#whatever as long as people dont send me death threats lmaooooo
ghost-in-the-stalls · 4 years
I'm pretty sure u dont like kevin so I can say this here, I deadass wish Andrew had just choked Kevin to death. Ppl would probs be even angrier but at least nobody could say andrew apologizes to kevin
Ahajsmfgllhjahsjfkhhla okay thats a bit extreme imo xD
Youre correct that I don't like him that much tho and I do think people fixate on that scene in a very hypocritical way. Like I personally really don't like Kevin so the scene doesn't bother me the way it does others. I get that for fans of the character it might be upsetting.
But even if I'm looking at it from an objective standpoint, there are. So. Many. Shitty. Things. These characters have done to each other. Specifically Andrew and Kevin. They treat each other like shit (in very different ways) in addition to them both being assholes who treat everyone ELSE like shit as well.
Like I absolutely understand and frankly agree with the fact that it was a breach of trust and breaking the promise on Andrew's part but like...... there's also so much other shit between them. Kevin treats Andrew like less than a person. Andrew treats Kevin like a useless incapable coward. Neither of them are helping each other grow and, imo, their relationship is actively harming both of them in very subtle but intense ways. The choking was not particularly out of character or surprising or anything. Nor was it any worse than the scene where Kevin choked Neil or when Andrew choked Allison (both of which were actually witnessed by and described to the reader).
Idk like even when I recognize that I am personally biased against Kevin... even when I take a step back and try to look at it from a characterization standpoint alone... it doesn't make sense for people to be so up in arms about that scene specifically compared to all the other shit in the books.
I do feel that if Andrew and Kevin ever were to like... talk through their shit while growing as people (which isn't really the route I see them taking so much as I see them just... both being better and quietly calming down) then yeah this would be a situation that Andrew would look back at and have to own up to. Just as I also feel Kevin would have a lot of shit he did to andrew that he'd have to own up to.
This is so long but my point is that there's a lot of beef between Andrew and Kevin and they're both at fault for the absolute mud their relationship has rolled through. There isn't the Andrew-over-Kevin power difference people act like there is, nor is one of them more abusive than the other.
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