#whatever. persephones almost done
mysterycitrus · 1 month
rereading lpod just makes me sadder that so much of tims origin has been muddled through interpretation cause what do u MEAN the character who catalogued bruce’s grief and violence in the wake of jasons death to try and convince dick to return to robin is now a stalker who followed batman around for years. so much of tims character was driven by his own logical necessity. someone had to show dick grayson how bruce was spiralling. someone had to be robin again. someone had to hold things together.
retroactively changing things so tim was a turbo-stalker jason fan with actively abusive parents who hate him misses the point. he knew dick grayson before he knew batman. he only knew batman in the wake of jasons death. he did not view bruce’s actions as aspirational, and he did not know jason as robin, only as a ghost.
like ig him being an actual intense batman fan changes dynamics for storytelling purposes but foundationally tim drake was conceived to be an ordinary person who achieved the extraordinary. that’s the entire point!! im rattling the bars of enclosure again because this kid didn’t even care about photography before he chose to take action like come on
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