#what gets me about sister wives is that kody is not a catch by ANY means. like...how did he convince ONE woman to marry him?
suga-kookiemonster · 4 years
I’ve been rereading Ego and totally forgot about your Sister Wives reference! Even if Jungkook can be a bit boneheaded, he’s honest about who he is, unlike Kody Brown, who is a different sort of fuckboi. I’ve always felt really bad for Meri! I’ve watched clips from later seasons and Kody is always such an asshole to her and clearly favors Robyn. I would want to be a Christine or a Janelle because they seemed to have their stuff together.
i used to watch yearsssss ago, like, first couple seasons, and have only seen their tabloid-worthy drama since then. but one thing i will say is that christine is a whiny mess and does nothing lmao so i would never be her! i’d probably be janelle because she seems really indifferent to kody and just lives her life and has a career and minds her business 💅🏾 
kody is 1000% an asshole to meri, and i’m sure it doesn’t help that meri is miserable and clearly wants out of the marriage but feels pressure to stay with her trash husband. but what gets ME is that she’s not even legally married to him anymore (since he wanted to divorce her to marry robyn...”for the kids”... 😒), and her only daughter is married and out of the house, so she needs to just LEAVE. that man has completely shattered her self esteem and it’s sad smh
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galleywinter · 7 years
Thanks for answering my TV show ask! I will admit I had to google all of them except Sister Wives but I would totally watch that with Camdyn. Can I request "Finding the other wearing their clothes" for Camdyn and Varian (normal universe) and "Reacting to the other one crying about something" for the suburban universe? Oh! The "what if" question. For suburbans: "What if you were characters in a video game?" ;)
I have to tell you, Nonny, your response actually made me start imaginging Camdyn having a watching party for the season premiere with all of her girlfriends. There’s wine and drinking rules (sip every time Robyn cries, chug every time Meri is passive-aggressive, finish your drink every time Kodi is mean to Christine, etc). Everyone is hammered ten minutes in, and it turns into a giant sleepover.
And man all these prompts! I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to get to them. For canon!Cam, though, some of these sent her meeping off and I had to sort of wrangle her back. I hope I do them justice. As always, these are likely non-canon, and I will probably be going over the stuff covered in the first ficlet in their actual story. Later. Much later.
Finding the other wearing their clothes (normal universe)
Surfacing just enough from the warm haze of sleep to appreciate the loose contentedness he can feel down to his bones, Varian rolls over and stretches out a hand.
The sheets are warm, but the bed is empty. Confusion and a healthy shot of fear bring him to full wakefulness, and he shoves up to his elbows.
The draperies surrounding the bed on the far side have been disturbed, but not so much to indicate a struggle of any sort. Carefully, he pushes the curtains open on his own side of the bed and swings his legs out.
The room is still and quiet and dark, the only sound the fire crackling low in the hearth, and the moonlight filtering in through the glass-paned double doors the only other source of light.
Camdyn’s clothes still lay where they’d been discarded earlier in the evening, and his breeches still lay on the floor next to the bed. He tugs them on and bends down for his shirt, only to find it missing.
He finds it soon enough.
As he looks around the room, he spots Camdyn on the balcony on the other side of the double doors. His shirt is almost comically large on her - the hem falls almost to her knees. Her hair is loose and glowing in the moonlight, flowing down her back in golden waves.
Fear rips through him, feral and clawing and wild, about blondes and balconies, but he shoves it back into its cage. That had been another woman. Another life.
His hand doesn’t tremble as he lays it on the handle. He manages not to yank the door open and demand she return to the safety and security of his room.
Instead, he steps outside with her.
She whirls around at the sound of the door gliding open. There’s fear in her eyes at first, but it’s quickly washed away by embarrassment. He thinks he sees her cheeks flush, but he can’t be totally sure in the muted wash of light.
Her fingers twist together and he wants to reach over and take them between his own.
Before, he wouldn’t have.
But now he does.
Her hand is small, and her cuticles are a riot of muted color from the inks she’d been working with. His thumb grazes across her knuckles, and he’s still amazed by the softness of her skin.
“Are you alright?”
“A little sore,” she admits sheepishly, and her legs shift a bit under the hem of his shirt. “But, yes. I’m fine. I just…needed a moment. I’m sorry if I woke you.”
He brings her knuckles to his lips and presses a lingering kiss to them, breathing in the smell of her skin, feeling the delicacy of the bones in her hand. He laces his fingers through hers as he lowers it and pointedly catches her gaze. “You didn’t,” he says. “But I was concerned.”
This time her cheeks do flush. He wishes they wouldn’t, but that will come in time. “I’m sorry,” she says again.
Camdyn had been looking for her husband for the last half hour. What she finds in the garden off the throne room is a near potrait-perfect tableau. Varian stands, feet wide and stance braced, wearing a tabard of the Silver Hand, her tabard, facing down two dark-haired little girls.
“No, Grandad!” Tiffin huffs, exasperated. “Not like that!”
“What do you mean not like this?” Varian asks, smiling far too widely as he settles into the stance more firmly. “I may not be a paladin, but your grandmother is, and this is how she stands when she readies to fight.”
“No, Da,” Neasa says flatly, “it isn’t.”
“Well, then you show me,” he says. Camdyn’s trying desperately to stay hidden on the other side of the door, but Neasa spots her all the same. She has to bite back a smile of her own; she should have counted on her daughter being far too keen-eyed to miss her.
“Mama!” she nearly wails. Tiffin’s head jerks around, first to Neasa and then in the direction she sees Neasa yelling. “Come show Da how to be a paladin! He isn’t playing right!”
“Grandma!” Tiffin calls, too. “Come help, please!”
“A paladin, hmm?” Camdyn asks, far too amused, as she steps from behind the door. “You’re many things, my love, but a paladin…” Varian simply smiles back at her and offers a shrug, his palms up and hands thrown wide in a gesture of helpless surrender.
“The girls insisted,” he says. “If you have issues with your newest recruit, I suggest you take it up with them.”____
Finding the other crying (Suburban Wrynns universe)
The bed had been empty when Camdyn had woken. That wasn’t too terribly unusual. But that Varian’s side of the bed had never even been disturbed was.
She pads through the front of the house in bare feet and her oversized sleep shirt. She expects to find him in his office; his workaholic streak had kept him from realizing the lateness of the hour more than once. She rounds the corner at the top of the stairs only to find a dark room.
Frowning, she descends the staircase.
It’s the sound of a faint snuffle that leads her to the kitchen.
Save for the track lights under the suspended cabinets, the kitchen is as dark as the rest of the house. Varian stands with his back to her, leaning heavily on the countertop. His hair his down, and he wears only his favorite pair of pajama pants. So he’d at least gotten ready for bed.
Before she can ask what he’s doing, if he’s okay, anything, he sniffs in a quick, sharp breath again.
It isn’t even a thought to go to him. She doesn’t say anything, just spreads a careful hand against his back. When he doesn’t shy away from her touch, she slides her hand up his spine to his shoulder, and then down his ribs and around to his chest.
His hand comes up to cover hers, keeping her there.
She wraps her other arm around him, too, and presses her cheek to his back, holding him as best she can.
She can hear the slow smacking splatter of tears on the granite counter.
“Sorry,” he grits out, gruff and rusty and trying so hard to keep the tremble of his voice contained. “I, uh, I didn’t.” He pants a few deep, slow breaths and tries again. “I meant to,” he swallows, and it makes his belly jump under her hands. “I meant to come to bed,” he says. “But a news alert came up on my phone, and I just…” He sighs, heavily, and another splatter hits against the counter. “It would have been our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary today.”
Camdyn’s heart lodges in her throat as she turns and presses a kiss to his spine. “I’m so sorry,” she whispers against his skin. Her heart breaks for him, and she has to fight to not cry herself. She can’t take the pain from him, but she can be there. She can be with him.
She can hold him until the pain eases enough.
So she does.___
If the Suburbans were characters in a video game? I think Camdyn would assume she would be a rogue. (She’s an FBI agent specializing in white collar crime; that’s all about puzzles and thievery). But show her the concept of a paladin? I do think she’d be all over it.
Varian…I think Varian would choose to be a warrior. He’s definitely both take-charge and direct.
Anduin…still a priest. Or maybe a mage. He’s all about learning and mental focus.
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