#when Addy has been consistently trying to be a good person ever since being ordered to kill Isobel and refusing
parasite-core · 7 months
Shadowheart was so mad at Addy over finding out he was the one who started the cult of the Absolute, and for him not telling them. Even though Addy didn’t know before just then either. And they all know he has amnesia and he made no secret of this being a surprise to him while talking to Gortash.
Shadowheart, my girl, *you* have amnesia, have a little empathy.
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maluraunderchild · 5 years
Top five fictional ships [if you are an RP blog, you can use your own ships as well]
((Top FIVE?! Holy crap... I need to see if I have that many! There’s no order to this, only cause so many come in ties. Also sad to say I don’t ship people from TV and movies, I’m very much a ‘in for the wide’ kind of fan.))
#1: Quin/Alice or AKA The Killer Couple:
I can go about these two for hours. When Quin got moved from being a NPC Baddy for Malura to fight I just planned on him being single and sleeping with people since I never had a male character who openly did that. Then, Then he met @alas-ward. It started off so simple, just a cute game that could have ended horribly but didn’t. Quin was needing more people who he could be himself around and after agreeing to get Alice to join him on a kill, it happened. He got to spend a day with someone who accepted all his horrific stuff. They just fit so well and now are in such a great surprisingly stable relationship. I’m also a huge sucker for happy monsters which these two are. Quin’s idea of a great date night is watching whatever monster they’ve captured die while nibbling on snacks and teasing Alice until they devolve into having sex. 
But these two, every life time, every AU I have Quin in Alice is somewhere near by. It’s my main place I get to play a soulmate to a full extent.
#2 Mal/Met/Doyle: Aka As the Sands Turn aka Junior Trinity 
No I don’t make names for all my ships... Just these last two. But Malura is my oldest still playing toon. Ever since I started playing her she’s had a pretty solid personality and she has sucked at getting a proper relationship for herself. That said, when she first met Metheuselah... okay, when I first heard this guy was going to be coming I was standing in two camps. Camp 1: HOLY SHIT WE GOTTA PROTECT OURSELVES!!111!!! and Camp 2: Fucking hell Teren.. WHY!? Another sexy man!? WHY!!! *Malura’s Mun commences to look at too beautiful for this world pictures while trying to hide being a mess from everyone*
Then I got to actually have Malura and Met meet. Mal first just wanted to figure the guy out. She’s a peace maker, she’s also lived in the most varied of areas. So she was able to slowly figure his strange speech patterns, and, got her heart stolen by his big blue eyes and heart of shadow crusted gold. It was the first time I felt like my little half elf was ready to go in for a long haul. And it has been a long haul but now, it’s SO damn worth it... also Met’s Mun is just great OOC wise. 
#3 Darsa/Kat:
See, no ship name for this one... yet. Darsa and Kat was, man, I can’t say how glad I am that they found each other. The day they met I was rolling like crazy to find a way to keep Darsa from doing something too stupid. And the dice rolled in his favor ((This was after all the people he’s ever loved and trusted totally got consistent 1s to noticing him storming off)). The two of them needed someone like the other to get each other through a horrible spot. This is another slow burn ship and it’s going to be staying pretty slow cause Darsa doesn’t take lead in relationships, he lets his partners do the leading for their own comfort. 
Do I squee at their mundane cuteness, yes, all the damn time. It’s letting Darsa get out all his old fashioned dreams at a pace that seems comfortable for Kat.
#4 Alle/Anthion:
This has been a ship for a WHILE now. And because I’m playing both parties, it’s a ship that doesn’t know it’s a slow burn, but it is. It really is. Alle is a notoriously hard toon for me to ship, but I felt like I wanted to explore her being an independent woman who could have a man as well. So when I sat down and tried to figure out who she would be good with, my grumpy Darkfallen stood up and said ‘I’ll take the creepy woman’.
When they’re together I can see the connection. Both of them get each other on a very complicated level. Anthion knows Alle isn’t like other mortals and treats her as an equal. Alle knows Anthion is a monster and treats him as an equal. Also, their bickering is the sexiest thing I’ve ever written. When I write stuff for them they fall into so many tangents and side conversations. Only the two of them can really keep up with one another and I kinda love it.
Also I love them together because Anthion is my fiancé’s character from Wrath and Alle is all the stuff I love in a more bad ass package. So them together is how I can show my guy and I together. Complete with hours long conversations about the state of the world’s consumer culture.
#5 Teren/Lycan/Addie aka The Trinity 
I’ve been RPing with Teren’s Mun for a few years now and I’ve seen Teren go from ‘Damn this is rough buddy’ to ‘..... is.. are you coming back?’. So seeing the range of his love life I’m always quietly rooting for the guy to have some kind of happiness. Now, now he has it and I am always over the moon to know that he is finally in a stable relationship. Does this mean it’s an easy relationship. Please, This is Teren we’re talking about. What is ever easy about him? Besides his husband.... sorry, it’s late, bad jokes are happening.
I mean it though. Teren Mun is fantastic and I know Addie is a great Mun too. I just don’t see the downside of this relationship. Also helps that I’m in a mirror of it with Malura.... I’m biased okay! Ya wanted my opinion here you be!
((Just going to say, this is just the start of the ships I have... But these are my favorite ships that are working. I have ships no one is ever going to want to see, accept for me, in my google docs, when no one is looking.))((For Mentions: @alas-ward, @khan-of-the-ruruan, @doyle-ubu, @kat-lockhart, @darsacarrington, @allebeithloch, @anthionsoulshade, @marquis-teren-kiden, @marquis-lycan-kiden, @adilynia.... so, many, mentions... damn))
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modernlcve · 5 years
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*  —  stats —   scott levy !
* — basics !
full name:   benjamin scott levy. nickname(s):   goes exclusively by scott. age:   thirty - eight. date of birth:   october third. place of birth:   rockport,   maine. gender:   male. pronouns:   he / him. sexual orientation:   gay. level of education:   high school graduate. bachelor’s degree in business administration.
* — physical !
tattoos:  none. piercings:   used to have an earring but.   he gave up on that a hot minute ago. notable features:   his broken spirit. weakness(es):   he has a bad knee :/ scar(s):   two short ones on his forearm.
* — domestic !
occupation:   district manager of the superstore. residence:  he’s got a small apartment about 30 minutes outside of whatever city Superstore HQ is in. social class:   middle class. parents:   howard levy,   age 65,   very practical & dry.   for every bit awkward scott is,   his dad is twice as bad.   deborah levy, age 58,   she means well,   but in looking for the past of least resistance,   comes off as a doormat. siblings:   caroline levy,   age 31,   his younger sister and,  quite frankly,   the only person in the family to have a real personality. extended family:   he’s largely out of contact with his extended  family.   his grandparents are all deceased,   his father has one brother,   scott’s namesake,   but they’re not on great terms.   he tries to stay decently involved in the lives of his nieces,   caroline’s two daughters,   addie (7) and ella (4).
* — personality !
positive traits:   amiable.   solicitous.   reliable. negative traits:   insecure.   mistrustful.   awkward. myers-briggs ( x ):   infj;   the advocate. temperament:   sanguine. moral alignment:   neutral good. horoscope:  libra,   the scales. hogwarts house:  hufflepuff.
* — favorites !
movie:    wayne’s world. tv show:   saturday night live. book:   the outsiders. drink:   diet coke Fuckers food:   a good italian sandwich animal:   goats. color:   green. song:   freedom ‘90! by george michael. artist:   counting crows. celebrity crush:   i’m not saying leonardo dicaprio in romeo + juliet caused his first notable gay panic but.
* — impressions !
first impression:  he’s boring.   like,   plain and simple, he’s a bit of the stick in the mud and a little awkward. he obviously wants to be liked,   which sometimes just amplifies the whole Awkward thing. self impression:   he’s a little self-deprecating.   he was the weird kid growing up,   which lead to a decent amount of bullying,   and then on top of it,  he spent most of his life trying to just Repress basic facts about himself,   which doesn’t make for the most positive self image. lover impression:   he’s really still figuring this out.   just in  general,   he craves validation in case i haven’t said it 200 times yet,   and that would definitely track into his relationships. he’s a little needy and insecure,   but he really is well meaning.
* — et cetera !
turn ons:   kindness.   confidence.   a little bit of Weirdness enough that he doesn’t feel like a complete freak u know turn offs:   rudeness.   pda.   selfishness. drink/drugs/smoke:   yes/no/no. dominant hand:   right. clean or messy:   clean. early bird or night owl:   night owl. hobbies or special talents:   he’s logged enough hours doing sudoku puzzles that i think he’s technically a master.   also weirdly good at skiball,   as if he will ever play it again.
01. where was your character born? what brought them to boston? what do they like most about the town?
scott was born in rockport,   maine.   he comes to boston on work.   he likes it well enough.   he likes the anonymity in a city of its size and the fresh start it’s given him.   especially since he’s not steadily living there,   he feels like whenever he’s in town he’s getting another fresh start,   a little break from his reputation in his hometown or his isolated way of living at home.
02. who are your character’s friends and family? who do they surround themselves with? who are the people your character is closest to?
scott’s most consistent family has been his younger sister,   caroline,   her husband jarrod,   and their daughters,   addie and ella.  even during the span of time he wasn’t in contact with their parents,   caroline did her best to include him on holidays and milestones,   even if it meant celebrating an extra time.   scott spent a solid few years nearly estranged from his parents before he reached back out to them,   and they started working on patching things up.   they were Less than thrilled when he came out in his late twenties after a year of being engaged to some girl from another Nice Respectable family,   but they’ve worked on getting back to an Okay place in the best few years,   which has meant a to him.   he doesn’t have many friends,   mostly work acquaintances and buddies from school he links up with every now and then because weird kids stick together.
03. what is your character’s biggest fear? who have they told this to? who would they never tell this to? why?
scott is just genuinely afraid of not being likable.   and it’s linked to a lot of things,   and just the fact that he’s never felt like he fit in or like things have clicked together and been Right for him.   he wants to find connection with others,   he wants to feel like he’s finally found a spot in the world where he can be himself and be accepted and not have to worry about stuff like that anymore.   he hasn’t told this to anyone,   because one of the few things he’s picked up on in interacting w/ others is that telling them you want to be liked doesn’t make them like you.   he absolutely wouldn’t mention it to felix because part of what he admires about him is the fact that he’s so sure of himself and set in who he is,   and he doesn’t want to go drawing attention to the fact that he doesn’t have that.
04. has your character ever been in love? had a broken heart?
i don’t think he’s ever Really been in love.   things tend to fall apart for him,   but since he’s never had that Big Love feeling,   there’s no big brokenhearted drama when things are broken off.   he’s probably had a couple significant boyfriends but he can’t bring himself to be the type to hold grudges,   because even though he got dumped,   they were mostly not dicks about it,   and he walked away from the splits mostly blaming himself.
06. it’s saturday at noon. what is your character doing? give details.
depends on where he is.   if he’s at home,   he’s taking care of all the chores and errands that have gone neglected while he was gone.   if he’s out in boston,   it’s more likely that he’s doing something more Fun,   soaking up staying in the city and getting to see the people he knows there.   he likes a good brunch,   so he could be wrapping that up around noon.
07. what is one strong memory that has stuck with your character since childhood?
the year is 1990.   scott has planned the perfect performance for the fifth grade variety show.   yeah his ass got out there and gave his rendition of ice ice baby his very best.   yeah he tried to muster up as much swag as he possibly could.   and yeah he got made fun of for it in high school.   but you know what?   for the moment at age ten people cheered for him for the first time and he felt like he was a fucking rockstar and yeah maybe every soft joke at the opening of store meetings is a vain attempt to get even 1/100th of that feeling but.   it just stands out to him as one of the last times he was unabashedly himself and made to feel valid for it.
09. what is something that upsets your character? where do they go when they’re upset?
again that general feeling of Placelessness is a big deal for him,   which like,   way to take a job that requires travelling that makes that worse moron.   loneliness is a Big thing that’ll bum him out.   when he’s upset,   he likes to go see a movie,   or go to some buzzed about restaurant,   and just treat himself to an afternoon out or something,   as if trying to make a point that he can be perfectly happy and live an exciting and rich life all by himself.
10. when your character thinks of their childhood kitchen, what smell do they associate with it? why?
his mom was a strong believer in cleaning with vinegar.   they were prone to ordering food out for a lot of his childhood,   or everyone fending for themselves,   but even when there wasn’t much cooking going on,   the room still stenched of vinegar,   no matter how many candles were lit.
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