#when I first got the notification from this ask I squeaked AAH
artificialqueens · 5 years
and i want you (kameron/aquaria/blair) - chapter 2 - sheep
an: aah thank u guys so so much for the positive comments so far!! i tried rly hard to make this chapter fluffy but it’s not my strong suit so i hope i did okay ^^
Blair doesn’t know why she tortures herself with cold coffee in the wintertime. Maybe she’s a caffeine addict, maybe she’s a masochist, but she’s grateful regardless when her favorite barista lays a whipped cream loaded iced cappuccino next to her mountain of homework.
“Thank you, Kal,” she calls after the girl, shuffling her papers so she doesn’t spill anything on them. She’s already handed in one coffee stained history essay, she doesn’t need any more.
Next to the messily written, barely finished essay lies a literal stack of chemistry work. Beside it, a math review booklet. She’s half hidden behind all the respective notebooks and binders, tucked in the corner of the small cafe, fingernails a translucent blue with chill. Her natural habitat: camouflaged, studying. She gulps down two thirds of the coffee without really looking, shivers, and continues to write.
The days have only gotten colder, midterms are slowly getting closer, and Blair’s workload hasn’t gotten any lighter. She thanks whatever entity is watching over her that she only has three exams this year. Between gruelling evening fast-food shifts, and struggling to keep her grades afloat, Blair is exhausted. Each day is a blur and fog of homework and “How may I help you this evening?” Lonely is the only emotion she’s been able to register for a long time now, and it’s starting to feel like she’s hollowed out. Just a thin, hollow thing that could snap with the slightest touch.
Homework doesn’t seem to matter anymore. She’s bleary, lethargic, and the warmth of the cafe is finally starting to seep into her small, cold frame. She pushes her coffee away, and sighs, leaning back against the wall. She rests her head in her hand, and suddenly keeping her eyes open feels like the most arduous task she’s ever been give. She blinks once, twice, and her eyelids slowly begin to flutter.
A cup suddenly appears in front of her, and Blair startles back to awareness, peering through her wall of textbooks to see who laid it there. She blinks the remaining sleepiness from her eyes, and they go wide when she sees Kameron standing there. Her wet hair is pulled back into a ponytail, and the logo on her duffle bag tells Blair she’s just come from the sports centre a few minutes down the road. She’s got that same worried look in her eyes, but her smile is soft and gentle.
“Hey,” she murmurs, deep voice sending a different kind of shiver through Blair’s spine. “You alright?”
For a moment, Blair thinks that she could tell the truth, but the thought only lasts a second, and when she opens her mouth it’s the same two words. “I’m fine,” she breathes. “Just tired.”
Kameron nods slowly, and Blair hears the ghost of a “Yeah,” slip from her lips before they both look away.
She takes a breath, and tries. “How are y-you?” Her own voice sounds unfamiliar.
Kameron smiles as if she were excited about the question and Blair’s heart swells. “I’m good, I just finished working out.” Blair tries not to let her imagination stray, but her plan of focusing on Kameron’s hushed, even voice doesn’t end up helping. “Your name’s Blair, right? I, uhm, I bought you a hot chocolate.”
“Oh,” Blair squeaks, and she flinches upwards when Kameron pushes the drink forward so it touches her fingers. It’s warm, and Blair grabs it with both hands before she can stop herself. “Thank you.” She blinks up at Kameron, a small smile dancing on her lips
“Yeah, no problem,” Kameron hums, her voice the sweetest candy Blair has ever heard. “It’ll warm you up on your way home.” Their eyes meet again. Kameron steps just a little closer, and leans down. “You should probably go get some rest.”
Blair wants to melt under her gaze, and she finds herself nodding despite the pile of work beneath her. With languid movements, she gathers her papers and books and slides them all into her bag neatly. When she’s finished, she rises on her still shaky legs, and slings the heavy bag over one shoulder, rubbing one of her eyes with her free hand.
Kameron’s phone buzzes, and Blair startles awake again, turning towards her. “My name is Kameron, by the way, and Aquaria says hi,” the girl introduces herself as if Blair didn’t already know who she was. She blushes at the realization that Kameron had texted Aquaria something about her.
“H-Hello,” she stammers, trying not to let her excitement show. Kameron chuckles, a gruff but lovely sound, and Blair’s blush deepens. “Sorry,” she says instinctively, “I mean- I- Tell her I said hello…”
Oh, how Blair longs to hide her face in her sleeves and bolt.
Kameron touches her shoulder, featherlight, and takes a step towards the door. “C’mon,” she smiles, “I can walk you home, If you want.”
And so they walk together through the cold and fog, Blair’s gloveless hands kept warm by the still steaming hot chocolate. They settle into calm, sporadic conversation, and Blair is comforted by the company, becoming more and more at ease as their stroll continues. She hasn’t spoken to anyone, really spoken to anyone, in ages. Some of the invisible ten-ton weight on her shoulders lifts. Eventually, they come upon Blair’s apartment, and she whispers her grateful goodbye under the blurry yellow street lights.
“Th-Th-Thanks again for the hot chocolate,” her teeth chatter above her stuttering, but when Kameron touches her shoulder again heat blooms through her chest.
“It’s okay,” Kameron’s freckles look so beautiful with snow in her hair, and Blair can’t help but drink in the sight, even if just for a moment. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
Something bright bubbles in Blair’s chest, and this time she does nothing to hide it. “Y-Yeah,” she sighs happily, basking in the unexpected warmth of the snow and glow. “Safe trip back.”
She turns away slowly, not wanting this absolute dream to end, but slowly shuffles up to her apartment nonetheless. She slips inside, places her hot chocolate on the kitchen counter, and buries her face in her hands.
She’s fucking giddy.
“Okay,” she breathes, attempting to calm herself down, but her phone sounds off and when she sees the notification her heart leaps into her throat. “I can help you w/ your hw tomorrow,” it reads, and Blair doesn’t know whether to feel grateful, or guilty that she still hasn’t sent anything past a greeting to Aquaria.
Her fingers fumble to type out a reply, and the only thought on her mind is “please.”
In the morning, Blair drifts through the hallways and waits for third period study hall, leg bouncing with anxiety under her desk. When the bell finally rings, she ducks through the taller students and dashes to her classroom. Her chest is tight, but it’s not unpleasant, and she tries to tell herself that she’s just excited to finish some chemistry work.
She’s the first in the room, as usual, and she all but falls into her usual seat in the back corner. Her inhales are shaky, and her eyes flicker towards the door every time some students trickle in. She’s in the middle of trying to take a deep breath when she spots them, and the giddiness begins anew.
Kameron’s face lights up and Aquaria practically skips towards her. They’re holding hands, and Blair gives them a small wave.
“Bonjour,” Aquaria greets, and god, Blair could implode. She twirls that purple pen in her slim fingers and takes the seat in front of Blair, while Kameron sits beside her.
“Did you sleep well?” Kameron asks, and Blair thinks she might be a little too mesmerized by it.
“Yeah,” she answers, raising her eyebrows. For the first time in a while, it’s not a lie. After climbing into bed, sated from hot cocoa and warm feelings, she slept like an absolute log.
Aquaria drums her fingers on Blair’s desk, her eyes gleaming not unlike a cat’s. “Good,” she says, “let’s get started on that chemistry. I want to do something easy today.”
Blair blinks and Kameron groans, “Babe,” from beside her. Aquaria gives Kameron a puzzled look, and Blair just pulls out her stack of papers, stifling a grin.
Aquaria is terrible at explaining things, it turns out. She stumbles and mumbles, and always ends up just writing out the steps of the problems on Blair’s scrap paper; breezing through them. Occasionally, her tongue pokes out from between her lips as she concentrates, and Blair catches Kameron staring fondly as she struggles not to do the same.
After she’s worked through a decent few sheets, Blair pauses to stretch, and Aquaria whips out her phone. Blair isn’t at all surprised when she immediately opens instagram. It’s kind of cute, actually. She tries not to peek too much at the colorful makeup and fashion posts that scroll by.
Kameron puts her phone down, and when Blair glances over the girl gives her a shy smile. “Hey, what are you doing for lunch?” she tilts her head to the side and some stray red hair falls over her face. Aquaria looks over to them with those curious cat eyes of hers, and Blair shrinks with the attention.
“I’m not doing anything,” she shrugs, hoping she doesn’t sound as pathetic as she feels. The two share a look, some sort of secret conversation, and then Aquaria speaks.
“I’ll tell the girls we have other business to attend to.” She jumps back to her phone, and Kameron laughs aloud. “What?”
Her smile when she answers is art across her face and Blair continues to watch the exchange, enraptured. “Why are you such a savage, sweets?”
Aquaria gasps, seemingly very offended by the accusation. “I’m not being savage, it’s the truth.” She crosses her arms, and honest to god pouts when Kameron continues to laugh, even whining when Blair gives in and starts to chuckle to. Words don’t seem to be Aquaria’s strong suit, but it’s endearing in an odd way. “You’re so mean to me,” complains Aquaria, huffing in frustration and blowing strands of her silky black hair around in process.
Kameron stands then, stepping over to smooth out her girlfriend’s hair. Blair feels like she’s intruding on an intimate moment, something small but entirely theirs, until someone singsongs a little ways away. “Ooh, look at the lovebirds,” the girl laughs, and Aquaria sticks her tongue out at her.
“Shut up, Vanessa, let me be gay in peace.”
“But you’re gonna kill poor blondie over there, she looks like a fucken’ tomato,” Vanessa exclaims, and Blair’s face explodes further into a blush than it already apparently is. Her shoulders spike as Aquaria and Kameron both turn to her. Aquaria meets her eyes for a second, and stares like she’s set eyes on a delicious canary, before glancing away and giving the look to Kameron instead.
“Chemistry time, then, Blair.” Aquaria spins the purple pen in her hand again, while Kameron and Blair both avoid eye contact, flustered.
Blair tries to ignore Vanessa when she laughs again, and heaves a sigh of relief when the lunch bell rings.
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