#when I literally didn't even know their usernames on any other platform
petra-creat0r · 4 months
Deltarune: Fool's Fate Ch. 2 Secret Boss
Numero dos of my Fool's Fate secret bosses! I've talked about Poly a bit now thanks to the secret boss reactions but never actually posted what he looks like since I've struggled pinning down his design until now. I knew he was gonna have triangles, just didn't quite know how to execute the design until I was in call with some friends.
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Poly's name comes from his inspiration, the urban myth arcade game Polybius, as well as low-poly or polygonal. I imagine that in his original game, the "User" was replaced with whatever username/highscore name the person playing the cabinet had put in. So if Chicago was playing the game it'd be Poly B. CHI. (Guess his name should technically be Poly B. USR then, huh?)
Poly's text quirk is replacing letters with numbers and basically talking in text speak. You can see it a bit in the actual picture, but basically it's like
"W3LC0M3 N3W US3R!" "R34DY PL4Y3R 1! PR3SS ST4RT 2 B3G1N." "U W4NT 2 PL4Y 1T. U W1LL PL4Y 1T. U W1LL PL4Y 1T!" or something like that.
The soul mode he uses is the blue soul since he's a platformer game.
Pretty much immediately after I determined that Fool's Fate Chapter 2 was gonna be set in an arcade, I knew I had to base the secret boss off of Polybius. I find it funny that @grimmdeltarune and I had the same idea for a secret boss concept independently.
Backstory under the cut
Poly used to be the most beloved and played game in all of the Arcade World. A simple 3D platformer, yet Lightners would come from far and wide to play his game. Everyone loved Poly, everyone wanted to be him, his game play was near addicting. Even if other cabinets in the arcade would come and eventually get replaced by newer one's, Poly's stood tall, never being dethroned since the day it was brought in.
That was until one day, a new player, or rather players, entered the game.
Electric Rhythm Empire, a new rhythm game with three primary characters. The Empress, the Emperor, and their daughter Ritsu. They quickly dethroned Poly in popularity both among Darkners and Lightners, and eventually Poly was completely forgotten about in favor of the more popular game.
That was until Poly met a man. A strange someone who revealed secrets to Poly that no Darkner should know, and promised to help Poly regain his popularity and crown. All Poly had to do was let the man modify some of his code and soon he would be irresistible to Lightner and Darkner alike. Poly agreed.
Just as the man promised, Poly's cabinet started to get played again. Anyone who came near became too addicted to stop, quite literally hypnotized into playing Poly's game. Thanks to the strange someone's help, Poly was popular again.
As soon as the man left though, those in power figured out about the harmful effects of Poly's game. In the Light World, Lightner kids would fight violently over who would play next and it was making people ill. In the Dark World, Poly was hypnotizing Darkners into liking him. Not to mention the corruption of his code.
And so, Poly's game was shut down and he was shunned from the rest of the Arcade world. Forced to live in the deepest, darkest corner of the world and be forgotten once again. Poly though, refused to stand for this. He was determined to make his game even better, and so then no one could stop playing again. He'd force any Darkner that came near to play what was essentially a death trap, and when they'd fail, he'd just make it "better". Trying to make it perfect so maybe one day another Lightner would look his way.
Eventually, a group of Lightner kids did stumble upon him after falling into the Arcade World.
Ah I love Poly's backstory. It might be semi similar to Spamton's, but I pulled more from King Candy from Wreck-It Ralph now that I've put it to text.
He's just a silly little guy driven to insanity by the need to be perfect! If you don't play his game, he will hypnotize you into playing!
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selfportrait27 · 11 days
Ween fans of Tumblr. Come over to ween.wiki and help us build a new knowledge base for future fans.
I didn't start the wiki, I just got pissed off a couple of months ago and posted this on r/ween. To my surprise, people actually listened. We now have a few regular contributors, but it's time to start reaching out to the rest of the Ween web, and I'm starting here on Tumblr for a reason.
The fuck-you spirit of Ween and punk rock seems to have actually survived on this platform. Despite Tumblr's best efforts, this has mercifully not become a Nice Normal Place for Nice Normal People. There's a beautifully unhinged quality to all Ween fans that still circulates in the air supply here, that when you see it on reddit for example, you know that it's being allowed to happen.
Anyway, check out my original post on Reddit, or you can read the text below. Then saunter back to the Ween Wiki house and take a look around. If you see anything you think you can help with, go for it. You can find my user page here.
Full text of my post from r/ween:
If you didn't know, there is a Ween wiki just sitting there waiting for us to fill it in.
I know it isn’t very well maintained or reliable. That’s because we’re not using it. It’s a community database, not someone’s personal website. It’s supposed to be maintained by the fan base, that’s the point of a knowledge commons.
Let’s say, for example, if 50 of us make one quick, low-effort change to the wiki in the next month or so. That would already be a big improvement. If it’s the first and last time for you, you will have made a contribution.
Here are some little things you can do anonymously, without an account or a username: 
~Add lyrics to a song.~ 
Change lyrics that someone else added. (It updates instantly, this isn’t genius.com.)
Add a page that you think should be there - you can leave it blank for others to fill in if you don’t want to do it.
Delete something if you think it’s wrong -  you don’t need to have something to replace it with in order to do this. Removing something counts as a contribution. If it turns out to be right after all, it can be put back.
Ditto if you see a citation that you don’t trust - you can just remove the source. Now it’s a ‘citation needed’ situation, which gives others an opportunity to do something.
Correct a minor spelling error, it can literally be that small.
Don’t share private material without permission, but other than that, it can be just about anything at this point, as long as it keeps the ~recent changes page~ ~active.~ Even if you’re new and you don’t know much about Ween, you almost certainly know something that isn’t there yet. Remember you can edit anonymously, so nobody can give you shit if you get it wrong. What they can do is change it.
A few notes:
Why do we need this, when we can just ask someone more reliable? Because it’s too much pressure to expect any person to be reliable all of the time*.* It might sound counter-intuitive, but having a community database that “just anyone” can edit actually creates more accountability, because we’re all responsible for its content, rather than expecting a few people to do all the work and get everything right. This is an opportunity to make a contribution to the legacy of Ween and their fan base, one that’s at least a little better than the stew of info and misinfo that’s out there now. It’s also a chance to help ensure that the good work people are doing on projects like Ween Archived doesn’t just end up getting mixed in with all the bullshit~.~
You don’t need to know what you’re doing. I’m a tech-moron - seriously, my 80-year-old father probably knows how to use Media Wiki better than I do. Even I figured out how to make a few basic edits. We’re going for minimal effort here, so even if you think it won’t make a difference, it will only have cost you a minute of your life.  Do a sloppy, half-assed job. Make a tiny improvement to someone else’s sloppy, half-assed job. Do it now or later - a community database is a long term, ongoing project and there’s no deadline for anything.
But people will just use it to troll? Yeah, they might. They can already do that now. If that’s what you want to use it for, you’re going to anyway. Here’s a couple of things worth remembering:
Nobody needs to put in a ton of work only to risk having it spoiled. There’s enough of us that your individual contribution can be as tiny as you want, and it still counts.
Again, anybody can delete information, so dealing with troll entries doesn’t just fall to one person or a few people. It’s unlikely that we’re gonna have a troll problem that’s too big for the rest of us to handle.
Sorry to be cheesy, but if we’re too scared to do anything, then my friends, the trolls have already won.
One last thing. You can do this and still hate everybody and complain as much as you want, nobody can take that away from you. You can even feel better about complaining, knowing that at least you did something. And if you want to tell me to shut up, who the fuck do I think I am etc, then you’ll still have plenty of time to do that too.
Come on, people. Two children who couldn’t play their guitars yet started a band without a drummer, and we can’t build a better community wiki than this, with all the tools in front of us? Of course we fucking can.
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Did you get blocked by Aaron Sparrow on twitter???
Yeah, and the thing is, I don't even think I did anything that could warrant that reaction other than disagree with how he handled QuackerJack in the 2011 comics ((y'know, the comics where the silly toy duck guy with a short temper decided to kidnap his friends, hold them hostage, strangled a robot until it was screaming for mercy, use his bestie as a car battery, have a mental breakdown in real time while holding an office building hostage, threatened to throw a lady into the equivalent of a woodchipper for voicing that everyone present could bumrush him to stop him from causing more harm, actively implied that his doll was now talking to him and tell him to hurt people, and then just offs himself and dumps his soulless husk on his ex-girlfriend's doorstep with a note that said "this is the best I'll ever be"?))
And his response was initially "Well, maybe it would be just better if everyone just kissed all the time, since you can't accept conflict or that people can change and get fixated on a goal. 🤷‍♂️"
And I was like: "Bruh, that's not the point, tho?" and have since just dropped that and the last thing I literally said was a question pertaining to what he meant with the "Look how they massacred my boy" gif as he seems to have seen a preview of the upcoming comics he ain't a part of, but anyway, this is literally the only cross interaction I've had with him and I don't think I was that out of line to get such a response, so I'm wondering if he thinks I'm one of those people that's bothering him on other platforms, because I don't actually use anything other than Tumblr, and my other accounts are just name holders from when I was in my early 20s to make sure that I got my username grabbed in case those sites popped off with my web friends instead. I can literally just screenshot my pages on other social media and prove I'm not the name bothering him if he wants.
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Like, I don't mind conflict in stories ((my favorite fanfiction genre to write is Angst and Hurt/Comfort)), but surely I'm not unreasonable in saying that QuackerJack using Megavolt's life support device as a car battery without his consent and draining him to the point of near unresponsiveness is kind of taking it a bit far in a comic series that's supposed to be continuing a cartoon from a weekday afternoon time block from 90s Disney, right?
Especially when the writer is making this character in question be basically Duck Joker, and not just any Joker, but scary Joker.
The cartoon funny toy making duck with a short fuse, from the same timeline and universe as Mickey Mouse, who lives on the other side of the bridge from Donald Duck and family, whose merchandise is worn by Goofy Goof's son, you gonna tell me this guy is supposed be this dark? I think Sparrow should remember: QuackerJack exists in the same era and universe as POWERLINE.
But yeah, maybe I was a bit snarky, but blocking me over that is a bit of an overreaction. Usually, there's a cool down time and then people move on and sometimes end up being mutuals with me because it's not even malicious. I literally just espressed displeasure at the way that story went. I don't have to accept that just because he's a published writer. So is JK Rowling, and we all know how well that's working out for her.
He's lucky I didn't snap at him over that atrocious "autism awareness" episode he wrote for "Young Justice". That was vile and even my bestie who isn't autistic ((but her siblings are)) and is a huge comic nerd agreed that that episode was awful and offensive and clearly written by someone who never has even interacted with an autistic person before.
Whatever. I have better things to do than let some manchild geezer with an ego the size of a planet mess with me. I'm mostly annoyed with him for being rude to my friends anyway.
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Fk it, dropping all my Bitstrips comics
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Because I want to clean out space on my computer, obviously.
For those of you who don't know, Bitstrips was a comic-making site that existed in the 2000s and shut down in 2016. It had quite a versatile (in my opinion) character builder as well as a comic maker which I haven't seen in any other comic making site. It had this whole little social aspect (comments, followers, putting other people in your own stuff) incorporated in it as well, and I really enjoyed using it! Bitmoji is its successor, and I could care less about it (I absolutely hate that it's incorporated into Snapchat, a platform I also hate, and I'm just annoyed that I also I see it everywhere - even in real life, in PROFESSIONAL settings).
Sometime in 2018, Bitstrips actually reached out to me (I think via the email I registered when I signed up) and sent me all the comics I created on the site so I didn't have to actually go in and screenshot/archive anything before it shut down! I can only hope other former Bitstrips users received the same thing...
Another reason I felt like dropping this is because I joined Bitstrips in 2014, literally a decade ago. Felt like recognizing it for what would have been my account's ten-year anniversary, you know?
I'm yapping. TLDR, I'm posting links to comics I made on a site I was a part of ten years ago that happens to be nostalgic to me. Feel free to read and cringe along with me.
If for some reason you can't see any of this stuff, Postimages (the image-hosting site I used to upload everything) probably hates your wifi network - I know for a fact I had difficulty accessing stuff I uploaded on this site using a more public network compared to my own personal home network. Can't really help you with that, sorry.
Also, if you see anything scribbled out in black...... I'm ashamed to admit I referred to myself by my real name on the site. -_- In hindsight, I kind of deserve that shame as I picked a pretty cringy username.
→ Remixes (think of this like reblogs/video responses, where someone would make a comic and you could "remix" it and put your own spin onto it)
→ Cosmic Club THE SERIES (a series based off a concept I had featuring alien girls themed off the planets of the solar system. This series was never actually finished and I was working on Episode 1, Part 3 when the site announced it was closing)
→ Cosmic Club EXTRAS (stuff I had originally made to be a part of the series itself, but once I started actually making series comics with a story behind them, these just became one-offs)
→ It's All About Moi (a little series thing I made later in my Bitstrips career, meant to feature things specifically relating to myself and my friends)
→ Original Characters (the "Sugar Rush OCs revamped" comics are WIPs that I was making right when Bitstrips announced they were closing)
→ Prima Ballerina (a series based off of characters and concept I came up with when I was like, 9-10 years old. A girl aspires to become a ballerina. It was never actually finished and was on hold by the time the site announced it was closing)
→ My Little Pony (don't judge, this fandom occupied my childhood for a good long while)
→ Theme of the Day comics (Bitstrips would post a random theme/word/concept each day, and users could submit comics related to said theme. There was definitely a lot of competition to see who could submit their comics the fastest, as those would tend to get seen earlier and thus voted up into higher rankings. I definitely tried to be one of the first people to post my comics, with varying results lol)
→ Random assorted comics
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fandominstability · 4 months
writing meme: about me
I wasn't tagged but I wanted to do this so here I am
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I somehow stumbled onto fanfiction.net and started reading. It took very little time for me to decide to try my hand at writing
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
On my ao3 account, there are 5 but I've written in several more before, those fics have just been deleted over the years because they were not good lmao
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
I've been doing it off and on for about 11 years, almost 12
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
For sure read. I am very slow at writing, and my motivation fluctuates so violently lmao. But I'm trying!
5. What is one way you've improved as a writer?
I think that as I've gotten older (as I started trying to write fanfic at the crisp age of 12), I've gotten better at keeping my characters in character because I have a better sense of them as adults because I actually am an adult now
6. What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I really don't know but I'm sure it had something to do with some form of death
7. What's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
I really just enjoy getting any comment on my work, but I do love when people talk about specific lines or moments they liked!
8. What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
From what I understand of what a fringe trope/topic is, I guess cheating?? If that makes no sense, pls don't judge me too hard, I literally had to look up what fringe topic even meant lmao
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Multichapters are so difficult for me with how much my motivation comes and goes, as well as my fixation on a particular piece of media. I change fixations with the wind, so it gets difficult to focus on a fic if I'm no longer super fixated on the source material
10. What is the easiest type?
Probably short fluffy drabbles
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I really just write whenever I have free time, and I do it on google docs so that I can work on my fics no matter where I am. For posting, I used to crosspost on ao3, fanfiction.net, and wattpad but now I really only bother with ao3
12. What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
I so badly want to get back to writing multichapters. I used to when I was younger because I apparently didn't care as much about it being good, but as I've gotten older, I'm a lot more self conscious with my writing. I never want to get too repetitive or have things not make sense, and I think there's a touch of perfectionism that contributes too (though none of my writing has ever been perfect by any means). I am also very intimidated to put a multichapter out in the world with some of the amazing fics I've read by other authors because I feel like mine will pale in comparison
13. What made you choose your username?
It's basically just an acknowledgement of my fandom fixations changing so quickly all the time. It's unstable. Hence fandominstability. But also my best friend changed her username to fandomanonymity awhile back on instagram and I wanted our names to match, so that's another reason
idk who to tag or who even likes to be tagged in stuff like this, so just whoever wants to do it
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juniperhillpatient · 8 months
hey rose, it's heathers anon! been a while! hope you're having a good new year! have you seen the new mean girls?
just wanted to say i saw the post you just made and i wanted to share something that happened last night that really upset me (if that's ok)
remember how i ship janica (janis x veronica) and i realized i really liked shipcest? last night on ao3 two separate people, one after another, made me feel really bad about shipping them (in general), and considering i thought it was a party of one over here it really put me in a bad place.
the first one was a rated g fic with a tag that said "not a ship" and it's like? they didn't tag any relationships in it. romantic OR platonic. so yeah? of course it's not a ship here? no one was thinking that? literally no one? i click on it because it had some things that interested me anyway and the first thing i see is this:
!!!!!!!!NOT A SHIP!!!!!!!! if you ship this please back about 900,000 feet away from me Janis and Veronica are way too far apart in age for any canon ages to work because Veronica is about thirty years older than Janis at any given time so for this story Veronica: 19 Janis: 5
considering they also fucked with the ages for their story to work idk what they're trying to say here. also they made them cousins for some reason.
so that annoyed me and i was ready to write spite fic. but then i decided just close it and quit. but then i was like, no. so i'm writing spite fic.
the other was from a person i already don't like that much on another platform but i stumbled upon their ao3 anyway because i recognized the name. theirs IS a shipfic and i was like oh!! oh okay!!
and then the first thing i see when i opened theirs was this:
Welcome to the second Veranis fic on Ao3 that isn’t a fetish story! No offense to the fetishists, of course, but their work isn’t accessible to most people. [...] This crossover ship used to be my thing, so to speak; in fact, Veranis was my username on every platform for years because of it.
and it's like... there's only 9 fics tagged with this ship. including theirs, 5 are rated t. and the other 3 are m. 7 of those were written by a friend of mine for me. for the longest time the only one was an e-rated work.......... what the fuck are you talking about???
also i think my shipname is better. and i can write better than both of them. idk, i'm just... this ship is already so small, i thought i found more people to get excited about it with even if it's a) with someone i'm not very fond of, and b) without (imo) one of the more interesting aspects of their relationship. instead i feel more alone than ever and it just sucks.
sorry to be a debby downer. hope you're having better luck in your fandoms than i am <3
I find it very strange there are antis for such a small ship let alone that it’s because of age gap discourse when both characters are teenagers in their canon media. ? Also that there seems to be incest discourse when they… aren’t even from the same media let alone related? I mean you can write them as related of course but still…. Idk it’s such an odd, niche thing to try & police people over!
You did the right thing muting them like you mentioned in your other ask. I’d just try to avoid these specific people as annoying as it is to do in a small fandom. Anyway, keep creating the stuff you wanna create & don’t let the haters get you down!
I know you did not ask for advice per se but I would advise against writing spite fic. It’s my opinion that putting that much energy into this kind of discourse sucks the fun out of what’s supposed to be a creative outlet. If you wanna write a fic about Janis & Veronica do it out of love for the characters & your vision for the ship!
I have not seen the new Mean Girls but it seems really cool. My sister who also loves Mean Girls & musicals saw it & really liked it & I like Reneé Rap so I have high hopes 😊
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fratboykate · 2 years
its been a month 😫 i miss our frat boy and her science wife come back papi youre the person who fed us the yummiest bishova content and you did it like every day please come back ill even apologize for the assholes who did whatever it is they did
Thank the people who tried to be fucking edgelords for no more CFAU, KYAU, KYFBAU or KYPAU content. I'm still FUCKING PISSED and I don't know that I'll ever stop being angry about all of this. Those are all gone until I stop being mad. *IF* I ever stop being mad. You guys talked yourselves out of everything. All you had to do was not be insanely disrespectful to me/the people I care about AND not make me look psychotic even after I fucking told you to stay out of it. Like...I very clearly asked you to butt out of my business because you had already caused enough damage and some of you fucking doubled down and made me look fucking crazy. I'm not rewarding that shit with all the free labor those stories took on almost a daily basis. You don't deserve any more of my time and effort.
#rants#the only reason I even come on here anymore is because I talk to people on the DMs#if it weren't for that I probably would've even deleted the app#you don't deserve me giving you anything else#no ao3 updates no posting stories here NOTHING#done with this bullshit you guys took it too fucking far#if you guys hadnt fucking made me look BATSHIT CRAZY after that all went down maybe I wouldn't be angry anymore#but I fucking ask you to stop interfering with my life and you fuckers go and find this person somewhere else#and send them anonymous messages that could be interpreted as me sending them#when I literally didn't even know their usernames on any other platform#way to make me look like a fucking stalker#i fucking told you to leave it alone I told you#i dont know how much clearer I could've been#and yet you guys kept on doing shit that I never asked you to do#and worse...made it look like it was me because who the fuck else would be messaging this person#i have told you TIME AND AGAIN that you don't fucking know shit about what's going on#you had no idea what I had already done or was going to do to address the situation#and because you went out of your way to be fucking insane even after I told you not to you fucking derailed all of it#not to mention you had NO IDEA who I was talking about and you were out there messaging people without having full knowledge of who it was#what if it had not been that person?#and even if it were I TOLD YOU I HAD NO OTHER WAY OF CONTACTING THEM#and you fucking stalked them and went to message them on another platform#do you know how that makes me look???#who is the only person that could be blamed for talking about this??? ME and it#but no...you guys don't have functioning brains and go comment on their shit and anonymously to boot#at least do it with your whole chest and put your username on it so you don't make me look insane#but you guys had to cause more damage to the whole situation#I'm so fucking pissed I fucking told you to leave it fuck this dude#anonymous#answers
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incarnateirony · 3 years
the fact that patrick and his ilk (his ilk being Severe Jared-Only Stan Twitter, the ones overlapped with Wincels, that he plucked the talking point from) think they can draw a correlation between "fun person running a social media account being paid $15 an hour" and "judgments about an entire corporation's actual methods" is... really telling on the intentional simplicity they force themselves to use on any kind of advanced topic, so try to exploit the importance of that topic, and somehow will themselves into thinking other people are hypocrites for [checks notes] not hating people for simply having jobs.
And the worst thing, it's not to really *prove* anything. It's only to offset his own hero worship of a corporation and it's collective decisions and handling of affairs, when the entire professional world has known it's a joke and a good portion of the acting world have reported major disasters that have left people injured. It's not "Hah! You Support Amazon* so you lie", it's "HAH! We want to pretend we see hypocrisy, so we can actually feel better about continuing to lionize a comically cartoonishly obviously evil corporation, while pretending you don't have a leg to stand on, while we intentionally use gross oversimplification of all of these talking points!"
Like any "woke" veil on what they're saying? Isn't even to FIGHT THE MAN. It's that NOBODY SHOULD FIGHT THE MAN, and to them, THE MAN IS GOOD, ACTUALLY. After all, look at people having fun with [checks notes] a low paid employee of the man!! check MATE.
like, please, does patrick really think jeff bezos is calling in from his space ship telling some gen z intern to market gay shit for one particular tv show in a machiavellian plan, that he even TRIES to correlate this to fighting the upper brass at a company?SDFSDFSDF
Patrick and co's entire thing is being the guy in the well
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(also worth noting that the accounts he's currently supporting openly identify libertarian lmfao but i'm very certain their actual focus is about egalitarian regulated labor and stuff, and not intentionally maligning the conversation like the closet conservative shit he and everyone in his radius does in mirror of the political landscape these issues integrate with.)
Like you think I'm joking, but if you were to copy paste this conversation into political twitter, replace the Product with something different, and change up to non standom usernames, Patrick is out here OPENLY arguing/liking/supporting the deadass republican political take, complete with the whole "we're the woke ones, actually." underscore. I don't know if he's secretly a republican, or just so lost in his standom world view he can't recognize this, but jesus CHRIST. He's literally out here radiating major mark pellegrino vibes at this point
hell search the post likes. Non-fandom, non standom names that have now seen it through the hundreds of thousands of impacts grapevine are there. Many are blue wave. None are maga, republican, etc. They can recognize "corporation vs individual", ethics and impacts. Now look at who he's engaging to reinforce the conversational alignment. literal libertarians and republicans. The party that can only process objection for the sake of it, as their only platform, who always tries to malign and manipulate the conversation. Just. Like. This. I'm not. kidding. Go. look.
Patrick, I hate to break it to you. But you do, in fact, live in society. You probably buy unethically sourced food, you probably do a lot of things. Media is one of the few things we can have actual real choice in (short of people like myself, who grow/raise my own stuff for the most part). People are not reliant on watching your shitty cowboy show, they didn't. The network changed owners and already has made their path pretty clear, so you support the potential for ethical change. Or you don't. That's not hypocrisy. That's. That's knowing how to use market demand. Fuck.
I think the "ethics" part is what loses him, honestly.
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dieannamondecho · 6 years
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Welcome to my blog! Hello there! I see you've clicked my username or the link I put up in other social media platforms, and now I'm going to introduce myself.
Hi! I'm Dianna Jones Echano, and haven't had enough sleep since '03... just like most people, I have differing monickers depending on the people who know me by blood and non-related, for which I am called, "Wudjie" by my immediate family and seldomly called "Dianna", but most of the time, I am called by my second name, that is "Jones"... and yes my name's derivative of Indiana Jones's, because my father in particular is in fact, fond of the said character from the film series, "Indiana Jones".
Speaking of family, they are the pineapple to my pizza. Even though they can be annoying and hard to accept *under any particular situation* sometimes, their sweetness and availability of what seems to be like a pineapple is such a bittersweet combo to the spice of life.
And in life, yes, we all know what are mostly tackled, we all know we're going through tough times and we most certainly know the utter sarcasm of life. But whatever it is I have no control with, is beyond my control, but what I do with what happens to me is my responsibility.
Heck, even if I wanted to have good grades, I can't, because I think I'm not pushing myself enough, people especially in school are hard to please, and negotiating for grades is obviously not an option.
Depiction is this one time, I was the one literally shouldering all group performances AND outputs, because at that time, I was the ONLY ONE skilled at editing videos and available to produce a theater script, and mostly all media-related works, all to be passed tomorrow... so I cranked up my all-nighter and only accomplished on finishing the parody trailer video, I was crying actually, because I'm exhausted with all the shoots to be done and parents are already impatient about when the night's going to end and when their going to have their child back home. While, I, on the other hand, didn't sleep, and decided not to attend class on the deadline date just to finish up all the tasks that's been appointed to me.
Kid you not, after passing those outputs, our group had the highest score, because of the effort of shooting in accurate places like it was in the movie we parodied, and the scene we shot at the pool with my classmates clawing each other underwater, was what had our teacher laughing at the frame.
There's one thing I learned from this though, that whatever we do, have and use in this life... all of them things created in this world cannot satisfy the longings of our heart, only Him is big enough to do that.
Generally, I like helping people, but at the same time, I hate doing it, despite of my incapabilities or just laziness. Those people in need are waiting of blessings themselves, and I want to be an instrument of helping the people I care about, that's why I wanted to be a lawyer, "wanted" because then I will be lying in the name of my client, and I think it's not actually a stereotype, for forging cases actually does need some lying to do, so I turned to doctoring, so that I can be an instrument myself in a non-violating way of helping and I can personally help them heal.
At last! Reaching the end of the "introduction" feels about right, mostly after learning that family is not all about being related, it's about valuing each other, also conquered my level of depression over handling things that I sure can't grasp, and being passionate about helping people in genuine generosity, all of these are facts, for only the truth and only the truth, I will introduce myself in.
Thank you for reading my self-introduction post, feel free to scroll through my account, even though I haven't posted a lot yet, I hope I will be more active and post some aesthetically-inclined topics mixing it up with the olden days *vintage and retro era.
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