#what fucking mental gymnastics was that man doing to think i'd have my job as a minor tho
ansbobcar · 7 months
I'm ready to become a part-time lore builder of a fandom if I can't get any answers.
Seriously. Time to do some mental gymnastics again because, I LOVE TALKING ABOUT LORE (well worldbuilding lore) AND MAKING LORE IF THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT IT!!
We're back to looking at the Divine Visionaries again because, what the hell are these administration/department/subdivisions man.
Here are my rankings of most straightforward to least straightforward (in terms of what they govern) and my reasoning, questions, headcanons AND MANGA SPOILERS. Feel free to discuss!
It's basically quality control check of any magical tool and also acts like a museum. Very straightforward to guess. It's managing, checking the quality of new, old, or powerful magical items. We also know the most about it I think because Rayne currently manages it (idk why i trust the fandom wiki)
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This is also straightforward. They manage forbidden magical texts from being accessed to the public. But I'd like to think that this department has to ensure that any texts which use magic, such as newspapers and maybe even children's books, abide by their printing laws and don't enter into that forbidden valley. Prevention of more forbidden magical texts is probably one of their main goals. I mean, confiscation of books and materials or clues regarding them will either be stored or burned possibly. Censorship is a possibility.
Every time I hear security I think of that random post from twitter I think about how the US' whole military like thing is called the defense something or something. AND I THINK ABOUT IT. But you know atleast security makes more sense.
Current headcanon is that the magic police is under their jurisdiction but being called a magic security officer is diff from a magic police officer. The main difference is that magic police focus solely on internal and surface level, local scale magic (and lack-magic) crimes.
Magic Security is a more national/international scale, or something that involves the Bureau directly. Like a war between other magical races or those type of conflicts. The bar to being a magic security officer is much higher than a magic police officer too.
The management of deceased magic users/wizards is pretty straight forward BUT what I'm tryna figure out is:
a) How many official cemeteries are under their jurisdiction? If so is it illegal to bury a deceased wizard's body on your own?
b) Do they only manage the cemeteries? If they don't does that mean that it's a law to contact their department while preparing for a funeral and burial? How early do they have to get involved?
c) Whoever was managing this division when Adam Jobs died was not good at their job. Nvm this guy's body was gone to bits. Still bad management on their part to not scavenge for that bit of flesh left over. Burn the area to the ground if you have to. Fucking Innocent Zero got his body.
The only reason I have this much lower than I initially intended is because there are so many fucking magical creatures in this fucking world that it should be one of the biggest ass divisions of the Bureau alongside Magical Items.
a) You need research/encyclopedias on these creatures. What their weakness is and so on, research on magical creatures (probably in conjunction with magical research).
b) Is animal cruelty a thing in this world? It probably is. It better be then there has to be a governing body for that.
c) I feel like for magical magical creatures like Dragons, they have to manage/hand out yearly licenses towards educational institutes to allow those dragons to be used. Otherwise, I think they'll be released to the wild and will be blacklisted from ever owning a dragon. (Animal cruelty act or something)
d) They probably have a national zoo which is used for both research and conservation purposes. Bet there's a bunch of endangered species.
Just like the previous department/administration... this is also pretty broad. (You'll realise a pattern as we go down the list). The way I see it is that every year, they gather statistics and feedback from the people, and come up with 4-6 projects of varying scales to help. These can range from new technology for pre-existing magical tools or making new innovations and tools.
They also do research on animals, plants and probably somewhat manage the welfare of the country slightly.
What I wonder is if it's illegal to do research outside of their department? Or do they allow exceptions, like some company can pitch their idea to the magical research department who then greenlight their thing or not like Dragon's Den.
Orter and Rinka, idk how y'all even do this. Magical Power Admin according to the fandom wiki (which I think took info from the fanbook, but cannot confirm), looks into shit related to power basically (abuse, lack ofs, very magical power creatures).
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My problem is that kind of overlaps with magic security just slightlyyy. I also headcanon that the magic police are governed by magic security and magical power.
So far for my fanfic (big spoilers lol):
a) Their main goal is to reduce/prevent the abuse of magic within the kingdom/country.
b) They can make and enforce laws/policies/the legal rules surrounding the use of magic which include giving penalties/punishments.
What the fuck is Kaldo's job. I get he looks at Divine Visionary candidates before they even get to the final exam but seriously. I would like to think that part of his job is to take note of what kind of personal magic has ever fucking existed other than tryna analyse people. If his department was more like HR, I think it'd make more sense.
His department probably has the least amount of people/staff.
_ _ _
There's probably other departments as well that aren't governed by a Divine Visionary for now. My ted talk is finished. For now.
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valend · 2 days
I'm in. Fucking awe. Are you serious? Like, actually serious? "Social experiment" do you hear yourself? What are you, Freud 2.0? Because you're doing a great job of being as up your own ass as he was. The level of insanity thar seeps through your writing is truly... terrifying. I pity you, really. Being a Hamilton bootlicker must be truly miserable if you go to such lengths on a goddamn tumblr post. Threats? You're your own biggest threat right now, spewing so much nonsense you might just blow up from the effort. "Animals in the zoo" SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ON? RASCAL PLEASE SHOVE THIS SHIT BACK INTO YOUR BUTT IT IS POLLUTING THE FUCKING AIR. "Horrified for the future of this country" shut the fuck up??? I'm horrified that there are people like you out there you're the reason america has fucking guns legal it's so people can protect themselves if they ever see you PEAK OF HUMAN INTELLIGENCE my fucking ass you jeffersonian piece of shit you can go fuck this wobbly kidfucker in your own bedroom if you please. I do not wish to see him anywhere else. Believe me, you are not sane. I don't think you even know the meaning of that word. Oh, and of course, here we go with the thinly veiled threats suck my Cock or say it to my face worm. "Moving on" I'm going to move into your pussy little Bitch. Hamilton is a fuckface who cared only about himself and getting laid, don't start spraying me with that "unclear state of mind bullshit". That man knew what he was doing. If you justify him in any way it tells me everything about you I want to know. Questionable deed is you writing this post dead serious. Should be considered a crime, now that i think about it. Oh, and of course you're a sexist piece of shit. Not surprised. Elizabeth Hamilton didn't leave her husband because firstly, she was greater of a human you could ever dream to be, and secondly, because she fucking couldn't do anything else, because, surprise surprise: women didnt have much rights back then. But maybe you're a fan of that too.Yeah yeah, the old "haha no attention from parents" argument. Significance? None. For your information, your beloved Hamilton had no parents at all — and it didn't stop him from becoming an "accomplished man", in your own words. Tsk. Contradicting yourself again. Try better next time. You know, love, I feel like you deserve a medal, for all that mental gymnastics you're doing now. "Modern times" tell me about it. Your kind have been whining about this shit from about the start of life itself; it's nothing fucking new. I swear, if duels were legal we'd be already having one. If you wouldn't chicken out, of course. Also, I take back my last statement on Hamilton being a boytoy. He's not worthy of even that title. Useless old titsuck. Two cocks? Ha! You sure you're not confusing Hamilton with yourself? 'Cause I can definitely see you sucking those cocks in a dark alleyway all the while your wife wonders where her husband has gone. Pathetic. He'll, I'd even pay to be one of those cocks. You must have at least one redeeming quality — I bet it's a nice mouth which needs to be stuffed with finally shut you up. You're no better than a common whore, only that she is much more honest.
“You’re no better than a common whore, only that she is much more honest”
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tiredassmage · 8 months
Betrayal, failure, and monster for the not-so nice OC asks. For Tyr!
[not-so-nice oc asks!]
These were all really good, so I'm warning now that I got... quite rambly about answering them. xD One of my favoritest guys ever, fr. Thank you for coming to my TED talk, etc etc lol
betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
Oh, I am so glad you asked this one for him. One might say the surface-level answer is that betrayal is part of an agent's job, but there's some occasions I really want to dig my teeth into for this where some of Tyr's... surprises, shall we say, come across. This is gonna take us right into Imperial Agent chapter 2 spoilers, however, so beware those beneath the cut.
I can't resist starting with... the asterisk? The "should probably be the expected answer" that Tyr decided to fully turn on its head?
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One deeply important thing about Tyr (and his perception of his own career) is that he chose, agreed to Imperial Intelligence, went through Academy training, and was thus... as prepared as one could fairly expect to be for the kind of half-truths and lies an operative can expect to both perpetuate and be expected to swallow as part of their job, he might say. Which is just... background to add flavor to the fact that Tyr cites his reason for joining Intelligence as something one might call a flavor of patriotism - a genuine drive to serve the greater good of the Empire's citizens. Something that is complicated by Tyr's distaste for stereotypical Sith in-fighting and powerplays, but I digress.
This point is really just when Tyr says, Imperial Intelligence never betrayed me, he does actually believe it. With his entire heart. And that won't actually change even as he learns more about the Castellans and what he's been subjected to.
Tyr's faith in Keeper (or rather, the Minister of Intelligence, as his role is at that point) is... not that the man is perfect and incapable of fault, but that the man's in a rather tight position and genuinely does what he can for his operatives, even with his hands tied behind his back. I guess you could call it a kind of "you couldn't hurt me in a way that matters," but like... meant as a positive?
Some might call that one hell of a mental gymnastics routine. Maybe it's because they're related, even if Tyr never fully realizes it, or maybe it's just really that Tyr's short on authority and parental figures that he can rely on, so he's willing to do a lot to hold on to the ones he feels he does have.
So, arguably, that doesn't particularly answer the question, but it does set-up that Tyr's... really fucking ride or die, at his core. Once he really commits to someone, it... well, frankly, it takes a lot to dethrone them from his confidence. Tyr never feels betrayed by Intelligence, even if you might argue he very well should. He feels hung out to dry for doing his job by the Sith and the Dark Council. And there isn't really arguing that Kaliyo has essentially toyed with selling him out for the equivalent of a bag of corn chips and some salsa, but, really, neither of them expected much more or less of each other, so Tyr doesn't... tend to be fussed about it, honestly.
I think the one that stings, really, is his... dynamic with Lana Beniko, really. I'd be tempted to say there's a lot about their relationship that isn't necessarily exactly either of them's fault and, ultimately, I'd say on most days, in the end, they're actually quite perceptive of one another's needs and the differences and bonds between them. What does make him feel betrayed by her is a little unfair in the sense that there's no real way she could have known at the time what kind of traumas she was touching him off on - and, frankly, they're not particularly great at ever clearing it up out of some sort of "mutual respect to not talk about the past" that does cause them a bit more trouble than boons at times. The short of that (in this... already very long ramble, oops) is that it's Rishi, and it's the matter of Theron Shan. And even without Tyr's growing affections for Theron by then, Lana getting Theron caught by the Revanites without forewarning him would have still shot their budding trust in the foot and it leaves them somewhat hobbled even to this day. It made Tyr want to throw his guards back up - it reminds him of Corellia (which was no vacation, sure, but it was an operation he was made well aware of what he was agreeing to when Shara sent him in), but what the real issue is is that it reminds him of Castellans, and of the very touchy "job security" he's not particularly had since Imperial Intelligence was cannibalized. One thing Tyr always has strong feelings about is that you take care of your own, that operatives aren't disposable for the sake of being disposable. Risks are inherent in this work. They hardly need to make them more prominent by holding knives to each other's throats for the slightest of inconveniences.
And that leaves me with the second question, which is... also maybe not as clean as an answer as it could be, lol. But to dig deeper than the surface level of the occupation's inherent moments, I think... the one that haunts me the most, and the one that haunts him, though he'd need to be forced to actually admit it and realize (let alone deal) with his feelings about it, is Shara - Watcher Two.
They never intend to hurt one another. Both of them realize in their relationship's infancy that it's an inherent possibility, maybe even a likelihood. What I think happens is they sort of... accidentally fall in love with a reflection of one another rather than... who ends up standing before them. And some of that - a lot of that, even - may well ride on Tyr. And what's left unsaid.
He never confronts her about the whole of the Castellans. He never even says to her that he knows - that's a secret he keeps between himself, his crew, and the old man, as far as the people who were there to live through it with him. Tyr never tells her he's made a deal with Ardun Kothe, that he's turned genuinely double agent for the SIS. I can't say with certainty it even... occurs to him to consider it.
Some of it is the relatively high certainty that, in the end, as things are, they're not likely to ever see each other again. They'll both be reassigned, if she continues work at all, and that means both of them have to say goodbye. It's better for both of them if she puts him from her mind, and he doesn't need or want to make that any harder for her.
Either of them.
And he's not convinced he'll ever actually make it out of the Empire. Most Ciphers don't survive five years of the work, after all. Certainly not Ciphers who have already once caught the ire of the Dark Council, despite their best intentions. There's few people Tyr genuinely holds close, and he wants to see none of them take the fall with him when the day comes that he finally pays the price for his betrayals.
Shara should've gotten out. At least one of them deserved it, as he'll tell the old man on Rishi. At least one of them actually made it. He hopes. He has to believe, in that moment.
Until that all falls apart when he sees her face on Nathema again, years later. And she calls him a liar - cites the Republic alignments of the Alliance - except it's not about that, is it? It's about trust. It's about working with someone so long that they knew the back of your hand as well as you - maybe even better. It was about, why didn't you ever tell me? That you were suffering, that you wanted to run? It's... it's if it was love, if we would've crossed galaxies for each other... why wasn't she invited to return the favor?
Something he'll never have the opportunity to try to explain now. Just the bitter-tasting realization that none of his answers would've sufficed anyway. In the end, he'll feel he robbed her of the one thing he's been so damn afraid of losing for so long: the chance to choose.
failure: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
I think there's a part of him that would consider his greatest failure what we just covered: that one of the few people he'd relied on in one of the darkest times of his life, he'd betrayed, he'd hurt - in one of the gravest ways he's ever experienced hurt. And on that note, no, no one really knows about it. When he says his initial goodbyes to her after wrapping the Star Cabal operation, and then has to face repeating those goodbyes on Rishi, he bundles that part of himself and his experience up and sets it aside. What other choice does he have, really? It's safer that they never see one another again, and dwelling on it isn't going to change that.
He remembers her and their time together fondly, can be caught by later partners contemplatively watching rain droplets race each other down the windows at times during a storm, but he rarely makes an even indirect explanation of their relationship, let alone an explanation of it. He'd probably like to say there's nothing to be done about it now, so it doesn't matter, but that doesn't change the ache in his chest.
Aside from that, I think... there is genuinely a part of him that is realizing more and more that it's... it's not exactly great that he hasn't been able to get out. Maybe that's more in-line with greatest flaw, but... Tyr is the type to dress self-sacrifice as, if not a virtue, then just... a core of what he does, what he's meant to do. To be really bad at recognizing it's self-sacrifice.
And it's hard to miss the way he works, but... his own mindset isn't particularly good at saying no, enough, and... neither has the galaxy exactly been the most accommodating at telling him to quit already, lol. But... he's gotten more and more aware over the years - with age, with experience, with more and more wars under his belt - that it's not just himself he's harming with that kind of mentality. The very people he wants so badly to protect, to look after aren't having a great time watching him burn the candle from both ends, either. And he's... he wishes he was better at this also, really.
monster: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
I do spend a fair amount of time going on about how Tyr's actually an idealist, despite his consistent failure to fully recognize this, but I do also get reminded when I go back through chapter one with him that he's just as capable of calculated cold cuts as any Cipher. 'Monstrous' isn't something that'd come to mind for him, or as a descriptor of him coming from me, however.
If there's anything in this territory, it's that his more ruthless streak - that thread of him that's capable of channeling more Cipher Nine and less Tyr Deckard, agent of Imperial Intelligence, if you will - still slumbers, and still has a passing fancy for the false allure of vengeance, at times.
There is absolutely a part of him that could probably still be goaded to try burning the Empire and its systems down in a scorched earth blaze of glory. Tyr has almost always remembered that such tactics... never really worked. If they did, they wouldn't be in this war - or the last, or the one before it. They wouldn't have inherited the war of their fathers, and their fathers before them, and he wouldn't be facing down a galaxy that seems hellbent on leaving it to their children, either. The Republic has already tried to eradicate the Sith, and the Empire was still standing to make him an agent of it.
But there's that itch, still... it grows a bit quieter with each year, maybe - the seasonings of age and experience to temper its hiss. But the trigger itch to light a match and watch it burn for the way the Empire's eaten people up and discarded them - for that way it's used him. It's been tempting, at times. There's a reason he has such a damned hard time walking away when there's still fighting going. Even if he is starting to feel too old for this bullshit these days.
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aceouttatime · 6 months
15 questions for 15 friends
tagged by @korblez! thanks dearie <3
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: My deadname was my mother's favorite name. My chosen name, Alex, is very similar--I kind of just flip-flopped the gender of it. I also chose my middle name when I was getting it legally changed, and I decided on my father's name.
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: Probably about ten months ago. I can't remember, but it's been way more difficult since starting testosterone ~2 years ago.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS?: No. Observe: A. I'm as gay as a room of monkeys on nitrous oxide, B. I'm a trans man who does NOT intend on using the uterus he was given, and C. I'm 20. We ain't ready.
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: Was a cheerleader against my will for 12 years and a gymnast for 10. Those are. Uh. Very uncomfortable activities for a closeted trans man. Also messed up my body (abdominal issues, back issues, joints that crack like bubble wrap), but hey, I have a few cool party tricks to pull out now! I also played basketball for a few years and peewee soccer when I was real little.
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: No. (I am a liar.)
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?: How they hold themselves, i.e., body language like tense shoulders, a puffed-out chest, downcast eyes.
WHAT'S YOUR EYE COLOUR?: Green! Olive green with a few dots of brown.
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?: Depends on my mood. Do I want a think piece? Psychological horror, all the way. Am I sad and need Comfort Content? Happy endings please or I will cry inside.
ANY TALENTS?: I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime, given five minutes. I can do a great worm and also flips. I can draw pretty pictures sometimes that usually have gay people or aliens (or both) in them.
WHERE WERE YOU BORN?: the USA BAYBEE RAHHHH 🦅🦅🦅 Ohio, specifically. It's mostly corn, highways, and the occasional building here (if you spot any signs of civilization, please let authorities know, as it is a rarity and must be documented for research purposes).
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES?: Drawing, reading, writing, skiing, rollerblading, hiking, biking, embroidery, bracelet-making, video gaming, window shopping (poor college student with Spending Anxiety), taking care of my plant children, stopping my roommate's cat from eating plants (she has no survival instinct but is Very Cute), and many more that I can't think of at the moment.
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: One dorm cat (my roommate's, she's a ragdoll mix) named Eda, and two dachshunds (my parents') named Dunkin and Bailey. Dunkin is barely out of his puppy years, and Bailey is Strange and Brick-Shaped.
HOW TALL ARE YOU?: 5'7. 5'8 if my spine is not Fucked-Up that day.
FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL?: Science, history, and English. Psychology, if that counts (it's what I study in college)!
DREAM JOB?: Clinical psychologist for NASA (basically I'd help research, implement programs for, and monitor the mental wellbeing of personnel). Pipe dream? Yes. More reasonable career path? Clinical psychologist working private practice somewhere nice (and warm and maybe not in the States). -----TLDR; Astronaut therapist.
I'll go ahead and tag (with care, no pressure!): @straypurplebread, @who-is-riley, @swaps55, @daisywalletchains, @sparatus, @thetrashbagswasteland, @whiskynorocks, @notjumpinglamps, @threewhiskeylunch, @westernlarch, @maxiepenguin,
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flowerflamestars · 3 years
I'm in a very angry-with-the-IC-and-Rhys-in-particular mood, and since I'm just rereading Daylight I was wondering, what is going through Rhysand's mind throughout the events of Daylight? Because it's basically his entire life CRUMBLING around him and I'd love to see the mental gymnastics he does to fit it all into his "I'm the good guy, actually" narrative. Or just his general reaction.
this is a FABULOUS question, thank you!
Daylight! Rhys is, in my opinion, the closest to a canonical (pre-acosf) character representation that I go for. He's so SO fucked up, and sublimating and burying all that trauma has, of course, failed, and it's all manifesting, in all these different directions.
To understand the level on which Rhys is losing his shit, it's important to go back to the very beginning: Rhysand, to Rhysand, is always, always the hero of the story. The down on his luck knight with truth in his heart. The struggling, just man.
He CANNOT seeing beyond himself for even a second. He casts himself in the most important role, as the only person whose personal consequences exist.
His mother, at probable great risk, takes him to Illyria to be trained- the precious, first-born, godly son of Night. To learn to fight- to learn, presumably, her culture- to see what that culture is reduced to, a harshness he will on day have the power to change. Rhys had to be, at some point, a great hope for Not High Fae denizens of the Court.
What does Rhysie learn? Illyria is harsh. Illyria is bad. Backwards and cruel.
He hates his father for...presumably, the crime of being a pretty traditional High Lord? Rhys hates the cruelties! the Court of Nightmares! the broken system!
So what does Rhys do when he has power? he fires everyone. He doesn't like them, he doesn't like whatever they did under his father...so instead of hiring new people, he removes himself entirely from a potential role in changing/mitigating those policies. See also: the Court of Nightmares, cowed occasionally, but not in any way governed by Rhys.
But he's the hero! He's destroyed the oppression! His Court of Just his Bros is made of women and Illyrians!
(Rhys removed the terribleness from his direct experience...because only his experiences matter)
So, Rhys in his head: the struggle, the hero, the man just trying to do it right.
Which brings us to Daylight....and Feyre. I know we can attribute the way the characters stop even remotely being sympathetic between acomaf and...everything else...to poor writing, but I also think there's some (maybe accidental but PERFECT) character work there: in acomaf, pre-acknowledged bond, Feyre is an important possession/ally- she's on the same level as the other members of the Court of Dreams, if the jewel of the collection, a high point in the story Rhys tells himself: HE saved the HERO OF PRYTHIAN
(which...let's not even touch on the fact that the deal he makes in acotar is CREEPY and he can only justify it later. she wasn't someone he wanted to work with in acotar- she was a vulnerable, hot young woman he fully took advantage of)
And then they're mates.
And then, slowly but surely, Feyre's personhood disappears. For two reasons: 1) Feyre is on a pedestal so sky-high it blots out everything. Good, pure, true hero Feyre whose adoration Rhysand needs like air. the happy end of his story, the prize and the salvation, the one who sees him.
and 2) ultimately, to Rhys, Feyre is an extension of him. A symbol: his happiness, his peace, his endless power, what he fought to keep.
She's his whole anchor staying sane, which isn't great, considering...ya know, everything. But the Story is Over. They are Happy.
Except- except- nothing is over. Post fifty straight years of torture, a freefall into war and fuckery, teen marriage and literal death, the consequences for all those things AND THE SHIT RHYS WAS PULLING LONG BEFORE AMARANTHA TURNED HIM INTO A CHEW TOY, are still present.
But now, he has something to protect. His golden future. His puppy Mate.
Because Feyre's safety is the safety of his power and vice versa. Anything he does is justifiable because the loss of Feyre is Not an Option. She is Happy. They Are Happy.
It bleeds into everything- and then it intensifies, because this is the breaking point.
The Az/Lucien thing and Feyre incredibly hurtful blindness? No Rhys isn't going to interfere- Az is so private anyway- if Feyre believes its a romantic bond, Feyre is right, she knows her sister, not that it matters because Elain is totally out of her mind.
Sending Cassian to Illyria? Illyria is a backwards shithole right? They're fierce fighters and that's what Rhys values them for- as the hammer of his power- and nothing else? why would there be anything else? Look at them fighting and hurting each other.
Nesta runs and Cassian is left throwing himself in battles actively trying to die and Rhys? Rhys is totally smug. A problem that hurt Feyre and his brother is GONE.
But it's not gone. Az isn't talking to anyone- and Rhys thinks this probably means Lucien is probably, finally fucking him- but even Feyre understands that Azriel knows where Nesta is. When this is proved (when Elain surfaces and they have the very fun kitchen fight) Rhys isn't happy- but he understands. Azriel has always felt responsible for broken things.
But thats not his job, it's Rhysands job, and Rhys has already made that tough choice for the safety of his own: Nesta has no place here. When she resurfaces inevitably, broke and wanting something, Rhys will stop her before she gets close enough to upset (hurt) Feyre. It's his job.
Cassian goes missing, and Rhysand sets upon what will become his eventual move: Illyria's value is strength. (a martial strength that belongs to RHYS). But they think they can take from him? They can destroy their own best chance? (Rhys recognizes Cassian's value to Illyria even while, you know, ordering him to slaughter Illyrians) They would threaten his power? hurt his family?
Rhys will not allow a world to exist where Feyre can be hurt.
If Illyria can't be controlled, Illyria will be put down, like the rabid creatures they are. (They were always backwards, Rhys thinks. Freeing my mother was the one good thing my father ever did)
But Cassian lives.
Rhys asks Azriel if he's been cursed. Az laughs in his face.
And Cassian is a terrible enemy to have. The strategies the loyalists are using? His, filtered through Rhys. The magical contingencies? Cassian and Az, trying to prevent bloodshed.
Feyre thinks, for a long time, that maybe the rebels have Nesta. What else could compel Cassian to even care? these people keep trying to kill him. they want to kill Rhys. the brothers suffered in the frozen mud at the hands of these monsters, what is Cassian doing?
And then the massacre happens.
And Feyre sick to her stomach, cries when she hears. Rhysand thinks about a little hazel eyed boy who'd never had a bed, a present, who'd been nothing until Rhysand plucked him up- a little boy who'd grown into a dangerous man, who'd just killed every person who ever contributed to his pain. Rhys thinks, knowing he'll have to punish Cassian for this, that it's over.
The camp lords are dead, it has to be over.
(Azriel hears and understands- because he knows damn well Cassian was something before Rhysand, and after despite him. That beneath those repeatedly broken ribs is a heart that was once so big so save him, grown strong enough now to save everyone who was like them: forgotten, abandoned, used.)
It's not over. The mountains are burning. Banners fly on northern wind in a language long dead. They're singing, the spies say, they call him dawn. Loyal-heart-as-dawn.
It's Cassians name. Not that Rhys, who never knew more than a few vile insults in the language of his mother's ancient, proud people, understood it then.
Rhysand, the long-suffering hero of his own story, has been betrayed.
He can risk no more- it's time to end this madness. It's Feyre's idea to use Elain- it's Feyre who is left crying, a betrayal Rhysand will never forget- when Elain, who they've given everything, Elain, perhaps just as broken and wretched as her eldest sister, refuses to help keep Feyre safe.
(Elain refuses to participate in what she sees as genocide, but as we've established, what consequences exist? the ones Rhys feels right in front of his face)
Azriel, Elain, and Lucien run.
Of course, if both Feyre's sisters are capable of betraying her, of course, both of Rhysand's brothers would as well. They are one in the same, aren't they? Marked by destiny, by fate for this hard and terrible work- of course it hurts. Of course- but Rhysand will stop it from hurting Feyre any more.
There's one force in the world that can stand in truth against Illyria. The Darkbringers- their ancestral, ancient conquers.
(Yes, I do think Rhys knows the shitty, shitty history of his court! He just doesn't care! He didn't do it. He's different. He's in Velaris with the common people. He has wings. He's not his father.)
(He is, in fact, far worse)
When he thinks of it, it seems perfect. Illyria will be destroyed- a loss, but a safe one. Keir, will, almost certainly, also be destroyed or at least critically weakened.
Rhysand will stand alone, the man who was willing to do anything for peace. He will rule over an emptied playing field, secure in a world where Feyre is safe.
The Hewn City empties, the armies march- Rhysand holds tight Feyre's hand, says nothing about the fact that nothing, nothing, will stop Keir from killing anyone in front of him when battle starts, and reaches once more for Cassian's mind.
His brother, his friend, his loyal right hand- he begs him to come back. To come home. That they can put down this rebellion and in his love for Cassian everything can go back to how it is meant to be, all of them together.
It does not occur to him to address the hundreds dead. The system he was complicit in and responsible for that ground a culture to dust and ash- what matters is brother against brother should never have turned, and Rhys, in his kindness, will offer Cassian this last chance for honor.
Rhys doesn't want Cassian to die- he wants Cassian by his side- but he will drown the world in blood before he'll lose his crown and hope and Feyre.
And when Cassian dies, falling to the earth in Rhysand's arms, Rhys thinks of penance.
A circle closed.
But of course- Cassian wakes. Death is not done with her right hand anymore than the contract between Lordship and land in immutable. Cassian brought the magic back, brought Illyria back.
Rhys is fighting for something personal- Cassian is fighting for a whole world and future, with everything in himself.
When the new border is drawn, Rhys doesn't despair- sure he's shaking, he's covered in Cassian's blood, his twelve thousand year old walls are smoking and the whole world smells like fucking Nesta Archeron- he's been the victim of curses before.
He won't let it keep him down. He'll be fine. He has Feyre, they're safe. Illyria is going to implode- and maybe, maybe, he'll save some of those that remain when the violence is too much, when they need a real High Lord.
They'll come home. Just like Feyre's sisters will. Rhysand's brothers. They fought for peace and Velaris has it- it is their home.
It's what they fought for, the happy ending, and it's all worth it.
It has to be worth it.
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