#like no one else in the party was mad at Addy
parasite-core · 7 months
Shadowheart was so mad at Addy over finding out he was the one who started the cult of the Absolute, and for him not telling them. Even though Addy didn’t know before just then either. And they all know he has amnesia and he made no secret of this being a surprise to him while talking to Gortash.
Shadowheart, my girl, *you* have amnesia, have a little empathy.
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rom-e-o · 1 month
Bess throwing Connie a baby shower after it's announced she and Adonis are expecting Starla. Party is great: lots of great company, good food, fun games, Connie gets a BUNCH of stuff for the baby. Everyone is in good, high spirits. It isn't until the party is winding down and the 1843D girls are starting to clean up as Connie says goodbye to her guests that the question of where Bess is arises. She's been bustling around all day, making sure things run smoothly, but now people are leaving and things being picked up, and the happy hostess isn't around to instruct how to put the food away. (She's very particular about her Tupperware and such, okay? Certain containers work best for certain things and other containers are only meant for other things. THERE IS A SYSTEM AND IT WORKS.)
"Oh, I think she went to get some Tylenol. I'll go get her," Connie says. She doesn't find Bess in the bathroom, she finds her quietly crying in the dark laundry room. "Bess?"
Bess doesn't even try to hide.
"I didn't want you to see me like this. I didn't want to spoil your day. I'm so happy for you, Connie. You're going to be a wonderful mom and I can't wait to meet your baby and be an auntie. But... seeing you pregnant. Knowing Addie and Tom are trying. Gal possibly pregnant. Ethel and Hela both pregnant again. I'm so happy for all of you, I really am. ... But it's still all kind of a slap in the face to remind me that... that'll never be me. Even if Wolf and I tried, I'll never get pregnant again. I'll never have a baby to carry and hold like you will. And as genuinely glad as I am for you, it still hurts."
Hey, we don't question the Tupperware system. One, she's right, different containers do work best for different things. Two, we know a certain woman (cough, KAREN, cough) has no problem NOT returning Tupperware after her neighbors try to be nice to her.
The fact that her first words are, "I don't want you to see me like this" and "I don't want to spoil your day" are SO BESS. She didn't want to be found. Even when feeling her very valid emotions, she still doesn't want to spoil her soul sister's day.
Connie, of course, isn't mad or upset at all.
Slowly, she shuts the door to give them privacy. However, she can't just leave her. She does respect Bess' wishes and stay back for the moment, sitting against the door to make sure nobody else can waltz in.
"You could never spoil anything," she says, "This is a beautiful party, and you're so wonderful for hosting it. You've made today very, very special for me. You've made so many days very special for me."
Slowly, she inches closer, until she can scoot beside her.
The fact that Bess is seeing all these other women start the process of carrying their babies, but it's not meant to be for her...that's a lot to shoulder. Connie knows she can't take that pain, but she can hold her tight, dry her eyes, and be a bit of a shield from the rest of the outside world.
"Bess ... you never need to worry about upsetting me," she tells her, holding her close and rubbing her back. "Especially not about this."
Connie would sit there as long as needed, rubbing her back, braiding her hair, or just ... talking. Or, letting Bess talk. Whatever she needs. She just wants to be near her and provide any comfort she can while Bess feels those emotions. Emotions that Connie is perfectly understanding of Bess feeling.
There are LOTS of hugs, some shared tears of empathy, and if someone knocks on the door, Connie is quick to cover. "Sorry, I'm washing a stain! I must have gotten something on my blouse earlier - clumsy me. I'll be out soon!"
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izzielizzie · 3 years
For the groups, just the couples doing a scavenger hunt. So Group A: Nate and Bronwyn. Group B: Maeve and Luis. Group C: Cooper and Kris. Group D: Phoebe and Knox. Group E: Addy and Keely. Group F: Ellery and Malcolm. Group G: Milly (I think it’s milly) and Jonah.
okay so
group A: they're going down nostalgia lane with this one because of Olivia's birthday party scavenger hunt and they'll want to win again so they'll go all out
group B: Maeve's very casual about this and Luis is like nature! outside! mysteries! you like one of those things! and Maeve's not that amused. She does help of course because Luis looks adorable when he's excited but they're not big competitors
group C: speaking of competitors Cooper and Kris are here to win and it's so funny and a little scary.
group D and F: since there are no rules against alliances, Phoebe and Knox pair up with Ellery and Malcolm, and Phoebe and Ellery try really hard while their boyfriends trail after them talking about video games. They do not win.
Group E: We all know Addy and Keely are the couple that trail after Cooper and Kris and try to swoop in when they're close to an item. it's really funny
Group G: no one knows where Milly and Jonah went they're just chilling at the beginning because they walked in knowing they're not gonna win so they might as well just watch everyone else run around like mad while they get couple time
since Addy and Keely are a hinderance to Cooper and Kris, the automatic winners are Nate and Bronwyn
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
The alluring charm of Henry Cavill - Chapter 8
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Summary: The Celebrity Project has ended, however there is still a little event, where the contestants comment on favorite moments selected by fans. However, there is one big revelation.
Henry Cavill x Adelaide Park (ofc)
Wordcount: 2.6k
Warnings: Just messing with the otp, that’s all
Masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter
Three days pass. Henry and I are still in the cottage, but there are no cameras around us. I think I am and will be forever grateful that they are gone now. We can finally breath and act like a normal couple. Thanks to the Celebrity Project, I met Henry and I’m thankful that I did, but those camera’s are a pain in the ass and will never be missed.
Jennifer Lopez and Charlie Puth showed everyone that they were a whole lot better than the rest of us. Henry and I came in second, but we are fan favorites and to be honest: I think that is the best prize I could’ve ever won. Tonight there is a special live event with the other duos and after that, it’s officially over.
I can’t wait for that.
I keep trying to make some lunch for Henry and me, but ever since the camera’s are gone, Henry has turned into a piece of velcro. He distracts me with kisses on my temple, wraps his strong arms around my waist as he stands behind me. ‘Stop tickling me,’ I chuckle, as he pushes up my shirt, so he can touch my bare skin.
‘I’m not tickling you,’ he retorts with a chuckle. ‘I’m hugging you.’
‘You are tickling me,’ I laugh. ‘Come on, Henry, pasta will be ruined.’
He simply shrugs. ‘I don’t care.’
‘You are awfully clingy,’ I note. ‘What is up with you?’
Henry reaches over to turn off the gas and turns me around, to hide his face in my neck, kissing me there. ‘Just obsessed with you.’ He bites his lip when he looks at me again. ‘You look beautiful, Addy. Every time I look at you, you are even more beautiful than you were the last time I saw you.’
This should not make me blush, but obviously it does anyways. Everything he says and does to me, I turn into a giggling and blushing mess. ‘Shut up,’ I whisper.
‘No, never.’ He hoists me up in his arms with a satisfied grin on his face and carries me as if I’m nothing to the couch.
I sit on his lap and whisper: ‘What are you doing, Henry?’
He takes a deep breath, as he frowns a bit. ‘Am I going too fast?’ he then asks. ‘I can stop if you want me to, Addy.’
‘No, no,’ I say. ‘I like this, I really do, but it’s real now. I haven’t done this when it’s real.’ I simply shrug and add: ‘And now you stare at me and I figure there is so much going on inside your head and I have no idea what.’
His hands rest on my hips, his eyes locked with mine and a small smile toys on his face. ‘You want to know what is going on inside my head?’
‘I keep thinking about how I’m so lucky. I didn’t even want to participate,’ he admits. ‘But I met you here and fell in love so quickly. I have never fallen in love with anyone this fast. I keep asking myself what I did to deserve you. You deserve so much better than this. Better than me.’
I shake my head. ‘Don’t cut yourself short like that, Henry. If there is someone who doesn’t deserve this, it’s me. And don’t you dare to tell me otherwise.’
But Henry wouldn’t be Henry, because he already opens his mouth, daring to tell me otherwise. I lean in, to shut him up with a kiss. While he lets it happen and I fully surrender myself to his lips, his words keep running through my mind. He is falling in love with me. I’m falling in love with him.
When I let go, I let out a shaky breath. So much is running through my mind. Love, fear, lust.
‘Come here,’ he whispers, pulling me close to his chest as I melt against his frame. ‘You are tense. What’s wrong?’
‘Nothing.’ However, I just come to a realization. ‘Oh my.’
‘What is it?’
‘Are you my boyfriend?’
Henry starts to laugh, letting his head fall back.
‘Why are you laughing at me?’ I ask him, slapping him across his chest. ‘Forget I asked.’ I already want to step off his lap, however he is faster and stronger. He pulls me flush against his chest. ‘Let me go,’ I laugh.
‘I wasn’t laughing at you, Addy. I was laughing because you are adorable. If you want me to be your boyfriend, I’d be honored.’
Good thing I was already blushing. ‘You want me as your girlfriend?’ I ask him.
‘I’d love that.’ He places his hands on both sides of my face and runs his thumbs over my lips. ‘You are beautiful and my girlfriend.’ He sounds so giddy and my heart misses a few beats. ‘My girlfriend Adelaide Park.’
◎ ◎ ◎
Henry has wrapped his thick arm around my shoulders as we sit outside our cottage in front of some large screens. We are catching up with the other couples and Jennifer mentions something about not being able to wait until she can sleep in her own bed again and not hearing Charlie snore again.
‘And from the looks of it,’ Justin says to me, ‘You two will be sharing a bed more often.’
‘Don’t say stuff like that,’ I chuckle, as I am nearly puking with embarrassment.
Justin starts to chuckle. ‘So, what did you two do these days without camera’s?’
His wife Hailey slaps his stomach. ‘Don’t tease her like that. Look at her cheeks.’ She turns to Henry and says: ‘Come on, mister Witcher, protect your girl.’
Henry only clears his throat and Justin quickly tells us that he won’t do it anymore. The energy Henry Cavill possesses.
I now know for a fact that I should never ever let him go.
Jennifer quickly gives a short speech, telling us how great it was to get to know us, to be part of this first ever season of the program and how much she would love it, if we would do a reunion after a few months.
We watch some fan reactions of the last episode and much to my dismay, we have to rewatch our kiss a billion times. It’s embarrassing to watch the first time, but it’s not getting any easier the fourth or eight time.
‘Look at this response on Twitter,’ Jennifer laughs. ‘“They are so cute, it makes me wanna hurl”. You two are disgustingly cute, that’s a truth.’
The night continues and I hum in content when I know it’s almost over. We watch footage of us when we first arrived here, the only ones not being awkward, were Justin and Hailey obviously.
‘But, what was Henry like before he started here?’ the voiceover of a man sounds through the boxes. He tenses up beside me and I look at him, before I return my eyes back to the screen again.
Henry is in an office I don’t recognize, with men I don’t know. ‘I have to work with her?’ I hear Henry ask, as he is looking at my headshot. ‘This is so unfair. Have you any idea how unfair this is? I’m supposed to win this thing. How am I gonna win this, if I have to work with her?’
I swallow hard, as I stare at the screen and sit up straight. I shrug off his arm from my shoulders. Is this real?
‘We never said it would be easy, Henry,’ I hear someone else say. ‘But work with Adelaide, make sure you two can win this thing and please, don’t make it too obvious what your intentions are.’
I feel tears in my eyes. Intentions…
‘Fine, but when I win, James Bond is mine?’ Henry asks.
‘Addy, listen to me,’ Henry whispers, but I don’t. I listen to what is happening on the screen. I recognize this, when the screen switches to outside. This was the day we went shopping, the day where we snuck in kisses.
‘You’re losing, Henry. You what that means, right? You’re not getting James Bond,’ a different male voice says.
‘We’re not too far behind,’ Henry answers. ‘I’ll get her to man up, so we can win this.’
I think I would’ve preferred if Henry just punched my nose back into my face. I’ll get her to man up? Did he seriously just say that.
‘And, I never knew you were such a good actor. I almost believed you actually care about her.’
On screen Henry sighs. ‘Maybe after this, I’ll get even more jobs.’
The air has turned cold as ice. Everyone is quiet and I stare at the blacked out screen. The only thing I hear is the pounding of my heart in my ears. My eye twitches as my jaw clenches. I need to get out of here. I need to get away from him.
Henry carefully places a hand on my back, but I stand up and walk inside. Thankfully we were at our cottage, since it has the best lighting, so I’m back there in a few seconds. I slam the door shut behind me and rush to the living room.
I should’ve known. I should’ve fucking known. This was obviously too good to be true. How could I be such an idiot?  Finally, fucking finally I have cleared my reputation of being so stupid and ditzy and now this happens. The whole world knows I simply fell for Henry Cavill, because I was easy.
I’m such a dumb cow.
‘Addy, let me explain,’ Henry says, who walks into our bedroom. No wait, not our bedroom. The bedroom. A bedroom.
I grab my suitcase before I place it on the bed. ‘What is there to explain?’ I ask him, as I start folding my clothes. ’It was pretty fucking obvious to me. You only par- parti- par-ti-ci-pa-ted to get that stupid James Bond part. You don’t like me, despite what you said to me. You just used me to get the job and more job offers.’ I push passed him, to grab my stuff from the bathroom.
At that exact moment a cameraman barges in, not wanting to let this moment go to waste, but somehow I don’t seem to care. I don’t even want to care. I’m just too mad at him right now to give a damn.
‘I didn’t use you,’ Henry says.
I open the door a lot harder than I’m supposed to, letting it smash against the wall, as my eyes fill with tears, all because of his wrong doing. ‘Enlighten me, Henry, what did you do then? Because judging from what you and I just watched and the rest of the world just watched, it made it seem like you were using me to get what you wanted.’
He sighs. ‘I meant what I said to you. I like you and I am falling in love with you.’
‘Hurray,’ I deadpan. I put everything in my suitcase and close it.
Henry swallows hard. ‘Where are you going?’
‘I’m going to the airport, so I can buy myself a ticket home, to visit my parents. You know, I know for a fact that they care about me for who I am and they would never ever use me the way you used me.’ I stare at my suitcase for a while and seeing my passport on top of it, makes a sob leave my eyes. I hide my face in both of my hands, as my shoulders shake when I cry.
‘No, Addy, please,’ he says, placing his hand on my shoulder, but I slap him away.
‘Stay away from me,’ I spit out, ‘and don’t you dare call me Addy anymore. Let… Le… Let me…’ Why can’t I find the right words to say now? ‘I’m going to tell you a few things and you cannot interrupt me.’
‘Okay,’ he simply says.
‘You stay as far from me as possible. I would like you to never ever mention me in an in… interview again. I don’t want you in my life anymore, neither do I want to be part of yours. You bet… betra…’ I take a deep breath as I try to get the word out of my mouth correctly. ‘You be-tray-ed me, Henry. You used me and I genuinely thought you cared about me. You know how hard it is for me to open up and… Never mind, I just hate the way you make me feel right now.’
‘There isn’t anything I can do to make it up to you?’ he asks. ‘Because I want to make this up to you. There must be something.’
I shake my head. ‘This isn’t something you can fix. What you told whoever those men were and what you told me… Those things aren’t the same. It’s either one or the other. And yes, you can change your mind, but the least you could’ve done, is told me about it. If you meant what you said to me, you would’ve had the decency to be honest with me. You should’ve told me your second agenda before you told me you fell in love with me, before you kissed me.’
Henry blinks a few times. ‘Adelaide, this can’t be the end.’
‘It’s the end,’ I say with more certainty than I have ever heard myself speak with. I simply grab my suitcases and walk out of the room.
Tears run over my cheeks as I brush passed the others, who want to know if I’m okay, but I’m not. I’m not okay and I know I won’t be for awhile. I need to go to see my dad, to hug my mom. I don’t want to be in Italy anymore, I need to go home and be with them.
I already spot a taxi at the stand, but before I can approach him, I hear a: ‘Adelaide, please wait a second.’
I stop walking and I hear two pair of footsteps. Those stupid camera people, I’m not going to miss them.
‘Don’t I get to say something to you?’ he asks, as he stands in front of me.
‘You said enough behind my back already,’ I tell him. ‘Get out of the way. Don’t make this harder than it already is.’
‘I’m sorry.’
‘Sorry won’t cut it,’ I tell him, a lot harsher than I did before.
Henry rubs his face, before gently holding my hand. I know I shouldn’t let him do this, but I just want to feel his touch one more time, because I know this is going to be the last time I’ll ever feel it.
‘Henry, please, let me go.’
‘I am willing to do anything in the world to make it up to you, Adelaide Park. You are one of a kind. You are the one that I want to get to know even better.’
‘Don’t,’ I say. ‘Just don’t. Don’t contact me ever again, don’t audition for the part as my love interest and please if you ever see me before I see you, walk away. I can’t have you in my life.’
‘No, please,’ Henry says, holding my hand up to his chest, placing his other on top of his own. ‘I can’t lose you, Adelaide. What I said to my agent, before we met… It was true. I only participated because I wanted James Bond, but what I told you is true as well. I don’t want James Bond anymore. I just want you.’
‘Let me go,’ I say, not looking at him. ‘Please, Henry, now.’
‘Adelaide,’ he whispers.
‘Right now.’
He lets go of my hand and sighs deeply. ‘Is this the end?’ he asks. ‘Please, this can’t be the end.’
My sniffle is his answer and it’s all I can give him. ‘Goodbye, Henry.’
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tothemaxxx · 3 years
My Favorite Films and Performances of 2020
“I wish I could’ve seen it on the big screen.”
It was a strange year, and even stranger year of movie watching. In 2020 I saw only one of my top films in a theater, which is crazy (like much else over these past months). But the experience of keeping up with the movies this year was a reminder that great filmmaking can transcend the specifics of the viewing experience. In your living room, in bed, projected onto the side of a garage, streaming on Twitch, broken up into multiple sittings, maybe even on your phone (desperate times)… if doesn’t matter as long as it connects with you. A great film has the power to soothe and transport, to alter your perspective, to re-wire your brain. So while I didn’t get on a single airplane last year, I definitely went places. And I’m grateful for these changes of scenery. For the time-travel as well; last year in my house, we found great comfort in revisiting a bunch of old favorites. It was also an opportunity to finally watch a number of those older films that had someone evaded us… a year of catching up, now or never. We were members of a weekly movie club for some months — that was cool. Another pleasant silver lining was the emergence of virtual film festivals, which have been a fantastic opportunity. I hope that they can continue in some form when this pandemic is in the rearview. Because, you know, getting to Park City is a real schlep. All this to say: like you, I’ll always remember 2020. In this truly crummy year, the movies really helped.
I’m including some of the film festival stuff that’s coming out a little later, because the boundaries between 2020 films and 2021 films feels blurry to me without proper theatrical releases.
TOP 5, loosely ranked. I love these deeply.
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1. LOVERS ROCK, Steve McQueen
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2. NOMADLAND, Chloe Zhao
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3. ANOTHER ROUND, Thomas Vinterberg
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4. TIME, Garrett Bradley
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5. MARTIN EDEN, Pietro Marcello
The rest of the Top 25, in alphabetical order. I loved these.
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À L’ABORDAGE, Guillaume Brac
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BACURAU, Kleber Mendonça Filho
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COLOR OUT OF SPACE, Richard Stanley
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THE FATHER, Florian Zeller
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FIRST COW, Kelly Reichardt
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JASPER MALL, Bradford Thomason and Brett Whitcomb
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LUXOR, Zeina Durra
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THE NEST, Sean Durkin
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NEW ORDER, Michel Franco
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POSSESSOR, Brandon Cronenberg
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RELIC, Natalie Erika James
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SAINT FRANCES, Alex Thompson
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SOUND OF METAL, Darius Marder
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THE TRUTH, Hirokazu Koreeda
I also enjoyed (some more than others):
Apples, The Assistant, Babyteeth, Bad Education, Black Bear, Blow the Man Down, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm, Butt Boy, The Climb, Da 5 Bloods, Deerskin, Emma, The Father (Bulgaria), Greed, His House, The Hunt, I Used to Go Here, I'm No Longer Here, Impetigore, The Intruder, The Invisible Man, Kajillionaire, La Llorona, Let Them All Talk, Lost Girls, The Man Who Sold His Skin, Mank, Never Gonna Snow Again, News of the World, One Night in Miami, Palm Springs, Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time, Rebecca, She Dies Tomorrow, Shirley, Slow Machine, Sorry We Missed You, Soul, Spree, Straight Up, A Sun, Swallow, Tenet, Tesla, Tommaso, The Traitor, The Trip to Greece, True History of the Kelly Gang, Uncle Frank, Under the Open Sky, The Vast of Night, Vitalina Varela, Wendy, The Whistlers, Wildland, Young Ahmed
And these documentaries!
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American Murder: The Family Next Door, The American Sector, Assassins, Beastie Boys Story, The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart, Bloody Nose Empty Pockets, Boys State, Brainiac: Transmissions After Zero, Circus of Books, Class Action Park, Collective, Crip Camp, David Byrne's American Utopia, Dick Johnson is Dead, Fireball: Visitors From Darker Worlds, The Go-Go's, Gunda, Miss Americana, MLK/FBI, The Mole Agent, Mucho Mucho Amor: The Legend of Walter Mercado, My Psychedelic Love Story, Mystify: Michael Hutchence, Narrowsburg, On the Record, Other Music, Sisters with Transistors, Spaceship Earth, The Way I See It, Whirlybird
And these shorts:
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Bye Bye Body (which I edited), Fit Model, Friday Night Pizza for Daddy, Hard Cracked the Wind, The Human Voice, John Was Trying to Contact Aliens, Michael's Preference West, What Did Jack Do?, World of Tomorrow Episode Three: The Absent Destinations of David Prime
My favorite performance of the year:
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Frances McDormand as Fern in Nomadland
Favorite ensembles:
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À l’abordage, Another Round, Bad Education, Babyteeth, Bloody Nose Empty Pockets, Blow the Man Down, Emma, First Cow, Kajillionaire, Let Them All Talk, Lovers Rock, Mangrove, Mank, One Night in Miami, The Personal History of David Copperfield, Promising Young Woman, True History of the Kelly Gang
More memorable (and in some cases under-discussed) performances:
Christopher Abbott as Colin Tate in Possessor and as Gabe in Black Bear
Idir Ben Addi as Ahmed in Young Ahmed
Riz Ahmed as Ruben Stone in Sound of Metal
Daniel Algrant as Kelvin Kranz in Let Them All Talk
Maria Bakalova as Tutar Sagdiyev in Borat Subsequent Moviefilm
Haley Bennett as Hunter Conrad in Swallow
John Boyega as Leroy Logan in Red, White and Blue
Rob Brydon as Rob Brydon in The Trip to Greece
Jessie Buckley as Young Woman in I’m Thinking of Ending Things
Nicolas Cage as Nathan Gardner in Color Out of Space
Salif Cissé as Chérif in À L’abordage
Sheyi Cole as Alex Wheatle in Alex Wheatle
Cleopatra Coleman as Trina in The Argument
Carrie Coon as Allison O’Hara in The Nest
Michael Angelo Covino as Mike in The Climb
Willem Dafoe as Tommaso in Tommaso
Charles Dance as William Randolph Hearst in Mank
Catherine Deneuve as Fabienne Dangeville in The Truth
Katie Findlay as Rory in Straight Up
Sidney Flanigan as Autumn in Never Rarely Sometimes Always
Johnny Flynn as George Knightley in Emma
Julia Garner as Jane in The Assistant
Robbie Gee as Simeon in Alex Wheatle
Chris Giarmo as himself in David Byrne’s American Utopia
Betty Gilpin as Crystal Creasey in The Hunt
Ethan Hawke as Hank in The Truth
Kris Hitchen as Ricky Turner in Sorry We Missed You
Anthony Hopkins as Anthony in The Father
Jonathan Jules as Dennis Isaacs in Alex Wheatle
Sandra Guldberg Kampp as Ida in Wildland
Joe Keery as Kurt Knuckle in Spree
Udo Kier as Michael in Bacurau
Orion Lee as King Lu in First Cow
Delroy Lindo as Paul in Da 5 Bloods
Peter Macdissi as Walid "Wally" Nadeem in Uncle Frank
Matthew Macfadyen as Wilcock in The Assistant
George MacKay as Ned Kelly in True History of the Kelly Gang
Yahya Mahayni as Sam Ali in The Man Who Sold His Skin
Luca Marinelli as Martin Eden in Martin Eden
Tuppence Middleton as Sara Mankiewicz in Mank
Mads Mikkelsen as Martin in Another Round
Wunmi Mosaku as Rial in His House
Elisabeth Moss as Cecilia Kass in The Invisible Man
Kelly O'Sullivan as Bridget in Saint Frances
Shaun Parkes as Frank Crichlow in Mangrove
Robert Pattinson as Neil in Tenet
Paul Raci as Joe in Sound of Metal
Kadeem Ramsay as Samson in Lovers Rock
Gayle Rankin as Marissa in The Climb
Tanya Reynolds as Mrs Augusta Elton in Emma
Tyler Rice as Detective Russell Fox in Butt Boy
Andrea Riseborough as Hana in Luxor
Cecilia Roth as Marta in The Intruder
William Sadler as the Grim Reaper in Bill & Ted Face the Music
Kenyah Sandy as Kingsley Smith in Education
Amarah-Jae St. Aubyn as Martha Trenton in Lovers Rock
David Strathairn as David in Nomadland
Michael Stuhlbarg as Stanley Edgar Hyman in Shirley
Swankie as Swankie in Nomadland
Tilda Swinton as Woman in The Human Voice
Kristin Scott Thomas as Mrs. Danvers in Rebecca
Steve Toussaint as Ken Logan in Red, White and Blue
Alec Utgoff as Zhenia in Never Gonna Snow Again
Jairaj Varsani as young David Copperfield in The Personal History of David Copperfield
Ben Whishaw as Uriah Heep in The Personal History of David Copperfield
Sharlene Whyte as Agnes Smith in Education
Letitia Wright as Altheia Jones-LeCointe in Mangrove
Ramona Edith Williams as Frances in Saint Frances
Kôji Yakusho as Masao Mikami in Under the Open Sky
Youn Yuh-jung as Soon-ja in Minari
Helena Zengel as Johanna Leonberger in News of the World
Favorite pre-2020 films I saw for the first time in 2020:
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Blood on the Moon, But I’m A Cheerleader, Crooklyn, Cure, Daughters of the Dust, The Death of Dick Long, Deep Cover, The Draughtsman's Contract, Eyes of Laura Mars, Give Me Liberty, Greener Grass, Hardcore, High Hopes, The Last Party, Long Day's Journey into Night, Maiden, One Day Pina Asked, Persona, Right Now Wrong Then, Right On!, The Seventh Victim, Slightly French, Synonyms, Tammy and the T-Rex, Variety, The Watermelon Woman... and a tip of the hat to Coppola's new The Godfather Part III recut, The Godfather, Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone
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oboevallis · 3 years
the diary pt 1
please don’t read if this could trigger you, there probably will be a part 2
“Where’s Addie?” Amelia asked as she scrambled around in the kitchen trying to get ready for work and to make sure the kids got to school on time.
“I don’t know, she was up late last night though.” Scout told his mother whilst being engrossed in his phone.
“What is she doing up so late?” Amelia rhetorically asked.
“Come on guys.” Amelia ushered her youngest out of the door so she could drive him to school. “Don’t leave without your sister.” She reminded Scout, last week he left for school and forgot to take his sister with him.
“I won’t, Scouts honor.” The teen smirked holding up three fingers. Once his mother left he sat at the kitchen table on his phone, waiting for his little sister.
“Ready?” Addie asked as she stood beside her brother.
“I’m ready, your not. Aren’t you gonna get dressed?” He asked looking at her attire of sweatpants and an oversized tshirt, he didn’t find anything wrong with the choice of clothing but it’s what she fell asleep in last night.
“I am dressed.” The girl huffed in annoyance as she made her way to the door. Scout just rolled his eyes and followed his sister to his car. The two sat in silence on the way to school, it was their new normal. The pair used to be inseparable, but now she had distanced herself from him. His mother told him it was just her being a teenager, but it upset him deeply.
“Dads coming home from his conference next week, he’s gonna take us to the Mariners game. I’m excited are you?”
“Yeah, it should be a lot of fun.” Addie smiled, but Scout could tell it was forced.
“Maybe want to watch a movie tonight?” He asked as he parked the car into the parking lot.
“We’ll see.”
“Yeah.” Scout sighed, knowing that it probably wasn’t going to happen. “We’ll see.”
“Hey.” Maggie smiled stepping into Scouts room.
“Aunt Maggie! What are you doing here?”
“Winstons getting on my nerves.” She chuckled jumping onto her nephews bed. “And your mom got pulled into surgery. So I thought I’d come by and have dinner with you guys.”
“Mom just doesn’t trust us. We’re older now, I can cook dinner and stuff. But that’s not saying I don’t love spending time with you.” He chuckled, him and Maggie always had a close relationship.
“You know your mom, she’s kinda overprotective.”
“Yeah I honestly can’t believe, there was a time she went to parties and did drugs.” Maggie chuckled along with Scout before getting up to check on the others. Anders was engrossed in a video game, so she went across the hall, quietly opening the door to Addison’s room to find her fast asleep, she chuckled to herself that girl was just like her mother and savored any sleep she could get. Maggie walked over to shut her bedside lamp off to allow the room to be darker, dodging over the mess that had accumulated in her room. Before exiting the room she spotted a journal peaking out beneath her dresser, she knew it was an invasion of privacy and she shouldnt read it. She had temporarily lost Zola’s trust for a couple of weeks because of this, but she couldn’t stop herself.
“Auntie Maggie, can we have spaghetti for dinner?” Anders asked running out of his bedroom with Scout following behind.
“Sure. What are you two up too?”
“We were gonna go to the tennis court if that’s alright.” Scout said.
“Why not?” Maggie smiled. “Just be home before 6:00, I don’t want you driving in the dark.”
“Sure thing!” Scout reassured as the pair went out to the car.
The cardio surgeon made her way into the living room and situated herself so she could see if Addie came down the stairs so she could quickly hide the journal. She let out a shaky breath, not sure why she was so nervous.
“Hey I’m home.” Amelia cheerfully announced making Maggie jump, and she slammed the book into her chest. “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you. Where are my kiddos.”
“Addies sleeping, and everyone else went to the tennis court.” Maggie said quickly wiping any stray tears.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” The neurosurgeon asked sitting down next to her sister. Maggie shakily placed the book into her hands. “Is this Addies journal? Why do you have this?”
“Yeah, um I just saw it and started reading it you know how I am. You really need to read it though.” By the look on Maggie’s face she could tell it wasn’t anything good. Maggie watched her sisters face contort with tears as she read the aggressive words on the pages, and wrapped her arm around the scared mother.
“I thought she was just being a teenager.” Amelia voice broke. “I’m her mother. How did I not realize she was in so much pain?”
“It’s okay.” Maggie tried to soothe allowing her sister to cry on her shoulder. “It’s not your fault.”
“I’ve gotta call Link.” Amelia said grabbing her phone from her bag. “God, what do I even say?”
“Just tell him he needs to come home.” Maggie suggested, not sure. They suddenly heard the door open and Amelia turned away to wipe her tears.
“Hey mom! I thought you had surgery tonight.” Anders smiled as he kicked off his shoes by the door.
“It got pushed. So I came home.” The mother forcefully smiled, once she wiped her tears.
“You good mom?” Scout asked nothing something was off in the atmosphere.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why don’t you guys help Anders study for his exam?”
“Ugh, mom do we have to?” Anders complained.
“Yes. Yes you do.” The pair made their way into Anders room obviously upset that they had to do something school related.
“I’m gonna go make dinner.” Maggie said as she stood up and walked into the kitchen. Amelia followed behind her and sat at the kitchens island.
“What do I do?” Amelia asked as Maggie filed a pot up with water.
“I don’t know.” Maggie admitted, they were both doctors but were both blanking on what they should do. This was a person they loved and their emotions were interrupting their rationality. “What’d Link say?”
“Nothing yet, he must be at a dinner. I called and texted he needs to come home immediately though.”
“Okay, he’ll see it soon.” Maggie tried to comfort. The two sat in silence while the cardio surgeon finished making dinner.
“How was everyone’s day at school?” Amelia asked once everyone was at the table, and she listened to everyone’s review in the day and then expectantly looked at her oldest daughter.
“It was fine.”
“Nothing stressful happen?”
“No, I said it was fine.” Addie said with annoyance dripping in her voice. Everyone sat in awkward silence after that exchange, until Amelias phone rang which she jumped up to take.
“What’s her deal?” Scout asked as he watched his mother go into her study. By the look in his aunts face he realized she knew something. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing.” Maggie said an octave higher than usual.
“Something is obviously going on.” Scout said.
“Just a patient drama at the hospital.” Scout skeptically looked at his aunt but continued to eat regardless. Once Amelia came back they could tell their mother had been crying.
“Ok what’s going on?” Anders asked, it was very rare they saw their mother cry.
“Nothing, just hospital troubles.” Their mother mustered up as much of a smile as she could. Addison then stood up placing her dish in the sink.
“Where are you going?” Amelia asked panicked.
“ I need a shower. Why are you being so weird?” Addie knew she had to keep calm, there was no way her mother knew.
“Make it quick.” Amelia said firmly.
“Since when do our showers get timed?”
“Just make it quick.” The mother bit her nail as her daughter went up the stairs. Maggie placed a reassuring hand on her thigh. Amelia looked back up the stairs and stood up once she heard her daughter close the bathroom door. She then went up the stairs and sat against the closed bathroom door, and heard the shower turn on. She quietly sat there until she head a stifled sob. “You okay in there?”
“Leave me alone! And why are you stalking me?” Addison yelled causing Amelia to wince, her daughter barely ever went off on her.
“Addie? Can I come in?” Amelia asked bitting her nail again.
“Just leave me alone! Is that too much to ask?”
“Addie, please I want you to be okay.”
“Your gonna be mad at me.”
“I promise I won’t. Can I come in?” She heard silence and took that as the okay to come in. It took everything in her not to burst into tears at the scene in front of her. Her daughter sat in the middle of the shower as the water fell onto her and blood circled down the drain with it. She quickly went into the cabinet under the sink and grabbed a hand towel and some hydrogen peroxide. She got into the shower with her daughter still in her work clothes and wiped her daughters thighs throwing the razor blade across the room, noticing she had multiple cuts in many stages of healing. She cleaned each cut, and observed the new ones noting her daughter could use stitches as she kept pressure on the cut.
“Are you mad?” Addisons voice broke, all Amelia could do was shake her head no she didn’t want her daughter seeing her cry right now.
“Baby, you need stitches.” She chocked out.
“No! I don’t want to go to the hospital!” Addison yelled pushing her mother off off her. “Please, mommy.” The girl begged.
“I’ll be right back hold pressure ” Amelia whispered as she exited the bathroom and made her way into her study, and Maggie followed her in.
“What’s going on, is she okay?” Maggie asked as Amelia looked through her drawers for something.
“It’s worse than I thought.” Amelia confessed as she finally found the suture kit and numbing spray she was looking for.
“Does she need stitches?” Maggie asked shocked seeing the kit in her sisters hand, to which Amelia could only nod. “You need to take her to the hospital.”
“She doesn’t want to, and she’s so upset. And I need Link here.” Amelia said wiping away the tears that were falling down her face. Maggie sympathetically looked at her sister and followed her up the stairs into the bathroom where the girl was still seated in the shower sobbing.
“Hey sweetheart.” Maggie smiled as she stepped into the bathroom with her sister. “You know if you let us take you to the hospital we can help you.”
“Yeah, if we do the stitches here it’s gonna hurt like hell.” Amelia said trying for keep her voice from wavering.
“I don’t care.” After some convincing Amelia and Maggie were able to coax Addison into going to the hospital. The girl didn’t want anyone seeing her so they snuck in from a side door and went into the neurosurgeons office. Maggie went to get a suture kit and a numbing agent, while Amelia sat on the couch still applying pressure to the girls leg even though the bleeding had slowed.
“I’m back.” Maggie whispered, closing the door behind her. She moved to where Amelia had been previously sitting and began to stitch the girls leg. Amelia held her daughters hand, and Addie pulled away.
“Hey, Amelia you were supposed to be in OR 1 an hou-.” Meredith barged into her sisters office since becoming the new Chief she had been running the hospital on a strict time schedule, but then stopped herself once she saw the scene in front of her. “Oh.”
“Put Koracick on it.” Amelia said, glaring down at her sister.
“Do you want to speak outside?”
“Just put Koracick on it.” Amelia said it firmly.
“Let’s speak outside, Dr Shepherd.”
“What the hell do you want Meredith?” Amelia shouted once she shut the door behind her.
“Are you okay?” She asked in a maternal manner.
“Do I look okay? Do I seriously look okay? My daughter doesn’t want to be here, I put her on this Earth and she hates me for it. She literally wrote in her diary ‘the worst decision my mother ever made was not aborting me’ how the hell am I supposed to be okay?” Meredith tightly embraced the scared mother.
“Do you want me to get her a bed in pysch?” The neurosurgeon winced at her words, and nodded before wiping her tears and walking back into the room.
“Can we go home now?” Addison asked once Maggie had finished the stitches. The mother took a deep breath before speaking again.
“No, we can’t.” Amelia looked down at the floor not able to make eye contact with her daughter.
“Huh? Why?”
“We’re gonna stay here for the night.”
“Your sending me to the pysch ward?” The teenager chuckled, obviously in disbelief.
“I’m worried about you. All I want is for you to be happy and healthy.”
“Well I don’t need you to be.” Addison stood up and made her way to the door, but not before her mother could block it. She hadn’t realized how much taller her daughter was than her until they were fighting over the door, it scared her, she remembered when she was a toddler looking up at her mother and now it was the other way around. She barley recognized the girl. “Don’t waste your energy on me, waste it on your two perfect children.”
“Your perfect to me, I love you.” Amelia choked on her words. “We all do.” The girl rolled her eyes and sat back down on the couch.
“What’s going on?” Link asked quickly once his wife picked up the phone.
“When will you be home?”
“I’ll be in the next plane in about half an hour? What’s going on you can’t just text me there’s an emergency and I need to come home and then not tell me.”
“I-“ Amelia choked on her words, trying her best not to break down on the phone. “I had to send um, A-Addie. She’s um, she’s in the pysch ward.”
“What?” Link chuckled, nervously. It sounded ridiculous, to him. He knew his daughter had not been herself lately but brushed it off as her being a teenager. He knew it was bad from the phone call he received earlier, but now it felt real.
“Just get home as soon as possible.” The scared mother affirmed before hanging up the phone. Leaving Link to state at the black screen of his phone, worried to death about his daughter.
“Addison Lincoln.” Amelia responded to the nurse who asked her who she was there to visit.
“One minute.” The nurse kindly smiled, before she went to check if the girl wanted visitors. Amelia played with the skin around her nail, nervously. “I’m sorry, but she’s not up for visitors right now.”
“Does she know it’s me?”
“I can’t even say hi to her?”
“I’m sorry Dr Shepherd, but she doesn’t want to see you. We don’t want to upset her any further at the moment.”
“Okay.” The mother nodded sadly before she reluctantly left. She pressed the elevator button, it opening to reveal her husband. They quickly fell into each other’s embrace, Amelia allowing her tears to flow onto her husbands button up shirt, he must’ve come straight from a dinner when he went to the airport.
“It’s going to be okay.” Link whispered trying to comfort his scared wife.
“You don’t know that.”
“She’s strong, she’s gonna get help. She’s so strong, she’s just like her mom.”
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stevetonygames · 4 years
Spotlight Post: Canon Soulmate Bonds
Yooo, this is a blog takeover, Mizzy here, ready to champion one of my favourite fictional causes: canonical soulbonds in the Marvel universe.
We all love a good soulbond fic. Words on your body, names on your wrist, red string of fate...so many glorious versions, and all of them *completely awesome*. The problem sometimes with starting a soulbond fic, though, can be all the worldbuilding required to make it work. But what if I was to tell you that no worldbuilding was necessary? That you could technically write a soulbond fic without having to set it in an Alternate Universe? What if you could set your soulbond fic *directly in main canon?*
Marvel 616 delivers you a canonical soulbond mechanic… not once… but at least *twice*. There could be more. There’s a lot of comics to go through and I’m only smol. But here’s the two I know about and I’m here to introduce you to today. :)
The was a ripple of mild confusion around fandom when Kevin Feige announced that the Eternals were getting a title movie in the next phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Created by Jack Kirby in the 1970s, in a wild combination of mythological fascination and spite at DC comics for not letting him finish his New Gods saga, the Eternals were an offshoot of humanity, created by the Celestials for humanity’s protection; this reason for their existence would lead them into their ongoing conflict against the deadly Deviants. There have been a few Eternals runs (notably one run by Neil Gaiman, which did not serve to bring the Eternals the commercial success Marvel was searching for with the title, that nevertheless remains the most fun and accessible Eternals volume), but they’ve not yet really reached wide-reaching traction among even the most die-hard comic fans. The MCU might change that, and here’s hoping, because I love these nearly-immortal idiots, and I’m hoping not to be alone in that for much longer. :D
But even my Eternals-happy soul has to admit, Eternals canon for the most part is dense and can be convoluted, and the spellings—both of their character names and one of the main fun parts of their existence, the Mahd W’yry—are enough to give one a headache. The idea of the Eternals is that they’re long-lived and have interacted with human history over the years in various impactful ways. You might think at first glance that you’ve never heard of the Eternals Sersi, Ikaris, Makkari, but I think you wouldn’t find Circe, Icarus, or Mercury unfamiliar names.
The Mahd W’yry is a symptom of the Eternals being so long-living. In order to stop them going insane, the Eternals have to bond into something known as the Uni-Mind, which basically squishes all their consciousnesses together into one, where they can share memories and blend temporarily into one mind. Regularly bonding into the Uni-Mind allows them to stave off the Mahd W’yry. (Yep, that’s just a headache-inducing spelling of ‘mad worry’, we know.)
Anyway, did you need to know all this? Eh, maybe, a little bit of canned backstory is always handy for you to briefly glance over and promptly forget. Because along with some dense mythological adventures, some glorious angsting across beautiful landscapes, and that ability to turn into a big massive floating brain, the Eternals also gave us a beautiful gift:
The Gann Josin.
In Avengers #361, Ikaris comes down to Earth and decides that Sersi needs to be bonded to Dane Whitman, an Avenger who canonically didn’t have any powers, he was just a *really good guy*, destined for tragedy. Honestly. That’s his bio. Really good guy. Destined for tragedy. The character creation in the 90s was peak talent. Dane, sadly, was in love with another woman, but did this matter to Ikaris? No. Apparently the Eternals don’t know about the dangers of letting himbos like Ikaris have life-changing powers, like the ability to create the Uni-Mind. 
Because the power to control the Uni-Mind also gives an Eternal the power to form a Gann Josin bond. And that’s what Ikaris does in Avengers #361—he forces a Gann Josin bond on Eternal Sersi and tragic human Avenger Dane Whitman.
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Gann Josin (sometimes Gan-Josin because what is spelling continuity in Marvel comics) is both the name of the bond, and the title given to an Eternal and their chosen life-mate. It has a bunch of cool side effects. Both Gann Josins get glowing full-red eyes. It’s a really intimate tiny form of the Uni-Mind (without the part where you become a big floating brain), and creates a small scale mental union. The Gann Josin bond makes the Eternal and their partner lifelong soulmates. As the bond progresses, it creates a telepathic/empathic bond that strengthens in time. According to the Eternal Sprite, humans are rarely chosen by Eternals for the Gann Josin.
Now, Dane Whitman does manage to break the Gann Josin several issues later. But… it’s not easy. It’s rare. When Dane manages it, it is called an “astounding act.” It’s pretty dang hard, in other words. There’s every chance your chosen Gann Josins won’t have the mental fortitude of Dane Whitman to break it. (Although, we’re talking about Steve and Tony, and are there any bigger stubborn idiots in the universe? Probably not.)
But Mizzy, I hear you saying. I don’t want to write about Ikaris, even if he is a party king and that sounds pretty nifty. I don’t know anything about the Eternals and I don’t want to go down that gnarly rabbit hole.
That’s totes fine, my friend. I am here to save you. Because in very recent canon, during Jason Aaron’s turn at the helm, the Eternals are all dead. Very dead. That whole Mahd W’yry thing got ‘em, it got ‘em good. But before Ikaris died, he granted his Uni-Mind power to someone we all know and love.
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Yep. Tony Stark. Tony Stark currently has the power of the Uni-Mind.
Which means that Tony Stark can now Gann Josin people.
In Avengers #361, Ikaris performs the Gann Josin by basically just pointing his hands at Sersi and Dane and some light goes WHEEEEEEE!! in their direction, and bam, this rare and special bond is done. And Tony Stark can do that now. To anyone! Unfortunately Ikaris is dead and didn’t leave Tony with an instruction manual. But the point is, he *can*. You can make up all sorts of fun things with this canonical fact (or write your own version because lbr Canon Is Dead; Long Live Canon.)
There are so many possibilities. Does Tony deliberately learn how to use it so he can bond himself to Steve? Does Tony *need* to be able to hear Steve’s thoughts (to thwart some bad guys) and thus end up soulbonded forever to Steve in result? Is Tony’s power activating at random because he can’t control it, and he ends up soulbonding everyone around him? Does he just subconsciously bond himself to Steve without consciously meaning to? Do Tony or Steve want to try it for science?
Gosh, I love comics.
But WAIT. There’s MORE.
It’s not just 1990s comics going ham on the soulbond idea. No, we got some *this year*. Canonical soulbonding? TWICE? In one universe? Two different kinds??
And this time, it’s not in a D-list Marvel title. We’re up the ranks to the big leagues this time, folx, with a brief trek to the world of the Fantastic Four.
In Fantastic Four (Vol. 6) #15, we’re introduced to a Spyre citizen called Sky, a winged team member of the Unparalleled (more cosmic-powered superheroes), who work under The Overseer. (The Overseer, in a burst of beautiful retcon in the way Marvel comics keeps doing to us, is apparently the entity who is responsible for giving the F4 their powers. Huh. The more you know.)
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On the planet Spyre, all children are brought before something called The Great Eye. This measures them against the radiation signature of everyone on the planet, divining who their perfect match is. 
Sky looked into The Great Eye, only to find out her match was Johnny Storm, who was 44 light-years away at the time. Long-distance relationships can be tough. Anyway, plot happens, the F4 get stuck on Spyre, get told they can’t leave, and Sky tells Johnny Storm that she is his soulmate. Oh, and she attached a soul binding onto him while he slept. Neat, huh, all the bodily autonomy people get in this universe before being force soulbond to people? So neat, much consent, wow.
Johnny feels a connection to Sky, which is supposed to let us know this lack of choice is a good thing I guess. The Overseer wants Sky to renounce Johnny and crush the F4 which obv doesn’t happen, so of course she leaves The Unparalleled and skips off to Earth to be with Johnny. 
Who knows how this relationship is gonna last. I mean, you can look at the rest of Johnny’s relationship history and have a good guess. Who knows. Anyway, Reed and Sue are each other's soulmate, and also share a “Soul Binding”, so there’s some canonical proof right there that maybe this system has some validity going for it.
The soulbond for this form takes the form of a golden bracelet worn on the upper arm, that Sky explains her people call a “Soul Binding”; it represents them as being soul-mates. This bracelet can only be removed by your soulmate. This soulbond doesn’t seem to come with any extra powers, it’s just to show that The Great Eye has measured their radiation signature and declared them a match that is supposed to mean they’re perfectly compatible in every way: spiritually, mentally, and physically.
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I don’t know about you, but I have a pretty good feeling that Steve and Tony might just have matching radiation signatures… Or what if Steve and Tony have perfect matching signatures….with other people? (Someone else on Spyre believes Sky is *their* perfect match, after all!) What if Steve has feelings for Iron Man, but he’s a perfect match with Tony Stark? I feel faint already just thinking about it.
So here you go. Two canonical types of soulbonds for your fannish consideration. Feel free to ask me questions! You can find me on tumblr (@mizzy2k) or on discord (addy#0908).
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smkkbert · 3 years
Time for a story - Dangerous Liaisons
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“What would I do without you?”
Oliver smiled when he took the two milk cartons from Addie and Connor. The two toddlers smiled happily about the compliment. They were at that age to love helping in the house or the garden or whatever else the adults did. Of course their help usually caused things to take much longer, but Oliver didn’t mind.
Sometimes he really wished that he would have been given the chance to help as a child. Only Raisa had ever let him help with anything without making him feel like he was annoying. Maybe that had been part of the reason why he hadn’t given a damn anymore in his youth. If his help had meant that he was only in the way, it had seemed reasonable to not offer any more help eventually.
“Can we get more?”
“You could get two tins of sieved tomatoes.” Looking at Addie’s frowning face, he scrunched up his nose, trying to find the right words to explain that to Addie and Connor. “You know, the red tin that daddy always adds to his special spaghetti sauce.”
Addie thought about it for a moment before she nodded her head. Grabbing Connor’s hand, she pulled him to some shelves then. Oliver grinned, watching them disappear in some aisle.
Connor was only a day older than Addie. To say they were the same age was hitting the bull’s eye quite exactly. Because of that and because of the many playdates Lyla and Felicity had made for the two of them, they were best friends already now. Whenever there was a party that everyone of the Arrow Family attended, they always found themselves immediately. They had just gown up to become good friends. If their mothers had anything to say about it, they would certainly wish for them to become more than just friends.
Thinking about it, Oliver had to admit that there was something very sweet about the thought of Connor and Addie falling in love with each other. The Queens and Diggles had been through quite some tough times together. They were connected in ways that barely anyone would understand. Adding a little love story to it would be the little cherry on top. It would make their story almost ready to be used as a foundation for a movie.
With a shake of his head, Oliver got into the waiting line. He knew that Felicity and Lyla, just like him and John, wouldn’t mind if their families got connected like that. If it didn’t happen, neither of them would push for it. After all, they loved their kids too much to put their own romantics daydreams or their needs and wishes above the wellbeing of their children.
It only took a couple seconds more before Addie and Connor came running back. Each of them was carrying a can of sieved tomatoes in their hands. Once they stopped in front of them, Oliver put them into his cart and smiled at the both of them.
“You really are the best shopping assistants I could have asked for.”
Addie nodded proudly and high-fived Connor. “We really are.”
Chuckling, Oliver lifted her into his arms and kissed her cheek. Addie hadn’t always been the easiest to take care of. As a baby, she had driven him and Felicity insane because they hadn’t been able to guess what she had wanted and needed. She had been crying for hours without ever giving them a pause, and nothing could have helped to calm her down.
Now, it was quite different from that though. Addie was still not easy to take care of because she was stubborn and feisty, and she knew exactly what she wanted and what she didn’t want, but she was easier to calm down now than she had been back then. At least now she could tell them what she was thinking.
While Oliver was stroking his fingers through Connor’s short hair, he noticed that Addie’s focus had changed. She was smiling at something or someone behind him. The slight blush on her face and the way she looked away from whatever or whoever she was looking at told Oliver that she liked whatever she was seeing.
When Oliver turned his head back over his shoulder to follow his daughter’s gaze, he realized that she was keeping eye contact with some guy. He was standing a couple of feet behind them in line. Whenever Addie was looking in his direction, he was smiling or making faces though. Olive guessed that he was either a dad himself or that he had at least some toddlers in his close environment. Otherwise, he would never be this good at it. Most guys in their twenties didn’t know what to do with toddlers after all, and Oliver couldn’t really hold it against them. He had been no different at that age either.
Addie became uncalm quite soon, so Oliver let her back down to the floor. She leaned herself against his leg and wrapped both of her arms around his leg tightly. Again, Oliver looked into the direction of the man, Addie had been kind of flirting with. He was throwing Addie an air kiss by kissing the palm of his hand and blowing the kiss in her direction. Addie squealed excited, but she was hiding her reddened face against his legs nonetheless.
It was kind of sweet, Oliver thought to himself, especially because it was a rather rare view to see Addie so shy. Still, he had to admit that he wasn’t too happy about the whole situation. The thought that even his youngest daughter was now flirting with strangers reminded him that she was one day – even if it was taking two decades – finding someone she loved and start a family of her own. He was nowhere ready to face it, considering that he was nowhere ready to have his oldest son go to college somewhere far away from home either.
Since Addie was kind of struggling in his arms. Oliver kissed her cheek once more and let her down to the floor. Addie still held onto his legs, but she also continued looking at the stranger.
While Oliver wasn’t happy about the situation, Connor seemed to really hate it. As soon as Addie was standing next to him, he hit her. Addie seemed to be anything but pleased about it. She frowned at her friend angrily and hit him right back.
“No, no, no,” Oliver said when Connor lunched out again already and lifted him into his arms, “we don’t hit each other.”
“Addie- Addie-“
Connor seemed to be out of words which was kind of amusing to Oliver. He knew exactly what jealousy was like. He had experienced it himself more than once. In his marriage with Felicity, there had been so many moments that he had felt jealous. Only lately, he had realized that it was a completely useless emotion. That was why he had chosen to let go of all jealousy and trust Felicity a hundred percent. He knew that, if she was flirting with someone else, it never meant anything.
As Connor started crying, Oliver put his hand to the back of his head and pushed his face against his shoulder. Connor cried against it quietly.
“I know it sucks when the girl you love is seeing some other guy,” Oliver whispered to Connor’s ear, “but you have to woo her now instead of angering her.”
Connor frowned at him. “Woo her?”
“You have to be little, charming prince. You have to make her smile a lot.”
Connor’s frown deepened briefly, but he soon smiled and nodded his head. Oliver looked at him encouragingly once more before he kissed his cheek and set him back to the floor. The young boy took a step towards Addie, but she shot him an angry look and hid her face against Oliver’s leg.
“Addie, I’m sorry,” Connor said and put his hand to her back, rubbing it up and down, “forgive me?”
Addie frowned at Connor angrily once more. She couldn’t be mad with him for too long though. Connor was her best friend, and she always wanted to reconcile with him quickly. That was why she turned towards him and let him hug her.
Oliver smiled at the sight. The kids were still so young, but their hearts could already carry so much love. Oliver could only hope that they would never lose that.
“We do a princess tea party at home, okay?”
Addie nodded, excited about the idea. “With tea and crackers and feather boas.”
Connor nodded his head. “Okay.”
When Addie started getting their supplies onto the counter, Connor turned his head towards Oliver once more. Oliver winked at him. Connor was without any doubt a good boy, and Oliver knew that, if time passed, Addie’s heart would be safe with him.
* * *
A short chapter before the angst storyline begins!
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13-reasons-ideas · 4 years
Can’t Go Back Part 10
A/N: Thank you for your patience. There is no smut this chapter. That will be the next Before chapter. I liked ending it on a cute note between Addy and Monty. Feedback is appreciated. 
Keeping my relationship with Montgomery was easier and more thrilling than I expected it to be. There were stolen kisses in alcoves, a seemingly endless string of text messages, dates disguised as studying, and a few more sleepovers than anticipated. My friends and family had yet to pick up on anything and we were going on a month and a half of dating. I wonder how long we can keep this up. Surely it won’t be much longer.
An unseasonably chilly Monday morning in early November, I woke up before my alarm and snuggled under the covers. I had just fallen asleep again when my alarm went off. Groaning, I sat up and crawled out of bed. I breezed through my morning routine and threw on a black knitted sweater with a pair of dark wash ripped jeans. I grabbed a t-shirt to throw in my bag in case it got hot without looking. My hair was thrown up into a messy, yet styled bun and my current daily makeup was applied.
My parents were enjoying their morning coffees at the island when I came downstairs. Noticing me, my mom sat up straighter and dad cleared his throat. Uh oh. “Morning.” I greeted, timidly.
“Morning sweetie.”
“What’s going on?”
“Your father and I were just talking about this weekend.”
“Alright? Why did you clam up as soon as I walked into the room?”
“You know I have that conference in Chicago this weekend.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s been on the calendar for months. What’s the big deal?” I asked, as I made my way around the kitchen getting my breakfast ready.
“I found out this morning that Dave has a family thing this weekend, so I have to go to Scottsdale in his place.” “Okay. You’ll both be out of town at the same time. What’s the big deal?”
“No need for tone Addison.” My dad scolded. I fought the urge to roll my eyes.
“It’s not a big deal at all Addy. It is just short notice is all.” Mom added.
“The usual rules apply, you know. No crazy parties. Only Justin is allowed over and he sleeps in the guestroom.”
“I assumed.” I nodded and looked at the clock on the wall. Finishing the last of my breakfast, I gathered my books, threw the shirt in my bag, and grabbed my car keys. “I’ll be home later than usual. I have an assignment to work on after school.”
“We will leave some dinner out for you. Have a good day at school.”
“Mhmm. Of course you will.” Dad muttered, checking his phone for the probably millionth time since he got up.
When I got to school, there was a strange buzz in the air. People were whispering amongst themselves. That in and of itself wasn’t out of the ordinary, but the way they died down when certain people-mainly girls-passed, was a dead giveaway. Nothing changed when I walked past which was fine by me. “Before you say anything, it wasn’t me.” Justin said as he slid next to me at my locker. I sighed.
“What wasn’t you?” I grumbled. I was still annoyed with him for the photo of Hannah that got sent around.
“The list.” He stated, shrugging, as though I would know what that meant. “And I know you’re still mad at me but Addy please. You know I wouldn’t send something like that around. You know how Bryce is.”
“I know. But you also didn’t do anything to stop it. What list?”
“I said I was sorry.”
I sighed heavily. “If I decide to let it go, will you tell me what the hell you are talking about?”
“Yes.” He nodded eagerly.
“Fine. I forgive you or let it go or whatever. Now what?”
“There’s this list going around. You aren’t on it but it like… rates girls.”
My eyebrows shot up. “Are you fucking serious?”
“Yeah, why the tone of surprise? We go to Liberty High.”
I shrugged, knowing he wasn’t entirely wrong. “I’m not. It doesn’t make it okay though. Do you know who made it?”
“Rumour has it, it was Standall.” I shook my head in disbelief and closed my locker. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I smiled slightly, even though I was still horrified at the situation.
As stupid as the list is you’d still top mine.
That list is deplorable Montgomery.
Deplorable, huh? New vocab words?.
Yeah. I gotta head to class. Text you during break.
Sure thing. Everything okay?
Yeah. I’m just tired, no worries.
I locked my phone as we passed Justin’s friends, all clearly pouring over the list. I tried to ignore the slight sting in my chest as I heard Monty join in. I knew he had to play along to keep up appearances with his friends, but it still sucked having to listen to the bragging and hoopla of the group. I must have sighed aloud or something because Justin stopped me a few feet away.
“Hey, are you okay?”
“Hmm? Yeah. It was just a long weekend is all.”
“Did you want to cut and talk? I know you aren’t thrilled with me or anything right now, but I’m still your best friend.”
I paused, thinking for a moment, before nodding. “Yeah, sure.”
We walked to a side exit and made it seem as though we were getting a forgotten book from my car.
After we checked that the coast was clear, I drove to Monet’s for a to go order and continued to our spot by the hiking trails overlooking town.
I took a long sip of my latte and stared out at the skyline. “Dad just frustrates me sometimes.” I stated.
“I know.”
“It’s like I’m only worth paying attention to when he needs something. Any other time, I doubt he would even know if I was there or not. Or if he wants to share his opinion on one of my life choices.”
“Is that what this is about?”
“No. Yes. I guess?” I shrugged. “This weekend mom and I were talking about college and what I would be interested in doing, nothing serious, just talking. And all of the sudden, dad comes in from his office and is all ‘that’s a waste of a degree’ and all this other crap. She tried to get him to let it go but he just wouldn’t hear it. Eventually she gave up to go work on her paper and he just went on and on. I know that it’s not what he imagined for me, but it’s what I want. And its not like we were being super serious about anything. I have time to change my mind still.”
“Well what were you guys saying?” “We were talking about what courses I could take that would be general enough to use for any major should I choose to switch and what courses would be a waste of time. I have two years to decide this stuff Justin. We were just talking and having girl time.”
“Of course he had an issue with that.” He muttered. “What happened after Margot left?”
“I was tired of him yelling at me and so I snapped. I called him out on his bull and told him it was all hypothetical at this point anyway so what does it even matter? He didn’t think it was appropriate to take that kind of tone with him. I told him where he could shove it and slammed my door on him. I ended up staying in my room all day yesterday.”
“Wow. He really needs to… I don’t know what. But whatever it is, he needs to do it.”
“Tell me about it. And then this morning, I found out that they’re both going away on business this weekend because Dave can’t make it, and he was acting like I was going to throw a ragger or something. You know, when he bothered to look up from his phone and acknowledge my existence.”
Justin shook his head. “I’m sorry Addy. It’s not like he would know if I came over and slept in your room though. Keep you company.”
I mulled it over for a while I was going to see if Montgomery wanted to come over. “Nah, I think I’ll be alright. It’s only a couple of days.” I checked my watch and noticed that first period was almost over. “We should get going, I have an assignment due next period.” Justin nodded and we silently gathered our things.
“I really am sorry about what happened with the photos.” Justin finally said as we walked back into school.
“I’m not the one you need to tell that to. But telling her is a decision that is in your hands.”
“I know. It’s just high school though. Not like anything serious will come of it.” He said, brushing the whole ordeal off. I shrugged, not really having an opinion. The bell rang and it just so happened that we were near one of Jessica Davis’ classes. I caught Justin’s eyes wandering her body and I rolled my eyes.
“Don’t even say it, you creep.” I joked, immediately knowing what he was thinking.
“What? I wasn’t going to say anything.” He shrugged, giving me that puppy dog look that he is convinced absolves him of all his sins. I shook my head and shoved him playfully. Before I could say anything else, I heard my name being called from up the hall.
Turning, I saw Jeff waving me over. “Addison. Hey, come over here for a minute. We need a girl’s perspective on something, and Leah is busy.” Perplexed, I turned Justin, who shrugged at me. I sighed as we made our way over to the small group of boys, gathered around Jeff’s locker. I nodded politely at Garrison and turned my attention to Jeff. “Yes Jeff?”
“My less… experienced friends here, seem to think that the list going around is just a joke. Something to be laughed at.”
Of course, this is about the damn list. Fucking Standall. I made brief eye contact with Monty and he raised his brow slightly. He looked intrigued. “Right. Well I can assure you that as a woman, if someone I was interested in or seeing, thought it was funny or meaningless, there would be much more talking and consideration on my part before any more… experience… were to occur.” I explained, choosing my words carefully. I watched discreetly as my words sank in and Monty’s face pinched ever so slightly.
“See? What did I tell you? Girls care about these things. Now why don’t you all run along and try to be decent human beings for another hour until lunch.” Jeff laughed.
“Ugh. I need to run. Don’t want my English assignment to be late. Later Justin. See you Jeff. Boys.”
Walking to lunch as I read a not school related novel, I was shocked when a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty classroom. I let out a quiet shriek reflexively. “Relax, it’s just me.” Monty said, letting me go.
I took a deep breath as he wrapped his arms around me. “Hey.” I sighed against his chest.
“Missed seeing you this morning.”
“Me too. I had some stuff to do before school.”
“It didn’t have anything to do with the list? I thought you and Alex were friends.”
“No, it didn’t. And we aren’t friends necessarily. More like acquaintances. After this little stunt, I’m not sure I want to be friends with him.”
“That’s totally up to you Addison. How was your weekend?” Do I want to talk to him about it? Not really. At least not now.
“It was okay. Yours?”
“It was alright. Spent the weekend with Bryce.”
“Sounds like fun.” I murmured.
“His parents are in Cuba or Mexico or something.”
“Lovely.” Good for them. “That reminds me, my parents are both going to be out of town this weekend for work stuff. You can come over if you want?”
I looked up at him, watching him organize his schedule in his mind. “I’ll have to double check but I think I can come over after the game Friday.”
“Sounds good. Just let me know before Friday.” I gave him a hug and my phone vibrated in my front pocket.
“Damn Addy, what are you packing today? And why didn’t you lead with that when you asked about this weekend?” He joked, smirking jovially.
“It’s my phone you fiend.” I smirked back, rolling my eyes. I left the response in reference to this weekend open ended. You never know what might happen.
Checking my phone, I glanced at my texts. It was from Justin. Did you get locked in the bathroom or something? Where are you? “Shit, Justin wants to know where I am. I’ll see you in chem.” Had to ask Mr. David a question about this week’s reading and we got talking. I’ll be there in a minute. Don’t worry about saving me a seat, I need to talk some sense into Alex before he digs himself into a deeper hole.
I walked up to Alex determined to give him a piece of my mind. I cleared my throat and he looked around, cutting Bryce off. “Addy. Hey, what’s up?” He asked nonchalantly. I arched my brow, hoping to convey my displeasure. You’re dealing with a boy here. Justin was watching me from his seat at the table. When we made eye contact, he seemed unsure if he should be standing up to stop this or if he should sit back and watch the show. I glanced towards the cafeteria door when Monty walked in, waltzing to his usual seat at the table. I felt myself becoming ballzier as the boy’s attention was caught.
“That was a really shitty thing to do Alex.”
“What was?”
“Don’t play stupid with me. The list.”
“You care enough to talk to me about it?”
“Awe, is the little bookworm upset she wasn’t included?” Bryce mocked. Justin’s head twitched towards him quickly, readying himself to step in.
“Shut the fuck up Walker. I’m not in the mood for your sexist bullshit today.” His and Alex’s eyes widened at my response, not used to me speaking my mind like that. “I’m not friends with Jessica or Hannah, but that doesn’t matter. And there were other girls on it. Comparing girls is a fucked up thing to do. I get you’re upset or whatever because of whatever happened between the three of you, but that kind of thing can ruin people’s lives.”
“It’s just a list Addison. It was for fun.”
“This time it was. It’s only fun until someone gets hurt. For your sake, I sincerely hope no one does.” Having said my piece, I turned and walked away. I noticed Tony Padilla watching the ordeal unfold with his boyfriend, Ryan Shaver. Nodding to them, I scanned the room for a place to sit. My eyes skipped over Hannah sitting by herself at the end of a table. They landed on Jeff sitting with Leah and Clay. I walked up to them and waved to sit.
“Hey Addy.” Clay greeted. I took the proffered seat and pulled out my chemistry textbook.
“Hey Clay. How goes the tutoring?”
“It goes.” Jeff responded.
“He’s more interested in Clay’s love life than the material.” Leah added.
“I see. Love life? What does the love life of Clay Jensen look like?”
“Hannah Baker.” Jeff smirked.
My eyebrows raised, impressed. “Justin says she’s sweet.”
“Justin is an ass.”
“He’s my best friend. And he’s not an ass. He’s just… selective about who he likes.”
“Addy, that’s polite for ‘he’s an ass’.” Clay responded, turning his attention back to Jeff. “Focus Jeff….” I tuned out the educational bits of what they were talking about, instead focusing on my own schoolwork. Justin texted me, breaking my concentration.
Bryce says you need to stop hurting his feelings.
Well tell Bryce and his tiny dick… I mean ego, he can grow up and if he didn’t say stupid shit, I wouldn’t have to. I looked up to watch his reaction. He ducked his head and bit his lip to hold back a laugh. Bryce tried to grab his phone to see what I said, but he slid it in his pocket quickly. I caught Monty quirk his brow at me and smiled softly at him. Pulling up his contact, I shot him a quick text. Don’t worry about it.
On my way to chemistry after lunch, I ran to the washroom to change quickly because I was starting to sweat. “Addy.” I vaguely heard a voice call behind me. I wasn’t sure if I was hearing things or not, so I ignored it. “Addison.” The voice called again. Again, I ignored it. “Yo. Hawthorne.” This time, it was much closer. I pulled out an earbud and looked to my left. Montgomery was walking beside me, trying to fall in step.
“Oh hey. Since when do you say ‘yo’ to me?”
“When I call you like four times and you don’t say anything.”
“Sorry, I was listening to a new album. Got a little too into it.” I turned to him again and he was scanning me appraisingly. “Hey. My eyes are up here buddy. Also I’m Justin’s friend so I don’t know what you think is going to come of you looking at me like that.” I chastised, noticing a couple of people stopping to watch us. When they looked away, I smiled at him brightly.
“Well I was thinking something along the lines of those little cookie sandwiches you make Justin all the time.”
I smirked. “Macarons? Try again in three months. Need to make sure you’re worth the effort of those delicious little hell circles.”
“Don’t worry, I will.” We arrived at our chem class and before he walked to his seat, he slipped in one more comment. “Nice shirt by the way.” I thought nothing of it until I was changing into my pyjamas that night. No wonder people were looking. Hopefully we don’t need damage control.
The rest of the week passed with few incidents. Hannah and Jess’ not talking was even more strict now. My dad was preoccupied with getting ready for his trip, so he left me alone for the most part. Monty and I continued as we had been, discussion of Monday and the list set aside for now. He had confirmed plans with me Wednesday night. I heard him confirm to Bryce that he had family coming to town this weekend, so he had to be home. I smirked into my book as I passed them. If Justin noticed, he didn’t say anything.
Friday morning, I was digging through my locker for my biology assignment, which had mysteriously disappeared from its place in my binder, when I felt someone beside me. “I told you Justin, I’m fine by myself this weekend. I’ll probably just watch SVU reruns or something.”
“Not Justin, but SVU doesn’t sound like a bad time.” Monty laughed. I jumped, not expecting him.
“Hi.” I said, still digging through my locker.
“What are you looking for?”
“My biology assignment. It’s due in like fifteen minutes and I can’t find it anywhere.” I heard him rummage through his bag briefly.
“You mean this biology assignment?”
I whipped my head around and frowned at him. In his hand, was my worksheet, slid neatly in a sheet protector. My frown softened and I looked at him questioningly. “Where did you find that?” He held it out to me.
“You left it on your desk in chemistry yesterday, so I grabbed it for you.” In my relief that my assignment wasn’t gone, I hugged him quickly.
“Thank you thank you thank you. You are literally a life saver right now.”
He chuckled before coughing slightly. “School.” He muttered to me.
“Shit yeah. Sorry.” I mumbled as I let go of him. “Justin isn’t making me go to the game, so is it okay if I skip it? I’ll make you congratulations dinner.”
“Sounds fair. What’s for dinner?”
“I haven’t decided yet. Depends what we have in the fridge. Also how do you feel about boardgames?”
“Love them as long as I’m not playing with Scott.”
“Last I checked, I’m not Scott so that’s good. I’ll see you at my place. You can finally have a proper tour of the house and see what it’s like coming in the front door.”
“Looking forward to it.”
After school, I checked what we had in the fridge. “Hmm… leftover lasagna, pork chops, ground something. Six different kinds of cheese.” Next was the pantry, “we have like eight different kinds of noodles. Could do mac and cheese.” Hey babe, how does mac and cheese sound?
That sounds good.
Okay. Good luck tonight. He didn’t respond so I went upstairs to change, after connecting my phone to the Bluetooth in the living room. “Hey Siri, play I Prevail playlist.”
“Okay, playing I Prevail playlist.” Instantly, the heavy sounds of guitar and bass riffs filled my home. I changed into the shirt I wore the other day and a pair of shorts, so I was comfortable for the night.
While dinner was cooking, I gathered a few boardgame options and an extra pillow for Montgomery, humming and singing softly to myself. He knocked on the door around seven. “It’s open.” I called from my place at the stove. He walked in and I could feel his eyes on my body, though I ignored it and the butterflies it caused in my stomach.
“I didn’t think you would like whatever this is. It’s also loud. Hear it outside loud.” He spoke into my ear, causing me to jump, yet again. He needs to stop doing that. I might buy him a bell for his birthday.
“Jeez. Hey Siri, pause music.” The music cut off. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me. And there is no other way to listen to this.” I smirked mysteriously.
“Somehow I doubt that but okay Addy.” He kissed my cheek softly and I felt the dampness of his hair against my face.
“Please tell me that isn’t sweat.”
“I showered after the game. Don’t you worry your pretty little head.” I caught him reaching out for the lid of the mac and cheese.
“Hot!” I exclaimed, reaching out to stop him. “I took it out of the oven like ten minutes ago and it’s cast iron.” He nodded.
“How’s about that tour?” He asked, patting my butt as he moved to step around me back to the island. I surprised him when my hips followed his hand as he pulled it away. Turning to watch him suck in a sharp breath, I giggled.
“Don’t be getting any ideas there, buddy.” He muttered something under his breath I couldn’t catch. It sounded like something about “innocent” and “has no idea”. Before he could make any further comment, I clapped my hands together. “Tour. Starting here, I guess. This is the main floor.” I spread my arms, expositorily. Taking his hand, I led him back to the front door. “Front closet. Feel free to hang your coat up here or put it on this… lovely… piece of furniture Gran insisted we keep”, indicating towards the brown antique looking catch all bench that matched approximately zero of our other décor. “Lovely. Sure. That’s one word for it.” He chuckled.
“Mum asked Dad if we could keep it in the garage and only bring it back out the once a year Gran comes back stateside. The trouble is, this thing weighs like two hundred pounds because it’s all solid wood. It lives here because we aren’t doing that twice a year. This is the living room. We sit and watch TV here. The La-z-boy is off limits. Dad will know if someone sits in it before he steps in the house.”
“You’ve seen the kitchen. Nothing too special here, except the fancy coffee machine we use on weekends or when company is here. Justin loves it. Dining room is there, we use it on holidays or when family is in town. And finally, the main floor powder room. Don’t think I need to explain much here. There is extra soap in the bottom drawer of the vanity.”
“Nice.” He smiled, looking around.
“Lead the way m’lady.” I looked at him, my face melting into a confused frown. He shrugged at me.
“I have my own secrets Addy.” I nodded, leading him upstairs. The upstairs consists of a hallway with doors, so it was easy for me to point out the rooms. “Guest bathroom at the end of the hall-extra soap under the sink, same goes for my bathroom, guest room, office, my room, and my parents’ room is at the other end of the hall.” With the tour finished, we went back downstairs for dinner. We ate in comfortable silence, sneaking coy glances at each other.
“Ready to lose at Monopoly?” He asked, looking at the stack of games sitting on the coffee table.
“Ha! You wish.” We quickly set up the game and got comfortable in the living room. I grabbed the blanket off the couch and wrapped myself up in it. When I looked up, Montgomery was looking at me with the softest face I had ever seen him wear. “What?” I blushed.
“You look cozy. It’s cute.” He muttered. I smiled softly and ducked my head to hide my deepening blush.
“Shut up and pick a piece.”
“Ladies first.” I quickly grabbed Scottie Dog. He chose the race car and so began the most intense, hilarious game of Monopoly ever played. There was swearing left and right. We laughed at each other when we got crappy Chance cards. There may also have been some cheating, but we pretended not to notice if we caught it. Monty won unfortunately and I sulked for a minute before grabbing Ticket to Ride Europe. Again, it was intense and close until the final tally. He got longest route for ten extra points, smiling triumphantly to himself. That is, until we counted up cards and I had over a hundred more points. His smile dropped of his face immediately.
“What? How did you do that?” I handed him my cards.
“Many, many small routes I already had.”
“Mhmm.” He squeaked. After a few more games, we decided to call it a night and head up to bed.
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dcbbw · 4 years
(last one, I promise!) Rachel prompt 28 - I'm alone and I just bought $15 in candy bars. What do you think?
Thanks so much for the ask, @zaffrenotes! I am using the DC Crew for this full-blown fic;  in the first chapter of Aftermath of a Breakup, the gang did not see each other over the Christmas Break. This is what they were doing instead of hanging out……
Prompt is in bold. Please excuse any typos and/or grammatical errors.
All characters belong to Pixelberry except Alyssa Devereaux; she belongs to @burnsoslow and is used with permission.
Song Inspiration: January, Millie Lee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3pIWpdzs2A
December 23
Riley stood in the feminine care aisle of her neighborhood CVS, braless under a tank top. Her sweatpants were loose around her waist and baggy everywhere else. She wore flip flops on her feet. Her hair was bushy and uncombed.
It was 12 degrees outside. She wore no coat.
Riley was not having a joyous holiday season. Ever since Drake Walker broke up with Riley at Target…her Target….life had not been good.
At work, her raise request had been turned down, and the Christmas bonus she received instead had been miniscule; while Maxwell used his bonus to pay off his credit cards, Riley was calculating how she could squeeze a dinner out and a tube of the new Bobbi Brown lipstick out of hers.
She wasn’t sleeping and was stress eating; her cart so far was filled with king sized chocolate bars, bags of some off-brand Cajun trail mix, and pints of ice cream.
If dealing with heartbreak and being broke wasn’t enough, Riley had a yeast infection, which is why she was now indifferently perusing her options for treatment. She tossed a box in the cart, and after a moment of thought, tossed in a box of Summer’s Eve as well.
As she dragged her feet up the aisle towards the cashier, she saw her Nosy Neighbor, Zack, headed her way. Inwardly, Riley rolled her eyes. The last person she wanted to see was anyfuckingbody. She mustered a tired smile and greeted her neighbor quickly.
“Riley, Riley, Riley! All set for Christmas?” Zack asked cheerfully.
Riley looked at him through slit eyes. Do I look ready for Christmas? Her tone, however, was neither sullen nor depressed, so she patted herself on the back for that.
“Just gonna be a quiet day for me”.
She eased past Zack towards the front of the store, hoping that was the end of the conversation. However, her neighbor followed behind her, still chatting. Riley tuned him out.
At the register, Riley pulled her items out of her cart, setting them on the counter. Zack reviewed her purchases, his eyes growing wide.
“Are you okay, Riley? That’s a lot of sugar!”
Riley kept her eyes on the counter, watching as the cashier swiped each item. “I don’t know, Zack. My boyfriend broke up with me less than three weeks ago. I’m alone and just bought $15 in candy bars. What do you think?”
Another candy bar was swiped. “Oh, my bad. $18 worth of candy bars.”
“I’m sorry, Riley”, Zack said softly. “You know, the church is having a dinner. You’re welcome to come.”
A sad smile crossed Riley’s lips. “Thanks, Zack. That’s very thoughtful of you.”
The cashier gave Riley her total; she dug in her pocket for her credit card.
Her card declined.
With a confused look, Riley ran the card two more times. Each time, it declined. The line behind her grew longer and a bit more impatient.
Riley couldn’t believe that on top of EVERYTHING ELSE, her card was freaking declining. To add insult to injury, it was the one with the highest credit limit.
Zack took out his card. “I got it, Riley. You can pay me back whenever.”
With tears in her eyes, Riley gathered her purchases and ran out the door.
“Merry Christmas, Zack!” she called over her shoulder in a broken voice.
Olivia x Max
Maxwell was stretched out on his couch, wearing nothing but his pajama pants. He was firing up the blunt he had just rolled. He inhaled deeply, feeling the acrid smoke fill his lungs. He exhaled with a deep sigh and smiled up at Olivia, who was straddling his lap.
Her hair was loose and fell in soft waves to her shoulders. She was wearing Maxwell’s pajama top and a lacy thong.
“Do you think we smoke too much weed?” he asked with a frown.
“It’s CHRISTMAS! Green is the color of the Christmas”, Olivia responded.
“So is red”, Maxwell countered.
Olivia clutched the bottle of merlot in her hand and held it aloft. “Which is why we have this baby!” she giggled.
The couple exchanged kisses between tokes and pulls at the wine bottle.
“You’re a Queen, you know”, Maxwell murmured against her skin.
Olivia shook her head. “No, I’m not.”
“You are!”, Maxwell insisted. He motioned for Olivia to get off him; when she did, he sat up, his gaze fixed on the scenery outside their living room window.
“We could live in this place far away. Cordonia! That’s its name! We could all live there! Be royals and nobles and shit.”
Olivia exhaled. “And what would we do there?”
“Noble shit! The guys would walk around with ivory tipped canes and wear monocles. And the ladies would wear fancy dresses and sip tea all day.”
“What roles would we have?”
Maxwell thought as he swigged wine. “Drake would definitely be a Duke. Of a real masculine sounding place…like Ramsford!
Madeleine would be noble but barely…. she’d be like a Baroness or a Countess or something. Her place would have a weird name.”
“Valtoria!” Olivia proclaimed.
“Riley…. she’s a Duchess for sure. Of Fydelia!”
“She could change the name to Rydelia!”
“Liam…. he’s like a Lord or something. Of Krona.”
Olivia frowned. “Krona sounds too masculine. You should make Drake Duke of Krona, and Liam the Lord of Ramsford.”
Her green eyes took in Maxwell. “And what about you?”
Maxwell thought. He reached for the blunt. “I don’t think I’m Duke material. I would probably be a Lord or something. Of Lythikos! There would be mountains and snow and stuff so I could ski and sled year-round.”
“And what about me?” Olivia demanded as she reached for the wine bottle.
Maxwell’s arm went around her shoulder as he pulled her closer. “You’re the Queen, my dear.”
“Who’s my King?”
“Bertrand. He’s the King.”
“Over my dead fucking body!” Olivia swatted Maxwell’s thigh.
“You two could have an arrangement or something. A Cordonian arrangement! And I, the Lord of Lythikos, would be your most loyal servant.”
Olivia stood, stretching her lithe body. “Well, come along, loyal servant; we have gifts to wrap before the munchies overtake us.”
Leo x Madeleine
“What can we take that won’t trigger Mother?” Madeleine asked as she and Leo wandered Whole Foods.
They were spending Christmas Eve with her mother, who was a newly recovering alcoholic. Adelaide had been sober a little over thirty days. Madeleine picked up a carton of egg nog; it had alcohol in it. She searched for a non-alcoholic version.
“Your mother drank anything that had liquor in it and made sure it did have alcohol when it didn’t. For over twenty years. At this point, liquids period is a trigger”, Leo said. “We should stick with tea, water, and soda.”
“I want to support my mother, Leo! She’s making strides to get better, to be better!”
Leo pulled Madeleine closer to him; one arm went around her waist, his hand splayed against her back. The other hand took the carton of egg nog from her hand and tossed it back into the dairy case.
“I know you do, Mads. I want to support her as well. But you can’t be her babysitter. If she didn’t think she could handle a dinner party, she wouldn’t be throwing one.”
“But Father will be there……” Madeleine’s voice drifted off as Christmas carols blared from speakers.
Leo’s eyes narrowed and his jaw tensed a little. “Did she invite him?”
Madeleine shook her head. “I don’t know. All she said was we were invited, and Father was coming.”
“That bastard has some nerve! Okay, change of plans. Your mom is coming to our place!”
Madeleine looked up at Leo, her green eyes hopeful and uncertain at the same time. “Are you sure?”
“Addy has thirty days under her belt. I want to see her get thirty-one. Godfrey being anywhere near her guarantees she goes back to Day Zero. She’ll stay with us through the New Year. She can sleep in our room and we’ll take the sleeper sofa.”
“But you just said we can’t babysit her”, Madeleine reminded him.
“She’s about to step out in front of a bus traveling at high speed down a narrow road. We’re protecting her.”
“I love you so much!!” Madeleine was near tears as she hugged Leo tightly.
Leo kissed her hair. “Same here. Now, you call your mom while I see if they have any cookbooks in this bitch.”
Drake x Alyssa
Drake’s eyes were fixed on the road as he drove Alyssa to the airport. Alyssa was singing along with a 90s song on the radio. Her hand rested lightly on top of Drake’s as DCA loomed in the distance.
“I wish you didn’t have to go”, Drake muttered as he changed lanes.
“Shhhhhh…I’m serenading you”, Alyssa scolded.
Drake grinned as he shook his head. How did this little tornado bowl him over so quickly? She made him smile, she made him tingle, she made him feel complete in a way no one had before.
Not even Brooks.
Guilt and sadness filled him at the thought of Riley. He needed to talk to her, but he had no idea what to say. Sorry wasn’t going to cut it, and Drake wasn’t good with words. He was shaken from his thoughts by Alyssa asking him if he enjoyed her singing to him.
“Of course, Devereaux. You should stay and give me an encore.”
“When I get back! And if we’re still together this time next year, I’ll bring you with me. Daniel and my friends will be thrilled to meet you!” Alyssa promised, her blue eyes meeting his brown ones.
“If we’re still together next Christmas, I’m taking you to Texas.”
“Christmas needs cold and snow, not swimming pools and shorts!”
Drake took the exit to enter the airport. “When you come back, if you’re up for it, I want to introduce you to my friends. We get together about once a month or so and hang out. Dinner, movies, bowling……that kind of stuff.”
“I’d like that”, Alyssa said softly.
Her eyes grew anxious. “What will you be doing on Christmas Day? I don’t want you to be alone.”
Drake shrugged. “Sleep. Watch basketball. Dinner with my sister, her fiancé, and my nephew.” He leaned over and snatched a quick kiss. “Missing you.”
“Stop making me fall for you!” Alyssa giggled as she pushed his arm lightly.
“I’ve already fallen. Join me, won’t you?” Drake said softly.
“I might take you up on that offer.” Alyssa tightened her hold on his hand.
Drake pulled up to the doors to the airline; he shut his truck off and rushed around to open Alyssa’s door. He lifted her from the seat and helped her out. She grinned up at Drake, her eyes shiny with tears. She stood on her toes, throwing her arms around his neck.
“I’m going to miss you so much!” She pressed her pink lips against his.
“You’re back on the 28th, right?
Alyssa nodded. “Late flight, though.”
Drake kissed her again. “I don’t care if it lands at 2am. Let me know when your flight is due back. I’ll be here.”
After a lingering kiss and a tight hug, Drake pulled Alyssa’s suitcase from the back of the vehicle and walked her to the doors.
As a bitter cold wind blew through his wool coat as if it were a cotton shirt, Drake waved to Alyssa until he couldn’t see her anymore.
Liam pulled underwear and socks from his dresser drawer to toss into his suitcase. He had his Santa socks, his Christmas tree socks, his jingle bell socks, his reindeer socks. He frowned as he looked for his socks with the gift boxes; ahhhh, there they were!
He was going to Boston for Christmas. It wasn’t his original plan.
Liam had wanted to stay in DC, come into the office while everyone else was on vacation, get some work done.  Spend time with his friends, maybe go out for Chinese food and a movie on Christmas Day with Riley B. Or maybe Riley B. would cook Christmas dinner, and he could go to her place. Liam wouldn’t even have minded the fact that Drake would’ve been there.
Anything to take his mind off the fact that he was alone at Christmas when he wasn’t ready to be.
But when he met up with the gang last week, neither Riley nor Drake were there. Madeleine and Leo were going to her mother’s for a Christmas Eve dinner party and staying overnight. Maxwell and Olivia were going to Bertrand’s for the day and staying for dinner.
Liam figured Riley and Drake had plans as well, probably visiting Riley’s family in North Carolina. So Liam would be alone this Christmas, and the thought of going to an empty office drained him of his motivation to prove that he was worthy of the promotion.
After dinner with the gang, Liam had called his mom and told her he wanted to come home for Christmas. Eleanor had been ecstatic; she missed her sons.
“Is your brother coming?” she asked excitedly. Leo was not her biological child, but Eleanor considered him her own.
“Not this time. He’s going with Madeleine to see her mother. And he has to work the day after Christmas.”
“Well, we’ll see him next time! And we can Skypetime him or something! Now, I’m making a turkey and a leg of lamb. And my oyster dressing. And corn. And mashed potatoes with sour cream and giblet gravy.”
“Mom, you know I hate oyster dressing!” Liam protested.
“Your father loves it! I’ll make two dressings, but yours is coming out of a box.”
“Why can’t you just scoop mine out before you add the oysters?” Liam frowned.
“Stop frowning! Maybe I can do that…. we’ll see. You eat your weight in dressing, Mister!”
“How did you even know I was frowning?” Liam asked curiously.
“You’re my son. I know what you do!”
Liam smirked thinking that if his mom knew all he did……
“I know you do that too! So when will you be here?”
“Looking up flights now.”
“Let us know so I can have your father pick you up.”
“I can Uber, mom. You guys don’t need to come pick me up!”
“Nonsense. Your father will be there. Okay, gotta go……600 Pound Life is coming on, and I need inspiration to stick to my diet!”
Liam tossed in pants and sweaters; after some internal debate, he tossed in his work laptop. He had reached out to some old friends still in Boston, so hopefully he wouldn’t be working, but just in case. His packing done, he glanced at the clock. He had an early flight out in the morning, but he wasn’t sleepy.
He was thinking about Riley B. and what she was doing. He wondered what Drake bought her for Christmas. He hadn’t asked anyone for suggestions as he usually did. Liam wondered if it was a ring.
His eyes fell on the wrapped present he had bought for Riley B. They hadn’t done Secret Santa this year, but Liam knew Riley B. would love the bottle of Coco Chanel Mademoiselle. It was one of her favorite scents.
Liam decided to wait to see what Drake got her; it was five years now for them. Time to put a ring on it or let her go. If Drake did give her a ring, it could be an engagement present.
Liam hoped it wouldn’t be.
With a sigh, he climbed into bed and turned off the lamp. He grabbed his phone and texted Riley, wishing her a Merry Christmas.
She responded back almost immediately. Merry Christmas, bestie.
Liam stared at his screen before sending his response. You’re my best friend, too.
He rolled over, closing his eyes, phone clasped in his hand. I love you.
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oleksiaksjamie · 4 years
Shows You Watch Together (Preference)
Angel Reyes: 90 Day Fiance. You don’t really announce it to the world, but this show and all of its spinoff really owns your Sunday and sometimes Monday nights. When you and Angel first got together and you stayed at his place whenever he was home, you’d just record it on your DVR and watch it at another time. It wasn’t until Angel stayed at your place one Sunday night that he realized that this was your show. He made fun of you for awhile, but the second you guys moved in together, he was also watching it and would often get mad if you watched it without him.
Bishop Losa: Supernatural. Okay, look, this show has been on forever. He’s probably seen an episode or two before you guys got together. However, when he got with you that’s when he really got into it. The one day he got into it just happened to be a day that you were super sick and he had a slow day with the club. He sat with you (at a safe distance) as you put on Netflix to watch the show. After about a season, he had you going back to the beginning so that you two could watch it together.
Coco Cruz: Dare Me. This is a fairly new show. You had heard about it coming on and the previews really interested you. The night that it came on, Coco had spent the night at your house. It didn’t take you guys long to get into it, giving one another different theories about who was dead and then who killed the person that did die.The two of you also got into a healthy debate about who was the person in the wrong with Addy and Beth. It was a good show that left you two hoping that there was a second season.
Creeper Vargas: Peaky Blinders. You really only got interest in the show because you had the biggest crush on Tom Hardy. Creeper just liked to get close to you so when you invited him over to watch Netflix, he was quick to come over. This wasn’t a case of Netflix and Chill, not like the way that other shows had been for you. The two of you were really into the show. When the new season aired, he was on a run and you couldn’t wait. He checked your netflix to make sure you didn’t sneaky, which led to a slight and petty argument.
EZ Reyes: Grey’s Anatomy. Like with Bishop, EZ had seen a few episodes of Grey’s Anatomy in the more than a decade that it’s been out. He just never dedicated himself to watch it like you did, mostly because he was in prison for a lot of the show’s tenure. After getting closer to you and learning of your love for the show, he watched it. Then it just became you guys’ thing. When you got time, the two of you just watched it. The show required commitment, both of which you were ready to give.
Gilly Lopez: Terriers. First, this show deserved better. Like seriously. You and Gilly had started this show during one of the times that he was out for the count because of a club-related injury. He was pouty a lot, so you figured that this would’ve been a good reason to get him to stop the pouting. You put it on and the two of you were hooked anymore. Unfortunately, when you two found out that there wouldn’t be a second season after you completed the first... then you both were pouting.
Miguel Galindo: HGTV. Miguel didn’t really have the desire to watch any television. He thought it was a waste of his time and really, he had better things to do. On the rare days when he had it to himself, you and him were lazy for most of the day and watching HGTV. He’d make you call out (not that he believed you should be working anyways) and you’d be cuddled up and commenting on the houses. If you saw something that you particularly liked, Miguel made a mental note to get it in the house.
Nestor Oceteva: All American. First, you would die for this show. The name may be misleading to some but you loved this show a little too much. One night, Nestor got home early. It was halfway through the show and he was a little surprised by the way you just dismissed him as he tried to greet you. The next week, it was the same. After another week, he decided that he was going to check this show out for himself. He really only started watching it to see what was so great, but the excitement on your face when you saw him watching it was enough for him to keep up with it, too.
Riz Ariza: The Office. With everything going on in the club and occasionally at Vicki’s, Riz needed some sort of relief at home. Of course, he’d seen the show before he met you. Then he found out that you had never seen it and he had to make you watch it. For awhile, Bishop thought he was doing something else when he didn’t show up to the parties. But really, the two of you were just at home and cracking up over the dumbest things that happened in the show.
Taza Romero: Kingdom. So, when you told Taza you wanted to watch the show the first thing that he did was look it up. You didn’t tell him, however, that there were two shows with the name Kingdom. The show you were talking about did not have Frank Grillo in it. So, when you both were at home the night and the show ended up being a South Korean show.. he was shocked. Even more so when it turned out to be about zombies. You two had a great time watching it and really have thought about rewatching it multiple times. 
Tranq Loza: The Walking Dead. The two of you actually watched this show separately at first. It was one of the most popular shows for awhile, so that wasn’t really a shocker. You got together around season 4 of the show and then just naturally watched it together. Even when the two of you lost interest in the show, you still kept up with it the best you could. It was hard to watch it when it aired on Sunday nights, considering that Tranq was busy a lot with the club. When you get the time, no matter how many episodes have passed, you two just curl up and watch it together like the two of you used to be able to do before things with the MC picked up.
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let-it-raines · 5 years
Catch Me If You Can (18/?)
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298 days. That’s how long Killian Jones was away from a baseball field. It’s less than a year, only part of a season for him, but it might as well have lasted a decade as he alternated between physical therapy and spending an excessive amount of time sitting on his couch.
But then he came back and won the World Series.
It’s something no one saw coming, and it’s certainly not something anyone who knows about his arm would predict. Now it’s a new season with new possibilities, and anything could happen. On-field reporter Emma Swan will be there to cover it all even if she is not his biggest fan right now.
Asking her out live on-air will do that.
Rating: Mature
A/n: Thank you all for being so incredibly kind to me all of the time! You don’t have to do that, and I can’t thank you enough! We’re back from London in this chapter, and they’re having that “sleepover” that was talked about. In a totally not cheesy (or at least my tolerable amount of cheesy) way ❤️
Thanks to @resident-of-storybrooke​ for beta-ing, and @carpedzem​, I think you might like this one! 
Found on AO3: Beginning | Current
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“I have four days off of work, and I feel like you.”
Emma sighs the words as she drops a bag in the entryway of Killian’s apartment, the black and white bag making a small thud against the hardwood. He’s got absolutely no idea what she has in there, but it sounds like every book she’s ever owned plus a brick or two that she somehow picked up on her subway ride over here.
Killian fakes a laugh, rolling his eyes a bit as Emma walks up to him and wraps her hands around the back of his neck, pressing up on her toes to gently brush her lips over his in greeting.
“You’re so funny,” he says sarcastically. “You know for a fact what I do on my days where I’m not pitching. I work a solid two hours a day on all of those days.”
Emma hums as her fingers curl into the back of his hair, and he can practically see the mischief dancing in her eyes. “You poor, hard-working man. I don’t know how you do that.”
“I put one pant leg on at a time like everyone else in the world.”
“You are basically a hero.”
“I definitely think I have a mark in a hero column.” Killian dips his head to run his lips over hers again in a better greeting than the one they just had. “I’m happy you have four days off. Whatever are you going to do with them?”
“Tonight, I was promised a sleepover with my boyfriend where he’s going to bake for me. Tomorrow, I think I’m going to go hang out with my nephew and take him outside to sweat it out in this insufferable July heat, and then for the next two days – who knows? I think I might just sleep while you spend your days exercising and suffering outside.”
“I am particularly interested in the activities you’re going to do on the first day.”
“I thought you would be. Can I take a shower first, though? I went to spin class with Ruby this morning, and I feel super gross.”
“I mean, I wasn’t going to say anything about the smell but – ”
Emma slaps his chest and laughs before baking away, a smile on her face. “Shut up, you ass. I’m finally going to go see what kind of shampoo it is that you use to make your hair soft and smell so good. You can learn a lot about a man from his shower.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to join you, love? It feels wrong that you’re seeing my bedroom and bathroom for the first time without me.”
“Oh no, it’s awesome. Like I said,” Emma sighs as she picks up her bag supposedly full of books and bricks, “I’m about to snoop. Be back in however much time it takes me to go through your stuff.”
“The hot water twists to the right,” he yells at her before picking up his mug of coffee and taking a sip, laughing under his breath at Emma.
Ridiculous woman who he loves.
So much.
Every part of him wants to tell her, wants to say the words out loud so that she knows just what she means to him, but he’s still biting his tongue. He thinks Emma might love him too, that she might be in the same place emotionally, but he doesn’t know. There have been moments in the past week where he thinks maybe just maybe she’s going to say something, but then she’ll change the subject or smile at him and he’ll know that the words aren’t coming.
Emma’s been burned so badly in her past, from her parents to her exes to the assholes she works with, and he’s still so amazed that their relationship is going so well. They very obviously had a rocky start, but the faith and trust that he has in her and that she has in him to share the depths of her heart astounds him.
This is – this is everything that he never thought he’d have again, and he keeps telling himself to calm down in his future thoughts because it’s still so soon.
When has his timing ever matched up with conventional standards?
But she makes him so incredibly happy, and even when they get into little arguments, he’s glad to be having those. Weirdly, he missed them. He missed having someone to debate dinner plans with and to have to schedule time to spend with and all of those other little things.
Emma was so good with his nieces in London last week too. He knew that she would be since she has so much experience with Leo, but it was refreshing to see how taken she was with Addy and Lucy. Or really, how taken Addy and Lucy were with her. Killian knew that asking her to come to Addison’s birthday party was a bit of a gamble that she likely wouldn’t take him up on, but he’s so glad that she did. Watching her walk around the room in that yellow dress effortlessly talking to his family was absolutely everything to him.
Logically, he knows that once they decide to share that they’re dating with those closest to them, Emma’s going to have to do some kind of reintroduction to the family, and he hopes that it goes well then too, that no one is mad at them for hiding such a big thing right under their noses.
That’s not going to happen. It simply won’t.
Elsa and the girls had nothing but nice things to say about Emma after that day, especially when the girls kept trying to sit next to her on the plane ride home, and all Liam did was tease him about asking her out and how she must be the most forgiving woman on the planet.
She must be.
Killian can hear the water run through the pipes to the shower in his bathroom, and since he heard no screaming, he assumes Emma figured out how the shower works well enough on her own. So, he opens his fridge and starts pulling out the ingredients he needs today. He had to go grocery shopping this morning, which was a bit of an ordeal since he had no idea what he was shopping for, and he feels like his fridge is stocked with food to make enough baked goods to stock one of those insane sales that Addy and Lucy have at their school every few months.
How much money can they really raise through selling baked goods? Donating money would likely be more effective, but he is very obviously not on a PTA board.
But he told Emma that he would bake for her one of these days, or really, that he would bake with  her, and he’ll be damned if they don’t finally do that today. He swears that things keep getting more and more hectic lately in between traveling for work and then doing actual work, and they never get a moment to just breathe and be in each other’s company.
Or talk.
They have a hell of a lot to talk about as well, and there never seems to be time. Hence why they’ve been home from London for over a week and still haven’t been able to talk about telling their friends and family.
What is life going to look like during the off-season? He wants to imagine, but he can’t. Not quite yet. That’s getting ahead of himself once more.
As the water in the bathroom runs, he starts mixing the ingredients for the crust of the strawberry lemonade bars they’re going to make. He knows that Emma is a bigger fan of chocolate while he is not, and on another day, they’ll do something more up her alley. He’s got things for smores, mostly as a joke, and he imagines she wouldn’t mind simply eating the chocolate bars.
The water turns off in the bathroom, and yet twenty minutes later, Emma still hasn’t emerged from his bedroom. Curious, he puts the whisk he’s using down and wanders back down the hallway to his bedroom, his door open so that he can see Emma sitting on his bed with a brush in hand as she works at a tangle in her damp hair, gaze focused out of one of floor-to-ceiling windows to the city skyline below.
Her head twists toward him, a soft smile curved on her lips.
“Hey,” she smiles, tugging at her brush, “you have a super nice shower, and I’m totally going to utilize that more often. Also, your bed is comfortable, and it is a shame we have never used it before. Like, I love your couch a lot and the times we have had on it, but I think the bed may win.”
“Is that what you’ve been doing in here this entire time? Thinking about my bed?”
“Yep. I wasn’t really going to snoop. That’s weird. I just wanted to make sure your bed was comfortable, and I was right.”
Killian chuckles under his breath as he steps further into the room and bends his knees to brush a kiss across her temple. “I wouldn’t have minded if you snooped. There’s nothing to hide in here.” She arches a brow. “Really? You don’t have some kind of super weird shrine of me hidden in your closet?”
“Hmmm, no. I have one of Erin Andrews though. She’s my favorite blonde sportscaster.”
“You’re the worst,” Emma groans even as a chuckle passes through her lips. She tosses her brush behind her, letting it bounce on the mattress, before falling back onto the mattress herself. It’s then that he notices she’s wearing a matching set of pajamas, pink and white striped shorts with a button down with the same pattern. “Your jokes are not homeruns today.”
“Yours aren’t either, darling,” he sighs before sitting down next to her and running his hands up her inner thigh before messing with the hem of her shorts. “Did you bring matching pajamas simply to mess with me?”
Her head pops up to look at him, golden hair darkened by the water and her face bare of makeup. “Yep. You said we were having a sleepover, and I am taking you to your word. If it makes you feel less like we’re teenagers, though, I do not have a bra on under this shirt.”
“Really now?” he growls, twisting on the bed and crawling toward her, his mouth hovering over hers as his hand snakes up underneath her shirt to feel the soft skin and the very obvious lack of a bra covering her breast as he flicks his fingers over her nipple. “Ah, you weren’t lying then.”
“I tend to like to tell the truth.”
“That’s good. Me too.”
His tongue slides into the warm heat of her mouth as Emma gasps beneath him, her hips arching up while her mouth explores his even though she’s most definitely already got it mapped out. It’s as intoxicating as ever to kiss Emma, to glide and nip and tease as arousal tricks down to the base of his spine and his groin. This is not at all what he came into his bedroom for, but intentions were very literally left at the door now that he’s teasing her breast and tangling his tongue with hers in a passionate slide.
It’s quick as he unbuttons the buttons on Emma’s shirt, quicker still as she pushes him onto his back and slides his joggers off of his legs so that she can bite at the skin at his hip, nibbling a bruise into his skin that he’s sure will be there for days. There’s no time to worry about that, though, because then Emma’s hand is settling at the base of his length while her mouth settles around the tip, and he nearly implodes right then and there.
Fucking glorious.
And he tells her so in a stuttered breath, one that he can barely catch from the way that she’s working him higher and higher. His hips arch up off the bed when she hums around him, and his head presses back into his pillow while his eyes shut. He can’t, he can’t, he can’t…and then the heat of Emma’s mouth is gone, and his eyes open as his heart wildly pounds in his chest. He’s just about to ask if she’s okay and then if she is, what the hell is she doing, but then he watches her slide a condom down his shaft before she settles over him and sinks down onto him so that he can feel the most glorious heat of all.
“Holy fuck,” he mutters, reaching forward to grab onto her hips, holding on tightly enough that his fingerprints might as well be inked into her skin. “How many times do I have to tell you, love, that you’re going to be the death of me?”
Emma rocks above him, her still-damp hair falling down her back as she arches it. “A few more times, at least. Or until you die.”
“I love that you can be so morbid in a moment like this.”
“I, ah, I try.”
As much as Killian wants to thrust up into her, to control the movements and the pace, he lets Emma do just that as he watches her move above him in what is very well the most glorious sight he’s ever seen. He can turn his head to either the right and see a skyline of Manhattan that looks out onto Central Park, but nothing can compare to this. Not the view from his bedroom or the view of miles and miles of ocean stretching out ahead of him with the sun beating down on his back.
Not even the view of thousands of people cheering for him in the stands.
Nothing compares to Emma.
The muscles in her thighs flex as she continues to move, her hands curled into the hair of his chest and pulling at him, and he can see sweat beading at her forehead. He imagines that later she’ll complain about how she just showered, how she was already sore from going to spin class, but there are no complaints now as his orgasm rolls in on a slow motion that has him cursing Emma’s name instead of confessing his love for her.
That may very well be the hardest thing he’s ever had to do, but thankfully he could focus on his own falling apart and then Emma’s, her orgasm coming to her with her flushed cheeks and parted lips.
That’s another glorious sight right there. They seem to be never ending.
“Just for the record,” Emma sighs several minutes later when they’ve cleaned themselves up and changed back into clothes, “that was not my intention for this morning.”
Killian cocks a brow and moves to cross his arms behind his head from where he’s propped up in bed, a sated smile on his face. “Am I simply that irresistible to you?”
“You smelled really good, so obviously I just had to fuck you.”
“Oh, well, of course.”
Emma giggles against his shoulder before looking up at him and brushing her lips over the corner of his mouth. “And maybe. I feel like I can’t tell you that you’re irresistible because then I’ll inflate your ego too much.”
“Ah yes. That could be an issue.”
Emma opens her mouth to say something, and he feels his stomach twist in anticipation only for Emma’s stomach to audibly growl. “I feel like now would be a good time to get that baking done.”
“Oh shit,” he curses, gently moving Emma off of him so that he can get up from bed, “I left the ingredients out on the counter before I came in here. They’re not supposed to sit out that long.”
“You’ve got a little something on your cheek, love,” Killian teases as the two of them stand in his kitchen, his countertops covered in bowls and pans with cartons and bags left open. It’s far from the tidiness that he usually keeps, but no part of him minds this morning as he and Emma get more time together.
Emma scrunches up her nose in response, reaching her hand up to wipe at her face on both sides and only managing to get flyaway hairs from her still-damp braid stuck to her cheek.
“Did I get it?”
“No,” he lies, squinting his eyes so that he can focus in on her face just that little bit more. How is he so enamored with those freckles? “On your left cheek, Swan. Right in the middle.”
She huffs with a slight roll of her eyes before raising her hand and rubbing at her cheek while he reaches into the bowl of icing for their strawberry lemonade bars they’re (mostly him) making and swipes his finger through the cream before running his finger down Emma’s cheek as her lips part and her eyes quickly blink up at him.
“Did you just make up me having something on my cheek so that you could put icing there?”
“You’re an asshole.”
“You’re calling me that a lot today.”
“Yeah, well,” she scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest as the pout that’s on her face begins crack, the corner of her mouth ticking up the slightest bit on the right, “you are being one.”
“Hey, love?” he asks, knowing that he’s about to start truly pissing her off, “you have a little something on your cheek. You should probably get that.”
If her eyes could roll to the back of her head, they would, and while Emma says that he’s the one without a great poker face, she doesn’t have too great of one right now either. She uncrosses her arms, and she looks like she’s going to wipe at the stripe of icing that’s on her cheek, but at the last minute, she lunges for the bowl only for him to grab her wrists and pull her arms upwards so that she can’t get the icing.
“Asshole,” Emma repeats while he laughs, nudging her knee away from his so that they can move out of the kitchen. Or at least a little. He’s pretty sure that Emma has her knees locked so that she won’t move. “You can’t just put icing on my face and not give me the opportunity to do the same to you.”
The words “love isn’t fair” almost escape his lips, but he bites his tongue, one particular word in that sentence not something he can say unless he’s calling Emma “love.” Even that sometimes seems risky, but it’s as natural as saying her name.
“Maybe later,” he falsely sighs, dipping his head to brush his lips over her cheek so that he can taste the icing that resides there, a sweet taste of strawberry. “You’re sweet.”
“You’re cheesy.”
“I don’t think I’m covered in cheese.”
“Oh my gosh,” Emma groans, leaning forward so that her forehead presses into his chest, her laugh loud enough so that he can feel the vibrations of it. “I cannot believe that I’m actively choosing to date you.”
“Trust me, darling, I ask myself why you’re dating me every single day.”
“As you should.”
They eventually get back to actually baking, the two of them working in companionable silence even though he keeps having to tell Emma to keep going on mixing the batter. She wants to use a mixer, which is fine most of the time, but this is always better if it’s done by hand. Emma is not a baker in the slightest, and while he knew that, it does surprise him the slightest bit when she asks questions that he thinks most people know the answer to. Then again, she never had someone to teach her to cook or bake or any basic life skills, which is probably why she loves grilled cheese sandwiches and other simple foods like that. They were something she could teach herself.
Liam taught him how to cook. Brennan never cared enough to.
But then again, past the knowledge that Liam gave him and that he learned from watching the Cooking Channel, he’d know nothing about baking if it wasn’t for the accident and his broken arm and torn rotator cuff. Almost instinctively, he rolls his shoulders back and begins stretching his right arm to loosen it up. It’s felt fine the past few days, but he felt a slight pull in it late last night and is hoping that it’s not going to start acting up again. He knows that his injury is most likely going to have a permanent effect on him, but like always, some days are better than others. And he’s doing everything to prevent it. He honestly doesn’t know what he’d do if presented with another long injury lay-off. Would he even have the motivation to try to come back?
That’s not a thought that he wants to have.
So, he doesn’t. He goes back to telling Emma about his day yesterday and how well he thinks the team is going to do for the rest of the season. His confidence with his arm may fluctuate, but his confidence with the team does not. They’re playing damn well this season, better even than last season, and he can’t help but hope that they’re going to be standing on the field as winners at the last game of the season.
Getting ahead of himself. He’s got to stop doing that.
“Yeah, well, if that happens, you still can’t ask me out on air,” Emma teases, bumping her hip into his while she pours the batter into the pan.
“Swan, we’ve very much established that only you ask me out in this relationship.”
“Exactly. I’m obviously the person who always makes the big moves.”
Killian shakes his head before kissing to top of her head and turning around to put the tray into his oven, closing the door and setting a timer for thirty minutes on his phone. He and Emma settle down onto his couch, Emma throwing her legs over his lap and stretching her arm over his shoulder while his hand settles on her inner thigh. It’s comfortable, relaxed, and he could fall asleep with the way the sun is softly coming through his windows and the television is playing quietly in the background.
But he doesn’t. Mostly because Emma starts talking.
“So, we need to talk.”
His head twists toward her so that he can look in her eyes. “I feel like that’s something you’ve said before.”
“Funny,” Emma laughs, nibbling on her bottom lip, “because I have, and we’re about to have the same conversation.”
A sigh passes through his lips as his mind connects the dots. “Ah, well, what is it you want to say? I figure you have an itemized list in that head since you’re the one who brought it up.”
“It’s not itemized, per say. It’s just kind of there all mixed around.” Her free hand moves as she says this, and she sinks a little further into the couch, splaying her legs out over him even more. It’s the most comfortable and awkward he thinks she’s ever looked in his presence. “I’m…it’s hard, okay. Don’t laugh at me.”
“I’m not laughing,” he says even as he laughs, his teeth biting down on his bottom lip while Emma glares up at him. “Okay, okay. You’re just so flustered, and it’s adorable.”
“How do we ever have serious conversations?”
“Usually we’re in a hotel bed.”
“Damn, you’re right. I’d say we go back to your bed, but I feel like I’ll get distracted by how soft your sheets are.”
“Oh, and not by me?”
“Nope,” Emma chuckles, bopping his nose, “not at all.”
His hand taps at her hip, fingers curling up underneath her top so that he can pinch the skin on her stomach. “Share what’s on your mind, darling.”
She sighs, her lashes fluttering closed against cheeks.
“So, I really, really want to tell people about you and me. I want to be able to not have to lie to Ruby about where I’ve been or not be able to tell David and Mary Margaret what’s going on in my life. And I want you to be able to tell Liam and Elsa. I don’t want to go to any other parties where I just happen to be there and have to act like I don’t’ know all of this information about your family. But then it’s just so complicated because, like, what about your team? Obviously, we can’t tell everyone, but you probably want to tell Robin and Will, maybe even Eric. And telling Eric means telling Ariel, probably Belle too, and then it’s just this wide web of people who know and can’t say anything. And it really doesn’t change how we spend our time together except adding a few apartments for us to hang out in. By the way, there’s a dude with a camera hanging out outside the apartment building, and I had to wait for him to leave his spot to come inside. So, there’s that too.”
Emma just spewed a couple hundred words at him in what must have been a singular breath, and he feels like he’s whiplashed as he tries to work through them all and pick exactly where he needs to start.
Damn, okay. This is complicated. This is all so complicated, and it’s very much his fault for his actions of nearly a year ago. There are other factors and complications, and while yes, the two of them could very much say that they’re dating and be able to live their lives more freely, they both know that it’ll be easier to possibly share once the season is over. It’ll make Emma’s life and job less complicated and while things are obviously going well, those few extra months will make it easier for them to actually know what they’re doing here.
“Okay,” Killian finally sighs, figuring he might as well take it item by item, “so first of all, I can get you a key to the back entrance so you don’t have to deal with the occasional obnoxious paparazzi who obviously don’t know that I’m not that interesting. I should have already done that, but I felt like that would be a bit presumptuous.”
“Yeah, I would have freaked the fuck out.”
“You’re not doing that right now?”
She shrugs. “Only a little.”
“So that’s one problem solved,” he sighs, tapping one finger against her stomach for emphasis. “Next, when you go home tomorrow, I want you to tell Ruby and Graham, okay? That’s going to be step one, and I’d honestly really like to come over and see your apartment and meet them. The same goes with David and Mary Margaret and even Ruth. Those people are all your family, and if you want to share that you have the most handsome lover in all of New York, I want you to do that.”
“That’s exactly what I’m going to tell Ruth and David. I’m going to call you my lover and see which one freaks out more. I bet David asks me for sex details.”
“Swan,” he groans as his head leans against the top of his couch, his lips curling into a smile, “that sounds like a good way for me to get murdered.”
“David is not that scary.”
“Yeah, well, I’ve found that no matter how progressive the world gets, older brothers tend to be far too protective, and no offense, but David is that type. I bet when we meet that he’ll squeeze my hand far too tightly in the handshake.”
“I hate that you’re right about that.”
“Exactly. But we’re clear on that. You tell your family, and I will tell mine. We’ll both make it clear that this doesn’t get out, and since we trust them, we know they’re going to respect that, yeah? And just so you know, I guarantee that Liam is going to insist on meeting you again and pull all of that older brother shit too.”
“Maybe we should just let he and David hash it out.”
“That’s exactly what we should do,” Killian chuckles as his phone starts to buzz, the timer for the oven going off. Emma’s legs slide off of him for him to stand from the couch and walk to the kitchen, grabbing two oven mitts to remove the hot pan and place it on the burners. “But seriously. We take this slow, okay? I know that I’m going to tell Liam and Elsa first, and you’ll likely tell Ruby first. And if it goes well, we take baby steps to move onto other people.”
“Are they going to totally hate us for keeping this a secret from them?”
“Maybe but not once they see how happy we are.”
Emma stands from the couch and walks over to him in the kitchen, leaning over his island to eye the cooling lemonade bars. “So, when are we going to be able to eat those?”
“In about an hour, so you have to be patient.”
“I’ve never been particularly good at that.”
Walking around the apartment, Killian starts opening up curtains to let the florescent lights of the city in, his bedroom painted in a soft glow of red and greens and yellows. The only light he has on in his bedroom is from the television, so he keeps seeing Emma’s features in flashes. It’s likely the laziest day he’s had in years, and while they did hash out details of letting their under-wraps relationship be a little more public, most of their day has been spent in bed exploring each other or watching Netflix and eating their baked goods and the pizza that he ordered. He knows that he and Emma teased each other about this being a sleepover when they’re both grown adults who are dating and not teenagers who are spending the night at their friend’s house, but they’re somehow falling into all of the stereotypes they teased each other about.
The glass of rum he’s had and the glass of wine Emma’s nursing surely help.
Maybe a little bit of boredom too.
“Truth,” Emma says flatly, pulling his comforter further up over her lap.
“Hmm,” he hums while he makes his way back to the bed, crawling under the covers and shifting to run his legs over Emma’s so that he can feel her smooth skin, “tell me the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you.”
“My boyfriend asked me out on TV.”
“Is that your serious answer?”
“Yep.” Emma twists in the bed and scoots down further under the covers, her blonde hair still twisted into a braid, but a lot of the front pieces have fallen out and are landing on her bare shoulders. “That’s what I’m sticking with for now. It’s your turn. Truth or dare.”
“I feel ridiculous playing this game.”
“But it’s fun.”
“Aye,” he laughs, reaching over to grab her hand and tangle their fingers together before resting their hands in the small space between them. “Truth.”
Emma’s eyes close as she thinks, her lips pursing, and he’s got absolutely no clue what’s about to come out of her mouth. “What is your least favorite thing about me?”
“Damn, Swan, that’s dirty.”
“Usually you like that.”
“Different kind of dirty. Um – ” Killian clicks his tongue as his mind runs through a short list of things that annoy him about Emma as he tries to think of something that won’t get Emma truly pissed at him. “I don’t like how difficult it is to get you to answer the phone.”
“That’s a copout.”
“So was your last answer.”
“Fine. I’ll accept it. Dare.”
“Kiss me.”
Emma rolls her eyes right after he says the words, but she still presses forward to briefly brush her lips over his, a soft, slow kiss that has his body aching for more. But Emma pulls back before he can deepen the kiss, and he’s left with the feel of her lips on his.
“That was also a copout,” she murmurs as her hands reach down to pull the covers all the way up over her shoulders, her breasts disappearing from sight. “Truth.”
“Tell me your absolute favorite movie.”
“The Princess Bride. Feel free to quote it with me any time, and I will quote it right back.”
“As you wish.”
Emma’s eyes widen and her lips part at his words, and earlier he should have said that his least favorite thing about Emma is how hard it is for him to read her even when she’s an open book to him. But an open book half printed in code where he partially knows what’s going on but can’t quite decipher the rest.
“Your turn,” Emma whispers, snuggling further into the pillow. If he doesn’t watch out, she’s going to take his pillow home with her like she did his Vandy sweatshirt.
“If you could talk to your dad again, would you?”
It’s a question out of nowhere, one he wasn’t expecting, and as much as it makes his blood boil to even think of his dad, he doesn’t mind being open like this with Emma, not when she squeezes his hand to reassure him and looks at him with green eyes that might as well hold the stars for all the light overshadowing the darkness that he sees in them.
“No,” he answers immediately before biting his tongue. “Maybe, but only to tell him how much he’s screwed up my life. I don’t – I believe in forgiveness and learning from your mistakes. I would be nothing without all of that, but I – a dad should love his kids and be there for them no matter what, not on the condition of how well one of them is playing baseball. I know that if I ever have kids, I want them to feel everything that I didn’t at home. I want to be more like my mom in all of the love that she showed, you know?”
Emma doesn’t say anything then, but she does release his hand to reach forward and grab the chain around his neck, letting his mom’s ring fall into her palm. “You’re a good man, you know that, twenty-nine?”
“You are. I promise.”
Emma moves across the bed so that she can wrap her arm around his waist, simply sitting still with him in the quietness of the room as sirens and car horns blare outside, the life outside the city continuously moving as they stay still, reveling in the silence of the cocoon of his bedroom and not letting the outside world get to them. This has been one of his favorite days this year, which is saying a lot when he’s had so many that have already meant the world to him. He doesn’t know how it could get better.
Lips brush across the muscles on his stomach, soft and gentle and everything that Emma can be. “Killian?”
“Yeah, love?” he mumbles, absentmindedly running his fingers up and down the smooth expanse of her back.
“Dare me to do something bold.”
He chuckles, not entirely sure where this is coming from, but he does what she says anyways. “Emma, love, do something bold.”
Her intake of breath is something that he feels against his chest before she says, “I love you.”
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maddyperiez · 4 years
Yours OCs + Folklore
buckle up!! also, i skipped like 3 songs cause they didn’t fit any of my ocs!
the one.
scarlett x finn: ❝and if my wishes came true / it would have been you❞
scarlett x murphy: ❝i knew you / leavin’ like a father / running like water […] but i knew you’d linger like a tattoo kiss / i knew you’d haunt all of my what-ifs❞
scarlett x murphy: ❝you're not my homeland anymore / so what am i defending now? / you were my town, now i’m in exile, seein' you out❞
my tears ricochet.
leia: ❝and if i’m on fire / you’ll be made od ashes too❞
kay, leia, addie: ❝and i can go anywhere i want, just not home❞
odette: ❝shimmering beautiful / and when i break, it's in a million pieces […] i can change everything about me to fit in❞
quinn, erin, james, kay: ❝i'm still a believer, but i don't know why❞
erin, james, kay, nina: ❝i’ve never been a natural, all i do is try❞
robyn x isaac: ❝i think your house is haunted / your dad is always mad and that must be why / and i think you should come live with me❞
aliel: ❝for me, it was enough to live for the hope of it all❞
this is me trying.
quinn: ❝i've been having a hard time adjusting / i had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting❞
robyn x isaac: ❝i didn't know if you'd care if i came back / i have a lot of regrets about that❞
kay, quinn: ❝it's hard to be at a party when i feel like an open wound❞
illicit affairs.
leia x steve: ❝you taught me a secret language / i can’t speak with anyone else / and you know damn well for you i would ruin myself / a million little times❞
mad woman.
quinn: ❝does a scorpion sting when fighting back? / they strike to kill, and you know i will❞
annie x lydia: ❝slept next to her/him but i dreamt of you❞
leia x steve: ❝if you kiss me, will it be just like i dreamed it?❞
quinn: ❝[…] as long as danger is near / and it's just around the corner, darlin' / ‘cause it lives in me / no, i could never give you peace❞
addie, diana, robyn: ❝but i’m a fire / i’ll keep your brittle heart warm❞
scarlett x murphy: ❝you faithless love's the only hoax i believe in❞
scarlett x finn: ❝don't want no other shade of blue but you / no other sadness in the world would do❞
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zukofenty · 4 years
Day 4: bad decisions
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➜  The one where Katara (might) be in love with the campus drug dealer.
“So why won’t you go out with me? Is it because I’m a drug dealer?” Zuko’s mad, twisting the rings on his fingers while impatiently waiting on her answer.
“Not exactly,” Katara quips, averting her eyes from his fiery gaze. “It’s mainly because you don’t tip when we go out to eat.”
➜ Genre: Modern!AU, humor, teeny bit of angst, DrugDealer!Zuko 
➜ Words: 5.3k
➜ Warnings: I love DrugDealer!Zuko more than I love myself 😩
AO3, Zutara Month Playlist, @zutaramonth​ hi i love u! 
➜ Notes: hehe listen to “Bad Decisions” by Miss Ari! life changing! 
“Zuko’s dead? ” Katara nearly screams into the phone. She pulls on one of his hoodies and is scrambling to find her slides and keys.
Toph sighs. “We all knew this would happen. The sky’s blue, Beyonce needs to stop forcing her boyfriend on us. Basic facts. Get it together , Katara.”
“Toph, how does your disdain for Jay-Z make it into every conversation you have?” Suki wearily states. “All we know is that a dealer got shot near the frats today. So in conclusion, Zuko’s dead.”
“Bitch is gone .”
“God bless his beautiful ass.”
“A moment of silence for his fake Chanel blouses.”
Katara does her breathing exercises. “ Enough .” She hears a knock at the door, and immediately grabs her expandable baton. “Oh my god , someone’s at the door.” She whips out the baton to its full length.
Toph gasps. “Bitch, it’s 2 in the fucking morning. Are we getting a two for one deal tonight?”
Suki cheers. “I call dibs on her Fenty highlighters.”
“Oh hell fucking no ! You do not have the range for Trophy Wife, whore!” Toph shouts right into the microphone. Katara winces, and takes out an Airpod. She’s heaving, nervous at who could be at the door. Toph and Suki were trying to negotiate with each other on who was getting Katara’s brand new Hydrating Foundation when she takes an experimental glance out the peephole. Her gasp reverberates through the phone.
“She’s died, Suki! She’s died!” Toph wails, her screams nearly unintelligible.
“ Zuko? ” Katara screeches at the top of her lungs, launching herself at him so violently her other Airpod pops out.
He chuckles when she locks her legs around his waist, his arms coming out to support her from underneath her ass. It’s domestic, and he relishes in the attention. “Hello to you, too.” She’s smiling at him and it’s beautiful and soft and everything he wanted to see after the shitty night he’s had. Dealing in college was an easy route to Balenciaga and bitches. Everyone did it, it was as easy as catching HPV at your school. Yet, Zhao, the Kingpin of dealers, just had to get his side-chick pregnant and then just had to get shot by his girlfriend. Even if he did get shot up because he was a slut (#FreeZhao), the campus dean had called the cops and was in the process of launching an extensive campaign to fuck up any current dealers. Even if you possess the slightest hint of addy for your ADHD, you still had to haul your ass to the campus police station. It wasn’t fair though. Coke is what makes college campuses around the world run as smoothly as they do.
“You promised me you’d stop,” she’s murmuring in his ear, curled up beside him in her cramped twin bed. Her roommates went back home for the weekend, so it makes it just that much easier to pretend you two could be like this. Lost in the sheets, hopelessly in love with her head on his chest.
“If I didn’t, I probably wouldn’t have been able to get you this,” Zuko whispers in her hair. He slides a ring on her finger and she smiles lazily back at him, placing a tender kiss on his cheek. God, is this what love feels like? If she accidentally got pregnant with Zuko’s spawn she wouldn’t immediately reach for Plan B? The ring was a simple thing, just plain silver because she wanted one to be “edgy,” obsessed with rings after playing with the handful that adorn Zuko’s fingers. After making sure she was sound asleep, he lets himself smile. Finally , he’s getting somewhere with her.  
Seemingly a too perfect, impenetrable forest, he’s finding himself finally being let into her world. As corny and lovesick it sounded, Zuko understood how easy it was to love someone when he laid eyes on you. All those damn John Green books were right, he begrudgingly admits ( Eat shit John Green.) She truly could not do one wrong thing in his eyes, her soft giggles as she attempted to explain commas and semicolons and gerunds or whatever the fuck he doesn’t quite remember because he was busy being infatuated and trying to make her laugh. They’d met freshman year, and have remained in this weird limbo ever since. Where he would call her  to remind her to eat when she was stressed, and he could plant kisses in her hair when he’s showing up to her apartment at night, cuddling her without her pulling away because it always felt right. At the same time, Katara felt so unattainable, so out of reach. It’s never progressed past simple, flirtatious touches. Yet, being with her feels different than any other relationship he’s been in, as though his heart was permanently and solely hers.
It was easy to fall in love. Katara was so kind, yet so dead set in her ways. Never detracting her focus from school, she had no time for anything else in her life. Her older brother Sokka had raised her when their parents had disappeared shortly after producing the “accident” child. They handed Katara off to him, who hadn’t spoken to them in years. While Sokka was in college and attempting to care for Katara at the same time, he had struck gold with recording labels interested in his music producing work. Soon, he was making songs you could regularly hear on the radio and not just on Soundcloud, and the royalties were ensuring Katara got the best. The best schools, clothes, life. Even if her brother was obsessed with flexing his regular Bugatti purchases on Instagram, she wasn’t nearly as preoccupied. She was always in oversized hoodies that once upon a time ago belonged to Sokka before he decided on dressing like a 30 year old hypebeast Instagrammer still trying to hold onto their youth. Always volunteering her time and doing things rich people had time to do to make themselves feel good about their tax breaks.
It made Zuko feel jealous in a sense, with his uncle struggling to make ends meet his whole life. He ran a small fried chicken and tea shop (Iroh was convinced about this combo) in his neighborhood, and he hated to admit that he was ashamed. That he dreamed of shoving Chanel anything up his ass. He would take the perfume sample cards from the mall that said Givenchy , pinning it to his wall as inspiration for what he would buy in the future. It didn’t make sense to him, when Katara had all this money and couldn’t care less. She penny pinched when she didn’t need to, wore clothes from Forever 21, as though Sokka wouldn’t drop thousands for the Fendi boots she always talked about.
“Damnit, you’re dick sick, aren’t you?” Toph sends her a look that screamed pity. Katara tried to fix the frown, but her eyes always revealed everything. So she nods in agreement, and Toph wraps her up in her arms. Zuko had invited her and Toph to a quote unquote “exclusive party” thrown by the rich kids whose parents owned the university. The Olivia Jades of the world. Schmoney shmoney . It didn’t help that she felt so out of place, circling all throughout the frat house before settling on the cleanest couch near the one window that wasn’t broken. She wanted to be a part of Zuko’s world for a night, see where he was disappearing to on the weekends.
Although Toph spent the better part of the evening prepping her hoe fit, Katara stuck to an uneventful long t shirt (Zuko’s shirt, of course) paired with thigh high boots. She had planned on only staying half an hour, tops. She didn’t drink, smoke, it just wasn’t her thing. Her worst fear was contracting herpes from a wax pen. Even when she was a college freshman and people were busy coming back upchucking all over the communal dorm bathroom, she instead dutifully held hair back, and changed drunk girls’ clothes. She quickly learned the tricks of the trade after cleaning up Sokka’s messy weekend self during his quarter life crisis phase. Admittedly, she was boring . So, she reasoned 30 minutes gave her enough time to walk around the place and see Zuko schmoozing with rich kids, and then leave to have enough time to do her skincare before bed.  
“More like sick. He deals coke now! Coke! That’s a prison drug, ma’am. The real deal,” she whimpers into her tits. She had caught Zuko in one of the trust fund babies’ enormous rooms in the frat house, daddy’s credit cards and student IDs out and about with lines of something she’d only seen in movies. Since all the dealers were on the low with the campus crackdown, and since it was midterms season, the demand amongst the student population was unbelievably high. Zuko was the only brave stupid enough to keep selling. Katara had burst into the room to alert Zuko that Toph and her were about to make a dramatic exit without him to go back to her place and watch John Tucker Must Die instead of studying.
She had expected a lot of things, hell even coke (maybe). What she didn’t anticipate was seeing a girl in Zuko’s lap, kissing up his neck, wearing practically nothing. He had an assertive hand on her thigh, massaging it, manhandling her like Katara wished he would do with her. He’s talking and acting like he belonged with the assholes of your school. Like he wasn’t the gentle guy who Katara always saw in sweats always talking about his half sister, or memories of his uncle’s restaurant. She had made eye contact with him and promptly shut the door, feeling as though her heart would burst any second now.
So Toph and Katara go back to her place, calling up Suki who Ubers over, ready to rag on her (sort of) mans. Both Toph and her were in Suki’s t shirts that she “gave” to the duo. Both girls ignore her protests when she shows up and demands for them back. “Hey, that is premium Aliexpress Yeezus Tour shirts! They don’t sell fakes like these anymore!”
Katara was eating Target generic brand ice cream out the container, her heartbreak palpable, especially to Toph. The two girls were best friends after becoming roommates freshman year. Katara’s a sweet thing, too sweet in Toph’s opinion. Always remembering little things, people’s birthdays or favorite brand of instant Udon packages. She was always the one defending Toph against those who found it too easy to take advantage of her. Toph, in turn, was always there to mend her big heart after no one remembered her birthday freshman year. In many ways, Katara won a permanent place in Toph’s heart. She was always the one showing up to her dance performances, even if they were a two hour bus ride away. Always making sure to take off her makeup after recitals when she was too tired to move. It hurt her to see Katara like this, in pain.
“All I’m saying is that he uses you to play house. It’s time to cut the cord. Don’t be Beyonce, don’t keep letting a man bring down your worth. Plus, you don’t have the range to come out with Lemonade in the middle of all this heartbreak and betrayal.”
She scoops Vanilla bean into her mouth, eyes downcast. “What do you mean? Just because he comes here and sleeps over all the time?” She settles her head in Toph’s lap when she sees Suki begin to straighten her back, prepping for the rant she was about to deliver.
“Katara, sweet, pure, virginal Katara.”  
“Hey!” Katara yelps.
“I’m going to be honest with you, and it’s going to hurt. Like pap smear at the gyno hurt.” Katara nods, interest piqued. “Do you see you on his Instagram? Do you? Any posts, any tagging done when I know you took this photo of this overpriced matcha soy latte?” Suki tries her hardest not to break her tough girl role when she sees hersad fucking eyes. Why are they built like that? Like she could break her heart with just a watery glance? “Tell me, who do you see on Zuko’s Instagram and Snapchat?”
“Hotgirls,” she jumbles the words in her haste.
“Louder!” Suki shouts.
“ Hot. Girls. ” she admitted defeat. Toph strokes her hair gently to try to comfort her.
“That’s the thing with guys like Zuko, ok? They want the hottest girls on campus to suck and fuck, but they’re even more cruel with girls like you. Girls who are meant for dating to marry and cute gender reveal parties and pastels and shit. He knows that you guys aren’t meant to be together, the universe says so. But he’ll still play with your feelings because he likes pretending he deserves you. Pretending that in this world, girls like you and guys like him can be together and make it work.”
Katara’s jolting her head out of Toph’s lap in protest. “Well, what if I want to be a slut? What if I want to be the kind of girl that Zuko wants?” She was tired of being the cute girl who looks like she goes to volunteer at the community center regularly and is destined for some picket fence with a balding, accountant husband and loud, undisciplined kids. She wanted sex, hell she wanted to wear skimpy clothes without worrying what Zuko was going to think about how her tits looked, or if her pants showed enough of her ass to be considered hoe. Katara wanted the confidence of those girls Zuko would put on his social media, she wanted to be them. Being with Zuko felt like being with someone who got her, and she liked, hell loved the attention he gave her. As though she felt pretty, and not adorable. He was someone she just couldn’t get out of her head, someone that was so dangerous to her because she was feeling herself change for him. Is it wrong that she liked it? The way he called her gorgeous when he comes over, or how he lazily grinds against her ass when he’s half-asleep, hands on her hips grounding her.
Suki squeezes her chipmunk cheeks between her musty hands, and interrupts Katara’s protest about an acne breakout. “Even if you try changing everything about you to become exactly what he wants, do you really think he’s going to treat you the same when it isn’t on the down low?”
Suki’s honesty still stings, but it was the cold hard truth. She was willing to change herself, be someone for a guy promising her trips to Paris when he could never meet when the sun was up. Suki’s words hurt as bad as the dress Toph was squeezing you into. “You wanted slutty, I’m giving you waist trainer, Insta model slutty!” She had convinced Katara to go on a date with some guy who was “perfect” for her. Code for boring, she was sure of it. Probably an engineering major who didn’t know how Twitter worked.
Even with all of Toph’s efforts, Katara decided all the shapewear in the world wasn’t going to contain her “post depression ice cream for all three meals” belly.  So, she decided to keep it simple with her “knock-off Ariana” outfit as she calls it. Pairing just a pair of thigh high boots with a long sweatshirt.
“Look, I know you secretly get off to the thrill of dating a lame drug dealer, knowing the cops could bust down your door and cause a scene at your apartment. I know you live for the drama. But I promise, this guy will be good for you. Let’s just have fun for one night. Please put the dress back on? I know you haven’t washed that hoodie in a week,” Toph pleads with Katara.
She just rolled her eyes while Toph reapplied a layer of gloss to Katara’s lips. Deep down, she just knew in her heart there was no getting over Zuko. At least immediately. But, it didn’t hurt that Jet was cute, harmless fun.  He was taking her out to a diner near her apartment, frequented by students at their college deluded by the aesthetic photo ops, and not too concerned about how the restaurant was serving up microwaved Mac n cheese. He showed up looking exactly like his Instagram photos and in a well ironed H&M button up. She could feel Toph hiding behind her futon, snapping clandestine photos for Suki, who was in the bathroom with the Taco Bell shits.  
“ How dare you?! ” Jet screeches, dropping a cold fry in disbelief. “You’ve never watched anime?”
“Ok, a scream was not what I was expecting. I just asked if Teen Titans counted. Sue me.” Katara’s laughing, and hates to admit that it was fun being with Jet. He’s nerdy and sweet and most importantly so, so tall. A good guy.
“It doesn’t! ” he huffs petulantly.
Katara juts out her lip. “How can you ever forgive me?”
“Hmm. I guess a second date. Maybe an anime sesh will have to do. Your place, and we’re pulling an all nighter.”
“Why not your place?” she questions.
“I live in a living room, and I don’t have a mattress. But why not? My place it is!” His aggressive thumbs up makes her laugh so hard it sends her into a choking fit.
“So, we’re watching Teen Titans first, right?” she teases, pounding at her chest to stop the coughs.
His smile reaches his eyes. “You know, I was kinda scared going out with you tonight. No offense, but you have, like, no pictures on your social media. All Toph promised me was ‘you’re really pretty and heartbroken as well. ’ And, not to try to win any brownie points on this date, but I have to agree, you’re really pretty.” Katara rolls her eyes, and he blushes.
“I was expecting something along the lines of ‘ Goddess like,’ but I guess ‘really pretty’ works, too.” She’s laughing along with his obnoxious giggles, and she feels almost lighthearted. Not quite ready to fall in love again, but considering the possibility. “Let me guess, she cheated on you?”
“Worse. Walked in on her with...drumroll please!” Katara lightly began drumming her fingers on the dining table. “You guessed it! My brother!” he sheepishly admits, bringing out the jazz hands and everything to emphasize his point.
She audibly gasps. “That’s some Kdrama shit right there! Please tell me you started a fist fight with him, kicked a nut or two.”
“Nah, I had an essay due. No time for that shit, you know? I just shut the door, banged out my paper, and haven’t spoken to either of them in about four months.”
She takes a sip of her milkshake. “That’s healthy!” Jet tilts his shake in Katara’s direction in agreement, before taking a long gulp from the cup.
He quirks a perfectly shaped brow towards her. “So, let me guess. Your guy saved his side chick’s name as Chick-fil-a in his phone, you found out and tried to strangle him with his belt, and he pressed charges?”
“Oddly specific, but sadly no. Let’s just say he had the biggest heart. Big enough for bitches on the side as well.” Jet makes a grunt in disapproval. “It wasn’t like I could be mad, anyways. We weren’t in anything official. But it felt like it could’ve been something, you know?”
It was like an unspoken agreement, an energy that the two felt when they met each other. A “my heart was just shattered into a billion pieces but hopefully a rebound will lessen the pain just for two hours tonight” kind of vibe. It felt good with Jet, like the two of you guys had known each other forever. He serves her with corny joke after joke, and she lets herself laugh. She hated being around men, and besides, Sokka threatened any that even made eye contact with her  for longer than 20 seconds. Aside from Sokka, Zuko, and Aang, the kid she babysat, Katara was afraid to let any other men in her life. Three was already enough emotional labor.
They both go out for boba afterwards, and Jet makes sure to pay for their drinksand then drop his change into the tip jar. He knows that Katara swoons immediately. It always works. That’s why 30 minutes later, she’s slamming him into her futon. Soon after, he’s shirtless, pressing at her core with impatient fingers. She’s grinding helplessly in his lap, his moans egging her on. He insisted she keep the boots on.
“I was not raised to leave my shoes on in the house. That’s just vile ,” she protested. Jet silences her with a gentle kiss, and a press of his throbbing cock against her.
“Please, baby. Make an exception for me tonight,” he whispers against her lips. Her shorts and underwear are suddenly missing. When the fuck did he do that? She’s dizzy and horny and so full when he starts fingering her. His fingers so fucking long and is making her whimper and ready to have his kids. She closes her eyes because staring at Jet’s fucked out ones made her want to combust. She was focusing on the feeling of being stuffed while trying to tamp down on the fear of losing her virginity, because that seemed like the logical course of action with how the night was playing out. Damnit, what if it hurts like a pap smear ? She thinks pathetically. In the middle of all her inner monologues, she’s suddenly shoved off of Jet’s warm body, tumbling on the ground. She opens her eyes to see Zuko pummeling Jet to a pulp.
“Not the face, Zuko! Not the fucking face! He’s too pretty for this!” Katara yelps, shoving Zuko’s muscular frame off of Jet. Jet sends her a sad smile before slipping his shirt over his head and heading out the door.
She’s fuming, too angry, too confused. “What the fuck was that ?” She’s at maximum screech levels tonight, much to her neighbor’s dismay.
“You tell me!” Zuko cards his hands through his hair. “You’re fucking some other guy? Don’t know if you’ve forgotten, Katara. But this,” he gestures between the two of them. “Did you forget about us? Forget about me? What the fuck?”  
“Hold up, Walter White.” She’s sticking a hand out in his face. “We are a situationship, at best. Don’t you dare accuse me of whoring around when we aren’t even official.”
“I thought what we had, what we were...I don’t know? It’s different,” Zuko rubs at his neck awkwardly. “Did you not feel the same way? Why do you care about all these labels all of a sudden? Why didn’t you fucking tell me you wanted us to make it official?”
“It’s because you’re supposed to know! You’re supposed to know that I hate what you do, that I hate loving you, because it hurts me.”
“So why won’t you go out with me? Is it because I’m a drug dealer?” Zuko’s mad, twisting the rings on his fingers while impatiently waiting on her answer.
“Not exactly,” Katara quips, averting her eyes from his fiery gaze. “It’s mainly because you don’t tip when we go out to eat.”
“Bullshit!” he howls.
“You need to tip at least 20%!”
“Katara.” He takes a deep breath in. “Why don’t we just make this official?”
She’s worrying at her lip. Trying desperately to remember the breathing exercises her therapist had recommended before she started crying and did something crazy like suck his dick because he looked hot when he was angry. “Zuko, as much as you’d like to keep pretending that we could ever be a thing, I can’t. I can’t keep holding onto this fucking unrealistic dream. These unrealistic expectations! What do you want me to do? Pray for the day you get bored of dealing or hanging out with the rich kids or making out with sorority girls so you could come back to me at night? Because I’m fucking pathetic and let you back every single time?”
She sees him spluttering, trying to desperately hold onto a solid response that could sway her decision. “Katara, you know how much I care about you. But you would never get it! You would never get someone like me!”
She scoffs. “Try me. What don’t I get about you, Zuko?”
“That being with those people, and dealing makes me feel like more than just a poor kid with no parents and no fucking future.” Zuko huffs out the confession as though he was holding it in for a millenium.
“I get it, ok I understand but-”
Zuko steps back from her, as though she’s slapped him straight across the face. “No, Katara. You don’t. You don’t fucking get it. You get to cosplay as poor. Pretend that you have to budget when Sokka could easily handle everything if things go wrong.”
Katara’s angry, angry at herself. For hurting Zuko with her careless words, for looking so fucking stupid. “Ok, fine. You’re right.” She surprises even herself at her confession. "I don’t get it. But that doesn’t mean I can’t be fucking worried about you? That I’m terrified about what could go wrong? One wrong move and you could fucking die! You think the dean is going to let any of those rich assholes take the fall for anything? No, they’re going to blame it on the disposable kid on Financial Aid,” she wails at the top of her lungs.
She searches his eyes for any understanding, for any reaction to what she was saying. His jaw is set in a determined look, the kind of look she knew was unwavering, was unable to be changed no matter what. She sucks in a breath of air, praying for any sort of strength. “How about you do you, and I do me?”
“Yeah, sure,” Zuko squeezes out. He’s rushing out the door, slamming it on his way out.
“I knew I could smell the cock on you! You rode that dick like a stolen car, didn’t you?” Suki bellows, cackling.
“Please, I will fucking block you,” Katara wearily threatens, without any might behind it. She’s, predictably, in one of Zuko’s old t shirts from when he played soccer in high school, slapping on moisturizer before she could retire to bed. “Zuko stopped anything from happening when he came in and went 'New York after Hottie said she looked like Beyonce' on his ass.
Toph grunts over the line. “So what’s the deal with you guys? He’s dealing you drugs and dick now? You’re fucking the weed man for weed? Or are you fucking the dick man for dick? At least you’re not fucking the tweet man for tweets.”
Katara pauses in patting in the cream on her face. “How does this make any sense to you? Like do you not hear yourself speak?”
“It makes perfect sense to me, slut.”
Suki jumps in before low blows could be dealt and the girls start making fun of each others foundation not matching. “You know what, I bet Zuko’s selling whole ass cilantro and/or oregano and no one says anything because he’s fine.”
Katara pauses in applying her lip balm, a call from Zuko popping up threatening to end her call with her girls. “Zuko’s calling?” she questions.
“This late?” Toph is in between bites of her pepperoni Hot Pocket.
Suki sighs. “Listen, Katara. Girls don’t win when it comes to love, we never win. Maybe you should take a break from all this Zuko mess, and I don’t know. Pick up a hobby. Go back to therapy.”
But Katara knew something was wrong. She could sense it, just feel it inside her. Something was inherently wrong. As though the universe was whispering this to her, pleading with her to listen. “I’ll call you guys back, ok?”
“This is the future Stephanie Meyer wanted. For girls to be pathetically in love with pale, emo guys,” Toph miserably whimpers after Katara leaves their call.
Katara heart felt like it could fall out of her ass and then jump back in her mouth with how loudly it was beating. She’s running, clad in only the t shirt and her slides. They were threatening to slip off at any second from how fast her feet were forcing them to pound at the pavement. Word of the wise, don’t fucking run in slides.
“Don’t fucking hurt him!” She screams, expandable baton whipped out and ready to pummel any bitch dumb enough to hurt Zuko while she’s around. A few guys were standing around Zuko’s limp body, about to lay another painful blow against his bruised visage when she starts wildly beating them with her baton. She’s shrieking at the top of her lungs, scaring them enough for all of them to disperse. They all ran off before they had to deal with whatever the fuck Katara was doing. Crazy wasn’t in their agenda that night, only beating up good looking dealers.
“Oh, Zuko.” Katara immediately lets go of the weapon, dropping down to her knees to look at him.
Turns out, everyone wants a shot at the king.
She sits herself down and gently cradles Zuko’s head in between her hands before placing it in her lap. He closes his eyes and musters the strength to give her a small smile.
“Thank you, Katara.” She’s trying her best to hold back her tears. The gravel is scraping unforgivably against her legs, the cold causing her throat to begin to itch. She’s shivering as she types in “911.”
Zuko lifts a battered arm to swat quickly at her fingers. “Can we just Uber to the hospital? I don’t want to drop two racks on an ambulance.”
“Zuko!” Katara squeals. It works, he’s got her to smile in spite of all the drama, all the tears. It’s so easy for them to be like this together. Just enjoying the moment, just being themselves. “You know, I’m sorry for ever saying you look like an angry snake. You still do, but I’m sorry.”
“I hate you,” he says without any commitment to the spite.
“You don’t.”
“I know.” He lets her finish ordering the Uber before speaking again. “I love you.”
She runs her fingers in his hair. “I know.”
“Say it back, please?” He has the audacity to pout despite being beaten nearly half to death.
“I’m scared,” she can’t bring herself to break eye contact with his intense gaze.
“I know.”
“Zuko! What happened?” Iroh’s running as fast as he can, still clad in his sleepwear. He sees the pretty girl that the nurses warned has refused to leave the boy’s side for the past few hours, never letting go of his hand. She’s even had the gall to snap the nurses who would show up to their shift a few minutes late.
He sees his nephew rub comforting circles in the girls’ hand with his thumb, looking at her before he could make eye contact with his uncle. Right when he’s about to say something, he’s interrupted.
“He was protecting me. We were walking in a bad part of town because I really wanted to get ice cream, and...we got mugged.” She finishes lamely, whispering the last few words. “They hit him first and then were trying to steal my purse. They got even more mad when he started yelling ‘don’t hurt her!’ He jumped in front of me before they could do anything.”
The two share a look and a smile. Zuko’s grip on Katara’s hand grows impossibly tigther.
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tulipanisk · 5 years
The MBTI types as people I know (from an infj perspective)
This is based on the few people I've met in real life with these personality types. I haven't met all types so maybe yours isn't here.
INFP: So quiet. Works as a cashier with me in a grocery store. Says every "hi", "do you need a bag" etc like she has practiced in front of the mirror. Is super afraid to be left out of conversations. Asks "what are you laughing about", "what are you talking about", "what happened" all the time. Seems serious, but it's probably because she takes her role as a cashier pretty seriously, because it has to be perfect. Would hate herself if a customer was mean to her, but wouldn't tell anyone. Often says "I don't know" and is never mean. Instantly smiles when I smile. Likes to build on my weird thoughts, but it's hard to read her actual opinion on things.
ESTP: Leader of a youth organization for atheists. Loves ranting about politics. Has a strong opinion on every matter, but has no opinion when it comes to taking peoples feelings into conversation, other than what he knows is morally correct and practical. Accidentally uses master suppression techniques to win arguments. Regrets being to harsh when he accidentally hurt someone, and awkwardly tries to apologize. Has a partner who he listens to before anyone else. Loves emo punk, computer games and discussing existential, social and political issues. Reacted to his personality type by saying "I guess I'm ESTP" *sighs* as if any answer would have been a disapointment. Oftentimes asks the questions we needed to hear, like "so if this is the case, then what are we even discussing here, this is a meaningless conversation, isn't it?". Very practical. Very nice. Wishes everyone well.
ISFP: Friend of enfp. Is obsessed with this one thing, MMA. She sees everyone as competition and wants to prove them wrong. Wants to go against the big and though guys and be respected equally. Pushes people away, then says she didn't initially like them, but instantly takes them into their life again when they take initiative at all. Is a real soft girl, but pretends to be emotionless. Rants about how stupid this one guy she met at the store was. Is very spontaneous. Goes on dates with the most handsome people, because she actually takes initiative and comes off as confident. But analyses people because "what if they don't actually like her". Has a beautiful smile and everyone listens to what she says. Good story teller and manages to get people on board with her opinions quite easily. Comes off as super extroverted, but is really in her own head, likes being alone and secretly seeks intimacy
ESTJ: Person 1, a guy. He talks before thinking. Oftentimes seen as a big jerk and doesn't mind saying things like it is. Is very traditional when it comes to certain things. Doesn't know how to cope with my feelings, and might say "seems like you have a bunch of problems man", instead of saying something that helps. Potentially saying "at least you have this and that" or "people are dying". Listens to ABBA, loves cars and cats. Has never been in a relationship because he is afraid people judge him like he judges people. Will scream at you if he finds you anoying, a hypocrite or stupid. Doesn't care. Wants to care about politics, but hates all the parties. Loves my hugs but won't ever take the initiative for them. Very practical, knows how to fix everything. Could build Ikea furniture without looking at the manual. Asks me for advice he doesn't take. Jumps to conclusions. Beliefs me as if I'm God, and will hand me his phone to answer messages more emphatically if he really likes someone, so that he doesn't come off mean. Likes to annoy me because I react to it, then smiles after and make me smile to. Beautiful smile. Never talks about emotions, but has a lot when I ask him about it. Has no time for bullshit. We actually fit together, despite the stereotype that infj and estj dont have anything in common. I see it as we can learn from each other. Person 2: Has been through a lot of family issues and sick people. Listens to rap and ironically terrible music. Once went up to her boyfriend at work and yelled at him in front of all the customers because life is more exciting that way. Very fashionable, yet comfortable. Is her own mom figure. Does her chores. Will tell you to snap out of it if you're too emotional, which I need sometimes. Mom friend. Sits with the older people.
ENFP: Person 1, my roommate and boyfriend for four years. Has so much positive energy. Laughs away his insecurities. *Smirks, looks to the side, huge hand gestures and body movements without context*. Over explains everything. Everyone considers him a close friend, yet he doesn't concider anyone a close friend because "they don't know the real him, only the fasade". Insists on keeping it that way, because he knows people like that version of him. Wants to be liked by everyone, and thinks "challenge accepted" when someone doesn't instantly like him. Has really bad or dark humor. Listens to super creepy and intense music to feel something. Talks a lot, thinks a lot, knows a lot about things nobody should know about, remembers practical facts, but doesn't remember to lock the door. Oftentimes has to edit what he says as it comes out weird and people take it literally. Gets easily distracted, especially if there's animals nearby. Can't multitask. Loves children. Person 2: Never sleeps, forgets to eat but loves food, has plans every day. Has 689 friends who she actually hangs out with. Laughs constantly. Is not afraid to meet new people and instantly befriends them. Loves music, especially classical and orchestra. Plays the French horn. Very very patient. Colors her hair, cuts it short, cuts it off, grows it out, burns it. Doesn't want to hurt anyone. When she gets mad she gets real mad. Person 3: Makes music. Talks about it's so passionately. Cried when his favorite band died and everyone listened. Didn't talk to girls before he started high school. Very good at imitations. Has a lot of projects and dreams that he actually tries achieving. Talks so much, but only has introverted friends. (I know so many enfps, I'm not gonna write about them all).
ISFJ: My actual mom. Does everyone's chores. When she gets help with the chores, she will do them again "like she likes them done". Everything around her magically gets clean. Will clean your apartment if she visits. Is super patient and let people be mean to her without saying anything. Is loved by everyone, but doesn't believe it. Very good mom, she thinks you should follow your heart, not your brain. Stresses a lot, but laughs and is super happy when we're together. Everyone comes to her with their problems, my mom doesn't respond, but they still feel better after she opens her mouth. Hates making food, but is great at it. Finds everything funny, but is rarely the funny one. Has a lot of controlling people in her life and doesn't want me to experience that. Very skeptical, but still open.
INTJ: Is one year ahead of her age group in her education. Takes on the leading role in every single thing she can, complains about having much to do, but doesn't quit, and still wants more responsibility. Has perfect grades and actually reads the emails she gets. Would probably read terms and conditions to. Is very negative, and doesn't see her reached goals as anything's special, but most people look up to her for those things. Falling in love is a lot of work in her opinion, so she stresses about anyone potentially liking her. Very calm. Likes being alone. Jokes sadly about existence. Has goals. Very perfectionistic and realistic. Wants what's best for people. Very likable. Always on her phone and has streaks with everyone. Everyone falls in love with her and she doesn't understand why.
ENTP: "FIGHT ME". Is the loudest. Has an opinion about everything. Will answer your sayings with "Or DoEs It", "Or WiLl YoU", "BuT wHaT iF i PrOvEd YoU wRoNg newbie girl. Is politically active and and activist. Shitposts on social media. Both accidentally and consciously hits on everyone. Is never single. Has a lot of anxiety and deals with it by socializing. Meets new people every day. Cares about their physical presence and clothing. Isn't afraid of the dark and will probably go out in the middle of the night thinking "if anyone tries to kill me now I would fight them, or, I would die happily tbh". Knows everyone you know. Spills their feelings. Constantly points fingers. Likes new wave. Very physical. Cares about people. Will point out your contradictions.
INTP: Person 1: Has the sexiest voice. Good at imitations. Knows everything about politics both nationally and internationally. Plays video games all day long and is addicted to energy drinks. Has a really bad physical attitude. Laughs of his own jokes. Is really insecure, and self aware. Often regrets saying the mean things he thought. Acts very cold and seems to not like affection, but will hug you and let you sleep in his bed if he loves you. Beautiful smile. Rarely takes initiative, but if he likes you he will do it when he first craves social interactions. Cuts people out of his life like he's a waking pair of scissors. Has blocked me from social media 10 times I think because I mess with his feelings and because as an infj he doesn't understand my idealism. He would be okay with doing the right thing no matter how many people would get hurt by it. We have the exact same humor. Puns puns puns. Very skeptical and has allready decided what he thinks about every single matter. Is very closed minded, and can scare people off by coming off like that. Listens to synth music. Loves Depeche Mode. Could stay indoors all year long. Hates coping with his emotions. Will say "why" if you tell him you like him in a romantic way, and will get uncomfortable about having to deal with it. Wants to get married, but doesn't know how to start. In my opinion, the most attractive type in addition to enfp. There's just something really attractive about this personality, but also dangerous. The only personality I've met who can make me overthink like crazy. Person 2: She knows everything about pop culture. Loves cats. Listens to David Bowie and Cher. Only opens up to me, and that's after I've asked directly about it. Has a lot of emotions, but never shows them. Will make a face if she disagrees, but won't say anything. Loves watching dry humor programs. Loves candy. Has a whole line of generation in sims 4. Loves her family and would live at home by choice forever. Cares about social issues and wants justice. Likes extroverts because she can sit back and relax. Her interactions with other intps are unbearable as it gets so quiet you can hear crickets. Is very likable. Will laugh at all your jokes, of her own, and of her face with an ugly Snapchat filter on them. Hates group chats. Procrastinates every thing.
ENTJ: The only thing I know about her do far is that she does cosplay, makes her own costumes, says things like she couldn't care less what you thought about it, and has a lot of ambitions.
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addytheheartbreaker · 5 years
Yandere! Joen x Addy x Overprotective! Nicol (part 3)
(Warning: this story you are going to read will contains trigger and 16+ that involves angsty theme, mental issues, adult vice theme, mild swearing, violence, gore blood and death of the following story. Please respect and advice not to read it if you are uncomfortable of these topics)
Joen's pov
Leaving my dear precious doll peacefully at her bed is such a grace to watch, it makes me feel happy on her safe state. Dying to be on my arms at my home, I started going back to the past where they are still alive.
Father is a great man with a huge popularity of his amusement park, "Great Roger's Madness Play". His reputation is so popular, everyone knows his name and his signature friendliness and kind heart he possessed. He is formally a boy band in his youthful days until She come to his life.
Mother is a famous singer and song writer in any ways. Her beauty stands out every man on their knees and woman and young girls inspired by her feminism and encouraged of young girls to chased their dreams. She work in many business with her family along with her sister who had a son to carry the legacy. Dad slowly fell in love with mom with a reason.
The letter he wrote for me and my brothers to read.
The Roger family has been passing its genes for generations with a twist of truths and secrets of our ancestors. Now that I understand why father loves mother, I guess I'm just like dad with my hair slick back, the perfect arch white rabbit and well.... The reason of loving a mate.
I'm so excited to mark my beloved as mine and mine alone. Well, besides my favorite bunny brother Leon who is the first one to finally mark his lover and soon to be brother in law in the future. Oh~ I wonder what she would look like when we were at the same age as my parents were? Or what dress she would dressed to my imaginable insane wedding that I've dreamed when I was a bunny. Alright I think I would be more then intrigued on what kind of girl if I finally see the true beauty behind all that elegant décor everyday? My guardian angel will take me to heaven to touch her, to feel her, to taste her-
To see how much she loves this Rabbit giving it to me~
Ugh, I losts control now. I needed her, I fucking need to confess my heart out and heal my beloved broken doll to a woman I ever gunna dreamed of. However, I need to be patient once she give in and open her heart for me, patient enough to let me get closer to her. Mother once told me that since she has a strong relationship with father with such love. Addy would be the most happiest girl to finally release those burden chains behind her back and healed all her broken crack porcelain that my pretty little doll possessed.
Now all I needed to do is to get rid of Nicol. I don't care of the peace contract we both had along time ago that I am about to break!
Anything to claim the Doll as my mate! That's what father told me. Finding the right mate to loved would do anything to claim it as mine. I made up my fucking mind to win this. Similar to how my brother Leon would back when we were still at the asylum. I also need to talk to my black rabbit brother for advice before I could finally kick the dog's ass. I'll do it tomorrow to prepared the plan. Nicol the Doberman Dog, our peace allies between our families is off.
Nicol's pov
I heard that Joen left the dog mansion quickly. Why though? I went to check on dollface if she is alright and safe. I think she is now safe.... For now....
You may be wondering why I wanted to protect her at all cost even protecting her from her mission, preventing her from activating her DEaF power eyes she had explained to my training with her, people who dare tried and harm a single hair from her and death multiple times is because of a many reasons;
She and I are no different then everyone else.... We both experience it in a horrible way....
*flashback, Nicol's traumas and Wilderness era*
The Dog brothers are not entirely as brothers who are related honestly. We were all born at the adoption withe and my little brother together until I have a strong friendship with the 4 pups. We were always together as a group because of our connection we are having and how much we grew up together inseparably. My brother will always be beside me and followed me anywhere until we all started performing and show off our created talent. We became young celebrities together until at age 11. Me, my little brother, my soon to be step brothers and my brother's siblings are all adopted by a man.
The man is my new owner, my master, the one who would take care the whole family despite we are not sure why he adopted us? Learning that the man had knew the 5 of us that we are popular of our talent and give us something that we now soon as celebrities as I formed a group of boys as the Dog Brothers. We are so happy to finally made it.... That's is what I thought of.... Right?
"Bad environment, a horrible influence of a owner, a home filled with vices and master showed me and my brothers the most wicked crime that all of us lost our innocence".
I grew aggressive and wild on these stuff. I'm so uncomfortable at first for introduced me such illegal stuff in such a young age myself. I was just 13 years old when master showed me these things. I grew slowly addicted, it is so wrong yet felt high I'm started to get used to master's drugs and alcohol
Age 14 is my start on partying my favorite clubs. My brothers are also got used to these vices as they do the same wilderness and hunting more and more. I like to fight people and greedy on devouring liquor and drugs everyday on clubs, I've earned myself a nickname as the "Wild Dog".
That is until.... The sudden arresting for illegal crimes had made us realized our whole family are in deep cursed. Realizing that we had changed to the worse which we immediately almost broke our strongest relationship that we, the Dog Brothers we once have togehter. We started arguing and fighting out of no where and I blindedly harmed my own little brother multiple times in a heated tension that I gradually said the words that I broke our relationship with my brother for eternity.
"You Bastard! How dare you offended me and my families name! YOUR A DISGRACE TO MY FAMILY!!! I'M NOT A DISGRACE TO MY FAMILY, I NEVER BETRAYED IT BROTHER!!!"
Those words are all a lie, I did betrayed them being blinded with addictions and obsessions which controlled my whole body like I'm a puppet. Crimes that added on my list while the Dog brothers are all working as celebrities as we secretly hidden our vices from public. The family doesn't want the publics eye to know these secrets which would one day torn us completely with shame
Been arrested then releasing again and again as I reached age 17.
*Imprisonment era*
"Here comes the Wild Dog! A Beast! Ooo so scary *mockingly laughs*, the lil old crazy bitch who do drugs and shit. I heard he killed a man before. He is the guy that we heard from those rumors outside, stay away from him. Such a psychopath, no loved for you and more fuck torture for you to performed. Disgusting disgrace of a family. Are the rumors are true? These rumors are for real!"
Enough! Just fucking stop! Please that wasn't me, that wasn't us!!! I wasn't myself, WE AREN'T OURSELVES!!! Curse you master!!! for making me and my whole family for losing our own innocence and our humanity to this hellhole! Go to hell you asshole!
I'm so broken right now.... I can't take this anymore with the addicting drugs and alcohol, adding crimes is one thing and yet I have almost betrayed the Dog brothers. The public has spreading rumors and news of our crime which shamed our fame and money.
At the end.... We started trying to fix ourselves and our problems to solve as we are officially released after 4 year ago of the Darkest era of celebrity, I'm 18 years old that I have already forgotten who I really am and who my friends are. I have lost my own innocence and humanity on society. Its is time for the Mcgilles Family to rehabilitated our fame, not wanting our fans disappointed and go down on us. They still loved us despite we are in deep burden from the dark time.
*flashback ended, present day. Midnight*
"Nic? Nicol? Nicolas, wake up."
I've suddenly woke up laying on the floor. Was I asleep? And I felt something wet soaking on my cheeks. I look up to see my favorite older brother, Alejandro the Jindo Dog.
"Nic, your crying. And its midnight already. Why aren't you on your bedroom?"
Ah... I think I'm still inside Addy's bedroom floor crying at my sleep as I stand up with the help of Ale.
"Sorry. I'm must have doze off when I got here."
Looking back on Dollface peaceful sleep, still in the same straight sleeping body and her stuffed bunny has dropped beside me when I first fallen asleep beside her bed. I picked up the stuffed bunny with my own hands, looking down to its innocent eyes I cried. I could feel my own body shacking as Alejandro sympathies how broken I am.
"She too innocent back when we were met.... She didn't deserve it brother.... She is as broken as I am, you and our family too."
"I know brother, I know...."
Putting back beside the owner of this stuffed white bunny to the sleeping doll as I gave a one last longing look of pity to the girl then left. I felt tired with my eyes almost shut, unfortunately.... Something tighten my chest that danger is going near. This is a bad sign.
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