#what do y’all say to preface a random off topic thought?
tarvastries · 1 year
(one of) my toxic trait(s) is saying “side note” before making a comment that’s completely out of left field and usually derails the whole conversation
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galaxygoddess · 3 years
Transgender Sports
I’ll start off by saying that this is less of a rant and more of a thought process. It has taken me an embarrassing amount of time to come to this conclusion/realization, and people that I’m talking about will probably snack their foreheads and say “Duh!”. Forgive me if I sound stupid or ignorant at moments, it is a process to work through.
TL;DR: Banning transgender people from sports is just perpetuating the stereotype that boys are inherently stronger than girls, and girls are inherently weaker than boys.
Follow along with my ADHD brain, and you’ll see what I mean.
It started some time ago when I first saw an article about transgender kids in sports. I posted said article on my Facebook page, hoping that my transgender friend would want to comment and discuss it with me. Instead, she blocked me, and we never spoke again. That’s not really a way for me to learn anything, now, is it? I digress. So, I started thinking on the subject at random times when it would cross my mind. What IS a way to handle the whole “argument”?
Now, I preface this with two main comments: I don’t understand sports. Not in the least little bit. I never have. I don’t understand why people want to compete against other people for any real reason. Money? I guess? And second, I don’t understand the transgender experience, since I am a female who has always been female.
Those comments being said, I do think both are valid. If you want to play a sport, play a sport. If you are happier being someone new, be whomever you want to be.
Continuing along with my merry little brain pattern, I thought to myself, why not just give them their own team? Let them compete against each other and be damned what anyone else has to say. You get a team, and you get a team, everybody gets a team!
But wait, that won’t work either. It would be just as viable as my “put fences around all the state parks, so the deer won’t run into the roads” scheme. In fact, it would probably invalidate the whole point. Again, I know nothing of sports or the transgender experience…
Recently, I’ve been following these heinous laws banning transgender students from sports, and the way they want to peep in on kid’s genitals to “make sure” they are who they say they are. First of all, I may not “get” sports, but I think everyone should have a right to play what they want to play. Second, this is just a disgusting attempt at pedophilia, and no one can change my mind on that.
Once again, I returned to thinking how to “fix” this insanity, and then it hit me.
It’s not about “fixing” anything. It’s about perpetuating the stereotype that boys are inherently better than girls.
Follow along with my tiny, slow brain here. A transgender person is automatically invalid to these twatburgers who think that all people should stay the gender they’re born with. I wasn’t going to use insults, but in this case, I’ll let it slide. So, to them, you are what you are born with, and those born with both set of genitals are some sort of abomination that must be corrected right away. A transgender male is actually a female in pants and a transgender female is a boy in a dress. You know the drill.
To them, transgenders shouldn’t be allowed in sports, especially not with the team they want to play with, because a male is inherently better than a female in all things, and a girl “playing” as a male is just challenging their precious stereotypes. They don’t like that. Oh no, they do not like that at all. There is a REASON there is male teams and female teams. Everybody needs to be SEPARATE! What’s next, girls in football???  Oh wait, we already did that and proved we were good at it. HOW DARE WE?! I say that as if I play sports. I digress again.
The point being, they, the twatburgers, don’t like to be challenged. They forced women to start their own sports teams, they forced segregation in various forms. Because they do not like challenges to their perfect worlds of men being top dog. That being said, there are probably plenty of women who prefer to have their own team for various reasons, but even in my limited knowledge of sports, everything I can find shows me that women tried to join male teams, and when they couldn’t, said screw you, I’ll make my own team.
It’s all so damned simple, really. I mean, these are the same “geniuses” who thought that if a woman ran in a marathon her uterus would fall out. Not that all women even need the damned thing anyway. This whole thing just goes along with my other rant about why do people think all women should be breeders. A woman is not her reproductive cycle, mmk?
Back on topic. So, by saying that a transgender woman cannot compete with other women, that person is saying that birth men are superior to birth women in every way. If they aren’t allowing transgender men to compete with other men, they are saying that not only is a birth woman inferior to birth men, but if she does some how win, all of those men are some how worth less, and we just cannot let that happen now can we?
The more I think about it, the more my brain sighs and the more annoyed I get. Like I said in the beginning of this post, most of you will read this and go “Wow, you ARE slow.” But I take that as it is. Somethings I get immediately, others I do not. I learn. Eventually.
 If you read this whole thing, thank you. Why did I write it? Because it was on my mind and if I didn’t just get it out there, then I would just repeat it in my mind until I started to slap myself. Now it is out there for the internet to read and laugh at my slowness to something they probably already knew.
 Happy Pride month, y’all.
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