#when has lando ever lied to look better in the media why would he start now
mcmuppet · 1 year
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f1goat · 2 years
fwb x lando norris - part five
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In which you decide to become friends with benefits with Lando Norris, that can't be a bad idea right?
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part one part two part three part four
It’s busy at the night club you’re standing in. You have dressed yourself in a dress on the shorter side, it’s fitting you tightly and the red color is making you stand out for a bit. You feel confident in the dress and after the afternoon you just had you can use every tiny bit confidence. After the podium ceremony you were a mess. When you finally were back at your hotel room you had called your friend, telling her about the mess you were getting in to. You cried. Now that you think of it, you have cried multiple times about it. 
George triggered something in you with his words. He has made you mad. It made you realize how badly he treated you before. It’s unfair. You don’t know what you did to deserve this. His words have made every fangirl think that there’s something going on between the two of you. You don’t know which social media messages you think are worse. The ones that suggest that you should kill yourself or the ones that suggest that you and George are the example of true love that will find each other back in every life time. It’s gross. How can people talk about your life without knowing anything about it? 
When George cheated on you, you didn’t tell the media about it. You kept quiet on your socials, just deleted some stories that George made an appearance in. The media found out someway else, there were pictures of George and the other girl everywhere. There were some fans that sided with you, but most of the reactions told you that you deserved it. You were way below George his league anyway according to them. That time you didn’t spend attention to the most of the reactions, you were crushed because of George his acts. But now every hateful comment comes back. 
George made sure that you are a big mess again. You don’t know why he did it and what he thought he would get out of it. But his words from this afternoon are making their impact. In the worst way you can imagine. 
You take a few sips from the alcoholic beverage that you’re holding. You need to think about something else. At this moment there are only two things on your mind. George his shitty behavior  that causes you to be extremely mad at him, but also Lando. You have texted him a couple times again, telling him about the club you were going to tonight and suggesting that you could come back early to meet him. He didn’t respond to any of them. You can only think of one cause for him ignoring you, he’s probably mad at you. 
You don’t know why he’s mad at you. Of course you’re exclusive with him, but that is for your situation. Plus, you didn’t do anything. It was George who took all of the media attention and started about you. The only guess you have - or better said, the guess your friend had when you talked about it with her, is that Lando thinks you have lied to him. You’ve told Lando earlier that you aren’t using him as some sort of rebound, he’s not a distraction that you use to get over George. It’s also not the case that you’re using him to make George jealous, as you have told him as well. But maybe he still thinks something like that. 
You’re annoyed because of it. You can’t even imagine getting back together with George. As if you’d ever want that. George have showed you multiple times during and after your relationship, that he isn’t someone you want to get back to. But maybe that isn’t clear to Lando. Maybe you should tell him everything about your earlier relationship with George. But on the other hand, why would he care?
The drink in your hand is slowly getting empty. A coworker next to you offers you a new one, you gladly accept his offer. While waiting on your new drink, you look around for a bit. It’s stupid but you keep hoping that Lando will show up as well. You’ve told him where you are after all. 
In the mean time Lando is already standing in front of the Dutch club. Max is next to him, they are together with some team members from McLaren and Red Bull. A few other drivers are also joining them, Charles and Alex are standing right behind them. Lando tried to find the words to text you back, but he’s still mad. He knows it’s unfair of him to be mad at you, but he can’t seem to shake of the thought that you were lying to him. 
Of course he ends up at the same club that you have texted him the name of. If Max didn’t suggest the place, he would probably suggested it himself. He wants to see you, but he also wants to forget about you for a bit of time. Even a few minutes of a peaceful mind would be nice. He can’t stop thinking about everything that happened today. 
“Is she here as well?” Max asks Lando, he points his finger somewhere behind Lando. Lando watches over his shoulder and spots you. That was quick. He just nods to answer Max. While dancing for a bit he moves around, this way he can see you better. He notices that some other guy is giving you a drink, something that you seem to accept happily. 
Lando sighs. If it isn’t George it’s apparently someone else that’s interested into you as well. He knows he can’t really blame them, since he’s pretty interested into you too, but still. Why does everyone seems to like you? It’s annoying. 
He takes his time to take a good look at you. He gets it immediately. Of course everyone is interested at someone that looks as beautiful as you do. It’s pretty unfair. You look amazing in the red dress that you’re wearing. It fits you like a second skin. The dress brings out your curves. Lando feels himself getting worked up only because of the dress you’re wearing. It’s really unfair what you do to him. 
You’re sipping from you drink again while engaging in a conversation with multiple coworkers. The coworker that brought you your drink is standing closely next to you. Maybe a bit too close for your likings, but you get it. It’s pretty busy in the club, so personal space isn’t always an option. You’re glad that it’s your coworker who’s standing close to you instead of George. He has also joined the conversation, sending some pissed of looks to your coworker in the mean time. You’re just happy that George is standing in front of you instead of closely next to you. 
“So Y/N weren’t you touched by my words?” George asks you after a while. Everyone drops their earlier subjects and start looking at you. 
Lando is walking closer towards you in the mean time. He really needs to speak to you. He has thought about it and it’s better to stop with this whole situation. He’s already a mess and he’s not even a month into this. This has to stop. He can’t continue with it, this will be the end of him. He has also talked to Max about it. It really is the best decision to stop with this. 
When he walks closer towards you, he hears George his question. He stops himself. It was his plan to ask you to talk with him for a minute so he could tell you about his decision. But he can wait for a bit, he wants to hear your answer.
You look next to you. Toto isn’t anywhere close to you. This is your chance to let out some of your frustrations. 
“You’re such a fucking idiot George with your selfish behavior. I told you at the hotel at Spa, we are not getting back together. Those words you said earlier has caused my social media to explode, everyone hates me or thinks that we’re dating again. Which we are not. Even Lando is mad at me because of you!” You let everything out that has been bothering you since George his words in the shortest way you can imagine.
Fuck. You told him Lando is mad at you because of him. That was maybe the part you should have skipped. You can only hope that George doesn’t understand it. 
Okay, fuck breaking things off Lando thinks quickly. His decision is thrown away after hearing your words. He feels frustrated with himself. He should have asked you about George his words before. Then he wouldn’t be in this messy night. If he only asked he would have known that you hated the words, that’s everything he wanted to hear. He’s an idiot. Now that he thinks of it, maybe he’s even a bigger idiot than George with his behavior right now. He almost made a huge mistake. He needs to talk to you about this. 
“Lando is mad at you because of my words? Why?” George asks. 
Your coworkers are way too invested in the drama between you two. You sigh, what a mess. The coworker that you have been spending time with earlier takes a few steps closer to you, almost getting between you and George. Is that meant in some protective way? 
“Maybe you should listen to the other words she was saying,” your coworker tells George. This must be the first time someone is standing up for you like this. You feel happy. 
George just ignores him. He asks you the same question again. He’s waiting for your answer. Lando feels like he has to safe you right now. This is his fault after all. You wanted only a few things and the biggest one was George not finding out about what is happening between you and him. He needs to interrupt with some kind of an excuse. 
Lando takes another step closer towards you and George. A few Mercedes workers already spot him, they move aside for him. They are probably enjoying all this drama. 
“I thought she lied to me. She told me that there was nothing anymore between the two of you, but after hearing your little speech I didn’t believe that anymore,” Lando speaks up. 
You’re surprised about Lando suddenly showing up. Where did he come from? You’re glad that he’s getting involved and rescuing you right now. You really didn’t know what to say. 
“So why do you even care?” George asks Lando with a pissed of tone in his voice. You recognize the tone, it one he used a lot during your relationship. This isn’t going well. 
“Since we’re friends and friends don’t lie to each other,” Lando quickly responds, “Just drop it already George. You’ve heard her. Y/N doesn’t want to get back together with you and she didn’t like your words since you don’t know the impact of them. Do you actually think that those words did any good? Do you even know about the hate she is already getting now because of them?”
You can’t deny that you’re mad at Lando for ignoring you and acting mad towards you while you didn’t do anything wrong. But you also can’t deny that his words are making you feel all kind of things. 
George doesn’t react anymore. He just walks off like a small kid that is mad at his parents. You send Lando a grateful smile, then you turn to your coworker. You want to thank him as well, you doubt about his name for a bit. It was James, right? You decide to take the risk. 
“Thanks James,” you tell him.
He sends you a smile, “I get it. George can be a dick. Let me get you another drink?” 
You accept his offer. James walks of to get you a new drink. In the mean time you focus your attention on Lando. He is already frustrated again because of the interaction between you and James. He actually wanted to ask you to come back to the hotel with him, but he doesn’t think that that will work this time. 
“Thanks Lando, I needed that help,” you say. Lando turns closer to you, wanting to hug you. You take a small step back. You’re still mad at him. He didn’t have the right to be mad at you without even asking you what happened. You can thank him for his help, but you can also show him that you’re still mad. Right?
“I get it,” he tells you with a small nod, “I’m really sorry about today Y/N, I hope you will give me the chance to explain it to you in a more private place?” 
“Maybe later, I don’t know yet. I just want to enjoy my night for now,” you respond. Of course you’ll give him the time later, but now you just want to have some fun. 
James shows up with your drink, you accept it gladly. After all of that you need this drink and maybe a couple more as well. What a chaos. 
Lando doesn’t know how much time there has passed. His only focus is you and your weird colleague. The man is showing way to much interest in you. It annoys him. He’s watching from the sideline when another man is flirting with you. You’re dancing with him. Maybe if Lando didn’t fuck everything up tonight, you’d be dancing with him now. Or even better, maybe you would have been at his hotel room by now. He wants nothing more then to fuck you in that stunning dress. 
“So, you’re not breaking things off but you’re also still acting like a jealous dick?” Max asks after a while. 
“She hates George, but maybe she also hates me right now,” Lando sighs, “I can’t stop with it. It’s the only thing I can think about.” 
“Then do something about it,” Max tells his friend.
“Like what? She’s mad at me, I don’t want to fuck things up even more,” Lando explains.
“Maybe you should worry less about fucking it up and worry more about the Mercedes guy she is dancing with. He’s getting a bit too close, don’t you think?” Max continues. Max knows it’s mean to play it like this, but he also knows it works. He just needs to get Lando a little bit more frustrated, then the boy will finally act out on his feelings. 
Lando keeps looking at you and James. Max is right. The guy is positioning himself behind you. Probably with the hopes that your ass will brush against his crotch. Fuck. He’s the one that’s suppose to stand there with you, Lando thinks annoyed. He sees that you are taking James with you to go sit somewhere. He’s glad that you’re not dancing with him anymore. 
“This is the moment,” Max tells Lando, he gives him a soft push towards you and James. Lando decides to listen and walks closer towards you. He takes the seat next to you when he sees that James is getting you another drink again. You give him a surprised look. But that’s more for show, you felt his eyes on you from the distance. Since you were dancing with James, you knew Lando was looking. You can’t deny that a small part of you wishes he is a bit jealous.
“Come sit on my lap please,” Lando asks you as polite as he can manage. 
“No. I’m still mad at you,” you react surprised. Why does Lando think you’ll go sit on his lap?
“I know. You can be mad at me all you want while you’re sitting on my lap,” Lando tells you. 
“What’s this about?” You ask. What’s up with him?
“Please?” Lando is almost begging you at this point. 
“Is this still about George?” You ask.
“No,” Lando reacts, he looks at James while doing so. You follow his gaze. It all makes sense now. It’s about James. He was actually jealous. Otherwise he wouldn’t want you to sit at his lap, right?
“Are you jealous of James?” You ask.
“Stop asking questions and come sit on my lap babe,” Lando tells you frustrated, “otherwise I’ll put you there myself."
You know it’s not the best to give in. But still. How can you say no to Lando when he is almost begging you to sit on his lap? You stand up and position yourself on Lando his lap. You make sure that your ass brushes against his crotch before sitting down properly. You wiggle a bit to find a comfortable position. You already feel something hard poking in your ass. You send Lando a sweet smile. 
“Still mad at you,” you whisper in Lando his ear.
“I will fuck you happy with me as soon as you let me,” Lando tells you. 
You can’t help yourself but laugh. When James returns with your drink, you thank him. Lando is polite enough to introduce himself to James. It surprises you that Lando is that mature. It suits him. You notice that James seems a little bit thrown off because of you and Lando. Maybe it’s because you’re still sitting on Lando his lap? That seems a solid reason. 
“Y/N maybe we can hold a small afterparty later? My hotel room is pretty big,” James suggests. 
You’re already tired, so you’re not in the mood for another party. To be fair, you only want to go back to the hotel with Lando. 
“With who?” You ask James to show a bit of interest. 
Lando scoffs so soft that you barely hear it. You like the idea of him being jealous more then you’re willing to admit. 
“Maybe just the two of us?” James asks you. 
You wait a bit for answering. You take a quick look at Lando. He’s clenching his jaw and looking pretty pissed off. He sends an angry glance towards James.
“I’m sorry but I have to pass, I just asked Lando to take me back to the hotel.. I’m pretty tired after today,” you tell James.
Lando relaxes almost in an instance. Thank god you’re not going back with him. Even better, you’re going back with him. He’s surprised about hearing that you want him to take you back to the hotel. He is pretty happy about those words.
“I can also bring you back if you want?” James suggests.
Lando gets a even more frustrated by now. You already said no to this guy, why isn’t he accepting it? He gestures you to stand up, doing the same as well after you’ve left his lap. Lando stands next to you while putting his arm around your waist. You don’t react to it. Something he’s grateful for right now. He wants to show James that you’re really not interested. And maybe he wants to show James that you’re not on the market as well. Not that it’s true, but he would like it if James thinks so. He would like it even more if James thinks that you’re dating with him.
“Oh, I’ll bring her back. It’s no trouble,” Lando tells James as polite as he can. 
“You sure? I can bring her back too,” James says quickly.
Lando sighs softly, he tries to suppress another scoff. “It’s fine. She asked me after all,” he says a bit harsh eventually.
You smile at Lando his words, you give James a quick hug as goodbye before walking of with Lando. The two of you walk back towards the hotel, it’s pretty close to the club you were earlier. Lando is still holding your waist while doing so. He keeps looking at you. 
“It’s so annoying you know,” he says after a while, “I know that you’re beautiful, really beautiful, but why does every boy needs to come after you. Why can’t they all just fuck off.”
You decide to do something bold. “I’ve no attention for other boys,” you tell Lando. He shows you a big smile before softly pressing a kiss against your forehead. You smile at the gesture. How nice would it be if he was your boyfriend. You can only imagine.
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weraceasone · 4 years
Ok so my question about Red Bull is: wtf is going on there?? Do they know what they’re doing or are they just winging it? Max is the main focus and eventhough people think he’s very privileged something tells me that Red Bull is just like his father..? Which is not a good thing.
And then we got the second driver thing. The opinions about this are very much all over the place some people think the second drivers suck and some think the team should focus more on the second drivers so they can improve themselves.
And we also got people who think Red Bull is overall very toxic. I mean from what I have seen... I don’t want to call them toxic perse but I do think there’s something weird going on there and I wish someone would speak up about it. For an example last year with Alex was such a rollercoaster for my feelings so I can’t imagine how hard it must’ve been for him. Yea he wasn’t having a season but there were also many times I questioned the way Red Bull handeld Max his race in comparison to Alex. Not pitting Alex soon enough or switching Max old car parts with Alex... I don’t know. I might be looking too much into but these are some of the things that stood out to me.
And let’s not even begin with Pierre. I just know that if Red Bull gave him some time he would be doing good enough to stay for another year. They were so mean towards him but being “sweet” to Alex. At least that’s how they were coming off in interviews. Acting like they’re giving Alex everything he needed and giving him a lot of “chances”. I think this is one of the main reasons the media was being harsh towards Alex. Becaus in their eyes Red Bull is helping him while he’s dissappointing the team.
Anyway I don’t know these are my thoughts on Red Bull and I hope you can give your insight on this! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ✨✨
Ps: did not check for spelling errors and I’m not wearing my glasses so please cut me some slack 😂
hey Anon! I love this ask, so I will answer the questions in detail using paragraphs. I just discussed the culture of Red Bull and what I think of that in a previous ask, so if anyone wants to read that, go here. about Max and his relationship to his dad/Red Bull: from what we’ve heard and seen from Jos, he raised Max in a really hard way. it honestly wouldn’t surprise me if that is why Max finds the treatment of drivers at Red Bull justifiable. I think for Max, nothing will ever compare to how his dad treated him anyway, so he isn’t phased by it. I’m not saying that that makes what Max has gone through and what the RB drivers have had to deal with okay, but I can sort of understand why Max would think like that. this is a very heavy topic to speak about and as I don’t know the ins and outs of the situation, I think this is all I will say about it. something that I do want to touch on a little bit is the word ‘toxic’ and the discussion around it. I’ve seen many people, not just on here but also on Twitter, mention how the word is overused. it’s funny because I actually learned about this psychological phenomenon in class the other day; basically, what happens when you see a word repeated a lot, it will subconsciously start to lose its meaning for you, so you will automatically perceive what the other person is saying as meaningless. I think this is something that has been going on in the F1 community, a lot of people have called Red Bull toxic (whether that is justified or not, everyone should decide for themselves) and it has caused a continuous stream of other people saying they’re tired of hearing it. I personally believe that regardless of what our opinions are on RB, whether we actually believe they should be called toxic or not, I think we should still have an open discussion on what the team is doing and how that affects their drivers. I personally don’t really encourage shutting something down that may help us emancipate the sport.
let’s move on to something else: did Red Bull disadvantage Alex in the races last year? well, the simple answer to me would be: yes. is it that black and white though? no, absolutely not. what we saw happening last year, was that Alex would pit at weird times and even drove with different (worse) equipment than Max did at times. I think it’s a shame that this happened, because it gave a distorted picture of reality, which led us to believe Alex was doing way worse than he actually was. however, I also think something that more people should be aware of, is the fact that putting another driver at a disadvantage in a race isn’t necessarily justified, but it isn’t unjustified either. when one of the drivers is clearly doing better and is expected to get on the podium, maybe even win and is way ahead in the championship, it is a logical decision to sacrifice the other driver’s race a little bit in order to help the driver that’s driving at the front. sure, it isn’t fair, but it is understandable why they would do this, purely from a winner's mentality point of view. apart from that, I think we also have to ask ourselves if we would have the same attitude towards this happening, if it was George being the first driver and Valtteri being the second, for example.
did the media treat Alex in a bad way because they believed RB was helping him, when RB didn’t do that with Pierre? I don’t know. personally, I think that we, as a community, sometimes have a bit of a naïve attitude when it comes to the media. as a communications student who studies the media a lot: what happens a lot in the media is that they kind of create personas. e.g. last year: we had Max, who is the young progidy who will get aggressive when he doesn’t get what he wants and we had Seb, who got let down by Ferrari and there was Lando, who is so funny we might as well forget he’s an F1 driver. when you pay close attention to headlines, to how the media writes about certain drivers, it’s all along the same lines. most articles are written and most questions are asked in a certain way, because it fits a narrative. it sells, because it’s easy to understand. from the audience’ point of view; it’s easy to put into a box, when those boxes are already outlined for you. it’s a very natural thing for humans to subconsciously do and the media are just profiting off of that. this is why I don’t pay that much attention to the F1 media anymore, because they aren’t really being that truthful.
to close this off: the truth lies, like always, in the nuanced grey area. I cannot speak for Max or Alex or anyone who works at Red Bull, so I won’t try to do that. I hope this explains my thoughts well, Anon. I hope you’re having a good day! 🧡
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crystalracing · 7 years
Under the skin of the enigmatic Raikkonen
KIMI RAIKKONEN IS ONE OF THOSE BLOKES WHO polarises opinion, that people seem to either love or hate. Ironic really, considering he is the epitome of getting on with doing his own thing, not manipulating anything, staying clear of boring politics and not worrying about things he has no control over. As a private man who can be difficult to read – not to mention one who a proportion of Formula 1 followers think has passed his best –he is, as our cover suggests, F1’s enigma. Which is why Ben Anderson’sin-depth 14-page feature, beginning on page 14, is probably the best and most-balanced thing you’ll ever read about him. Based on interviews with Raikkonen himself and those around him, it properly assesses his role on the F1 grid, and in the paddock. Ferrari announced a one-year contract extension for Raikkonen on Tuesday – after the last page of our feature had gone to press – but one thing for sure is that he is closer to the end of his F1 career than the beginning, and this week’s Autosport also provides a study of a talent at the opposite end of the spectrum. There hasn’t been a buzz this big about a young British prospect since Lewis Hamilton was rising the ranks, and Kevin Turner’s chat with Lando Norris (p28)tells us all about his cracking recent F1 test with McLaren. It was good timing that the interview coincides with two more wins in the Formula 3 European Championship at Zandvoort (p40). Funny to think that Norris hadn’t even been born when Raikkonen made his Formula Renault UK debut in 1999, and was only a toddler when Kimi first raced a Formula 1 car…
It is very rare that a driver comes along who challenges preconceived notions of what it takes to be a Formula 1 driver. But when a true prodigy breaks through into grand prix racing through sheer force of talent, they often create a sort of butterfly effect.The world we thought we knew before is suddenly changed, and will never be the same again. Kimi Raikkonen should go down in F1 history as one such driver. It has taken Max Verstappen’s remarkable recent ascension to motorsport’s pinnacle to further redefine the boundaries of possibility – so successful in one season of junior single-seater racing that he simply must be in F1 immediately. Since 2015, Verstappen has been thrilling fans, threatening reputations, and rewriting rules with his fearless and superlative brand of racing. Fourteen years earlier, Raikkonen laid the template –arriving with Peter Sauber’s eponymous team after a brief but highly successful stint in Formula Renault. Raikkonen had competed in fewer than 25 car races; surely he couldn’t be ready for such a monumental leap.Yet there he was – 13th on the grid for his debut in Australia, within four tenths of a second of sophomore team-mate Nick Heidfeld, scoring a point in his first GP, finishing not much more than 12 seconds behind his team-mate. Raikkonen looked immediately like he belonged – a driver so naturally gifted he could bypass F3 and F3000 completely, turn convention on its head, yet be immediately and properly competitive in F1. Truly astounding. The question with all prodigies, in any sport, is what next? Will they fully harness that ability, show the necessary will and dedication to ally proper craft to their genius, and transform themselves into a truly unstoppable force? It is this unique blend that tends to define the ultimate greatness of an athlete – whether they burn out early and fade away in the Wayne Rooney style, or evolve into an era-defining machine in the mould of Cristiano Ronaldo. Raikkonen’s stats suggest he’s something of an underachiever. This weekend’s Belgian Grand Prix will mark his 263rd grand prix start; only four drivers – Rubens Barrichello, Michael Schumacher, Jenson Button and Fernando Alonso – have started more. For a driver of Raikkonen’s ability and longevity to have scored ‘only’ 20 wins and 17 pole positions, plus a single world championship achieved in fortuitous circumstances in 2007, seems out of kilter. Damon Hill would not consider himself to be the most naturally gifted driver ever to grace F1. Raikkonen could make that claim, yet Hill achieved more wins and poles than Raikkonen has, in much less than half the number of starts. And yet Raikkonen is still good enough that he is still racing for Ferrari – F1’s grandest team – at the ripe old age of 37, and Tuesday’s announcement that he will remain for 2018 means he will continue doing so for another season at least. That shows Raikkonen still has something serious to offer in the eyes of those who make the biggest decisions in Maranello. Sport is always about much more than pure numbers. Personality and style also count for as much sometimes. Raikkonen commands a strong and loyal fan base, energised by his ‘Iceman’ reputation, one he says he’s done nothing conscious to cultivate. Publicly, Raikkonen comes off as a cool, aloof, anti-hero character – a no-nonsense antidote to the clean-cut corporate image of modern racing. His ‘wild-child’ early years curry him huge favour with those followers of F1 who pine for the era of James Hunt, when drivers partied away the nights and drove by the seat of their pants in the day. But even lovable rogues like Hunt and Raikkonen are driven by a fierce competitive instinct that belies their devil-may-care reputations.We are left with a confusing picture. How to reconcile the incredible natural ability that once redrew boundaries at Sauber and McLaren, and claimed a historic post-Schumacher world championship for Ferrari, with the later seasons of struggle: bettered by Felipe Massa, outpaced by Romain Grosjean, destroyed by Alonso, now playing second fiddle to Sebastian Vettel? Herein lies the enigma of Kimi Raikkonen.
Raikkonen’s first season in F1 was very strong by conventional standards for a rookie, but when you consider his fundamental lack of experience in car racing it was truly exceptional. His results were very good – four points finishes in total, twice finishing fourth (in Austria and Canada) and placing inside the top 10 in the world championship. Raikkonen made a vital contribution to what then constituted Sauber’s best F1 season, but it was his raw speed that caught the eye. Third time out, Raikkonen qualified only a tenth behind Heidfeld in Brazil, and thereafter matched his more experienced team-mate 7-7 on Saturdays. Not only that, Raikkonen performed with a calm assuredness that belied his lack of experience. “Kimi was very young [21] and not experienced at all – it was very risky,” says Sauber driver trainer Josef Leberer, who worked with Ayrton Senna at McLaren and recalls his season alongside Raikkonen with fondness. “A lot of people said, ‘I don’t understand why Sauber were doing this’. But it worked. “He’s not the kind of guy who sits days and hours on the computer. Such an intuitive driver, his instinct is incredible. This way I would say he’s one of the best. It comes naturally. No bullshit. Just wanna be fast, no excuses. “He was not spoiled, so you could talk with him and be straightforward, and he was an incredible, cool guy. Doing the massage in the morning we had to wake him up and he said, ‘Let me get an extra five minutes of sleep before the race’. I’d never seen this – the second race in Malaysia and he wanted to sleep an extra few minutes! Can you imagine being like this in your second race? “He made such an impact. We had a feeling and he was fast immediately. You could see he had the requirements to be a top driver.” Raikkonen’s extraordinary ability to drive an F1 car quickly without the educational foundation enjoyed by his peers left a lasting impression on the paddock. Renowned motor racing journalist and author David Tremayne was Sauber’s press release writer during Raikkonen’s rookie campaign. He recalls a driver aloof and reserved in public, but completely different when hidden from the glare of a camera lens. “He was very quiet, like he is now,” explains Tremayne. “You thought, ‘What is this kid like, is he going to be another Mika [Hakkinen]?’ But he clearly wasn’t in terms of the way he conducted himself – he wasn’t forthcoming. Kimi didn’t want to do any of the other bollocks. He wanted to get in the car and get on with it. “[But] at Monza I heard all this raucous laughter on top of the media bus at Sauber. I went downstairs and it was Kimi, Peter Collins, and a guy who turned out to be Kimi’s kart mechanic – and it was Kimi doing all the laughing. “It was the only time I ever saw what you might call ‘the real Kimi’– with mates, completely relaxed, no need to be protective of anything.
I think he has the ability to compartmentalise. There was a lot of fire in him but you didn’t get to see it. He’s very self-reliant. I don’t think he needs an entourage. “As a driver, he was wonderful to watch. Felipe came in the following year and he was quick but always on a different line. Kimi was just cool and calm with it – not pushing the car or wrestling with it.”So many drivers dream of being world champion, work hard to achieve that dream, but never even make it onto the grid. Others carve out opportunity but become overwhelmed by expectation or consumed by pressure. It seems Raikkonen benefited not only from exceptional natural ability behind the wheel – after all there are many drivers who share that sort of skill – but also a mental resilience and confidence that helped strip away the extra burdens that might have destroyed someone of a different character. Raikkonen never dreamed big or got carried away by the prospect of fame and fortune. It seems it was this aloof attitude, bordering on indifference, that made him so perfectly suited to thrive in F1. “It was a good team to be in; nice people – I still have lunch there,” Raikkonen tells Autosport, relaxing into his seat as we discuss the first stage of his long career in F1. “For me, it was very easy in someways because I didn’t really expect anything.“I didn’t know anything about F1. I never went to see a race. The first time I saw it live was when I was in a test myself. So for me it was like if you just go to Formula Renault [for the first time]. I had nothing to worry about – what’s the point? It either goes well or it goes bad. What can you do?” Ultimately, it went very well indeed for Raikkonen, who made such an impression that he was poached by Ron Dennis to replace retiring double world champion Hakkinen at McLaren for 2002. Even a wunderkind like Verstappen had to wait four races into his second season before earning promotion to one of F1’s biggest teams… 
Some paddock insiders consider Raikkonen’s five-year stint at McLaren to be his absolute peak. His first grand prix victory at Malaysia in 2003 briefly made him F1’s youngest winner since team founder Bruce McLaren. Raikkonen won eight more times for McLaren in those five seasons, as well as taking 11 pole positions and 36 podiums from 87 starts. He quickly established himself as one of grand prix racing’s most exciting stars, but a world championship title eluded him. He was second to Alonso in 2005, but came closest to breaking through two years earlier, when Raikkonen lost out to Schumacher by just two points. “Back in those days he was massively quick,” recalls Pat Fry, McLaren’s chief engineer during Raikkonen’s stint with the team. “It’s a shame car reliability and engine reliability didn’t work for him really. If you look at him through the early 2000s, he was right up there with the best, wasn’t he? He was absolutely outstanding driving the McLaren through 2003, 2005. He should’ve won the championship in 2005.” Raikkonen was unfortunate in that his time at McLaren coincided with Schumacher’s most dominant seasons at Ferrari and latterly the brief but potent rise of Alonso at Renault. Only once during that period, in ’05, could McLaren be considered to have produced the absolute quickest car on the grid, and senior personnel admit it was too unreliable to ultimately get the job done. In this context, Raikkonen achieved much of his success against the odds. Apart from his first year with the team in 2002 – when he was paired alongside stalwart David Coulthard – Raikkonen was never beaten by his McLaren team-mate across a season. He won many admirers inside the squad for his fearless style of racing. “He was blindingly quick – sometimes the circuit wasn’t big enough to contain him in those early days, but he was pushing to the max and everyone liked it,” remembers McLaren’s chief operating officer Jonathan Neale. “He used to scare me. He scared me because he was so completely fearless. You just knew there was no way he was going to give anything less than 110%, and I don’t mean that lightly. He was just a force of nature.” Out of the car, McLaren found a “completely uncompromising” driver, whose “maverick” style didn’t always sit well with the team’s clean-cut corporate image. “We struggled to find out who he was as he didn’t say very much,” adds Neale. “[But] everybody underestimates him at their peril. He did have a fantastic sense of humour. If there were two drivers going on stage, to do a presentation or a question-and-answer session, he’d be sitting in the back and he’d do an amazing mimic. He had the voices and the phrases, all of that, so he was a sharp observer. “There was never a dull moment, but he was a great racer –somebody who is still spoken of highly in the team for what did with us, for us, and the style in which he did it, which was uncompromising. It was uncompromising in the car, it was uncompromising in the set-up, he was uncompromising on whether he wanted to be with a sponsor. It’s not always easy, but isn’t it refreshing when you find somebody who is brave enough to be candid and frank and not prepared to cower to conformity?
“He wouldn’t suffer fools. Everyone was taken at face value, no airs, no graces, nobody standing on ceremony, what you see is what get, very grounded, but enormous following with the mechanics and engineers – real loyalty. “Because that fire burns very intensely, it was kind of polarising –either you got it or you didn’t. It is quite difficult getting engineers close to him – to be able to have that rapport and reach him without being too much, too little, not a fool. “Any whiff of bullshit and you were toast! But [race engineer] Mark Slade was very good with Kimi and they had an understanding. Mark knew when to leave him alone, and when to push him and there were occasions when Mark was quite assertive with him, but because he built up that trust he could be. It is easy to be intimidated by somebody of that temperament.” Slade has worked with Raikkonen twice through the Finn’s F1 career – first at McLaren and later at Lotus. Slade responded well to Raikkonen’s no-nonsense attitude and fussiness for precision. He says the Raikkonen that drove for McLaren arrived at Woking “well-rounded” and was “massively impressive”. “He knew how to manage tyres, he knew how to set up the car – it was like working with someone who’d done it for five years,” Slade recalls. “He knew exactly what he wanted. It was not like working with a new driver. “The only aspect that was a little bit ragged early on was in qualifying, when we had to put the fuel in the car for the race, so 2003. He had a little bit of a tendency to want to be on pole regardless of the amount of fuel in the car. And there were a couple of races where he went off trying to achieve too much. “We basically banned him from watching the other drivers’qualifying laps. We just told him, ‘Go out and drive the car as quickly as it will go’. We did that for the rest of this season and he didn’t do any more mistakes.” Raikkonen is often portrayed as a lazy driver – someone who simply relies on his natural feel for the car but isn’t particularly interested in doing anything other than driving. Slade argues that’s a misunderstanding of Raikkonen’s approach. It’s not that he is uninterested, rather that he sees clear delineation in responsibilities within teams, and wants to trust those around him to do their jobs properly without interference. Slade admits this approach can compromise Raikkonen when internal politics arise.
“There were times at McLaren when things didn’t go the way they should have for Kimi and if he had been just a little bit more involved, that could have swapped things around a bit,” Slade says. “In the middle of 2005 there were certain things happening with the design direction of the car that didn’t suit Kimi and there was a lot of tension and pressure. I was having to fight Kimi’s corner, because he wasn’t really doing much himself. That was quite stressful. “He didn’t like hanging around in the office for very long. His debriefs were very short, but he gave us the important points and that was almost perfect for me, because it meant we didn’t spend lots of time talking about what was not relevant. He won’t rant about it. It’s just, ‘That’s what we need to fix’. Simple as that. “If people try to push him in a different direction, it’s not going to work because you need him on board. You need to be on board with him and he needs to be on board with you. For me, it was enjoyable to work with him, because it was logical and straightforward. “One of the biggest difficulties with drivers who are less consistent with their approach is trying to filter out this inconsistency. It becomes very difficult very quickly. If he came in saying there’s something wrong with the car, the chances are there’s something wrong with the car – even if you can’t see that on data. Ninety-nine percent of the time he’s right. “When we were doing Michelin tyre testing, they desperately wanted him to do the testing. They told us at one point that he was the best test driver that they worked with. They used to give a little array of tick boxes for different characteristics of the tyre – what the tyres were doing, what the characteristics of the different compounds were. They said there were some drivers who got most of the points correct, but he always got them all correct. “And his consistency of lap time when we tested eight different compounds – his baselines would be within one tenth, and that meant that they could properly analyse the lap time data as well as the driver’s comments.” Slade says he’s never seen anything else like Raikkonen’s “extraordinary level of sensitivity” to the car, to the point where Raikkonen could detect problems with McLaren’s traction control so aware the engineers couldn’t see in their trackside data. The chase for a ‘perfect car’ can be a real curse when too many things aren’t working correctly, but this degree of feel made Raikkonen a formidable weapon during F1’s tyre war between Bridgestone and Michelin. “That played a big part of how it went,” says Raikkonen. “I was very happy to do the tyre tests. We could test 20 different sets of tyres and choose exactly what you wanted, whatever you feel is best for you. It was one extra thing that you could use.” Raikkonen does not agree with those, such as Williams technical chief Paddy Lowe, who would say his McLaren years represent Raikkonen at his peak. But he was certainly unfortunate not to win at least one world title with McLaren, and Slade recalls some truly stunning drives by Raikkonen during that period. “No doubt Michael, Fernando and Kimi were the three guys,” argues Slade, who feels Raikkonen could have won “15 straight races” in 2005 with better reliability. “Then, just slightly behind, DC, [Juan Pablo] Montoya and a few others. When it came to the driving and his racecraft, Kimi was right up there.“In the middle part of the [2005] season the car was phenomenal and he was driving phenomenally well. At Monza, he qualified fastest with the full tank of fuel [before a grid penalty]; at Silverstone, he was half a second per lap quicker than Montoya, who won the race; in France he started 13th and finished second. Japan was awesome because he came from the back and won. “One of the best races he ever did was Indianapolis in 2003, when we were on the Michelin wets and the Michelin wets were rubbish. He finished second. It was fantastic. He just drove his heart out. He didn’t win the race, but it was an absolutely phenomenal drive. “Nurburgring 2006 – the engine was terrible that year and he finished fourth. I remember him coming to the bus afterwards, sweat pouring off him, and he said, ‘I just drove 60 qualifying laps’, and you could see he had. We knew he had to drive phenomenally well to achieve that with the car we had then.” By now Raikkonen had grown increasingly frustrated with life at McLaren and reputedly made an agreement with Ferrari as early as late-2005 to join the Scuderia for 2007. “He signed with Ferrari two years before he moved to Ferrari,” confirms his then-Ferrari team-mate Massa. “I remember when I signed for Ferrari, Kimi already has his contract; the only way I stay in Ferrari is if Michael stops.” Schumacher announced his first retirement from F1 after winning the 2006 Italian GP at Monza. Thus, the way was clear for Raikkonen and Massa to usher in a new era at Maranello.
Does Kimi have particular traits in his driving? He’s very, very smooth, very gentle, very precise – minimal inputs into the car. He wants the car to do the work. Most drivers tend to be a bit more aggressive with inputs, which can have benefits when the tyres are hard and difficult to get into the working window. The other thing is power steering. He came to us and complained about power steering. We spent a lot of time fixing it. Then he went to Ferrari and apparently complained about power steering there. Then he came back to Lotus and complained about power steering. So the feel of the steering is very, very important. He doesn’t want any friction in it. He doesn’t want any play on the brake pedal. Also, Mark [Arnall] always carried a special cloth to clean the windscreen, because if there was a slightest finger print or scratch, we had to change it.
He says he hates understeer and you often hear him complain about the front… Even at McLaren there were occasions where we did have issues. Canada was a good one in 2005. We were slower on new tyres than on used tyres because he couldn’t get the new tyre temperature to work. The start of the lap can be a real problem if he just hasn’t got the front grip that he needs to get the car into corners. I would say that’s probably the only real weakness. There were times also that was an advantage, because he was a lot more gentle on tyres. When we won the race with Lotus in 2013 in Melbourne, he just walked away with it because he could do one stop. Those tyres were absolutely perfect for him, then Pirelli changed the tyres and that disadvantaged him unfortunately.
Why does he often seem to make mistakes in qualifying? He takes a high-risk approach to qualifying. It’s all about corner entry speed. And if you get the corner wrong you tend to drop a lot of time. Other drivers probably prioritise the exit a little bit more. He’s trying to carry speed through; that is high risk. 
Raikkonen’s Ferrari career got off to a dream start – pole position and victory in his first race in Melbourne, and of course he went on to claim the championship as Ferrari backed his bid to overhaul the McLarens of Alonso and rookie sensation Lewis Hamilton. Raikkonen succeeded in this mission by a solitary point when team-mate Massa moved aside for him to win the season finale in Brazil.“For me it counts much more than any others – if I had won with McLaren or with somebody else,” Raikkonen says. “Ferrari is Ferrari.I got close a few times in the McLaren. I mean yes in some people’s eyes I [could] have won three championships. I didn’t deserve it.In the end, whoever gets the most points deserves it. “Would I be happier with three championships? It makes no difference. I am happy with what I have achieved.” It felt as though F1 almost owed Raikkonen that championship– regardless of the peculiar circumstances – as payback for the disappointment and near-misses at McLaren. But although he finally conquered the world in his first season as a Ferrari driver, Raikkonen never fully established himself as the team’s number one. Raikkonen says his biggest concern before coming to Ferrari was having to adjust to Bridgestone tyres after years spent honing his car on Michelin rubber, but according to Rob Smedley – Massa’s race engineer throughout Raikkonen’s first stint at Ferrari – the tyres were “never the limiting factor” for Raikkonen during this period.“In terms of raw talent he definitely was one of the best drivers on the grid when he came to us,” Smedley says. “[But] he very much needs a particular set-up. He needs the front to work for him very positively. He turns the car in very early, a little bit like Michael, like Fernando, like Valtteri [Bottas]. They turn very early in the corner, and due to that he’s very demanding on the front-end in that phase of the corner.“He needs to start sending the car into the apex almost immediately when he starts thinking about the corner, especially in medium-speed corners. When he first came to us, it took us a longtime to understand what he wanted. “He’s the driver who, probably the most I’ve ever seen of anyone, is absolutely and entirely unfazed by rear locking at the start of heavy braking. To be able to deal with that and not to be fazed by that is something quite incredible. “We spent a lot of our time in that winter of 2007 attempting to understand how on earth he was putting the brake balance so far rearward. He was running probably 8% more rearward than Felipe and the other drivers – that’s another planet. “We were quite surprised by that, but actually what he was trying to do, in his own way, was to make the car turn as soon as he asked for it.As soon as he asked for response out of the steering, he wanted the car to turn. He had a particular way of driving the car and I think it took us a little bit of time to understand that. Once we did, we got performance from him.” But not consistently. Raikkonen was closely matched with Massa through most of 2007, but would likely have been asked to support his team-mate’s own bid for the championship had Massa not suffered a damper failure while running ahead of Raikkonen in that year’s Italian GP – and narrowly leading Raikkonen in the standings. Massa, who describes Raikkonen as “for sure one of the strangest people I’ve met”, was a fan of the Finn’s honesty as a team-mate, but rates Schumacher and Alonso higher: “Definitely Michael and Fernando were stronger – not quicker, but more complete.” The following year Raikkonen was cast into the supporting role, as his title defence fell apart amid a run of four consecutive non-scoring races in the second half of the season. Massa was unlucky not to become world champion in ’08 and was Ferrari’s leading driver through the first part of a difficult 2009 campaign too, before he suffered a terrible head injury during qualifying for the Hungarian GP. “We never were really comfortable – like if you drive and you have to try and do things that are not normal,” says Raikkonen of his first stint at Ferrari. “We never really found it and put things together. We changed the cars a little bit, but we just struggled compared to what we did in the first bit.” Raikkonen showed flashes of form in a very difficult 2009 Ferrari, which was not a strong answer to the regulatory upheaval of the previous winter. He qualified on the front row and finished third at Monaco, but he wasn’t proving so relentlessly impressive as he had done in his McLaren years– against a team-mate not rated as one of the absolute best on the grid.
“In ’08 Felipe was still in the stage of rapid improvement and overall Felipe was pretty much quicker than him, definitely in qualifying,” adds Smedley, who reckons Raikkonen’s “pure natural talent” made him better than Massa at looking after the rear tyres in races.“That was one of the things that really surprised me, because I expected him to come in and be blisteringly quick but not really manage things in such a mechanically sympathetic way, and in fact the opposite was true. One of the strengths he’s always got is that he can take the tyres further than anybody else and, wherever he goes, the team tries to exploit that.“It’s never a matter of application with Kimi – you just plug him in and he just does it. You often wonder [what would happen] if he had the level of application of others with his level of natural skill and tenacity, [but] one thing you can say about him is that he doesn’t bring any politics. The guy is absolutely apolitical.“I think that comes a little bit from not being interested in this world. The thing that is really important to him is going racing on a Sunday afternoon, qualifying, trying to be better than anybody else. And all the other periphery bits do not interest him. “And that’s kind of where he probably differs to 99.9% of the rest of us in F1. You wake up thinking about it, you go to sleep thinking about it – much to the annoyance of my wife! But that’s how we are– constantly striving to do better and be the best. I don’t think Kimi has that. I mean, he likes it here, he comes and drives his car, then he goes home, and doesn’t think about it a great deal after that.” The feeling inside Ferrari was that Massa was establishing himself as the quicker driver, and that messed with Raikkonen’s head. Raikkonen’s form certainly picked up following Massa’s accident. Kimi was on the podium at Budapest, Valencia and Monza, and beat Giancarlo Fisichella’s Force India to victory at Spa. His performances were made to look all the more remarkable by how badly Massa’s stand-ins Luca Badoer (who qualified slowest of all at Valencia and Spa) and Fisichella (who took over after Spa) struggled. But it wasn’t enough for Ferrari, which elected to pay Raikkonen out of the final two years of his contract to bring Alonso on board for 2010. Raikkonen is still guarded about the events that unfolded behind closed doors at Maranello, but says he was keen to get out of F1 in any case. “I have nothing to hide really,” says Raikkonen, who originally never planned for a long career in F1. “That’s how it played out and I was happy at that point to say, ‘OK, that’s fine and I’ll go’. Honestly, somethings happen in life and I didn’t feel bad about it. Obviously, I had a contract, but that got dealt with. They obviously wanted something else at that point, and for me that’s how it goes sometimes. I wanted to do something else anyhow.”
Raikkonen was temporarily done with F1, but F1 wasn’t done with him. Throughout his two-year stint experimenting in the World Rally Championship, proposals were made for his return. Eventually, Raikkonen realised he missed the joy of wheel-to-wheel competition so began thinking seriously about a comeback. He held talks with Williams – “I had a meeting with Toto [Wolff]; he came to my home” – and Lotus, before opting to make his comeback with the Enstone outfit.“The year before I got people asking me if I wanted to come back– there was a lot of talk but I felt if I want to come back I needed to have a current team that people will at least try to put the money into,” Raikkonen explains. “I didn’t need the money, but I wanted a car and a team that actually had some chances to do something good, rather than just being there.”Raikkonen enjoyed a superb first season with Lotus. He finished every one of the 20 races held in 2012, was on the podium seven times, and claimed a victory in Abu Dhabi – the infamous GP where he told the team to “leave me alone I know what I’m doing” over the radio while preparing for a safety car restart.Then-Lotus team principal Eric Boullier recalls a driver who was“a bit rusty over one lap” at first, but “brilliant” in the races, despite spending two seasons out of the game.“His capability and racecraft was amazing,” recalls Boullier.“The good thing for him [was] he had Grosjean near to him, and he [Grosjean] was very fast on one lap but not as good [overall].The most amazing thing about Kimi is he has a great understanding.He has a GPS in his head. He’s doing his own strategy, it’s amazing. ”Boullier recalls the 2012 Hungarian GP as the perfect example of Raikkonen’s craft, where the Finn came from the third row of the grid to beat Grosjean (who qualified on the front row) to second by saving his tyres and running longer in each stint. “You just have to guess sometimes what he wants, because he’snot the best communicator in the world,” Boullier adds. “Kimi gets quite stressed sometimes; he needs people who understand him and can handle him.“He is charismatic – actually, his charisma is strong enough to make people fans of him. What would be better would be to have more motivation to push people around him. He’s not as complete as maybe a Vettel, but he is a great driver. Some drivers need support. He’s one of the guys who can do it on his own. He’s incredibly talented.“He’s quite easy [to work with] to be honest – as long as you give him space to breathe and you’re not on his back all the time.
That was key – to let him live his life. ”Reuniting Raikkonen with Slade (who came across from Mercedes to work with Kimi again) also proved crucial in helping Raikkonen get the most from his comeback, and Lotus get the best out of Raikkonen. “When he first came back, he was really enthusiastic,” remembers Slade. “Unfortunately, he got messed around a bit on the salary side of things. That was an annoyance, but in terms of the driving, I felt he was still exactly the same. I don’t think it’s any secret that he’snot a big fan of the F1 paddock scene and the stuff that goes with it.”It seemed those two seasons of F1, racing on the most extremely fragile rubber of the Pirelli control tyre era, also suited Raikkonen’s particular skillset. Often he would score a big result by making fewer pitstops than his rivals, but Raikkonen himself reckons the design of that generation of Lotus – conceived by James Allison’s team around the Renault V8 engine and exhaust-blown downforce – made more of a difference, giving him the “pure front-end” grip he needs to drive well. Whatever, the combination gelled superbly. Raikkonen added eight more podiums to his tally in 2013, winning the first race of the season in Melbourne and finishing second six times. An unfortunate retirement at Spa that year (thanks to a visor tear-off blocking a brake duct) broke an incredible run of 27 consecutive points finishes stretching back to the Bahrain GP of 2012. “He’s relentless,” says Slade. “I’d say Fernando is the closest in terms of achieving consistent results.” But into the latter part of 2013, Grosjean began to establish himself as the stronger and generally faster of the two Lotus drivers,even though he was twice defeated by Raikkonen overall in the championship. Grosjean describes Raikkonen as “the perfect  benchmark” and says he learned a lot from racing alongside the Finn. “As team-mates we didn’t talk much – maybe three times in two years!” Grosjean says. “Everybody thinks he doesn’t give a shit; he actually does. He works. Same as Fernando – the only thing he thinks on Sunday is 2pm, how to get the car to where he wants it to go.“Once I had a rear soft spring for a race and Kimi tried it and liked it. He was pushing to get the springs. He was trying even though you think he doesn’t [care]. It was interesting that everybody thinks he [just] comes and drives the car and goes. He actually works. ”Their head-to-head record as team-mates is also skewed slightly by the fact Raikkonen skipped the final two races of 2013 – quitting the team over a financial dispute and electing to have surgery on a long-standing back injury, legacy of a testing accident during his first season in F1 at Sauber. “Unfortunately the whole thing [was] destroyed by people that, in my mind, were just stupid to be honest,” Raikkonen says. “They had a great thing on their hands. “It’s not my business, but I left there purely because I didn’t get paid. Without it, who knows? But then obviously I got the offer from Ferrari. I never had a bad feeling with them when I left, despite people thinking that. You know how people always think it will end in a mess, but they offered me a new deal and I went back.”
Kimi Raikkonen’s two-year sabbatical from F1 in 2010-2011 led him to try his hand at other forms of motorsport he’d long wished to dabble in but never had the time to do so while fully absorbed into grand prix racing’s goldfish bowl. Having sampled Rally Finland in the summer of 2009, Raikkonen contested most of the 2010 World Rally Championship as part of the Citroen Junior Team, and nine rounds of the 2011 championship with a DS 3 run under his own ‘Ice 1 Racing’ banner. There were many incidents, but also many top 10s. “I always wanted to try the rally stuff, because it looks so difficult,”says Raikkonen. “I wanted to see how it would go and I was happy to have the help from Red Bull to do it. I still think it’s a great sport, it’s so difficult. The problem is that it needs time – experience counts a lot more in rallying than in circuit racing.“In rallying you have to put the same effort in driving, but you [also] have to listen to your co-driver. The most difficult thing is that you have to think about what he says and then react. That takes too much time. When that starts to happen automatically then you can go faster, then it gets easier.I was close to getting to that point,then things happened and I ended up back in F1. ”Raikkonen also travelled Stateside in 2011, to try his hand at NASCAR. He contested the lower-tier Nationwide and Truck series races at Charlotte, qualifying mid-pack for his Nationwide outing.It was this experience that refired Raikkonen’s enthusiasm for circuit racing and accelerated his F1 return. “Without that happening then I would definitely not be here today,”he says. “I would never have lasted this long if I hadn’t had a few years doing something else, trying things.
It was during Raikkonen’s financial dispute with Lotus that he agreed a two-year deal to return to Maranello. Initially, it looked as though signing Raikkonen was the perfect insurance policy for Ferrari,which seemed in danger of losing Alonso after failing to carry the fight to Vettel and Red Bull in 2013. But despite publicly criticising the team and being admonished by company president Luca di Montezemolo, Alonso stayed put (for the moment) and he and Raikkonen became team-mates for 2014, as Massa departed for a fresh start at Williams. Raikkonen’s first season back at the Scuderia was a real struggle.The first year of F1’s current V6 hybrid turbo era was Ferrari’s least competitive since 1993. The car was bad, Raikkonen couldn’t adapt it to his driving style, and was demolished in the championship by Alonso, 161 points to 55. Jonathan Neale recalls how McLaren found its suspension development pulled “in two different directions” owing to Raikkonen’s demand for instant steering response from its cars, and Pat Fry, who was Ferrari’s chief engineer when Raikkonen returned in 2014, found his team coming up against an age-old problem – one exacerbated by stiff and hard Pirelli tyres that Raikkonen often struggled to get working for a single flying lap in qualifying. “He has a very smooth driving style – you’ve got to get rid of the understeer in the car,” says Fry. “You can obviously play around with suspension geometries and stuff like that to try and give him the feel,and sort out power-steering and all that stuff. ”The process was made trickier by Alonso’s long-standing presence as Ferrari’s number one driver, which inevitably led the team in a development direction that suited Alonso, before he departed for the ill-fated McLaren-Honda project.“In all the years I’ve worked with Kimi, the year I saw him struggle the most was that first year back at Ferrari,” says his long-time trainer Mark Arnall. “Coming from Lotus, where he had a good front-end on the car and had podium after podium after podium, it’s not like he suddenly forgot how to drive – he just couldn’t get a balance with that 2014 car.” But Raikkonen commanded the faith of technical director James Allison, with whom he worked at Lotus previously, and knew that he would have to play the long game at Ferrari to get back to where he needed to be.“I knew what I was getting into,” Raikkonen says. “With the engineers, I wouldn’t say they were bad – maybe the fit wasn’t what I wanted. It just didn’t work, I suppose, and our car was not very good.
“The front end has to be right there. If it’s not right, it’s not right,unfortunately. When it’s right things are very easy. Even when you have a good year, it’s a little percentage that’s perfect. There’s always something. There’s so many things that you have no control over.“Some days everything goes perfectly fine, and some days whatever you do it seems to be against you, but I’ve been long enough in the sport to know it. People look at you in one race and if you struggle they slag you off, but I’m used to it so it doesn’t bother me too much.“I want myself to do well and I know what I can do. That’s more important for me. Obviously, it’s not nice when you are in a team like Ferrari and the results are not coming, [but] I had no issues with them and I knew that things would turn out to be just fine with time. It just took some patience.” Raikkonen’s form has gradually improved since that annus horribilis, during which time the Ferrari senior management has changed, the technical structure has changed, the identity of his team-mate has changed, and so has his engineering group. Drafting in Dave Greenwood as his race engineer at the end of 2014 has made a massive difference for Raikkonen. “The car has been getting better and better every year, and a big part for me has been the people,” Raikkonen explains. “Dave is for sure one of the greatest guys that I have ever worked with. I would compare him with Slade – I very highly rate them. “For me it’s important that when we do something, everything has to be exactly like it should be. A very easy example: the ride height,if it’s [supposed] to be 20mm, it has to be 20mm; it can’t be 21mm or 19mm.“When everything is ‘close enough’, and you have five or six things like that, we all know in F1 how much difference small things make,then suddenly the lap time is not so perfect anymore.”Vettel has generally outperformed Raikkonen since arriving at Maranello in 2015, but their similar set-up demands and harmonious working relationship is helping drive Ferrari’s development in a single direction, and the Scuderia is now finally carrying the fight to Mercedes in the world championship – though it is Vettel leading the charge rather than Raikkonen. “Of all F1 drivers, he is probably closer to him [Vettel] than any of the others,” says Arnall, who arranged for Vettel to travel with Raikkonen on a private jet when Vettel was first in F1, and recalls Vettel’s rapid progression playing badminton against Raikkonen. “Kimi always liked Seb and I think Seb always liked Kimi. They are good friends – as much as you can be in this sort of environment. “The thing about Kimi is that he is not political at all, so I think to be a team-mate of, he is actually very easy as he doesn’t stir up any shit in the background – he is very transparent. Harmony in the team is something that is massively underrated. It makes a huge difference.”Paired alongside Vettel, Raikkonen’s own performances have steadily improved too, to the point where he has earned three contract extensions, which will keep him in F1 until after his 39th birthday.Questions about his ultimate speed and consistency remain, though, stoked further by occasional criticism from Ferrari president Sergio Marchionne, who has described Raikkonen as an occasional “laggard” in races. But Raikkonen’s pole position in Monaco proves he can still be faster than anyone when things are right, and his pernickety obsession with car set-up and tyre behaviour, plus the deep levels of valuable experience from F1’s tyre war era he can bring to bear in an age of severely limited testing, make him a valuable commodity, even if the price is the odd lacklustre performance.“I think Kimi is one of those guys that if he thought, ‘I just can’t drive one of these cars as quick as I used to’, he would stop,” reckons Arnall. “Kimi brings a shit load of experience,he’s very good with the development of the car, very non-political, an easy team-mate for people to have, so I think as an overall package,he is [still] very good.“I think his belief is that he can still compete near the top. He is very honest with himself – if he didn’t think that was the case, he’d stop.”Many would argue that he should have stopped a while ago, that his continuing presence on the grid, in such a coveted seat, is baffling when you consider he hasn’t been definitively quicker than any of his last four team-mates in F1. But what does Raikkonen himself think – does he believe he is as good a driver now as he ever was? “That’s so hard to say,” he replies. “I feel that I can drive as well as 2007 and 2001, or whatever people think has been my best ever [year]. For me, if I didn’t feel that I can drive well, or couldn’t win races or championships, I wouldn’t be here, because I don’t have interest to waste my own time and everyone else’s time. “I value my own time too much to use it on something that I wouldn’t be happy with, or that I wouldn’t think that I can actually do well. Plus, all the other people who would waste their time and money or on something that I just want to be part of. It’s not the most friendly place to be if you don’t really want to be…” That Ferrari continues to place its faith in Raikkonen suggests it feels, beyond the headline results and numbers, that he is still fundamentally among the very best drivers in the world, and that it recognises those deeper layers of style, character, substance and ability that make Raikkonen something more than the sum of his parts. He is enigmatic and mercurial, hasn’t been world champion for a decade, but clearly possesses extra qualities that F1’s biggest team finds are still worth investing in. He may lack the single-minded dedication of some of his peers,he may not be the out-and-out fastest driver on the grid anymore, he may well be too Button-esque in his over-reliance on particular car characteristics to drive quickly. He may not be as adaptable as some of his rivals, and F1 may only be a job to him, rather than an all-consuming obsession – but what’s wrong with being naturally gifted enough at your job that you don’t feel the need to take your work home with you every day?His critics will argue that’s not good enough, that Raikkonen has long outstayed his welcome. If Ferrari hands him another contract extension, they will no doubt be outraged if this enigma is given yet another lease of life. But one thing is for sure, Raikkonen will not care what they think. “I can live my life very happy,” Raikkonen says. “Obviously, my aim is to win races and I’m not happy when I’m not doing well. My biggest issue when I’m getting older is that I care too much. In the past, I didn’t care much. Now, when I have a bad weekend it’s more painful because I care more. Before it was still painful, but I got over it very quickly. “I never tried to be anything else than myself. If people like it, that’s good; if people don’t like it, that’s fine. As long as I’m happy what I’m doing, that’s my only interest. I’m not trying to please people because then I don’t live my life as I should. I live my life for myself. “I always said I have a life and that F1 is just a part of that. It’s not like F1 is all your life and then you have nothing. In my mind, I have the opposite. I mean F1, yes I love it and I enjoy doing it, but it’s not my life. My life is outside of it, and that’s how it should be.”
How does the Kimi of now compare to the Kimi you first knew back in 2001?
He didn’t really care too much about the PR stuff, he wasn’t interested in that glamour side of it, being famous, I think he would much rather be anonymous! Every time he got in the car all he wanted to do was drive the crap out of it. When I started working with him, I could never imagine him being a father. Now seeing him with two kids is a phenomenal transformation. He is fantastic dad. I think all drivers, everyone learns, go through life and grow; experience teaches a lot. If you look at Kimi, the PR stuff he does now and what the sponsors say, everyone is super happy with him, and he’s got a global following of fans.
He doesn’t give much away in public; is he a shy character?
I think that mysterious side to him is intriguing for people. I don’t think he is particularly shy – the whole fan side of things,he obviously understands Formula 1, knows he is a popular driver, but it is not something he deliberately tries to play to, he just tries to get on with the job and what comes with it comes with it. One area he is very good is with kids. There was a guy who come up to me in Spa once, with this charity, to say this girl has cancer and she’d just love a picture with him or to say ‘hi’, and he spent 25 minutes sitting down and talking to her.
Is he quite a difficult character to work with? He polarises opinion – some people get him and say he is brilliant,others say he is completely closed off, difficult to work with…
The nicest thing I’d say about Kimi is what you see is what you get. Zero bullshit, zero politics. Kimi’s always been his own character and will always make his own decisions. He’s got a very strong head on those shoulders, so if he doesn’t want to do something, it is really difficult to get him to do it.
It sounds like he is not too demanding, quite independent and knows his own mind.
That is quite an accurate description of what he is like. I think he is probably the opposite to what most people think. If I was to describe Kimi, it would be ‘Mr 110%’. Goes into the gym and goes 110%. If he is lying on his sofa, he’ll go 110% horizontal! When he drives anything, it would be 110%, if he goes out it is 110%. I think that is just the way he lives his life.
The public persona is the ‘Iceman’: cool, disinterested, closed-off. Is he really like that?
In most situations, he is like that, but Kimi is actually a very warm, big-hearted character, and he has got a phenomenal sense of humour, but that is not really something people see. He needs to like people as well. If he doesn’t particularly like being with someone, he doesn’t do anything other than just ignore them.There is no bullshit, if he doesn’t like someone, he is quite straight about it. I think I’ve seen all the different versions of him, but I wouldn’t carry on working with him if I thought he was an arse. I actually really like him. I think he is super genuine, superkind. That is something people don’t really see so much.
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