#thats actually not even a name she was never given a proper fucking name
cloud-ya · 1 year
ah yes, people who accompanied kiana in her journey and life as well as had great influence on her all shown in the "graduation trip" preview
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atyourmerci · 1 month
Gold wing, angel
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meanloser!ellie X classpresident!r
CW: smut, MDNI, dom!ellie, sub!reader, v angsty, slight bondage, cunt slapping, fingering, cunnilingus, edging, orgasm denial, ruined orgasms, lite angel symbolism, no y/n, no pdor
A/N: actually surprised I finished a req (you all applaud me) this is inspired by “GOLDWING” by billie.
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Ellie was a sick drug. Something not to be desired. She was the epitome of the allure of indulging in something you shouldn’t have, shouldn’t know, try at very least.
How did she get this way- who made her like this? Anger taken out through bodies of admission in an act of revenge. Taking back what was taken from her. Her pride regained by your submission.
You could have never fathomed the aggression the loser from AP American literature could obtain. You thought she’d beg on her knees for you. Worship your every move, starstruck by even getting the chance to touch you.
But she didn’t. She reveled in taking you off your high horse, got off on watching the student body president, proper and witty, utterly depraved by getting her cunt abused by a fucking moron.
98- A fucking 98, you did not deserve a 98 on the midterm paper. Your work was frankly sloppy, lacked comprehension. It made you ill knowing you were turning in something so lackluster with your name slapped across the front so proudly. The only thing that made you sicker was the thought of receiving special treatment- you had an image to uphold. You got to your position in this society from your own intellect, blood, sweat, tears and all. Kissing ass for a fucking 98 wasn’t in the cards.
The class began filing out as usual, like wild animals in a pack, shiny white teeth like daggers. Meshing together in their navy steam-pressed blazers, hair like defining fur, the only indication of individuality.
Except for her, sticking out like a sore thumb, the great big elephant in the room. Breaking many rulebook codes with her black nail polish, unkept hair to the standard policy, her white polo unbuttoned at the top two buttons that revealed her freckled chest. Despite her all around degenerate persona, she was irritatingly smart. Maybe if she had an ounce of charm she’d take your place.
With the rest of the class out of sight she stares at you. Not cutting off eye contact you both rise from your chairs you practically run to Mr. Stevens desk. The slap of two papers hit his desk, a 98 and a 90 shining in red sharpie ink on the white papers.
“I don’t deserve this,” comes out in unison, the sincerity in your voice cut open by the harshness in Ellies.
“Please one at a time, ladies.”
Before the words can even escape your lips Ellie rages, “I worked my ass off on this. I deserve better than a 90,” she spits out. “I know you can do better than this Ms.Williams, I expect more from you.” Ellie scoffs back at him, “this is bullshit,” she muffles but continues standing at his desk.
Mr.Stevens nods his head in your direction for your speech, you glance at Ellie with her arms now crossed, awaiting your protest. You brush off her insistence on staying and begin, “Mr.Stevens, I appreciate your grading and understanding my agenda for the midterm, but objectively this is sub-pare work. I think you may have given me someone else’s grade… maybe you mixed up my grade with Ms.Williams.”
He doesn’t skip a beat, “I don’t mix up grades, you earned it. Now if you two will excuse me,” Mr.Stevens directs you both to the now empty hallway.
Ellie storms out with rage, cheeks flushed and lips pressed closely, you follow behind. “‘ms Williams’? the fuck was that?” Ellie presses in a scowl, words echoed in a bare hallway.
“Look I read your paper, I think you deserved better,” you retort in an attempt to soothe her. You cant seem to keep your eyes off her cupids bow, the contrast of soft pink lips against her tired skin.
“Oh thats fucking rich coming from ‘ms I don’t deserve my grade’ you’re pathetic,” she points, eyes thinning.
“Maybe if you weren’t such a bitch more people would like you,” you attempt, heat rising in your own cheeks, heart thumping roughly in your chest.
Ellies cruel disposition contorts into a grin, inching closer to your body, “you’re fucking him aren’t you? Ms. perfect sucking off the teach so she can stay on top?”
A power so foreign comes before you, using force to push your wrist into her chest, though she doesn’t budge, “shut up.”
She returns your aggression, pushing your bodies flesh up against the brick wall behind you, ripping the breath from your lungs. Your hands instinctively grip into her shirt. Her eyes are wild, as if she was surprised she’d taken it this far, or rather puzzled by the fact you haven’t broken your grasp.
You both pant from the intrusion, glaring, waiting- waiting for someone to cave.
Like a dog on a leash you dragged her in, pulling her by her fabric until her lips met your own. A depraved act, met with open mouths and wandering tongues. Hatred in its finest form, digging into her as if you’d ever thought of it. A subconscious desire pulled from the depths of your cravings.
Before true indulgence she pushes you off, taking a moment to look at your hazy disposition, drunk on delinquency, “don’t ever do that again,” she pants out. Taking her thumb she wipes the saliva from your bottom lip and takes off without your response.
Time after time you went back. You told yourself you’d stop, never talk to her again. Yet there the keys were in the ignition, a path that you knew like the back of your hand. Leading, controlling your own fate of defacement.
“Can you please just open the door,” you plead on her doorsteps, mind and body corrupted- to only be pleased by the mental games, the destruction in forms of submitting to her.
Strung up like an old doll long forgotten in the attic, bound wrist behind your back and ankles tied to the head of her bed, vulnerable and needy.
“What now? Use your fucking words,” Ellie remarks before spitting on your neglected cunt. Your body winces at the sensation of the hot liquid dripping down the pulsing flesh, “please I promise I’ll do whatever you ask.”
She hovers over your squirming body, carful to not give you the satisfaction. Gripping your jaw in her hand, “do you ever pay attention to what I tell you? You don’t deserve to come,” cocking her free hand back to lay a purposeful slap to your slick folds causing you to scream out from the blissful pain.
She lays another one into the already beat red skin, a cruel grin growing on her lips as she hears you enjoying it. “You’d let me do anything, wouldn’t you?” she asks glaring at your tucked in lip, eyes glossy. You nod back at her, signaling your approval for using your body as her personal vessel.
Somehow it was good enough for her, dropping down to your perked nipples and sucking it into her teeth as she uses her hand to cover your eyes. You’d learn very early on that you weren’t allowed to watch her use her mouth on you. In the odd occasion she’d let you have your cunt in her mouth shed have your face shoved in the sheets while she took you from behind. She never told you why- and you didn’t dare ask.
Your wrist wriggle behind your back as your chest arches into her mouth, hot and wet. You obsess over what it would feel like on your mouth again, most nights were spent only thinking of her mouth- foreign, an impenetrable fortress. You began to chase the chance of the feeling her again.
You feel as her mouth comes off of the swollen bud as she removes the hand on your eyes, “don’t look,” she says with no threat in her tone, but you don’t risk crossing her.
You shut your exhausted eyes, dropping your head back as you feel her wrap her arms around the meat of your thighs. She drags an antagonizing strip up your slit, jolting your body into the mouth.
She goes as slow as possible, providing as little pressure she can muster up to the swell of your clit, but from her slaps it wouldn’t take much. Your body akin to a fish gasping for air out of water, squirming under her touch. She digs her fingers deep into the flesh as a warning.
“If you ever want to come again Id advise you behave.”
“P-please,” you plead to her, legs shaking as you whimper her name over and over like a prayer.
“I said no, i swear to god I’ll ruin every fucking orgasm,” sliding her two fingers into your clenching hole she drives slow pumps as she returns her mouth to your clit.
Your face contorts in concentration, attempting to hold yourself back but you could only be held off for so long.
“Ellie- Ellie!” bursting at the seams, your body detesting her rules, letting the hot white cum coat her fingers. She only fucks you harder, faster through your orgasm. This is a game you weren’t to win, rather to allow herself to revel in your pain. She got off on destroying your mind, making it to where you can only be pleased by her punishment.
Ellie kept her word, working you up on the edge of finishing and stopping completely, laughing at your pathetic state, crying and begging to come.
Clipping your wings, she hung them on her walls as a trophy. Pleas echoing her room, come splattering her sheets, your lips chapped and neglected.
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uchihashisuii · 3 years
98 with V/Johnny??
I love your writing and prompts. I may or may not stalk your page every day 👉👈
thank you so much for the kind words im. thats so kind of you ily 98. “I can’t watch you with someone else. It’s tearing me apart.” 
Whenever V gets intimate, Johnny does the polite thing and fucks off. Not for her benefit; well, not entirely. Even when he's projecting and standing nearby somewhere, he can still hear her thoughts as his own, can feel her emotions, even the things that physically touch her. When she cries, he feels her pain. When she's shot, it burns him. When she's fucking ... well. First time she hooked up with someone after the chip ended up in her skull, Johnny did his best to be as still and quiet as possible. Not because she deserved privacy, but because it was pretty fucking weird, getting fucked in a pussy he doesn't have. He remembers asking her to at least top the next hookup, to which she threw a pillow that fell right through him. Second time she hooked up with someone, Johnny was as much of a nuisance as he could possibly be. Cropping up beside the bed, shoving his face in as close as he could, making fun of the guy's technique and weird dick. It had had the desired effect, and V had ended up shooing the guy out and finishing herself off with a toy. (She'd ignored him for a full day after that. He tries not to remember how much that hurt.) When he's projecting out of the chip, the connection is still there, but ... muted. He doesn't feel her as strongly, though their shared waves of thought are still the same. Emotions are lessened, and touch is more of a light caress. Better for everyone involved if he keeps that distance, when she's alone with Viktor. Old man can go for fuckin' hours, Johnny'll give him that. Knows how to play V like a guitar, making her gasp and moan and cry out his name. It drives him up the wall, knowing that V loves him. He tells himself to mind his own business, but the lines of what is and isn't his business are so fucking blurred; he doesn't know where he ends and she begins or where to draw the line between Johnny and V. They're connected more intimately than anyone else on this godforsaken planet, and it makes him want to beat his head against the wall from frustration; she's the closest thing he's ever had to actual, proper love, and he's cursed to never even touch her. If he believed in it he'd probably call it karma. All the shit he pulled, his selfishness and mean streak big enough to engulf the city. He was given another chance at life, and learned through V what it was to really, actually live. And the thanks he gives her is pain and inevitable death. This is his punishment; watching her fall in love with another man who will never know her as well as Johnny does. She deserves it, really. Deserves to be fucking worshipped, and loved so deeply that it can take all her pain away. And he deserves to watch it happen, to watch her slip through his fingers. All he's done is cause her anguish; he has no right to mar her with his blasphemous touch. He has no claim on her, regardless of how much he yearns - She was never his to begin with. Never would be.
send me a prompt!
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thepoodlepack · 3 years
What's wrong with goldenpoodles? I'm genuinely curious because almost all of my dogs are mixed breeds and behave fine. So I'm curious if there's something else I'm missing
jeez this feels like bait but u kno what, you got me
alright, so it goes like this. the doodle really began with a guy in australia being like i need the temperament of a lab for a guide dog but these ppl are allergic to dogs, so i need a poodle bc they have hair, not fur. so he bred em together. years later he’s like damn that was a mistake.
now, why, exactly? alright so first of all he only needed that mix bc labs on average tend to adapt better to situations that are largely exclusive to service dog work than poodles do. i can go into what this means at a later date, but that’s basically how it is. but either way, people jumped on this creation and it kinda spiraled out of control. soon, poodles were being bred by everyone and every breed. suddenly, they were a marketing scam more then they were a dog breed.
oh theyre hypoallergenic! all of them, all the time cause zero allergies! look theyre so much better than poodles! theyre friendly and easy to train, not like poodles of course, just like labs! they’re better than labs bc none of them shed, ever! they’re super healthy bc breeding labs and poodles together wipes out all their health problems, of course!
lies, lies lies. the aussie guy, whose name i’m not going to look up bc i’m lazy but who you can find if you google creator of doodles, straight up says that even the first litter(s) of labradoodles he bred had puppies that the people he bred them for were allergic to. he very carefully tested the litter and the reaction the person had before placing a puppy that was not going to hurt them.
think of the punnet squares we all learned about in 5th grade science class. you draw the squares and one parent has two fur genes and the other parent has two hair genes and what do you get? well if you have four puppies, one might have hairhair and the next one might have hairfur and the next one might have furhair and the next one might have furfur. and so guess what? only hairhair pup is going to be the best choice for allergic people. additionally, you can see why the non-shedding thing can be bullshit, and that in particular is also a guessing game. you may be able to test allergy sufferers against the pups, but that does not necessarily mean they won’t shed. hairfur, for example, may be a good choice for some allergic people, but perhaps they’ve got just enough fur to shed anyway. also, lets look at salukis (and frankly, most long-haired sighthounds). salukis are still considered dogs with fur, not hair. they also still shed, even though it’s just a little. and yet they’re still considered good for allergy sufferers.
(ps poodles do actually shed. but they shed like humans shed. your hair comes out, doesn’t it? like, esp folks with long hair, aren’t people always complaining how you clog the shower drain? yeah, like that. ALSO obviously the situation is more complicated then super simple punnet squares and as an ex-groomer i have something to say about doodle coats but i’m going to save that for later, put a pin in it.)
oh and wait a hot minute there. i said best choice, didn’t i, not hypoallergenic. well, that’s because no dog is hypoallergenic. poodles, and a few other dog breeds, they have hair, like we do. but the thing is both humans and breeds with hair still produce the dander, though they’re different kinds. breeds with hair happen to produce the least amount possible that dogs can produce, which is why they’re a better choice for allergy sufferers, but that’s still not a guarantee. my roommate Dakota is allergic to dogs. if i don’t wash my dogs for an extended period of time (which has never happened, ever, in my life, idk what ur talking about), thus giving the chance for the dander my dogs still produce, he will have a very, very mild reaction when touching them. it can be countered by him washing his hands after touching them and also me just giving them a fucking bath, i need to stop forgetting, but still, there you go. ALSO people might not be allergic to dogs bc of their dander. they might be allergic to the saliva of dogs, which poodles or any other breed with hair still produces about the same as other dogs. so, yeah, not hypoallergenic, not at all.
the people who taut their hypoallergenic dogs for sale largely don’t do the testing required to check if they’re actually providing a dog to someone who won’t react to it. not acceptable at all.
so, labs are friendly and easy to train right? not at all like poodles, right? no. absolutely incorrect. some labs are friendly and easy to train. some labs, a lot of them when they’re puppies, are nightmare fuel. personally, i have a theory that everyone’s vision of labs in their heads are either a) service dogs or b) those old labs who are slightly pudgy (or morbidly obsess, which is a different topic) and who are graying in the face and just want to lounge around because they’re seniors now. alright, so here’s why thats bad. labs are a working breed. a retrieving breed. they’re supposed to be bulky and strong and driven. service dogs are highly trained, to a point that most pet dogs will never see, and if you see them with their actual disabled handler, they’ll probably be around 2.5 yrs of age and out of their most wild days. old labs are well. old. sleepy. maybe a bit achey. and well out of their most wild days. oh, and it’s the same type of thing with goldens by the way, the other most popular doodle type. poodles are also easy to train, especially if their parents have a decent temperament. they’re all about equal if you actually start training them when they’re puppies and just pay for some training classes, like everyone should. in the puppy classes i’m in right now, Euphoria is leaps and bounds ahead of doodles, goldens, and labs that are her age or older. I train her properly and she’s got amazing parents. that’s it, that’s the trick. not breed, not necessarily, and def not in this case.
I am once again going to say that labs and goldens are more often used as service dogs than poodles because of their adaptability, but it’s the ability to adapt to situations that most pet dogs will never have to worry about.
jeez this is a long post. i’ve still got more to cover too. alright, on to super healthy, or “hybrid vigor” as the nerds call it. uhh, it’s bullshit. thank u for ur time.
okay, but actually why on gods green earth would breeding two completely different breeds with little to no research make them super healthy? now i want to preface this with i’m (generally) pro-outcross projects. Euphoria’s dad is half mini poodle and half standard poodle, which isn’t technically an outcross bc all the variations are of the same breed, but if we’re going by genetic diversity alone minis and standards are different enough to actually be different breeds.
so, to be clear, outcrosses, given the proper thought and planning: good, results in healthier dogs (see: lua dals). randomly breeding two very different breeds together with no planning other than to sell the puppies to randos who won’t continue the outcross: bad. especially when you’re doing it to cash in and don’t health test at all, or don’t health test the major health problems with both breeds (if you’re doing an f2 breeding or anything like that). no the poodle’s health problems don’t get canceled out by the goldens or labs or whatever the other party’s health problems are, and vice versa. and yeah, i’ve looked at a lot of doodle breeder’s websites and yeah, most of them don’t health test at all, or at least don’t health test properly. do you know i own one doodle and currently live with another? yeah, i got them both from breeders and do you know how much health testing their parents got? if your answer is none, good job, you’ve been paying attention. in my defense, i was like 13, i didn’t know what i was doing.
alright, so those are the big points. this is kinda gonna be just... a mix of my other complaints. here we go, hope you’re ready for more. argument the first: i feel like it’s pretty disrespectful to reputable breeders. now, i actually have two reasons why that is. reason one: most reputable poodle breeders don’t want their breeding stock bred with other breeds, for various reasons. i’ve even met a few who used to be okay with it and then as the doodle scam got bigger and more out of control, they stopped being okay with it, even to the breeders who they had been fine with it in the past. that means a lot of doodle breeders out there have their breeding stock because they scammed poodle breeders into giving them pet quality, not breeding quality, dogs or because they’re getting their stock from non-reputable breeders. i also feel it’s disrespectful to breeders who are actually trying to create new breeds. quite frankly, a breed with the size, strength, and adaptability of a lab or golden that doesn’t shed and that has the train-ability of a poodle, lab, or golden sounds pretty interesting to me. did you know you can actually make that breed? and it wouldn’t be a cross with unpredictable... well, everything. it would actually be a true dog breed.
Look at Silken Windhounds and Biewer Terriers who began both development in the 1980s. Biewer Terriers were recognized by the AKC this year, and Silken Windhounds still haven’t been. And yeah, that’s the problem isn’t it? Making a real new breed takes a lot of time, planning, and care. People would rather just cash in. I think it’s sad and I think it’s disrespectful to the breeders who do work so hard to make actual new breeds.
and finally, unpin being an ex-groomer goddamnit. guess what? doodles are awful to groom! they’re terrible on the grooming tables because people want to have in both ways: they want a dog that doesnt shed at all and they want a dog who doesn’t need to be groomed. well guess what, that dog doesn’t exist and you can have it only one way. and also, bring back the goddamn punnet squares because a lot of doodles have awful coats. if you have hairfur and furhair over there, guess what, their coat fucking sucks bc it’s not meant to be like that. it wants to mat bc hair but also it wants the mats to slide out bc short-ish fur but its too thick for the mats to slide out bc thick hair. and yes its more complicated then this and that means its often more awful then this. its awful, it makes me want to cry. and maybe it’s slightly easier to get away with it with a shorthaired dog like a lab, or, you know what, even a golden, okay, even a slightly long haired dog like a golden but people are doodling akitas? border collies? bernese fucking mountain dogs? i am crying. i am crying right now as i type this.
lets do a sum up to this disaster of a post. look, i don’t go out there attacking or yelling at every doodle or every doodle owner i see, alright? or any of them really. i might engage in conversation to one that’s interested, but that’s it. i love my doodly Isis, okay? shes tiny and she’s adorable and I love her more than life and i will never, ever get another doodle. i don’t like the way they’ve gotten so prolific, i don’t like the reasons they’re now widespread, and i don’t like almost all of the people that create them, including the ones i’ve literally given my (parents) money to in the past. i wish they were better but i just cannot approve of them, especially not in the environment they exist in now. that said, i do support them in their original use case as assistance dogs, and i do not care about them if they’re shelter dogs.
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gildedmuse · 4 years
Okay guys, it's time. Let's do this. let's talk about how the Strawhats autographs clearly reflect their core personalities I. A way real life autographs will never live up to.
Nico Robin - Cute, Strange, Thoughtful
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This is so Robin from so many different angles. At first you're like, okay, she's actually signed her name but then she drew this picture... She just, she just being cute?
No. I mean, yes, she definitely did draw it thinking it was cute. But she also drew a Rooster. Fitting, since she calls Bartolomeo Rooster-kun. It's both clever and cutsie, personal and connected back to their time together but in a way where most outsiders looking at it would only see a silly drawing. It is very much so Robin.
Franky - Always Himself
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Where Robin has all those little different meanings, Franky's signature is just 100% him. Always. It's his star. It's his name. He's tagged it "To My Brother", something I believe that Franky would sign to almost anyone who asked him, and yet I feel would genuinely mean it anytime he signed it. This is Franky as an autograph. This autograph cries every time the Strawhats reminisce about that one time they went to [Any Given Island] and almost died because of [Their Own Stupidity And/Or A Shichibukai] but then didn't.
Every. Fucking. Time.
Luffy - The Protagonist
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Look, Bartolomeo doesn't have to be told who this signature belongs to, the audience doesn't need to be told, Luffy doesn't need to be told. We all know who Me is because we a know who the centeral figure in this story is, and seeing as Bartolomeo is just a fan who got stuck in One Piece, yeah. Me and done.
Usopp - Gave It More Thought Than He Needed
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I think we can all picture Usopp laughing and saying, "What? Of course you want an autograph from the great Captain Usopp!" and then internally freaking out about making sure it has everything an autograph should have. And because, despite his anxiety, Usopp's heart is usually in the right place (and because that's what tends to matter when interacting with fans) I actually think he nails it.
He signed his name, he included a little jolly roger doodle, and he personalized the tag showing that he actually learned Bartolomeo's proper name (pretty impressive fete for a Strawhat). I mean, yeah, if more than ten people at once ever asked for his autograph this would not be feasible and he'd go into meltdown mode fast but for one single person? Nailed it.
Zoro - Sword
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I... Mm...
I... Excuse for just a second.
Right. Okay.
I think we can all see that Zoro is probably literate. So, you know...
That's probably important or whatever.
So glad we did this.
So glad.
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Sweet Pea//don't know if you love me or you want me dead
Request: I dunno if this'll go through or not but can i request a Sweet Pea/reader based on this text post, I can't find the original version lol 
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hey! sweet pea imagine based off this ^. originally posted by @riverdalecentral​, so thank you! its enemies to lovers!! which is a trope that i adore! (side note, if you ever see anything to do with enemies to lovers you can 100% just send it to me with literally no explanation and i absolutely will not mind). title is from ‘teeth’ by 5sos! i had so much fun writing this! i hope you all enjoy it! i also hope you’re all having a lovely day/night!
No matter where you are in the world, you never want to be in a forest at night. But if you live in Riverdale, thats just a given. Nobody in their right minds goes into Fox Forest at midnight, however, spending five minutes with Sweet Pea can make anyone go insane. And so here you are, trekking through the woods like you’re in some sort of shitty horror film. 
“I can’t believe Jones has got us running around town like we’re in fucking Scooby Doo.” Sweet Pea huffs as the two of you walk through the trees. You let go of the branch you’re holding, and it narrowly avoids hitting Sweet Pea. You can feel the glare you’re getting and a small smirk twitches at your lips. 
You and Sweet Pea have a complicated relationship to say the least. You’ve both been part of the serpents for the same amount of time. (You were actually initiated 5 minutes before him but he doesn’t like to admit that). You have grown up in the same trailer park, five trailers from each other and you share the same friends. But there’s just something about him that makes you want to stick pins in your eyes. And there’s something about you, that makes him want to repeatedly stub his toe every single minute of his life, rather than spend five minutes with you. So yeah, its complicated. 
There’s been so much speculation around why you two hate each other. Fangs says its because you’re both too stubborn to actually have a proper conversation (whatever Fogarty). Toni says its because you secretly like each other (gross), and there was once a theory that it was because you had secretly dated and then broke up (again, you would rather stick pins in your eyes). 
You just hated each other. That was it. 
Although, despite the fact that spending five minutes in the same room with him makes you nauseous, he is kind of attractive. If you’re into the whole ‘bad boy, gang member, secretly soft at heart’ thing. Not that you’d ever admit that to anyone. 
“You’re Shaggy!” “You’re Scooby.” You both say at the same time making your expression mirror his. You both glare at each other before reluctantly turning away and continuing to walk.
“If you’re implying that I’m lesser because I’m the dog...1. You’re an idiot. Everybody loves dogs and Scooby Doo is evidence of that. And 2. Scooby Doo is the main character. The whole franchise is named after him, making him the lead. He even has a snack named after him. Its Scooby’s world and we’re just living in it.” 
“What. The. Fuck.” He stops and you roll your eyes, turning around to look at him. 
“You know I’m right...Shaggy.” You shine your torch in his eyes and he squints before flipping you off.
“How am I Shaggy?” 
“You give of major stoner vibes, you’re always eating and I never see you wear anything other than a dark t-shirt, black jeans and your serpent jacket.” You look him up and down and he huffs in response, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“They all wear the same outfits...they’re cartoons.” 
“True.” You nod. “But the other two are right. Plus, you’d be nothing without me.”
“I’d be a lot happier without you.” He replies and you send him a sarcastic smile back. He returns it and the two of you continue through the woods, your torches casting a variation of shadows against the tall trees. Its less like Scooby Doo and more like Blair Witch. And despite your company being Sweet Pea, you’d rather him than nobody.
You suddenly get the feeling your being watched, and the intensity of it makes you stop in your tracks, Sweet Pea soon catches up to you, stopping beside you and also looking around. 
“What is it? Did you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror?” He teases and even though you’re absolutely terrified, you still find it in yourself to punch him in the arm. 
“We’re in the middle of a forest. Where would I find a mirror?” 
“I don’t know.” He shrugs. “I’ve found some weird things in the woods. I once found a pile of bones, a belt and a half eaten apple.” 
“I-What?” You look up at him and he shrugs casually. 
“To this day I have no idea why they were there. Although, the belt does look pretty good on.” 
“Hm-Wait what?” You glance at his belt, the silver reflecting off the rays of your torch and he quickly looks away. 
“What exactly are we looking for?” You ask, changing the subject. 
“I dunno. Jughead just said ‘anything strange’.” 
“In Riverdale? Yeah, that’ll be easy.” You huff before quickly pointing your torch to the side of you. Sweet Pea joins, the two of you silently listening and watching (and praying) that its just an owl. After a minute you both continue walking, this time in silence and you’re sure you’ve huddle a little closer to each other, but neither of you seem to mind. 
Twigs snap underneath your shoes and a gust of wind makes the trees rustle around you. It makes you shiver, and you swear Sweet Pea pauses for just a second to look around. The whole atmosphere makes you feel suddenly claustrophobic, despite being in the great outdoors, and right now you’re unsure who you hate more, Sweet Pea...or Jughead.
“What did he mean by strange?” You whisper and look around again. 
“I don’t know. Anything that could explain the weird going ons at his preppy new school.” 
“Why would that have anything to do with the woods. They’re in the opposite direction of each other.” 
“Ask Jones.” He holds his hands up defensively making you huff loudly. Your barely make it two steps before freezing again, Sweet Pea grunts as he walks into you but you don’t acknowledge him, too busy trying to decipher whether the noise you heard was a bird or a murderer. 
“Did you hear that?” 
“What!?” He looks around quickly and somehow, the two of you end up closer together than you were before. “Y/n, I swear to god, if you’re fucking with me, I will actually kill you.” 
“Surprisingly, you don’t sound that threatening when I can feel you literally shaking beside me.” 
“Shut up.” 
“Why did Jones even pair us together. You’re about as much use as a wet sock.” You mutter angrily, but you cut yourself off when you see a shadow move out of the corner of your eye. Before you can stop yourself you’re reaching out for Sweet Pea, grabbing his arm and squeezing. “Sweet Pea?” 
“Yep?” His doesn’t even hide the fear in his voice, and if you were in any other situation, you would have definitely made fun of him. 
“Did you see that?” 
“...yep.” He nods. “Do you think we should investigate?” 
“Do you think we should investigate?” You mock. “Its like you want to get murdered.” 
“A lot of people wouldn’t be opposed to that.” 
“Getting murdered, or you specifically getting murdered.” 
“Either, or.” He shrugs. 
“I think at least a few people would miss you.” You reply and a smirk appears on his face. 
“Am I dead? Have I already been murdered? Are you actually being nice to me?” 
“We can find out if people would miss you if you want.” You smile sarcastically at him and he shoves you lightly. For a second, the two of you forget where you are and what you’re supposed to be doing. It feels light, even if you are being rude to each other, and you swear, for a split second, you feel yourself enjoying each others company. But of course, he ruins it. 
“No thanks. I’m happy knowing that you’d miss me.” 
“I never said tha-” He only looks away for a few seconds. He saw something move and he thought he’d check it out. But in the time that he turns around, that he pulls his eyes away from watching your lips as they say whatever sarcastic comment you’d come up with, you vanish. Your sentence being cut off. 
He swears he’s never moved faster. Instantly he turns back around, shining the torch in every direction he can. It suddenly feels darker and the only thing he can hear is his heart beating in his throat. “Y/n?” It starts off as a whisper, unsure of what to do. But when you don’t answer, he manages to find his voice. “Where did you go? Y/n? I would very much like to hear your annoying voice.” His eyes close, despite every fibre of his body screaming at him not too. He’s seen horror films, he knows he shouldn’t close his eyes, but he needs to wish and prayer and do anything he can to find you. 
“...sweet pea?” Your voice is quiet and trembling, but he hears it and his eyes snap open, frantically looking around. 
“Y/-” Your name dies in his throat once he sees you, and he can’t speak anymore. 
For as long as Sweet Pea can remember, he’s been day dreaming about you getting into traumatic accidents. There’s a running competition between the two of you, over who can come up with the most gruesome and violent end for the other.  Unfortunately he is winning due to a very traumatizing death that he said was inspired by both Saw and Final Destination. 
Right now though, your actual life is in threat and he has never wanted anything less in his life. 
A blonde, creepy looking boy around the same age as both of you holds you tight to him, one arm over your chest while the other holds a knife to your throat. There’s a dark haired girl stood beside him, also holding a knife, and even though she doesn’t look as intimidating as the blonde, it does nothing to make Sweet Pea feel better. 
“Wow, Jones was too scared to find us himself he sent his lackeys to do his dirty work.” 
“Let her go...please.” His voice breaks and he takes a careful step towards you. His hands already reaching into his pocket, desperately searching for his knife and brass knuckles, but he stops when he makes eye contact with the boy. 
“And we are not his lackeys.” You protest, despite the knife digging into your skin further, and the hold on you becoming tighter. 
Whatever Sweet Pea was feeling, whether it was fear, vulnerability or something in between completely disappears. And his gaze shifts from the man holding you, to you yourself, the same annoyed expression on his face. “Maybe focus on the knife being held to your throat, and then argue about what we are to Jughead.” 
“Don’t tell me what to do.” You roll your eyes. 
“Oh sorry for trying to save your life.” 
“Save my life? You couldn’t even sav-” 
“Is this a bad time? Do you want us to come back and kill you later orrr?” The girl asks sarcastically as she looks between you and Sweet Pea. Both of you look at each other before looking at the floor. 
“Continue.” You grumble and you feel the knife slice into your skin. A small cry escapes your lips and Sweet Pea looks up quickly. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him look so frightened, and you definitely didn’t think you’d be on the receiving end of such a look, but there’s something about it that stirs something inside of you, in spite of the very inappropriate moment.
“Okay.” She says, twirling the knife in-between her fingers. “We can either do this the easy way, or the even easier way. We’re going to make it look like a fight that went wrong. And then we’ll stumble out of the woods, covered in blood, crying, saying that it was self defense.” She smiles wickedly. 
“Even better idea, we don’t even have to be here. We could make it look like a fight between two gang members.” 
“Hmmm.” You and Sweet Pea say at the same time. Both of you know it’s very rare that Serpents kill each other, so that wouldn’t work, but as soon as you look at each other after the collective thought, do you realize the mistake you made. Never say ‘hmm’ when faced with death. 
“Aww, thanks for helping us plan your death.” The boy says. “So no to the fight between gang members. What about a fight between two lovers.” 
“Ew.” You mutter. 
“Gross.” Sweet Pea adds. 
“I’d rather just die.” You shrug and Sweet Pea sends you a look. 
“Y/n.” He sighs. 
“Fine, we’ll just go with the fight.” The boy huffs, moving the knife to the other side of your neck and digging it in. Blood trickles down your chest making both you and Sweet Pea wince. 
“You want to fight?” Your force the words out of your mouth and you can feel the look Sweet Pea is giving you. “Come on then, fight me.” The two of them exchange glances, they clearly weren’t expecting an answer from you. Whoever sent them to do this, definitely underestimated how stubborn serpents are, so maybe Fangs was right about you and Sweet Pea, maybe you were both too stubborn to get along. 
The ten seconds that they’re distracted, gives you and Sweet Pea a chance to look at each other. A silent conversation happens between the two of you and even though you’re not entirely sure of what he’s saying, you just hope you got the basic idea and so you send him a nod. 
While they’re distracted, Sweet Pea reaches into his pocket, slowly pulling his knife out, and as soon as they look back, you start your plan. Quickly you kick the guy as hard as you can in the shin making him fall and push you away from him, dropping the knife as he does. You swiftly pick it up and Sweet Pea uses the distraction to grab the girl, pressing his own knife against her neck. 
You stand a few feet away from them, holding your own knife and the one you stole out in front of you. 
“Touch her if you never want to see the light of day again.” He whispers in the girls ear and he sends a look to her weird friend that makes him stop in his tracks. 
“Now.” You smile. “Do you want to do this the easy way, or the hard way?” 
Dawn breaks as you both stumble out the forest. You’re covered in cuts and bruises, but thankfully you’ve stopped bleeding so you’ll take that as a win. Usually you enjoy beating up rich kids, its one of the few things you and Sweet Pea can bond over, but right now you just want to go home. 
They may have been preppy, but they definitely knew what they were doing. And they’d managed to escape, slipping away from you and through the trees. They may have gotten away, but they were barley in one piece, and so you figured that would be enough to bide Jughead some time with whatever he was planning. 
There’s a togetherness about fighting. For a while you, both you and Sweet Pea were sure you were going to die in there, and so now that you’re walking through the sleepy streets of the town, there’s a part of you thats glad the other made it out. 
They say fighting changes you. It awakens something in you. Usually that something is hate or anger, but both of you already have enough of that. 
No, this is something else. 
Respect for the other? Or maybe fondness? Whatever it is, its new and it swirls around the both of you, leaving you unsure of how to act. So you walk to Jughead’s house in silence, your arms brushing gently against each other every so often. 
Jughead’s house is quiet as the two of you walk through the front door. The Jones/Cooper house is full, serpents mill about the place, with either food or drinks in their hands. And Jughead is in the middle of them, stood right in the centre of the living room. It seems you and Sweet Pea weren’t the only people sent to their deaths last night. 
Everyone looks surprised as you walk into the living room. They probably expected at least one of you to be dead, whether that was because of something is the woods, or one of you, its surprising to see you two alive, with just a few cuts and bruises. 
“Did you guys find anything weird.” 
“Oh, you know. The usual.” You shrug. Jughead nods, deciding to talk to you about it in private later on. And so he starts talking to the group again, you and Sweet Pea practically blending into the background. But there’s a definite shift in atmosphere. 
Usually when you and Sweet Pea are in a room together there’s tension, and everybody is aware of it. But this time, its different. It feels light, despite the tense subject being discussed. Everyone can feel the change, but nobody can figure out what it is. 
Only you and Sweet Pea know what has changed. And as he squeezes your hand in his, a soft smile appearing on his face as he looks at you, you have a feeling a lot more things are going to change. Some of them may not be for the good, it seems like there’s a lot more to be uncovered in Riverdale, but one things for sure, you’re glad Sweet Pea is by your side for it.
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skullzanta · 3 years
I just re-visited Steven Universe Again and I thought I might as well post my thoughts regarding Rose Quartz.
This is from an old comment from a youtube video that shit on rose.
I COMPLETELY disagree with the hate on rose. She wasn't evil, she was sheltered and a fool. She ruined everything yes, she is the one who was at fault for everything. But Once you hit that low, what can you do to fix it? People claim she is a heartless coward because she completely fucked everything, yet... 
If she did nothing earth would've died, and the diamonds didnt listen to PINK DIAMOND, but they WOULD listen to a ROGUE GEM who was ACTUALLY A THREAT. But then people started agreeing with her violent hidden persona. And over time it became more and more of a revolution. For someone who lacks any experience it may seem like this could go well and do exactly what it was intended to do, force the diamonds to surrender. No. Instead the diamonds insisted and pushed harder and harder and harder. Surely if you can win the war then they'll back off. But no, upon surrender the diamonds casted a spell to completely shatter every gem on the world, completely giving up on it but leaving no witnesses either. Except, thats not what it looked like from the perspective of victims. That shattering blast DIDN'T shatter, it broke gems but in a way that was significantly worse than death. This is from an old comment that I kind of still hold to this day as how I feel.
If Rose Quartz revealed herself early in the rebellion, she would've accomplished nothing and lost all opportunity to save that planet. The diamonds would trust her even less than they did previously. It was a secret because they didn't take her seriously any other way. And Fighting as Pink Diamond would make an even bigger mess, that and pink didn't want to abandon EVERYTHING, she just wanted to save earth. 
If Rose Quartz revealed herself during the proper rebellion, then everyone would feel betrayed and lose sight of their cause. Rose Quartz became a symbol and a persona that was more and more important to keep intact over time. Ofcourse the diamonds wouldnt hear her. If she revealed she was the one being an actual threat they would cast her aside and become venomously hateful of her. She like steven had to prove herself against her bad guardians. She didn't mean malice, but there was one more factor. As the rebellion went on, Pink saw more and more that Gem Society was broken and abusive. It was legitimately needing change more than just earth. Multi-Gem Fusions were heretical yet they could actually make gems more useful AND give them more peace and happiness. The Gem Society is designed around the idea they're automatons with some intelligence, as opposed to Artifical Intelligence given actual personhood. The Diamonds are built as people and as leaders so they can be the competent heads of a gigantic empire. The rest are just utility in the eyes of the diamonds. 
If Rose Quartz hadn't chosen to try to "Kill" Pink Diamond, then what would she do? The War wasn't going as well as would be hoped and worse yet, It was endangering the lives of good people on both sides.  End it now, or let more get damned and broken. What would you pick, not thinking your family you're fighting against even cares about you or holds ANY regard for you? What would you honestly do? Rose was not very socially adept, despite her natural inclinations and directions. She never had a chance to be social and have real friends until the rebellion. The Diamonds are callous and show a complete disregard of her being capable of doing anything right. They gave her a colony but only in name. The colony was NOT hers, it was just a colony she was claimed to own. Steven and Rose are inversions of one another's arcs.
Rose Quartz was redeemed over time. The main writing flaw in Steven Universe is that rose's development was shown BACKWARDS. You saw the fully redeemed person who was working tirelessly to fix her past mistakes, and saw further and further into her past without any reflection back to how she changed from that to what you first saw. IT feels and looks like a fall from grace in its entirety. NEVER Does it compensate. However, because of this inverted view of rose's life, combined with the mistakes she never could fix, Steven developed an actual fall from grace. Where Rose became genuine and Competent from a Childish and Broken Self, Steven fell from a Happy and Genuine Kid to a Childish and Broken Self. This is why Steven is a great comparison to Rose, but also why most people HATE Rose. They blame her for everything without understanding they need to see the story in the correct order again. The writers are at fault for that, especially because they bought into their own flaws and claim rose is a horrible person.
In Summary: Rose is not a bad character, nor is she a bad person. She started as one, and raised herself into a proper Leader. Yet the writing showed it backwards with no review in the right order. Steven actually had Rose's arc but reversed.
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thewebcomicsreview · 4 years
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Oh shit, Homestuck 2 is back! Looks like the art team problems are getting worse, but maybe the writing’s good? Quick, recap of the story so far, since there was a hiatus
Previously, on Homestuck 2:  DIRK: I’m evil now and we’re on a new planet where we shall create our own lifeforms and rule them as gods ROSE: I’m making memes and vaginas DIRK: NOOOOO ROSE: Jade got me preganté and we named our kid Yiffy and I kept it a secret from everyone this whole time, including my wife but inexplicably not the dictator I’ve trying to overthrow, who kidnapped her JOHN: NOOOOO CALLIOPE: I’m in ur bod drinking ur juice JADE: NOOOOO CALLIOPE: Oh, like you’re not used to having weird people inside you, skank JADE: Wow, rude, I’m kicking you out of my brain for that  CALLIOPE: NOOOOO JOHN: Man, I love how my son tells me everything and keeps no secrets  KARKAT: John! Vriska’s alive and she murdered the clown pope and your son is hiding her because he and his friends are wanted for treason  JOHN: ...... KARKAT: You’re supposed to say “NOOOOO” John: Why would I? That fucking rules!  We now return to Homestuck 2
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Yay, we’re finally seeing Davebot, Aradia, and Calliope. Fun fact: In a comic with like ten billion retcons and timeline splits, this Aradia is still the definitive “real” Aradia in a way no other character can claim to be (except Sollux), which is a fun endgame for a character who was introduced has having hundreds of thousands of duplicates.  I can not wait to see how the HS2 writers ruin her. (Also, where did they get a rocket ship?)
Also it it me, or is there something a little off about this art?
DAVEBOT: beep boop ARADIA: i have told you several times that i was a robot before and i know for a fact you dont have to say beep boop DAVEBOT: hm that sounds fake does not compute ARADIA: david DAVEBOT: mom
This is the first indication in the entire series that any of these kids’ names are short for anything, something Hussie explicitly said wasn’t the case but which was never actually addressed in the comic proper so I guess it’s not a plot hole. Still, it feels a little....wrong? 
ARADIA: well we are both an infinite number of years old living countless lifetimes at once but thats no reason to waste any of our...
Wait, what?! Aradia is Ultimate, too? When did that happen?! Why does she not need a robot body? 
DAVEBOT: time DAVEBOT: say time ARADIA: ... DAVEBOT: time then make a weird face
There’s a fine line between “callback” and straight up recycling a joke. 
ARADIA: would you say you are hung up on leaving your wife and friends behind DAVEBOT: are you ARADIA: am i hung up about leaving your wife and friends behind ARADIA: i do not think that i am no DAVEBOT: arent you even a little guilty about ditching your boyfriend ARADIA: what ARADIA: oh fuck
I do like the implication here that Aradia flat forgot about Sollux. Poor dude can’t catch a break. .
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Ooh, an [S]. An extremely basic one, but still. Also, from this scene in the epilogues:
The distant sounds of war travel above the canopy of a forest. The artillery fire fades to a series of muted knocks and thuds as the sound waves cross beyond a thinning patch of the forest and arrive in a clearing of grass and shrubbery. Above, the sky is dramatic, colorful, menacing. The way it looks when a storm is coming. The clouds are wild, whipped into a sort of spatial frenzy, as if they know what’s imminent is no earthly phenomena. Aradia stands in the field, her mouth gaping wide. But not at the sky.
Probably the starkest example of how the epilogues presented Earth C has falling about and doomed and stormy and scary like the system crash in Reboot and Homestuck 2 has it all sunny and bright. I kind of wish HS2 kept the semi-apocalyptic feel of the epilogues, even if it made Aradia’s spurious decision to leave Sollux behind way more dickish. 
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Oh hey, God’s back, and back in the body of the OG pre-Retcon Jade Harley. There’s something very Shoujo about this posing.
DAVEBOT: thanks JADE: They sit in each other's presence, the silence between them as meaningful as any words they could exchange. DAVEBOT: its always really cool to hear how meaningful my silences are DAVEBOT: especially while DAVEBOT: CALCULATING DAVEBOT: CALCULATING DAVEBOT: especially while i am attempting to experience them
I think Calliope, and possibly Aradia, is shipping Dave/Aradia right now, which is a pairing that has some comedic appeal were it not for Dave’s gayness.
ARADIA: i think she looks quite lovely covered in the viscera of the all-powerful enemy she consumed ARADIA: floating lifelessly in our periphery
We just established that this is months after they left Candyland. Has Jade’s body been covered in the blood and guts of Lord English this entire time? Take a goddamn shower, Jesus. 
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Oh, there we go. Much better. Also, the one thing I heard about this upd8 was all the discussion of jorts, and then Dave references jorts, but no one is actually wearing them, unless Aradia’s got a pair on under her cultist robes? (Also, is Calliope’s Jade body healed from the shard of reality that killed it originally, or is there just a huge hole under her shirt)?
JADE: As a point of curiosity- ARADIA: oh shit!!!!
The dead Cherub possessing the body of an equally deceased Goddess of Space pauses at the interruption. Were she to voice her opinion, it would be that --actually-- it is not unusual for those whose primary concern is The Grander Scheme to have a passing curiosity about the insignificant. So when one really thinks about it, any annoyance with the attendant’s small mindedness is both understandable and warranted.
Given how much time was spent on how Terezi can sense Dirk’s narration, I like how Calliope’s narration is literally just her talking out loud and everyone can clearly hear it and just assumes it’s like a troll quirk.
ARADIA: in this form our bodies stop aging once we reach maturity i think ARADIA: the god tier keeps our physical form locked in a state of undying ARADIA: even in death the bodies do not decay ARADIA: only lay dormant DAVEBOT: no thats boring DAVEBOT: like how long have you been alive JADE: yes, that one.
One of the things I don’t fully get about Calliope is why there’s stuff like this she doesn’t know. Another thing I don’t get: How come John and Jake are visibly middle-aged? They’re gods, too. 
ARADIA: you were there too i threw your air conditioner into the sun DAVEBOT: wow thats fucked up DAVEBOT: thats not where that goes at all JADE: these events are not-canonical. ARADIA: rude
I believe this is a reference to Pesterquest?
DAVEBOT: is that the trope of being hundreds of years old but looking young forever patently sucks ass DAVEBOT: a plot device an asshole would write ARADIA: :( JADE: that is not what i am trying to say at all. DAVEBOT: hmm wow yeah thatd really be a sort of pot/kettle situation i guess DAVEBOT: i cant believe im the only woke one here DAVEBOT: its hard being such a visionary AND such a fine metallic specimen
What the fuck is David even talking about? What? 
DAVEBOT: but can she see why kids love the sweet cinnamon taste of cinnamon toast crunch JADE: i do not know, or care, what that means. ARADIA: neither do i :)
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I like the “Best Narrator” mug, and with this sudden headache to interrupt the laughter comes the end of the chapter and presumably a lead in to the next one when we’ll learn what’s blowing Calliope’s mind 
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kornyo · 5 years
Hello, my name is korny and some of you know me as a former beta, then sweet elite’s former clothing artist, that also (singlehandedly) drew the animated mini-game with momo and the little coffee and coin icons. I never had a proper introduction which is why probably most of you see me for the first time now.
I didn’t plan on publicly making a statement, but it has been brought to my attention that the se management said rude and nasty things that – most importantly – are just plain bullshit and I cannot let this be said without a proper response.
 If you click this link you will find a google doc with various screenshots, showing what exactly has been going on that made me (& cecile) finally leave the team. I made the doc and the screens a few days prior to leaving (April 2019) and already shared it with all the betas and some staff back then, but also some people on tumblr who have come into my dms asking me to clarify what happened. I feel the right time has come to share this link with the public, although it might be a little confusing to understand for some.
 Now, what bothers me the most about serenas ugly behaviour from the past few days is the topic of “’lazy’ cecile”. I’d like to clarify that this entire post is MY opinion, and was written because *I* am angry about this, I was not forced to write this whatsoever by Cecile or anyone else. I’ve kept my mouth shut so far bc I could not be bothered, but this is where I draw the line.
“Lazy Cecile” has been something even BEFORE my beta days (which started in January 2018). Serena used (and still does, as you can see in her latest posts) to call Cecile “lazy” a lot jokingly, but saying it that often didn’t make it funny anymore, and it certainly isn’t a nice thing to say to a good friend. She continued to say it even after Cecile approached her not to.
To add, Cecile is - if not THE - most hardworking person that ever participated in the production of the game. While juggling a full-time job, she also drew AND redrew ALL the sprites, for a short time also drew ALL the illustrations WITH customization (2 genders x 3 three different hairstyles), AND new backgrounds because An already left the team. And that’s just the art she did! She also took part in writing large chunks in almost every chapter, even writing an entire big ass chapter 7 ON HER OWN, which she now has posted on her blog @retconomics (which Serena in response tried to make us afraid by telling us how merciful she is by not suing us for copyright. Your case wouldn’t be that strong honey LMAO not without a contract anyway 😉 ). ALL WHILE WORKING A FULL DAY JOB AND GETTING A DOG, WHICH ALSO REQUIRES A LOT OF ATTENTION. Meanwhile, it took Serena several months to almost a YEAR now, guessing from the release date, to write chapter 6 and it wasn’t a rare case for her to magically loose the file or it getting corrupted. So please tell me how the fuck cecile is lazy? In any fucking way?
Her time schedule was very demanding, so of course we had to cheat a little bit, which brings me to my next point: professionalism. Serena claims that Cecile was very unprofessional, “cutting corners” and her art “unpolished” and “not up to par”. In her example of ‘proper’ professionalism, serena used this image:
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Illustrating how the new artist does things better and more polished.
This is where I call huge, MAJOR bullshit.
I have worked on the sprites with cecile. Due to the tight deadline Serena has given us, Cecile would give me the rough sprites and I would finish them & look for any spots that were smudges/did not have clear edges or full transparency. Wanna know how these files looked like?
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Hm! Absolutely no fucking different! The expressions were all on one layer, unlike in the example above, but as Serena said: she didn’t say anything against that. That was because Serena wanted to pump content out, which, fair enough, and she needed everyone in the team to “set priorities”, as she said. And adding so much customization was NOT a priority at that time and she knows it.
However, if it DID bug her that much, it’s her own fault if she won’t say “hey Cecile, could you put all the brows on one single layer, all the mouths etc”. And if her excuse is that Cecile lacked the time, I could’ve done it just as easily, as I worked on the sprites anyway and did not have the huge workload cecile had at that time. If the manager is unhappy with their product, they should say something, otherwise nothing will happen. So, if Serena was unhappy with the ‘lack’ of expressions (lets be real tho, 5 expressions isn’t lacking at all)? Her fault.
“Not to mention, all of the sprites will be polished and the artstyle will finally be consistent throughout the entire game (something that our old artist really struggled with at times). Also, both Alita and Ariel are awesome at what they do, take growth and sustainability seriously, and constantly look for ways to improve and build onto the world of Sweet Elite.” Taken from here (x).
Ah, yes. You want consistency and yet hired two artists with two very different styles, and even *advertised* it as something good. Also, if somebody improves art wise, they rarely stay the same way. Art is FLUID. Art CHANGES, especially while improving. And if ceciles art was so unprofessional looking and unpolished for you serena, why didn’t you just tell her to stop drawing? Why not “get rid of the garbage” sooner? Would have saved both you and cecile the clownery that has happened and is going on right now.
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(taken from here)
Also calling Cecile a weakness while she literally held the weight of the entire game on her shoulders while having to provide so much art and writing while you failed to write even one chapter during all that? You’re pettier than you care to admit.
I literally could go on and on about this, but this is already 1k words, so im gonna wrap this up. But I am so mad about this “boo hoo there is a narrative spun against me ☹” “I was creatively constricted by my cowriters” (also bullshit lmao, but another topic). You’re just a big liar and an awful person overall, and don’t get me started on your boyfriend.
While you’re getting “rid of the garbage”, please also remove MY minigame which I was forced to make while I was collecting money for my dog, and pay me 100€. You can have the clothes as I actually *agreed* on doing that for no money. 25€ for all the coffee and coin icons would be appropriate as well.
Now, as a former fan thats been on this journey since 2015, I am very dissapointed in how this game is developing. You’re taking this game into a direction you promised not to - not diverse, full of clichés, mainstream. As a fan, this broke my heart. A lot.
I hope you learn that your actions have consequences and that I will NOT be quiet if you decide to spit some lies again.
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hopefulstarfire · 3 years
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My love for these two has recently been resurfacing again and I've never fully given them a proper introduction so I might as well here.
So. I formally introduce you to Amaranth and Alder McCrae.
Amaranth, cis, she/her, pansexual and polyamorous.
Alder, trans, he/him, straight.
Their birthday is June 17th and they're Geminis.
Their Dad is an incredibly powerful witch and their Mom is Seelie Fae, and is actually a princess.
Both are incredibly strong in their respective magics, but Alder will say Amaranths stronger than he is.
Alders magic is channeled through crystals and electricity. He's also seen using glyphs and using glamours, as seen with his hair and the fact that every couple of days it's suddenly a different color except for his natural hair color. Though he does tend to default to greens and blues.
Amaranths magic is channeled through fire and telekinetics. She also uses her magic to give herself physical strength boosts and she is an empath.
They both have cats as familiars. Amaranth has a black cat with a white spot over one eye named Bowie. And Alder has a white cat with a black spot over one eye named Freddie. Bowie is Amaranths little buddy and Freddie is basically treated like she's a little princess by Alder.
They were the kids in school that usually were in detention almost every fucking day. Alder for pulling incredibly elaborate pranks and Amaranth either for doing something on a dare or for beating someones ass for trying to talk badly about her brother or for being a creep. Or because one or both of them mouthed off hardcore to anyone in a position of authority and came for said authority figures whole life.
There's an ongoing prank war between Alder and their godfather Nemo. It started over a plate of enchiladas. It's now turned into the biggest shit show of pranks you can imagine. I'm pretty sure a fire was involved at some point.
They had an older brother named Ash who died when they were kids and both took it pretty hard in their own ways. They also have an older sister named Daphne who they don't see as much anymore now that all of them are adults. And especially because Amaranth and Daphne are always at each others throats when they're in the same room.
Usually because Amaranth started the fight.
(They also in the original scripts had a sister named Lila thats two years younger than them but I'm still debating what I'm going to be doing with her).
Both of the twins, like most of their family, are musically talented. Amaranths a singer and can play guitar. And Alder can play the drums and is a prodigy at the piano.
They're both a little tougher to get to know and befriend. But if you manage to, you'll never find more loyal friends. They deeply care about those that have proven to stay in their lives and will do anything to protect them.
Their best friends are Sebastian "Baz" Karnstein and Blair Reyes. They've all known each other for years and I may talk about them more soon once a little bit more of the new edition of the storys figured out. And they are really close to Nemo.
Even if all three of them completely shit talking each other when together says otherwise.
I wanna do a post for each of them going deeper into their personalities but I wanted to do a quick overview for both of them since I talked about them a couple nights ago.
But yeah. They're chaotic little bastards. But I love them and hope you enjoy them.
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huntsman-ash · 4 years
RWBY LiveThoughts: V8E7
Since I finally have time for it today, lets make sure Im all caught up for the hiatus. 
Before we get fully started, an idea; Its not a war crime if they’re Grimm. Then its just self defense. So break out the napalm, the cluster bombs, the chemical weapons, the fun stuff. Make em regret it, yeah?
And we start off...on a farm. Looks like my moms old farm in South Dakota. Even on Remnant, hay is best used in bales.
Waiiiit. Thats the place the Whale set down isnt it. I see a Sayber running. Ah, and the Atlas military! Surely, the vanguard of a massive force to hold the line! Also Im glad to see a close up of the helmet for once, I want to make my own. Also, the gloves, and the rifle itself. Not sure why it doesnt have a stock, seems kind of silly...
And airships too, so they got some fire support...whats that wall behind them though?
Also it TOOK US 8 FUCKING SEASONS to get a close up of these FUCKING Weapons. 8. FUCKING. SEASONS. Okay maybe more like 5 cause they didnt first appear till 3 or so but come on. Im so picking this shit apart later. 
Pfft, bros got some nerves going on. Come on man, its just some Grimm, you’ll be FINE.
Atlas field harvesters resemble Halo’s JOTUN Farming equipment. As wel as our own. No surprise there.
Alright, bunch of Saybers, not seeing much of a threat here.
Hey, Paladins! Damn, they...look way different than I remember them to be. 
I wont lie, I dont like the Paladin design. Way to much visual noise, I cant tell where anything IS. 
Also that is the most 2D grass I have sever seen in my fucking life. What the hell are they growing here...
Huh, the whale has two sets of teeth. Wait, its just there? And its wpewing out Grimm. So...why isnt the air force firing on it? 
Yeah its not moving, its just raising its head and slamming down and vomiting out more Grimm. Im not sure what the issue is here, just...seal the mouth. 
Oh, huh. Apathys. Let me guess, RTs gonna try and tell us depression is going to kill most of Atlas. Oh for fuck sake. IM NOT IMPRESSED RT. IM REALLY NOT. IM MORE FUCKING ANNOYED THAN ANYTHING
Okay so...I see what this is. Its farm land outside of atlas proper and there’s an additional wall behind them, plus the power lines I guess? Seems like a viable place to make a stand. 
...thats it. Please tell me this is just a single detachment of the Atlas military because there is less firepower here than a NATIONAL GUARD UNIT ASSIGNED TO ONE CITY
Im fairly certain there are more people assigned to ONE UNIT attached to JBLM then I amm seeing here. 
Not to mention this is an OPEN FIELD the Grimm have to run through. This is a literall fucking TURKEY SHOOT. Running across an open field anywhere is a ticket to DYING.
Just ask the poor fucks on D-day.
Also uh...why is everyone in line formation? What is this, fuckin’ 18009s combat Napoleon style?
And did the distance suddenly change, I feel like the whale suddenly got a hell of a lot closer.
Just...I dont get this. This makes no sense. Did Ironwood learn how to deploy forces from a fairy tale book? This is legitimately some fuckin Lord of the Rings shit here.
RIP that one specific trooper hit by that Behemoth though. Dont worry friend, the thing walked next to a Paladin. Its getting its eye blasted out
And cut back to Ironwood. Doing...fuck if I know what.
Staring angrily it seems.
“Dammit, my tactical deployment by line formation and parade ground tactics isnt holding back the Grimm, curses!”
I know people have told me why this is. I understand myself why this is. But it really just...does...not...jibe with me. At all. 
Okay so more details; first, apparently Atlas has a subway. Makes sense, its a big island. Inter-system transits probably a given. Second; Was that Mantis Squad Omega? Some kind of unit maybe...interesting.
 Also I love how this guy just questions Ironwood. Like, bro, if the General says do it, do it.
Hold the fuck up, why is everyone outside? It looks like fuckin’ Cali during our lockdowns...what ever happened to martial law huh?
Also “underground subway stations”. Yes, thats...kind of what a subway IS. I guess maybe they have overhead ones like New York does. Mass transit be weird like that.
I mean HELL the signs on it are almost identical to the ones in NYC too! Even with the colored circles and train cnumbers. 
According to the sign here they’re at Pickens Square Station. 
Oh boy. Ironwood just fed these poor bastards into a meat grinder. Anyone here ever played the Metro game series, or read the books?
Remember the Dark Ones? The Nosallias? Yeah. Tight corridors and monsters only work out well for angry vodka fueled Russians.
Didnt see it very well but I THINK those Mantas had some kind of wing gun. Either thats new, a separate armament setting, or RT forgot what ind of weapons they gave their ships AGAIN.
Cant get the shields back up, yeah, no shit, they DETACHED ONE OF THE FUCKING PILOTS YOU IDIOTS.
Also hah, they arrested Yang, Ren and Jaune. Not surprised.
Beta squads apperently been hitting the whale. ‘Bombs, missiles, we cant make a dent, sir.” ...while Im not surprised by this, I also hear shades of the opening of Halo 2s level Metropolis. “Where’s the rest of your platoon?” “Wasted, sarge. Blew right through us. Rockets, fifty cals, didnt do nothing.”
Honestly they could have SHOWED THAT too. Them just saying it feels like a cop out to me. Take that as you will. But if you want us to see the things hard to kill, show it. 
Not that I figure Atlas’s rockets are much more than Dust in a propellent tank. Not exactly a Hellfire or TOW.
Nice to see proper military talk for...a moment anyway.
Or what I figure RT figures is proper.
Oh so now the whales moving. Okay...huh.
Jaunes commentary is the same as mine. Though I guess the size seems to shift depending.
Ohhh. Its MANTA. As in the gunships. Alright, sure that works. And this guys making a good call. If you cant hit the big one go after the smaller. Of which there seems to be a HELL of a lot. Actually holy fuck that Grimm spew is across like...ahlf the fucking island right now. Time to fuckin torch and burn people.
Ahhhhhh and they get to the proper idea.  If you cant punch it from the outside, hit it from the inside.
I knew a crew...three madmen, names of Keegan, Lahni and Mac. The Hivebusters. Something tells me a Venom bomb would do the trick...if it can rip apart Swarm creatures as big as a Snatcher or a Swarmak and reduce them to green slime, I think it’ll work on Grimm. 
Something tells me RT isnt gonna give em a bomb though. Too obvious.
NEVER MIND. “Science team is putting together a bomb.”
Also I LOVE how Winter’s pupils expand and retract in fear as she realizes what Ironwoods asking her to do.
Awww now shes getting the shakes too.
Salem directing this shit like shes some kind of orchestra leader. I mean it FITS but...I dunno.
Ah so the command deck is directly behind the whale’s glowing nose. Basically inside where the spermacetiy organ would be in a real sperm whale.
What the fuck is Emerald doing there?
Sneaking I guess. Huh. Why’s she sneaking around the whale. Also, huh. guess seeers can get fooled by Emeralds semblance.  Is HE STILL BEATING UP ON OSCAR? Jeez dude. Take a breather.
Honestly if this was TRUE I would be okay with it. Replace the Huntsman with, I dont know, a massively overequipped military for each Kingdom, let them run rampant...stomp the Grimm out or push them back to nonexistence...everyone lives happily ever after
Lets be real here, the idea of the academies? Really really fucking dumb. Its cute. Fairy tale like.
But if theres one thing this show has taught me its that fairy tales SUCK. Reality...tends to be worse.
Ah theres one of those torture hooks they mentioned a few episodes back. Nice of the whale to have a specific interrigation room.
And at last we get some information on how Salem works. Alright so...what happens if you seperate the parts then? Sink one in the ocean, launch one into space.
Sounds like Oz/Oscars telling the fans what we’ve been saying forever, Companion Book be damned; Salem wants to die.
These mind games bore me. Its cute, but I dont like it cause I cant follow that shit. Give me a straight up fight any day, fuck this sublty backroom fuckery
No lies from them both here honestly.
Medical supplies in Atlas seem almost the same as here on earth interestngly. Also, soup. Or...coffee, tea?
Blake with the obvious here. But I mean thats not really saying much cause...well. Not hard to outfight the Atlas military it seems like.  (Long suffering sigh)
Im gonna make a seperate post about my frustrations with that and leave it there. But dont expect me to stop fully complaining about it because everyones gotta have something to bitch about with this show, and I’ll be DAMNED if I start joining the BB whiners.
Good question, Ruby. Might be that YOUR NOT LIVING IN A FAIRY TALE
I’d like to see these people dying in Mantle. I refuse to believe that there isnt SOMEONE in the nation that once brought Remnant to its heel that wont stand and fight. Unless Im wrong about that too...
May backstory? May backstory. Yeah.  Not amazingly complicated but it works. Cant tell if shes Henry though...or was. 
Dramatic lightning flash
Cute you think that Ruby. Theres sides. Always are.
Further proof honestly.
Hazels look of though is amusing. Cant tell if he doesnt believe Oscar, or if his tiny peabrain is runing full bore to think this through.
Coordination between farm boy and professor.
Oh. OHHHH. Plants the seed of doubt in Hazels tiny mind, he uses the last question for himself, sees the truth... Clever, Oscar. Clever.
Hazel peabrain go THUNK
Ah so Mercs going off to Vacuo. Guess that means everyone else is going there next too. Eat that, random Discord person, I called it.
Course, CFVYs there so...maybe we get to see Yats beat up on him.
Oh hi Tyrian. Do you just...randomly roam the halls of the whale waiting to DRAMATICALLY REVEAL YOURSELF and give violent expositon? Im very much okay with that.
Also I love how he just...accepts this. Totally fucking bonkers, totally down with it. 
Oh shit, Tyrian and Mercury going to Vacuo? Damn thats gonna be INTERESTING. I guess Tyrian’ll fit in well enough honestly.
Flying Beringal literally out of the roof. 
I remember back when this season first started and I said those weird bone platforms looked like VTOL launch bays. Guess what? They are.
Merc and Em emotion blah blah DONT CAAARRREEE
Jaune thinking tactically for ONCE IN HIS FUCKING LIFE. An I mean military tactical of course.
Also I like how the Aces say they dont let emotions cloud their shit WHEN THEYVE BEEN DOING THAT THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME.
This ENTIRE PLANET is emotionally run. Thats why the Grimm are such an issue! Makes small note to make Remnant Adeptus Mechanicus cult
Seriously though...
I wont lie though, Hare isnt wrong. Wonder what happened to that Tortuga guy. Tyrian, is my guess. Love how Ren interrupts the moment they almost mention Clovers name.
Expendable, yes. Replacable, no. You should have a talk with squadron leader Grey from Star Wars Squadrons Ren
ANNNNDDD SEMBLANCE EVOLUTION. Or the edibles just kicked in.
This is cool and all but its really fucking dumb and hamfisted. Explain all you want. Mention emotions all you want.
The Aces are fucking huntsmen. HUNTSMEN. FUCKING. SUCK. They always have. Its a dumb idea. Yes, lets stop the hordes of monsters invading this world BY SENDING IN SINGLE OPERATIVES WITH FUCKING MELEE WEAPONS
I’ll make this clear to you, Ren, right here and now. If you faced a REAL elites, you wouldnt have stood a chance. Nor would RWBY. Their bodies would have been three-shot from 20 meters out with a breach and clear and stacked against the wall like cords of wood, one final shot to the dome to make dead sure they were down. None of this stupid flipping and acrobatic crap, none of this clashing weapons and Dust and semblances...no. 
You’d be dead before you knew they were there and they would move on. You’d just be another body to the pile, one more faceless corpse to add to their kill count. A meatgrinder in human form. 
Because thats not what RWBYs about, never has been.  And that is what annoys me slightly. That and the fact I cant distangle what I know of other universes and our own from RWBY’s. Its hard to hold a universe on its own when everything they make points towards it being like ours, but they change it when they see fit. 
I feel like thats bad writing.
Hehehe. Winter touched Elms boob.
Glad to know that Winters got her priorities right. Course, that bomb probably aint gonna do shit cause its Dust based.
...again, hoping its a chemical weapon...
Wait, the Atlas forces from earlier are STILL FIGHTING? Damn, these Grimm must suck if they couldnt wipe them out in that little time...
Also I cant tell if its getting dark cause of the storm or if its the dawn of the next day.  Or did...they shift time around? I lost track. I SWORE the sun was setting the last time we saw everything.
Also return of the shitty 3D grass...
Marrows gonna defect.
So according to May there’s still front lines. Cool. 
Oh, I guess hes a doctor too. Oh he MAD.
Ayyy Whitleys being USEFUL for fucking once in his shitty life.
Shes gonna hug him isnt she.
CALLED IT. For fuck sake...whatever. Cute. But whatever.
Oh annnnddd now Grimmquake?
No. It stopped...Bolide?
Annnnddd shes leaking coolant. And sparking. And dead.
RIP Penny.
The concept art of the beached whale looks so fucking silly. Seriously, just...detach the whole section there. Drop the fucking thing. 
Oh well.
And thats it for almost two months! Be prepared for me to BULLSHIT MY WAY THROUGH ALL OF IT and continue on with my military fanwank because THATS HOW IM SURVIVING 2020!
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ad1thi · 5 years
life, the wrong way round
- or, my doctor who au
you don’t need more than a passing knowledge of doctor who to understand this, but if you haven’t ever watched the show here’s what you need to know - (1) “the doctor” has given up his birth name and goes by the doctor as a way to remind himself to dedicate the rest of his near immortal life to helping people, (2) it is very hard to kill the doctor as he tends to rebuild a new body for himself, (3) river song is the great love of his life and they deserved a lot of more screentime together, (4) river song is the first living creature to know the doctor’s name in almost 1000 years, (5)the doctor and river both time travel, which means they never meet in the same order. this means that everytime they meet, either river knows something about the doctor’s future that hasn’t happened for him yet, or the doctor knows something about river’s future that she hasn’t experienced yet, (6) this story - as in the show, is told from the doctor’s perspective
doctor! tony stark x river song! james rhodes, doctor who au, fem!james rhodes, major character death (but its not that important), 1.8k
The first time they meet is the day she dies.
Well, thats not strictly accurate.
The first time the Doctor meets Professor Rhodes is the day she dies, but it isn’t the first time that Professor Rhodes has met the Doctor.
“Timey wimey is what you call it,” she says with a smile, but there’s something forced about it that irks at him, “we keep meeting in the wrong order.”
“So let me get this straight,” He asks, but it bears repeating, “you know who I am - but I don’t know who you are?”
“Oh for fuck’s -” she leans in, so that her lips are close enough to press against the shell of his ear, “your Gallifrey name is Anthony.”
He stops asking questions after that - which he regrets when he wakes up handcuffed to a railing and she’s strapped to a machine.
“You know my name!” he calls out desperately, “There’s only one reason I would give someone my name.”
“I know,” Rhodey says, eyes unbearably soft even though she’s strapping herself in for certain death, “but I can’t risk you not meeting me again.”
“Time can be rewritten!” he begs, because he’s a Time Lord, he knows this stuff.
“Not our time,” she says firmly, “not a single second of it.”
He watches as the countdown goes 3, 2, 1 and his future wife dies, because he refuses to look away as his actions kill the only person who ever knew his name.
“She knew my name,” he tells Pepper, when they’re back on the TARDIS “thats why I trusted her. She knew my name and I had no idea who she was.”
He turns to her, unable to comprehend Rhodey’s actions, “she died so I wouldn’t have to - because she couldn’t stand the thought that we would never meet. I don’t know if I’m worth that kind of dedication.”
“You’re not,” Pepper says, because Pepper never really holds back, “but now you have the rest of your life to make sure you are.”
Their first kiss is in his new body, once he drops her back in prison after trying (and failing) to save a little girl from a space suit.
They’re fighting an alien race that they can’t remember exists, Peter might be pregnant (which is all sorts of confusing given his anatomy) and he can’t stop drawing all over his face.
“They’re called the Silence,” he tells FBI Agent Hill, “and the minute you stop looking at them, you can’t remember they exist. Now if you’ll excuse me - I have someone to pick up.”
Peter opens up the door to the swimming pool, Rhodey falls into it in a terribly dramatic fashion - and her clothes are sticking to her in uncomfortably attractive places.
“Thank you sweetie,” she croons, drying her hair with a towel, “so delightful of you to pick me up.”
He wants to know why the little girl is so important to the silence, but they refuse to tell him - so he settles for Rhodey’s Plan B - killing them all.
Then, he has to return Rhodey back to prison.
“Are you going to tell me why they’ve got you locked up in the Byzantium?” He asks, “or better yet - why you stay when you can so easily walk away?”
you can travel with me instead, he doesn’t say, let me find out why you know my name - but Rhodey’s eyes soften and her lips pull into a familiar smile, like she’s heard him say it anyway.
“I made a promise,” she says, before fisting her hands into his shirt and pulling him in, “but I won’t say no to a proper goodbye.”
Her lips are on his before he has anytime to react, and his hands flail about before carefully cupping her cheek and tilting her face for better access.
If this is my first kiss with my future wife, he thinks dimly, its going to be a good one.
He’s rather dazed when they pull apart, which is why she asks, “what’s wrong why are you acting like thats the first time we’ve ever done that?”
He blinks at her, “because it is,” and watches how he breaks her heart all over again.
“But! First time for everything right?” He says because he barely knows her, but he already knows that he can’t bear to see her upset - and he pretends like he doesn’t hear Rhodey whisper back “or a last,” choosing instead to hole away in the TARDIS.
He sees her sometimes, the Rhodey that he first met.
Rhodey’s future self - the version he plugged into the database of the biggest library in the world because he couldn’t bear to let her die.
He sees her in the corner of his eye, making fun and whispering and quite honestly in very good spirits for someone who’s talking to him.
But he only ever talks to her once, at Trenzalore.
She yells and screams and begs for the Great Intelligence to leave his time-stream alone, but its nothing compared to the noise she makes when she realises that he intends to enter it as well.
“You simply cannot!” Rhodey yells out, “please, I am begging you - you can’t enter your own time stream it will kill you.” 
Rhodey moves then, towards him as if to slap him out of her actions - but he catches her hand before it makes contact.
“I can’t very well leave Riri in there alone can I?” he says back, and there’s visible shock on her face when she realises that he’s been listening, “I have to go in and save her.”
“This entire time,” She whispers, “This entire time you knew I was here?”
“Rhodey,” he croons back, “when will you realise that you are always with me? I never answered because I thought it would hurt too much.”
“I could’ve taken it.”
“No,” his face shutters for a second, “I meant it would hurt me too much.”
He kisses her, bolder and braver than their first kiss, because he’s starting to understand what she means to him, how much she means to him.
“You never said goodbye,” there’s a hint of hurt in her voice, and he shrugs plaintively, “I didn’t know how.”
There’s tears in Rhodey’s eyes, but yet she smiles at him, “you don’t like endings. If you ever loved me, then there’s only one sort of goodbye I could ever accept - the kind that promises you’ll return again.”
He steps out of her embrace, suddenly aware that there’s people in the room that can’t see Rhodey, “Until next time Professor Jamie Rhodes.”
He watches her fade away for the second time, “goodbye sweetie.”
“When I first met the Doctor—a long long time ago—he knew all about me,” Rhodey had said to Harley once ,  “Think about that. Impressionable young girl and suddenly this man just drops out of the sky. He’s clever and mad and wonderful and… and knows every last thing about her. Imagine what that does to a girl.”
He’d always wondered what she meant by that - but staring down the barrel of a gun that she’s pointing at him - he no longer has to.
“Jamies Rhodes” he calls out, unable to keep the joy out of his voice, “this is a pleasant surprise.”
“Hello Doctor,” she says back, “its time for you to die.”
He gets it now, he thinks - as he evades her with just enough energy to make Rhodey think she’s working for it, but not enough to actually make her fail.
This is going to be her first ever memory of him after all, it deserves to be a good one.
She kills him eventually, shooting him in the chest - but she also uses the last of her regeneration energy to bring him back to him.
He’d like to say that this was the first and last time that Jamie Rhodes killed him, but then he’d be lying.
She was after all, stolen from her parents at birth and groomed for the specific purpose of killing him.
He had always assumed that the hardest day of his life, had been the day he lost Rhodey.
After all, he watched her die not really knowing what she was to him, and he spent every day since falling for a woman he knew was doomed to die.
It happens though, that The Doctor is occasionally wrong.
This instance - where he’s in a body that is so close to his first ever face that she barely recognises him, and listening to Rhodey talk about how he doesn’t love her back - this is an instance where he’s wrong.
"You don't expect a sunset to admire you back. When you love the Doctor, it's like loving the stars themselves," she yells out at Flemming - and he thinks that this might just be the thing that kills him after all.
“Hello sweetie,” he whispers when the penny drops for Rhodey, because otherwise he might be compelled to ask her something stupid like do you truly believe, after all these years, that I don’t love you?
The ship crashes, Rhodey remarks that she hasn’t had a chance to take his new body out on a test run - and he plugs in the co-ordinates to Darillium, because try as he might - he cannot delay the inevitable.
"Times end Rhodey,” he says, unbearably soft, “because they have to. Because there’s no such thing as happily ever after.”
There’s pain shining through every crevice of her eyes, and yet he can’t do a single thing to take it away.
The last living Time Lord, most revered and powerful living creature in all the worlds - and he can’t do this simple thing for the woman he loves.
“No Doctor you’re wrong,” she says back - fierce till the end, “happily ever after doesn’t mean forever. It just means time, a little time - but thats not the sort of thing you could ever understand is it?”
He talks about the Towers - because he’s never been good at silences, and he’s never been good at goodbyes.
but for once, Rhodey doesn’t take the bait.
“So,” there’s a shudder in her voice, “assuming tonight is all we have left, how long is a night on Darillium?”
“24 years,” he whispers, because he cannot save her life, he cannot give her more time, he cannot change the course of her ending - but he can give her this.
She leans in all at once, kissing him like its the very last time she’ll last him against her lips.
“I hate you,” Rhodey murmers against his lips.
“No you don’t” he murmers back - because it would all be much simpler if she did.
tagging mutuals who like rhodeytony: @lovelyirony, @omg-just-peachy, @theavengays, @frostysunflowers, @littlemissstark, @imposter-human, @rocknrollonthat45
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larksinging · 4 years
elizabeth + family (boy.)
wow you just really had to go there huh
god where do i even start. elizabeth’s view as family as a concept, let alone her literaly family, is like. extremely fucked up! who wouldve thought! 
originally her only sense of family was like... well, songbird, before she started to get scared of him. and anything she read in books, which given her more romantic and naive inclinations in the tower were, she probably only really absorbed the positive stuff. so you know one day she’d get out, maybe find her family! if she has her family!
then comes actual reality in which no her family is terrible and fucked up and have hurt her in unimaginable ways. so there’s this intense disconnect that makes the reality of it even worse. maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if it was actually like, comstock is her horrible dad and booker is her slightly less horrible father figure but then NOOOOoooo everything’s terrible
and you’d think she’d just have this like. strong aversion to any of her family and that idea but she... doesn’t? idk she has really weird complicated feelings. she considers herself a dewitt and all the failings that comes with that, but also never uses her name. she is kind of trying to figure out how to have a parental bond with booker but she also refuses to call him anything but booker. first and foremost to her booker is her friend who helped her and in some way that’s more important? but you also can’t like discount all that
theres a part of her that also still thinks of comstock as her dad but thats part of the disconnect with like “comstock is my terrible dad and booker is my nice father figure!” but nooo of course its not that simple. idk her thoughts on comstock are both complicated and extremely simple. any instance of comstock proper is a problem. elaborate revenge fantasies are a bad idea, but she still needs to get rid of that problem. 
her relationship with her mom is kind of more weirdly simple. booker’s wife died in childbirth so elizabeth doesn’t have many feelings beyond ):. she was really angry and hurt at lady comstock before, but canon has her do this big moment where they both forgive each other and realize comstock’s the real fucker here, so. elizabeth does NOT have mommy issues
honestly ideally she probably needs a found family but like. i think she’d be resistent to calling them family? like family to her now means “these people who have wildly complicated relationships to you and probably hurt you but might be the only people who Know everything” and no matter how close or complicated she gets with anyone on denny.... still never gonna beat booker’s record. so. doesnt mean she doesnt love her found family, just that she’d be weird about calling them that. theyre distinctly Separate in her mind
the only non-related loved ones she might extend the word “family” for is other bioshock characters, because they have similar brands of fucked-up ness. like delta! or if we ever get anyone else
anyway that was long but yeah honestly elizabeth doesnt even know what to do with that
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musashi · 5 years
can you talk a little bit about james being a sexual assault survivor & him having PTSD? i remember his backstory vaguely but I somehow didn't pick up on any of that and i really like your analyses
oh anon this is my FAVE kind of ask, thank you.
let’s talk about james teamrocket babey. this turned into more of an analysis on ep048 as a whole fghgf whoops.
so i think for the most part people who grew up with the anime have a vague recollection of what his backstory entails, but for anyone who doesn’t: he’s the only son of two millionaires, they abused him and generally treated him like shit, he ran away at a young age and joined the mafia and is a lot happier starving on the streets than he ever was in his luxurious estates.
rocket backstory tends to be kind of scattered, so james only ever gets a few whole episodes where the extent of that abuse is really gone into, and everything else you kinda have to piece together in bits and pieces. 
james’ parents have expressed that they view him as an utter failure, a delinquent, and someone who refuses to grow up. they bogged down his childhood with constant tutoring across all subjects, rarely allowing him free time and more or less forcing him to live in isolation. he’s expressed that his only friend growing up was his growlithe--which even as a gift from his parents to him, is a sign of nobility. in the original kanto games, growlithe are ever only really owned by the ‘rich bitch’ class of trainer. essentially, james’ parents saw him nothing more than one more blip in the family line growing up, and were intent to raise him into an upper-class gentleman who could keep their money secure and pass it down further. 
as a child james naturally rejected this--his spirit was too free for them to keep down, he was a naturally passionate person and he gets excited over things like pokemon competitions and bottlecap collecting and pro wrestling. his tutors tried to physically beat this out of him and his caretakers have thrown his collections in the trash to teach him lessons, but none of that could stop him from being who he was, doing things the way he wanted to do them.
his parents last resort to ‘fix’ him into their ideal son was to introduce him into an arranged marriage. they purposefully manipulated the situation so that him and jessebelle--the girl they’d chosen to be his wife--would meet on their own, and james fell in love with her pretty much on the spot. within days of meeting her, he wrote her a letter asking her to marry him. once she was certain she had him she started abusing him, too.
the first order of business was to get him away from his growlithe--his only safe person--by demanding he replace it with a skitty. this was what tipped him off to her being a piece of shit, and he refused and went back on his plans to marry her. jessebelle spent the rest of their time together hovering over james and demanding he do and say things the ‘proper’ way for persons of their class, more or less never leaving him alone and acting as a more stifling & obsessive stand in for his parents. she did this until he ran away, never to be seen again. until he was.
so that’s where the real dark implications come in. jessebelle’s only duty wasn’t just to whip their son into shape, it was also to produce an heir. like i said before, james is their only son, so if he doesn’t have kids, their wealth dies with him. 
for a show mainly geared toward kids, they REALLY make it clear in ep048 that james is ‘obligated’ to copulate lmao. like they just short of tell him that they’re expecting him to fuck asap.
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james is literally tied up for this whole lecture, his friends drag him into the house bound and gagged. i should preface this by saying that his parents manipulate him into coming home here by faking their own deaths, and if the mere concept of that isn’t sickening enough, james literally doesn’t fall for it. if you’ve ever seen an episode of pokemon you know that team rocket collectively share one braincell, but james has been abused & misled by these people enough to suspect they’re tricking him. everyone else in this episode is like ‘james, what the fuck, you don’t even care your parents are dead?’ and james is like ‘guys.’
he approaches his childhood home with more apprehension than he does anything else in the series. the second he sees jessebelle again, he’s urging them to get away sounds more like he’s worried about THEM than himself.
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as if he’s well aware of the danger here and what to do about it, but his teammates have NO idea what they’ve gotten themselves into and he’s terrified for them.
so the short version is that his parents and his friends and his fiancee and everyone drag him down to a sex torture dungeon. like i really do not know how to describe it otherwise. they talk and talk about how james needs to make babies to keep capitalism alive and then they take him here
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and you can make the argument that that’s reading it with an incredibly adult lens, and i get that, i’m not usually a fan of ‘edgy theories!1!!! childhood ruined!1!!1′ except that misty and brock are blushing when they see this room:
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and ash, who’s actually canonically aroace, looks like this
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they get it, he’s romance-blind, he doesn’t. the mere existence of this shot with a little knowledge of these characters pretty much confirms that it’s MEANT to be read with all the unfortunate obligations present.
jessebelle then proceeds to chase him around the room for a solid five whipping him into submission. he’s slippery as ever, so she sends out her vileplume and has it use stun spore on him, and THAT is where most of the real black shit comes in, because when she does that, right before he goes down he chokes out the words “this is just like last time.”
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and, like, i don’t think it’s a coincidence that these shots are framed like this.
a lot of people also try to wave off the ‘this is like last time’ line, but he alludes to it again in ep110--the stun spore detour--it’s just talked about less, because it’s only in the japanese version. in that episode, jessie is suffering from stun spore poisoning and is sick and bedridden from it, and james talks about how when he was a kid suffering from the same affliction, there was an antidote his grandpa made him from a certain plant. in the sub, he mentions vileplume, naming it as the pokemon that felled him. 
(he also doesn’t mention this until jessie’s pretty fucking sick and in pain, and after she’s given him the runaround forcing him to tend to her every need. it would’ve benefited the both of them to know there was a cure sooner, but he doesn’t remember it until late in the day. why? i mean, if you ask me? repressed memories. he also waves off jessie’s sickness as theatrics, saying ‘look, all you did was get stunned by a vileplume.’ as if it’s just a normal occurrence, not worth freaking out over.)
there are a lot of discrepancies about when exactly jessebelle started doing this to him. a lot of people dont like to acknowledge that she was assaulting him when they were kids, but canon seems to suggest that james ran away when he was around 5-10 years old. i personally view the flashback where he supposedly runs for good as ambiguous, but it can be easily accepted that he was expressing it as the exact night he left, and the fact that all his parents have to use for his wanted poster are childhood photos supports this.
(personally, i think he returned back home after this point before running once more and joining team rocket, and thats when most of the terrible stuff happened. but, still just because they were kids doesn’t mean it couldn’t have.)
as for the PTSD, james canonically has triggers and flashbacks, all centered around marriage as a whole. in episode 198--the heartbreak of brock--a girl says the word fiancee at him and he literally has flashbacks so intense that he climbs a tree in terror. in ag147--sweet baby james--his caretakers ask if jessie his his wife, and he collapses to nothing and screams that he’d rather die than marry her. this has nothing to do with him not liking her romantically and everything to do with the word wife, he envisions what this would look like and it entails jessie on the couch bossing him around while he’s a slave forced to do her bidding. it’s strange on the surface, because jessie and james are incredibly domestic already and jessie does tend to boss him around, and maybe 7 times out of ten he’s actually kind of delighted to worship her. but throwing the concept of marriage in there suddenly turns it into a torture scenario in james’ eyes.
beyond that, there’s a lot of themes of retraumatization and reclamation in james’ personal story, which i talked about far more eloquently here. but yeah, suffice to say that as far as edgy black childhood theories go, this is one of the ones i am incredibly convinced of/attached to, if you ask me it is canon.
everyone drink your loving james juice today, please.
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slxrpindust · 5 years
Labor on That Midnight Wire
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Relationships: Molly/Alastor, Angel Dust/Husk, Charlie/Vaggie— mentioned, Arackniss/Salem, Lucifer/Lilith — mentioned
Characters: Angel Dust, Molly, Arackniss, Alastor, Husk, Salem, Henroin, Lucifer, Minor Character(s)
Additional Tags: Non-Consensual Drug Use, Alternate Universe — Royalty, Alternate Universe — Nobility, Mentioned Character Death, Hurt No Comfort, Angst, No Happy Ending, Non-Graphic Violence, Fade-to-Black Sex, Conflict No Resolution, Incomplete, Viva la Revolución
It’s a classic European royalty AU, with King Lucian, Queen Lilith and Princess Charlotte. Varona (Vaggie) is Charlie’s Lady in Waiting but they have been secretly courting each other for quite some time now. (Unfortunately this is just the B plot and I don’t have much planned for it.)
Our focus will primarily be the House of Cadaverini: Marquis Henry Cadaverini and his late wife Marchioness Clementine, and their three lovely children, the Lord Nicholas, the Lady Maria, and the Young Lord Angelo.
Nick is the perfect heir. Upstanding young man, handsome, does what he’s told, handles quite a few of the House’s duties, helps maintain good relations with neighboring lords... the usual. In fact, many suspect that he will be betrothed to the Princess come year’s end.
Lady Maria is the talk of the land for her beauty and grace, but mostly her sharp wit. Normally ladies are expected to be prim and proper, and while she is, she has also never hesitated to cut a man down with her words... Many a rumor about what lucky lord will be able to “tame” that lady into a proper wife... Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be happening any time soon, since Henry is soft on her, his only daughter who reminds him of his wife so much; he’s given her the liberty of rejecting any suitor that comes before her and she does so gleefully.
And lastly.. of course, the Young Lord, Angelo. He is much more reckless than both of his siblings, and tales of his escapades travel far. He’s a heartbreaker, said to be able to woo anyone woman in the land. Although it would seem his tastes lie with the gents.. and is also exceptional at challenges of the equestrian variety. While beloved by many, much of the older Nobility find him disgraceful, due to his blatant disrespect and unwillingness to perform the duties expected of him. As you can tell the House is quite the popular topic for gossip.
Now one day, Lord Angelo and Lady Maria are out for one of their rides, (another thing she shouldn't be doing but WELL..) and they come across a hovel of a building.. Never noticed it because they never come out this far..... and it's so creepy it's like an above ground graveyard or a mausoleum or something..... there are coffins EVERYWHERE.... some open... some, more disturbingly, closed. This is where they meet the estranged Alistair who has.. no last name? Despite Angelo’s distrust, Maria seems to be immediately intrigued by this strange man... the first able to keep up with her Wit, following along with every twist and turn and giving as good as he got.
[ Interaction Interlude:
“So... Alistair...... What do you do for a living?”
“I’m a Carpenter! :)”
“..... who only makes coffins?” :doubt:
“................... Correct! :)” ]
Eventually, Angelo has had enough and is like “Alright let’s go!” And Maria seems frustrated by this but she agrees anyway.. they leave but even as they do both Alistair and Maria know... She’ll be back.
And she is! She starts to visit Alistair more and more often, all alone as well, which is extremely unacceptable for a woman of her status. And before they know it they’ve begun their own private little courting dance that neither will admit to. And thats. Main Plot Part A.
MEANWHILE IN MAIN PLOT PART B.... While Maria is off on her secret dates, which Angelo knows about and is begrudgingly been covering her for... Angelo actually has to go out since he’s supposed to be out with Maria. And he finds his time occupied at this kind of shitty smithy which is clearly for low income peasantry and thus. Absolutely NOWHERE he should be spending his time... Which is why he likes it so much. :))) And it’s there that he meets the gruff and burdensome blacksmith who offers no name. It’s fine though. Angelo doesn’t need a name to flirt. And this blacksmithy is cute under all that dirt and grime He Knows It. Unfortunately the Smith doesn’t seem to like the Young Lord at all, which is also fine. Angelo’s certain he can crack him eventually. No one can resist Lord Cadaverini. They go back and forth for months.. Angelo learns that people call the smith Husk... he likes the name. Eventually the man seems less genuinely irritated and more begrudgingly annoyed. Angelo can tell. The smith enjoys his company he just won’t admit it. Especially to himself. Finally one day, Angelo is actually getting on Husks nerves but he can’t even tell. The Lord is a bit oblivious to when people are legitimately mad at him, since he’s so used to mindlessing pushing people’s buttons. What pushes it over the line though, is Angelo asking why Husk is always smithing weapons especially since there's no way there could be that much demand for such a simple low class smithy... yet he’s always working. Husk snaps, although Angelo doesn’t know why, and he sends the lord away.
So! While his siblings have been gallivanting about, making poor examples of the Cadaverini House, Nicholas has been the one thing trying to hold their damn reputation together. Honestly the only reason that the Cadaverini haven't fallen in standing with the other Noble Houses is because the elders have faith in Nicholas to uphold the legacy and their beliefs in what nobility should be. He’s their last bastion of hope. They’d already given up on Angelo, and with each year unwed, they lose faith in Maria as well. In fact, prospects for House Cadaverini Look brighter than ever, since rumors say that Nicholas and the Princess will be wed.
Nick pays no mind to the rumors. Which is a real shame because he is woefully unprepared when Henry comes to inform him that yes, he has talked to King Lucien and he and Charlotte will be wed in December.
You see... Nicholas has not been the perfect son that everyone believes he has. He has a lot of duties for the kingdom; one of which is “maintaining foreign relations” a position that requires him to report directly to the king, making him Quite the Reputable and Important figure…
On paper, Hel is supposed to be fostering positive relations with its neighboring country, Locasta. However, under the surface King Lucien is planning a Coup, and intends to have his brother, Apollyna assassinated. In order to achieve this, Nicholas has been appointed as his Locastan Envoy, and is expected to spend long trips in the other country integrating himself into their Nobility, establishing a close relationship, and eventually learning trade military secrets. So Nick has spent his time trying to get into Count Caius Costello’s good graces. Although of lower rank, he is in charge of one of Locasta’s fiercest regiments. The plan was to use his status as a Lord and future Marques of Cadaverini House to garner a seat at Costello’s table. Then he would endear himself to the Count’s Sister, Salem, and use her as a pathway to receive information... Unfortunately... Things didn’t work out quite as planned.
Salem is smart as a whip, and just as quick and vicious. She pulls Nick off to the side of the stables one day, and before he can defend himself, she has him pinned to the wall with a knife to his throat. It’s almost shameful how easily she reads him, he’s like an open book before her. It’s impressive, but Nicholas still has a mission. So he lies through his teeth and waves his position around as though it were a white flag, and even though she doesn’t seem to believe him at ALL, she lets him go. He has a point after all... Killing someone of his status WOULD be a declaration of war, which is exactly what King Lucian would want. Her hands were tied.... for now. But the moment Nick slipped up, and he would slip up, she’d be there, sword at the ready. And he knew it. And he liked it.
He wouldn’t call it courting.. .that’s too formal. Too normal. Too acceptable. He spends the time in Locasta... pursuing Salem. And he spends his time in Hel missing her company. It’s a miracle his siblings haven’t noticed his lovesick longing, but he supposed that for once they were too busy doing whatever to be prying into his life. And for that he was thankful.
Back in Hel, Angelo has been... Sulking. To put it plainly. Maria’s been off with her new beau.... Nicholas has been off being Stupid Perfect Son Nicholas. And he’s been fucking alone because Husk hates him now and never wants to see him again and he doesn’t even know why. And this house is big and empty and it just makes him lonely upset and mad and lonely. And it’s on one of those lonely days in an empty house that the monotony was broken. Broken by a concerned servant, who requires the assistance of the Lord of the House and since Angelo is the only one there well... that task falls to him. Apparently there is a weaponsmith at the front gate and he is quite adamant that the Lord come see his wares. So Angelo makes his way to the front of the grounds and who does he see but. Husk. The young lord is immediately on guard; the last time they met they didn’t part on good terms after all. He debates just sending the man away but Husk asks that he please hear him out and well.... he quite likes the frump so... he invites him in.
[They make up. They fuck.] Funnily enough, it isn't until they're in bed that Angelo learns the man’s name... Hadrian Cabot... it was a good name. (And thank god his mother was already dead because had she heard of this she might have died again.) But Angelo demands one more thing from him. If he’s going to stay in his life then Hadrian will have to be honest about what set him off that day in the smithy. He doesn’t seem like he wants to share but after looking at Angelo’s face again it seems to break him down a little. He explains his... checkered past.... and the fact that until Angelo he’d always hated Nobles... and in fact he still hates 99% of them. Which makes Angelo laugh, knowing he's the 1%. And he doesn’t fault the smith for that; as a lord he could attest, Nobility, including himself tbh, were all AWFUL people. But then Hadrian tells him something that he can’t just brush off.. He tells him of a plot, an uprising in Hel. People are banding together, they know that King Lucian is power hungry and tyrannical and fear that a war they don’t want is on the horizon. It’s made the people restless and some have decided to lash out before he gets the chance to strike. That’s why he was always crafting weapons. He owed the guy who has become the unofficial leader of the revolution.. they’d worked together in the past and the reason Hadrian lashed out was because he hadn’t wanted to get Angelo involved. Angelo could understand why. He knew what revolution entailed. Heads would roll. Heads like his. He could understand why Hadrian didn’t want to get close to him. Not if he would be partially responsible for his death in the future. But even still something about the story unsettled him. This guy that Hadrian was indebted to... What was his name? Who is leading this revolution?.... Angelo wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer. But he had to ask.
Alright! It seems that for Maria, her lovelife has been sailing far easier than either of her brothers. Alistair is fantastic. He actually engages her, he’s interested in the things she has to say, appreciates her mind instead of her breasts. It’s such a relief after wasting so much time with those bastards in the court. They get along quite well. It’s refreshing. She’d been making trips out to visit him once or twice a week at this point, just glad to have someone outside of her brothers that she could consider an actual friend. ((It’s not like she could just make informal housecalls to see the princess when ever she wanted, even if they were friends)) Someone who she could just be herself around, even if he was just odd. She could tell him her passions about the medical field, and he would in turn talk about his hunting escapades. She learned that although he made a number of coffins for work he also found an unexpected pleasure in the art. It soothed something in him, brought him to peace with death both future present and past. Maria didn’t quite understand it, but she respected it well enough. It was a day like any other, they’d been having tea and Alistair was in the process of explaining ‘taxidermy’ when Angelo burst in. He looked ragged and distressed and he wasn’t breathing right... It set Maria on edge.
His eyes looked so wild, darting back and forth every few seconds to look at Alistair, as if taking his eyes off him for a second would be catastrophic but also desperate to ensure that his sister was unharmed and in one piece. It took a few seconds to realize that between his reedy breathing and panicked gasps he was trying to speak, but it was all rushing together so quickly that it was incomprehensible. Maria immediately went to his side, assuming the worst. Thankfully it seemed that having her in arms reach helped to calm him, if only a little. During all the stress and concern, she hadn’t even noticed the man who followed Angel in, slightly out of breath. But thankfully Alistair did. He immediately took control of the situation, as if he were born to lead. It was a bit unexpected, but not unwanted, although again Maria and Angelo seemed to be out of sync with that thought. He instructed everyone to have a seat, and began to prepare tea for everyone as he tried to explain to Angelo that no one would be able to understand him until he calmed down and that the tea would help. The young lord didn’t seem to agree with him but eventually was cajoled into drinking by his sister and his... beau. He wished he hadn’t.
Within minutes he felt calm. Too calm. His tongue felt like lead in his mouth, every blink came slow and heavy, and suddenly the teacup had the weight of an anchor sitting in his hands. He wasn’t tired, it just felt that he was underwater. Every movement came, but it came sluggish like the drip of molasses off a wooden spoon. He wanted to glare, to yell and accuse Alistair for his misdeeds, but the very thought of lifting his head seemed like a monumental task, so very far beyond him. Thankfully, his sister was no fool, and immediately noticed something was wrong. Everyone was just too relaxed for the situation at hand. She turned to confront Alistair but he just responded with the same smile he always did, asking that she refrained from being swept away in her own emotions and that she hear his explanation. She didn’t know if she wanted to, but the sight of her brother, nearly comatose and in the arms of a stranger, left her with little choice now didn’t it? And she didn’t hesitate to point that out.
Thankfully, Alistair didn’t waste time on contrivances, and was quick to explain himself. He explained that while yes, it was coincidence that they happened upon his humble abode that fateful day, it was always part of the plan to “make contact” with the Cadaverini heirs. And yes, he meant Kidnapping. But thankfully he realized that day, there was no need to resort to such methods because Maria was an intelligent woman and surely would see his logic. He had no intention of hurting either her or her brother, he simply needed them as a means to an end, and it just so happened that if she would willingly agree to his cause that would only make things much easier. At that point, he details his entire plan to her; a move some might consider foolish, but when questioned he assured that he held no doubt in his mind that Maria would not betray him. It burned her inside to know that he was right. He explains the role that she and her siblings are to partake in this game of his and that is when she has had enough. She needs to know. Is that all this was to him? A game? Alistair is excited, he can tell by her calm demeanor that he’s already won her over, had he not he may have been in actual danger, and the thought has made him giddy. He’s prancing about the house, making changes to their plans to accommodate their new accomplices when he registers the question. “A game? Why of course not, Dear Maria! I’ve always considered you a good friend.”
She didn’t know if that answer made her feel better.. or worse.
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Archie//break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored
Request: Do you think you could do an imagine with Archie where you’re the new girl in town and it goes along with “Break Up With Your Girlfriend I’m Bored” by Ariana grande, like he breaks up with his previous gf, Ronnie or Josie for you? You’re awesome much love!!
“Guys!” Betty clapped her hands, an excited smile on her lips. Archie, Veronica, Jughead and Kevin stopped their conversations to look at their friend. “This is Y/n.” She introduced you and you smiled brightly at them all. A particular red head caught your eye, and your gaze lingered on him for a few seconds longer than the rest. 
“Hi!” You waved at them all. 
“She just started today.” Betty added and sat beside Jughead. 
“Can I?” You gestured to the space between the cute red headed boy and a black haired girl. 
“Yeah, of course.” The cute boy interrupted the girl beside him and you could sense some tension between them. Deciding to ignore it you smiled at him and sat between them. “I’m Archie by the way.” He introduced himself. 
“Cute name.” You commented. “Cuter boy.” You winked and he blushed. Beside you, you could feel the girl glaring at you. 
“This is my boyfriend Jughead.” Betty pointed to the beanie clad boy and you smiled at him. 
“I’m Kevin.” Another boy introduced himself and you shook his outstretched hand across the table. 
“Nice to meet you all.” You said kindly. “Who are you?” You turned your attention to the girl beside you and she sent you a tight smile. 
“Veronica.” She said through gritted teeth. 
“Thats a lovely name.” 
“Not as lovely as yours Y/n.” Archie said and you could hear quiet gasps from around the table. 
“Awww, thank you Archie.” You brushed your hand over his arm and a slight blush appeared on his cheeks. 
“Come on Archie. We need to get to class.” Veronica stood up abruptly and grabbed Archie, pulling him away from you. 
“See you around Archie.” You waved him off and he smiled at you before Veronica pulled him out of the lunch room. Your turned your attention back to the table, to be greeted by three teenagers staring at you wide eyed. “What?” 
“You do know that Archie is Veronica’s boyfriend right?” Jughead asked. 
“How is she supposed to know that?” Kevin asked. “She’s new, remember.” 
“Shut up.” He replied. 
“At least she knows now.” Betty interrupted their argument. “Don’t you?” 
“Of course.” You nodded, smiling sweetly. “They’re cute together.” You added. 
“Not for long.” Kevin mumbled and you smiled to yourself. You liked Kevin, he was definitely your favourite so far. Apart from Archie, obviously.
A few days later you had Chemistry with Veronica, Archie and Betty. The teacher had given you all a project that required you to be in pairs, so you decided you’d ask Archie if he wanted to be your partner. You liked Betty, but over the past few days you’d talked to Archie more.
“Hey Archie.” You smiled brightly as you sat beside him and placed your books on the table.
“Hey Y/n.” He smiled back. 
“Do you wanna be my partner? I haven’t really made any friends yet, and we live quite close to each other so it might be a bit easier.” 
“Actually.” A voice interrupted. “He was gonna be my partner. Seeing as though he’s my boyfriend.” They continued and you turned your head. Veronica was stood beside you, an annoyed expression on her face. “So, I’m sure Betty will be your partner.” She motioned to where Betty was sat in the corner, smiling awkwardly at the three of you. 
“I think your boyfriend can choose who he wants for himself. He is his own person you know.” You smiled sweetly at her and she raised an eyebrow. 
“Are you challenging me?” 
“Of course not.” You stood up. “I’m just saying that your boyfriend has a mind of his own.” You started. “Not that you seem to notice.” You mumbled.
“What?” She snapped. 
“And he can chose who he wants to be his partner. Can’t you Archie?” You glanced behind you. Archie was staring at you, a slight blush on his cheeks. 
“Archie!” Veronica said loudly and he jumped. “Fine.” She rolled her eyes. “Who do you want to be your partner?” 
“Errr.” He panicked and you smiled kindly at him. “Y/n. Like she said, she hasn’t really made proper friends yet.” 
“I wonder why that is.” Veronica mumbled. 
“Don’t worry Ronnie.” You placed your hand on her shoulder. “I’m sure Betty will be your partner.” 
“Fine.” She muttered and stormed towards Betty. Sitting back down you turned your attention back to Archie who was smiling softly at you. 
“What are you smiling at?” You nudged him, a blush appearing on your cheeks. 
“Because who wouldn’t- I mean...thank you for standing up for me.” 
“No problem.” You shrugged.
“Veronica is...lovely.” 
“She seems nice.” You smiled. “She’s pretty.” 
“She is yeah.” He said, slightly distracted. “But sometimes she’s a bit bossy. And she kinda ignores me.” 
“If I was her, I’d never ignore you.” You mumbled. 
“Aw.” He teased. 
“I don’t know how she can ignore you, Archie Andrews.” His hand brushed against yours and you smiled. 
A few weeks had passed and you and Archie had been flirting constantly. At first it wasn’t that serious, just something to pass the time. Plus he was hot so who was it hurting? Well, apart from his girlfriend. Now, you were falling for him and you didn’t know what to do about it. You couldn’t just ask him to break up with his girlfriend...or could you?
You wanted him, he wanted you, why string his girlfriend along when he flirts with you every time he sees you. 
You knew you shouldn’t be thinking about it, about how he would taste, how he would feel. Usually you wouldn’t give it away, a guy would have to work to get anything from you, but with Archie. You would jump on him in front of the school if you got a chance. 
“Sad breakfast club.” Cheryl greeted everyone at the lunch table, pulling you from your thoughts. “New girl.” She smiled brightly at you and you returned it. You liked Cheryl, she was a bitch, but in a fun way. “I’m having a party tonight, you’re invited as long as you dress better than you are now.” She told everyone and they rolled their eyes. “Not you Y/n. You like great.” She added before spinning and walking away. 
“You look amazing.” Archie whispered in your ear and you blushed. 
“Thank you.” You smiled. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” You looked him up and down and he laughed. “So, is everyone going tonight?” You asked the group. Veronica was glaring at you, like usual so you smiled at her before returning your attention back to the rest of your friends. 
“Probably yeah.” They all agreed. 
“Great!” You stood up. “I’ll see you guys later.” 
“Where you going?” Veronica asked. 
“We still have like the rest of school.” Archie added. 
“I have an outfit to plan.” You replied. “You never know who’s gonna be there.” You winked at Archie and walked away. 
‘Hey, this is Veronica’ Your phone buzzed and you furrowed your eyebrows when you read it. 
‘I was just texting to ask you if you’d finished the English essay’
“Shit.” You cursed. 
‘Almost.’ You replied. ‘When was it due?’ 
“Fuck!” You cursed even louder and threw your phone on your bed. It looked like you were staying in tonight. 
‘Thanks for telling me. Have fun tonight!’ You text her. 
‘No problem.’
You’d almost finished your essay when you got stuck on the last part. Deciding to text Betty, you hoped she wouldn’t be too drunk to help you out. 
‘Hey B’
‘Hey Y/n! Where are you?’ She replied, and you were surprised, she wasn’t as drunk as you thought she would be. She was texting in full sentences.
‘At home. Doing an essay.’
‘Thats sucks.’ 
‘Yeah, thats what I need help with.’
‘Whats it for?’
‘Why are you doing that tonight?’ She asked and you stared at your phone confused. 
‘Because its due tomorrow?’ 
‘Thats not due for like another week and a half.’ She replied and you rolled your eyes. Of course it isn’t. Of course Veronica told you it was so you wouldn’t be there. She’s at the party and you’re sat at home. 
“Damn. She does not play fair.” You muttered to yourself. 
‘I’m on my way. Save me a drink’ You replied to Betty and grabbed your jacket and shoes. 
“Why does this shit always happen to me?” You asked yourself as you walked up the drive of Cheryl’s house. It was starting to get out of hand. I mean yeah, you did like her boyfriend, but she wasn’t exactly the best girlfriend. You’d tried to be nice to her, but she was playing dirty, and Archie was completely oblivious, well, he acted all innocent, but you knew for a fact he knew what was happening. You were worried of it continued you’d have to beg for Archie, and you never begged for anyone.
“Thats a bold outfit, Veronica.” You greeted her. Luckily for you, her and Archie were stood by the front door when you walked in. 
“Thanks.” She said through gritted teeth. 
“You look great, as usual Archie.” You looked him up and down.“I’m gonna go get a drink and talk to some people. It was nice seeing you both.” 
“Archie! Are you gonna let her talk to me like.” You heard Veronica ask as you walked away. You decided to talk to some people that were pretty close to them so you could eavesdrop. 
“Like what? She gave you a compliment.” 
“No she didn’t. When a girl says ‘thats a bold outfit’, they’re insulting whoever they’re saying it to. It’s how girls fight. Haven’t you ever seen Mean Girls.” 
“Well, what are you fighting over?” He asked confused. 
“Sometimes you amaze me with how stupid you are.” She complained and you raised an eyebrow. 
“What the hell?” He asked annoyed. 
“We’re fighting over you. She likes you. She flirts with you literally all the time.” 
“No she doesn’t!” He defended you and your heart skipped a beat. He deserved so much better. While they argued Cheryl approached you, pulling you into the kitchen so you could gossip. 
“Yes she does.” 
“So what if she does? She’s nicer than you are.” 
“Archie. Are you being serious right now?” 
“Yes I am. I’m standing up for myself. Y/n is much nicer than you, you literally can’t compare to her. See you later Veronica.” 
“Hey Archie.” You greeted him once he walked into the kitchen. You were getting a drink while you waited for Cheryl to come back from peeing. “You break up with your girlfriend yet?” You teased and he rolled his eyes. 
“Why do you hate Ronnie so much?” He asked out of no where and you raised an eyebrow. 
“I don’t” You shrugged. “She hates me. She told me I had an essay due tomorrow so I wouldn’t come here.” 
“You’re just as bad.” He replied. 
“Excuse me?” 
“You’re wearing a bold outfit?” He questioned and you smiled. 
“Listen, I only say that because she’s awful to you. And you could do much better.” You replied and he shook his head. “You can deny it all you want.” You approached him. “But we both know, you without me ain’t right.” You whispered and he gulped. “Call me crazy, but I want you. Even if you only want me for a night. Then you can go back to your girlfriend and do whatever you want.” You kissed him softly. “So, what do you say? Break up with your girlfriend, I’m kinda bored of this.” 
“Okay.” He nodded. “I already did, but I’d break up with her millions of times for you.” He continued quickly and you smiled. 
“Great! Lets make use of the rooms upstairs.” You smirked and grabbed his hand. His expression darkened and he pulled you up the stairs. 
He definitely didn’t go back to his ‘girlfriend’ in the morning.
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