josuemen · 1 year
Haddaway - What is Love
Haddaway - What is Love Inscreva-se no Canal Compartilhe Esse Vídeo:   • Haddaway - What is Love   A canção “What Is Love”, foi lançada em 1993 pelo cantor alemão Haddaway e se tornou um sucesso mundial, alcançando o topo das paradas em vários países. A música foi composta por Dee Dee Halligan e Junior Torello, que se inspiraram em uma pergunta existencial sobre o amor. Essa música ganhou popularidade através de filmes, programas de TV, jogos e memes, como o famoso “Roxbury Guys” do Saturday Night Live, estrelado por Jim Carrey e Will Ferrell. Espero que você goste deste vídeo sobre “What Is Love”, uma música que marcou uma geração e que ainda faz muita gente dançar e se perguntar: o que é o amor? #HaddawayWhatIsLove #Eurodance90s #WhatIsLoveChallenge #MiniSun Haddaway - What is Love Haddaway - What is Love Haddaway - What is Love
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ophidiaenherba · 9 years
#whatislove challenge first 5 days
First 5 days all in one post fight me
2/1: What is love to me? I think of a lot of things when I think of love. It’s my friends sticking by me and and calling me out when I mess up. It’s my mom accepting me and supporting me, and my step dad asking how I’m doing and low key putting soup on my bedside table when I’m sick. It’s my boyfriend holding me when im upset (tbh holding me in general) and making food when he knows I’ve been too busy to eat all day. To love someone is to accept them, to make that decision to want the best for them and to be there for them, even if it’s in the littlest of ways.
2/2: Where do I give my love too freely? I tend to give my love out too much to others. I genuinely wanna be there for people, but sometimes I spread myself too thin and take on so many people’s problems at once that I end up crashing and burning myself.
2/3: Where do I give my love too sparsely? I don’t love myself enough, and it shows in how much I overwork myself and don’t take enough time for myself, and how I focus so much on the negative aspects of myself and how I compare that to the positive aspects of others. Lately though my emotions have been all over the place. I feel like I haven’t been there for even the people i care about as much as I used to.
2/4: How is my heart chakra currently? My heart chakra (like the rest of them) is almost never in balance these days, but it’s slowly getting there. It used to be too open and active, but now I feel like it’s closed off recently, probably in attempts to rebalance itself (kinda like how a sugar rush and crash works?) My heart chakra is generally one of my stronger ones though.
2/5: How can I improve my heart chakra? Meditation always helps, so does being in nature (the green also soothes the heart and mind) and spending time doing healthy productive things Affirmations for the heart chakra: “I am worthy of being loved” “I am receptive and open to love from others” “I am grateful for all the challenges that helped me to transform and open up to love” “I radiate divine love and compassion, and those around me can feel the love I show them”
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