#what do you think Ludociel's family / parents would be like?
Hiya! To all the lovelies who’ve been reading “Through the Wall,” I got a question. A poll if you will. How many times do you wanna see someone / something get thrown through a wall? I’m still working out plot details so there’s plenty of room for fun hehe :) 
more storybuilding nonsense / questions in the tags! 
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herwritingartcowboy · 2 years
Children Headcanons
um only Ludociel and Mael. Last fanfic for the year. But till next time butterfly’s.
He loves his kids. You both have two, one daughter who have your hair and his white eyes (Dose keep her eyes close or covered).  Your son is the youngest with his long black hair and your eyes.
When they were younger he would always hold them and it would remind him of when Mael was a baby. Does tell his kids to look after each other, he wants his kids to have a relationship like him and Mael.
Does tell his children about the holy war. 
He would train his kids in fighting but if one or both don’t want to he would be fine with it. 
I always think that your guys' kids  would have long hair. So you all know how to do hair. He does the kids' hair sense he did help you, Norabasta, and Mael. 
Would be the one to cook not like your cooking is bad he just wants you all to nutrients. But you will make dinner, lunch, and breakfast at times and when the kids were old enough they would soon cook. But when it comes to desserts you would all help in, it's mostly a family thing. 
Arguments are a thing in this family. It would mostly be about stress, being kids to an archangel isn't an essay thing. So there would be times when your kids would argue or even fight about who's better or who can live to their fathers expectations.  You ofcourse would stop it before it got out of control and would calm down the both of them.  You would try telling Ludociel about this but he would just turn away, you never understood why but you knew he cared.
When it comes to playdates he would let your kids play with Sariel, Tarmiel, and mostly Mael’s kids because he can trust them. When it came down to Tristan, he would never know his parents; he doesn't want the same bad things happening to them.  But you soon convince him and he was happy to learn they had fun.
Overall he loves them,
To be honest we were the last to have kids cause he wanted to know you better before inviting a little one into your lives.
But did always wonder what his kids would be like. 
You do have a son with his white hair and your eyes, your daughter has your H/n and maels ocean eyes. 
He is the one who held them alot when they were babies. When they would cry he would cry with them too making you have to calm them all down.
Cooking wize you both took turns, he loves you cooking by the way.
Like his brother's kids they have long hair but Mael knew how to handle them.
He doesn't tell his kids about the holy war in the fear they would look at him differently and so he wants them to stay innocent for as long as possible.
Arguments do happen between the kids. Your son always wants to surpass Mael but most say he is weak.  So when he pushes himself too hard Mael does step in and the argument goes on from there. Your daughter does argue too but only cause she feels pressure cause she is your daughter. 
Playdates with the archangels kids are a must. With Tristan he doesn't mind. And it's funny how S/n and Tristan get along way better than all of you when you all first met.  There is a joke that you and Meliodas said which would break the other's heart first or how is going to need a lot of help from the other.
But over all he just wants them to have a better life then him.
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moonstomars · 4 years
Do you have more headcanons about the sins, the commandments and the arcangels for that that FMA AU? It's really fascinating
Hello Anon! I find this AU extremely fascinating so I’ve tried to put down some headcanons (under the cut because it got long. At least I hope there is a cut, tumblr is not helping right now). All of this is based on this post and the replies. The original idea was @derieri‘s, those are just some random ideas I though could have worked
the Sins are state alchemists who get together for the first time during Ishval civil war. Before they were some of the most powerful soldiers in the army but they didn’t work altogether. They knew each other, though (and some of them didn’t really like each other)
Meliodas, Merlin and Gowther were actually infiltrating the army because they know something is very wrong with Amestris but they don’t know what exactly Father is planning to do. They used false names and Meliodas changed his appearance a bit. No, no one noticed. 
As already said Diane is an Armstrong and she joined the army mostly because that’s what she was expected to do. She still doesn’t like fighting and killing - Ishval was very, very hard for her (like it was for Major Armstrong actually). She would just want to use alchemy to help people. 
King became a State alchemist to protect people and maintain his family position in Amestris’ politic after his parents’ death. His sister Elaine also knows Alchemy but she is not part of the Army.
Even though she is not a Homunculus, Merlin is immortal and an Alchemist who was trained in Xerxes (by goat dad); she escaped the slaughter just in time and after a while managed to create her own philosopher stone. 
Gowther is goat dad’s son. He lost his body when he tried to resurrect his fiancee, Nadja (who died of illness). His father was desperate and, with Merlin’s help, he created a mannequin to which he tied Gowther’s soul (he had to sacrifice his life to do so). Gowther’s body, though, had died, and this makes his emotions and memories a bit unstable. Anyway, Gowther has travelled with Merlin since his father’s death.
Meliodas is a Homunculus, the first one created by Father. It didn’t go very well, he rebelled pretty soon and escaped. He joined Merlin for a while, the two of them taught each other a lot. They eventually got separated but kept in touch. Father and the Homunculi are still looking for him. 
The Ten Commandments are an elite group of soldiers like the Sins were, lead by Zeldris. Most of them don’t know about Father, nor about the Homunculi (though they could start suspecting that sometimes it’s wrong and that there are secrets hidden from them at some points). They are assigned to find the Sins by any means necessary.
Zeldris knows about the Homunculi and he doesn’t like it. He found out on his own and now he is forced to keep the secret - his team, his loved ones and he will be all killed if he doesn’t. He is trying to find a way to sabotage the plan from the inside. 
Drole is an Armstrong, and he is actually Diane’s uncle. He still can’t believe his niece betrayed the army but he never questioned it - he simply couldn’t think that the army would have ever lied to him. But as time passes, he starts realising that he could be wrong.
And so does Gloxinia, who was King’s teacher (they have a similar Alchemy). He fought in Ishval as well, he knows it was terrifying, but he still can’t understand how King - or the other Sins - could betray the army just like that. It was too sudden, too unexpected, and they didn’t even get the chance to defend themselves before being declared traitors.
Drole and Gloxinia will turn against the army as soon as they find out about how much corrupted it is, and about Father’s plan.
Some of the other Commandments won’t probably ask many questions. Melascula, Greyroad, Galand and Fraudring are perfectly fine ignoring the fact that something is wrong, as long as they can do what they want as State Alchemists.
Derieri would probably be like this at first as well. She fought in Ishval as well, where she lost her sister (who was a nurse) in an accident and her arm. She has never been the same again, and for a while, she simply did her job, not caring about anything else anymore. She got an automail, and she got extremely good with it. 
Monspeet was Derieri’s (and her sister’s) childhood friend, they joined the army together and have always been a team. He was the one who helped her recover after Ishval civil war. Derieri is, actually, the only person he cares about, but if he knew about what the higher ranks are planning, he wouldn’t hesitate to turn against the army (as long as Derieri is with him)
About Mael, he is Ludociel’s brother but he was kidnapped when he was a child and experimented on. He was injected part of a philosopher stone that made him incredibly unstable. He serves the army as Estarossa and actually keeps an eye on the commandments and Zeldris. He is unpredictable though. Ludocile doesn’t know he is his long lost brother - he noticed the similar appearance, but so long passed since the last time he saw Mael and he is convinced his brother is dead.
Ludociel and the Archangels are a special group of Alchemists with insanely powerful abilities. Ludociel is the only one who knows about the Central Command’s plan and he is actually participating, but even though he hides it well, he still has doubts about it. 
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