#when darth andeddu's holocron
arkhavens · 2 years
ok but i CANNOT fucking get over the fact that there was literally an active sith academy on thule before+during the clone wars.
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jerryb2 · 4 years
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She’s elegant, I’ll give it that. A bit too flashy for my taste. I guess this must’ve been back when the Jedi had a budget...
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legendsofthegffa · 4 years
Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil Review
By Z.H. Brown
Darth Bane’s time as Dark Lord of the Sith is drawing to a close; his body has begun to decay from a life-time of abuse and dark side usage but his apprentice, Darth Zannah seems reluctant to challenge her master for the title of Sith Master. In an attempt to find some way to extend his own life, Darth Bane will become caught up in a web of revenge decades in the making and come face-to-face with his past and his destiny. This Sith trilogy concludes with Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil.
After his near death experience, being removed of his orbalisk armor, and nearly being revealed to the Jedi, Darth Bane and his apprentice Darth Zannah have once again retreated into hiding, this time posing as a wealthy pair of reclusive siblings. Bane has noticed that his body has begun to show signs of weakening due to his hard life and reliance upon the dark side. While Zannah has noticed her master’s deteriorating condition, she is unsure if he is actually weak, or merely trying to lull her into a false sense of security to see if she will step up and attempt to claim the mantel of Sith Lord for herself; in the meantime, she is content to continue waiting. Bane, however, fears for the future of his order if his first apprentice is apparently unwilling to challenge him; as such, he has been searching for a Holocron belonging to an ancient Sith Lord rumored to posses the secret to eternal life.
Bane gets a lead on the Holocron, and sends Zannah off on a mission to keep her busy while he goes to retrieve his prize; Zannah is sent to find someone who killed a Jedi on a distant world. By the will of the Force, this world is also home to the daughter of Caleb, the healer who saved Bane’s life twice before and was butchered by Zannah. The girl is now the royal princess, and after she learns about the possibility of the Sith surviving, has her bodyguard hire an assassin to track him down and bring him to her. Zannah meanwhile locates a Dark Jedi named Set, who while far from an ideal candidate for an apprentice, does posses enough power and ambition to make Zannah believe that she might have found someone to train so that she can finally replace Bane as Dark Lord of the Sith.
Bane retrieves the Holocron and forces the secret of essence transfer from it, giving him the ability to shed his physical form in order to posses another. However, upon his return home he is ambushed by the hired assassin, a Force-sensitive known simply as The Huntress. Bane is taken alive back to the princess so she can exact vengeance for her father’s death and ensure the Sith are permanently destroyed. Zannah and her would-be-apprentice discover a clue to Bane’s location and go to find him so Zannah can eliminate him, though along the way she begins to have doubts about her apprentice’s worthiness. 
As the princess begins to torture Bane, her bodyguard becomes aware that they served together in the Sith army before Bane discovered he could control the Force. Torn between her loyalties, she slips Bane an antidote that will allow him to recover enough of his sense to escape, though hopefully after she has gotten the princess to safety. The Huntress, meanwhile, has become infatuated with Bane’s power, and wishes to become a true Sith. Zannah and Set also locate Bane’s prison and split up so that Zannah can face her Master alone, while Set watches their ship; however, Set senses the presence of a Holocron and sneaks away to acquire it for himself before abandoning his would-be Master.
Bane manages to break free (though without his lightsaber) and the princess triggers the prison to self-destruct in a final attempt to kill him before she escapes. Her bodyguard and Bane’s former comrade confronts the Dark Lord and tries to get him to swear of killing the princess before she is struck down by Zannah as she attempts to kill her master. Their battle is cut short however by the exploding prison, forcing Zannah and Bane to find separate means of escape. Bane comes across The Huntress, who returns his lightsaber and his personal Holocron to him and submits herself as his new student; in an effort to prevent his exsitance from being discovered, his first task is for The Hunbtress to find the princess, who is hiding in her old home on Ambria. After her death, Bane commands the assassin to stay out of the fight that is to come, and to swear to serve whoever emerges victorious, which she agrees to. 
Zannah arrives and agrees to accept The Huntress as her apprentice if she wins. Darth Bane and Darth Zannah then begin their final battle, with Bane unleashing dark side energy and a furious barrage of lightsaber strikes while Zannah holds him off in an effort to strike him down with Sith sorcery. Zannah manages to weaken Bane with magic just enough to strike at his mind, which Bane takes as an opportunity to attempt to posses Zannah. After their battle of wills, Zannah emerges as Dark Lord of the Sith and takes The Huntress, now known as Darth Cognus as her apprentice; and so, a new era in the Rule of Two begins.
When I first read Dynasty of Evil, it was my least favorite of the trilogy; I missed the inter-Sith and Jedi/Sith politics of the previous two, not to mention all the lightsaber fighting that went on. While I enjoyed it more this time around, it still feels like more of a wrap-up then a conclusion, if that makes any sense. Of course, since this is just one small piece of the Sith saga, I suppose it is more appropriate for it to tie up loose ends rather than serve as a grand finale to a long-running story. Still, the final battle between Bane and Zannah did give me vibes of Obi-Wan and Maul’s last battle, in which two masters are trying to find the quickest means of winning the fight, as opposed to Obi-Wan and Anakin’s duel, which was more a case of unstoppable force meets immovable object. 
Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil is a satisfying conclusion to one of the best trilogies in the Star Wars Legends library. Anyone looking to find out more about the history of the Sith prior to the films, anyone looking to get into Legends stories for the first time, or really anyone looking for a good story about a villain protagonist need to pick up the Darth Bane trilogy. Next time, we continue our look at the Sith with another of the most lauded works in Legends, and one that I have been looking forward to reading for a very long time: Darth Plagueis.
 Connections to the GFFA
The Holocron Bane pursued belonged to Darth Andeddu, who was supposedly the first Sith to use the ‘Darth’ title; this Holocron later winds up in Darth Tyranus’ possession.
Doan, the planet where Bane is held prisoner, gets spice supplies from Kessel.
Jedi Master Thon and his attempt to purify the planet Ambria by concentrating the dark side into a single lake prior to the Great Sith War is mentioned.
Bane notes that he recorded his own Holocron’s avatar while he was still bonded with his orbalisk armor, something we do indeed see when it is used by Darth Krayt over a thousand years later. 
This is more of a personal irritant, but post-Ruusan Reformation the Jedi believe the Sith only care about conquest and destroying their enemies, where as Dark Jedi are only concerned with their own power and desires; this seems like an distinction to me, as plenty of Sith have pursued both power and pleasure.
Another aside, but this line really stuck out to me in our current day and age: “It was always easier to make people accept a lie that they hoped and wished for.” A-fucking-men.
Final Score: 7.5/10
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padawanlost · 6 years
Rewatching Clone Wars and I've gotten to the Holocron bit but I dont get it??? How do the holocrons work? Do the Jedi meditate and find out where the force sensitives are?? do they automatically download??? What if they're a race they don't know about? What if they're on the other side of the Galaxy? Why wasn't Ani on one of those????? I have many questions...
I think this might help :)
The most precious and significant sources of Jedi history are held in Jedi Holocrons. Both compact repositories of knowledge and interactive learning devices, Holocrons employ patterns of organic crystals and hologrammic technology to simulate conversation with long-dead Jedi “gatekeepers,” whose teachings infuse particular Holocrons. With few exceptions, Jedi Holocrons are cubes that can easily be held in one’s hand. Evidently, Holocrons are partially powered by the Force, as only Force-users can activate them; once activated, anyone—even non-Force-users—can communicate with the gatekeepers. However, not all data is readily accessible, because Holocrons are engineered to detect students’ abilities in order to hold back elements they are not prepared to know.
In addition to the exotic Holocrons, Jedi utilized standard data tapes for some educational aspects. Data tapes lack the archival qualities of books, scrolls, and Holocrons, but it is most fortunate that some have survived, as they’ve provided many details about the training of Jedi during the Old Republic era. Nearly all of the existing tapes were recovered from a single source: the wreck of the Chu’unthor, a mobile training academy for groups of Jedi apprentices, which crashed more than three centuries ago on Dathomir.
Records also indicate that the Jedi Archives on Coruscant once held a collection of Sith Holocrons, most of which were pyramidical and—because they housed information that was dangerous in the wrong hands—off limits to the majority of Jedi. Like Jedi Holocrons, Sith Holocrons implement restrictive mechanisms to detect whether a student is prepared to receive certain knowledge. The Sith’s hologrammic simulacra can exert only verbal influence, but allegedly attempted to corrupt otherwise innocent beings and draw “students” down the path to the dark side. The Jedi Order’s earliest known awareness of Sith Holocrons dates back to the end of the Great Hyperspace War, when one was recovered from an abandoned Sith ship by the Jedi Odan-Urr. Odan-Urr kept this Sith Holocron for nearly a millennium before it was stolen by the Jedi Exar Kun, who used it to learn many secrets of the Sith. It is also highly probable that at least one Jedi with the knowledge of Holocron construction was among the Exiles who proclaimed themselves the first Sith Lords.
Although the Jedi once regarded Sith Holocrons as tools and not evil entities, the devices are embodiments of temptation to those who hope to achieve power by way of arcane knowledge. During the Clone Wars, the former Jedi Count Dooku—at the time, one of only twenty Jedi Masters known to have renounced the Jedi Order—stole at least one Sith Holocron from the Archives on Coruscant and also acquired the Sith Holocron of Darth Andeddu. Like Exar Kun, Count Dooku became a Sith Lord; while it is conceivable that the respective experiences and personality traits of both individuals guided their paths to the dark side, the possession of Sith Holocrons certainly directed their courses as well. Records do not reveal the fate of the Sith Holocrons used by Exar Kun and Count Dooku.
Various databases and eyewitnesses testify that the Jedi Archives on Coruscant held scores of Jedi Holocrons. Unfortunately, the ancient technology of the Holocrons, as well as the majority of the devices themselves, may be lost to time. Because Holocrons have been such a significant resource in the creation of this record, descriptions of noteworthy Holocrons precede a detailed time line of events in Jedi and Sith history.”
Ryder’s Windham’s Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force
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Mansarovar lake
Twenty years have passed since Darth Bane, reigning Dark Lord of the Sith, demolished the ancient order devoted to the dark side and reinvented it as a circle of two: one Master to wield the power and pass on the wisdom, and one apprentice to learn, challenge, and ultimately usurp the Dark Lord in a duel to the death. But Bane’s acolyte, Zannah, has yet to engage her Master in mortal combat and prove herself a worthy successor. Determined that the Sith dream of galactic domination will not die with him, Bane vows to learn the secret of a forgotten Dark Lord that will assure the Sith’s immortality–and his own.A perfect opportunity arises when a Jedi emissary is assassinated on the troubled mining planet Doan, giving Bane an excuse to dispatch his apprentice on a fact-finding mission–while he himself sets out in secret to capture the ancient holocron of Darth Andeddu and its precious knowledge. But Zannah is no fool. She knows that her ruthless Master has begun to doubt her, and she senses that he is hiding something crucial to her future. If she is going to claim the power she craves, she must take action now. While Bane storms the remote stronghold of a fanatical Sith cult, Zannah prepares for her Master’s downfall by choosing an apprentice of her own: a rogue Jedi cunning and cold-blooded enough to embrace the Sith way and to stand beside her when she at last wrests from Bane the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith. But Zannah is not the only one with the desire and power to destroy Darth Bane. Princess Serra of the Doan royal family is haunted by memories of the monstrous Sith soldier who murdered her father and tortured her when she was a child. Bent on retribution, she hires a merciless assassin to find her tormentor–and bring him back alive to taste her wrath.Only a Sith who has taken down her own Master can become Dark Lord of the Sith. So when Bane suddenly vanishes, Zannah must find him–possibly even rescue him–before she can kill him. And so she pursues her quarry from the grim depths of a ravaged world on the brink of catastrophe to the barren reaches of a desert outpost, where the future of the dark side’s most powerful disciples will be decided, once and for all, by the final, fatal stroke of a lightsaber. [amz_corss_sell asin=”0345511565″] Dynasty of Evil Twenty years have passed since Darth Bane, reigning Dark Lord of the Sith, demolished the ancient order devoted to the dark side and reinvented it as a circle of two: one Master to wield the power and pass on the wisdom, and one apprentice to learn, challenge, and ultimately usurp the Dark Lord in a duel to the death.
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