#what is this about in the end? kiana's biography or story of the whole world?
cloud-ya · 2 years
ah yes, people who accompanied kiana in her journey and life as well as had great influence on her all shown in the "graduation trip" preview
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corinthbayrpg · 4 years
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NAME. Ophelia Ancano AGE & BIRTH DATE. 122 & January 4th, 1898 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Female & She/Her SPECIES. Fury of Megaera OCCUPATION. Server at AnxieTea FACE CLAIM. Kiana Madeira
(tw: assault, homophobia, shooting, death ) Ophelia Ancano was born in a small, rural town outside of Toronto, in the providence of Ontario. She doesn’t know much of her birth parents — her father a Portuguese immigrant who traveled to America before she had even been born, the only information she’d ever learn of him told through stories, her mother a mixed woman of indigenous descent who died early in Ophelia’s childhood. She had done her best to take care of the little girl, but a harsh winter brought about a fever from which she never recovered, leaving her daughter alone in the world.
Before her fifth birthday, Ophelia found herself dropped off onto the doorstep of the only orphanage in the town, with no living relatives to claim the young girl. For the next four years of her life she lived at that orphanage, until was adopted by a middle-class family that owned a farmstead nearby, though they treated her more as a servant in the home than a daughter. She was in charge of taking care of the two younger, biological children of the couple, as well as working out on the farm to make sure they made their harvest each year. Although she obeyed diligently, always putting forth her best and working her hardest to help her adoptive parents, Ophelia couldn’t help but yearn for more out of life.
Though her biological mother was long gone, she could not help but think of the father that she had never met. Did he know she existed? Would he want to know her? Surely she could win him over, even if not. When denied the love and affection of parents from her adoptive parents, she became fixated on the idea that she could have a family like she had always wanted, if Ophelia could only find him. It was not an easy search to determine where he had gone, when she had asked her mother before the only answer she received was to America. But eventually, the resourceful girl managed to track down a traveling worker who came through the town yearly on his way to Toronto, and used to know her father. It was him who pointed Ophelia in the direction of Chicago, Illinois, forever changing the course of her future.
With nothing else keeping her in Ontario, she packed up what little she owned to herself and set off for the United States. A fresh faced twenty year old at the start of her journey, even just the travel was not an easy feat for someone near penniless, but Ophelia managed to make it on her own. Chicago was so much different than anything she had ever known, and for a time it seemed like the city might swallow her whole. Her plans fell apart fairly quickly, with no methods of locating the man that was her biological father, and no money left to her name to take care of herself. It was through a chance meeting that she found her saving grace in a new friend. The woman, much more comfortably situated in life, took a liking to the new arrival, and decided to take her under her wing. She got Ophelia a job as a switchboard operator at the same place where she worked, and introduced her into her circle of friends. And slowly, Ophelia began to built a life for herself.
Over the years her friendship with the other woman blossomed, eventually growing into a romance that neither were quite sure how to navigate. It was a taboo of the time, shameful and deviant, something that would ruin the two of them were it to ever get out, and so they were forced to keep their love a secret. Even so, it was nice in it’s own way, to keep to their own little world. They had each other, and no need for anyone else, and Ophelia finally felt as if she had found the love she had been searching for. Unfortunately, there were greater obstacles waiting in their path, that would eventually pull them apart. Her lover had caught the attention of a gentleman who would not take no for an answer, relentlessly pursuing her despite her repeated rejections and assertions that she held him with no regard. At the time, they thought him little more than a nuisance, and she assured Ophelia he would not be a problem. Young and naïve, she believed her.
Knowing that they could not go out in public with their love, they kept their clandestine meetings behind closed doors, with dreams of one day being able to live freely somewhere just their own. It was during one such tender meeting between the pair when he showed up unannounced at her home, and discovered the truth of their relationship. Furious with jealously and disgust, he attacked the women, putting them both in the hospital. Days later when Ophelia woke up, she was dazed and alone, and none of the staff would answer her questions when she asked about the state of her love. Finally, one nurse took pity on her after days of repeated questions, and told her that the other woman’s family had collected her from the hospital and took her out of the city completely, back to their home for recuperation. But try as she might, she couldn’t pry any more information out of the nurse than that. The police were no of no assistance either. After the true nature of their relationship had been revealed, they had no interest in helping Ophelia achieve justice for her assault. Enraged, alone and feeling betrayed by the city, after she was discharged from the hospital, Ophelia decided to take matters into her own hands.
Realizing that she would receive no help from anyone else, but that something had to be done to avenge what had befallen her, Ophelia enacted a plan of her own. She had decided it no longer mattered what happened to her, so long as he went down first, knowing that the horrible story that would follow would paint her as the villain. So be it then. It was at that point that she made contact with a shady moonshine seller she’d met within the city in order to buy a revolver, and waited for an evening when she was certain the man who had assaulted them would be home alone. The nimble young woman crept inside through an open window and shot him in the knee while he sat in his reading room chair, before he’d even realized she was there. But it was only when he fell to the ground, his eyes meeting her furious gaze, did Ophelia pull the trigger for the kill shot. She wanted him to see her, to know who it was that would take away his world, just like he had done to hers.
And perhaps that should have been the end of her story right there. The gun was loud, surely the police were on their way, and Ophelia had already accepted the fact that she would be found wrong in the eyes of the law. But fate have different plans in mind for her, for that was when the Fury appeared. Megaera had sensed the rage in her heart for the wrong committed against her and her love, and the desire for a reckoning, and it had drawn her to the young woman. She offered her a choice; the chance to leave her mortal life behind and become a Fury, an instrument of judgment to dole out punishment onto the wicked who deserved it, or to remain in her current path and face the aftermath of her choices. In the end, it wasn’t much of a decision at all for Ophelia. To stay behind when the likelihood of her future would lead to only death or imprisonment, when she could have the chance to enact real justice on the unrepentant world? She leapt at the chance.
And so she was taken to the Underworld with Megaera, where she began to learn her new capabilities and responsibilities as a Fury. Over the next century she flit in and out between the worlds, carrying out the justice that was tasked to her before returning to rest and recuperate in the domain that was now her sanctuary. She had been out among the mortals for half a decade when she received the call to turn her attention to Corinth Bay. Eager to obey, Ophelia grabbed what few earthly things she had come to possess in her time, and made straight for the Greek city. It was easy enough, to slip into the bustle of the city; take up a job at one of the local places, blend in with the crowd while carrying out her true work. But the longer Ophelia has stayed inside Corinth, the more she has begun to realize just how dangerous and powerful the stakes have become, with consequences that will impact the entire world before everything is said and done. It feels like something far outside even her reach, to try and stem the tide, and the fury worries that for the first time, she may not be capable of putting a stop to it.
+ dutiful, sociable, spirited - unforgiving, impetuous, self-righteous
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