#what if the apple lover.... loved the apple seller... and then was made to forget him ough ough
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Halloween AU - Part 7
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billyspotato · 4 years
Welcome Back - Geralt of Rivia
Words: 2.160 words
Type: Angst & Fluff
Summary: After Geralt finds Cirilla, he goes to your house looking for a place to stay for a while, but you haven’t seen each other for over a year.
Warning: English is not my first language. Sorry if I misspelled something. 
Yennefer, even though she’s not mentioned, and Geralt didn’t have any kind of relationship in this imagine’s universe! 
Btw, Azana is a character I created when writing, she’s not actually a character in the books, show or games.
Part 1          Part 2
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A/n: Gif’s not mine :)
You look over at your now clean kitchen and sigh in relief. Now you can finally go to the market. You change clothes quickly and put on your boots before grabbing your basket and stepping out of your small house.
Like any other day, the sky is colored grey and the wind is cold. You pull the hood of your cloak over your head, making your face is now covered from the sides and shielded from the cold.
As you stepped in the busy market, some locals looked at your cloaked self and looked elsewhere right away, scared to be caught. Everyone still has the idea of your ‘friend’, Geralt, fresh on their minds. Even though he left more than a year ago and you have never seen him again.
People are still intimated by Witchers, and that also applies to the people that surround them. And it looks like it always will.
While looking at the various loafs of bread displayed in front of you, your mind was occupied with something else, or someone else. Geralt, and his well-being.
Could he be hunting right now? Getting payed well, you hoped.
Could he be happy? That can be discussed.
Could have he found love?
That thought sent a sharp pain through your chest. You don’t even know if he’s alive, how can you even think about him being in love with someone else?
You looked up at the seller and gave him a small smile before extending your hand with the coins. The man took it welcoming your smile and you grabbed the loaf out of the wooden table and putting it into your basket.
You moved on to the vegetables displayed by other sellers and while taking a look good at everything, so you wouldn’t take a rotten one by accident home, you hear someone call out your name.
“Y/N, my sweetheart” Azana, an old sweet woman from the village and seller from the market, calls out while extending her arms and looking at you.
“Hi” You say welcoming the smile and the daily hug.
“How has your day been?” She asks with an adoring smile on her face.
“Pretty tiring, decided to clean the house today” You say with a sigh, “Not the best idea. How about you?”
“Oh, I’m alright. The fruit is selling like crazy today for some unknown reason”
You laughed at her confused look and she then lifts her eyebrows and opens her mouth as if she remembered something.
“I’ve heard the Witcher came back to the village today” She states, and you give a sad smile.
“Azana, Geralt’s not coming back”
“Don’t say those things, my sweet. You know he is, he wouldn’t just leave you” She says before walking back to her table, which is filled with customers, “Here take this, for you and just in case he’s back, for him as well” She offers while starting to put various fruits and vegetables in your basket.
Azana always had the hope that Geralt would come back. She said that she had never seen you happier like the way you were when he was doing business in town. Azana would even offer food to Geralt after his work would be done as a ‘thank you’ for him to come back to you alive.
She was your neighbor when you were younger, ended up taking care of you many times as well, so a certain friendship grew, and now she just wants to see you happy. And Geralt made you happy. So that made her love him for it and be forever thankful.
That was until Geralt had to leave town to continue his work. Unfortunately, he can’t just stop and live a good life with the woman that he loves in a small cozy home with 7 kids, he is a Witcher after all. You understood that and you let him go, after making him promise to come back once in a few months.
But, you haven’t seen him since.
Now, people in the small village would like to make, listen and spread rumors since nothing exciting happens in this place. The most exciting thing that has ever happened was the Witcher’s appearance. So, they would just spread rumors about his whereabouts, making you (the first 3 times) and Azana (even today) hopeful.
After thanking Azana for the food and getting another bear hug, you decided to walk back home. She kissed your cheek before you turned around and the smile plastered on your face warmed the woman’s heart, while looking at you like a proud mother.
As you walked out of the market and into the streets on your home, Geralt pulled Roach’s reins slightly, making her move slower, as they made their way in the village. Ciri’s eyes looked around what surrounded her, not alarmed by anything, just curious.
“What are we doing here?” Ciri whispers to Geralt, who is sitting behind her on the saddle.
“This is where we’re going to stay for some time” He explains while pulling the hood of Ciri’s cloak over her head, hiding her face from strangers.
Geralt pulls Roach’s reins once more, coming to a full stop, as they got into the barns of the village. He gets himself down the brown horse and helps Ciri next.
“Witcher, it’s been a while” A man states from behind him.
Geralt looks up at the man and nods, acknowledging his presence. The two men knew each other, you would sometimes visit the barn and take a look at the sleeping horses and somewhat sick/injured animals, in love with the idea of helping them. That’s when Geralt met the man, making him in some way trustworthy.
“I’ll take her” The man says once more, taking a hold of Roach’s reins.
Geralt’s amber eyes followed the man as he took Roach into the stables while in complete silence. Ciri looks up at the Witcher confused at how he handed his dear beloved horse to a stranger.
“Do you know him?” She asks and Geralt looks at her.
“Somewhat” He says before adjusting the swords on his back. “Let’s go get you something to eat”
They walked out of the barn, Ciri’s mind now occupied with what she will eat since they’re not in the middle of the hoods anymore (making the list of possible foods grow), as people shared looks and even whispered to each other, some in excitement and others in pure shock, with the sight of the white haired man.
The both of them stepped in the busy market and Ciri pulled Geralt by his leather sleeve to the table various vegetables were displayed right when her eyes laid on it. Geralt kept being, obviously, willingly dragged by the young girl while she gasped at the amount of food.
After buying bread from a very scared man, Geralt gives it to Ciri, who welcomed and started eating right away.
“Can we get apples as well?” Ciri asked as her eyes focused on the pile of red and green apples displayed in front of a lady.
Geralt nods before following the girl, who right away started the conversation with the lady behind the fruit. The lady, being Azana herself, smiled at the blonde beautiful girl before a tall man stood behind her, making her eyes go up to his face.
“Geralt?” Azana asks in shock as the amber eyes of the Witcher looked at her as well.
“Azana” Geralt says while biting off his small smile, which is begging to appear.
“Oh, my dear” She says before going to him and pulling the broad shouldered and strong man into a hug like she did to you seconds ago.
“Still a hugger?” Geralt comments making the woman laugh while pulling away.
“I will always be one” She says with a big smile, “Have you seen Y/N yet?”
“No, not yet” He says, “We will after Cirilla gets her food”
“Do you miss her?” Azana asks, wanting to know right away if his feelings are the same as the ones she told you, so you wouldn’t lose hope.
Geralt only nods while Ciri looks up curious at the conversation and with who you are.
“Do you still love her?”
The question made Ciri’s eyes widen and look up at Geralt in shock. The loner white haired man has someone, and he didn’t tell her?
Geralt, feeling Ciri’s gaze on him, doesn’t use words to answer Azana, he only gives her a small smile making the old woman almost cheer in happiness.
“And who are you?” Azana asks. Ciri looks up at the woman, giving her a small smile.
“His child of surprise” She simply answers.
Azana’s eyes widen at her words and she looks up at Geralt.
“Long story” Geralt simply says, probably slightly annoyed with how blunt Cirilla was. “I’ll tell you later”
“Alright, then” Azana says while Geralt grabs coins to give it as a payment for the apples Ciri picked. “No need, you’re apart of this family Witcher” She says, while walking back to behind her table, “And get going, don’t make her wait any longer”
Geralt nods at the old lady and Ciri looks between them entertained with the conversation. Both of them walk out of the market and Ciri starts her questions.
“Who’s Y/N?” She asks and Geralt doesn’t answer, “Your friend? No, it must be your lover”
Geralt slightly nodded, even questioning if Ciri even saw it. “How come you never talk about her?”
“I tried to forget about her”
“Why? If you love her, why forget her?”
“I didn’t keep my promise. I was supposed to come back in a space of months, but I was too far in the continent and too busy to come back”
“How long as it been?”
“A year and a half” He says almost is a whisper, sounding like he is disappointed in himself.
“Why are we walking so slow then?”
You turn the page on the book that you are reading almost drifting off to sleep until a knock on your front door is heard. You sigh frustrated, thinking of your neighbors that might need something (like always), but you look confused once you open the front door.
“Can I help you?” You ask the young blonde girl in front of you.
As Ciri looked up at you, Geralt appeared next to her. Your breathing came to a stop as your body went in complete shock. It’s not possible, right?
You let the girl in your house when taking a step back but your eyes don’t leave him.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, your voice cracking as you hold in your tears.
“I came back”
“Yeah, a year and 7 months later” You tell him as your heart started beating faster and faster.
Silence was the barrier that separated the two of you. Neither of you wanted to talk or knew what to say, making the air around you thicken up.
Your eyes welcomed his familiar face and so did his. Your heart just couldn’t really feel anger towards the person that you so deeply love, and your mind just reminded that ‘he came back for you’.
“I’m sorry. I really am” He states, not really knowing what to say. “A lot of things happened, -and I know that isn’t an excuse- But I came back here to tell you that I’m so sorry”
You sighed as your eyes filled with tears and you pulled him into your arms. The tears, being them of relief, start falling down your cheeks and a sob escapes your mouth. Geralt’s arms go around you and pull you up and closer to him, your familiar scent filling his lungs and your soft hair moving under his callused hand, relaxing him completely.
“I thought you were dead” You tell him as you pull away.
“And I thought you were going to kill me” Geralt jokes, trying to lift the air of tension that had been building up in these last minutes.
“I hate you” You say while smiling at his stupid attempt. Geralt wipes the tears off your wet face with his thumbs and pulls you in for a kiss. You lean in making your lips touch and your body exploded with emotions you haven’t felt in so long.
As you two keep evolving the kiss, Ciri has her half-eaten apple up to her mouth as if she was getting ready to take a bite but stopped mid-way; her face held a disgusted look and it slowly intensifies as you two kept going.
“Hello? I’m still here!” Ciri says, making you two pull away.
“Who is she again?” You ask Geralt but Ciri opens her mouth to answer for him.
“Shut it!” Geralt says while holding up his finger in Ciri’s direction, before looking at you once again, “I’ll tell you after lunch” He says as Ciri smiled and took a bite of her tasty red apple.
- - - - 
This is probably awful but it’s not my fault! I swear! My family just kept talking super loud when I was proof-reading, and I couldn’t really do much!
Anyways, I never thought I was going to write for Geralt, but here we are. Hope you liked it.
Part 2? Maybe?
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🌸✨Sorry, but I’m not writing in this account anymore. Go check out my new one @twinklelilstarkey✨🌸
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jana-hallford · 5 years
Baby Boomer Memories: Liddle Kiddle Dolls
I was a girly little girl, and loved dolls. (I still do.) Most of my favorite dolls were by Mattel, including Barbie, my beloved Sister Belle, and my last childhood doll, Dancerina. Mattel was a major, major toy maker for the Baby Boomer generation.
Elliot Handler, founder of Mattel (and husband of Ruth Handler, inventor of the Barbie doll!) wanted a line of dolls representing small children in neighborhoods across America. Famed doll sculptor Martha Armstrong Hand, who sculpted other popular dolls including Drowsy (1965) and Cheerful Tearful (1966), made the first ten Kiddles in 1965. They were soft vinyl, with bendable wired legs, painted facial features, and rooted hair that could be brushed and combed. Each came with accessories and a little illustrated “komic” or story booklet.
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Florence Niddle (1966 - 1967), one of the first 24 Liddle Kiddle dolls.
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Bunson Burnie (1966 - 1967), one of the original 24 Liddle Kiddles. 
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Rolly Twiddle (1967) the only African American doll of the first 24 Liddle Kiddles released. She is highly sought after, especially with her original clothes, wagon, pail and shovel, and Komic booklet.
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Freezy Sliddle (1967), one of the first 24 Liddle Kiddle dolls.
Liddle Kiddles were introduced at the New York Toy Fair in 1966. The Toy Fair is a buying show, not open to the public, so the dolls hit the market a little later.
I was the fourth grade and turned nine years old in 1967, the perfect age to discover Liddle Kiddle dolls. They were about three inches tall -- much smaller than most dolls of the day -- with playful accessories and outfits. I had so much fun with them!
I had the Storybook Kiddle Liddle Biddle Peep doll (1968), and two Lucky Locket Kiddles. Liddle Biddle Peep was, of course, Little Bo Peep, complete with a chenille sheep and a little shepherd’s crook, a pink dress with paniers, and a matching bonnet. Like all the Storybook Kiddles, Liddle Biddle Peep came with a storybook. She was played with until wires started poking out from her limbs. 
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Liddle Biddle Peep from the Storybook Kiddles collection. I loved her. 
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Sleeping Biddle Storybook Kiddle. I wanted this one so much!
Lucky Locket Kiddles were about two inches tall, and came in wearable plastic lockets with “jeweled” frames and clear plastic bubble fronts. There was a stand on the back that could be pulled out, allowing the locket to be displayed like a picture frame. Unlike their larger siblings, Lucky Locket dolls were not wired, and their clothes were sewn on.
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This excellent collection of Lucky Locket Kiddles includes some from the original “Gold Series,” plus some later issues.
My first Lucky Locket Kiddle was Lois Locket, the sole black doll in the Lucky Locket series. I loved her. The summer between fourth and fifth grade, when I was ten, my family drove to San Francisco for a rare vacation. Lois went with me. While we were in San Francisco, we visited a Russian family we had befriended in Japan. When we arrived, we met the newest addition to the family, a darling little girl named Lana but called Kinka. She was five and spoke only Russian, but language was not a barrier. Kinka saw me and immediately pulled me away to play with her. The first thing she did was show me her big sister Tanya’s room. I could tell she attached special importance to Tanya’s make-up and View-Master. I gave Kinka a coin purse from a set I had shaped like dolls. (I was in my “It’s a Small World” phase, and the coin purse dolls represented various nations.) Kinka liked my Lois Locket, and my mother encouraged me to give it to her when we were leaving, so I did. I was not able to replace Lois.
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Larky Locket.
My next and last Kiddle was Larky Locket, a sweet blonde baby. I still have her, sans locket, in an ornate, Rococo-inspired little doll cradle. Lois and Larky were both in the first set of seven Lucky Locket Kiddles (1967), known as the “Gold Set,” since the frames were gold.  Lois was the only doll repeated in the second set of seven Lockets called the “Pastel” set, (1968) due to the difference in frame colors. I’m almost certain my Lois was from the second set, as I recall her locket frame as pastel green, but I could be wrong. Her clothing was the same in both.
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The cover of a Lucky Locket Kiddles set of paper dolls shows photos of the actual dolls inside illustrated frames. Larky Locket, in the center, was the baby of the bunch. I still have her. Lois Locket, just to her right, was the only African-American Lucky Locket Kiddle.
Carrying cases were sold for the dolls. Some of my friends had them. There were also tie-in coloring books and paper dolls.
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Liddle Kiddles Klub carrying case, exterior.
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Liddle Kiddles Klub case, interior.
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Pink train case-style Liddle Kiddle carrier.
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Liddle Kiddle and hat-box style case.  Sailor doll Lola Liddle (1966-1967) came with a sailboat. (She is not missing her shoes -- her feet were bare.) The picture on the case shows her with Howard "Biff" Boodle (1966). Lola Liddle and Biff Boodle were among the original 24 Kiddles released. Each was sold with a Komic book that featured them both together.
Mattel released many additional Kiddles, including Kola Kiddles and Kiddle Kolognes. These were two-inch dolls, much like their Locket sisters, but in clear plastic bottles that looked like soft drink bottles and perfume bottles. The tiniest Kiddles were Jewelry Kiddles, from just under to just over one inch high. The largest, four-inch Skedaddle Kiddles, were able to walk, ride vehicles or wave thanks to an internal mechanism. Five Holiday Kiddles (1968 - 1969) representing Christmas, Easter, and Valentine’s Day, had soft bodies and vinyl faces. They could be worn as pins, and the Christmas dolls could also serve as tree ornaments.  Four Kiddles n’ Kars dolls (1969 - 1970) wore old-fashioned dresses and drove cars based on early automobiles. 
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Rosebud (1968 - 1969) from the Kiddle Kolognes collection. The Kologne Kiddles were scented. 
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Apple Blossom (1968 - 1969) from the Kiddle Kolognes series, shown outside of her bottle.
Some of the other later releases were four tiny (two inch) dolls in animal costumes with yarn hair, the Animiddle Kiddles (1969-1970) that could be worn as pins, and four Zoolery Kiddles (1969-1970). Zoolery Kiddles were four plastic animals (panther, lion, chimpanzee, and bear) rather than children, in plastic circus cages, each attached to a bracelet. The cages could be combined to form a circus train.
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Robin Hood and Maid Marion from the Storybook Kiddles Sweethearts Collection.
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Never opened Lady Crimson from the Tea Party Kiddles series (1969).
From 1968 to 1970 the Storybook Kiddles Sweethearts, tiny but well-detailed pairs of Kiddles portraying star-crossed lovers, such as Romeo and Juliet, and Robin Hood and Maid Marian, were released, along with the Tea Party line in 1969, featuring girls in beautiful gowns, each with a teacup and saucer large enough for human use. This was also the year of the wonderful, whimsical Kozmic Kiddles -- glow-in-the-dark space aliens in flying saucers. I remember Kozmic Kiddles from the Sears Christmas Catalog. How I wanted one of those!
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Kozmic Kiddle Greenie Meanie (1969). The Kozmic Kiddles fetch some of the highest prices.
Six Sweet Treat Kiddles with ice cream and lollipop motiifs came out 1969 - 1970. Three Playhouse Kiddles, one set in a kitchen, one in a parlor, and one in a bedroom, were sold only in 1970. Four Liddle Baby Kiddles were also released in 1970.  (I was glad to see one of the Liddle Baby Kiddles was African American. For the time, the representation was significant.) I was aware of the Sweet Treats, but otherwise don’t remember most of the later Liddle Kiddles.
A story I read as a child compared growing up to going through a magic door. It closes behind you, but a new door opens. When I was 12, I gradually stopped playing with dolls the way I had before, even though I still liked them. I felt  profound sadness for leaving my childhood, but understood it was inevitable, and looked forward to what was ahead. I vowed not to forget what it was like to be a child, and like many creative people, I do remember.
Coincidentally, as my childhood and the 1960s came to a close, so did the heyday of Liddle Kiddles. The rising price of petroleum was bad news for makers of vinyl and plastic products, including toys. Mattel made drastic cuts, and the last Kiddles were released in 1970. ln 1971 production discontinued. (The iconic and perennial best-seller Barbie endured.)
There were a few postscripts in the late 1970s. Lucky Locket Kiddles were reissued 1976 - 1978 with bright color frames, then some final ice cream theme Sweet Treat Kiddles were released in 1979, but otherwise the Liddle Kiddle series was no more. Their influence remains. Liddle Kiddles paved the way for other small dolls, including a Kiddles-like series by Uneeda in the 1980s.
Liddle Kiddles remain very popular with collectors, and there are many on-line resources and collector groups. For quite of few of us, these dolls are a treasured memory.
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keywestlou · 3 years
One police shooting after another. We forget the other kind. Ordinary people killing ordinary people. Lay persons shooting in schools and churches. Random street shootings.
This one is sick. Sick, sick. I don’t know how else to describe it.
The shooting death of an 11 month old baby girl Dior. Her shooting inexplicable.
Sunday night in Syracuse, New York. Three children in the back seat of a car. Eleven month old Dior and two other children 8 and 3 years old.
Dior’s mother Desiree. Not in the car. The car was being driven by her cousin Shakema.
Shakema reported a car pulled up along side her. The window on the the car’s passenger side rolled down. She could see a man look back into her car between the front and back seats.
The man suddenly began firing a gun into the back seat.
Eleven month old Dior was shot 3 times. She died. The other two children were also shot. They are expected t0 survive.
The car then drove away.
Dior’s mother Desiree is expecting May 11. She passed out three times upon being made aware of her baby daughter’s death. Desiree would have been one year old in 18 days.
A suspect has been arrested. A 23 year old man. No further details available at this time.
We are a sick society. Alleged good people like police officers shooting good non police citizens. Persons going on a rampage and shooting wildly inside schools and churches. Incomprehensible killings such as 11 month old Dior’s.
It’s only getting worse. Will it ever stop? Not soon, I fear. Perhaps, never.
A police officer not knowing the difference between a taser and a gun. How can it be? Not an infrequent occurrence as it turns out. News reports this morning indicate such.
The most recent such shooting occurred in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota. Ten miles from where the Chauvin police killing is being tried.
In another stupid traffic stop involving excessive police force, Daunte Wright was killed. The police officer saying she thought she was tasering him.
I am coming to the conclusion that a bad cop is being equated to the saying there is always a bad apple in every basket. My thought process is there may be only one good cop in the basket.
The police traffic stop in Windsor,Virginia late December. Recently came to light because the Army Lieutenant involved has brought a federal case against the police officers involved.
Carson Nazario is a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. He was driving a new SUV. Cardboard plates on the vehicle. The rear one taped to the back window.The Lieutenant was waiting for the metal ones to arrive.
He was in uniform.
Two police officers spotted him. They claim they went after him because of “no tags.” Erroneous based on the facts.
The Lieutenant I suspect was “Black smart.” It was dark where the police were trying to get him to stop. He put on his emergency lights and drove 1 1/2 miles till he came to a brightly lit gasoline station.
While there, he was pepper sprayed and held at gun point. Cops screaming at him. Later the police officers said they considered the situation a “high risk traffic stop.” Covering their asses.
The facts suggest it was 2 white police officers chasing a vehicle which had a black person operating it. When finally stopped, the police treated the Second Lieutenant in uniform as they did other black drivers.
No ticket given nor an arrest made. The police advised the Lieutenant not to make any trouble, etc. or they would charge him with something and ruin his military record in the process.
Police excessive force a story which has become part of the American landscape in the last 20 years.
The island of St. Vincent has experienced several volcanic eruptions this past week. People have been told to evacuate. Cruise ships are arriving to take them off the island.
The Prime Minister advised that those who have not received the coronavirus vaccine will not be evacuated. Some were those who did not consider the vaccine safe or for some other odd ball reason refused to be vaccinated.
Which means those not vaccinated will be left to fend for themselves. Not a welcoming thought when poisonous smoke, hot ash and even hotter lava is feared will cover the island
Nora O’Donnell on CBS Evening News reported: “We went from vaccine passports being a conspiracy theory to ‘fuck you die’ so fast.”
A message to those in the U.S. who refuse to be vaccinated. If an emergency situation as has arisen on St. Vincent occurs here, you will be left on the ocean in a row boat without a paddle.
On this day in 1992, The Bridges of Madison County was published. A modern day Romeo and Juliet with its lovers older people. A big seller!
A movie followed. Starring Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep.
A massive power outage yesterday. 3.5 hours in late morning into early afternoon. Another one around dinner time for 1.5 hours.
I had nothing. I hate it when that happens. Especially when the computer is down. I am one of those who is constantly on the internet.
A friend cell phoned me from New York. Hey, understand you have a big power failure. Thirty thousand affected. Covers the lower half of the Keys.
He was not aware as to the cause. It had not been reported.
I told him the problem arose because of one of two reasons. Either a car or truck on U.S. 1 had driven into some power facility. Or, a boat got screwed up in the power wires under or near the Seven Mile Bridge. Both happen frequently.
Turned out a sail boat got caught up in the power wires at the Seven Mile Bridge. Live in the Keys long enough and you know about such things. Their frequency makes you aware.
It was reported the winds and waters were a bit rough and the sailboat could not be removed yesterday. Winds 40 mph. Whipped up the ocean a bit.
Being out sunday must have been too much for me. Never got out yesterday.
My game plan was to go out at 5. A few stops downtown. Drinks and dinner. Meet interesting people to chat with.
What happened is I laid down at 3 for a nap. Never woke till 7. Still had to shave, etc. and drive to Duval. I would not be there till 8:30.
I am early to bed and early to rise. Would not have worked for me.
Today is tuesday. My blog talk radio show tonight. I will be working on it from about 2 this afternoon till 8 in the evening. I never go out on a tuesday.
Join me for the show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou. Love doing the show which I am proud to say has an excellent following.
Enjoy your day!
    A FATAL SHOOTING OF ANOTHER KIND was originally published on Key West Lou
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thehungrykat1 · 6 years
The Garage VR Zone & Food Park Opens at City of Dreams Manila
City of Dreams Manila has been one of my favorite dining and entertainment destinations ever since it opened in 2014. I have always been fascinated with its exquisite restaurants such as Nobu Manila, Crystal Dragon, and The Tasting Room. But if there was one thing that seemed missing at the sprawling integrated resort, it would be a casual mid-level dining area that would be suited for guests looking for quick but high-quality meals. So I was really excited to find out that City of Dreams Manila has finally unveiled the country’s most attractive Food Park and VR Zone called The Garage.
This new food and entertainment destination is unlike any other food park I have visited in the country. The Garage does not just offer a wide range of casual dining choices from well-known restaurant brands, it also lets guests delve into the immersive Virtual Reality experience provided by Bandai Namco Amusement from Japan, one of the world’s leading video digital entertainment development companies in the world. The Hungry Kat was invited to the Grand Opening event of The Garage last October 14, 2018 and it turned out to be a one-of-a-kind experience filled with gastronomic delights and pulse-pounding games which I will truly never forget.
The Garage is located at the upper ground floor of City of Dreams Manila, just in front of the popular Dreamplay. The integrated casino resort takes pride in its many non-gaming activities and this is the area where most families and children usually stay, so The Garage provides a very convenient dining option for hungry guests. Entrance is free so everyone can enjoy its upbeat and energetic vibe.
I was met at the entrance by Ms. Romina Gervacio, Director for Public Relations at City of Dreams Manila who also happened to be celebrating her birthday that day. 
The Garage is set in a 2,714-square meter air-conditioned area which used to be part of the hotel’s parking building. The location is quite spacious, with plenty of plush and comfortable sofas, seats, and tables scattered across its vast floor area. Its modern industrial interiors cater to a 563-seating capacity and was designed by award-winning Paris-based creative design agency, Malherbe Design in collaboration with Westar Architectural Interior Design, a group known for its strong sensitivity to contemporary design aesthetics.
Giving the food park further life and vibrancy are various graffiti works of two prominent names in the street art scene, Kookoo Ramos and DeeJae Paeste. You can find their works of art carefully hidden or elegantly displayed along the walls and corners of The Garage.
There are several dining areas available, so just pick a spot and then head over to the carefully curated selection of food and beverage trucks and trailers available at the cool and comfortable food park. 
Hosting the day’s grand opening activities was KC Montero who brought along his energy and spirit to match The Garage’s entertaining activities. The food park offers a unique concept as it brings together 10 of the hippest names in the food and beverage industry and combines it with a VR Zone unlike any other in the country.
Kunihisa Yagisita, General Manager of Bandai Namco Amusement was present to welcome all the guests to the grand opening of The Garage. The company is honored to partner with luxury integrated resort City of Dreams Manila and bring to this exciting destination their first VR Zone entertainment facility in Southeast Asia.
It’s time for me to sample some of the awesome dining options available at The Garage, so let’s check out these 10 well-known establishments which include Hokkaido Ramen Santouka, Katsu Sora, Pink’s Hotdog, Little Flour, El Chupacabra, Pizza Grigliata, Farmacy, Chocol8, The Roaster and Juiced. The casual dining experience is also enhanced with the sustainability drive of City of Dreams Manila. Only eco-friendly, biodegradable and compostable plates, utensils and take-out bags are used at The Garage.
I love how they have designed the trailer trucks and integrated them into the space. You can really feel the open and casual ambiance, but without the sweltering heat.
Pizza Grigliata serves nothing but hot, freshly-made artisanal pizza which are uniquely prepared. Their pizzas are handmade from scratch everyday using thin crust dough topped with the freshest ingredients which are torched and grilled. 
Hollywood’s most popular hot dog stand since 1939, Pink’s Hot Dogs, can also be found at The Garage after opening their first Philippine outlet at Bonifacio Global City in 2016. I ordered their Tokyo Dog (P250) which comes with tempura flakes, unagi sauce, coleslaw, wasabi mayo, and togarashi. They also offer the iconic The Hollywood Legend (P280) which is a medley of Pink’s eponymous hotdogs with chili, cheddar cheese, mustard, and chopped onions. Just beside it is Farmacy Ice Cream which serves fresh homemade ice cream “the right way,” together with an extensive array of comforting treats such as milkshakes, sodas, coffee, and pastries. I had the Triple Scoop (P230) which had scoops of double chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream.
El Chupacabra is a casual street taco bar in Poblacion, Makati which was one of the pioneers of the massive foodie scene in that area. They serve a delectable array of Mexican-influenced dishes as well as uniquely-tweaked versions of popular local plates. 
Apart from Mexican-style street tacos, El Chupacabra is also known for burritos, enchiladas, and grilled chicken sticks. I don’t usually frequent the busy Poblacion area so this new outlet was a great opportunity for me to finally try their offerings. Best of all, parking is never a problem at City of Dreams Manila with their complimentary parking building.
I do love ramen and anything Japanese so I was happy to find the trailer for Ramen Santouka. The origin of this ramen shop traces back to Hitoshi Hatanaka who opened his own ramen shop in Hokkaido in 1988. Hokkaido Ramen Santouka’s well-loved ramen is characterized by its mild, pearl-colored Tonkotsu soup which is carefully prepared by taking the time to simmer the pork bones before adding vegetables, dried fish, kelp and other special ingredients.
I tried two of their popular ramen variants including the Kara-Miso Ramen (P395), a spicy ramen made with pork broth and seasoned with miso and hot spices. My favorite was the Awase Aji-Ramen (P380) which is their specialty ramen made with a combination of shio, shoyu, and miso ramen. I had never tasted a ramen using all three of the most popular flavors so this was really a surprising and satisfying discovery.
Another food truck specializing in Japanese cuisine is Katsu Sora which specialized in my new comfort food, tonkatsu. The restaurant is known for serving dishes that use four kinds of world-class pork that are of the highest quality: Iberico, Kurobuta, Shimofuri, and Sakura. This time, I ordered the Ebi Furai Katsu Set (P455) which comes with three huge tiger prawns deep fried in wood-fired panko, creating a crispy exterior while remaining plump and juicy inside.
Alongside the well-curated food and beverage outlets at The Garage are City of Dreams Manila’s own exceptional outlets servings beverages and desserts. Juiced offers a variety of freshly squeezed smoothies, slushies, and juices for those into healthy concoctions.
I tried two of their best-sellers including the Avocado Booster (P240) smoothie and the Sunburst (P280) from their Detox line. Both were indeed refreshing and made with only the finest ingredients. Coffee lovers should head to The Roaster which offers an array of gourmet coffee creations made from freshly roasted Philippine beans. In keeping with the resort’s sustainability campaign, the beans are sourced from coffee growers and farmers in various communities supported by the Philippine Coffee Board, Inc.
Those into heavier drinks can go to The Bar with its selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. It’s specialty cocktails include The Garage (P380), a heavenly combination of Jack Daniels whiskey infused with apple cinnamon honey, peach syrup, apple juice, and ginger ale.
Also a favorite is the Manila Five-O (P350), a cocktail made with brandy, Malibu rum, Grand Mariner, pineapple juice, and orange juice. You can also try the Jasmine Red (P220) signature iced tea made from Jasmine tea, apple juice, calamansi with honey, and grenadine.
End your meals with some sweet desserts from Chocol8 which features handcrafted chocolates in a number of shapes and forms and enhanced with special ingredients such as fruits, nuts, and spices. They offer white chocolate, milk chocolate, and dark chocolate bars and chocolate tiles. You can also marvel at some of their displays which are all made from pure chocolate!
But what sets The Garage apart from the rest of the local food park industry is its unique VR Zone which features a new generation entertainment facility that offers an exhilarating and startling experience with top-of-class Virtual Reality technology.
There are currently three VR games on hand at the VR Zone but more will be coming in the next few months. You can buy single player tickets for P450 each or you can avail of their group packages for up to four players. There are some age and height restrictions in each game so make sure that the kids only play games appropriate for them.
The two-minute Ski Rodeo is a steep downhill ski simulator that lets a player ski a vast snowy mountain course with sharp slopes and steep drops. Your goal to finish at the fastest time possible within the allotted time. I wanted to try this out for myself, but because of my recent Hip Replacement Surgery, I don’t think I’m ready yet for this type of hip action.
I was more than ready though to hop on the Mario Kart Arcade GP VR. The three-minute Mario Kart game lets you play as either Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, or Yoshi and step right into the action-packed world of the Mario Kart universe. Your goal is to race against each other until the finish line through a course filled with traps. This highly sought-after game can be played by up to four persons who will battle for greatness.
This was actually my first time to experience a virtual reality game and I was really impressed with the clarity and total immersive experience of the game. I really felt like I was inside the game and racing against my opponents, especially with the 360-degree viewing angles. It was amazing that I could also reach out my hands in the air to catch useful items like hammers which I can use to pound on my enemies. We all looked funny waving our arms around but I was totally hooked on the game! Unfortunately, I ended up last among the four, but I’ll get them next time.
This next attraction is definitely not for the faint for heart. The Hospital Escape Terror can be played by up to four participants who will be entering a horrifying experience unlike any other. The lines can be quite long for this VR game which can last up to 9 minutes per group if you all end up surviving the terror. The goal is to escape and survive the dark, cursed, and abandoned hospital while being restrained on a wheel chair.
I couldn’t believe that I would be sitting in a wheelchair again in this game, because it was just a few weeks ago when I was still using a wheelchair in the hospital after my surgery. Thankfully, this is only a VR game but when you are inside it, everything really looks real! I have to gather up all my courage just to stay on my chair and not run outside, but it was really an experience I will not forget. 
If you think you are ready to face all these VR challenges, then go and visit The Garage at City of Dreams which is open daily from 10:00am to 2:00am. Don’t worry, if you just want to relax and dine at some of the best restaurants in the city, then you can always just stay at the food park and enjoy its beautiful surroundings. Whatever the case, The Garage is destined to be one of the hottest dining and entertainment destinations of the year.
The Garage
Upper Ground Floor, City of Dreams Manila, Entertainment City, Parañaque
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Cool Electronic Gadgets
What's in the Cool Electronic Gadgets Category?
The gadgets in our main Electronic Gadgets category include solar appliances like solar phone and laptop chargers. You will also find LED watches with cool light effects or amusing cryptic ways of displaying the time. There are laser gadgets such as handheld laser pointers and rangefinders. And also loads of other small and interesting cheap electronics and cool inventions.
Our general Cool Gadgets subcategory features loads of great stuff.
Virtual cinema video glasses Solar chargers Digital Dictaphones 3D printers both big and small Camera drone that fit in the palm of your hand Musical gadgets And much more.
With so many cool electronics, even fanatical gadget lovers will find something they haven't seen before. And for gift shoppers, there will be plenty to choose from!
The best cool electronics of 2017 make great electronic gifts for men, women and kids of any age. You can get a portable Pokemon power bank, DJI drones and the best USB type C accessories. We also have smart robots, and they are all under our electronic gadgets category. Some of the highlights for 2017 are electric skateboards, a neat outdoor multi-tool shovel, and the air fryer home gadget. These represent the latest healthy kitchen tech.
There is a huge range of gizmo gadgets with plenty of gifts for geeks and toys for kids. One such example is the flying toys which are one of the hottest gadgets in 2017. These come in all sizes from a palm size mini drone that fit in your hand to bigger quad-copters carrying 4K cameras, such as the DJI Phantom. These are able to capture stunning aerial photography. Many of these can synced to your smartphone or iPad and offer immense FVP photography. If drones don't take your fancy then toy smart robots could be just the ticket. These cool cheap gadgets provide hours of entertainment and make an ideal gift for boys.
Useful Gadget Ideas Do you have a creative flair or love to tinker with gadgets and electronics? Well, have a look at the mini cordless screwdrivers, rotary kits, and 3D pens. These gizmo gadgets and tools will help bring new creations to life. You can fix household appliances or inspire a range of creative new ideas. Chinavasion makes it affordable for you to grab these unique gifts that everyone will love to play with. So add them to your cart today.
Other useful household tech and gadgets are our digital food thermometer and kitchen appliance range. Serious chefs know that getting the temperature of roast joints or cake can be the difference between success and failure. This electronic gadget will help you probe the food and get an accurate digital readout.
Smart Gadgets For The Kitchen With Air fryers, coffee makers and other kitchen appliances you can kit out the most important room in your home. Bring your kitchen into the 21st century with the newest cool electronic gadgets.
Electonics for the kitchen aren't only there to make tasty food and beverages. They can also ensure higher standards and maintain the quality of produce. One such kitchen gadgets are the food thermometers. These are perfect for restaurants or canteens. Where there are health and safety requirements to check on food temperatures in storage or presentation. It's an essential gadget at a low price! Cool Electronics Tips & Terminology Electronic gadgets will sometimes come with confusing technical specifications... and you may need to understand these to be able to compare similar gadget products. Here are some common ones you will find in our gadgets category that will help you when shopping for the best electronics gadgets:
mAh milli amp hours - the capacity of a rechargeable battery. The bigger the number, the more powerful and long lasting the battery.
SD Card / Micro SD Card This is the standard memory card you use with your camera or phone. The the case of the much smaller Micro SD (also known as TF). If the product says SD card slot it will take any SD card you already own. Pay attention to max GB size compatibility if you are using very big storage SD cards.
iOS This means Apple's Operating System for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. Appliances which are compatible with iOS Apps will work with all those products.
Car charger/car power socket All vehicles have that standard "cigarette lighter" power socket. With this you can plug power cables into your car gadgets. It's a standard 12V on all vehicles so don't worry about compatibility. If you are charging/powering many electronic appliances from one car socket, buy a good car accessory power splitter. Be careful not to overload the car's electrical system with too many products plugged in at the same time. News For Gadget Enthusiasts Are you wondering how to keep up with New gadgets development and discover more of the latest tech gadgets and gizmos? Electronic Gadget lovers should already know the blogs Engadget and Gizmodo. Other very important Tech news sites include CNET, Techcrunch, and ZDnet. Try searching "coolest gadgets" on Google for some more important gadget news blogs.
In print you should check out the essential gadget magazines T3 and Stuff. Also general Tech publication Wired.
The Chinavasion Blog page features many new gadgets and the latest electronic inventions. You will also see detailed reviews, how-to guides as well as insightful hints and tips. Sign up for our newsletter and you will never miss out on cool cheap gadgets such as fidget spinners, selfie drones and much more. We have thousands of international retailers, but as an end user, you are also welcome to buy individual units from Chinavasion.com.
Don't forget that Chinavasion.com ships worldwide, so you can shop here wherever you are in the world. Just like any other e-commerce store. If you see cool kit on other websites and wonder if Chinavasion could source it for you, why not contact us. Use the contact us link at the bottom of the shop website, we're always happy to hear from our customers.
Don't worry about electrical power compatibility One of the most commonly asked question is about mains electrical compatibility. Every American has experienced the frustration of trying to use 110V chargers overseas. and having concern when plugging into 240V mains sockets. So a lot of customers wonder if "Chinese" electronics are somehow on a strange foreign system that is not compatible. Well, not at all - first of all, the whole of China is on standard 220-240V mains electricity. It also uses EU and UK type plugs everywhere. Although we would not go so far to say electrical plugs in China are standard - much like many other things here.
All Chinavasion devices with mains power adapters will work in all countries. And Chinavasion offers all mains charger cables in EU plug type, and we provide you a free travel plug adapter for USA, UK, or Australian standards. According to your delivery order address. All our adapters are capable of working in both 110V and 240V regions (auto switching) unless indicated otherwise. We can offer further customization of power adapter and plug types on electronics for bulk wholesale buyers on inquiry.
What influences gadget prices? When comparing prices on electronic gadgets you may find similar products with different price points. The most common reasons for this are that newly released, tech items will usually be more expensive than lower specification or older products. Bigger screens, more connectors, wireless capabilities, bigger storage, batteries, and extra accessories are mean higher prices. Which is good news if you are a business retailer or drop shipper seeking value to promote when reselling these Chinavasion products.
Keep up with the latest technology gadgets Chinavasion aims to add new products to the catalog each working day. Keep an eye on our New Products page for the latest gadget releases. You can subscribe to our newsletter to make sure you never miss a big launch.
Chinese gadget manufacturers are constantly closing the gap between big brand technology firms. Matching them in component quality, device speed, and quality of materials. You can look at a lot of Chinese electronics as copies. Another way to see it is that they are learning and catching up with how to produce the best electronics gadgets and quality devices.
Another trend is that more Chinese-born brands are starting to develop and increase a diverse range of new tech gadgets. China is one of the fastest developing countries in the world. It is home to many chip manufacturers so there's a real entrepreneurial and creative atmosphere. This has seen the rise and rapid development of all kinds of new tech, such as 3D video glasses, drones, 3D Printers, camera equipment and laser gadgets.
All this is good news for gadget buyers as things move up-market. Chinavasion is here finding and stocking the best gadget offerings at the cheapest prices. We weed out the stuff that isn't good enough. This makes sure the majority of Chinese made junk products never see the light of day. So you can focus on only trusted and functional products in our many categories and enjoy a great service.
Advice for new gadget sellers If you are a retailer or drop shipper of electronic gadgets, you may need to consider selecting good titles and description keywords to attract customers. Remember people may be searching for gadget and gift keywords as well as specific product names. Don't be afraid of adding titles and keywords that match the bargain shoppers. Although we suggest that you point out the reliable quality of Chinavasion products.
One more thing to remember is that geeky gadgets can give rise to technical questions before sales. As a good seller, you should answer your customer's questions promptly. To help you do this it is a good idea to get samples of what you are selling. Then you can familiarize yourself with the new technology.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that if you are advertising health devices or baby products you may need to make some clear disclaimers. Especially about certification or non-medical status of the products. Of course this is depending on the location where you are selling.
Wholesale Prices and Global shipping Chinavasion Wholesale electronics shop only supplies the best devices. Each product and accompanying accessories such as cables and chargers must pass our stringent in-house quality control. We aim to offer the cheapest prices and offer global shipping options. all the items on this page come with our 12-month guarantee.
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