#what happened? I don't know! the RA just wants to 'discuss it' tomorrow
neverbesokind · 7 months
every. time. I think I have a handle on this fucking job, I realize that I don't and I am a failure.
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Pregnant (Bayverse Optimus x Oc Reader)
Ok, so this is an old one-shot that I wrote starring my friends and me. This was back when I first starting writing on Wattpad and I thought it would be funny to share it with yall so enjoy!!
Lori's POV:
"People are so dumb in horror movies," Savannah said tossing popcorn in her mouth. "I know right," I said laughing as we continued to watch the film in front of us. Tonight me and the girls decided to have a movie night until the guys got back from their mission in Tokyo. "I just got a text from Ratchet, they should be here tomorrow morning," Nina said smiling at us as we all grinned. The movie had gone off so we just started talking about randomness. Kaitlyn started to crack jokes making me laugh uncontrollably. "How about a game of truth or dare," Savannah said with a huge grin that said she was up to no good.
"Uh-uh Savannah's up to something," Nina said shaking her head. "What? No, I'm not I just have a question" Savannah said still smirking evilly. "And what may that be," I asked raising my eyebrow questioningly. "Have any of yall....... you know.......... done it yet?" Savannah said as we all looked around at each other waiting for answers. "Duhhhh," Kaitlyn said sticking her tongue in a playful way. "I know that's right," Savannah said as she and Nina high-fived while laughing. I on the other hand sat there in silence
"I know Lori be getting it in with Optimus all the time," Nina said looking at me giggling. I slapped her on the arm and laughed. "No, we haven't done it," I said trying to hide my embarrassment. "Not yet at least," Savannah raised her eyebrows at me in a joking way. "Bruhh shut up," I said hitting her with a pillow. She looked stunned for a moment before she hit me back. "PILLOW FIGHT" Kaitlyn yelled as we all started to hit each other with pillows.
~Time Skip To Morning~
"Ow stop kicking me" I muttered moving around to get comfortable on whatever I was laying on. I opened my eyes to see me and the girls all spread across the living room floor. I laughed as I stood up from my position on the floor and stretched. I yawned as I headed upstairs to get cleaned up and changed. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and threw on leggings and a crop top as I picked up my phone to text Optimus.
Lori: Hey, I thought you would be home by now 😥
Optimus: Sadly we are at the military base with Lennox discussing going back to Cybertron...... the government is starting to get a bit angsty
Lori: Oh is everything ok
Optimus: Nothing that needs to concern you. Everything will be fine
Lori: Um ok. I love you 💙
Optimus: Love you too. I'll be home soon❤
I looked down at my phone with a smile as I sighed. "I wonder how going back to Cybertron is going to work," I said to myself before shrugging my shoulders. I slipped my phone into my pocket and headed back downstairs. "Breakfast sounds good," I said while pulling out eggs, bacon, and pancake mix as I got to work. Once I was done with breakfast the girls were already awake and sleepily walking to the table. "Thanks for breakfast Lori," Nina said as Savannah and Kaitlyn grumbled through stuffed mouths of food. I laughed hearing a knock at the front door. "Who could that be," I said aloud as I jogged to the door. I slowly opened the door to find a few of the Autobots standing there in their bipedal forms.
"Oh my god! You're back" I yelled hugging them as they all chuckled. "What are you yelling about," Savannah said walking up behind me and freezing. "BEE" she yelled tackling him to the ground. We all laughed as Kaitlyn and Nina came to see all the commotion. They were so happy to see Ratchet and Crosshairs it was unbelievable. "Aww yall are so cute," I said taking out my phone and snapping many pictures. "Whatever girl your just jealous," Nina said sticking out her tongue playfully. "Girl you wish," I said with a playful eye roll. Before I could close the door I saw some more cars pull up. They all looked pretty familiar. They soon transformed revealing Jazz and the Lambo Twins (Sideswipe and Sunstreaker). "It's been a while, Lori," Jazz said walking up to me with a smile. "Nice to see you too," I said punching Jazz in the arm.
Before I could say anything to the twins I was engulfed in a tight hug. "We've missed you," they both said as I sighed. "I missed you guys too," I said as I kissed both of their foreheads as they went inside. Finally, the last three Autobots showed up, Drift, Hound, and Optimus. As soon as they transformed I ran over to Optimus and jumped into his arms. He caught me and spun me around causing me to squeal. When he set me back on the ground I smashed my lips into his as to which he returned the favor. "Eww guys get a room," Hound said in fake disgust. I only laughed as Optimus threw me over his shoulder and carried me into the house. "Optimus what are you doing" I yelled as he started to carry me upstairs. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Savannah making these symbols with her hands towards me.
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I gave Savannah a death glare as I mouthed the words Fuck you. Savannah looked at me in disbelief and burst into laughter as me and Optimus made it upstairs. When we made it to my bedroom Optimus lightly threw me on the bed causing me to giggle as he crawled on top of me. "Optimus what are you doing" I wined playfully trying to push him off of me. He didn't say anything as he let his metal lips find mine in a passionate kiss. I kissed back as he let his hands wander down to my hips. He pulled away and nibbled on my neck leaving little love bites as I moaned lightly. After a few minutes, he pulled away and kissed my forehead. "You sure you wanna do this" He whispered as I smirked kissing him roughly. "Does that answer your question?" I said with a smirk as he proceeded with a low growl.
~Time Skip To The Morning After (Cuz I've never written a lemon sooooo..... Yea)~
I woke up to the sun beaming through my curtains as I groaned snuggling into the warm figure next to me. 'Wait' I thought as my eyes popped open. 'Did me and Optimus ..... noooo did we?' I thought while slowly looking under the covers and quickly putting them back down. 'Oh, shit' I thought looking up at the ceiling. I let out a deep sigh as I turned to face a still sleeping Optimus. 'He's so handsome when he sleeps. Ugh, but why do I feel sick all of the sudden'. For some reason, something didn't feel right as I rushed to the bathroom. I shut the door and hunched over the toilet immediately spilling my guts. "What the hell" I groaned as I grabbed my phone off the counter and texted Savannah
Lori: Savannahhhhh😫😥
Savannah: Yes big head
Lori: I need help 😥 Somethings wrong like fr fr
Savannah: Where are you???
Lori: The bathroom in my room 😭
Savannah: Ight hold on
I took a deep breath as I waited on Savannah's arrival. Soon I heard the doorknob jiggle and in came Savanah shutting the door behind her. "Did you wake Optimus?" I asked nervously. "No, but what's your problem? You look uglier than usual" Savannah stated smiling as I weekly kicked her. "Looookkkk," I said pointing at the toilet. Savannah looked in and quickly backed away in disgust. "What the hell! Are you sick?" she yelled as I shushed her sternly. "I don't know I woke up feeling weird then I threw up," I said laying my head on the bathtub.
"Wait did you and Optimus......" Savannah asked not finishing her sentence. "Not important right now," I said pointing a finger at her as her eyes went wide. "I'll be right back," Savannah said as she ran out of the bathroom leaving me confused. As I waited for her to come back I slowly got up from my position on the floor trying to steady myself. I wobbly walked over to the counter and looked at myself in the mirror. 'Ugh I look horrible' I thought as I rinsed my mouth to get rid of the smell of puke.
"I'm back," Savannah said while holding something behind her back. "What's that," I asked pointing behind her with a raised eyebrow. Without saying a word she pulled out a pregnancy test and my jaw dropped in shock. "Take it," Savannah said sternly. "Are you serious?" I said crossing my arms in disbelief. "Yes, now take it," Savannah said shoving it into my hands and walking out of the bathroom. I sighed as went through the process of taking the pregnancy test. I set it on the counter and waited. 'There's no way I'm pregnant...... am I? I mean it was only once and it was my first time! Oh god, why am I so anxious'. I started to get more nervous as I paced around the bathroom. 'What will Optimus think? Does he even want kids? Do I want kids? WHY DIDN'T WE USE A-'. My thoughts were soon interrupted by my phone ringing signaling that the five-minute wait was over.
I slowly picked up the test with shaky hands. I looked down at the test and immediately lost my breath. "I'm pregnant" I whispered while covering my mouth with my hand. Tears started to fall but I couldn't tell if I was happy or scared. I sobbed quietly as I slid onto the floor. 'What am I gonna do?' I thought to myself as I cried a bit harder. There was a knock at the door causing me to jump but I didn't say a word. "Lori are you ok," A rough voice said from the other side of the door. 'Shit' I scurried to my feet while wiping my eyes clean. "Yea I'm fine," I said fixing myself up. "You don't sound fine. Can you please open the door" Optimus said as my heart stopped. 'Here comes the moment of truth I guess'
I opened the door letting him in as he kissed my forehead. "I have something to tell you" I spoke as my voice quivered. "Are you ok, you look sick?" Optimus said looking at me with concern. "Yea I'm fine just a little morning sickness," I said putting on a fake smile. As soon as I said those words Optimus's eyes went wide. "Are you?" Optimus asked questioningly as he stared at my stomach. "Yea...... I'm sorry" I said bursting into tears as I felt a strange pain in my chest. "Sorry? For what" Optimus said trying to calm me down. "I didn't even ask if you wanted kids, it just happened! And I-" Before I could continue my ranting his lips gently smashed onto mine.
I calmed down as he wiped away my stray tears. "Hey, look at me," Optimus said while raising my head my his index finger, "I've always thought about starting a family with you. It just happened faster than I expected, but I still love you and our unborn child," Optimus said causing my eyes to water up again. "I love you so much," I said kissing him passionately. I felt him smirk in the kiss causing me to giggle. "You kiss me like that again and we might be making twins," Optimus said kissing my neck. "You horny hunk of metal," I said shoving him playfully and trying to walk away. But I couldn't get far enough before he scooped me up into his arms bridal style and carried me downstairs.
When we walked into the living room everyone was sitting there as if they were awaiting our arrival. "Soooooo," Savannah said with a huge grin. "You told them," I said looking at her with a shocked expression. "That's not important right now. What does the test say" Nina said jumping up and down eagerly. Optimus and I exchanged a look as we both smiled. "WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!" I yelled in excitement as everyone laughed and clapped. "It's about damn time," Crosshairs said with a smirk while I playfully glared at him. "Aww I'm going to be an auntie," Savannah said wiping away a fake tear. I laughed while hugging her tightly as everyone else started talking about baby showers and planning causing me to roll my eyes. "Wow can't believe I'm gonna be a mom," I said rubbing my still flat stomach. "I can't believe I'm gonna be a father," Optimus said kissing my forehead as everyone 'Awwed'. I took a good look around at the people around me, the Autobots, my friends, my best friend, the love of my life, and soon to be born child.
This is my family now and I love them
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justice4harwin · 3 years
Light’s Corruption- Chapter VIII
Summary: With few friends at the Little Palace, Alina must work to win the favour of her fellow grisha and their commander, who makes her feel light headed every time she sees him.
After training in Os Alta for two years, the king grows tired of waiting and demands the Sun Summoner joins a western post near the Fjerdan border along with the rest of The Second Army to test her abilities.
Something happens. Suddenly, Alina wants blood to run down the rivers and those who stand in her and The Darkling’s way will be blinded by her light and swallowed by his shadows.
It won’t be pretty.
Pairing: The DarklingxAlina
Rating: 18+
Do I have a playlist for this story? Yeah
Do I also have a separate bff playlist for Genya and Alina? Duh
Click here for chapter 7 in case you missed it. 
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Chapter 8: Alina the Baker
Grisha at the Little Palace had a day of the week off every other week, which meant that Alina could catch up on some precious sleep in the confines of her soft, warm bed filled with softer pillows. Even with the weak winter sun shining down on her, Alina could've slept all day and well into the night. In fact, it was even better, for she'd be warmer. There was no such thing as 'too much warmth' for her. The hotter, the better.
Curled up like a cat over the luxurious bed, the Sun Summoner intended to sleep all day and night.
Then there was a knock on her door.
She didn't hear it and rolled over in a most unnatural way.
The knocking got louder.
She began to stir.
"Get up, Starkov!" Genya yelled from the other side.
"Maybe if I don't make any sounds she'll leave." Alina thought, clutching her eyes tightly shut.
"You know I can go get the keys, but that'll only give me time to get angrier!"
Groaning, Alina threw herself onto the floor and made for the wretched door.
The redhead swung in with her usual grace, her kit in hand as she hummed a melody strange to Alina's ears.
Slowly, Alina followed her.
"Wash your face and come sit here." she instructed, pointing at the vanity.
After doing so, the Tailor began to work on her hair.
"Do I have somewhere to be?" Alina asked, yawning.
"No, but with the Winter Fete so close, I wanted to try some different styles for your hair and make-up, so we won't waste so much time on the actual day." she explained. "Besides, the Duke is still here, so the queen's daily naps have become longer, which only makes it harder for the Duke to talk whatever it is he wants to discuss with the king."
Alina made an odd face through the mirror; Genya smiled at her ingenuity.
"They've been fucking like ra-"
"Ah, ta-ta-ta, I get it." the Summoner closed her eyes and waved her hands, not wanting to picture any of it. "Does the king know?"
Genya snorted, joining two braids into one.
"Please, he's a dumb child."
Alina yawned again, loudly.
"Look, I don't think my hair matters too much for the Fete, so how about we take a nap?"
"It's early."
"So?" a red, perfectly trimmed eyebrow rose softly. "Who would imagine the Sun Summoner herself wouldn't want to raise with the sun?"
"Technically, the sun is always out."
"I'm also using you as an excuse to get out of the Grand Palace."
"Can we do something else, then?"
"No!" she yanked Alina's hair once more and tied it. Leaning over her friend, she arranged the three mirrors which sat atop the vanity so the other woman could get a good look at it. "What do you think?"
Alina stared at her reflection. Two braids started at the top of her head and joined as one at the base of her neck.
"I like it."
Genya placed a slender finger to her lips.
"Too simple." With a flourish of her hand, Alina's hair was freed once more, falling in dark waves down her shoulders. "Turn."
When she did, her friend leaned over and took her face gently.
"I thought you were sleeping better." she mumbled as she ran her fingers underneath her eyes, ridding it of bags.
"I am, I think."
"Have you been summoning?"
"Yes, but, …"
Genya leaned against the vanity, waiting patiently.
"I don't know." Alina said, looking down at her hands. "I know Baghra is horrible, and she still hasn't called back for me-"
"Then you go to her."
"I don't want to." Alina confessed, even though she probably should. Who else would teach her? The Darkling? He was always on and off the Little Palace grounds. "What if I mess up too bad and no-one's there to stop me?"
"So you haven't been summoning." Genya concluded.
"I have!" she fought back. "Just a little."
To prove her point, she closed her hand into a fist, opened up, and let a small orb of light fly up to Genya's face, not too close to make her uncomfortable. The Tailor watched the light with a small smile, and slowly reached out.
"I thought it might burn me."
"I think it would if I wanted to hurt you, or if I put more effort into it."
"But you love me too much."
"I tolerate you." she joked, moving the orb up and above her friend's head. "Now you look like a saint." she said, trying to turn the orb into a halo. It flickered and didn't exactly do as she commanded, only shone brighter over Genya's features.
The redhead shook her hand.
"Move. With this light, I can probably mask my age a bit more."
"Oh yeah," Alina said as she stood up, a playful smile on her face. "Because you're soooo old."
Alina didn't actually know how old Genya was, but she was sure they were about the same age.
"Tomorrow I will be a year closer to grey hair so," Genya's fingers went over her face, getting rid of imperfections Alina couldn't see. "One can never start too early."
"Tomorrow's your birthday?" Alina asked, starting to smile.
Genya didn't seem so excited. She merely shrugged.
"What are you planning on doing? Are you having a party? How many people will be there? Are presents mandatory? Cause I don't have permission to go to the city to get you one, and it doesn't really matter because I have no money and I don't have time enough to do something myself. What sort of ca-?
"Alina!" Genya had to raise her voice a little to get her overly excited friend to stop. "We don't celebrate birthdays here. It's just another day."
The Sun Summoner frowned.
"So, not even a cake? Or the day off?"
The Tailor huffed, amused.
"What for?"
"To celebrate." Alina was no longer bouncing on her heels.
"Trust me, the last thing anyone in these palaces would think of is to celebrate my silly birthday." she said as if it meant nothing.
Alina sat on the carpeted floor; legs crossed.
"That's depressing."
"If you say so." she remained indifferent.
She peered up at her friend and got an idea.
"Should we have some tea?"
"After I test how to work your face."
Later that night, standing outside the kitchens of the Little Palace, Alina ran her hands over her kefta and stood as straight as she could, putting on her best scowl. She hoped she had picked up a thing or two from Ana Kuya and Baghra
She entered the place like she owned it. At first, nobody took notice, too busy with their tasks. She cleared her throat.
She clapped her hands twice, like Genya did to call upon the attention of her miserable shrews -not that Alina considered the kitchen staff to fall into that category- and everyone in the kitchen turned to her, adopting various expressions at the sight of her.
No-one seemed to know what to do or what to say.
Trying to seem somewhat commanding, Alina cleared her throat once more.
"I need ingredients to make a cake." she stated.
One of the cooks swallowed hard before she began to speak.
"If you'd like a cake, Miss, I can make-"
"I want to do it myself, actually." she said, placing both hands behind her back and praying to all the saints she could remember -there weren't many- that they took her seriously.
Still, nobody moved.
Alina guessed that it wasn't every day that a Grisha showed up and demanded to cook something by themselves.
Not wanting the kitchen staff to feel offended, she spoke again:
"It's for a friend, you see, so I'd like to give her something I made with my own hands."
Slowly, the same woman who had spoken nodded, and then smiled tentatively.
"There's fresh eggs over there, Miss."
As it turned out, Alina did need some help after all. She knew how to make a basic cake, but as soon as she said it was a birthday cake, a middle-aged man jumped on her, offended on behalf of Genya.
"You can't just give your friend something so bland." he had said, his face red as he gestured widely at the cake, like it was a disgusting piece of work. One might have thought Alina had insulted his family. "You need to fill it with something, decorate it, give it life and flavour!"
Yes. That, she had no idea how to do.
He pushed her aside hastily.
"Saint can summon light but can't make a decent birthday cake." he muttered.
Alina's mouth hung open, offended, but she said nothing.
She hurried up the steps with a big cake held as if it were a precious new-born child when she heard him:
"Miss Starkov?"
"Holy Saints!"
She came to such a sudden halt, the cake moved precariously on its base.
"Yes, sir?" she called, tense, not daring to turn back.
"I am glad I came upon you;" The Darkling said, and she could hear him approaching.
It was so great to have him back, but why did he have to arrive at that time? Couldn't he have waited a few more minutes?
"Was there something you needed?" she asked.
"I can't believe myself, but please say 'no'"
"No, no, I just wanted to inform you that you shall start training with me tomorrow. I will see you at the entrance just before dawn."
"I thought you had no time for personal training." she was reminded of their conversation one season prior. "And that you didn't want to show favouritism."
It was probably stupid of her to say those things, to make him look like he couldn't make up his mind, but she find it hard to filter her thoughts when he was in the vicinity.
"I remember our conversation very well, Alina." he said, and she could hear his voice closer. It was so deep and smooth. Alina took a deep breath and tried to steady her heartbeat. "But some circumstances have changed, and I decided to make an exception."
Any other day, she would've melted at his feet at the way he spoke, as if it were almost a dirty, scandalous secret only meant for them.
But she had Genya's cake in her hands. It was big, and heavy, and he couldn't see it.
"That's great!" she said, and she meant it. "Thank you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to go. Moi Soverennyi." she bowed, and then clutched her eyes shut, cursing herself silently. Nothing showed more respect for one's General than showing them their behind.
"Are you hiding something, Alina?" he asked, sounding far too amused to her liking.
"Right. And I am the Black Heretic." he almost snorted. Alina frowned; he sounded so…normal when he did that. She wanted to hear it more often, she realized.
She craned her neck so she could get a glimpse at him. His eyes shone with mirth; the corner of his mouth was tilted up. She wanted to freeze him like that forever.
"It's nothing bad or illegal."
He chuckled, and his nose crunched up a little. Alina found it adorable, and she wanted to kiss him again, cuddle next to a fire by him, and make him laugh until his sides hurt.
"Alright, then. I shall let you be on your way." he took a step back, and Alina took a few steps forward before stopping at the end of the stairs.
"It's good to have you back."
She climbed up the stairs so quickly one might've thought a Squaller was pushing her up, and didn't give him opportunity to say anything back.
Alina moved her tea table to the centre of her room, where she placed the cake and a few flowers she had stolen from the various vases around the Little Palace to give it more life.
Smiling like an idiot, she closed her eyes and called her light just as there was a knock on the door.
Her light answered and her hand shot up, leaving a thin layer of golden dust hovering near the ceiling, giving the space a lovely ambience.
Hastily, she made sure everything was in order. The tea was hot, and there was plenty of kvas and wine for at least ten people. The kitchen staff had been more than happy to provide for her when they found out who Alina wanted to celebrate. Apparently, Genya was well liked among the otkazat'sya who worked on the Little Palace.
She hurried to open the door.
Genya waited on the other side, standing straight, an eyebrow arched up.
"You called for me? Is it urgent?"
"Yes!" The Sun Summoner answered, taking her friend's hand and dragging her across the expansive room.
She turned abruptly and placed her hands on Genya's eyes, blocking her view.
"For all the Saints, Ali, I don't have time to play around." she complained as she was dragged some more. "Just because the queen is spending another afternoon with the Duke of Balakirev doesn't mean I don't have other things to do and-"
Alina uncovered her eyes.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" she squealed, taking a step to the side and extending her arms to showcase the cake.
It was rectangular, decorated with red, blue and yellow flowers all over it. No white. Nothing about that cake was white.
The Tailor stared at it.
'Happy Birthday, Genya!' it read, in black, messy letters. While the middle-aged man from the kitchen had done most of the decorating of the cake, Alina had insisted on writing the words herself.
Still, The Tailor stared at it, mouth agape.
Slowly, Alina's smiled dropped, and looking at her friend in the eyes, she was horrified to find them wet.
A tear fell down Genya's pale face, and Alina rushed over to remove it.
"Gen?" she asked, extremely concerned. "What is it?"
But Genya couldn't say anything. Her mouth opened, then it closed, and it opened again as a small cry left its confines, the tears falling freely now, like a turbulent river.
Alina hugged her, rubbing her stiff back in circles.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." she said over and over again. "I just thought you might like it. I'm so sorry. Do you want me to throw it away?"
She felt how her friend shook her head, clinging to her with a vice like grip.
Alina was the one who wanted to cry now, seeing her closest friend in such a state made her eyes tear, and, oh damn, she was crying now as well.
They stood like that for a few moments, weeping like idiots, the hug a bit awkward since Genya seemed to hover over smaller Alina.
Slowly, the Tailor disentangled herself from the Summoner, and her friend let her go.
Genya delicately passed a finger underneath her eyes and adverted her gaze, although Alina could see the red in her eyes.
"Thank you, Ali. Truly." she said, her voice slightly hoarse.
Alina was at a loss of words.
"It's just a cake, Gen." she shrugged. "I just thought, we could celebrate together, if you wanted. We can invite anyone you want." she suggested.
Smiling just a little, Genya looked down at her hands and played with her fingers.
"No, it's just…"she took a deep breath and let it out. Alina waited patiently. "No one ever really did this for me before." she said, raising her arm towards her cake.
"A birthday cake?" Alina asked slowly, her voice tremulous and trying not to sound sad. "Well, it's not a big deal!" she tried to shake it off, waving a hand with a forced smile. "Back in Keramzin there was only one plain cake per month for all the children so-"
"No, "Genya interrupted, her voice a mere whisper that cut through Alina's heart like a sharp blade. "I mean, celebrated. No one's ever done this much." her eyes were like crystal again. "Thank you."
Alina felt uncomfortable. She really did feel sad for her friend? Had no one ever truly celebrated her birthday? She knew she had been given to the queen at a young age, but even before that, had her parents ever made something for her? Or at least said anything on the day?
Alina didn't remember much of her parents, but she did remember once a year, her father coming up to her with a small, strawberry tart. He and mamma would hug her more than usual and kiss her cheeks and play with her all day until the sun went down and her eyes dropped closed of exhaustion.
"Chasing the waters." she thought, absentmindedly.
Even before the Little Palace, had Genya never had any of that?
"I'm just, sorry I couldn't do anything grander on such short notice." Alina tried to smile. "I have a present for you" she was now grinning, although so very nervous on the inside. She walked over to her desk and took the envelope. "I didn't have time to make something so… it was very last minute. She came back to stand before her friend and extended the envelope, which Genya took with a look in her eyes that resembled disbelief and wonder. Alina's cheek reddened. "It's nothing. Really. Open it."
Genya did as she was asked, and Alina bit her bottom lip, trembling as she recalled, word by word, what she had put down on the paper with her finest ink.
"I have a friend,
with bright, red hair.
She has a loudmouth,
and a brusque, yet marvellous touch.
 She and I have known each other,
for only a couple of months,
But I know that in my soul,
She's well settled for long.
 Some will say she's pretty
Others will say she's pricky,
and while those all ring through,
I know the person behind those needle-like replies.
 I have a friend,
with bright, red hair.
She's always there for me,
as I'll always be there for her."
It seemed as if an eternity had passed before the Tailor looked up, fresh tears in her eyes.
"Did you write this?" she asked, voice cracked. Alina nodded sheepishly, and Genya said: "This is the shittiest piece of poetry I have ever read."
The Summoner tried to not let her hurt show on her face, but a moment later she was being engulfed into another bear hug.
"I love it." Genya whispered almost fervently, clutching her tighter. "Thank you."
They spent the afternoon drinking tea, eating cake, talking and laughing. Genya had admired the piece for a long moment, as if trying to burn it into her memory, before she cut into the first two portions.
After a while, when there was no more tea and they grew tired of cutting, they sat themselves down on the carpeted floor, cake and all, and dug in directly from the base as they helped it pass through with kvas and wine.
"What do you mean?" Alina asked as they both laid on top of the soft, fur carpet of the floor, facing up, unable to move.
"Another rule of the General to keep his Grisha humble: no birthday parties." Genya answered, her speech slurred and the last part with a deeper tone, like she wanted to imitate Kirigan.
"That sucks!" Alina spat, just as drunk as her friend.
"Parties are…cool." she stated, raising her index finger as if to make a point. "There's cake,"
"Ugh." Genya's hand flew down to her stomach. "I can't move."
Alina ignored her.
"There's presents, if you're not an orphan." she giggled at her own misery. "There's more cake, and there's people."
"There's always p-people at the Tiny Palace." Genya reminded her, kicking off her boots.
Alina did the same, her hands blindly reaching up to the couch for the small pillows.
"Yeah;" one of the pillows hit Genya in the face, and the Tailor whined about it as she placed it underneath her head. "But there's no birthday cake, thanks to General Handsomest. And no birthday parties." She counted to three in her head, shot up, grabbed the blanket at the back of the couch, and let herself fall again on top of the rug.
Saints, how had she and Genya managed to eat that entire monstrosity?
She threw the blanket over her body and kicked until it covered her feet. Genya clumsily pulled at it so it'd cover her as well.
Alina frowned.
"There's people at parties."
"Yes, Alina." Genya closed her eyes.
Alina's frown deepened, some of the blurriness in her mind clearing.
"People talk at parties."
Genya opened one eye.
"Are you going to get us in trouble?"
Alina, who could barely put the dots together as she thought of how full of cake she was and how funny everything looked from where she was laying on the ground, and how handsome the General was, and how she wanted to kiss him again and slap him for leaving her like that, turned her face towards her friend.
"Only if General Handsome caught us." she said.
Genya sighed.
"Fine. But turn your head to the other side. I don't want your puke in my face."
Giggling at the disgusting image, Alina did as she was told.
Their hands found each other underneath the blanket in a soft hold.
"Happy birthday, Gen." Alina mumbled, the lack of sleep due to her preparations for the afternoon and all the alcohol catching up to her.
"Thank you, Ali."
A/N: Hope you liked it! This is probably the last sweet chapter before things gradually start to get darker *evil laugh*
Click here for chapter IX
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monsoonblooms12 · 4 years
Christmas with the Waverleys ❄️: Part I
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A/N: Hi, how is everyone doing💫💛? So I really wanted to do something for the Holidays and this is what I came up with. Writing this was a really joyful process, so I really hope that this brings a smile on your face💛 
If you enjoyed the story, please like, leave a comment or reblog. Your feedback keeps me going 💕
Thank you so very much @caseyvalentineramsey for prereading and @jamespotterthefirst for prereading and helping me up with the editing. You guys are life-savers and I love you💛💛
Characters: For this part, the characters are my OH MC(Dr. Pooja Sharma) and OH F!OC (Dr. Alexandra Walton)
Word Count: 1467
Rating: General
Prompts :-
CFWC(@choicesficwriterscreations) Winter Season Prompt #6: Character A doesn’t like the holidays. B loves it. Will B try to find out why or convince A to celebrate it?
@wackydrabbles #74 (Will appear in bold): What do you want me to say?
@choicesdecemberchallenge​ Day 23: Friendship
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December 23rd
The riffling of sheets, concomitant typing on the keyboard and the gentle tapping of a blue ballpoint pen.
Aha! Here it is!
The dainty curling up of her lips purported that her quest had been prosperous.
The young girl let down her brunette hair as the muffled voices of Boston's December traffic infiltrating the quiet beige Living room subserved as a token of the celebratory season.
With balmy footfalls, she went to the bay windows of her residence, moving the white satin draperies and looked down to the provocative streets.
Festivals. Gaieties. They were not her thing.
For her, they were needless gatherings, wastage of capital and time.
Christmas, New Year, never held much of a significance in her life.
No matter how much she relished seeing all the people fortified with holiday disposition, she never aspired to be one of them.
Engrossed in thoughts, she nearly plummeted at the unforeseen chime of the doorbell.
A deep breath.
Another one.
And another.
And the abrupt adrenaline rush faded past as she reacquired her equanimity.
An agile glance at the wooden digital timekeeper on the davenport told her that it was 10:30 in the morning.
An unlikely time for someone to visit.
Must be some parcel posts.
Moving to the door, she clemently swivelled the knob and-
Alex was comprehensively purblind as to why Pooja would have come here at 10:30 am, groomed as if she was the anthropomorphism of celebratory spirit.
Not acknowledging her interrogating glimpses, Pooja went inside. Alex accompanied.
And then, Pooja's eyes fell on the vademecum and jotter sitting on the settee.
Hmmm, so they are my rivals.
"Poo? What's the matter? Has something goofed?"
Alex still had no ounce of idea about all that was transpiring.
Pooja roared as she denoted towards the current occupants of the couch.
"What is wrong with my manual?"
"Lex, ITS CHRISTMASTIDE! You, sitting here and swotting is Inequity!"
Pooja held up a hand to prevent her from proceeding further. She knew unequivocally what Lex was going to utter. That she shunned celebrations. All this was a waste and the record of criticisms moving on & on.
She had endured her overtures the prevenient time.
But this time? This time, circumstances would change. Alexandra Walton would be carousing Christmas, no matter how absurd it appeared.
"Lex. I understand, okay. I know you loathe fiestas. But-"
"Now don't begin convincing me and convert to a walking, talking book of 101 reasons to savour festivities."
This wasn't going to work. Even if she convinced her, she knew better that she would not heed in.
So, what to do now? Hmmm…
Pooja's mind went back to the discussion she had the previous night.
"Are you kidding me?"
"Of course not! Look!"
The Portrayal of Numerous ocular evidence of the case were placed in front of her.
"So, you're stating that she is here, in Boston and that all this is gonna work?"
"Exactly! Believe me, Poo, you will not regret it. Just give it a try!"
This was the only alternative. She ought to do it. It seems implausible, but the stuff she saw with her optics, felt versus her skin, couldn't be a deceit, could it?
"I need a promise."
"Promise? Wow! What a marvellous way of pressuring me into all this."
Alex substantially scoffed. Pooja lightly smacked her forehead.
"Why did you do it?"
Alex produced a perfect faux crybaby face as she tended to her point of the hit.
"You killed my Lil Lil forehead cells!"
Pooja scarcely restrained her chuckle as she set up the stern big-sister facade,
"Just shut up and listen first. I demand you to promise me that you will go with me somewhere on Christmas Eve."
"On a voyage?"
"No, bimbo! To meet someone."
A pouty face followed. But Pooja's glare was enough to make her regress and concede.
"Fine, Promise. But don't you dare pull me to a holiday funfair. Remember, I can bite."
Alex responded as she unveiled her teeth.
"You won't have to stoop that low" Pooja affirmed while stifling a hearty guffaw.
December 24th
"Are you going to tell me where you are taking me?" Vexation grazed Alex's features.
But her irritation was Pooja's gold. It was one of her reactions which made her laugh hysterically.
"If I die, I will spook you until I am served with 12 boxes of extravagant Walter's White and Pink Chocolate because you are making me do THIS." Alex pointed at the two of them.
"Which, I should make it clear, you won't get. 'Cause you won't die. Also, If means?"
"No, like I mean, subsequently we all will die, but before that, we will become top tier doctors, make millions, eat chocolates."
"We will get husbands" Pooja added to the list.
"They will die"
This earned Alex a scowl from her best friend.
"Then we would be sitting in our opulent houses and would be promoting golden dentures on our Pictogram."
"Yes! Yes! Yes!"
"And then we will die. We will be in heaven and do the Hippity-Hop dance with our already-in-heaven husbands", And the two of them laughed like crazy. Passers-by gave them side glances, most of them presuming they both had gone mad, but the two couldn't bother less.
After a little while, they reached in front of a modest house. Entering through the small copper-coloured gate, they peered around.
It posed an explicit opposition to the modern peculiarities of Boston. The place was serene. The garden surrounding the humble stone-exterior dwelling was immaculate and well-kept. The two of them went towards the white gate and pressed the doorbell.
Seconds later, an elderly lady opened the door.
"Hi, I am Pooja. And this is Alexandra" She introduced the two of them.
"Of course, please get in sweetheart. I have been expecting you." The lady gave a friendly smile and motioned the two of them to come in.
While entering, Alex tugged at Pooja's sleeve, dragging her back.
Keeping her voice as faint as plausible, she spoke, "Why did you bring me here? To discover how to make gingerbread?"
Pooja almost let out a tee-hee and gave her a warning look.
"What do you want me to say? You dragged me out of my cozy blanket and summery dreams to learn how to make gingerbread!"
Lightly hitting Alex's forehead, she jokingly admonished "Shut up Lex! Just wait and watch."
And then they followed the lady to a dim room.
In the core of the room, stood a circle table, encompassing which, three obsolescent chairs were orderly arranged.
Several aromatic candles blazed the shadowy nooks. Various shelves positioned on the walls with articles they couldn't recognize due to the gloom.
They were motioned to take a seat on the chairs.
"So, Miss Pooja! I am so overwhelmed to have you and your friend with me! I am very certain, that the forthcoming journey will be a once in a lifetime venture." The lady's grin revealed two blank spaces in her teeth.
"You have planned everything for us?" Even though they had talked beforehand, Pooja still felt a bit dubious. What is something went awry?
She halted the train of thought. What ifs are endless. Trust yourself, everything that happens will be for the best.
"Yes, dear. Your request was the loveliest. And I have planned to make everything accurate, just the way you want."
At her words, the tension heaving down on Pooja dissipated.
"Now, both of you lay your hands on the table and relax. Don't ask any questions, Don't have any concerns. Just follow my statements and repeat the words I chant after me."
They both followed. Relaxing, for Alex, was hard, but for her twisted sister, she tried her best and finally calmed down.
The lady began. "Relax. All the arrangements are made. I am sending both of you to the Braidwood Manor, where the Waverleys live. You both are getting a chance to experience Christmas as it was celebrated nearly a century and a half ago. You both will reach London in the 1880s. Take a deep breath"
It felt like someone had cast a spell on them. They both followed all the words, all the instructions wordlessly. As said, they took a deep breath.
"Very Good! Now repeat the words after me. Try to remember them. I am sending you both in the past for a day but in case you wanna come back earlier, you will need them"
Then the lady tapped her purple-painted fingernail four times on the table and began, "Zahiri Washiki Ra, Zahiri Washiki Ma, MaRa LaYa Ma."
Both of them repeated. The gloomy room echoed with the words.
PS: That's all for Christmas with the Waverleys Part 1🧡! Part 2 will be up tomorrow.
If you reached till here, please know that I am truly grateful for you🌟 I wish you nothing but happiness and smiles for the Holidays and the coming year❤
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a great day ahead🧡🧡
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