision.)
 She wonders if maybe she picked out something different.
Catalina has a big thick book that looks dusty.
‘What are you reading?’
‘Mmm?’ Catalina looks up and then nods as if she’s had to replay it in her head. ‘Oh!’ She says something in Spanish and then adds ‘But it’s called something else in English, of course.’
‘What’s it about?’
‘A little boy called Pip and all his adventures.’
‘What sort of adventures?’ She’s wondering if it will turn out that they’re the sort of adventures the children are having in her book and Catalina smiles.
‘No island, mija, you’d be disappointed. He meets an escaped prisoner out late one night and he helps him to cut off his chains and run away. And later he goes to a big old beautiful house, which has a room all ready for a wedding that never happened.’
‘That’s strange. If it never happened, then it’s not anything, so how can she have a room for it?’
‘They had everything ready but the groom didn’t turn up so the lady sits in her wedding dress next to her old cobwebby wedding cake all covered in dust and thinks about how sad she is.’
‘Oh.’ That sounds spooky but also interesting- she thinks maybe there’ll be an old cobwebby cake in her next scary story because for some reason, the idea of something that’s meant to be so happy being all forgotten and abandoned makes her feel shivery and she’s sure Anne and Anna will feel just the same way. Then she thinks of something else.
 ‘Why was he out at night at all? Not the prisoner but the little boy.’
Catalina looks uncomfortable for some reason. ‘I think he was just playing.’
‘But weren’t his parents worried about him?’
There’s a little pause and then Catalina says ‘He didn’t have any parents, querida.’
‘Oh. How old was he?’ Maybe the boy is nearly grown up, like in Secondary School.
She isn’t quite sure how she feels about that but she doesn’t feel like asking any more questions so there’s a little silence before Catalina says that she’s just finished the chapter.
‘I think I need a little break from reading.’ She puts her book down on the floor, face down. ‘Want to come and keep me company, mija?’
Cathy nods slowly and puts down her own book, except she uses a bookmark because she knows that’s the proper way to treat a book. 
(Catalina is hopeless with bookmarks and always refuses Cathy’s offers to lend her one.
‘I’d lose it in a moment mija, and then I would have so much guilt! But thank you, all the same.’
Cathy has big plans for when her class starts their textiles projects, in which Catalina’s poorly treated books AND her sad, bookmarkless state, feature quite heavily. But she’s keeping this a surprise.)
 She hasn’t finished her own chapter but she doesn’t like the way that these strange new characters keep telling George she isn’t allowed to do things because she’s a girl. She supposes it’s nice that Anne is allowed to cook- cooking on a real fire outside sounds very exciting- but she wonders if she ever gets tired of it.
‘It’s not the same as when you read it. They’re really horrible to George. And they don’t even have a cat anymore.’
She climbs up onto Catalina’s lap and Catalina wraps her arms around her.
‘I might have….changed some bits when I was reading it to you. I thought it would make the story better.’
‘It DID make the story better. Now it’s boring.’
Catalina considers. ‘I could try reading it to you my way if you like, querida.’
‘That’s ok. I think I’m going to take a break from reading too.’
Catalina cuddles her closer and for a while they just sit like that. She thinks about the little boy meeting the prisoner out at night, with no one to worry about him, but it’s not too bad to think about when she’s got Catalina’s cardigan tickling her cheek and Catalina’s chin resting on the top of her head. 
Maybe she’ll include a prisoner in her next story too. Maybe he could even team up with the little attic girl and they could go around scaring people and sewing up mouths together.
‘Did he have a godmother?’
‘Pip. Oh- no, he didn’t. He had an older sister, he lived with her instead.’
‘Like Anne and Mary.’
‘Anne still has her parents, mija, you know that.’ But Catalina doesn’t sound so very certain when she says it.
There’s a little pause, and then Catalina quietly asks if she’d like to talk.
‘About what?’
‘About last night mija.’
‘What about last night?’
 She's being deliberately annoying but she can't help it because maybe if she carries on, Catalina will change her mind and they won’t have to talk about anything.
 She wouldn't even mind Catalina getting really cross (she doesn’t think), whatever really cross is for Catalina (because she still isn’t sure), but she doesn’t, just puts her book down and takes another sip of naslty bitter black coffee.
‘About the phone call we had.’ She pauses. ‘There's no need to look so worried querida- I promise you're not in trouble, I'm not going to tell you off- and we don't have to talk now if you really would rather not. It’s just that last night, we talked a bit about some of the things you were worried about. And about your mum and dad. I think it would be a good idea to talk about some of those things properly- not because i think it will fix them but….maybe it will make them a bit more ordinary to talk about them. And perhaps less scary. I don't know.’
She actually sounds a bit anxious, much less self assured than usual. Usually, Catalina talks like she knows exactly what she’s saying and why. Now she keeps stopping and starting, like she’s worried she’ll say something wrong.
‘I want you to feel like you can tell me anything- that there isn't anything you have to keep secret unless you want to. And you can always always talk to me. About anything you want. Ok?’
She nods. She wonders if Catalina really means anything- anything. 
‘Good, bad, sad, happy, whatever. And you can ask me anything, I don't want you to ever feel like you can't ask a question.’
Cathy thinks. ‘What if you can't tell me? What if it’s secret?’
Catalina smiles. ‘Then I will explain to you why I can’t tell you. But I won't be cross with you for asking, that’s the important thing. And I will always try to answer, if I can, alright?’
She nods again. ‘Will you tell the truth?’
‘Yes. It doesn't seem fair to ask you to be honest if I won’t be honest myself. And we do need to be honest with each other, mija. It's the only way.’
‘The only way for what?’
‘The only way to….keep our family going. Going smoothly, I mean. We’ll be a family whatever happens, of course, smooth or not.’
‘Are we a family?’ It’s a surprise to her- she’d sort of assumed that wasn't a word that applied to her any more, like Mother and Father and Parents.
‘Yes i think so.’ Catalina looks serious. ‘You and your Mum and Dad are still a family, of course. But you and I are a family too. At least I like to think we are. If that's ok with you of course.’
Cathy thinks about it. ‘If we’re a family, does that mean I have to call you Mum?’
Catalina looks shocked. ;Oh no! No, definitely not querida, I promise I'd never want to try and take your Mum’s name or place. I never at all meant that. I'm still your godmother- your Mum will always be your Mum. Not all families have a Mum and a Dad.’
‘Like in the story about Tango the Penguin.’ It’s a book she had when she was very little, but she can still remember the story.
‘Exactly.’ Actually, she thinks maybe Catalina sent her the book in the first place.
She could ask more questions about it- some that she’s mildly curious about, and some that she could probably make up if she felt like making this bit of the conversation stretch out longer...but she decides not too because Catalina is looking all anxious now and it's making her feel a bit guilty.
It’s alright- the thought of her and Catalina being a family is ok. She’d rather have Catalina for her family than anyone else, if she can't have mum and dad and she knows that she can't.
She wriggles into a more comfortable position in Catalina’s lap.
‘Ok. We can be a family.’
‘Good.’ Catalina smiles like she’s really relieved. ‘Good.’
After a while, she says, ‘There’s something I thought you might like to look at mija. I’ve been meaning to for a while and then last night, I thought of it.’
She stiffens slightly. She isn’t sure how she feels thinking about last night- one minute, the scary feeling seems very far away and all she can think about is stupid things like how babyish she must have sounded crying into the phone, and then the next, she can remember it very very well and it makes her feel shaky and sick, like she’s standing somewhere high and looking down. 
She buries her face into Catalina’s cardigan and then has to come back out because the fluff is making her sneeze and Catalina laughs and slides her gently off her lap and says she’ll be back in a moment.
She wraps both arms around her tummy, hugging herself and wondering what The Thing will be.
When Catalina comes back in, she’s holding an old shoebox.
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mistymark · 5 years
nct dream x hogwarts
nct dream as hogwarts students // 2.3k words // masterlist // send requests here
r e n j u n
the only slytherin in the gang
probably muggle-born but also top of most of his classes
what can he say hes amazed by this shit
really good at theory-based subjects especially
history of magic is his bitch lets be real
sketches in his books and stuff
says he likes sketching with quills the most because theyre more aesthetic
donghyuck says its because hes pretentious
but the whole group pitched in to get him some really nice canvases and paints and other tools
one of his paintings is hanging in the school somewhere, and the little girl in it smiles and greets all the students as they walk past
somehow she always tries to spit on people who had been annoying him recently - and them only
sometimes she spits on Donghyuck for no reason
jeno laughs and says its because she has a crush on him
uses magic for the dumbest things just because he can
he mastered the wingardium leviosa spell within a week because he couldn't be bothered getting up to get things
when he gets close to graduation, hes pretty much practicing simple wandless magic
once freaked out the first years because jaemin charmed a storm cloud to hang around him for an entire day
it flashed lightning when he got particularly annoyed, which was a lot because that cloud was annoying as shit
has a really old owl that literally looks evil but has called it something like “snuggles”
laughs when he unintentionally swoops too low and skims other students’ heads on mail day
buys all his friends gifts during the holidays and comes back with bags filled with fun shit
pretends he never buys gifts for chenle and jisung
always ends up giving them more
cause hes soft like that
but he headlocks them after to show his dominance
has a habit of throwing his cases in the general direction of the dorm when he comes back from holidays and accidentally hitting other students
plays quidditch in his free time
debates strategies with Jeno during their free periods
gets called a traitor by his own captain
couldnt really give a shit about his own team, he prefers to support his friends
wears his school uniform properly and is the only one in the group who does so
j e n o
a Gryffindor
probably quidditch captain
and dubbed the best player on the team
super humble about it too
always commends his team for doing their best when they lose and every member loves him a lot
the captain that's always saying stuff like “it doesn't matter how this game ends... as long as we try our hardest and play as a team”
the entire team rolls their eyes at his cheesiness but the lack of pressure keeps them at ease
and majority of the time they play really well
though its clear his focus is on quidditch, he still does really well in his classes
cant cook but is somehow rlly good at potions??
likes all the really tiny creatures in care of magical creatures
and they like him too
has a slightly damaged snitch that he carries around with him at all times
one of the wings broke during his first ever game of quidditch and he never got rid of it
he keeps it in the pocket of his robes and fiddles with it when he's anxious about something
has a really good poker face when he's stressed and you'd never know until you hear the soft clicking of his hand playing with it in his pocket while he studies
has a terrible poker face when something confuses him though
during class its so obvious when he doesnt get something
renjun once charmed question marks to hang around his head and everyone in the class died laughing
even jeno
overall great sense of humour
he brought a cat
of course
and its always getting him into trouble for wandering into the off-limits areas of the castle or into the restricted section of the library
once jaemin joked that the cat was actually an animagus that was purposely trying to get him in trouble 
and jeno was spooked for like a week
wouldn't let the cat sleep on his bed and almost had a heart attack when he saw it wandering the halls between classes
but there was nothing wrong with the cat
shes just a curious girl
had a major glow-up between 6th and 7th year and everyone fell in love with him lmao
like everyone knew he was fit from quidditch but they didnt know he was that fit you know
d o n g h y u c k
an annoying brat
at least when he first arrived at Hogwarts in first year
has really good intentions though
everyone thought he would get sorted into Slytherin 
like the second he stepped on the train and found his way into mark lee’s compartment everyone was like this kid has GOT to be a Slytherin
but no! hufflepuff
true fullsun
used to be a beater on the quidditch team but he was forced to quit until he got his grades up
but he ended up commentating because he couldnt play
and who can actually talk that fast other than the lee donghyuck
and actually found that he enjoyed that more
so even when his grades were t h r i v i n g
he stayed as a commentator
absolutely hilarious and everyone loves him for it
is Not afraid to call out foul plays
mutters quick apologies to the professors when they scold him but does it again later anyway
tbh is actually really popular
known for being dared to stand on the Slytherin table and sing at the top of his lungs 
and actually doing it
he got two weeks detention
“worth it” - donghyuck, circa. 2019
has a talent for defence against the dark arts
acts like the smartest person in the room during that class
hes lowkey right tho
(don't tell him)
wears his tie way too loose and constantly gets told off about it
promises professors he’ll fix it then walks away and just,,, doesnt
his Hufflepuff scarf hangs off his bed frame back home
had a toad for his first few years of hogwarts but the toad ended up passing away so now he has a really troublesome owl
the owl itself is a good boy, flies fast and efficiently, but has a nasty habit of pecking donghyuck when hes hungry
“but hes hungry all the time” he whines when jaemin explains the bird’s just hungry. meanwhile, jaemin’s owl is sitting softly beside him, her eyes closed as he pets her
every first day back from holidays hyuck has red lines on his hands, arms and ears from the owl
chenle says its for giving the poor bastard a terrible name
donghyuck never actually refers to his owl by his proper name, always things like “bastard” and “dipshit”
theres a conspiracy theory about the owl’s real name and no one in their group will spill the secret
complains that the animals in care of magical creatures like him more than his own pet
“lol tru” - Chenle
j a e m i n
ravenclaw’s biggest flirt and most popular student
probably didnt even want to run for house captain but still got the position
theres a rumour that he was offered head boy but he turned it down
was the first one to find the kitchens and claimed it as the unofficial hang out spot for their group
if you’re ever missing jaemin, he’s probably in the kitchens chatting up the elves and stealing food every now and then
carries snacks with him everywhere for when he needs to comfort one of his babies house members
literally all the younger year levels feel so comfortable coming to him with their problems
has no issue with staying up in the common room to talk through things with someone
is known to walk people to their classes and then bolt to his own classrooms so hes not late
50% of the school is already in love with him
he was given the angel reputation back in first year and it hasn't let him down
is kind of a troublemaker tho
teases his classmates and even some professors that he has a good relationship with
really really loves transfiguration
probably wants to become an animagus
also wants to be an auror
absolutely loves defence of the dark arts
his owl is white and regal
like genuinely beautiful
she always looks like shes happy to see you
just like her owner uwu
he named her something sweet and meaningful
when Renjuns owl isnt able to fly, jaemin’s owl is eager to take Renjuns mail back to his family for him
wears his jumper all year round
its a good look though,, no ones complaining
was on the quidditch team up until his final year
he dropped it to focus on his studies and also being house captain
it takes him forever to go anywhere because he stops to talk to everyone
somehow knows everyone in school
even the third years in other houses??
runs errands for teachers with a smile
offers to buy food when the group goes out
c h e n l e
another muggleborn
but fits in so well
like the boy is just a natural at magic
unfortunately it doesnt always transfer into his grades
he has such a great interest in everything,,, just not on what hes learning
learnt fourth year history of magic in his first year but still almost failed his exam at the end of year
also hes the best other hufflepuff in the group
didnt understand quidditch for at least a year
ended up in the team in second year and is actually really good
probably the goalie
has the loudest laugh in school
the older professors claim they can hear him from the other side of the castle
somehow gets his hands on all the coolest magic stuff
has the marauders map no doubt
bought himself an invisibility cloak to mess with his friends
makes his professors laugh a lot
fist bumps everyone in school istg
like chenle w h y
really good at muggle studies too
made sure to select it as a subject the entire time he was at hogwarts as a slack class
doesnt really study and then feels threatened when someone gets a mark close to his
studies his butt off for the next test to maintain his status as top rank
definitely had a rat first year because he thought they were cool
and also because he knows rats can be pets like ??? wyd with owls you guys ??? shouldn't they be out in the wild or smth??
was super depressed when he found out how short the lifespans of rats were
ended up having to buy an owl in third year because rip nugget 2k15 :((
his owl is Small
thought it would be funny to call it renjun
but then renjun wouldnt talk to him for almost a week
visits the owlery at least once a week during his free periods to check on his owl
collects his thoughts up there
also rlly likes feeding the owls
sometimes steals Jeno’s cat
catch him in his dorm studying on his bed with Jeno’s cat sleeping in his lap
chenle claims its because the cats like the warm greenhouse vibe the Hufflepuff dorm has going on
but the real reason he bribed the cat into loving him when he first met it
probably was the one to lead the cat to the off-limits areas of the castle
j i s u n g
Gryffindors best seeker to date
kinda shy but is rlly admired by everyone
likes to piss jeno off by missing practice every two practices to study
but low-key hes so good he doesnt really have to go at all
doesnt want a career in quidditch but is constantly reminded he could have one if he wanted it
easily the most popular boy in his year
got asked out a few times this year and awkwardly rejected them all in the nicest way possible
he has a cat thats just as long and skinny as he is
jeno likes to call it sungie and it now responds to that name
enjoys care of magical creatures but very hesitant towards the creatures
but because of his care and precaution, the animals all really love him lmao
gets really soft around them now
seriously oblivious to his admirers tho
chenle once said if the triwizard tournament was to be brought back jisung would be the one to be chosen
has lived in fear ever since
okay jokes
boy could totally win
the only one in the group who has attempted and can successfully perform wordless magic
he knows way too many jinxes and charms off the top of his head that he can easily jinx you without even uttering a word
once was studying in the great hall when one of his friends teased him about rejecting someone and without looking up from his book he just lifted his wand and waved it, jinxing the apple in his friend’s hand to bite him
got detention but honestly the professor was so pleased with his progress it was only a one hour session
has a lot of sass 
never Fully awake at breakfast
always looks really good in the evenings tho
he comes down to breakfast with his tie half undone and the top button of his shirt open
undoes the top buttons when he’s stressed too
professors love having him as a student
especially because they know he hangs out with jaemin
but the fact that he was in renjun and Donghyuck and Chenle’s group was enough for them to be wary
but hes the perfect blend of fun and focused in lessons
likes studying outside in summer
enjoys walking around school grounds during the holidays
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
ask your destiny to dance [15] {Roger Taylor}
A/N: Medium smut. 
The day Ash hears Doing Alright on the radio at her favourite cafe, she screams. This, of course, upsets the other patrons considerably, but before anyone can complain, she’s shoving her fabric samples and sketchbook into her bag, sculling her lukewarm hot chocolate, and is bolting down the street. Until, of course, she’s winded enough to slow down, and decides it’s easier to catch a bus to Brian and Roger’s apartment.
She’s been there before, it’s where they insisted on having their first fitting, since it was the apartment with the most room, and sometimes on afternoons she hangs out there with the band and Mary, sure, it’s not like she’s a complete stranger to the flat. Knocking on the door, she’s breathing heavily, still excited, and she’s not sure why she’s come here, rather than to see Freddie, but as soon as the door opens, she knows why.
“I heard you guys on the radio!” Barging past a confused Roger into the living room, she turns on her heel, still a little out of breath from having run from the closest bus stop, and her smile is blinding.
“Really? Which station?” And instead of asking her about her state, or the book bag on her hip, he’s elated, making his way to the radio in their little shoe box kitchen. Ash laughs, joining him, sheepishly admitting that it was about twenty minutes ago, but he’s undeterred. “Grab the phone; we can call them up and ask to hear it again.”
The station’s blaring some Beatles song by the time they get to it, but Ash is sitting on the counter, waiting patiently for the song to end so that the radio host could announce which number to call for requests. Roger’s buzzing about the kitchen, talking how apparently Mary’s heard them played at Biba too, and his mouth is moving a mile a minute, but then the number is said and Ash is dialing as fast as her fingers will allow. With her legs hanging off the edge of the counter, Roger taps at her knees, lips pressed together where he’s trying to keep his excitement quiet.
When the host picks up, and Ash says her name tentatively, only to hear it come out of the radio a few seconds later, Roger whispers ‘holy shit’ and Ash has to fight to not say the same. Clearly and carefully she requests Keep Yourself Alive, and specifies who it’s by and what record it’s on, and minutes later, the opening notes of the song waiver from the radio, and Ash hangs up, wide-eyed. Jumping from the counter, Ash dumps her bag beside their sofa, absolutely butchering the vocals where she struts around the room, pretending to be Freddie, loud and unselfconscious in her excitement. Roger’s matching her energy, throwing himself onto one of the metal folding chairs they had as dining room chairs, air drumming and providing harmonies that would have worked if Ash wasn’t almost completely tone deaf.
As the song moves to an instrumental section, Ash changes to enthusiastically air guitarist, jumping up onto the sofa, expression almost comically intense.
“Well, I loved a million women in a belladonic haze,” while Roger suspected the notes were entirely in her vocal range, she didn’t seem to be able to hit one, and after a moment, he’d dissolved into laughter, and wrapped his arms around her waist where she was posing with a foot up on the arm of the sofa, spinning her around before putting her back on the ground, and the drums kicked in on the radio, and she looks so fucking proud. 
“That doesn’t sound half bad.” She says, grinning up at him, and he’s still got his arms around her.
“Unfortunately I can’t say the same about your singing, love.” He snickered, and Ash felt herself blush as she swatted at him, too excited to be properly annoyed, also too self aware to call him a liar.
“So you don’t think I could take Freddie’s place yet?” She asks, and Roger actually laughs at that, and Ash thinks she can feel his heart beating fast. “Where’s Brian?” She asks, voice dropping to a murmur, her own blood rushing as the song continues on.
“Still at class.” And there’s the hint of a question in his voice, and Ash’s smile stretches into a mischievous grin, something almost fond in her eyes.
“You guys are on the radio.” She murmured, pride in her voice, though her eyes are growing dark as her gaze drops to his lips. “Rog?” And he makes a hum of acknowledgement, biting his lip to stop himself from laughing or kissing her before she can finish her thought. “Does that make me a groupie?” 
“Well groupies are usually throwing themselves at me.” He said with a cocky smirk, sitting them both on the sofa, sinking into the worn, brown fabric as Ash straddled him.
“I practically bolted to your house.” Ash had to stop herself from rolling her eyes, sitting back on his thighs. One of her hands was on his shoulder, the other playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, and Roger leaned into her touch, just a little. 
“I’m not usually accosted by girls who wear the same clothes as my dad in summer.” Roger snickers, eyes drifting down to Ash’s choice of attire. She’s quiet for a long moment, and realises that he’s probably never seen her dress so casually; she’d just intended to get some sketches done at the cafe, she’d never intended people she knew to see her, and so her choice of oversized, pale blue button-down with rolled up sleeves and paint smudges all over it, tucked into navy cargo shorts, had been a perfectly acceptable outfit at the time. She’s even got her hair pulled back into a messy ponytail, and suddenly she feels like a mess, but the way Roger’s smiling at her, she can’t bring herself to care.
“I’m an artist, I’m allowed to dress tragically sometimes.” She shrugs, and Roger’s grip on her hips tightens as he laughs. It’s strange, mid afternoon and she’s in his house, in his lap, it feels like a whole new world. Their debatable hidden affair was usually confined to the wee hours of the morning, or the late morning depending on when they wake up, but now his hair catches the sunlight pouring in through the window, and he’s casual too. He’s wearing a pair of hideous, little red shorts that she’d seen him play in once, and a t-shirt with a faded design on the front, and for a moment she frowns, because god, does he have no sense of style? As soon as he asks about it, and she voices her thoughts, he gives her a shove, calls her a hypocrite. Leaning in low, she murmurs for him to just take the shirt off, but he doesn’t move.
“You first.” He’s got an eyebrow raised as a challenge, and Ash hums thoughtfully, before her fingers are unbuttoning her shirt, and untucking it. She’s wearing a bra that’s comfortable rather than aesthetically pleasing, and for all that he’s seen her naked, he thinks this might be the most honest he’s actually seen her.
He’s the one to suggest they move, not that it didn’t hurt a little, with Ash wearing only her oversized shirt unbuttoned, and her panties, splayed out against his ratty brown sofa, looking up at him with wide eyes that had been darkened with lust. 
She’s never been in his room before, and she’s not quite sure what she expected. It’s bigger than her room, but not by too much, clothes strewn over the floor, and the end of the bed, which is also bigger than hers, a double, instead of her little single, a cheap looking bed frame and a small but solid desk shoved into the corner and stacked high with books, which intrigues her. Roger closes the door as she makes her way over, fascinated as she reads the spines of what turns out to be worn textbooks.
“You there for some light reading?” Roger wraps his arms around her from behind, pressing a kiss to her neck, his chest firm against her back. There’s notebooks that look well used, and a piece of paper with a whole list of numbers, letters, and symbols that Ash can’t decipher for the life of her, amid pencils and a pretty grubby looking eraser.
“You like, actually study, don’t you?” And when she turns, there’s almost something adoring in her eyes, endeared, and Roger raises his eyebrows at her unanticipated reaction.
“Always the tone of surprise.” He huffed out a laugh, his hands drifting lower to squeeze her bum, and when he leans in to kiss her, it’s sun-warmed and familiar, fitting together easily as he pressed her against the desk and she hopped to sit on it easily, legs parting to pull him closer as he kissed his way down her neck. He fucks her against the desk, even though she’s pretty sure she’s sitting on a notebook and also a pencil, but she can’t bring herself to care. 
When they move to the bed, he snickers at the smudge of graphite on her ass, but she’s hit with a realisation she can’t help but voice.
“I never thought I’d be here.” And she’s a little breathy, gasping for a moment as he brings one of her legs up to her chest and eases back into her.
“Really?” His voice rises in disbelief, pausing in his movements as if to emphasise his point, and Ash rolls her hips once, biting her lip to stifle a chuckle. 
“I mean, in the beginning, no way; I honestly never thought we’d last this long.” She says, and Roger’s quiet. Not needing an answer, she lets herself enjoy the moment, relaxing against the bedspread, whimpers and gasps escaping her as her eyes fall closed. She’s so fucking beautiful, Roger thinks, and even if he doesn’t say it, he’s so glad they lasted, after everything, if only for this moment. 
And then they’re moving, Ash pressing at his shoulder, urging them to move, Roger laying back against the bed as Ash rode him, throwing her head back, with her nails digging into his chest. It’s enough to make him hiss, his hips rolling to meet hers, and when she looks down at him with a heady smile, she leans down and presses a kiss to the half-moon marks her nails had left, before she’s peppering kisses along his chest and throat.
When Brian walks in the front door and sees them both eating pizza and reading trivia to one another from the paper, he has to take a moment. Ash is wearing one of Roger’s shirts. Roger isn’t wearing a shirt at all.
“I know you two are sleeping together.” He announces from the doorway.
“Interesting accusation.” Ash responds without looking away from the paper. Roger makes a hum of agreement.
“You’re wearing his clothes.” Brian says, walking over and picking up a slice of pizza for himself.
“That is my shirt.” Roger agrees, finally looking up to Brian, and Ash takes a big bite.
“Listen, Brian, sometimes friends sleep together, it’s not the end of the world.” Ash said around her mouthful of pizza, which was lost on him, and Roger had to translate for her, much to Brian’s bewilderment.
“So you’re finally admitting it?” He asks, and Ash hums, swallowing before looking up at him.
“Admitting that I came over here excited about hearing your song on the radio, and then, I suppose, one thing led to another? Yes.” Ash agreed, and Brian looked like he was quickly forming a headache.
“Neither of you are as subtle as you think you are; I know this isn’t the first time.” He sighed, and Ash turned to Roger, who raised his eyebrows, feigning mock surprise. He’s about to say something, but it’s as if Brian can already tell it’s going to be irritating and dismissive. “Listen, Ash, you’re an adult, and you’re also our stylist, I just hope you know what you’re doing.”
“Believe me, she does.” Roger says, reaching for some more pizza, ending his statement with a very pointed cough. Ash, looking supremely pleased with herself, watches Brian turn bright red and head for his own room, not slamming the door, but coming close.
“Freddie and John will know by the end of tomorrow I suspect.” Ash muses, and Roger looks at her, a little curious.
“Is that okay?” And he actually seemed like he would offer to do something if it wasn’t. Ash gives him a small smile.
“They were going to find out eventually.” She paused, but only for a moment. “We should probably keep it simple and say it started after you broke up with Kristin.”
“That wasn’t that long ago.” He said softly. Ash shrugs.
“It was like a month and a half ago; it’s believable.” She offered, and Roger hums thoughtfully, sliding across the sofa to rest his head in her lap. She’s tempted to rest her slice of pizza on his face, but ultimately decides against it. The way he’s smiling at her, grin just a little sharp, she’s pretty sure he watched the idea pass through her mind too.
“Do you know what time the next bus comes, I should probably get going before it gets dark and people are more likely to stab me.” She asks carefully, and Roger’s expression turns thoughtful as he watches her eat, quietly waiting for a response.
“Seems a bit extreme; you know you could just stay.” It’s so casual the way he says it, and Ash shrugs, accepting the offer without much thought. His bed is far more comfortable than hers, though he’s not living in uni housing, so you’d hope it was, and it’s big enough to spread out in. But they don’t. When they’re not fooling around, they’re chatting about everything and nothing, as they were sometimes want to do, and Ash gets around to asking him about his degree just as she’s about to fall asleep. They’re holding hands, which again, not necessarily something Ash had expected when they’d first started out, but she’s on her side with her free hand beneath her pillow. She’s just wearing one of his shirts and her underwear, and she brings their hands up to rest between their heads on the mattress, arm now at a more comfortable angle, and she drifts off as Roger gets in to complaining about one of his classes.
By the time he realises she’s not paying attention, she’s already mostly asleep. There’s something about the way she sleeps that makes her seem almost innocent, perhaps it’s that she’s not trying to put up a front, and her mass of ginger hair halos her, so soft it almost hurts. Roger’s never conciously thought of a woman as ‘sweet’ before, but it’s the only word that fits in this moment. He presses a fond kiss to her knuckles of her joined hand. Ash stirs just a little, making a hum of acknowledgement that Roger knew all too well as ‘completely passed out, just felt a sensation, can maybe spout a few random words’. 
Except it’s not just some random gibberish. It’s two words spoken through a yawn:
“Love you.”
the ususal suspects: @deakydickfanpage @hollyissuchahoe @laueecakee @smittyjaws@crystalshines2909 @i-am-sarah @legendsaresooftenwarnings@2ptonpt @benhardy24-7 @maiilovely @mickey-yr-a-goner @butter-times@heyyouitskay @tired-eyes-fairy-lights @yepimthatperson @missieluvsmurder@ironqueen98 @ceruleanrainblues @banhbao329 @fantasticchaoticwho @ko-kitty @seven-seas-of-hi @mimisfangirlfantasy @aadjuric @rogmobile@cardybenhardy @snacfu @perriwiinkle @the-strange-fan-girl @finite-incantatem-7 @tapetayloe
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kanasmusings · 5 years
[Translation] TsukiPro Special CD - Starry Sky Collection Track 2
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Yay~! This time, it’s VAZZROCK!! Next one is Mamoru and Koki’s and then the rest of the Yaminabe series dramas ww
Thank you once again to Deea for the files~! Please don’t ask her as per her request, thank you!
Also, Sho briefly mentions the story behind Lyra the constellation so, please do give it a read to understand it completely ^^
※ Please don’t re-post these translations without permission. Instead of reposting, please just like/reblog instead ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
Track 02: [心揺さぶる音楽を -こと座 ベガ-] “Music that Shakes the Heart – from the Constellation of Lyra – Vega”
Mamiya Takaaki, Kira Ouka, Onoda Sho, and Nadumi Ruka
  MAMIYA: Everyone, thank you very much. We’ll leave the rest to you.
SHO: We’ll leave it in your care.
SHO: We’ll be taking our leave now.
OUKA: Thank you very much for today.
RUKA: Thank you~!
  SHO: Now then, thank you for the hard work once again.
MAMIYA: Good work.
OUKA: Great job.
RUKA: Yay~! We all did well!
SHO: With this, VazzRaji’s first season recording is now finished.
SHO: Our party with the staff is over as well and now all we need to do is return to the dorms.
SHO: I heard that if we go straight home from here, it’s not that far but…
SHO: Takaaki, do you want to call a taxi?
MAMIYA: Ah, that’s right. Let’s call for one by the main street.
MAMIYA: But, uh… Can I ride a different one (from yours)?
OUKA: A different one? Where do you plan on going?
MAMIYA: Don’t look at me with such cold eyes~ I just feel like going for a little walk.
MAMIYA: If I walk from here to the dorm…
RUKA: If we’ll trust the map application, it’d take about 10 minutes!
MAMIYA: See? That’s what he said. It’s not really that far.
MAMIYA: I was just thinking of walking around to feel a bit refreshed.
MAMIYA: That much is fine, isn’t it?
RUKA: Ah! Then, I’ll do the same~! I don’t really like the smell of taxis and I try avoiding them as much as possible.
RUKA: Also, I ate a looooott of meat and rice so I wanna exercise a bit!
RUKA: And so~ Takaaki-kun, can I go with you~?
MAMIYA: Of course, you’re welcome to~! Let’s take it easy together, ‘kay?
RUKA: Alrighty~!
OUKA: (sighs) Ruka, if you walk back to the dorms from here, won’t it override your calorie intake?
RUKA: Non, non, non, Ouka-kun~ Doing things when you feel like doing them is important, too!
RUKA: In other words, there’d be no feelings of guilt lingering!
OUKA: Is it like that?
RUKA: Yes, it is! It’s kinda the same as when women go shopping.
RUKA: “Oh, I might find some use for this,” they say and then they end up buying more than intended~
RUKA: In my case, I say “I’ll lose it all in practice tomorrow” and then I eat as much as I can!
RUKA: If you say that, you won’t feel as guilty! Doing the things you love sometimes is important, too~
RUKA: It’s essential, right~?
OUKA: I see… That’s deep.
MAMIYA: By the way, I only want to walk, okay?
SHO: Yes~ I don’t really have any feelings of guilt but, can I join you for your night walk?
MAMIYA: Oh~ Sho, you wanna walk, too?
SHO: Yes, I’m the same as you, Takaaki.
SHO: Heading straight back to the dorms feels like a waste and somehow, I’m in the mood to walk, too.
SHO: I had so much fun a while ago that I feel like wanting to enjoy your company for a while longer.
MAMIYA: In Sho’s case, isn’t it just because you had too much to drink?
MAMIYA: You’re looking quite pale, y’know~? See? (Mamiya touches Sho’s hand) Your hand’s a bit warm, too.
SHO: (chuckles) Is that so? Well, maybe it is, since Takaaki’s hand feels cool and nice.
RUKA: Were you bad at handling your alcohol, Sho-kun?
RUKA: Like, your head feels floaty whenever you drink?
SHO: Hmm… I don’t think I’m particularly bad or good.
SHO: Though, it’s true that my head feels kind of floaty but, it doesn’t really go beyond that.
RUKA: Heh~ I’ll remember that~
SHO: Hm? Why would you want to remember that?
RUKA: When I know what my friends’ limits are, I can help them when they’re troubled about what to drink next or when they’re about to pass out, right~?
RUKA: I can handle my alcohol well so don’t hesitate to rely on me, ‘kay~
SHO: Thank you. Ruka’s very kind and reliable, huh?
MAMIYA: ROCK DOWN’s bonds are so dazzling~
MAMIYA: Alright! Then, Ouka will go home first in a taxi and then—
OUKA: Wait. Do you really think I’m that much of a loner to go home by taxi when you’re all walking?
OUKA: (Ouka grabs Mamiya by the necktie) You should at least lie in a situation like this.
MAMIYA: (with a pained voice) O-O-Ouka-kun… Ouka-kun? Don’t pull my necktie…! My neck’s gonna fall off…!
MAMIYA: My neck’s gonna snap…!
RUKA: (smiles) VAZZY’s bonds are so tight, huh~!?
SHO: Ouka, calm down~
OUKA: Tch.
RUKA: So, that means~ Ouka-kun’s gonna walk with us?
OUKA: I am. Now that that’s decided, let’s get going.
OUKA: Let’s go. Hurry up and go.
RUKA: Yes sir~
MAMIYA: Y-yes…
  RUKA: (singing) ♪ Let’s go on a walk, let’s go on a walk~! ♪
RUKA: (singing) ♪ I am the great Ruka-kun~! ♪
SHO: (chuckles) Ruka’s in a good mood, huh?
OUKA: I’d understand if that was his energy after drinking but, I’m surprised that he’s naturally like that.
OUKA: In a way, he’s pretty energetic.
MAMIYA: That’s to be expected. Ruka’s a stage actor after all.
MAMIYA: I think he’s got more energy than a certain someone here~ He’s got pretty great stamina.
OUKA: I see.
SHO: I’m so sorry, Ouka. We ended up going home by walking.
OUKA: Ah, no. If I’m being honest, I was the same as everyone else. I felt like going for a walk.
OUKA: That’s why you don’t have to mind it.
MAMIYA: Oh my~! You’re quite honest with Sho, aren’t you, Ouka?
OUKA: If someone tells me something directly, I answer as honestly as I can.
OUKA: That’s all there is to it.
MAMIYA: In other words, you’re rebellious when it comes to me?
RUKA: (smiles) Walking like this together with everyone feels kinda nice, huh~?
RUKA: The food and alcohol during the staff party was great, too! I’m extremely satisfied~
RUKA: I’m super happy!
OUKA: Ruka, your voice is too loud.
RUKA: (laughs) I’m sorry, Ouka-kun.
RUKA: I’m feeling good and the wind feels so nice~ I just got taken in by the atmosphere. (to Sho) Right~?
SHO: Hm? Yes~ (to Mamiya) Right?
MAMIYA: (to Ouka) Right~?
OUKA: Ruka and Sho aside, when Takaaki does it, it’s disgusting.
MAMIYA: So mean!
RUKA: Alright~! Sho-kun and I passed!
MAMIYA: Discrimination is not good, Ouka.
OUKA: Don’t hold on to me, you drunk.
MAMIYA: I didn’t drink any though~
MAMIYA: I only drank like, one beer and about two or three ciders.
RUKA: Me, too! Normally, I’d drink so much more but, I have to wake up early tomorrow.
RUKA: Hm… But, Takaaki-kun, Ouka-kun, Sho-kun, and I are kinda a rare combi so—
RUKA: Going home so early just kinda feels like a waste…
SHO: Even though you say that Ruka, Gaku asked me to take you home safely.
RUKA: Ack! That bastard…!
MAMIYA: As expected from his partner! He can read you like a book~
OUKA: You laugh at him and all that but, you need to wake up early for filming tomorrow, too.
OUKA: Walk properly, get home, and then go to sleep.
OUKA: Don’t tell me, “let me watch one video before going to sleep,” got it?
MAMIYA: (groans)
SHO: (laughs) Looks like he can read you well, too~
SHO: Although Takaaki takes his work seriously, there are times when he indulges himself, huh?
SHO: Just like me~
RUKA: I-I don’t think that’s something you should be smiling about, Sho-kun… (laughs nervously)
OUKA: Good grief… So, our leaders have the same weird tendencies.
SHO: Please don’t abandon me.
  SHO: (gasps)
RUKA: Hm, what’s wrong, Sho-kun?
SHO: Look, Ruka. Since there are no buildings around, you can see the stars properly.
RUKA: Ah! It’s true!
RUKA: Woah~! Since when did I last see the stars like this~?
OUKA: We might have seen them but didn’t really notice them much.
MAMIYA: So, they can be seen properly even in the city, huh~!
OUKA: The stars I saw from my relative’s house when I was younger were even more amazing.
MAMIYA: Heh~ In the countryside?
OUKA: In Okayama Prefecture’s prefectural border.
OUKA: I was in elementary school back then probably. I went there about 2 or 3 times during summer vacation.
OUKA: In any case, the stars were so beautiful that I’d lay down and look up at them until my mother came to scold me.
OUKA: It’s such a vivid memory that when I close my eyes sometimes, I feel like I can still see them.
OUKA: The scent of incense, the squeaking of the wooden floorboards, the sound of the wind chimes, and the starry sky spreading from the night sky.
RUKA: When I imagine Ouka-kun with stars, it makes for such a perfect picture that I get scared~
RUKA: Ouka-kun, you really love stars, huh?
OUKA: I guess. I love them.
OUKA: Not just the stars but the universe in general. When it’s shown on T.V. I end up watching it completely.
MAMIYA: This is my first time hearing that~
OUKA: Have I not told you…?
OUKA: Don’t you generally prefer conversations where you can talk of anything compared to half-hearted ones that don’t fit your interests?
OUKA: It feels good to be able to talk about what you love, doesn’t it?
MAMIYA: I see~ That’s such a great reason that’s so fitting of you, Ouka.
RUKA: I love stars too but, not on a realistic scale, I guess.
RUKA: I love things with star designs! They can be cute or cool~!
RUKA: Oh, and they’re good luck~!
MAMIYA: Oh! Now that you mention it, I feel like a lot of your t-shirts and bags have star designs on them!
MAMIYA: Don’t you have shoes like that, too? Ya know, the ones designed with stars for buckles and stuff?
RUKA: As expected from Takaaki-kun! You’ve observed well, huh~? Those are my favorite~
RUKA: It’s the one I decorated with the make-up artist backstage! It’s the only one of its kind in the world~
RUKA: I wear them to feel in the mood before a play!
SHO: You really take acting seriously, huh~ Leaving it to luck is not manly, was it?
SHO: Though, you give me the impression that you would leave it to your own abilities.
RUKA: (laughs) That’s correct! That’s exactly it!
RUKA: Whether it’s luck or abilities, the one that wins in the end is the me who practiced a lot.
RUKA: The only superstition I believe are good luck charms, I guess.
RUKA: I usually feel like giving it my all when I’m acting since I can~
RUKA: Though, there are a lot of people on stage who believe in superstitions.
SHO: True. I think I have the same way of thinking. The world is not so simple that we can win on luck alone.
SHO: But, we can’t completely undermine luck and being lucky. That’s about it, I guess~
RUKA: Yep~! Samesies~
  SHO: (chuckles) Hey, does everyone know the legend of Vega from the Lyra constellation? It’s one of the brightest stars in the Summer Triangle.
MAMIYA: That’s pretty sudden~ The Summer Triangle constellation is uh… Altair, Vega, and… Ah, Deneb! It’s that one, right?
MAMIYA: The only thing I know about it are the stars’ names.
OUKA: I’m the same.
RUKA: Wow, you’re amazing! I didn’t even know the stars’ names!
RUKA: I only know the words “Summer Triangle”.
SHO: (chuckles) That’s exactly it.
SHO: Lyra is the constellation that’s shaped like a musical instrument. It’s the lyre that appears in Greek mythology.
SHO: The story goes is that it’s Orpheus’s lyre up in the sky.
SHO: The legend says that Orpheus went to the Underworld to reclaim his departed wife.
SHO: He offered his music to the King of the Underworld and managed to charm him.
SHO: Though, it seems like he failed with his initial plans of bringing his beloved back.
SHO: I’ve been told this story when I was young and I remember admiring the music that was supposed to have swayed even the King of the Underworld’s heart.
SHO: I just remembered that suddenly.
RUKA: I feel like Sho-kun’s violin can shake the heart of the King of the Underworld, too~
SHO: No, no. I still have ways to go.
SHO: I think that the violin is something that I still have to learn for quite a long time.
SHO: It’s never-ending and it makes me feel a bit scared but, it has its own charm, too.
OUKA: It might be quite similar to the reason why I admire the universe.
OUKA: Something that we want to chase for an eternity.
RUKA: Ah, that kind of phrasing is perfect for my ideal stars!
RUKA: Something that we admire for eternity is something that we’d yearn for for a long time!
RUKA: Isn’t that cool~?
MAMIYA: I feel you. Though, it’d be a plus if I can make mine shorter.
MAMIYA: See? Just like those stars spreading above our heads right now.
MAMIYA: I can see them all the time and I feel like I can reach my hand out to them. They’re always watching over us.
MAMIYA: I was just thinking that it’d be nice if the fans thought of us like that, too.
OUKA: “Watching over” is so like you.
MAMIYA: Right?
SHO: Right now, we are the ones being watched over by the stars, huh?
SHO: Let’s continue to do our best so that we can become those kinds of admirable people~
RUKA: Yeah!
RUKA: (singing) ♪ Let’s go home, let’s go home~! I am the great Ruka-kun~! ♪
OUKA: Like I said, your voice is too loud.
MAMIYA: Alright, let’s sing together in a moderate tone then~
MAMIYA: Alright, Ouka, you too~!
OUKA: I won’t sing.
  SHO: (chuckles) We’ll continue to make music that will shake your heart one day.
SHO: Beautiful and dazzling music just like the stars that’s dedicated for you.
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