#when i first starting watching i also thought it was CRAZY that stamets is just a lieutenant
ilovefredjones · 3 months
tilly is doing too much to be a cadet goddamn
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flying-elliska · 3 years
i watched star trek discovery s3 ! thoughts !
- no matter what i always feel pushed to be overall positive about disco because of all the stupid whiny fanboys dunking on it because it’s too *diverse* and I think this season did pretty well in that regard and that it’s just very refreshing to have a cast that is just a lot more realistic re:what humans would look like in that era
- s3....i actually really enjoyed overall ? by going to the future, they’re not so stuck between all the older shows, being a prequel and bringing old characters back etc etc. they can explore new territory. And like. I don’t think they handled a lot of the plots as well as they could have. It had this HUGE potential that i don’t think they really made good on, because this series’ writing is just...i don’t know, a bit wack sometimes, like it was written by lots of different people pulling in a different direction. i see what it’s trying to do in terms of sociological and philosophical storytelling, but it’s often a bit too simplistic. but i just...i love these characters, i thought the season’s set up was so interesting, and it was just so much fun. and like...star trek has always been full of cheese and shortcuts and stories that focused more on emotions. it’s not hard scifi. it’s just not. i would like disco to come through with more philosophical/geopolitical episodes sometimes, but that doesn’t mean it’s ‘not star trek’
- Booker is definitely my favorite new character of the season. He’s just so cool ? Like a charming rogue idealist with an enormous cat named Grudge who travels around space to save endangered species ? that is just so new. i’m so tired of cynical rogues, they’re so overdone. but Booker breaks the rules because he CARES. yes. the empath thing is very sexy. the episode with his brother was so interesting. Booker’s the idealist but he left his people behind, while the brother is doing awful things to keep his people from starving to death, and so both their perspectives are understandable, and i love that they came to an understanding. also his chemistry with Michael is great, even though i wish they had taken more time to show us their developping relationship. but the episode when they met is one of my faves. that episode where he helps the slave workers rebel was !!!!! i hope they give him more to do next season apart from “Michael’s boyfriend” but yeah. he’s great.
- i just loved seeing the crew bond!!! so much! they’ve gone through so much together ! i definitely ship jola now. they’re just so cool. i hope we get to know the others in the bridge crew more but i love the bits we got, about them adapting to these crazy new circumstances, and about ‘growing through change’ ; even though i thought some elements like Detmer’s PTSD were dealt with a little bit too fast. I loved seeing Hugh trying to get everyone some mental support and therapy. I loved Tilly taking charge more and more ; and people recognize that even though she is emotional she’s also unfailingly compassionate and brave and those are qualities you want in a leader. ahhhh
- the new future is very interesting. i was afraid they would go too grimdark with the Federation gone, but...they’ve kept it relatively nuanced so that was interesting. seeing the Vulcans and Romulans reunited was quite incredible, and i loved the bit with the trial. and Michael deciding to back off so she wouldn’t risk their fragile unity. and her admiring the fact that Spock’s life work came to fruition. emotions !!!!!
- Michael’s development is...a joy to see. I love Sonequa’s portrayal of her so much. and she’s so pretty lmao. the writing for her character is still a bit all over the place, though. i don’t feel they explained her big changes of mind enough, and i don’t always understand what they are trying to do with her character, sometimes it’s a bit too much of ‘whatever the plot requires’. the series has a tendency to both make her the one who always saves the day a bit too much and to put too big of a burden on her in ways that feel iffy. But i’m still super happy to have her be captain, finally, and can’t wait to see how she grows into the role.
- I thought the Terra Firma episodes were so interesting ; it was fascinating to see how much Georgiou has changed through her time in the Prime universe. Mirror universe characters redemption arc is a Star Trek classic, after all. I am sad to see her gone from Disco but i feel like her next series could potentially be sooooo interesting. i mean, i know the evil promiscuous bisexual cliché is a bit bad, but Michelle Yeoh is just having SO MUCH FUN in the role i kind of forget about it. it’s a bit like ‘nggggh evil queer lady sexy’ thing. and the guardian of forever !!!
- Adira and Grey...now, i do think it was great to introduce a trans guy and a non-binary person and to make them a couple, totally awesome. i am not entirely convinced by their story though, i don’t feel they had a lot to do past their introduction. and the fact that Grey started the series being dead already...i mean they’re probably bring him back somehow but they have a bit too much of a tendency to kill their queer characters already, it’s an issue for me. i liked Stamets and Culber kind of adopting them that was cute but they didn’t do much this season either. i have to say tho, two gay dads telling a trans kid they will ‘help him be seen’ was like awwwwwwww
- i found the ending...a little bit underwhelming. it’s the opposite of s2, where i found the season pretty meh until the ending which i found kind of incredible. this one...the Emerald Chain was a cool villain, but I don’t feel like it materialized enough. i did think it was interesting to ‘tempt’ the Federation, to see how their principles held up ; but the fact that most of their problems with dilithium seem to be solved by the end of the season is a bit...hm, is that all ? similarly, the revelation that Su’kal was at the core of it all...i found the bits in the stimulations kind of fascinating, the theme of the importance of connection, etc. that said, i was hoping the solution to the Burn to be a bit more...Geopolitical. I just miss Deep Space Nine in that regard, they knew how to do political storylines in a way that felt so deeply grounded and complex. In Disco, problems get solved a bit too easily, and so it just feels like everything has less impact.
But overall, this is probably the season i’m most likely to rewatch for fun. the first two are so gritty, and they have made some really stupid story choices. this one is a lot more like a fun space adventure, and honestly that’s not a bad thing. even though next season I really hope they will put some effort into the worldbuilding. because sometimes it feels a little bit like modern storytelling has dumbed star trek down (i feel the movies are responsible in part, but it’s also like a general thing accross the board)
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aceofwands · 7 years
it wants to give us the exciting parts and the emotional pay off without actually doing any of the work, is the best way I can think to explain it Ria hateblogs Discovery: Episode 7 “[Poorly Written Time Travel] Magic to Make[s] the Sanest [Wo]Man Go Mad”
liveblogged to @kendradaynes
we had entirely 'last time on Discovery' before the intro credits, like not even a teaser ...
kendradaynes... That's an unusual choice
aceofwands I thought so too!
it was just Mudd being left behind on the Klingon ship. probs cause Mudd is gonna show up (we saw in the teaser last week). seems an odd choice too, like it was only a couple episodes ago, we haven't forgotten what they did???
close up of Michael's face, giving a personal log
oh lord
already paused it to write an awful line of dialogue down: "despite my fears, I seem to have found my place on this discovery"
discovery of WHAT
the dialogue is so bad Shin, so bad
kendradaynes..... What? That is...That makes angsty teenage fic seem well written
aceofwands: she's talking about the ship's settled into routine ... which ... what? aren't they in the middle of a war?!!!!!!!!
and about how she's made a friend in Tilly, and how she's taken comfort in her work
and how "this ship has become the most important weapon in the Federation's arsenal"
and I can't even
it doesn't even feel like they're at war! the way they go around on this shiny ship and talk about how it's settled into routine?????? 
kendradaynes... I want to send them all of DS9 s7 and Voyager's Year of Hell 2 parter and maybe Enterprise season 3 to show WHY THAT WOULDN'T WORK
aceofwands: Stamet's wacky drive piloting ability has "Given him access not just to unseen parts of space but his personality as well" and like ... that's a worry! WHY IS NO ONE WORRIED ABOUT THIS
aceofwands I keep pausing this ONE PERSONAL LOG
she confesses she finds some members of the crew more interesting than others (lol what others, they feel even more like background characters than any of the other shows somehow???) and it's her talking to Voq-Tyler
(people online have been debating how it's too obvious that he's Voq, but I don't have any faith in these writers not doing the really fucking obvious)
"Lt Tyler has suffered so much and still maintains such dignity and kindness" I really really hope he actually is Voq like wow I want them to be this bad at writing (and nothing I've seen so far makes me think they're any good at it)
“I fear my personal history interferes with my ability to forge relationships. I am among the others yet also apart." I can't get over this, it's like bad self-insert fan fic (I'm not even 5 mins in lol, I'd better let her finish her stupid log and stop pausing it lol)
oh lord, she's facing one of her greatest challenges so far ... they're having a party
they're ... playing ... beer ... pong ... on Star Trek
this is like a gross noisy college frat party ... on Star Trek ...
why is Michael not wearing casual clothes ...
kendradaynes... #weneedtheorville
aceofwands Orville's party in Pria had more dignity??? which y'know, the show is full of dick jokes
oh it's okay though, Tyler is giving a speech
wait did he just point to a guy who's "sacrificed for us" who had some sort of disability? I went back - there's a guy sitting on what I think is supposed to be a futuristic wheelchair I guess?
how did we get from It's Only a Paper Moon to this?
kendradaynes There are also... Very few disabling things that can't be at least partially cured by the 23rd century
aceofwands yeeeeah my thoughts exactly. but it was unclear and part of a dramatic speech so
Tilly left Michael and Tyler alone together at the party, but they were asked to report to the bridge
I still don’t know why everyone loves Tilly ... she doesn't seem like a cadet, unless you count the AOS crew as cadets ... again, everyone's too 2017
ummmmmmm. so Michael and Tyler were walking along the corridor. when she bumped into Stamets and knocked a container of whatsits over. and he hugged her and asked why she's apologising for a random moment that makes life so gloriously unpredictable and WHY IS NO ONE CONCERNED FOR HIM
kendradaynes... That makes sense. He sounds high
aceofwands ohthe Doctor has just shown up in this conversation out of nowhere. "I deeply apologise for my partner, lately he's been acting ... different"
(I keep pausing it, I'm only 7 mins in, I might uh ... stop pausing it and try to keep up lol)
kendradaynes There are so many plot holes in this show
aceofwands they made a cybernetic augment for his arm?? 
then they asked what the deal between Michael and Tyler is ... and I just ... why is this show ... so ... clumsy? there is no nuance, no subtlety, it’s like they have to hit us over the head with everything like MICHAEL AND TYLER LIKE EACH OTHER OKAY AUDIENCE, DO YOU GET IT?
kendradaynes Honestly it feels like 18 year old self-insert fanfiction
aceofwands cut to the bridge. Saru and Lorca found an unidentified signal ... its some sort of biological space organism
which Michael knows a lot about
kendradaynes Of course. Because she knows everything
aceofwands protocol requires them to take care of it, because it's endangered, which is nice because actual Star Trek things
and um what
kendradaynes I hate her, jsyk
aceofwands they just beamed it into the cargo bay???????????????????
kendradaynes welp that thing would be dead
 some dude in a helmet hitched a ride inside its mouth and used it to get on board
its killed a bunch of people, but Michael escaped
oh its Mudd, to no one's surprise
kendradaynes Of course. Because self insert
aceofwands "did you really think you could leave me in a Klingon prison and suffer no repercussions?"
what have they done to his character
good fucking grief
aceofwands he's come here to find out why the Discovery is special, and is talking about how he's gonna sell it to the Klingons, but "not this time". so Mudd's causing a time travel loop. exploding their ship. the Discovery is blowing up. but now it's back to the party
this sucks
usually I LOVE time loop episodes
they're usually so fun! but this show is boring and dumb
oh man ... if you're gonna repeat scenes ... THIS IS THE BEST YOU'VE GOT???? them walking along a corridor talking
OH LOL it's Stamets. he's the only one who recognises the time loop. and everyone thinks he's crazy! "I need all of you blasted people to start listening"
why is this episode not about Stamets talking to someone?
why wouldn’t they listen to him???
Michael's all "oooooh how did Stamets know what it was going to be???"
.....had to pause it. Michael requested being in charge of the operation. Lorca: "I don't give a damn, I just want it done". then Tyler requested being in charge for security. and Lorca: "I still don't give a damn"
this. is. not. Star. Trek.
when there was a time loop on Next Gen and they started realising they HELD A FUCKING STAFF MEETING! and they realised through the poker game, which was clever! and everything about that was more fun and impressive than this shit has been in the first 15 mins!
the spore drive just activated, and they're all like 'why is this happening?". but obvs Mudd's in engineering
Tyler and Michael are threatening him with phasers, but haven't shot him on sight. oh they finally did. but there was a forcefield. Mudd's trying to figure out how the drive works. 
Michael: "You are mad."
Mudd: "No, I'm Mudd."
I wish the idiots who wrote this garbage would get stuck in a time loop and forced to watch this awful episode over and over until they figured out how to stop it from being so bad
then he yelled at them to tell him how to work it AND STAMETS WAS BEHIND HIM AND SHOT HIM IN THE BACK. and said: "As days go, this was a weird one" which is hilarious
except that I'm not even 20 mins in and somehow bored?
how can they make time loops boring?
they keep saying different things???? in the scenes????
is it a time loop or isn't it?
do they know or don't they?
this doesn't make sense!
kendradaynes That's... not how a timeloop works. It only changes when they realise it
aceofwands yeah it's clearly trying to jump to the parts later on, cause Stamets implies that they've looped many times already. but instead - as usual - it just comes across as .. confused? muddled? like it's not really a time loop because they clearly know it's a loop enough to change what they say, but not enough to realise they're looping???
kendradaynes Yeah that's not how time loops are meant to work and I'm mildly vexed
aceofwands Mudd has got Lorca to come down with him "I really can't take it from the top again Lorca"
ummmm Mudd's talking about how he's explained this to Lorca before, but needs his help to access part of the ship ... if he's aware they're looping then ... why is he so bad at ... I don't even know .... [I stopped being able to explain everything wrong with this episode’s plot around this point]
this episode is a primer in How Not To Write Time Travel
Stamets is explaining how he thinks he's outside of the loop: "it's getting really hard to keep it straight" lol
he needs Michael to talk to Tyler but they're about to loop, and Stamets wants her to tell him something so she'll trust him straight away next loop. and she did??? and he made a sad face and said he was sorry
don't make me have feelings with your decent acting Anthony Rapp
but also do they not have protocols for time travel or like anything else to share???
"now is usually around the time he kills the Captain" - can we stay in that when we fix the loop lol
"you kill a Starfleet captain they lock you up for ever" ummm do they really
loop back to the party: Michael and Tilly talking. Stamets appears, taps Tilly, "I just spotted the hottest guy over there and apparently, he's in a band! Have fun!" (she was explaining earlier how she used to be into soldiers but is lately into musicians, cause that's what passes for character development on this awful show)
genuinely made me laugh
Michael's secret is that she's never been in love ... which we knew from the way she acted earlier in the episode??? not even a secret
oh that was enough for Stamets to prove he was telling the truth ... and she now has to talk to Tyler about mudd?? idk it's super unclear why this is happening or what they're hoping to achieve ?????
honestly this episode is a terrible muddled mess
...................had to pause it again
to explain this scene
I'm leaving out so much and you're probably confused (I'm watching it and I'm confused)
she blew her chance to talk to Tyler because she likes him, which Stamets points out, and she says she's out of her element, so he says 'dance with me, for science, so I can see what I'm working with ... 'and like .... helping Michael talk to the guy she likes .... .... so they can save the ship from a time loop ... is the worst idea for a Star Trek episode I've ever heard. and I've watched Threshold
stupid space lizards make more sense than this plot
she's wondering how people make connections
and Stamets is explaining how Dr Culber and he got together
because the Doc was humming terrible opera
I ... I ... this
I can't Shin
you'll have to watch this dumb show with me if you want to make sense of it
I have to go back and attempt
no I'll just type out this conversation
see if it makes any sense to you
kendradaynes This sounds like it's impossible to make sense of even while watching
"Hugh and I fell in love after I told him to get lost." 
"That doesn't make any sense." 
"Love isn't logical." (they're slow dancing while this happens) 
"I was in a wonderful cafe on Alpha Centauri when three seats down comes this hideous humming. Have you ever heard someone try to hum Casselian opera?" 
"I can't say that I have." 
"Well I told him to stifle it or sit somewhere else. Instead, he sat right next to me. And he's been there ever since." [Michael looks as confused as I am] 
"After such a rude exchange. Why would he do that?"  
"I told him how I really felt. And he did the same. And we liked that about each other." 
"I'm good at honesty." 
"Never hide who you really are. That's the way relationships work."
... ............... I have no words for how little this scene makes sense. that is not how relationships work???? that is a terrible way for them to get together???? and most importantly WHY ARE THEY SLOW DANCING (hint because they realised having them stand around the corridors was fucking boring probably)
aceofwands I KNOW RIGHT
lol Michael is pulling Tyler away to dance in this time loop, the lighting is very purple with lots of close ups of their hands on each other
had to pause it again I am dying of bad laughter at the nonsense
they're dancing and it's kinda sweet and they've got an almost hint at a sexy vibe .... and then Burnham goes "So I hear you were locked up in a Klingon prison cell with Harry Mudd"
whyyyy are they not having a staff meeting about this?
I mean I know Lorca is a jerk and all. but this approach makes ZERO SENSE! she's telling him the whole truth, while they dance ... Stamets is watching and looking bemused .... 
Tyler is like "why would he think I'd trust you?"
"Because I like you. And he thinks you like me too."
and he's like 'oh ... tonight's gotten weird but also very interesting'
like ... how is it that Shakespearean, larger than life characters in previous series somehow feel more real and genuine????? these people just SOUND LIKE THEY'RE IN A TV SHOW????? like it sounds like TV dialogue!
I can't explain it
"if time really is repeating, this won't matter" and he kisses her. of course. 
maybe less dancing more saving the ship?
they're talking while dancing "he used to brag about robbing a Betazoid bank" 
!"a non equilibrial matter state" - a time crystal, which she learned about at the Vulcan science academy. which they haven't been able to perfect, but a 4 dimensional being must have perfected it, according to Burnham
good thing she knew all of this ??????????
there's no figuring anything out!
they just already know!!!!!! 
cut back to the bridge, wondering where Michael and Tyler are. Mudd appears, playing music
hahahahaha the computer addressed him as Captain Mudd: "I never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually tired of gloating"
he's found a weaponised dark matter ball in Lorca's stash of dangerous shit. and he's blabbing on about it "and if any of you were planning on being heroes - including you, random communications officer man" LOL (the guy just ran up to try to stop him) "you'll find there's very little I don't know."
Tyler and Michael burst out onto the bridge for some reason ????
tried to shoot Mudd, the forcefield is still there ... he chucked the dark matter at Tyler .... who dissolved .... 
Mudd: "well that was new"
why would they listen to him? Michael you KNOW IT'S A TIME LOOP
he told him to stop, because he can't watch Mudd kill any more people
what kind of plan .... 
why did ....
kendradaynes Is your brain broken?
aceofwands yes
Stamets gave himself to Mudd????? even though he knew it was a time loop?why would he do that?
Michael has figured out the space whale has a ship in its belly .... with Mudd's crystal energy source in it ..... 
how .... does Michael know about Stella ???? I can't explain this episode to you any more Shin ... you'd have to watch this nonsense for yourself
she has come to sacrifice herself .... because the Klingons want her more than the ship
"you'll get a lot for this ship, but what would I be worth to them?"
"what's in it for you?" "Lt Tyler" "Lt Tyler is dead" "Not for long" ... and then she ATE A DARK MATTER BALL .... to force him to reset the timeline .... 
or are we supposed to believe she remembers?
this episode MAKES NO SENSE
has Stamets finally told the Captain? why is he on the bridge
yes ... she did tell them .... everyone there knows and Mudd's confused
Lorca greeted him "Captain Mudd, your chair" - offers his chair
he realised Stamets was "passing on notes"
"don't try to con a con man" "I'm not, I'm negotiating with a business man"
"why would a Federation Captain do that?" "I will not have a repeat of the Boran [sp?] [his past ship]"
this episode is complete rubbish
he's leading Michael and Stamets off to the transporter room to meet the Klingons
lol Stamets has found out about his wife Stella. they found out he's been running from Stella, not to her lol
this episode would have been clever if the time loop wasn't so poorly done!
they rewired the captain's chair to send the message to Stella and her father .... who's come to get him lol
why ... why are they even doing this? they're so obsessed with making a new Star Trek series, why keep bringing in old characters for no reason?
Michael and Tyler waiting for a turbolift, Stamets told them both that in a previous timeline they danced .... they're super awkward
"What I'm feeling is complicated, and strange" "It's okay, I'm not going anywhere”
I actually think they're really cute? I would usually like so many of these characters! but wow the plots are so. bad.
and it's so clumsy!
holy crap that was bad
oh lord, Saru in the next ep, they're on a planet, there are Klingons and the Admrial being tortured
wow. that's over. and took me ages to watch because I had to stop it so often lol
I have watched a lot of time travel episodes in my decades as a Trekkie (and on other sci fi shows) and that has got to be worst I’ve ever seen! It was SO confusingly done!
they just have no internal consistency!
you have Mudd getting revenge and Stamets working against him ... really really poorly ... 
and all of their solutions to the problems just made no sense???
Stamets giving himself up to Mudd???
and then the final solution of them all working together ... it wasn't like in the Next Gen episode I keep thinking of, where they eventually realise they're looping and find the message in Data and it feels like they worked together to solve it
it feels like this show ... cuts corners
it wants to give us the exciting parts and the emotional pay off without actually doing any of the work, is the best way I can think to explain it
it was ... choppy and confused
that sums the show up to be honest.
they went on and on about how they’re telling a big serialised story, but it isn’t even? we’ve had these weird interlude episodes with Sarek and now Mudd where stuff just happens just because? and they keep TELLING us they’re fighting a war but it doesn’t feel like they’re in one! 
if they’re going to do serialised season long arcs then they need to do way way better, like I just binge watched 9 episodes of Stranger Things yesterday! I know what a good serial narrative looks like and this is not it!
and if they’re going to do episodic then they need to do way way better
the plot of this was just confused nonsense that was weirdly focused around Michael and Tyler’s relationship more than anything else ... it just feels like they’re mashing a bunch of random rubbish together and hoping it works, rather than like a carefully crafted story on either an episodic OR a serial level!
and now I’m just thinking about how much I want to go watch some fun time loop episodes - like man, give me SG1 stuck in a time loop doing stupid shit any day, at least that was fun AND made sense
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magenta-storm · 7 years
Well episode 3 was a little better, but still disappointing. 
What the fuck even was that horrendous Alice in Wonderland crap? I wanted to jump off a cliff. Like with the Starfleet insignia in the sand thing, that's the sort of thing that belongs at least a season or two later after you care about the character and it's been effectively set up. Then that could have been effective at doing something other than what it did do, which was be cripplingly embarrassing. I can't understand why they didn't at least put the scene with the book first. It just felt weird afterwards. Like, duh, of course I figured out she read it as a child, you were supposed to tell me that before, not now! 
Tilly is incredibly annoying. I'm 60% sure I hate her.  Why is she even there? She barely belongs in Starfleet, let alone on a major vessel during a war. It worked alright with Reg Barclay, but she doesn’t fit with the darker tone. Why isn’t she in a research station or something like that? I like Reg, I like Tal Celes, I even didn’t mind Ezri by my third viewing. She’s either a lot more annoying than them or I’m just so annoyed by the show I have less patience for her. 
I hoped Stamets would be a loveable grumpy asshole character, but so far he's just an asshole. I'd seen gifs of a few of his lines before watching and they seemed funny and I thought I would love him but in context they're less funny, more whiny douchebag. I'm only giving him another chance because he's gay, but if he doesn't improve in an episode or two I'll be very disappointed. 
I’m hoping Tilly and Stamets’ bad qualities will be toned down a bit in later eps. I’m hoping this is just a case of characters sometimes being exaggerated in their first appearance. Julian was quite annoying in his first scene. Harry was... not annoying per se, but much more naive and he certainly would have been annoying if he’s stayed like that for very long. However, I worry that Discovery doesn’t have a long enough season for that to be a very likely explanation.
A few days ago when I saw an article about how Discovery would throw away Roddenberry's rule about crew-members not having big conflicts with each other, I made a comment about how I was wary that would mean they'd have characters do that stupid 'withholding pertinent information for no reason' thing to create conflict. And yep. Of course. We have Michael letting everyone believe she's a crazy, war-mongering terrorist or something, instead of explaining her reason for mutinying to anyone. 
Ok, we're probably supposed to believe she feels so guilty she wants to be punished blah blah blah and I'd buy that a lot better if she wasn't supposed to have been raised Vulcan. Vulcans are honest to a fault, so why would she omit information? If it's just because she feels guilty about something she knows wasn't her fault, logical behaviour that ain't. Or was her not telling anyone the truth just meant to make Lorca seem really smart for figuring it out by himself? If so, they could have found something a bit less clumsy.
The worst part is, there could still be conflict that would actually make sense, they just didn't bother. If she explained what happened, some crew-members would probably think she was lying, some would believe her and think she didn't do anything wrong and some would believe mutiny is never acceptable even if you think the captain is making a grave mistake. Voila, character conflict that is varied and based on a thing that actually happened, rather than a bunch of petty children sniping at each other over a situation no one has the full picture of because no one could be bothered to communicate.
Is she ever going to tell the crew, or are they just going to eventually accept her despite having been given no reason to believe she didn't do exactly what they think she did? That had better not happen. I absolutely fucking hate when characters do things that make absolutely no sense just to push the plot along and especially when it's totally unnecessary, when just a few lines of dialogue would make it all make sense. 
Unless of course, the writers are actually writing it as if it is her fault and she needs redemption. That idea is so stupid I never would have even thought of it but I saw another post that suggested it, and after thinking about it a bit, I must headdesk and agree that does sound like the type of nonsensical bullshit many writers seem to think is... powerful, or something? I've seen it before and I hate it so much. 
Lorca's possibly shady experiments remind me of Equinox. I hope it's not too similar, because that will only highlight Discovery's inferiority to the other Treks. 
I think I'd like Discovery quite a bit more if it were differently structured. If it had started out with episode 3 and shown bits of the first 2 episodes through flashbacks, I'm pretty sure I'd be a lot more engaged and a lot less annoyed. 
Also, whilst Star Trek certainly goes overboard with unrealistic optimism sometimes, Discovery has gone too far in the opposite direction. It's too grim, the characters are too flawed, it doesn't feel like Star Trek. I don't really like anyone much yet, at best I can say there are a few characters I don't know enough about to dislike yet.
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bex-pendragon · 6 years
Star Trek: Discovery re-watch
* Contains spoilers, speculation, analysis, and all that jazz
Episode 3: Context is for Kings
We meet up with Michael Burnham six months later. She’s been in prison and she’s lost that look of wonder at the majesty of space from episode 1. In the scene where the prisoner transfer shuttle is in distress, she doesn’t even react. 
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We don’t see that look of wonder again until she discovers the spore room, only this time it’s tinged with a hint of wariness. Burnham has no idea what’s going on. She has no context. (I couldn’t find a gif of this exact scene, but Sonequa’s facial expressions are SO GOOD.) She’s on a ship of people who know exactly who she is, and they all kind of hate her. 
Saru, recalling their history, tries to be nice at first, but only because he thinks she’s leaving soon:
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Keyla Detmer can’t look her in the eye. Once Tilly realises who she is, she doesn’t want to be friends anymore:
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And Stamets is grumpy because he’s all about the crazy science side of Starfleet, not the militaristic side:
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Burnham ends up on the Discovery by accident – or so we’re led to believe. Let me just get this out there: I never trusted Captain Lorca. I thought he was shady from the get-go. And I think the way his scenes are framed are meant to convey that to the audience. In his first scene, he’s lurking in the dark behind a desk in a mostly empty office. We hear his voice before we see his face. We get a bit of exposition about this eye problems (which will be important later!) There is a moment where he comes around the desk to speak to Burnham and she instinctively backs away. They repeated that motif of Lorca approaching and Burnham backing the hell off in their final scene together as well, which is a nice bit of symmetry. The acting is so damn good, I can’t even put it into words.
At first Burnham has no interest in working on a starship again. Lorca cons her into it because there are no free rides on the Discovery and he wants to put her skills to work. 
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And so beings Burnham’s journey down the rabbit hole. Just like Alice in Wonderland, she sees a bunch of weird stuff she doesn’t understand. The captain’s a weirdo with a single tribble and a bowl of fortune cookies. 
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There are officers with black badges and a roomful of spores. She gets tasked with working on code she doesn’t have any context for. So she relies on her best assets – her keen mind and her skills – to figure out what the hell is going on. She theorizes that the Discovery is experimenting with new weapons technology and when she confronts Lorca with this information, she gets context at last: the Discovery isn’t experimenting with weapons. They’re experimenting with a faster way to travel.
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A lot of people complained this was a continuity error. Starfleet didn’t have that kind of tech at this point in their history or any point thereafter! If they had, Voyager wouldn’t have been stranded in the delta quadrant and finding a wormhole near DS9 wouldn’t have been as big a deal. Again, context is king. My first thought was “obviously they’ll discover this tech is unstable over the course of the season, they’ll have to stop using it and everything will be classified away”. It’s not a continuity error if they explain it. Most plotholes can be overcome with the bare minimum of imagination.
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By the end of the episode, Burnham accepts Lorca’s offer to stay on the ship and help. He appeals to her intelligence, sends her on an away mission and eventually gives her the context she was hoping for. It’s manipulative as hell and it WORKS. That’s the kind of guy Lorca is. He’s interested in what people can do for him and his mission. This is another reason why I thought he was shady from the start. That, and the office full of skeletons and grisly trophies. There is nothing about the way Lorca is presented to the audience that suggests he’s a nice dude. Everything about the man screams shady.
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I also have to talk about my darling Sylvia Tilly. She’s so cute and awkward and I just want to hug her. She’s a sweetheart but she’s also ambitious. She wants to be a captain someday and she won’t let anything hold her back. This makes for a great dynamic with Burnham. There’s so much these two can learn from each other.
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I also love Saru, but I’ll get to that later.
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0 notes