#whatever i will have to b a little baby and b like heyy can u guys be extra rly rly niceys to me pleaseee 2 my friends abt it
caruliaa · 1 year
#AHH OMFG IM SO EXICTED FOR BOTH OF THEM I MIGHT DIE#also was rly worried i wldnt be able to see the barbie movie in cinemas#but my cousins will b in the uk at the time so i can go with them an have my uncle take us or smth#tbh the biggest issue was tht it wldnt b appropriate for my sister and im not fucking asking my dad to go take me to the barbie movie#(mum doenst do cinemas but im not fucking asking her regardless)#but that solved that teehee#IM SO HYPE im gonna go see the movie and then stay im my room going pikmin mode for 14 days straight#also relaszed today that within the span of four days across the spiderverse is releasing i have the anniversy of a rly traumatic incident#and i have an exam so thats. funn !!! •__•#idk if im going to see spiderverse 2 when it comes out tho i would want too#and its beore the exam so its not like an issue of being ditsracted by like. wanting to go see it right after the exam#(bc i was rly scared tht wld b an issue w tears of the kingdom but i i dont have any exams that day)#but its more of a thing of. hmm i dont tend to do well around the time of that anniversy.#and my exam is like. the day after hhmmghfg. thats so greattt#idk well like. i cant do anything about that ig. might explode into a million peices /neg over that#whatever i will have to b a little baby and b like heyy can u guys be extra rly rly niceys to me pleaseee 2 my friends abt it#bc tht might help. bc the power of freindship love can do anything hashtag mlp. whateverss#flappy rambles#ask 2 tag
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btnclmrttn · 2 years
Heyy!! How are you? Just found your blog and tbh I love it.
May I request some HC with the opm four horseman with an reality manipulator! Reader (whatever kind of relationship u feel comfortable) , like they overpowered as fuck but doesn't change anything in their reality because it would make things boring? Would love to see what the characters think.
Sorry for the really specific and random request, the concept got in my mind and I got like 🤔 (feel free to ignore)
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Nah u good I have a OPM OC with a similar concept! Easy peasy, bro!
Reality Shifting!Reader
Mad respect for you no matter the relationship
He has quite the attachment to you because you're on a similar level of strength and how it separates you from the average Joe's
Seriously. He basically is your shadow and doesn't know it. Subconsciously pulling a Genos
Just glad he knows someone that actually gets it
He asks you weird questions often about some "What if..." Like you can see the said alternate reality or something. Whether you do or not is up to you but he asks a LOT of questions
He never would ask you to change anything otherwise, so least likely to be on you like that
He also is a little protective of you. Outside of the context of knowing you, this could be an intimidating power to the common people and could start some massive scared mob if you're not careful
Just in general he looks out for you a little more and checks in to make sure you're alright. He knows how brutal people can be
Poor boy. Knowing someone like you gives him a crisis
He would never ask you to change anything, specifically his past. But he thinks about it a lot
Changing it would mean he would never have met you or his sensei though so that's what he sticks to. He loves you both too much
He is EXTREMELY protective of you. He does not want you falling into the wrong hands, or being corrupted somehow. So he's more of a shadow than Saitama
Endless questions so hope you have the patience for them. He loves his sensei but someone with an equal amount of power, despite it being different, he would like to interrogate
Mostly about how you came to have the power, not exactly what ifs. You get one of those every now and then but he has a better understanding of serious cause and effect (like the 9/11 to 50 shades of grey pipeline)
He does sort of go out of his way to make sure you're never seriously pissed off. He doesn't want to know what wrath you could possibly unleash
That being said he's just sweet baby with you and your best neutralizer when it comes to heavy emotions
I'll b honest with you, Sonic would likely be the most annoying (at first) if he knew about you.
At the same time, most protective. Even more than Genos. He doesn't want heros or monsters alike tampering with your head and throwing off what you think is best to do with yourself
He would be annoying because he would basically present a thesis of the reason why you should change the day he met Saitama so he doesn't take such a huge L
It would take a long time, and maybe a few bullshit lies, on why you just can't. For consequences sake, and also not caring. Maybe a "if you want it done right, work for it" sort of speech
Doesn't asks as many questions like everyone else. It otherwise isn't something that bothers him or he cares about
You don't intimidate him in the slightest. He made sure to be close (originally) to stay on your good side. Any relationship that came from it is genuine, tho
He does encourage you use it more because it's like a waste of potential or somn
Like you have a bad day from someone he gonna be like "Change reality so they were never born"
Super hella overdramatic. Be glad he would have a hard time learning himself
He thought you were bullshiting at first, on god
Ever find a way to prove it though(understandably that would be hard) he would be a little intimidated by you
At the same time he wanna piece of that power and is a bit nagging about how you got it
Tried to annoy the shit out of you to get you to crack but alas, it failed
Them bribes you for some sort of training with promises that yes, he would actually keep or things you like. You could tell him you filled out a crossword book everyday for 7 years and he would deadass follow.
No one else is allowed to ask YOU though he'll kick the shit out of them. Ppl fr leave you alone for sure when you're in his company especially if they just trying to start some shit. Sort of hypocritical. He doesn't want people to bother you but he himself is an exception
After a Long ass while he just settles with some sort of "pure of heart" nonsense as to why he can't just train for the powers himself
Still he's going to ask you up and down the what ifs, like the rest. It's just a curiosity hardly anyone can shake
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mrsmctominay · 3 years
Heyy, love your work sm!!! I was wondering if you could do a fluff alphabet for rashy. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t already in your list but if it was sorrryyy, just ignore this! 🤍
Fluff Alphabet- Marcus Rashford
A- Activities He loves playing football with you in the garden. The way you get so happy when he lets you win or the way you watch to closely when he teaches you a new skill.
B- Beauty He loves your smile. It gives him butterflies. Seeing you happy makes him happy. But something about your smile is oh so beautiful.
C- Comfort He talks through the situation from start to finish with you, trying to find the root of it all. Then he will ask if you would like some space. If the answer is no, he will take you on a nice walk to take your mind off of the issue.
D- Dreams Marcus can imagine having 2/3 kids with you. It's something that he really wants.
E- Equal Marcus is naturally dominant, but he doesn't have to be the one in control all the time. He doesn't mind being laid back and letting you make some decisions sometimes.
F- Fight If it's a pointless argument, usually he will just walk away and let you cool off. But if it's something serious he will get angry and shouty to begin with until he realises that shouting isn't the solution.
G- Gratitude
When you first got together, Marcus didn't think you would have as big an impact on his life as you have, but he wouldn't have it any other way.
H- Honesty Marcus has absolutely nothing to hide. Anything you ask, he will answer. You've both always been very open with each other. He doesn't have a problem with telling you anything.
I- Inspiration You really helped him to become less tense, so I suppose you changed him in that kind of way. He has a softer side to him now, which he is thankful for.
J- Jealous Marcus becomes intimidating when he's jealous. Very up-front and vocal about it too. If someone is making him jealous, he will let them *or you* know with his face.
K- Kiss Your first kiss with Marcus took your breath away, he was very good at it. He kisses you very passionately, with lots of love. He always has to give you a kiss before one of you leave's the house, it's his way of saying goodbye.
L- Love He confessed his love to you on a boat on holiday, at this point you were still in 'the talking stage' so it was perfect. He held your hands under the sunset whilst standing on this boat and just said it, no hesitations.
M- Marriage He's always known that he wants to marry you, the only question was when. He thinks about it all the time, you looking amazing in your wedding dress with your little children running at your feet.
N- Nickname His nicknames for you are mainly darling and angel, or a shortened up version of your real name.
O- On Cloud Nine It's super obvious to Jesse, but maybe that's because they are together the most. Of course he talks about you to the other boys on the team but to Jesse it's a little bit more.
P- PDA He doesn't mind it as long as it's not too OTT. He will hold your hand and give you a hug but nothing too handsy, maybe a peck on the cheek every now and then too, he likes his privacy.
Q- Quirk He's very good at surprising you. Birthday parties, presents. Whatever it is, you're very unlikely to find out. You don't know how he manages to get away with it because you're like the nosiest person ever but he pulls it off every single time.
R- Romance Candlelit dinners with strawberries and champaign and soft music in the background is his kinda thing. He dresses nicely for you (when does he not, lets be real) and wears his nicest smelling aftershave.
S- Support He will push you to your limits, you hate him for it in the beginning but when the outcome comes, you're always very thankful for him pushing you so far.
T- Thrill He likes routine on certain things, like mornings and nights. But dates and other things (wink wink) change up sometimes when you feel them getting too repetitive.
U- Understanding He understands you very well, he knows when to give you space and he knows when not to give you space. In the beginning of the relationship, you were a bit hard to read but now he can read you like a book.
V- Value Marcus is good at making time for you, despite everything he does in life. You're very important and you're the main thing that gives him a stress relief so of course he values your time together.
W- Wild Card He leaves you a little message via the ring doorbell when he leaves for training in the morning. It's his chance to tell you he loves you if you were still asleep when he left. You keep them all in a little folder on your phone to look back on when you're having a bad week.
At the end of a long day of training, there is nothing better than the feeling of a warm cuddle off of his girlfriend. It's what he looks forward to at the end of the day.
Y- Yearning He just focuses on his game, on training and whatnot. He does a good job at hiding it when he misses you, most of the time. Of course Jesse can see right through him but that's a given.
Z- Zoo We all know Marcus LOVES his dogs, and you do too. You both love having the fur babies running around all the time.
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thestuckylibrary · 4 years
Group Ask 167
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
Anon 1 said:
hi so I read a fic like a year ago where steve and bucky were fucking and while it was happening, bucky switched over to the winter soldier and steve had to calm him down. any way someone can help me find that? it was most likely on ao3 if that helps
dolphinqueen10 sent in We Cast Our Make Pretends* by A_M_Kelley (oneshot | 3,919 | E) *chose not to warn, implied/referenced rape/noncon, implied/referenced torture, mildly dubious consent
Anon 2 said: (/others)
can you guys help me find this book where steve gets turned into a puppy and bucky takes him home and i guess they have a really bad history together? also i know that steve works at a bakery with peggy and there was a little bit of bucky/thor and that steve ended up sending like thirteen letters to bucky when he got turned back and natasha and clint told him to leave bucky alone. sorry if its too vague thanks!!
dolphinqueen10, itsvanillarice and miraishu sent in Fill Your Heart Without Trying* by Kellyscams (complete | 38,580 | E) */others
Anon 3 said:
I'm looking for a fic where I think Steve was being held prisoner somewhere and Bucky had a plan to get him out, but he couldn't implement the plan yet so he broke into the facility as a cleaning person and talked to Steve through the intercom in the cell and told him something along the lines of: don't give up on me. No matter how long it's been, trust that I'm working on a plan to get you out. I'm not giving up on you, I'm always working on a way to save you. Does this ring bells for anybody?
Anon 4 said:
hi! i’m looking for a post-cacw fic but unfortunately can only remember one detail. wanda in an effort to erase bucky’s trigger words practices on steve and gives him a set of trigger words—bucky is horrified—but then she demonstrates how she can remove them on steve. do you or your followers know this one? thanks!!
dolphinqueen10 sent in something in the wires made the light bulbs break, by Poe (oneshot | 3,009 | G)
Anon 5 said:
hiii im looking for an a/b/o fic where bucky is in heat while they’re on a mission and steve acts like it doesn’t bother him until it finally does. sorry the description is terrible
itsvanillarice sent in Heat Stroke* by cleo4u2, xantissa (restricted, complete | 243,892 | E) *graphic violence
Anon 6 said:
There was one fic in which steve was bucky's butler (kindof) and they grew up together and bucky kissed steve on new year's day without realising it was his first kiss? Also, at some point near the end they move into an apartment together and get drunk and kiss and bucky panics the next day?? Any help would be appreciated :D
outerspacebuck said:
heyy im looking for this fic where bucky rejects steve because he thinks it’s a pity date and then he ends up working for Steve cleaning his house and then they end up together. Steve is captain America or something in it. And buckys a student? I think. thankkks
alrightyaphrdite said:
i’m looking for this one fic with witch steve (wasn’t in the tag i don’t think) all i remember is he put spells on his shop fo hide it from view but worked making potions for those in need . i don’t remember how they met but they were very compatible
cyndagoaway said:
Hey im looking for a fic and i was hoping you could help me! It was a modern stucky fake dating au, they went to go visit buckys parents for Thanksgiving in a really nice vacation cabin by the lake. I think bucky messed up his arm in a car crash. Sorry i dont have more details that this but its all i could remember.
whothefamianyway, miraishu, itsvanillarice and jarofhearts28 sent in Is It Pretending If I Already Want You? by OhCaptainMyCaptain (complete | 85,228 | E)
Anon 7 said:
its where prewar steve and bucky help out a travelling show(or romani) with something, and a man gives bucky a magic gift that if bucky tells steve to do something in a certain way or after reciting a certain phrase, steve basically does whatever bucky tells him to do?? bucky uses it for sex, and steve seems oblivious but eventually figures it out. they talk it out and establish a safeword, then do the dirty its maybe 1 chap?? Thx!! :)
Anon 8 said:
Hi there! I’ve looked through the shrunkclunks tags but I can’t seem to find what I’m after. Bucky steps in to help save four girls in New York from some kind of villains and Steve turn up annoyed at him for putting himself in danger? I remember him boarding the plane with the avengers after and it’s really tense! Hope you can help, thanks a lot :))
whitewolfwintersoldier sent in nothing more dangerous by lattely (complete | 7,820 | T)
Anon 9 said:
ok i’m sorry in advance because this is going to be the worst explanation but like i read a fic last year and i lost it. so basically it was a bunker au type thing where they couldn’t go outside ? steve had a previous relationship w peggy and they had a child n they died um he fell in love with bucky secretly when bucky arrived to said bunker but they get caught by pierce and get kicked out and they make the history books in the future . if u could help it would b v appreciated!!
Anon 10 said:
Hi I’ve searched everywhere for this fic but still haven’t found it!! Its one where the team is after the Winter Soldier but he keeps appearing only to makeout with Steve and such without anyone knowing and then when the team uses steve as bait, they are finally caught together bc they start having sex?? Its like a sleeping with the enemy kinda deal. Thanks!
miraishu sent in The Blind Leading* by SkyisGray (oneshot | 43,034 | E) *graphic violence
Anon 11 said:
I’m looking for fic and I (obviously) can’t find it. It’s very similar to ‘I want it that way’ by gc4465. I remember a girl recognizing Bucky during a Vietnam protest I think?? And tony gets black out drunk when his parents die. Tony builds Bucky an arm and surprises him with it at his graduation ceremony. Annnnddd Bucky totally flips his shit when he finds out steve is alive after the chitauri attack. I’m going insane trying to find it. Thank you!!
Anon 12 said:
Hey! I’ve checked through the Sugar Daddy!Steve tag, and couldn’t find the one I’ve been looking for. It was one where Bucky had been drinking in the mail room and spilled his drink all over Steve’s divorce papers from Peggy, then Steve saw him in a diner or something and made Bucky his sugar baby. Thank you!
miraishu, itsvanillarice and dragonflybeach sent in Collar Full of Chemistry by 2bestfriends (complete | 188,111 | E)
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mypondnow · 4 years
thinking about how when i join a rp group i normally dont think about how my ocs interact with one another but then i join some funky lil elemental wizard school and go “hohoho fire one and fishy one ... Yes.... when theyre older they WILL hold hands and  cuddle. absolutely...” 
its all because of the background of a doodle with one oc im thinking bout it and im rambling bout it here cuz u cant stop me thats why i made this silly little blog 
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this little doodle in the background not sure if you can tell exactly what it is or even see it since i made it so   transparent but 
its!!!!!! levees mom carvel!!!!!!!
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in the corner of a beach photo!!! or whatever .  baby atlas baby atlas . ft their mama . forgot her first name but her nicknames toastie. i think its laylah cuz i kno its starts with an l.. . alliteration... laylah lianne <3
thats what inspired me to start shipping 2 of my own damn ocs!!! i mostly only do that in writing when i think 2 of my characters have a neat bit o’ chemistry (freshman year i wrote a story where there were 2 love interests.  one a man one a woman just to b like “YO!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHES BISEXUAL!!!!!!! LOOK AT MY MAIN CHARACTER!!!” literally all of my stories i write for a competition have some form of lgbt+ character)
so like after that im like “what if.... when theyre older.... levee becomes a photographer and atlas ends up a model like their mom? hahahahaha jk jk... unless?” it was also with that little bit of thinking i ended up making my character, cain, a transman so like. impulsive decisions that Just Feel Right king? me.
WHY do i think they get along well? OK!!!! here we go 
they were childhood friends and are both ..... relatively nice. levee’s a memelord, kind of, just an overall polite jokester (another oc in this group of ocs, pluto, isn’t Too nice sometimes) and   atlas is a bit Meaner. 
trying to think of my characters who are in a relationship ok here we go 
levee: i talk a lot, huh?
atlas: yes, but it’s nice. i like hearing your thoughts.
levee, 2 minutes later: grapes are easy to acquire and easy to eat
atlas: If you say anything else on this topic I am going to murder you.
thats just as a treat. i didnt think of any other characters because honestly? Yeah. 
anyways personality-wise? well they blend pretty nicely. both of them can defend the other if needed though. atlas probably wouldnt need to be defended theyre pretty good at defending themself. 
atlas isn’t even very high-tempered they just like causing problems on purpose. levee does as well at times but Who Doesn’t like causing problems on purpose. 
levee’s just a bit more passive than atlas frankly. a little more nice. at least he didn’t bully someone named similarly to their mom’s nickname (atlas really went off and bullied a kid named toast huh. damn atlas </3)
!!!!!!!!!!!!! speaking of bullying toast 
Atlas literally didn’t talk to levee at all during their school life . first of all they probably didn’t even kno levee went to the same school as them for a few years. second of all they were NOT the same little kid they were on the beach when the two met and hung out 
i’d think they hung out either weekly or yearly. preferably weekly like just goin out on a drive to hang out !!! say “heyyyy levee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” heyy ms levees mom i mgoign to dcry  hey lmxs nfshduygahij oeklw HEY MS LEVEES MOM AHOAIYGUSUFSDYHIJFODKSFD
carvel going “hey atlas’ mom” since shes like ‘my son calls her that im sure i can do that too’ 
thats because carvels a Mermaid and doesnt understand stuff like remembering people’s names. its ok me too carvel 
it is   3:16 am. anyways feel free to ask me either in the ask box on this blog or my dms and i WILL bombard u with as much information as i can think of on the spot. 
(fun fact i was considering having atlas have a crush on toast but then i thought of atlas and levee being together and i went ‘’OHOHOHO!!!!!! thats So much better” since atlas would never bully levee. they mostly bullied toast to feel even more powerful and in control of their world around them. it wasnt very justified or nice but they did have their reasons and they did try to get better and they Are successful in being somewhat nice)
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nxtehqs · 4 years
Alright then, all. The. Texts.
🌻 a worried text.
nate: sof where are you? nate: are you okay? i put your dinner in the oven to keep it warm nate: why aren’t you home yet?? nate: sof???
🐰 a goofy text.
nate: tomorrow morning i’m making you pancakes!! nate: i know you’re sitting next to me but i wanted to see your reaction lol nate: blueberry? choco chip? ANYTHING YA WANT
🦋 a loving text.  
nate: i misssss you sof when are you home?? nate: i’m just sayin okay i don’t like a lot of people in this town consider yourself lucky to be even nEAR me nate: love you x
🧦 a half-asleep text.
nate: hey wtf wher are u?? nate: it’s 2am?? are you okay?? nate: are u in the bathroom or sum? lady problems? nate: anythin i can help with idk....
🌳 a happy text.
nate: heyo baby get yourself ready daddy’s coming home and i’m bringing you out for lunch okay nate: just having a good day so i wanna treat ya lol
🍎 an apologetic text.
nate: hey, sof. i’m sorry you had to sit through that. you can come back upstairs whenever you’re ready. or whatever you want to do. we can leave? i warned you about these arguments but i didn’t know i was going to get this angry. i’m so so sorry. are you okay?
⚠️ a text meant for someone else.
nate: fuck, babe. can’t wait to see you tonight x nate: can’t wait to make you feel good, babe, hear you scream my name nate: SHDJFDKGFHLG SOFIA nate: AAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH OOOF AHAH LOL nate: omg i’m only kidding lol lol
🕰️ an early morning text.
nate: heyy, sof. i’m gone on my morning run. i’ll be home soon and i’ll pick you up a little something nice from the store nate: don’t miss me too much lol
💫 a late night text.
nate: you fell asleep when i was tryna talk to you bitch nate: lol i’m mad ahaha i’m telling everyone you snore
🗑️ a text that wasn’t sent.
nate: man i’m some fucking joke of a person you’ve no idea nate: i feel like this whole entire town just fucking hates me and i do stupid shit to everyone nate: everyone just takes the piss out of me and i just idek 
💡 a scared text.
nate: my dad just walked in on me and milo nate: i had no idea he was home nate: we weren’t even doing anything and he’s so mad at me??? nate: like he’s so angry idk what to do nate: don’t come home. give it a few hours. update soon
💀 an urgent text.
nate: can you go to the pharmacy and get me some plan b???? nate: plss pls pls pls quICKLY nate: what’s the like time limit after sex?????
🥇 a supportive text.
nate: hey babe i know you’re like working right now or whatever and i know i ain’t always the nicest about your choice of work butttt nate: shake some ass, babe, get your money nate: love ya
🔪 a hateful text.
nate: man wtf are you doing??? nate: why tf do you keep leaving the room at night?? nate: if you don’t tell me the fucking truth i swear to god nate: are you doing late night work or something???
🌊 a sad text.
nate: someone in work today called the f word after me nate: everyone stared and some people laughed nate: so fucking embarrassing ffs nate: why are people like that???
⚡ an angry text.
nate: i’m gonna beat hudson’s ass nate: who tf does he think he is why is he constantly inviting himself to hang out with us?? nate: he’s such a freak i hate him oh my god
🚀 a goodbye text.
nate: my mam is making me go to dinner with her and dad nate: i’m gonna cry nate: i’m actually crying right now omg nate: this is goodbye i guess. i love you. 
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