#what if we were led through the mist by the milk-light of moon …?
fishtrift · 1 year
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boutta rewatch for the 14 millionth time guys brb
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Chapter 3 - Toothless
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The long awaited and thrilling Chapter 3 is here!
Sorry it took a while...
As Tommy went about her day as described in the first chapter, other things were simultaneously underway across the city that would’ve very much pricked her intrigue. If she’d known, of course. As it stands, she did not, and instead had to deal with unpleasant customers and a teasing employer. We now return to our doggish Lieutenant at the start of his day, and the events that led him to Melder’s great capital.  
By Meldarian standards, it was the morning of a new Cycle when they reached Trader City. Cpt. Skewlls had explained that technically, this was not true. A Cycle was simply a means to divide time, he’d said as they leisurely flew through the planet’s atmosphere towards the capital; a means to divide a planetary day that lasted a Standard Galactic week and then some. When met with the surprised and, in some cases, horrified expressions of his crew the Dhuuma cackled, green eyes catching the light from the closest navigation console and shining like an animal’s. Yes, he’d continued, two-thirds of the week triplet suns shone something horrible down on the populace, and somewhere in the middle, it goes dark for roughly three Galactic days. Two extremes, with only some reprieve during the 12-some Galactic hours it took for the suns to set and rise once more. 
“You’re somewhat lucky, pup.” Sharp teeth glinted behind the Captain’s playful grin, making the short hairs of Lieutenant Famillion’s neck prick uncomfortably. He was never quite settled around the Captain, no matter how much he trusted and respected the man, especially when he bore that expression and used that tone. It usually meant he spoke of equivocations whilst holding some sort of cleaning tool behind his back, readying to spring chores upon his crew unexpectedly.
“What do you mean?" He asked, nervously eyeballing the closet, which held all of the maintenance equipment. Surely not, his Captain wouldn't be so cruel as to- "It means you have less time in the sun, no chance of becoming a hot dog.”
The Captain’s amused voice brought the Mimic’s attention back to him, but the Lieutenant didn't hold his gaze for very long. The rest of the crew’s giggles, most prominently Jaylin’s, died out steadily; Cpt. Skewlls’ wicked grin fading with them as they all turned back to their stations. The mood which they’d labored so hard to lift fell muted once more, just like all previous attempts. The shadowy Captain drifted over to his Lieutenant from the central station, silent like a ghostly mist creeping over the deck. Silent enough that Canis started when he felt a hand on his shoulder, head snapping around to see the Captain holding out a sponge and grinning a bit too toothily. The Lieutenant’s nose scrunched and his lip curled at the biting smell of vinegar-soap emanating from the sponge, and he looked up to meet Cpt. Skewlls gaze with wide eyes and furrowed brows. When his superior’s grin only widened with amusement, he understood- face falling into a grimace. 
“What, really? Now? I thought you were just joking!” 
“Of course not,” The Captain’s eyes glimmered a merry, mischievous green at Canis’ tone of sheer desperation. “Now, now, don’t worry. The rest of the Jester’s will be at it as well.” The others groaned, collectively slumping at their stations. Cpt. Skwells merely rolled his eyes. 
“Come on now. Chip-Chop.” He clapped. “We’ll be arriving shortly and I want this cabin shining so much that I can see my non-existent reflection in the breaker-boxes.” The Captain made sure to stand there and watch until they’d gotten up to gather supplies, then simply turned away and let them get on with their distraction. That’s what it was, and most realized it even as they happily settled down into the routine of cleaning. Joe stood at the closet and passed out the equipment- a broom to Ezio, a mop to Jaylin, and finally, the "dust-sticker stick" was handed to Canis- along with a bucket of vinegar-based product for the polishing sponge later. 
And clean they did, until the call to get back to their stations and initiate Ramp-Landing procedures came over the high speaker. Despite the distraction, the cabin remained muted. Canis went through the motions, calling out positions and checking conditions on the outside of the locomotive as if he were merely watching from afar as someone piloted his movements. He tried to satisfy his aching chest by recalling all the good times, all their accomplishments- and all the tough times that brought them ever-closer. It failed miserably and only made his heart hurt more, a bitter taste spoiling his tongue. The Lieutenant didn’t want to go, didn’t want to leave his ridiculous crew and his questionable-but-kind Captain. He knew the others wanted him to stay too, they kept glancing his way and he could tell exactly what they felt about this separation, even as they made their last descent. 
"So… I guess this is it.” Once the jostling of a smooth, ramp-assisted landing ceased, and the elegant Casino Royale was parked in her bay, the crew sat in telling silence. The Mimic looked quickly away from his station’s screens, away from the shifting hot-red world outside that made his eyes water, and let his gaze sweep through the cabin to meet the eyes of his four other crewmates. He cracked a small grin, hesitant, biting his lip before he spoke again. “After you lot buy me a drink of course."
"We'll send you off with a nice swig o’ milk." Cpt. Skewlls smirked after another moment, teeth glinting as sharp as his eyes as he spoke. “After all, wouldn’t want our doggy officer getting poisoned with his last drink with the Jesters.”
"Ahah! Milk is as bad as alcohol for dogs, because, dogs! Again! Unlike Mimics! Again! Are lactose intolerant!" Canis huffed in mock annoyance, cheekily tutting as if disappointed in the Captain’s refusal to remember. “I am a Mimic, therefore, bring on the booze bitches.” He spread his arms wide, daring the Captain with a sheepish grin. 
In the meantime, the crew had moved towards the door. Ezio stood in the corner, already anticipating the eminent jaunt into the infamous Trader City. He followed the conversation with slight bewilderment, eyebrows hiking ever further up as, finally, he looked to Jaylin, then to Joe for an explanation. The Tobitoan saw Canis' smug-looking face, wondering if all of these facts were meant to confuse, or were indeed legitimate. To the short Commander standing at his left, he leaned over and stage-whispered behind a raised hand, “Have we been… feeding our Mimic poison? Is synth-milk really that bad for him??”
"I don’t think he’d lie?" Jaylin didn’t know any more than he did and seemed to be just as confused, watching their Captain smirk and advance on Canis curiously.
"But… the whole… synth-milk in a saucer thing! The yogurt treats! Dogs are mammals, aren’t they?? Mammals drink milk. From their ma’s. Right?" 
The other Tobitoan Lieutenant looked back at his counterpart, who met his gaze and winked in a comically forced manner. Joe merely shrugged. “The Lieutenant is not a Dog.”
Canis, who was most definitely not of the class Mammalia, curled his lips into a grin that showed far too much tooth to be all that innocent. “See, now the whole crew thinks I’m a common mutt!” He nudged their Captain, now standing to his right, with an elbow. “Except Joe of course, because Joe is the best person here.” At this point, they had all migrated from their stations into the antechamber of the engine, waiting for one of the Sub-Lieutenants in the wagons to give the ‘O.K.’ to open the airlock. 
"I've been a bird owner my whole life, really, my family owned a Rockroc. I wouldn’t be able to tell you much." Jaylin provided with a shrug, sending an apologetic grin to a still-befuddled Ezio. 
"You don’t say?" Lieutenant-Commander Joe perked up. He’d always wondered about those birds, it had been rumored that only a handful had ever been tamed, most notably the one that’d made its perch upon the shoulder of that one infamous space pirate. Hemlock? Herlock? Something like that, concluded Joseph, who came from a small moon of an even smaller solar system, the news of which, before he’d joined the SDF, had consisted solely of the occasional old, drunk spacemen’s yarn. 
"Yes," the Cpt. Skewlls interrupted sharply, fingers snapping once to set the wandering thoughts of his crew back to the task at hand. Jaylin and Ezio straightened up so quickly from their semi-conspirative hunches that their spines cracked, and Joe, well. Joe, who’d been paying attention no matter how distant and birdish his thoughts became, only set his expression into something altogether sterner with barely a twitch of his lips. 
“Yes, the milk thing is true. Moving on now,” The Captain glared momentarily at the youngest Lieutenant, blaming him in full for this quick, albeit appreciated, digression. 
“We’re heading to the nearest pub, which I believe is the Dustdog, off-duty, and we’re getting drunk. The Sub-Lieutenants and the deckhands will join us once they finish up with things here at Royale. Catch is, we only have 3 hours or so to do it, so tab is on me.” Half the ranking officers present were near-vibrating in anticipation. Then the Captain’s tone dropped suddenly, dangerously- the antechamber became visibly darker, and green sparks- tricks of the light, they didn’t really exist, or did they?- danced in the corners of the mortal crew’s perception. “However, if one of you show any, and I mean any sign of inebriation whatsoever when we check in with HQ, you will regret it.” The oppressive darkness disappeared as abruptly as it had come, and the ‘fearless’ ones took a breath of relief. Cpt. Skewlls merely grinned something akin to a shark and clapped his hands in delight. “Perfect!” 
The call to unlock the bulkhead rung loud above their heads, timed near-perfection with the Captain, as most things were on the Casino Royale. 
“Okay humans- and Mimic- Let’s go hit the bar at a planetary hour that would shock most and completely offend others!”
"I'll just start off slow, I think,” hummed Canis, voice smooth and languid, almost whimsical. The Dustdog, despite the local hour, bustled with the sight, smell and energy of a couple of dozen patrons. Most either with keen business interests on the planet or simply waiting out a stop-over on their way somewhere else. Some species the young Lieutenant could recognize, while some were completely foreign and drew his gaze, eyes blown wide and sparkling with unguarded curiosity. Scents rushed to clog his nostrils, the air sweet with sweat and a pungent fruity aroma, toned with earthy malts and fermented brews. Something rancid and bitter seemed to be emanating from a couple pitchers on the bar counter, probably some sort of local drink. Lights flashed, music played a bit too loudly, the rhythm buzzing in his ears like the low, throaty yowl of a Hellcat back home. Swallowing a lump that had risen in his throat, the Mimic tore his attention away from the patrons and back to the Jesters, looking to them as they gathered around the doorway. Eventually they all stood in the entrance with matching, stupidly large grins spreading across both Jaylin and Ezio’s faces. Joe, calm as ever, scoped the bar out with a few sharp-eyed glances and then turned to his crewmates.
"Starting slow is good advice, I say we all follow it. ‘Ey Jay? Ezio?" He teasingly nudged the shorter Commander and earned a finger-flick for his troubles. It never hurt to urge the youth to be responsible, no matter how futile the effort. 
Ezio, with a hearty slap on the back which nearly knocked the Mimic lieutenant off-balance, dismissed the very notion with a careless wave of the hand. "And where's the fun in that? Use that nose of yours.” He spoke straight to Canis. “Drinks are on the captain. We either all get plastered or we all wallow in a pitcher of sadness- there’s none of this designated driver bullsh-” He cut himself off when he glanced Joe’s expression. “Look, ok, the Captain can’t even get drunk, there is no reason we can’t do this-”
"Oh, my Telyris- Is that peanut butter?" Canis distractedly interrupted Ezio’s fumbling, saving the Tobitoan from an early grave and earning his endless gratitude. Paying him no attention, Canis pardoned himself with a mumbled word and zeroed in on the scent of the delightful treat he hadn’t had since leaving the SDF’s HQ. However, he did not expect the form in which he found his favorite snack; as he not-so-subtly passed around the table where four small shots of creamy, golden liquor had been served, he slowly realized that they were the source of the peanut butter. Eventually one of the occupants of the table realized he was there, and half-drunkenly told him what they were drinking, among other things. The lieutenant, now flushed deep blue at the ears, scurried off to track down his crewmates and order the first round of what would be quite a few, not dissuaded from his goal despite the minor hiccup. 
He caught sight of the Captain first, sat at the counter sipping something strong and clear. The Dhuuma’s sharp gaze swept across the room, watching the patrons with the languid intrigue of a cat perched on a window sill, viewing that morning’s selection of finches at the birdfeeder. He met his lieutenant’s eyes, nodded, and promptly turned back to observing the bar-goers. 
Much to Jaylin’s frustration, as for the first time that night she had to admit defeat and put down her hand. The luxury cards had shown a glorious green and black, bearing not a scratch or fold. Until a few weeks ago she’d merely use the cheapest cards money could buy, however Cpt. Skwells had decided that his favorite and only card-playing crew-member could not use such a drab set. She was, in fact, the only one in the whole of the SDF who had not yet given up on the absurd notion of, one day, defeating the Demon King of Black Jack himself. Jaylin’s determination brought a faint smile upon the Captain’s face, and he put his drink down to reshuffle the cards for another game. They were going to be there for a while, and the scene brought up tender memories of the Lieutenant’s first couple of weeks on the force. He’d learned his lesson on his second night with the Jesters, and soundly beaten he’d never tried his luck at poker ever again. Ezio would try once in a blue moon or when he was too drunk to know any better, in both instances resulting in solid losses that the rest would tease the poor Tobitoan with for weeks thereafter.
Joe was the only one who ever came close to beating the Captain, though he rarely played- much to the later’s deep, continuous chagrin. 
Shaking off the creeping melancholy, the Mimic quickly searched for Joe and Ezio, knowing both would probably be together and saving a seat for him. Once he spotted them Canis quickly put in his order with the bartender, changing his mind from shots to an individual tumbler; seeing as everyone already seemed to have their drinks. That accomplished, he made his way over to the duo. 
Joe, and with him Ezio, had taken a quieter seat at the end of the booze-stained counter and altogether not too far from Jaylin and the Captain. Canis perched on the stool to Joe’s right, watching curiously as the bartender approached the small group. With a quick glance around, he realized both his companions had yet to order and a smirking grin pulled at his lips. 
“So Joe, wha’cha gonna get? Milk? Water?” The Mimic snickered, Ezio’s eyebrow curving up in what seemed like surprise. The Tobitoan seemed about to correct his younger colleague, but the bartender interrupted him, flatly asking for their order whilst simultaneously placing Canis’ drink on the sticky countertop in front of him. He took a sip of it, savoring the creamy, artificially flavored peanut-buttery delicacy as he watched and waited for Joe’s reply with mischievously twinkling eyes. 
“I would like an Argyenian Basilisk Spritz, please an’ thank ya’ ma’am.” Canis sputtered, half his drink spat back into the tumbler as he turned to stare at Joe in wide-eyed shock. “Wh-what??” Ezio snickered, in turn ordering himself a local Meldarian brandy he’d never heard of out of pure curiosity. The bartender left without sparing them a second look, and Canis was left reeling. 
"No! Seriously? Joe? What in Tyr’s nation-??”
Joe smirked, shrugging in a sort of smug nonchalance that had the Mimic even more confused and looking to Ezio for answers. He merely laughed, shaking his head in amusement and eyes glowing warm with mirth.
“That’s right, we never brought you to a bar before- My man here, Joe-” He clapped his partner on the shoulder, grinning, “-can hold his liquor like no one’s business. He doesn’t look it cuz he gives everyone the impression of a man who dines with his grandma every Sunday.” Joe’s harrumph at that had Ezio backpedaling, holding his hands up in a gesture of surrender. “Look, not that that’s a bad thing Marge is the nicest woman I know-” the Tobitoan turned back to Canis, “point is, don’t judge a book by its cover eh? Joe may look like the goodiest two shoes you ever did meet but he did some crazy sh-”
“That’s enough o’ that there now,” Joe warned, but he had a look in his warm brown eyes that had Ezio rolling his eyes and sighing. “Fineee. One day Joe, one day…” Pondering over what that could mean with a bemused half-smile, Canis turned to check in on the other two just in time to catch them making their way over. In lieu of greeting, Captain Skwells jutted his chin at the tumbler in front of the lieutenant. “What do you got there Lieutenant Famillion?” The tips of Canis’ ears warmed, and he just knew they were flushed blue in embarrassment. 
“It’s a Reeses Meeses.” He muttered, much to everyone’s delight. They shared a laugh, Ezio cackling as he answered, “Peanut butter eh? That’s a start of a bad joke right there, ya know. Dog goes to a bar, followed by a cat and a Dhumma-” he jutted a thumb at the Captain mischievously, “Dog orders peanut butter, cat gets milk and the Dhumma orders a can of gasoline-” 
Canis interrupted him before the Captain could, blowing the dark-haired Tobitoan a raspberry. “I’m not a dog! Again! Can’t relate.”
“You’re canine-like, and you have this weird fixation on peanut butter- that’s enough for me.”
A firm cough disrupted the argument before it could start in earnest, the Lieutenant biting his tongue to hold back his rebuke and glaring at Ezio’s smug grin before all attention was directed to the Captain. Simultaneously, the bartender arrived with Joe and Ezio’s drinks, darting away just as quick to serve a group of rowdy patrons who had just come in. 
The corners of Cpt. Skwells’ eyes crinkled as a pleased grin spread across his face, and with an approving nod at the new refreshments took up his own glass and held it in front of him. The rest of the seated crew took the cue and grabbed their own, waiting anxiously for whatever their beloved Captain was about to say. 
“Well, while I would have liked to be able to get properly plastered with you all- not that these words will ever be repeated, mind you, in a professional setting-” he met each of their eyes carefully, and as that bright, swirling green gaze passed over him, the young Lieutenant felt the small hairs at the back of his neck prick up warily, on instinct.. “-It is to my great displeasure that I am forced to announce this round- our first- must also be our last. We do not have as much time as initially thought, so let this speech be brief.” The Captain’s attention turned solely to the Mimic, grin shortening into his everyday smirk. “It was a pleasure to work with you, Ltn. Canis  Lycaon Latran Lupis Famillion. You worked hard and played hard, fit right in with this band o’ misfits. Your first few years were hilarious, best entertainment I’ve had since Joe and Ezio began to crush on each other.” 
Both parties sputtered, but the dhuuma’s teasing grin was enough for them to keep their complaints unspoken. The Captain continued without acknowledging them, his expression schooling into something more solemn, smirk tightening into something more mature. Canis’ back straightened, and he stood taller. He was now being addressed by The Captain. Not Cpt. Skwells, not even Ethan- but one of the most respected and infamous captains of the SDF. 
“You are, and forever will be, a valued member of Jester Platoon. Call on us and we will be there, I will be there. You will always have a place with us, Lieutenant.” 
The young mimic’s eyes stung, but he could not discern whether it was due to the pungent odors in the air or the assurances given to him by his Captain. He did not want to know which it was, either. He only managed a nod back, unable to speak. 
From the sidelines, there came a snort and suddenly Jaylin barreled her way forward to fasten herself around the Lieutenant. 
“Group Hug!” She proclaimed, quickly being followed by all the crew with the exception of the Captain. They remained like that a moment, Canis holding on to his friends, cheeks mysteriously wet as the others pulled away to reclaim their glasses. Cpt. Skwells waited for them to be ready before lifting his own tumbler with a sharp grin. “To Lieutenant Canis! May we many more successful missions together, and may he finally find his beloved peanut butter!”
Somehow, one round turned into three before the Captain, the only one still and forever sober, wrangled his crew towards the docks. Canis had followed them, the good-byes had been long and tearful until finally, all that was left for him to wave at was the dark-red smudge of the Casino Royal ascending through the atmosphere. 
Not that he would remember much, as he stumbled off to find shade during the hottest time of the Meldarian day. As it was, Canis found an alley to crash in and nap- mind fuzzy and body heavy from alcohol, until his thoughts were clear enough to explore and find his bearings. Propped against some building’s wall, the mimic felt his eyelids droop, his last wistful thoughts wondering about the crew that he had just left behind...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (You are here)
Chapter 4 (Coming)
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thepoemeater-blog · 7 years
One Christmastime Fats Waller in a fur coat Rolled beaming from a taxicab with two pretty girls   Each at an arm as he led them in a thick downy snowfall Across Thirty-Fourth Street into the busy crowd Shopping at Macy’s: perfume, holly, snowflake displays. Chimes rang for change. In Toys, where my mother worked Over her school vacation, the crowd swelled and stood Filling the aisles, whispered at the fringes, listening To the sounds of the large, gorgeously dressed man, His smile bemused and exalted, lips boom-booming a bold Bass line as he improvised on an expensive, tinkly Piano the size of a lady’s jewel box or a wedding cake. She put into my heart this scene from the romance of Joy, Co-authored by her and the movies, like her others– My father making the winning basket at the buzzer And punching the enraged gambler who came onto the court– The brilliant black and white of the movies, texture Of wet snowy fur, the taxi’s windshield, piano keys, Reflections that slid over the thick brass baton That worked the elevator. Happiness needs a setting: Shepherds and shepherdesses in the grass, kids in a store, The back room of Carly’s parents’ shop, record-player And paper streamers twisted in two colors: what I felt Dancing close one afternoon with a thin blonde girl Was my amazing good luck, the pleased erection Stretching and stretching at the idea She likes me, She likes it, the thought of legs under a woolen skirt, To see eyes “melting” so I could think This is it, They’re melting! Mutual arousal of suddenly feeling Desired: This is it: “desire”! When we came out Into the street we saw it had begun, the firm flakes Sticking, coating the tops of cars, melting on the wet Black street that reflected storelights, soft Separate crystals clinging intact on the nap of collar And cuff, swarms of them stalling in the wind to plunge Sideways and cluster in spangles on our hair and lashes, Melting to a fresh glaze on the bloodwarm porcelain Of our faces, Hey nonny-nonny boom-boom, the cold graceful Manna, heartfelt, falling and gathering copious As the air itself in the small-town main street As it fell over my mother’s imaginary and remembered Macy’s in New York years before I was even born, II And the little white piano, tinkling away like crazy– My unconceived heart in a way waiting somewhere like Wherever it goes in sleep. Later, my eyes opened And I woke up glad to feel the sunlight warm High up in the window, a brighter blue striping Blue folds of curtain, and glad to hear the house Was still sleeping. I didn’t call, but climbed up To balance my chest on the top rail, cheek Pressed close where I had grooved the rail’s varnish With sets of double tooth-lines. Clinging With both arms, I grunted, pulled one leg over And stretched it as my weight started to slip down With some panic till my toes found the bottom rail, Then let my weight slide more till I was over– Thrilled, half-scared, still hanging high up With both hands from the spindles. Then lower Slipping down until I could fall to the floor With a thud but not hurt, and out, free in the house. Then softly down the hall to the other bedroom To push against the door; and when it came open More light came in, opening out like a fan So they woke up and laughed, as she lifted me Up in between them under the dark red blanket, We all three laughing there because I climbed out myself. Earlier still, she held me curled in close With everyone around saying my name, and hovering, After my grandpa’s cigarette burned me on the neck As he held me up for the camera, and the pain buzzed Scaring me because it twisted right inside me; So when she took me and held me and I curled up, sucking, It was as if she had put me back together again So sweetly I was glad the hurt had torn me. She wanted to have made the whole world up, So that it could be hers to give. So she opened   A letter I wrote my sister, who was having trouble Getting on with her, and read some things about herself That made her go to the telephone and call me up: “You shouldn’t open other people’s letters,” I said And she said “Yes–who taught you that?” –As if she owned the copyright on good and bad, Or having followed pain inside she owned her children From the inside out, or made us when she named us, III Made me Robert. She took me with her to a print-shop Where the man struck a slug: a five-inch strip of lead With the twelve letters of my name, reversed, Raised along one edge, that for her sake he made For me, so I could take it home with me to keep And hold the letters up close to a mirror Or press their shapes into clay, or inked from a pad Onto all kinds of paper surfaces, onto walls and shirts, Lengthwise on a Band-Aid, or even on my own skin– The little characters fading from my arm, the gift Always ready to be used again. Gifts from the heart: Her giving me her breast milk or my name, Waller Showing off in a store, for free, giving them A thrill as someone might give someone an erection, For the thrill of it–or you come back salty from a swim: Eighteen shucked fresh oysters and the cold bottle Sweating in its ribbon, surprise, happy birthday! So what if the giver also takes, is after something? So what if with guile she strove to color Everything she gave with herself, the lady’s favor A scarf or bit of sleeve of her favorite color Fluttering on the horseman’s bloodflecked armor Just over the heart–how presume to forgive the breast Or sudden jazz for becoming what we want? I want Presents I can’t picture until they come, The generator flashlight Italo gave me one Christmas: One squeeze and the gears visibly churning in the amber Pistol-shaped handle hummed for half a minute In my palm, the spare bulb in its chamber under my thumb, Secret; or, the knife and basswood Ellen gave me to whittle. And until the gift of desire, the heart is a titular, Insane king who stares emptily at his counselors For weeks, drools or babbles a little, as word spreads In the taverns that he is dead, or an impostor. One day A light concentrates in his eyes, he scowls, alert, and points Without a word to one pass in the cold, grape-colored peaks– Generals and courtiers groan, falling to work With a frantic movement of farriers, cooks, builders, The city thrown willing or unwilling like seed (While the brain at the same time may be settling Into the morning Chronicle, humming to itself, Like a fat person eating M&M’s in the bathtub) IV Toward war, new forms of worship or migration. I went out from my mother’s kitchen, across the yard Of the little two-family house, and into the Woods: Guns, chevrons, swordplay, a scarf of sooty smoke Rolled upwards from a little cratewood fire Under the low tent of a Winesap fallen With fingers rooting in the dirt, the old orchard Smothered among the brush of wild cherry, sumac, Sassafras and the stifling shade of oak In the strip of overgrown terrain running East from the train tracks to the ocean, woods Of demarcation, where boys went like newly-converted Christian kings with angels on helmet and breastplate, Bent on blood or poaching. There are a mountain and a woods Between us–a male covenant, longbows, headlocks. A pack Of four stayed half-aware it was past dark In a crude hut roasting meat stolen from the A&P Until someone’s annoyed father hailed us from the tracks And scared us home to catch hell: We were worried, Where have you been? In the Woods. With snakes and tramps. An actual hobo knocked at our back door One morning, declining food, to get hot water. He shaved on our steps from an enamel basin with brush And cut-throat razor, the gray hair on his chest Armorial in the sunlight–then back to the woods, And the otherlife of snakes, poison oak, boxcars. Were the trees cleared first for the trains or the orchard? Walking home by the street because it was dark, That night, the smoke-smell in my clothes was like a bearskin. Where the lone hunter and late bird have seen us Pass and repass, the mountain and the woods seem To stand darker than before–words of sexual nostalgia In a song or poem seemed cloaked laments For the woods when Indians made lodges from the skin Of birch or deer. When the mysterious lighted room Of a bus glided past in the mist, the faces Passing me in the yellow light inside Were a half-heard story or a song. And my heart Moved, restless and empty as a scrap of something Blowing in wide spirals on the wind carrying The sound of breakers clearly to me through the pass Between the blocks of houses. The horn of Roland V But what was it I was too young for? On moonless Nights, water and sand are one shade of black, And the creamy foam rising with moaning noises Charges like a spectral army in a poem toward the bluffs Before it subsides dreamily to gather again. I thought of going down there to watch it a while, Feeling as though it could turn me into fog, Or that the wind would start to speak a language And change me–as if I knocked where I saw a light Burning in some certain misted window I passed, A house or store or tap-room where the strangers inside Would recognize me, locus of a new life like a woods Or orchard that waxed and vanished into cloud Like the moon, under a spell. Shrill flutes, Oboes and cymbals of doom. My poor mother fell, And after the accident loud noises and bright lights Hurt her. And heights. She went down stairs backwards, Sometimes with one arm on my small brother’s shoulder. Over the years, she got better. But I was lost in music; The cold brazen bow of the saxophone, its weight At thumb, neck and lip, came to a bloodwarm life Like Italo’s flashlight in the hand. In a white Jacket and pants with a satin stripe I aspired To the roughneck elegance of my Grandfather Dave. Sometimes, playing in a bar or at a high school dance, I felt My heart following after a capacious form, Sexual and abstract, in the thunk, thrum, Thrum, come-wallow and then a little screen Of quicker notes goosing to a fifth higher, winging To clang-whomp of a major seventh: listen to me Listen to me, the heart says in reprise until sometimes In the course of giving itself it flows out of itself All the way across the air, in a music piercing As the kids at the beach calling from the water Look, Look at me, to their mothers, but out of itself, into The listener the way feeling pretty or full of erotic revery Makes the one who feels seem beautiful to the beholder Witnessing the idea of the giving of desire–nothing more wanted Than the little singing notes of wanting–the heart Yearning further into giving itself into the air, breath Strained into song emptying the golden bell it comes from, The pure source poured altogether out and away.
Robert Pinksy, History of My Heart 
0 notes
rainbow-roxie · 7 years
How I met the Kelpie (New Draft)
     It was the Summer of 1987.
  I’d moved to Scotland in the spring. I had been staying with my Grandparents all spring and summer while my folks were finalizing their divorce and settling the custody issue. I didn’t really like my mother; “Useless. Just like your Father. Rockwell; You’re useless!” she’d tell me when she was pissed. And it hurt, I didn’t deserve that. But she wasn’t totally wrong there: Dad was a good for nothing drunk, he could never hold a job for more than a year and it was always up to Ma to keep the rent and feed us and hey: I’m pretty laid back but at least I had that part time job with Vinny for a while. So I knew who was gonna win that fight after all was said and done; but Dad had friends in high places so it was kind of challenging to get as far as she had. I’m staying out of it I’d decided Ma ain’t bad. She’s just at the end of her rope. It’ll be okay regardless. I figured once the divorce was done and she had some time to herself she’d be the kind woman who seemed to bail when I was eight and hired the evil twin harshing my mellow. I remember she was my hero when I was little; when the other boys were making fun of my braces. But then mom and dad started fighting after Dad was laid off at the factory. Then it’s nothin’ but downhill, rock-bottom blues for poor ol’ Rocky.
  Anyway, I hadn’t seen Gram and Gramps since I was eleven so it was kinda nerve wracking when I arrived. They had moved to Scotland and were my only other living relatives besides uncle Barry, and he was staying with his Girlfriend so just my Gram and Gramps. My Grandparents lived in a two story Bermingham style house with all these rad old things like a Grandfather clock (I had made a Joke that got Gramps to shoot milk out his nose, he was always cool like that) and this huge front deck. We lived in a small town, like an old village or something, and there was a real big wooded area nearby the farmhouses right outside town. But Gram insisted I keep on my studies. I was finishing my Senior year in my Grandma’s home school class. Forget that noise, man. I wanted to have some fun.
  So one day I asked if I could just wait until summer’s end to hit the books. That was very the same week I met her; The girl of my dreams. But I also learned a terrifying secret about the lake there. This is that Story. I’ll start from that week, it was Sunday August 9. The last month of summer.
        Day 1
  I had gotten up like any other morning at the crack of dawn. I was used to it though, no prob. I finished my eggs and sausage, guzzled my OJ and turned to Gram. “So, for the rest of Summer I’m free? Like go into town and hang with the guys free?” I asked. She just smiled. “Yup. So long as you promise to apply yourself next month. You want to graduate on time right?” I was headed out the door already so I just said “Yeah, sure. I’m gonna be at Hamish’s for a few days okay?” She waved her hand in a dismissive ‘okay’ and I left.
  I was 17. I was old enough to take care of myself in this small town, which was good because I was full of youth and wanderlust and an adventurous spirit. I walked into town and met my pal Hamish “Heeeeey man how’re yeh doin’?” His accent wasn’t too heavy but he was indeed a local Scottish boy. He’d grown up here his whole life. “Dude, did you get her to come?” I asked him eagerly, “Seriously man, I made it clear as day that she HAD to be there!” I was talking about his younger sister Elinore. She was this foxy Scottish redhead that I just… I couldn’t get the nerve to tell her how I felt. Hamish was cool about it though; I was glad to have a man on the inside and he was glad to help.
  “Calm down there Rock,” Hamish said with a chuckle, “she’ll be there. Liam, Paul and Alice; and Heather’ll be too. Yeh got your Gran’s okay right?” I groaned, “She doesn’t need to know, right? It’s just a little campout in the woods what harm could it be?” Hamish frowned, “Yeh know the stories Rock…” I groaned even louder and rolled my eyes.
  The stories he meant were about this ghost thing. People had a superstition about the Kelpie, a creature that lurked in the creeks and ponds and ate weary woodsmen at night. But those were just old legends.
  “People get lost in the woods all the time. Doesn’t make it supernatural.” I said flippantly “And when was the last time you heard about a missing hunter, huh? Never. So shut up and let’s get our supplies.” Hamish shrugged and relented. He didn’t believe the stories any more than I did. But the old folks around here were paranoid of a stalker or maniac in the woods and I didn’t wanna get them worried. Gram said that the guy who sold them their house went missing out in the woods and before that it had happened to another couple camping and then 3 hunters before that. But that was 15 years ago and people go out there all the time these days.
  We spent the day buying camping stuff with the money mom gave me for the time I’m out here as well as his allowance. We took our knapsacks and met the rest of the gang at the old well in the middle of town. I told them the plan; 3 days of camping in the woods down by this lake I’d seen a couple weeks back. Paul, Alice, and Heather chickened out almost right out the gate and Liam was a little older so he had work the next day. But Elinore said she’d come as long as I didn’t try and prank her.
  “I’d never do that.” I reassured her. “You do that sort o’ thin’ all the time Rockwell.” retorted Elinore. “Yeah, but I’d never do anything to scare YOU, Elli.” I replied, giving her a smooth wink that made her blush. She was just so cute! I couldn’t take it sometimes. Elinore was 15 going on 16 in a month and Hamish was like me at 17. Hamish was actually a month or 3 older than me but he was the only one who ever noted it.  We were the Three B’s; Brawn, Brains and Beauty. I was Brains and he was Brawn; guess who the Beauty was? The plan Hamish and me concocted was that I confess my feelings to Elinore under the light of the moon. I’d tell her; “Hey, Elinore; I dig you baby. Will you be my girl?” and with the chirping insects and starlit sky and the moon hanging there like a gift from the Gods of love…
  There was gonna be a full moon that night and Hamish promised he’d keep me from bailing on the plan. Truth be told I wasn’t as confident as I seemed around Elinore. I actually constantly doubted myself at almost every turn. Luckily I had some good friends that motivated me whenever I lost face to keep trying my hardest and they were the friends I was with that fateful night.
  We made our way to the woods at early dusk. Elinore was nervous and Hamish said he was feeling kind of creeped out too. But I took Elinore’s hand and reassured her that nothing bad would happen. ‘The plan is going PERFECTLY!’ I thought to myself as I daydreamed all about all the romantic moves I was going to pull and grinned to myself.
     We built a fire and started roasting marshmallows: All according to the plan. But then disaster!
  Soon the moon came out and Elinore started feeling really scared. She started jumping at every little sound and complained how eerie the full moon was in the mist. It got so bad that she demanded Hamish take her home. Which he did.
  He left saying he’d come right back. He was having fun. It was weird; I thought Elinore would be thrilled at the fairy tale setting with me and that Hamish would have a boring time while I wooed his sister. But it was Hamish who ended up liking the trip. So I said I’d wait and started sulking. “Stupid… Dumb… Lake… Woods… Like, this is romantic; isn’t it? A Lake lit by moonlight under the stars by a campfire? I thought she’d love it! I guess she’s just a timid girl at heart…” I grumbled to myself for a long time. After a while I thought I heard something. “Wait… Singing? No… more like crying…”
  I stood up and followed the sound. I came to another clearing by the lake and that’s where I saw her: It was this girl, about my age, facing the water in a filthy gown and weeds in her hair. She was sitting on the root of a tree, shivering and crying. It looked like she was trying to sing herself to sleep. The song was in Gaelic or something. ‘She sounds so… lonely.’
  “Hey!” I said, raising my voice a little in concern, “Hey, you okay? Are you alright?” The girl turned around to see me. She looked shocked at first but she saw my face and just started weeping quietly. “Hey, are you hurt? How long have you been out here?” I asked as I put my hand on her shoulder. She was freezing and wet, “Jeeze!” I said, recoiling at her chill skin, “You’re frigid! Hey, I’ve got a fire burning by the other shore, you should come with me and sit by it.”
  She paused and looked at me again. She had tears in her eyes and looked like she’d been through a rough time. But there was another thing, ‘She’s…she’s so…beautiful.’ She opened her mouth and said something in that Scottish language. “Whoa whoa, hey, I don’t speak…” I paused and ran my fingers through my hair, “I speak English. Can-you-speak-en-glish?” She blinked a few times in wonder. “English?” she whispered, “You… You are from England?”
  I sighed in relief. The girl didn’t even have an accent, which was weird, but at least she knew my language. “No, I’m from Chicago.” I said snarkily, “We speak English in America too, y’know.” I gave her a wink and she smiled a little bit. I was flirting, I admit. But she seemed so scared. I had to try and make her feel safe. “C’mon, let’s go sit by my fire.” I said, “You’re freezing.” I took off my jacket and draped it around her shoulders. I then led her down the shoreline to our campsite. It was then that I’d heard Hamish calling my name and asking where I was. “Hey Hamish!” I shouted, waving my hand, “Over here!”
  I walked her over to the fire and we sat down. She rested her head on my shoulder immediately and took my left arm in hers like a lover. Then she seemed to just fall asleep in front of the fire. Just like that. Arm in Arm with her head on my shoulder.
  ‘I…She’s…This… Ooh Boy…’ My heart just kind of… Well, it melted. “Um… Hey Rock… who is this?” I snapped my head up, almost forgetting Hamish was there. “I dunno man,” I answered sheepishly, “she was sitting at the lake edge over there crying herself to sleep. I think she got lost and fell in or something. She was freezing and wet.” He looked her over for a second. “I’ve never met her.” he said, almost growling in a weird and sudden annoyance, “She isn’t from town.” She then stirred and opened her eyes. “I live… nearby.” she mumbled, stretching, “I was so sad, I thought no one would ever find me. Who are you?”
  She turned to look at me again. Her big green eyes were glistening in the moonlight. She had this dark auburn hair, pale skin and a petite figure. I took a deep breath. ‘You gotta stay cool man, just stay cool man’.
  “My name is Rocky,” I said, repressing a nervous stutter, “I’m staying with my Grandparents for a while. This is Hamish.” I gestured to my confused and annoyed friend, “He’s, like, my pal.” She tilted her head and barely glanced at him out the corner of her eye before she returned her attention to me. “Are you a Nobleman?” she asked innocently. I paused awkwardly and bit my lip. “W-what?” I stuttered. She giggled. “Do you hail from a well known family?” she asked again. I looked at Hamish, who was feeling more and more like a third wheel. “Nah,” I said, gently moving her hand from my arm, which she immediately replaced before snuggling her chest closer into me, “I’m nobody. I’m not even sure if I have any... Nobility?” I was uncomfortably at a loss for words. I was good at playing the cool guy but this was so unexpected. She talked like a princess or damsel in distress. She smiled very warmly at me and my heart skipped a beat. “Then you are a scandalous rogue? Or a pauper? Perhaps you are more simply modest and more noble than you let on...” She buried her face into my shoulder, giggling like a giddy little girl.
  “Hey, how about you tell me why you’re out here? What happened?” I asked, desperate for a change of pace. She stopped giggling and looked sad again. “I was left out here a long time ago.” she sighed, “Eventually, I helped to build a house with a man. He left me behind too, like my first love who never came. I have some friends. They are kind. But they never stay here too long. There are things that frighten them in this wood and they hide. So now I live here all alone. My home is nearby, so I am free to roam this part of the wood and never be lost. But it is so, so very lonely…” She started to tremble, tears in her eyes.
  “Wait, yeh just said yeh were scared no one’d find yeh. Then yeh said yeh have a lotta mates. An’ what do yeh mean yeh live nearby? Nuthin’ yeh say makes a lick o’ sense. Who even are yeh?” Hamish was skeptical now and I could feel he was angry with me. I could see that he was getting pissed at how I looked at the girl. This trip was supposed to be about asking Elinore to be my girl.
  The mysterious girl just looked confused. “…who am I?” she asked, “I am me.” Hamish’s nostrils flared. “Don’t gimme that rubbish!” she shouted, causing the girl to flinch, “Yer NAME Girl. What’s yer NAME?” She looked at him with an insulted scowl, “I just told you;” she cried defiantly, “I have been here for a very long time! If I have ever had a name I do not remember it anymore!” Then she started crying again. “Hey man!” I barked, shocked that Hamish could be so cruel, “That was harsh, Hame!” Hamish shot a look at me that made me surprisingly terrified and enraged as he ranted, “And YOU! What about Elinore, eh? Yeh said yeh wanted to be with her right? Now yeh can’t take yer eyes off this lil’ tart?”
  “TART?!” she shrieked at him, standing in outrage, “That means whore if I am not misunderstanding you?!” This was all wrong. At the time I had no idea what was so unsettling, the out of place fear and fury, but Hamish turned toward her with a grin full of malice, “Well if the boot fits, yeh slag.” The girl stamped and howled. She seemed like she was trying to restrain her emotions. “I would have you know,” she hissed in a low voice, “that the every man I have tried to love has been a scoundrel and every one left me behind! Tart?! I was never the faithless one! I was always loyal in my heart!” Her face twisted and contorted in many pained emotions before she burst into tears sobbing in her gibberish-sounding foreign words. “Dude!” I shout, trying to get a grip on things, “What’s goin’ on? What’s she saying?”
  “She’s cryin’ “oh poor me oh poor” me like a melodramatic lil’ attention whore!” Hamish bellowed, “I’ve had enough Rock! Yeh wanna entertain this little tramp go right ahead. But I’ll have nothin’ to do with yeh anymore! Elinore’ll be heartbroken; She actually LOVED you, arsehole!” He raged off in the direction of town. “Wait!” I cried suddenly. She loved me? Elinore LOVED me? “Hamish! No man, please don’t freak out! It isn’t like that at all, pal!”
  I get up and take a quick jog forward, bounding a few steps from the lake. I looked back in time to see the girl look at me again, tears of anguish in her eyes and she darted off back down the shoreline. “I KNEW IT! No one can love me! I was a fool to leave my home!” I turned ran a few yards back in her direction, I couldn’t let her just run into the woods like that but at the same time, I didn’t really know what to do at all. I quickly lost sight of her and turned to chase after Hamish after all.
  I figured she was going home so I caught up with Hamish at the edge of town. We argued a while before we made it to his house. Elinore heard us both out but she still couldn’t accept I was just being nice to the girl. Hamish and Elinore said they’d never speak to me again. That night I cried myself to sleep. I woke up later and sat on the deck. As I looked out at the woods I thought about that poor girl. So sad and alone.
  I could actually empathize. I knew what it was like to be an outcast. No one cared about the real me. When they got to know me well enough they bailed. The only friend I’d ever had was Hamish until this fiasco… ‘I hope she’s okay.’ I thought, ‘I’ll go again tomorrow and see if I can find her.’
  As I stood and turned to go inside and sleep some more, I thought I heard a horse galloping in the distance.
        Day 2
  I went back the next day in the afternoon. Our campfire had been doused, so I assumed she might have gone back after what happened and looked for me. I scoured the woods for a while until I found a cabin on the other side of the lake from our campsite. It was old and run-down. It had moss growing on the outside and old semi-rotted furniture inside.
     ‘She lives here?’ I thought to myself sadly, ‘That poor girl… no wonder she’s so miserable.’
  I decided to stay there until she got back. Eventually I fell asleep in the chair and drifted into a dream.
     It was a nightmare. I felt like I was drowning. I could see other guys in the water. Some women too. They were being pulled down by the reeds in the lake-bed. I turned left and right and I felt like something was swimming with us.
  The others were screaming, drowning and terrified of something. But as I drifted into the murky bottom I saw her. The girl from the other night swam up to me and started pulling on my arms. “Rockwell of Chicago!” she cried in a strange disembodied voice, “Please do not drown! I am sorry! I am so very, very sorry! I never meant any of this! Please!” I took her by the elbow and fought the reeds back. She seemed so relieved. Like it was a true miracle that I would fight for her. As we rushed to the surface together, another tangled lake-vine ripped up from the depths and wrapped itself around her; pulling her back into the nightmare. She started drowning now. Just like the men around us. As I turned to dive deeper and retrieve her, to go back for her: I woke with a start.
  “YEEEAAAEEEHH!!!” I fell from the chair with a crash. There was a screech of fear outside. “Who is in there?!” demanded a very startled little voice. I looked up and saw the door of the cabin opening slowly. It was the girl from my dream all wet again and this time she was naked. There were less weeds in her hair so I assumed she was trying to bathe outside and I immediately covered my eyes.
  “Oh jeeze!” I stammered, “Oh jeeze; I’m so sorry! I didn’t know when you’d be back so I just came in and waited! I’m-” I was cut off by arms thrown around me and heavy sobbing. “You came back!” she cheered loudly, catching me off my guard and my heart in my throat from a fluttery feeling inside, “You came back for me! Oh joyous day!”
  I opened my eyes and saw her naked body pressed against me. She was crying so hard but she was smiling so brightly. I looked out the window and saw it was already dark. Then the mystery hermit-girl recomposed. “I thought you would be gone forever!” she cried, tearing up with joy, “I… I went to your fire and saw you were already gone. I splashed water on the fire and looked for you forever! When I arrived at the edge of your town you were already turning in to sleep for the night and I…” she paused and became very solemn, “I was too afraid to approach you… I thought for sure you would hate me…”
     Then she went totally silent, saddened by her own words.
  “I am so very sorry.” she said after a moment, “The woman you loved… She does not love you anymore, does she? I ruined true love.” she began to cry, “I am so sorry…” I waved my hands wildy. “No!” I said, smiling as broadly as I could, “No! No, no. It wasn’t your fault. Hamish and Elinore are just really old fashioned and have a lot of personal pride, is all!” I explained, “It isn’t your fault that they won’t forgive me. Not at all. It was just a big stupid mess of unfortunate events and to be honest it was my fault. I was staring a lot in an almost swoony way. It gave Hamish the wrong idea…”
  I blinked hard and realized she was still naked. I shut my eyes tightly. “Y-y-you should get some clothes on!” I stammered, “like, you’re….You’re EXTREMELY naked right now…” I heard her gasp and she said something in her language that sounded apologetic. I think she was also cursing. I tried my best to hide the crotch of my pants as she shuffled around in front of me. “Is this better?” she asked. I opened my eyes and saw her wearing that ratty old gown again. “Is…” I hesitated, “Is that all you’ve got to wear?”
  She slowly drew her eyes sheepishly to the ground. “I…I am all alone out here. I do not have many things that were left for me…” Then I realized what she’d said last night. “Wait… Did you have a boyfriend with you? I mean, at first?” I asked. She just looked away. “No…” she mumbled in a shaky voice, “I cannot remember where I lived before here. I had a lover once, I think. A strong man who would come here and lay with me. It was he built this house, I believe…” She trailed off, moving her hand in front of her as if she was touching a man’s face in her reminiscing. “But one night he betrayed my love; and I lost him forever.”
  I became very angry. “Wait,” I said coldly, “So this big burly woodsman guy came out here to meet you and he just fucked you? And then he left you here at a private little house just so he could get some whenever he wanted like a free hooker?!” I stood and started pacing back and forth. Of course I was justifiably angry, this was a very disgusting situation. But I was also just putting together a story based on assumptions. I was heated. “So he does that and then he just up and left one day after breaking your heart? How long ago even was this?! You’re, like, sixteen! Was this guy just Scottish Grizzly Adams, the Master Pedophile?!” I flew into a frothing rant. I was livid. I had been screwed over by ‘friends’, cheated on, neglected and abused; but this was a whole other level of screwed up to me.
  “Who does that? Who even DOES that?! ARGH that grinds my gears, man! Jesus CHRIST! I can’t even believe that!!!” In my frenzy I knocked over an old clay pot and it shattered. The sound made the girl jump a little. I calmed down. “I’m sorry. I didn’t…” she just took my hand and smiled, pulling me closer before wrapping herself around my arm again like last night. “What’s your name?” I asked. She just looked at me sadly and shook her head. “That’s right. You’ve lived here so long you can’t even remember.” I paused, “Well, I’ll give you a name, okay?”
  Her eyes lit up and she nodded feverishly. “Oh, Noble Rocky, I would be delighted to accept a name from you!” she was wiggling and squirming with excitement and I grinned. “I really ain’t any kinda nobleman sweetheart,” I added with charm in my voice, “I’m just a guy who knows what it’s like to be…” I stopped grinning and looked deeply into her emerald eyes. She was so beautiful and alone. “Alienated.” I finished. Then I looked away before continuing, “My whole name is Rockwell Theodor Chance. I only ever had two real friends and now I don’t have any at all.” I felt her hand slide up my arm and touch my shoulder. Cold and clammy. Wet skin. She had gotten dressed so fast she forgot to dry off. “Well, Rockwell of Chicago,” she whispered, “You have a strong heart and that is enough for even a Savage to be a Nobleman.”
  I looked at her. She was very pretty but she was very…odd. Her innocent attitude and thesaurus way of talking to me was kind of charming, though. I thought for a minute. “Well, believe it or not; I used to be a real big geek in school…” I confessed, “Hame and Elli don’t even know it, but I read a lot of fairy tales and epics from the old days and way back then I used to read this awesome story about a Hero. King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table.”
  She lit up like a neon sign and started jumping up and down excitedly. “A King?” she squealed, “A King and heroic knights? Was there a princess? Was there a war? Oh, do please tell me this story!” I smiled at her, she was incredible. “Alright. I’ll tell you what I can remember.”
  She sat down on the floor next to me and I told her the story of Arthur Pendragon pulling the sword from a Stone and Anvil and she was so in awe by my way of talking. I told her about the knights and Merlin, their brotherhood and fellowship. We both noted how much we’d have liked that in lonely times. It was a bonding moment. The story of the Questing Beast scared her a little and the fight between Arthur and the Saxons made her cheer for their victory. The wedding between the fair maiden Guinevere and King Arthur was by far her favorite part and then Lancelot’s Affair, the eventual destruction of Camelot and the Death of Arthur in his fight with his great enemy Mordred had the girl nearly in tears. I decided to go back and touch on the heroic feats of Galahad, Lancelot and Gawain to cheer her up and especially the bravery of Gawain made her cheer again.
  “This is a wonderful story!” she said, laughing a laugh that made me feel warm and tingly inside. “Well, I always thought about it being too sad to be ‘wonderful’, I mean; it is a tragedy.” I laughed. She frowned at me. “But,” I quickly added, “I always liked crazy love stories like that. Shakespeare. Homer. Wagner…” I paused to smile at her, “Sometimes Tragedy is a good story. Sometimes the saddest things are the most beautiful. They remind us how precious things like laughter and love truly are...”
  Our eyes met and we stayed that way for maybe as long as 5 minutes. I think she knew what I was saying even if back then I didn’t exactly know myself. “Anyway,” I finally said, “The Lady of the Lake. Her name was actually Viviane.” I thought a second, “...So I was thinking, since we met here at this Lake I’ll call you Viv or Vivian?” I looked at her while smiling but I stopped when I saw her lonely expression. “I do not want to be the lady in the lake.” she mumbled, “This lake is a horrible thing. It is why I am always sad. No one comes here because of the Kelpie…”
  She looked at me awkwardly. “Can…” she said in a nervous voice, “Can I be Guinevere instead?” I looked at her. She was always so sad and alone. I couldn’t take it anymore. I wrapped her up in my arms and said “Okay. Then your name is ‘Gwen’ from now on. The Fairest Maiden in the Land; I’ll call you my Little Gwen.” She let out the most adorable little squeak and nuzzled into me.
  After a few hours longer I told Gwen that I had to go back to my Gram’s house or she’d be worried. “Will you ever come back for me, Rockwell?” she said, pleading in her eyes and whimpering voice. I had to beat back tears at that. “I’ll come visit every day after chores.” I said, “I swear on my Mother’s life.” That made her jump for joy and laugh.
  She seemed legitimately happy for the first time. As I walked home through the woods I thought about her more and more. Eventually in my daydream I reached the door of my Grandparent’s home and looked back at the treeline of the wood and saw something that gave me a shock; It looked like there was a big, dark, equine creature standing there among the trees. It seemed to be watching me. I rubbed my tired eyes to get a better look; but there was no creature, just a weirdly shaped fallen tree.
  I decided I was seeing things and went to bed.
        Day 3
     That Tuesday I got up just before sunrise and started my chores.
  When Gramps came out to till the fields he was surprised to see me up so early and working so hard. Gram came out at a quarter to 10 and insisted I come inside and eat some breakfast. I finished up a little before 2pm and went into town to MacMillan’s Sewn Goods. The town looked kind of like an Amish village except these folks haven’t outright refused the modern world. This humble and kind little backwoods community was so far out in the boonies that it took a few hours to get to the nearest city. Because of this and the hassle it would be to go that far every day they had resources like their water well and agriculture here on site as well as a mechanic, a blacksmith and a tailor all local in case they ever needed anything fixed. Their people were surprisingly friendly with outsiders, as isolated as they were, and their small businesses were incredible. The local tailor, for example,  worked cheap and made high quality clothes. But the part that made me so nervous is how Mister MacMillan would react to me as a customer today.
  He was Hamish and Elinore’s father. Mister MacMillan himself just said that we were all being dramatic teenagers, thankfully, and that he wasn’t involved. I asked him for a few dresses, a coat and sets of pants and blouses. He said he could only sell me 1 dress, as it was all he had ready that day, but he did ask why I was spending so much on women’s clothing.
  “They’re, ah…” I stuttered, trying to think of a white lie, “They’re for my cousin back home. She’s always wanted a European dress and I know they ain’t so fancy but she’ll appreciate it just the same; especially being handmade.” Mister MacMillan accepted my answer with no real fuss and handed me my bags. “Hey, Mister MacMillan…” I said suddenly as I recalled something, “Are there Elk out here?” MacMillan looked puzzled. “Not that I’ve seen for a few years now, Lad…” he said, scratching his red-gray beard, “Though Flann, the town drunk, thinks he saw one the other day and was boasting how he’d mount it’s head on his hearth. So I suppose they may be back now, eh?”
  I sighed, “Yeah, they are. I saw a big deer in the treeline last night and the other day I thought I heard it running around the field or something. Thanks Mister MacMillan.” He nodded and I picked up my new gifts for Gwen. ‘Gwen’s gonna love these,’ I thought, ‘I can’t wait to give them to her. Now she can change out of that filthy-’
  “OOF!” I wasn’t looking where I was going and bumped into Hamish. There was a cold quiet minute as he glared at me and I watched him pleadingly. I felt truly awful about what happened and I had been so torn up about losing my only friends in the world. Finally he cleared his throat and I prepared for the worst.
  “…What do yeh want then, Rock?” he growled, icy blue eyes and nostrils flaring, “Why yeh comin’round? I told yeh. Yeh broke Elinore’s heart. Yer not welcome.” Hamish gave me a threatening look and postured subtly. I stood up straight and put on my bravest face. I didn’t want to make him any madder but I also wasn’t going to let myself be pushed around based on a misunderstanding.
  “I was just buying some clothes from your old man.” I said, keeping my voice calm and confident dispite my growing anxiety. Then I had a thought and relaxed a little. “Hey man,” I said, trying to convey my remorse, “can we just talk about this? We were friends, right? I don’t want to lose...”
  Hamish just chuckled a little. “We HAVE talked about it, Laddie.” he shot back, “We talked’bout how much yeh really liked Elinore an’ how much yeh wish yeh could pluck up the nerve to tell her. An’ I was so happy that my sister had a good bloke vyin’ for her. A great guy. But the minute yeh feel a lil’ discouraged this little harlot comes from the trees an’ you listen to the wrong head.” I grit my teeth, “That isn’t what happened at all, Hame. I swear it’s not like that.” Hamish snorted, “She was all over yeh, Rock!” I blinked back my tears, “She was tired and cold and scared, Hamish! How can you be so cruel, man!” Hamish leaned forward and I inched back a little bit. “She’s a wee trickster lil’ slag an’ a bloody bitch an’ yer no better, Rockwell Chance.”
  So I was getting very angry now. I kind of knew where he was coming from but I couldn’t just sit there and let him slander me and Gwen so thoughtlessly. “Dude, you have NO IDEA what she’s even been through.” I said, keeping my eyes boring their own way into his and a firm voice, “You have no fucking idea.” Hamish’s breathing got heavy. Tesosterone was rising and I swear I saw steam escape his orifices. “And neither do you Rockwell!” He snarled.
     And then I snapped.
  I’d never thrown a punch in my life but I dropped my bags and brought my fist to his chin with a hard connection. He hit the ground and I put my foot on his chest so I could get this monkey off my back and say my peace. “I know EXACTLY what she’s going through! YOU wouldn’t, course’ not because you have like fifteen buddies and your awesome sister! Me? I grew up an only child and the son of a Drunk and Workaholic. I was beat up in grade school and alienated in high school. I accidentally got me and my only friend fired from a burger flipping part time paycheck and he never spoke to me again. All based on a misunderstanding and an accident; sound familiar? No?! How about my own fucking mom hates me and my dad is stuck in a bottle so far I swear his blood is almost a hundred percent rum and gin now! So here I am, left on my Grandma’s doorstep as a factory-reject in a foreign country and my only two friends in the world won’t let me tell my side of the story. I am alone in this world.” I took a breath and the dam behind my eyes broke. “But her?” I whimpered, “That girl two nights ago? At least I have Gram and Gramps when I’m here and I even have Mom part-time when I go back, much as she hates my guts and that’s even IF I go back… But she has no one. Gwen has NO ONE! She was abandoned in the GODDAMN FOREST-”
  “ROCKWELL! Hamish! That’s ENOUGH, you two!!!” Mister and Mrs. MacMillan came rushing out of the shop with Elinore hot on their tails and broke up the fight. “Elinore has plenty of dudes who’d give anything to be her man, Hame; and I’m still one of them despite your heartlessness!!!” I spat at my former friend, “One real friend is is worth more than twenty fake ones, man! I’ll pick that poor, lonely little soul like me over you two spoiled assholes any day!!!” Then I picked up my sack and walked back to Gram’s.
  I stole a couple of blankets and a good pillow from the cupboard and food from the pantry then I left for Gwen’s shack. All the while I ranted at no one in particular about how a real friend would give me the benefit of the doubt and a good person would be kind to those in need and I made my way to the other side of the lake in no time, it seemed like.
  I knocked on her door but she was out somewhere. “She’s probably foraging for food like an animal…” I mumbled, trying to hold in my tears again, “She’ll be so happy when she sees what I have here.” I then let myself in and unloaded the Clothes on the bed before using the bag as a table spread. I arranged the food all neat and in an arrangement like Ma would at family reunions before they all got old and croaked or left us all behind.
  That was the worst thing. My whole family that mattered was my Mom’s side and she was an only child. My father’s side were all lowlives and scum. My father was ironically the black sheep because he (and to a lesser degree my Uncle Barry) was a better man than the rest of his kin. Barry himself had been in trouble with the law countless times and even ran with a dangerous street gang as a youth. He wasn’t a bad man but he was dangerous and disowned by my father for my mother’s sake. My mother hated him and as much as she loved my father on his good days she still couldn’t tolerate hm on his bad days after that. My dad wasn’t abusive so much as he was a lazy and thoughtless prick. Because of his inattentiveness my mother became really bitter really quickly during my early adolescence and with puberty, she became a very harsh and callous person… And now you can see why they have to get a divorce. My father comes from a family of crooks and addicts and Ma was never ready for it.
  I made up Gwen’s bed all nicely and placed her new dress and clothes on it. I had waited for a few hours afterward and then got worried and decided to go out and look for her. While I was out and about, I saw these bell-wire things. They were the kind that a certain someone uses to let themselves know where an prey was nearby. I was careful to avoid ringing them. The person I mentioned is Drunken Flann and he was a real douchebag. I heard some real bad rumors about him. The few times I had seen him around town he reminded me of my father and my uncle in many ways. But he didn’t seem to have any of the redeeming qualities Barry and Dad had. No. Flann was a very bad and at times dangerous man.
  It started to get dark so I made my way to my former campsite hoping to find her there. There were these weird prints pushed in the mud like ‘U’ shaped marks kinda like footprints. But they didn’t belong to any animal I know so I assumed Flann was using a new crazy trick for hunting.
  “That guy…” I muttered in disgust, “He’s gone way past idiocy. All drunks are the same; useless wastes of flesh and oxygen.” My fire-pit was made back up so I figured I should get back to the hut before Drunk Flagon Flann came back. I knocked on the door when I got back and again there was no answer so I let myself in and lit a candle I had smuggled from Gram’s.
  “Rockwell? Is… is that you?” I jumped out of my chair and ran to the door when I heard her voice. I swung it open and a little shriek came out of little Gwen. “AH!” she said breathily, “Oh, oh Rockwell, it IS you!” She seemed startled but relieved. “Hey, what’s with the jumpy jitters Gwen?” I asked, smirking at her. She grinned, loving her new name and my flirting. “There has been a frightening man in the wood lately. I was worried he had broken in. I saw the light and...” She then stopped talking. Gwen was looking at the table and the makeshift tablecloth. She now saw all the food I’d laid out and she walked in, awestruck.
  “You…Is this..Your doing Rockwell?” I chuckled, “Yeah, and that’s not all; Look.” I moved to one side. She saw her bedspread and the clothes I’d bought her. “Oh… Oh ROCKWELL!” She rushed over to the bed and hesitantly reached for the dress. “Are…are these…?” she stared lovingly at my gifts as I stood there grinning. The expressions she was having. Gratitude. Joy. Excitement. Enthusiasm. I could see every emotion just processing in her green eyes and fair cheeks. ‘Am…” I thought to myself as my body got warmer, ‘What is going on with me? She’s…I dunno she’s just so-’
  “THANK YOU!” She cried, crashing my train of thought. Gwen then spun around and her eyes were streaming with tears and happiness. “You are so very wonderful Rockwell! I…” she struggled with her words, she was so joyous, “I cannot find words to described…. Oh Rockwell!” Gwen lunged forward and held me tightly in her arms, “Thank you! Thank you so very very much!”
  ‘What’s this feeling?’ I kept thinking, ‘I feel really… She’s so…’ My head was spinning. It was a very nice feeling but a very overwhelming and confusing one. “Gwen,” I said, “You should get ready for dinner. I brought you some of these cool little donuts my Gram makes; you’ll love them.” She sniffled and nodded feverishly and I turned away while she changed. “Where were you today?” I asked, “I was worried. You were like, gone. Just gone. All day.” I heard her rustling the garments behind me as she answered.
  “Well, I am not here during the day. I… Go somewhere nearby and wait for you” she paused and I heard her grunt as she slipped into something, “And then this evening then I went to the fire pit and retrieved your Coat there were bells everywhere. They did not seem like good bells and then that fearsome man arrived and-” Then I spoke up, interrupting her, “I KNEW he was using my firepit! He’s hunting this big deer that’s been hanging around the woods.”
  I rolled my eyes, “He’s got some nutty ways to track and trap and I think he just comes up with random thoughts when drinking and thinks they’re ideas. He’s a drunk idiot and a lunatic. You need to stay as far away as you can from hi-”
  She then interjected on my dialogue by taking my hand and turning me around. Gwen was wearing the dress and some socks. Her sun hat rested on her still leaf-ridden hair and she was holding my jacket. “Here it is, Sir Rockwell of Chicago.” I took my jacket and placed in on my chair. Then I turned back to her and tenderly put my hand on her cheek. It was still cold from the outside air. “One of these days I’ll help you get those reeds out of your hair, okay?” I muttered just loud enough that she could hear me. Then I realized something. “Why don’t you ever come into the town?” I asked, “Like, I’m sure you could find some way to-”
  She took my hand off of her cheek and turned away, then she said in a quiet, fearful voice: “I cannot.” I stepped even closer, “Why not?” I asked, “I mean… There’s no reason not to, right?” Gwen was very still. “I cannot ever leave here, Rockwell. This is my home. I may hate it but it is the only place I can live. Be it in misery or happiness…” She started to tremble. She was terrified of something.
  “Gwen, what’s going on?” I demanded, “Why have you stayed out here for this long? There’s people who would help you out here, Gwen. C'mon, Gwen. My Little Gwen.” I held her in my arms from behind, draping my arms like the jacket I’d lent her 2 nights ago, “Come back with me, Gwen?” I said almost like I was begging, “I..You’re NOT happy here. You deserve to be happy and I…I can’t…” I started crying now, “I c-can’t stand this. You’re s-so wonderful and a-amazing… and… incredible… Why can’t you just live in a w-warm house with a…a fireplace and a real bedroom and be warm a-and happy?” I started crying so hard. “What happened that made you have this shitty life?” I finished.
  I felt Gwen’s hands on mine and she turned within my arms. Her eyes were big and glimmering with a sadness. “Do… Do you love me, Rockwell Theodor Chance?” I slowly stopped crying and looked at her carefully. ‘Love?’ I asked myself, wondering, ‘But I only just met…her’.
  “…How…” I began, nearly stammering, “How would I know if I’m in love?” Gwen smiled sadly and touched my face with her cold hands. “You did not run from me?” she smiled a very peculiar smile, faint but very much there on her lips as if playing some game with me, “But… I am a stranger and you did not run from such a question? You did not lose your composure. You did not avoid the question. Do you?” her eyes flashed a strange and ominous emotion, “Do you love your Little Gwen, Rockwell Chance of Chicago?”
  It dawned on me right then what I felt; but I was still full of too much pride and insecurity so instead of answering I asked a question of my own:
  “Can… Can I come and see you tomorrow night?” I stammered, “I’ll know the answer to that question then. I promise you I’ll come back and tell you then.”
  Something flashed again in her eyes. Something like very sad and worried. Something like dread. But she took a deep breath and just grinned that strange foreboding grin again. “I will wait for you Rockwell.” she whispered almost mystically, “I will be here tomorrow at sunset. I swear.”
  She took her hands off of my face and held the door for me. As I moved to leave, I looked at her once more. “I’ll come back for you.” I said with conviction, “Every night. Unless I’m dead; I’ll always come back and see you.” Then I walked home in silence.
  I was thinking about her words. “Do I love her?” I muttered aloud, “Can I love a girl I’ve known for only three days?” I heard a gunshot a ways to my right, the western part of the forest. “If you touch her, Flann; I swear you won’t live to regret it. You drunken piece of shit.” As I muttered those words, I felt that the maybe trees agreed with me.
        Day 4
     I woke up kinda late that Wednesday.
  I already had gotten home fairly late and Gram yelled at me for the missing sheets. She only eased off my back when I told her they were for a homeless girl. She also asked that I give her the time I’d be home every night from now on. When I said that I might not know exactly when each night she threatened me with a curfew. That morning I woke up and I did my chores and finished in the late afternoon. Then when I walked into town I had to bear Flann’s ranting about a ‘monster deer’ in the forest that ate his ear. Everyone thought he just hurt himself with one of his ridiculous traps so we all dismissed it. But then I was approached by Hamish and Elinore. They wanted to talk it out.
  “Look, I may have been a wee bit rude to the lass and I’m properly sorry. I know I treated yeh unfairly too, Rock. For that I am certainly more sorry than I ever been.” I stared in disbelief. “Wait, what?” I asked. Elinore chimed in just then “I should’ve told you how I felt for meself Rocky. It was me own fault an’ not yours. Not one bit. I…” her face flushed deep crimson and she turned away, “I was just worried you’da tollme t’pissoff. If I’d known that night you were… That you wanted to…” she looked back at me with tears running down her face, “I din’t know. When Hamish told me, I din’t know what to think. Then there’s that vagabond girl-”
  “Gwen.” I interjected. Hamish and Elinore looked at me in confusion. Elinore started to speak, “Who is…? Who is-”
  “The Girl’s name is Gwen.” I hissed. I was unquestionably about to lose my cool. “She’s had it really rough. She was left in that rundown piece of shit shack by a man who only came by to use her for Sex.” I was less than tact but I was in a frenzy. “You two… I thought you were better than to leave me in that freaking forest on a night like that!” I thrust a finger into Hamish’s chest, “And YOU Hame! She was crying! You were so sure she was playing a victim that you never considered she WAS one!!!” I took a breath and let Hamish speak. “You… You’ve been seeing her?” he asked.
  My eyes nearly bulged and I raised my voice. “YES Hamish!” I shouted, “I’ve been sneaking into the woods with a drunk-ass lunatic and a booby-trapped lake!” I looked from one of them to the other and scoffed, “Do you guys even know what’s going on out there? Gwen is terrified! Flann is hunting the boogeyman and she’s too scared to even come into town for help-”
  We were stopped by a loud slurring voice. “What’s thisshh then? What’re ya ssshhayin’ bout meh behind mah bloody back boy?” Flann had overeard me and he smelled like a saloon. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and spat when he talked. “Ya don’t believe meh? I’m tellin’ ya, it was ssshhome kinna devil stag tryna eat meh guts! Ya goin’ out there too, right? Ya ssshawrr it then?”
  His blue eyes were crazed and his left ear was nothing but a poorly dressed wound. “I didn’t see anything last night.” I said, disgusted, “Nothing except a bunch of stupid half-assed deathtraps and a bush littered in booze bottles.” He punched me in the stomach and sneered over my doubled-over form.
  “I KNOW what I sawrr boyo… Ya’d be better off comin’ clean…” He pulled out his hunting knife and put it to the back of my neck and I froze in fear. But my rage and disgust quickly melted that fear away and replaced it with machismo. “And I know what a drunk looks like! You’re even worse than my dad! At least he never picked on people smaller than he was, you pussy!”
  Flann was really mad now. He raised his knife high to stab me literally in the back; but he was stopped short by the strong grip of Hamish’s hand on his wrist. “Yeh let my Mate alone, Flann; or yeh’ll have me to deal with.” Hamish took Flann’s hand and twisted the knife out of his grip. Then he tossed the knife and pushed him down quite easily. Like I said; Hamish MacMillan was strong like a juggernaut.
  “Why don’t ya go run to yer daddy Hamey… Let the men handle this….” Flann stood and postured, “Ya caught me off guard, Laddie… Won’t happen twice, like. Run to Dah like always, why doncha?” Flann taunted. He was Hamish’s uncle on his mom’s side but also disowned by their Clan. He was nothing more than a drunk now and Mister MacMillan and Flann had exchanged hands more than once in awhile since I’d come and though Hamish was a big kid; he was still a lot younger and more innocent than a drunk madman like Flagon Flann.
  “Elinore’s already dunnit, Uncle. Run’d off to fetch Dah, like yeh wanted. Why don’t yeh just sit tight an’ wait fer him? Or maybe yeh’d rather stumble back off to yer Kelpie?” I gawked at Hamish, dumbfounded. ‘He… He has my back?’ I marveled, eyes flooding again, ‘But I just…’
  Elinore came running back shouting to Hamish that their father was close behind her. “Dah’s on his way now Flann. Yeh might wanna make yerself scarce.” Elinore stopped and smirked as she panted and I could see Mister MacMillan closing distance from the bakery in town. Hamish stepped to one side and curtsied toward Flann’s Jeep. “Yer chariot awaits, LADDIE.”
  Flann just stomped off to his wreck of a vehicle. “Maybe I WILL bag me a Kelpie!” Flann shot back, “Then we’ll see who’s laughin’, won’t we?” He peeled out like a bat out of hell and Elinore dropped to her knees next to me. “You okay Rocky?” Elinore said when she offered her hand to help me up. She was concerned about me. After all I’d just said.
  “You… You guys had my back? I’d brought it on myself, man. Just before that I’d ripped into you guys all pissed off and stuff…” Hamish spoke up first. “We been just an arse as much as yeh have yourself; Brother, an’ if you’re in love with this…” he stopped and shifted uncomfortably, “Gwen, issit?” I nodded, head spinning, “Well,” he continued, “We’d be poor mates to hate yeh for it.”
   I stood slowly and looked at them. I began panicking a little. “No!” I cried, shaking my head, “I never said I loved anyone-”
  “You din’t hafta, Rocky.” Elinore said sadly, “We can see it in your face.” They looked at me apologetically. Elinore was trying her best to look happy and Hamish was, was... ‘They…’ I stared at them for a long minute and couldn’t imagine that kind of actual friendship that stood in front of me, ‘Why are they…’ Hamish and Elinore were trying not to cry. This all was too easy. They seemed sincere but it didn’t seem honest, if that made sense. “Guys... what aren’t you telling me right now?” I demanded, partly dreading what they’d say. Hamish handed me a letter. “It’s from your mum Rock…” Elinore said with a sniffle. I read the note.
  It said that Ma had won custody of me due to Dad... dying in a Drunk-Driving accident! Mom signed legal custody over to Gram and Gramps until further notice! What?! This was signed a week ago!!!
  ‘Dad’s dead and Mom’s leaving me behind?!’ I was horrified. I was distraught. I was heartbroken and for the first time in my life I let my emotions flow freely, careless of my image or pride.
  “W-WHY didn’t Gram tell me?!” I demanded. Hamish and Elinore looked at each other. Words escaped them. “I…” I choked, “Dad’s… Then wh-why would she just abandon me at a time like this?! Why didn’t Gram tell me any of this?!”
  “Maybe she couldn’t find the words…” Elinore responded, “Maybe she wanted a day or two to prepare you? Or herself?” I threw my head back and glared at the sky, “No! No that’s bullshit!!!” Hamish rushed over and pulled me in for a Hug. “NO!!!” I was bawling and Elinore broke into tears and joined her brother cradling me. I broke down and cried for a long time. I couldn’t believe it. I was stuck out here. My mother just threw me away like yesterday’s garbage. Why did she even contest Dad for me then? Waste all of our time like that? And Dad… ‘Dad…’ the grief hurt so badly. Worse than anything, ‘No Dad… You stupid Drunk! WHY couldn’t you just shape up you useless piece of-’
  “AAAARRRRRAAAGH!” I hit the bucket in the well with my closed fist. My knuckles stung a little bit from it. It was early evening and the sun was getting low in the sky. I was still so angry. I was so lost. I was scared and I was so so sad.
  I was hurting inside in every worst way. “WHY?!” I sobbed into Elinore’s shirt, “What did I ever do?!” Elinore ran her fingers through my hair and cooed. Hamish sat on my other side and patted my back, unable to say anything, “Why doesn’t she love me anymore?!” I was a complete wreck. I didn’t know anything anymore. “And what do I have now huh?! What’s left for me?! I should just kill myself and get it-”
Elinore pushed my head back and slaped me. “You’ll do nuthin’ like that, Rocky! Not a damn thin’ like that!!!” She buried her face into my shirt and bawled now, “You have us, now! We weren’t proper mates to you but we’ll be now! I swear, Rocky!!!”
  Hamish couldn’t comfort me and his father needed help at the shop so he left Elinore and me alone. Things were very quiet now. Elinore didn’t know what to say anymore. “Damn it! DAMN IT!!!” Elinore was still in my arms and curling her fingers into my shirt. Then she finally spoke: “Her name is Gwen?” I stopped my fit, silent now so suddenly. I had forgotten the sad girl in the forest by the lake. The tiny decrepit cabin she slept in barely more than a run-down storehouse. My Little Gwen.
  “She sounds…” Elinore sat up and straightened her clothes. “...There’s nothing going on with us, Elli.” I reassured, “She’s just my friend.” Elinore smiled sadly and shook her head. “Really? Cos I was thinkin’ you must really like her to buy all those clothes…” I didn’t respond to that. “Rocky…” Elinore continued, “You really used a lot o’ your budget there…” I turned and looked at Elinore. She was looking at me with a serious expression.
  “I… Told her the story of King Arthur, Elli. She wanted me to call her Gwen.” I tried not to crumble again, “She can’t even remember her own name anymore, Elli. She’s lived out there for so long it’s hard enough just to stay human, it seems…” I stand up and Elinore came along with me as I walked back over to the well. “Elli…” I continued, “She’s gotta gather her own food. She goes on long walks during the day and swims in that lake every night. Gwen’s always so cold and…”
  I took a shallow breath, “She still seems so… Cultured, y’know? How can anyone be so lady-like in such a terrible position? It’s weird. Unbelievable. But she’s always crying, Elli… She’s always…” I stopped there. Elinore took my hand and whispered, “You’re IN LOVE with her, Rocky.” I looked at her and she smiled at me. “H-HOW can I even know that yet?” I choked out, “I’ve only known her for a short time!” I ran a hand through my dark brown hair, “This is crazy!!!”
  Elinore looked at the sky, now that sunset-orange color, “Life is crazy, Rocky. Your Mum was your hero when you were a wee babe and your dad was a good man once.” se paused, trying to be delicate but also trying to make a point, “Now she leaves you in another country, outta sight and outta mind. And he’s dead from his alcohol abuse.” She pulls me in for a hug as I start to break down, “And it’s alright to be sad ‘bout all that. It’s alright. But right as all that happens you meet this darling lil’ damsel in distress. You don’t get this attached or defensive o’ people. Not c’ept for me, I noticed. But not like you do her...” she looked at now me with heartbroken eyes, “And she’s awaitin’ a white knight on a starlit steed t’rescue her from her fears and her sadness… And right now you need her as much as she needs you.”
     I let myself accept it then. ‘I…Yeah. That’s it. We need each other. Especially now.’
  “You’re an outcast, Rocky. I can’t know what that feels like and I can’t console you as I’d like to. But you found a light innis dark, mucky place you’re in. Go and rest in the light. I’ll tell your Gram you’re at our place. Go and cry and mourn and bond.” she smiled brightly now. I saw genuine happiness for me in her eyes, “You’ve done so much for her and I’m sure she’d do as much for you. Go to her Rocky.”
     Elinore MacMillan, everybody. I thanked her a million times for being such a beautiful person.  
  I had to take a minute but when I was ready I just ran. I ran as fast as my legs could take me back to the lake. I made it to the firepit in what felt like moments and there she was, wading in the water of the lake. She was naked again but I was driven. ‘Wait, why do I feel so…’ I seemed to stumble in my own mind for  moment, ‘This is different…’
  “GWEN!” I shouted, ‘Gwen I’m here!” Gwen whirled around and she seemed terrified. Almost of me. “ROCKWELL?!” she screamed. But why was she screaming? “What are you doing here?” I bounded over to the lakeside and started ripping off my shoes, putting them on the shore. “Gwen!” I shouted, excited but also growing more anxious. Not in a good way. “I LOVE You!” I confessed, “I really do! I LOVE YOU, Gwen!” I went to step into the water but she ran forward and pushed me into the mud behind me.
  “Gwen…?” I grunted, hurt by her actions in my heart more than my body, “What’s going on-”
     “Rockwell, you have to run! He is here! The hunter is-“
  Just then I tried to stand and my leg was caught up in a rope. It wrapped around my foot as it yanked me into the tree above the edge of the clearing. “ROCKWELL!!!” Gwen cried now in concern. My head was hanging only about foot and a half off the ground and Gwen ran up to me, cold, wet, naked and plants in her dark hair trying to get me loose. She was frantic and terrified. ‘Why does this feel dark?’ I wondered, ‘Everything feels so dark?’
  “I will get you down from there, my love…” she said as she pulled at me to lower me, “But then you must flee. Fly from me and this place and never, ever come back!” I was confused and shaken. “What is it Gwen?!” I asked, “What’s going on?!”
  A tall figure emerged from the clearing wearing a severed, mutilated elk head as it’s own. “YOU KILLED THEM ALL, YOU FIEND! THEY WERE MY ONLY FRIENDS!” Gwen was yelling in pure rage and hatred at the beast-man and it actually scared me quite a bit. “Flann!” I shouted, trying to ignore Gwen’s strangely malicious aura, “You boozed-up maniac! She’s just a girl! A girl, Flann! WHY can’t you leave her alone!”
  Flann laughed menacingly. “I dinnnn’t even know I wasssshhhh huntin’ her, L-lad!” he announced drunker than I’d ever seen, “She’s quite t-th-the… Pffffft… Sheessh a… witch.” Gwen swept over and untied my foot with shocking efficiency and I fell to the ground. I grabbed a big stick from the pit and stepped in front of Gwen. “Don’t you come any closer!” I cursed, shielding my Gwen from Flann, “I’ll fucking thrash you man! Leave her alone!” Gwen was pleading with me and tugging on my sleeve rather forcefully, “Rockwell!” she yelled, “You need to leave! Flee here right now! Run away!”
  I looked at her astonished. “No, Gwen!” I protested, “Never! I’m here. I’m here and I won’t ever leave you behind! Not me! I’m sticking around like no one ever did for you! I love you!” I turned to hold her behind me and she turned it away. “Rockwell… Please… PLEASE! I don’t want you to hate me!!!” I marveled at the thickness the air seemed to have with the raging adrenaline. ‘The fear is getting to her, she’s losing it, WE are losing it, why do I feel so dizzy?’
  “YOU MONSTER!” I screamed full bar at the madman. ‘Madness? Why does everything feel so… spinny?’ He stood there motionless, puzzled and amazed at me. Then he threw his head back and laughed like a psychopath. Flann took his flask and had a long drink from it. “You’re all the same!” I taunted, “ALL of you! You down your stupid-juice and lose anything human about yourself! You just remind me why my father’s dead and my mother abandoned me! I hate them and I hate you!” Flann screamed a taunt of his own back at us, “Yer the idiot, Laddie!! Ya call me a monster? Look at yer lal- yer little tart there, boy; she is the Monster.”
  I looked at Gwen standing there crying, urging me to forsake her. “Ssshhhe’s ttthhhe Ka-Ke-Kelpie, Rrrrrickwall; Yer girlie’s the Devillll.” I ran forward at him. I’d completely snapped.
        Wait, what?!’
     But just then I’m thrown across the clearing from behind.
  I look to see what’s going on and soon my face would contort in horror.
“I…Never wanted you to see this…” Gwen said. Her voice was changing, “My greatest wish was that I would never be this again Rockwell… I am sorry. I am so very, very sorry, my Love. You must flee for your life now. I shall always Love you, my nobleman from the land of Chicago…” She threw her head back and her body bent in an unnatural angle. Then she lurched forward. A deep wrathful voice boomed from her now frightening face; contorted and stretched like a ghoul or a goblin.
   “A Curse of Sorrow I beheld! A monster’s skin should be my shell!
      As a prison’s darkest cell would form the bowels of hell!
  And as my body twists to this I wish to find my lover’s kiss!
     For if never I found in this, the drowning roiling swell…
        I eat the flesh of man and lust for that which turns to ash and dust and I drag thy soul into my murky depths… For in the foulest hellish crust, below the surface, in my trust; I drag you now into this prison and press you to my breast….”
Her words rhymed in an uncomfortable lack of rhythm that was agony to the ears. It was like a spell song cast devoid of harmony. It was like the chaotic ramblings of a madwoman’s brain as her body contorted and bent in inhuman ways. Her skin became disgusting shades of purple, blue-green and green, the colors of a corpse’s decaying body and rot. Her hair merged with the grass, weeds and leaves in the waters now rsing to meet her. When it was all done she stood before us on stumpy, forked feet like taloned hooves that-
     ‘Oh Dear God; The prints around my campfire!’
  Her bones were pressing against her flesh like she was starved. Her eyes bulged and now glossed over in a pale green. The green of swamp algae or sickness. Her hair was whipping around like wild flailing marsh vines on the back of her neck. She was an unholy Equine-monster. Like a disease ridden swamp-thing with a bony form and a thin whip-like tail of twisted flesh and swamp-weed. She was littered with rotted lake plants and sickly skin.
  Flann then produced his rifle and fired into her flank. The hole stayed gaping for only a moment before it was repaired with the water of the lake, now roiling in blighted fury. The hunter rushed the Kelpie with his knife drawn. The creature grew now to twice the size of a mere and half the raw muscle of a bull elephant. Flann was poised to strike but then the beast let loose with a shrilly bellow of evil anti-song, causing Flann and myself to scream in unrestrained horror and agony. It gripped him by the shoulder with it’s disgusting, broken teeth and dragged him into the water; which rose to consume him and shelter the creature in it’s meal. The Monster pulled the hunter into the depths of the lake and feasted for minutes. I was paralyzed and mortified. My horror only outweighed by a single question in my mind:
     ‘Gwen…Gwen what are you? What are you… My… My Little Gwen…’
  The screaming could be heard clearly, despite the carnage being submerged. Then unexpectedly, Flann’s chewed corpse came bursting from the abyss and landed only feet from my still stunned body. I struggled and rose to my feet just as the Kelpie waded it’s way to the shoreline. “G-Gwen?” I whimpered, “Gwen is…Is that you? My Little Gwen?” I reached forward slowly as the creature inched ever closer. Only feet from my trembling body it stood. I swallowed hard and asked again, “Gwen? It’s me… It’s Rockwell… Rocky. You know me. You do…Right?”
  Just then the creature wailed like a thousand dying animals and reared back, fangs bared. I screamed and ran as fast as I could for the edge of the forest. As salvation drew near I could hear it. “ROCKWELL! ROCKWELL IS THAT YOU, MY LOVE?!” I heard the beast screaming in a demonic voice both alien and familiar to me. A distorted, twisted variant of my Gwen’s own sweet voice. I turn and look back as I burst from the forest’s edge and trip, falling to the ground. I lay on the moist, dew-covered soil and saw a creature emerge from the forest. It was…
  It was the Kelpie. But it wasn’t exactly the monster that had attacked me. A disembodied Gwen spoke to me from the mere, now a silhouette of wispy, scattering mist. From the air I could sense that the mist was it’s tears. Don’t ask how, but I could FEEL it crying. The ghostly horse stared into me, heartbroken.
  “Rockwell… Do you love me? Do you?” I remained silent, tears of fear and maddening dread welling in my eyes. “Rockwell? Do you see me, Rockwell of Chicago? My Nobleman…” I choked out, “What, what are you?!?!” I could feel pain in my heart and in the beast’s own innermost thoughts.
     Then the air became dry and callous.
  “Run away, Rockwell Theodor Chance. Run away from me and never return. If you do; I will kill you like every other man to betray me.” I couldn’t handle it all, it was so much. It was too much. I couldn’t even begin to process it. So I ran straight back to Elinore and Hamish and the ghost-mere walked in silent sorrow and tears back the the lake she hates, the lake of horrors, to rejuvenate.
     But I’d see her again; because this isn’t the end of my story.
        I said that first week I discovered her;
           The girl of my Dreams.
        Day 5
     I’d run to Hamish’s house and found solace in Elinore’s arms.
  I cried there, head in her lap as she sat there pleading me to tell her what happened. Eventually I had gotten so tired that I muttered “She’s a monster…” before passing out completely. I’d woken up in her bed. She sat in a nearby chair fast asleep. Elinore had tucked me in and watched over me. Hamish and Elinore and I talked about it. I told them that Gwen murdered Flann in cold blood. I couldn’t tell them about the Kelpie because they’d never believe it. The local police were called out and investigated the lake.
  They found Gwen’s empty cabin, stating it had not been used in at least some decades. They didn’t find Drunk Flagon Flann or anybody. When asked about the clothes in the ratty cabin they answered “There was nothing. Some old rotted furniture and broken pots, but that’s it.”
  They saw my ragged expression and Gram told them I was mourning and I was lashing out. I refused to go back with Gram and Gramps after that. Mister MacMillan said he would take me in until I could think clearly again. That kind man. But I hit the bottle hard. I had gotten into their scotch cabinet and smuggled a large bottle into the guest room where I would be staying. Elinore found me there and freaked out.
  “ROCKY?! What’re you doin’?!” She knocked the bottle out of my hand. It was already more than half empty. “Look, I dunno what she did to you, Rocky; but this is insane! Look at you! You need to getta grip!” She sat down on the floor by me and put her arms around me. “Please? I can’t help you if I dunno what it is you need help for…” I pulled her in and kissed her drunkenly, she pulled away, “STOP IT, Rocky! You’re not yourself! You don’t love me, Rocky. You love GWEN!”
  I broke down and cried again. “She’s… She’s a monster Elli… She doesn’t even exist in the daylight… I loved a ghost…” I was drunk. Drunk and heartbroken. I don’t remember the rest of the day. I was wasted. But Elinore eventually told me what she remembered after that.
     So lemme just fill that void for day five with what Elinore said to me:
        Elinore, Day 5
     I couldn’t take seeing you like that, Rocky.
  I decided to go into the wood that night myself. I walked all the way out to that bloody lake and found that damned cabin. That’s where I saw her. Gwen was sitting stark naked on the bed over your jacket. She clutched it in her hands like it was her most precious treasure and it was frightening. You still haven’t gotten it back yet. It’s probably still there. Anyway, I stepped up over to her real easy, like. “Hullo?” I called, “Um… Gwen, was it?” Her eyes snapped up at me so startled. She spoke in an older local dialect. I didn’t really know it myself.
  “I know you can speak English, Lassie. I’m here on behalf of Rocky.” Her face slowly twisted in pain and she sobbed even harder, turning away and shoving her face into your coat like a spoiled brat. Well, I actually suppose it was more of grief but at the time I felt like all I could do was hate the poor lass.
  I walked up to her and put my arms around my middle. “What happened here last night, Gwen? Rocky is… He’s not well at all, Gwen. He’s drinkin’ now.” Gwen’s face looked even more upset, if it could that is, and she started rambling in the Old Gaelic I mentioned and I could make out some of it.
  “What do you mean he 'saw your real face’?” She looked at me and her eyes narrowed in an evil suspicion. “Who are you, My Lady?” I paused. “I’m Elinore.” I said nervously, “Elinore MacMillan.” Then she flew into a wild tantrum and pushed me down. She started smacking me all over like a raging child and we had it out for a bit. “I HATE YOU!” she screamed when I finally pinned her down, “I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!”
  I held her down like that for a moment and saw a crazed look in her eye. I had a thought flash by that I’d never have thought on my own. It scared the daylight out of me.
        ‘Cut her eyes out, Elli. She doesn’t deserve Rocky’s love. Kill her. Gut her. Disembowel her. Mutilate her corpse.’
  “What?!” I stood and fell back before scrabbling backward toward the door. Gwen’s tone suddenly shifted again back to innocent. “……It is the lake.” she said softly, trying not to cry, “I am so very, very sorry, Elinore MacMillan. I did not mean it. I did not want to harm you…” she then whimpered and wept, “I have cursed this place. In my grief I... The Kelpie owns me now. The Kelpie is always watching me…”
  She led me out to the lake shore and we knelt by the water. I reached for the surface and she smacked my hand fearfully. “Do not touch it!” she squealed, “The lake claims all it touches!” She explained that the lake was cursed. Once, long ago, she’d been asked to meet a man here at the lake. He’d arrived at midnight, on a full moon. Though she loved him dearly, his news was less than pleasing; The man said he was promised to another maiden, one with riches and beauty beyond his dreams. That hurt her deeply and she lashed out. “But you said that you would marry me! You said you loved ME!” He merely laughed and told her that none could love a Stableman’s daughter with nothing to offer. She attacked him and he beat her, raped her, beat her even more and then he left her to die. She lay there, broken body and broken heart and somehow even though she was dead, she sang a sad song. She sang off key. She made it up as she sang. Used and abused by the man she loved…
  She cursed at the moon. She berated the the trees. She insulted the lake and the earth… Then she waded into the waters and called to the God of her village, “I do not wish to be a Stableman’s Daughter, you bastard of the sun! I do not ever want to return to that wretched life! WHY did you abandon me?! I prayed to your shrine every night for my true love and you sent me a faithless scoundrel! A monster! Why must I suffer?! I have been faithful to you and he! I hate you! Curse on you, oh faithless Horned God! May you rot in your damned wood!!!”
  Just then, the moon grew dark and the water churned, it swallowed her and she was trapped in it. She can’t leave the lake. If she walks too far she becomes the mist of tears, mourning her love and life for eternity. Her name was erased from time and if the mist wanders too far from the lake she’ll be too. In her shame and spite she changed her body into monster mere. A succubus among horses. But when travelers eventually made their way to the lake she sought their love to save her broken heart. She held on to the last shred of herself with no past or memory she became 2 things.
  No man would stay long. No matter her fair skin or lush hair they were merely wanderers, adventurers, bards and Nobles. But one eve a Hunter found the mere, not the maiden. He followed it to the lake and she became the woman before his eyes. He called her “Kelpie”. He named her a fairy sprite and she was in love. They built a cabin and he would come every full moon to love her. He had given her hope. But she could bear no child and he grew older. In his 46th year he returned to her in sorrow.
  “I am to be married. I cannot return here again, my Kelpie. I am sorry.” She flew into a jealous rage and became the mare. “YOU WILL NEVER LEAVE ME FOR ANOTHER! YOU SWORE!” She screamed. “YOU SWORE YOU’D RETURN EVERY FULL MOON! I WILL KEEP YOU FOREVER!!!” She dragged him, screaming and wailing in his terror, to the lake bottom. She tried to hold him lovingly in her arms for the night, as he had promised, and in her madness she drowned him. The lake had become both her prison and her tormentor that night. She split from the Kelpie into that lake and it gained a will of it’s own.
  Men came to find the hunter, they found the cabin and the Maiden. “I am Kelpie, what is it you seek?” The men told her they sought the hunter and she led them astray. They searched the lake-shore. Of Seven men one fell into the lake and was pulled to it’s bottom. Another tried to save him and suffered the same. One stayed at the cabin, assuming he’d return… She took him to the depths. As one by one they were taken, her equine form became more and more tainted with blight.
  She began to speak in horrid rhyme like the song she sang in her last breaths while she drowned the men. She started feasting on travelers, enticing them in and dragging them into the water to eat, like a crocodile. She had gone mad. But the girl was still there even as the Kelpie fell into a ghost story. “Beware the Kelpie” They would say, “She looks like a deviled mere, and will take you to a watery grave.”
  Her madness was far beyond her control. THIS was what made me begin to believe her Rocky; She said a kind old man came searching for night-crawlers. He had only bucket and a smile. She found him and brought him into her cabin. No matter how she tried, she could not seduce him. He spoke of this lovely couple; Theodor and Nancy Cash. Your Grandparents. His friends.
  She heard of them in his fondness and saw his kind soul. The girl grew stronger in his kindess and as he rose to leave, she begged the kind man to stay. She wanted that kindness. She felt hope again for the first time in hundreds of years. The girl had never felt the sincerity of genuine kindness before, only seduction and appeasement. He said he had to leave, but he’d send people to take her from the lake and give her a home. She flew into a fearful panic and the Kelpie returned to kill the man.
  Horrified at what she’d done, the girl buried him in respect and realized she could walk as the girl, but must relinquish her body to the Kelpie often or be trapped again. She heard people search for him in the distance the next night. Her mind had a voice, the Kelpie trying to reclaim control.
     “Find them. Kill them. Feast of them. Why should others be happy when you are not?”
  The lake had power now. It was all of her spite and rage and fear and envy and lust. The girl isolated herself for fifteen years, praying that her past slaughters would keep others away for fear of the Kelpie. Then, a Full Moon came. Like the ones that held so much heartache for her. That night she cried in her loneliness. She sang to herself a sweet song. A harmonious song. She wanted that companion, that kindness from before, but was afraid of what she may do for the Lake. The Voice. The Kelpie.
  The only friends she dared make were the deer in the wood. She even hid them best she could from the hunters in season…
  But then from the dark of the wood; a young Nobleman feared for her well-being. You were handsome and kind, you gave her your coat and brought her to our fire. She feared she had driven you away, hoped against better judgement that it wasn’t true. And you returned two more nights. You spoke for hours that night she was given a new name; Little Gwen, the Fairest in the Land. You didn’t just talk about knights and wizards that night. You talked about other things too.
  “Y'know, when I was a little kid… I kinda wanted to be the hero in those stories.” You told her, I guess. She’d replied, “A hero Rockwell? Like Lancelot?” in a calm admiration. Then you told her about yer favorite story, “Well… more like Odysseus. He was missing for twenty years. For ten of those years he fought to escape a prison and against monsters and warriors; and he sailed the ocean. He was trying to get back to his Wife Penelope and his Son Telemachus.” That made her perk up. “OH!” she exclaimed, “What a wonderful man! This is the man you want to be? A man who would always return, no matter how long it would take?” But you got so nervous. “I wanted to be a man who stands by his word,” you explained, “And would fight tooth and nail for what he loves… But I was a little kid, and fairy tales are just stories…”
  You talked about right and wrong, good and evil, what makes a man a man. She spoke of her favorite memory, a song sang to a maiden by a bard in her first few years here. She watched from the trees and was envious of their love. “Was he proposing to her?” You asked. “Yes, he asked her to be his wife.” she replied. “That is sooo cool!” you exclaimed. You were really keen on that part, “Oh my GOD, man! Proposing in song? Oh man... If I ever fall in love I’m gonna sing something to her. Maybe something by Def Leppard or maybe Tom Petty or Whitesnake!” You were so energetic. “…there is a deaf leopard? And…it sings with white snakes?” She had said, baffled by your words.
  And boy were you shocked to hear that. “Wait…You don’t know rock n’ roll?!” You asked. Then you made her a promise. “OH MY GOD! I have to show you sometime! I’ll bring my cassette player one of these nights; You’ll LOVE it!” She was undeniably in love and said she still had the urges to harm you the whole time. Even after you told her a story of a Round Table and a Hero King. Even after you named her. Even after you bonded over your former dreams and over music…
     Even after you swore you’d always come back. She felt she wanted to harm you.
  When she said that I confessed that I couldn’t believe she was a monster, but my Dah had sent someone to come get me from the wood. He arrived and saw Gwen. He demanded she come back with us, suspecting this girl may have seen who killed Flann. Knowing that the police would want to question her.
  I asked that we pretend she was never here, but his wife was my aunt and wanted justice for Flann so he pushed it. Most of the clan never wanted anything to do with him but some still thought blood was thicker than water…
  Gwen’s face fell cold and emotionless. She transformed into a hellish monster, a ghoulish beast, and she dragged him beneath the lake and devoured him. I was petrified with terror…then she changed back. She stood on the water in the middle of the lake like Jesus himself! “Run, I will let you leave this time.” She told me, “But if you or anyone, even my Noble Rockwell, return: I shall devour them all before they can scream.” I sprinted home as fast as I could and told Father what happened in my panic as dawn broke.
        Day 6
  I awoke with a mind-numbing headache to Elinore charging in through the front door right before Dawn. She started frantically telling her father about her and Hamish’s Uncle Gavin was killed by the Kelpie. This prompted a meeting between all the older adults in town. Most people in this town were superstitious as hell and now I could see why. As I watched this angry mob form in town square Hamish and Elinore came over and sat down next to me and we had our own conversation.
     Elinore felt guilty.
  She had been a fearful wreck when she spoke to her father that morning and now that she had calmed down she told me about what happened. Gwen’s origins, her life, the victims, the madness in the lake… And the only light in her dark life.
  "Me?!” I said, bewildered. Elinore peered into the well next to us, saddened. “Yeah, YOU Rocky…She’s not Evil. She’s lonely and scared and maybe a wee bit mad… But she’s lost, alone, cold and she hungers for a friend. For a COMPANION…” She trailed off. Hamish spoke up then, “Rock, when I met her I could feel it too. I was angry at yeh for payin’ attention to her. An’…An’ I had thought to lash out at yeh both in rage. Somethin’s awful in that lake…” I looked at them, eyes wide and astonished. I stood up suddenly, unusually stoic, “You…You’re asking me to see her again, aren’t you?” They both shot a sharp look at me Elinore slapped me in the face “Of COURSE not! She’ll kill you! She’ll drag you to the bottom of the lake and eat you up!” She put her face in my chest and started crying, “You can’t go back there Rocky! WHY would you say somethin’ like that?!”
  “Yeh really are somethin’ Rock,” Hamish shouted, “Even after all yeh saw an’ all yeh know, even after hearing how tempted she is to hurt yeh, to kill yeh: Yeh wanna go back there?!” I couldn’t say anything. “No, that’s not what I was saying… I just-”
  Elinore looked up at me from my tear-soaked shirt, “What on EARTH coulda made you think I wanted you to go back to her?! I was warnin’ you, Rocky! Tellin’ you she’s beyond help! She has a blood-lust! She cannah leave the lake. That lake…it changes people in the mind…”
  Then it hit me: I really am in love with her. Even after seeing what she is. But why? Just then Grandma Nancy walked up. “Rockwell Theodor Chance! Just WHAT have you done boy?!” I looked at her. She was worried and angry. “Do you know how worried we’ve been?! All these stories of a lake monster, you were sneaking out to see this…this…THING?! I wouldn’t have believed it if the Barley Brothers hadn’t have heard Elinore’s screaming in the woods and only ONE of them came back! They SAW it! the Kelpie! The Devil Horse of the Lake!!!”
  She took me by the wrist. “You’re coming home; You’re grounded Rocky.” Just then I found my courage. “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME DAD WAS DEAD?!” Gram stopped. “I…” My eyes flashed with vigor, “NO! NO Excuses! Dad died months ago and Ma signed custody over to YOU two? HOW can she just abandon me?! WHY wasn’t I told about this?!” Gram smacked me. “Your mother is dealing with guilt and anger herself Rocky. She needs time to-”
  I wrench my arm free from her grasp and continue, ignoring the pain in my face. “And Gwen. Don’t you EVER call her a 'Thing’ again. She’s kind and thoughtful and polite and sweet and the most beautiful person I’ve ever met in my whole life!” Hamish, Elinore, Gram, Gramps and the rest of the village stared at me in shock, “I don’t CARE if she’s the Devil! I don’t care if she’s a ghost or demon or boogeyman or fairy or freaking horse-monster! Because…because she isn’t really any of those…She’s…”
  I start crying but I hold my ground, “She’s a scared, lonely, angry, heartbroken and forsaken young Woman. She’s a damsel in distress waiting for her Noble Prince to come rescue her from her suffering! I PROMISED I’d come back to her. As long as I breathe, no matter how long it takes. Twenty Years, Ten Years. I’LL CROSS AN OCEAN OF MONSTERS FOR HER! I love her Gram. I LOVE My Little Gwen!”
  I broke down in tears. Elinore and Hamish were brought to tears too. The rest of town however…
     They locked me in a cellar.
  They’d decided that I had been bewitched by the Kelpie. That I was a danger to myself and others until Gwen was killed. A Villager, Shane Barley, said he saw the creature use the lake water and weeds to heal from his shotgun wound. They decided they could lure it far enough away from the lake and burn it to death. I beat on the cellar door until sundown. Elinore came to see me. We spoke through the door.
  “…Rocky…Tomorrow night they’re gonna go and burn the Kelpie…” her voice was shaking and I could feel her tremble. “Elinore, you gotta let me out, they’re making a mistake! You SAW her! She’s not a monster! She’s just scared…” Elinore was silent only for a minute. “Rocky… What makes you think she can be saved?” I hit the door with my fist, “WHAT MAKES YOU THINK SHE CAN’T BE?!” She peered through a crack in the door. “She is mad, Rocky. She may not be evil but her madness will…” She choked on the words. “SHE’LL STILL KILL YOU, ROCKY! EVEN THOUGH SHE LOVES YOU SHE’LL KILL YOU!  What if she did bewitch you?! What if she’s seduced you like she said she’s done?!”
  I could hear her crying and I could see her tears through the door. “Why… Why her?” She sniffled silently. We sat there for what seemed like forever. “Elli…” I said, “Do you remember when I first got here?” Elinore wiped a tear from her eye and said “Aye… Me Dah’s prized hog got loose and we all searched for it. You were flirting like the wily charmer you are…”
  She giggled a little through her worried, trembling voice. “Do you remember that wild dog?” I asked, “The Saint Bernard? The one that chased you through the woods by Potter’s dairy farm?” She sighed, “I thought the hog might’ve wandered that far east… Only a mile or two. You Lads told me he’d never’ve gotten that far. That I was bein’ silly and in this grove near the Potter’s… a rabid dog chased me about… I was so scared.” I looked at her through the crack in the door.
  “I followed you out there Elli. You were ready to give up. You were gonna live in that stupid tree you’d climbed forever. You saw me at the bottom of the hill screaming and waving my arms and the mangy mutt came after me. But you got so scared for me that you jumped down and got a big stick. You beat that stupid mutt to death.” I peered at her, “Fear is kinda like alcohol. A little isn’t unhealthy and can even make things fun. Like ghost stories. But too much and you turn into something else. I never guessed why you went against every urge to let me die there but now I do; You wanted to keep me safe. You cared about me. All my stupid, cheesy pickup lines and you saw deep inside to that geeky little wannabe I really am. You saw me risk it for you because you saw my heart, and how I cared about you. I was risking my neck to save yours, and you were such a bitch to me. You saw my… Nobility.”
  I stopped there. Dead quiet. “I love you Rocky.” she blurted out suddenly. I sighed. “Elli, that’s not the point here. You fought that mad fear of death to save me, because you saw I cared and out of all the people in her life; Gwen has only ever seen me care about her. I know I can save her, because… Because fear is strong. It’s insane. It makes good men do terrible things…
  But Love cuts through fear like a sickle through the wheat. She won’t kill me because she loves me. She’ll fight that lake with all the goodness and love in her whole heart and soul. She’ll win. And I’ll help her. I won’t let her do this alone. I need to be her hero as much as I need her to be mine. I’ve always been alone too. You guys? You and Hamish and Gwen are all I care about and Gwen needs me.
  You don’t NEED me. You WANT me. In another life, another time, I think we would have made some pretty good looking kids, Elli.” I paused when I heard her whimpering cry. But I pressed on, “She needs me. Elli: You have to let me out of here.” Elinore stared through that crack at me for a while. She didn’t say anything for a long time. She stood up and dusted her apron off.
  “You need to get some rest Rocky. It’ll all be over tomorrow. Then you can get on with your life.” She left. I knew I’d broken her heart. I knew that my only hope now to get out, to get to Gwen, to stop the town, was walking away right now.
     I had a restless sleep that night.
  They all think I’m cursed. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if I stay locked up for ten years, I’ll come back to you Gwen. I’ll come for you. No matter what happens I’m coming. I won’t let anyone hurt you anymore, My Little Gwen.
I fell asleep that morning. I dreamed of drowning, that I was drowning in the lake trying to pull Gwen out. I dreamed that the Kelpie was dragging her into the reeds, and I wouldn’t let her go. I dreamed that because I wouldn’t forsake her again, we drowned together in the cold and the dark.
        Day 7
     I awoke gasping for air.
  Saturday. Day 7 in this maelstrom of madness, terror, blood and sadness. But I dug deep and found my resolve. Gwen. I have to get out of here before… I looked out the window of the cellar. It was pitch black. It was already so late. I scrambled around the old wine cellar and found an old wine bottle corkscrew.
  “Ungh! OOF!” I started jabbing it into the space between cellar doors. I needed to lift the beam or break it and make my escape. “C'MON! C'MON, DAMMIT! WORK!” just then I hear a shriek “Rocky, stop it!” It was Elinore. “Yeh daftie! There’s a lock on the outside gimme a second…” It was Hamish too. I heard a latch unhook and clicking.
  Then the door swung wide open; Gwen and Hamish stood right there. Hamish had something in his hand “The hell is going…” I demanded; and then my heart dropped. Gwen?! She’s not… they didn’t…” Hamish pulled me out with one hand, handing the sack to Elinore. “No, they ain’t. But they’re close. Liam’s dead and your Grandpa Theo is hurt.” I looked at them. “Is he gonna be okay?!” Hamish nodded, “Yeh. Mum pulled him back in time to stop the bleedin’. It’s a bloody clusterfuck out there, Rock.” I eyed them both with new hope, “What are you guys doing here?”
  Elinore looked away. Upset and frustrated. “I’m not doin’ it for her, Rocky… But you’d never forgive me if I didn’t try…” I stared at them. “Gwen’s terrified Rock.” Hamish said, “I couldn’t take it. She kept screaming for you. Like, she knew you wouldn’t come but she was too scared to admit it… She’s tearin’ the wood apart running away and fighting back…” Elinore pulled an old stringed instrument out of the sack.
  “Okay, they say that Music can soothe a savage beast. Pan did it,” Elinore stated, “so did the Pied Piper, all kinds of stories have a musicians calming a monster, with a lute or something…” She paused,” And o’course there’s… true love.” She handed the lute to me, “If you think you can stop her with your heart and soul… Maybe this can help you do it?” I reached for the lute, but pulled away.
  “Shit.” I cursed, “I can’t play… I was in my 4th grade choir but that’s all vocal…” Hamish grabbed the lute. “Then it’s a good thing I learned the strings when I was laid up with a broken leg.” he said triumphantly, “Let’s go, Rock.” I took them both in my arms. “You guys… I’ll never be able to thank you enough.”
  Elinore pushed me back and said. “Enough blubberin’ Rockwell, we gotta monster to tame…” We ran from that cellar to the woods. There was crashing and screaming. I saw people running here and there freaking out. “They got to the Lake and started to lose it.” Hamish blurted as we ran, “Three or four got sucked in immediately. Dah held his cool and got it to chase him into the wood. Everyone else ran after or wandered of into the forest in a frenzy.”
  I saw charred bushes. “They lost their torches? What are they planning now?” Elinore shouted back “They nearly caught the woods on fire, me and Hamey had to douse the flames! If your wonderin’ about a plan though: I really don’t believe they have one right now…”
  Just then she appeared.
        No, wait; the Kelpie.
  She stood only a few yards away. Mister MacMillan leaped out into the path and waved his torch at her. “Kids ya gotta run! It’s all gone ta hell! All we can do is try and escape-” The Kelpie reared up and knocked him down. I grabbed the torch and the lute. “GWEN!” I screamed, “Gwen I’m back! I’m here Gwen, listen to me!!!” She snapped at me, gnashing teeth and glowing pale eyes.
  “The one who’s love I could not keep?! The one who sees me in his sleep! All you know shall end this night in blood and vore and baneful fright!” I ran toward the lake, screaming to Elinore and Hamish to get their dad away. I knew what I needed to do, but I was terrified that I would die.
     ‘Run! Run and save yourself! Use the men as a decoy!’
  The Kelpie thoughts raced through my head. ‘I must be getting close to the lake…’ I was determined, ‘I know I can save her.’ The night I named her. There was no fear or hate or envy in those eyes that night. There was just laughter and love and life…
     ‘I know we can do this.’
  I reached the lake-shore, caught between the beast and her lair. She burst from the brush and stood there, malice and menace, bane and blood-lust. She inched forward little by little. I ran to my old fire-pit and threw the lute in. then I set in on fire with the torch. “GWEN!” I shouted, “You’re freezing! Come sit by the fire with me Gwen! Let’s get you warmed up.” The beast hesitated. For a second I thought I could see her eyes; Gwen’s eyes instead of the Kelpie’s.
     “Blood and Flesh and Guts and Bone… Tonight you die a man aloooone…”
  I took a hard step forward, “I DON’T WANT TO TALK TO YOU, KELPIE! I want Gwen!” The beast stumbled again, “LET ME TALK TO GWEN! I WANT MY LITTLE GWEN! My beautiful Moonlit Maiden!” Lightning flashed in the sky behind me. The monster stamped and howled in fury.
  “You are a FOOL Rockwell of Chicago!” it shrieked, “We are one and the same!” I screamed back, eyes wide, teeth bared, nostrils flaring, face wrinkled into a rage:
  My Gwen is the most innocent and wonderful woman I’ve ever known! She’s afraid of you, of her other half, of all that pain and hate and spite she’s ever felt! You let me talk to her! NOW!!!” The creature lunged. It Rushed me from the front with a madness and hunger. I wanted to run, to scream, to fight it, to kill it… I braced my foot against the earth behind me and grabbed the beast by it’s snout. “LET ME SEE GWEN!” I screamed into it’s mouth, “I WANT GWEN! ONLY GWEN! I won’t leave without her!!! Give her to me now!”
  The creature’s face started to burn at my touch it staggered backward.
     “What is this?! A pain of form?! Lover’s kiss?!
  NO! NO MORE!!!” The creature raged, “NO ONE LOVES ME! NO ONE! HOW DARE YOU LIE TO MY OWN FACE!!!” It was breaking its song. Gwen was fighting it. I threw a stone at the Kelpie. “I LOVE HER!” I declared, “I want to be with her forever! I’ll never forsake my Gwen! You think you know her. You don’t. You only know her agony. That’s all you are is her pain and her bad memories. But SHE is more than that! She’s the most incredible creature in all of the world. No Fairy or Angel or Unicorn could ever match her. She’s my Little Gwen.” I walked forward and continued.
     “I don’t care what you do. Bite me, slash me, rip me apart. Kill me! Burn me! Eat my heart! Drown me! Shred me! smother my soul; But I won’t stop until she’s whole!”
  The creature began howling and rambling in that old Gaelic Speech. “Ha!!! You thought you were the only one out here who could make up shitty stupid rhymes? That’s not even the best part.” I knelt on one knee, just beneath the creatures dripping maw. I started to sing:
  “I can’t stop the feeling…I’ve been this way before. But, with you I’ve found the key to open any door. I can feel my love for you growing stronger day by daaaay… And I can’t wait too see you again; So I can hold you in my Aaaaarms!” the creature’s roar hurt my ears, “What sorcery is this?!”
  Is this love that I’m feeling! Is this the love that I’ve been searching for!
     Is this love! Or am I dreaming! This must be love 'cause it’s really got a hold on-”
  The Kelpie bucked and raged, “HOLD ON, GWEN!!!” I ran forward and grabbed the beast by the face, the monster thrashed and crashed and I closed my eyes kissed her forehead, “Hold on to me, Gwen!!! Hold on!!!” I continued the song as loud as I could, all my passion. I wasn’t a rock star but I gave it all I had. I  cradled the Kelpie’s head as I rang my pipes loud as I could until I was thrown on my back a few meters away.
  I looked up and saw it was curled up on the ground. A Horrible, emaciated mess of ghoulish equine horror; Broken and weeping. “Why? Why do you hurt me so… Why do you wish me dead?!” I answered the Kelpie; “Because you’re hurting my Gwen and all I want in the world is for her to laugh and prance and live and feel the warmth of the sun. The…” I paused, horrified, “The sun?” I noticed that the sky was growing brighter now. The sun was rising. I looked at the monster, it’s flesh slowly melted away, bit by bit and inch by inch the monster dissolved and there in the light of the dawn stood a beautiful living mere shimmering with a magical light of it’s own.
  “Rockwell Chance… My Rockwell… My beautiful, wonderful Hero…” She was steaming, smoking. The sun was burning her. “Gwen?! Gwen you’re burning!!!” I stood fast and the mere simply nodded, “Well, okay but you’ll be okay?” the mere tilted her head, “Gwen?! Gwen! What can I do to save you?! Gwen let me help you!” The mare smiled sadly and walked toward the fire next to me. She stood facing me as the men and women of the town came into view.
  “You already have, my love. You took all my sadness, pain, hate and fear away Rockwell… In that moment, when you serenaded me with your song of love, your White Snake’s song let me see deep inside you. Your soul and your heart… And I realized my God had answered my Prayer all those years ago… Those centuries ago.” The mere looked so sad, “I should have been patient. Truly. You were always on your way to me.”
  The Creature then- Gwen stepped into the fire and was caught ablaze. “GWEN!!!” I screamed, horrified, reaching into the flames for her but being pulled backward by Hamish’s powerful arms. “ROCK! GET BACK!!!” I was in a new frenzy. I was fighting so hard to get to her, “NO!!! GWEN!!! PLEASE! Don’t leave me, Gwen! I need you… I want you…” The mere became a young lady. She became my Gwen. The paleness and cold and filth of a vagrant were burned away and left only her true, majestic self standing there. “I’ll always be yours Rockwell. Only yours and always here for you…” The flames scattered, and she disappeared…
  The following week I called my mother and convinced her to take custody back from my grandparents. She needed me and we needed each other. I also resolved to return to my schooling with a more serious attention. I even went to college and became a writer. I wrote ghost stories and romantic tragedies. When I had finally gotten over mourning Gwen’s death I had told my mother what I always needed to.
  “Ma. Thank you. Thank you for sending me to Scotland. I never considered what you may have been feeling when Dad died, but I learned that summer what it’s like to lose that special someone… I Love you Ma. I don’t forgive you: I thank you.” She cried for almost an hour and gave me hers and Dad’s rings. As much as I thought she hated him, she never could.
  She could finally move on now herself. But then soon after Ma had been murdered by my Uncle Barry. He blamed her for my father’s death. He hit the bottle hard and drove himself mad. He went to prison and I never got to say goodbye to Ma. I visited him for years and he always asked me the same question.
  “Why don’t you hate me? What I did… How could I have done it?” I looked him in the eye when I told him. I’d seen more horror than he could ever imagine. All in one week.
  “Uncle Barry; Fear, Grief, Rage and Jealousy makes men into monsters and women into devils. You were drinking and grieving. I love you though, you’re the only blood I got left, Barry. And I’d be a shitty Nephew if I hated you for being in agony… As long as we see the monsters we become, we can keep them away from those we love. Sometimes we see em’ too late. You’re getting yours both from being in here and living with what you did. You regret it. We get desperate and reckless and throw our lives away and we end up punishing ourselves in the process of doing a deed we need punishment for… It’s fucked up. Life isn’t fair, all we can do is live and learn. I forgive you.”
  He found God in Prison. Life in prison with no chance for parole. He even became a preacher in the prison and preached unconditional love and acceptance. The good word of Jesus Christ. I never thought my forgiveness would drive a man to God. I don’t know if there even is a God…
     I just knew an Angel.
  I worked long nights at the College, teaching night courses of Literature like William Shakespeare and Homer and I didn’t sleep at night. I slept during the day and Dreamed of Gwen and the Lake. Not nightmares like back then, nice pleasant dreams. Where I could see her. Always the same. She’d run through the trees like a classical impish spirit, “Chase me Rockwell! Come and catch me! Come get me!” I suppose that’s why I never married.
     I was chasing ghosts.
  In August of 1997, ten years later, I inherited my Grandparent’s farm after they passed. I decided to move back there. I took early retirement and lived in Gram’s old place. Elinore had married Paul and had three kids. Hamish and Alice married, but they only lasted a few months before a divorce. Hamish took over his dad’s Tailoring Shop when the old man got senile. He was adorable as a crazy old coot. It made me miss the old days. “Things sure have gotten weird…” I said with a sigh.
  Elinore chuckled, “You’re tellin’ me! You talk an’ act like you’re the damn Buddha or some shite!” I smiled, “No buddha. Nothing special. Just Rockwell Chance, published author and University Professor.” I sighed, “But things… They are changed forever.” Elinore looked at me, Puzzled. “What do you mean Rocky?” I answered, “Well, I guess I mean they’re… Normal. Domestic. I mean look at you; You got Two little girls and a Baby boy! Geeze, life get’s mundane as you get older eh?” I laughed dryly. “My only memories here were adventures and horrors. And now this… wonderful, beautiful sight I never thought would look so...”
  Elinore handed the baby to Paul and called the twins over, “We had our share of adventures, aye. Straight outta Stephen King, to be sure. But it’s never a dull week…” She pointed at me and whistled to her children, “Gwendoline! Vivian! This is your Uncle Rocky!” The two redheaded girls jumped up and down when they got in front of me. “Uncle Rocky?! Ye have the same name as baby Rocky!” They both threw their arms around me and laughed, “Welcome Home Uncle Rocky!!!”
  I looked at Elinore, astonished. “Gwen..doline? Vivian? Rocky?” Elinore smiled “You’ve never been far from our minds Rocky. Neither of you.” I breathed a moment. “Gwen…”
  The little spitfire in my arms looked up at me, “Whatissit, Uncle Rocky?” I smiled. “You guys wanna play a game?” I asked, “It’s called TICKLE MONSTER!!!” The children laughed and we all had a good time. That night I went to Elinore’s for Dinner with her and Hamish. After dinner Elinore gave me the key to Gram’s old Place and I went and got unpacked.
  That’s when I saw it. ‘My Jacket? What?’ I thought, astonished, ‘But, I had never gone back for it after I gave Gwen her dress and hat…’
  But it was sitting on Gramps’ old rocking chair. I looked out at the woods and my heart raced. I finished packing and went out to the forest with a lantern and my jacket. I made my way to the old fire pit.
        It was a Full Moon out.
     I couldn’t find anything.
  I walked up to the lake and cautiously touched the water… Nothing. No evil thoughts no voice. Just calm, still water… I walked around to the east, to the tree I first saw her at. Nothing. No girl. No ghost. No monster. No horse. I made my way to the old Cabin. I walked in and looked around. I found a carving on the table:
     “To My Noble Rockwell. I am always none but yours; your Little Gwen.”
  I sat in my old chair and cried for almost an hour. I sat there remembering her. It was only seven days. Seven days of my life and she had embedded herself into my very soul. I wept and then began to dose…
        “Who is in there…?”
     I almost had a heart attack when I heard it.
  I fell off of my chair and hit my head hard on the edge of the bedframe. “YOW OW OW!!!” I looked up and standing in the doorway was enough to scatter my heart into a million tiny pieces of sunshine. “…You came back for me.” She smiled coyly. I leaped to my feet and wrapped my arms around her. “Is… Is it really…?” She smiled lovingly. “I told you I would always be here.” she whispered in my ear, “I waited for you forever… I was afraid you would never find me.” She giggled and winked. “Did you not get the messages I sent to you?” she asked.
  I was confused. “M-messages?!” I stammered. She laughed. “You dreamed of me every day, did you not?” she said with an impish grin. My mouth dropped open. “That really WAS you?!” She nodded. “During the day I become the lake.” she explained, “When the sun rises, I scatter to the wind and settle at the bottom of lake-bed. While in that lake in the sun, I could speak through dreams.” I began to sob, “You mean all those years ago you-” I choked, “I thought you died, Gwen!”
  She threw her head back and laughed gleefully. “You silly! I am already half-life! I cannot exactly die twice, can I? You silly man.” She kissed me on the cheek and twirled around to the door on her heel.“Wait, where are you going?” I asked, still reeling in shock.“The fire, Rockwell. You are freezing.” she piped. I put my jacket back on and followed her to a Celtic looking shrine she had built with a pyre out front. My eyes were so full of tears.
  “My God had punished me for my insolence but he never forsook me. I waited hundreds of years for my answered prayer… For him to send me a True Love…” She turned back to me, “In my grudge and grief I created a monster of myself. The Kelpie. It broke me in two. I was shattered and fighting against myself. My heart against my hurt…” She put her hands on my cheeks. They were so warm and tender now. The sun began to rise.
  “Rockwell… Will you return every Full Moon? Will you come and see me under the moonlight? Will you come back for me?” I took a trembling breath and answered.
     “No.” I answered.
  She smiled at that and I continued, “I’ll come back tomorrow night with my CD Player and show you rock n’ roll. Then the next night I’ll come and fill that old bookshelf with Camelot stories, the Iliad and Odyssey, Beowulf, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Midsummer Night’s Dream, Macbeth, Julius Caesar, Troilus and Cressida and Hamlet too. The Poetic Edda as well. I’ll bring you all those books that I wanted to show you so you can read them. Then the next night I’ll bring my own novels and stories that I wrote myself and read them to you too.
  And THEN I’ll find even more excuses and keep coming back each and every night until we grow old together.” She was a grown adult lady. She had shimmering emerald eyes and long, luscious auburn hair. Her rosy skin shone in the dawn’s light and her smile was oh so enchanting. She wore the dress and hat and ribbons I had brought her those ten years ago…
     She had grown with me.
  That petite teenage-looking girl I met ten years ago as a 17 year old boy had become a woman as I’d become a man. My Little Gwen was a true Lady now. The Fairest in the United Kingdom.
  “I’ll come and spend whole weekends- No, wait; whole weeks out here with you. I’ll read to the lake in the morning, sleep all afternoon and kiss you in the moonlight.” I drew her close, “I’ll be here with you until the day I die. If you go first I’ll come and read to the lake in your memory. I’ll love you until the stars fade and the sun burns the earth to cinders. Until the moon collides with the rings of Saturn and until all of time stops. I’ll never leave you behind. I’ll always be here; My Lady Gwen, the Fairest.” She smiled as we embraced and kissed our first kiss as the sun rose… She then drifted into the lake as Fairy Dust.
     “And I’ll always be here to greet you, my Noble Rockwell of Chicago…”
  So I ran back to my Gram’s old house and sang with the risen dawn. Elinore wouldn’t believe it… Maybe she could come with me to say hello, in time? Maybe the Twins would someday meet their Namesake? Maybe I could even find a Celtic Priest of sorts and Elinore’s family could witness a wedding? Perhaps I kept her secret very close to my heart, letting not even Elinore, Hamish, or anyone know she was here? Or maybe we never grew old and lived eternal in the magic of that Blessed Lake?
  Whatever happened next is my destined life and I think this is as good a place as any to end a Fairy Tale. Just know that I came back every night and we lived happily ever after.
     That’s how I met the Kelpie.
        My Fairest Lady Gwen; the Woman of My Dreams.
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