#what uh. what is their ship name again. i wanted to type jizeni but then i was like ew that sounds gross! that can't be it but
catchyhuh · 1 year
Feeding the beast once more because you're on a roll with pairings (and these two have been on my mind since I've gotten into the fandom, shhhh) :)))
Too old for this shit (spiritually). Obsessed with Lupin (literally). Hats. They're definitely a rarepair, but not the rarest (props to any zenigoe shippers, lol). So, thoughts on Jigen x Zenigata? I feel like they've got a lot of potential despite not interacting all that much, platonic or otherwise.
this one has always intrigued me because the very few times where they do interact directly its just. so funny. they have such a funny dynamic that i want explored so much more. also funnily enough the next ask after this one is zenigata and goemon so!! isn’t that a cute little perfect triangle of asks!!
i used to joke with my friends (IN A PRE-LUPIN ZERO WORLD) that jigen could very well have been older than zenigata and lupin was just fucking with zeni by insisting he was the old man. not really related to anything but it’s always so funny to me. but like you said spiritually at least, jigen is significantly over the hill, and it’s hilarious that in this case the ACTUAL older guy is the one with twice the energy
i think, honestly, like with all of the gang proper, zenigata would be shocked by how much he has in common with him. it’d take forever and a day to get there but when they GOT there he’d be like “wait you also think ketchup on eggs sounds gross when you say it out loud and yet not that bad of a flavor combination in theory but you’re too lazy to actually try it?” and there’s this weighted pause before jigen kinda shrugs like “Yeah.” and zenigata goes “Damn…” 
the size difference is so funny because it means zenigata COULD just sling jigen over his shoulder but would never out of fear of retribution. like yeah you can pick up this little pomeranian but look at those eyes do you trust that thing to not lunge for you when it’s at face value?? if he ever has to do it he just repeats “sorry sorry sorry” under his breath the whole time until theyre out of range but really i think jigen is pretty ok with not dying. and also with being scooped like that lmaooo you see the way that guys ex-boyfriends are built?!!?!1!?
they would be absolutely terrifyingly effective working together because they would actually listen to each other, and neither would really be fighting to “lead” the attack. but on the other hand the contrast between the one who looks like he’s putting every single muscle in his body focused on this one minute task vs the guy who looks completely effortless doing some crazy shit like untying alexander’s knot or what the fuck ever is kind of funny. AND LEAVES YOU UNDERESTIMATING THEM LEAVING YOU OPEN FOR A TAG TEAM ATTACK WHUPOW!!
guy who takes up whole couch watching tv + guy who unironically does the tv dad stand = finally the world is in fucking balance
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