#what's really going on here is woojin being a menace as usual
prettyarson · 5 years
The Succubus [eight]
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Summary; hard times comes to those in hell, harder times for those below demons: humans and Succubus. Choi Sunny is both.
Genre; angst, fluff
Word Count; 1.8k
Demon! Gang! Au
Don’t forget to check out @skzohmy ‘s side of the story! They come come together and meet, also sometimes I’m lazy and just continue off where she writes!
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Sunny’s eyes looked around. Everyone was there except for Miso. Her eyebrows scrunched together. Changbin was here and Miso was usually by her side. Not only that, but earlier that day, they were going on a trip to earth, that Sunny was jealous of, of course.
“Oh shit.”
Sunny turned her head and looked at Minho. He had whispered under his breath and his eyes were locked onto Changbin.
“He went to earth with her.” Minho mumbled again, more to himself but everyone could hear him.
Changbin especially heard what the seductive demon had to say. He sent a menacing glare at Minho before he stormed out of the room. Deafening footsteps echoed through the house before the sound of a door slamming rung in Sunny’s ears.
“And he left her there.” Hyunjin hummed.
Sunny’s eyes grew. If Changbin left Miso there then she had no way of getting back to hell. Although that was what the human wanted, to be back on earth, but once you’re marked to a demon, there’s no escape. You’re tied for life, and if you’re not close to your demon for longer than 24 hours, terrible pain is brought to both parties.
“She must be hurt..” sunny murmured to herself.
Her eyes flew to Chan, hoping he would catch on to what she was wanting. Her hand moved to grasp onto his, but he only pushed her hand away, refusing to make eye contact with it. He had been that way ever since Sunny asked for a new room for just herself.
“Changbin probably remembered Soojin.” Hyunjin continued.
Murmurs of agreements all the filled the room.
“Who’s Soojin?” Sunny asked, her curious filled eyes looking around the room.
Instead of getting an answer, glares were brought into her direction. Her eyes dropped and her head followed. She spoke without being spoken to. Her shoulders came together and she tried to make herself feel small, so the daggers would stop being sent her way from the demons.
A clearing of a throat brought all the attention away from her. Chan’s hand softly grazed Sunny’s loser back, almost as if he was trying to comfort her. She only moved a step away from him, making sure his hand wouldn’t touch her. She didn’t need his comfort. At least, not then.
“What should we do then?” Jeongin asked, his innocent filled eyes looking to Chan’s figure.
Chan only scoffed, “We’re not going to do anything. I’m not going to earth to save his girlfriend. They can suffer the consequences of being separated.”
Sunny sent him a look. Miso was her friend and he knew that. He just didn’t care. He didn’t care about anyone but himself.
Sunny watched as he moved his body back to his office, where he seemed to live now. Her eyes narrowed before she got an idea. She did her best to hide the smile that grew onto her face before she headed back to her shared room.
She began to rummage through her things, and occasionally Chan’s things. She found an empty bag and Chan’s ID. She grinned to herself, then quickly filled the bag with clothing. She didn’t know what the weather at earth was like, so she packed for every season. She hoped it was cold enough so she could cover all of her scars.
She placed shoes onto her bare feet, and picked up the bag, strapping it over shoulder. She held Chan’s ID tightly in her hand. She sucked in a deep breath and left the room.
Her eyes looked around, seeing if there was anyone in the halls. Once she noticed that the coast was clear, she began walking through the house. Once she made it to the front door, a figure was waiting for her.
“You’re going to regret going.” Woojin hummed.
Sunny paused and looked to him. She knew that he could see into the future, but she doubted that whatever he saw was that terrible.
“If it’s about Chan, I’ll deal with him later.” She huffed.
She pushed herself foreword, opening the door. She glanced at Woojin one last time, barely noticing the growing smirk on his face.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you~” He cooed.
Sunny rolled her eyes. He wanted her gone anyway. She faced the darkness of hell and walked out, shutting the door behind her. She hands nervously played with the ID card in her fingers as she walked along the lot path.
If a demon was unable to teleport, there were other ways to travel, and that’s why she needed Chan’s ID. She herself had no ID and couldn’t go anywhere. Chan had taken as soon as they met, trying to get her to stay with him.
At the end of the path was a booth, set up similar to a telephone booth, only it was for transportation. And the good part about it was that there were no cameras or workers, no one there to check that the ID was not hers.
She entered the booth and shut it behind her. She sucked in a deep breath and lifted her trembling hand. Chan would be alerted whenever his ID was used, just in case someone had taken it. Sunny wouldn’t have that much time.
As soon as she slid the card to get scanned, she pressed the earth option. Her hands moved to hold onto her bag and shut her eyes quickly.
She hated the feeling of traveling. Her insides moved together and she felt like blood was sleeping through her skin. Once the feeling was gone, she opened up her eyes. She was on earth, only this time, she was in an actual telephone booth, one that was run down from no use.
She left the booth and looked around. Where she was at wasn’t particularly pretty. A lot of the buildings were destroyed, the glass in the windows busted. This is not how she remembered earth.
She sucked in a deep breath and set her feet to started walking. Her memory was a little fuzzy, but she could vaguely remember where certain places were located at, especially the place she lived with her mother.
Her eyes looked around and she took in a deep breath. She loved that she could breath in the fresh air, she loved the feeling of sunlight on her pale skin. She loved everything that had to do with earth.
She hummed a small tune as she walked around, admiring all the humans around her. She was a little taken back when an older human woman took ahold of her hand.
“You’re so strong for putting up with that abusive relationship.” She spoke.
Sunny was frozen. Her eyes blinked and she opened her mouth to decline her words, “I—I’m not—“
“He’s in jail now, I presume.” The old woman chuckled, carrying on her way.
Was Sunny really in an abusive relationship? She shook her head of the thoughts, she couldn’t be in one. Chan didn’t physically beat her. Her hands flew to her scars, hoping to cover them.
She shook her head once more and continued on with her journey. The streets were beginning to get cleaner and buildings were becoming more recognizable.
“Mommy, where is daddy going?” Sunny had asked, her innocent child eyes watching as her father packed up his things.
She couldn’t quite understand what was going on, but with her mother glaring at her father, she knew it couldn’t be good.
“The place he belongs.” She spoke with menace.
“Will daddy come back?”
“I pray to god that he doesn’t.”
Then the woman’s hand went up to clutch onto the cross hanging around her neck.
Sunny only looked at the necklace in amazement before her eyes traveled back to her father. He had finished packing his things before she noticed her things were with his as well.
“Daddy! That’s not yours!” Sunny shrieked.
Her tiny body ran forwards, her hands grasping onto her bag. She struggled to get her bag out of his hold before she felt a stinging at her cheek.
She gasped, her small hand moving to cup her cheek. Small tears prickled at her eyes. She looked around, trying to figure out what happened, but her eyes only met her mother’s.
“Stupid child! Did you think you would stay here with me?” She hissed. Sunny’s body shrank away from her, “No demon spawn is allowed in my home, you’re an abomination!”
Sunny’s eyes blinked and she didn’t realize she was crying. She wiped them quickly. She was starting to have second thoughts. Maybe her mother didn’t want to see her. But before she could change her mind, her feet already stopped her in front of the house and the woman she wanted to see was right there.
Her mother was attending to the flowers in the front yard, that same cross necklace hanging from her neck.
Sunny’s eyes welled with tears and she quickly covered her mouth. The small choked sob seemed to catch the woman’s attention and she looked up. Once their eyes met, the woman’s face scrunched up with disgust.
“You get out of here! You’re not welcome!”
Sunny kept her distance. The tears kept flowing down her face and her chest began to burn. Her hand gripped onto the card in her hand tightly, ready to flee.
“Mom, is someone bothering you?”
A boy, around Sunny’s age, walked out of the house after the woman spoke. Sunny made eye contact with the boy and took a few steps back.
“What did you do to her?” The boy asked, taking steps forward.
Sunny only stepped back more, fear taking over her body. The boy was huge, he easily towered over her. And he had muscle, to wear he could easily snap her in half.
“You better apologize to my mom right now.” He hissed as he grew closer.
Sunny’s head only shook, her body beginning to tremble. She was about to make a run for it before a hand took a hand full of hair and pulled her back.
“I said apologize to my mom.” He growled.
Sunny screamed out in pain. Not only was the burn mark on her chest beginning to set pain throughout her body, but his hold onto her hair was tight.
“Oh, you like your hair being pulled?” The boy hummed, pulling harder and watching as the tears formed at her eyes.
“Take her inside.” The woman spoke, catching the boy and Sunny’s attention, “I’ll speak to her inside.”
The boy hummed, continuing to pull Sunny’s hair as he led her inside. Throughout the pain, she didn’t notice as she dropped Chan’s ID card.
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