#when i got kokomi and venti one after another when i wanted to roll for dori and candace
wentian 1 year
are you kidding me game
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mrpenguinpants 3 years
Hello!!! It's me! The waiting for a male 5star anon! It's been quite awhile, and I've heard you've had a birthday! Congratulations, feel free to take one of my four Mona's as a gift (she's c3) :)
I believe I last time I told you of getting Zhongli (but I cant actually find that post so I'll mention it again anyways), and since then a lot has happened, but also a lot has not happened really.
After Zhongli, I actually went after Klee! The plan was, try for Klee, lose the 50/50, and use the guarantee on Kazuha.
Then I won the 50/50 lmao. Exploring the Golden apple archipelago with Klee was a new level of immersion and very fun. Lossing the 50/50 to another Mona, however, was less fun, although it did give me a guarantee, and that guarantee was the bane of my account for the next few months. You see, with no husbandos around after the release of Inazuma, I set my sights upon Ayaka, and because I was guaranteed, I got quite attached to her. I was just waiting until I had enough primos to roll her. I was at 74 pity when disaster struck. Raiden leaked. The archon. I did the math and there was little chance if I rolled Ayaka that I could get Baal, and as a archon collector, I couldn't afford that chance. So I skipped and saved for the longest time I've ever done in Genshin, until it was Baal's banner. Naturally she came very early, although I went up after her to 30 pity because I'm addicted and I wanted Sara. At some point during Baal's banner, my gambling addiction demanded blood, and so as an already Baal-haver, I rolled on the weapon banner. 13 Pity, yolo pull, engulfing lighting. First weapon banner 5star. Oh lord.
After that, I heard about Childe rumours, and decided to save once again (reluctantly) for the rerun husband. That brings us to the present, wherein I had 31 pity, enough primos to get to 50/50 and roughly 50 more pulls after. And a dream.
Tbh I shouldn't of worried, I got him at 61 pity lmao, on the 50/50, my second 50/50 win.
I did math, and at this rate with my previously saved primos I can hit 50/50 for Itto already, and should be able to get some over once again. Sooo maybe I'll revisit your blog with news once again lol
But Itto is the future, and right now Childe is the present.
I realised something. Childe has always been the true bro.
In his first rerun banner, he recognised that my account was too young to support his complex playstyle, I didn't have enough investment in any of my characters, I needed a straight forward dps. And so, our glorious comrade gave me Diluc. And because Comrade Childe is so generous, by giving me Diluc he also gave me a guarantee, to let me get Zhongli, and become stronger through the two of them combined. And now, with my account strong and ready to support him, he has decided to join my account, just as he always intended to. And with that, I have my dream husbandos team Diluc, Childe, Zhongli, and Venti. It was a long road, and I'm excited to continue my journey :')
Lol did this hit the word limit? It won't tell me whoops
YOOO!!! HI 5 STAR ANON!!! Welcome back and thank you! I'm turning old and my mental breakdown is coming that much closer WOOO. It's right on the edge of my brain and I can literally feel it pressing against my skull but I have learned nothing in my 10+ years of life so I'm ignoring it until I eventually collapse onto myself :D (this is a cry for help-)
But thank you for the Mona haha. I got scammed on the Kokomi banner and got Qiqi but I used Mona more since she's fast and I need to speedrun the story tonight or else I can't say hi to kazuha (I JUST REMINDED MYSELF I NEED TO DO THAT FUCKKK)
But yes getting back on topic. I kinda love this interaction we have with each other. It's like a weird/bimonthly family gathering where we just small talk until we're allowed to go home haha. I mean, if you wanted Klee then it was a good thing because I don't really see the logic in trying for a 5 star you don't want and tossing the coin flip to lose. That's what I did for Kokomi. Rolled for her on a 50/50 and if I lost, that's a guarantee for Itto and if I won, yay I have kokomi now.
But playing ppl like diona, klee, sayu, and qiqi is kinda fun just because of the size perspective haha. But saving is vv good and honestly, low-key wished that banners were longer so it would give me more time but I completely understand why cause content and what the fuck is impulse control. I also really wanted Ayaka but I was holding off because I didn't REALLY need her and I knew Gorou and Thoma were coming out. Which I knew were probably going to be 4 stars but if mihoyo pulled an uno reverse card out of their ass then I was gonna cry. But Ayaka does so much fucking damage for no reason???? anytime I'm in a co-op domain and someone plays her she just shoots numbers out of her fan and everything is dead now. Yoimiya as well, they both do so much damage and I'm really sad I didn't roll for them but alas, my hubris. But I love how you wrote this ask, it's like I'm reading an adventure book but it's gacha. Which to be fair, is an adventure. But I'm pretty sure I did the same. I didn't know when Thoma/Gorou would be out and just assumed it was after raiden and there was no way I was gonna be able to save in time for I went for raiden and saved everything else for the next banners.
"my gambling addiction demanded blood"
Thank you for the new status. This is mine now. But congrats on the weapon pull :D I really want some weapons cause holy shit are they fucking pretty but I must look away. I was so close to getting Kokomi's catalyst cause FUCK ME that's pretty. But she didn't come home and her catalyst is garbage on pretty much everyone else besides I GUESS barbara. I think there are leaks for yae's weapon?? I think?? There's a catalyst out there somewhere and it's super pretty and I want it but itto supremacy.
BUT I BELIEVE IN THE DREAM. GET YOUR MANS. But there's also the topic of itto who also has gorou on his banner. Plus thoma who is on hutao but gorou and thoma are both 4 stars so therefore, not my priority. But Childe is a bro. Like I shit on him a lot but man has helped me through so much besides when he decides he wants to hit the one hilichurl behind him and not the massive army in front of us.
Honestly, that last paragraph, if I knew how to draw I would draw a comic. Just child hovering above his banner, looking at your account, shaking his head and dragging Diluc over and shoving him into the saiyan wish star. When it's time for Zhongli to tag out with Childe, Childe stop's him midway to give him a firm hand on the shoulder, a nod, and he walks out as his banner fades away into orange. "You know what to do Mr.Zhongli.". What a fucking homie dude.
Side note, how the fuck do you write more in asks because I can't figure it out. I keep getting a 200-word limit this is mutiny.
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02kt 3 years
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so heres the breakdown after a week and some change... i now have 12 characters; 9 excluding freebies, and almost all of them are ascended
kokomi: i dont really use water characters unless im in the abyss trying to freeze enemies. shes cute but kind of slow and i already hate catalyst users by default but shes alright. also i wanted her from the event but reflecting i shouldve wished for xingqiu because hes a sword style. anyways, goldfish girl
sayu: i got her the other day... another anemo/wind character, which im fine with. shes fun enough to play with and i like her personality. her attacks are fast and i like her special move too. didnt expect to like her but i do.
rosaria: my would-be main if jean wasn't so all around fucking great. she is my everything!!!! i love her attack style, weapon, elemental bursts, characterization, storyline... i could go on for fucking hours, pls stop me. i will commit sins for this woman. this pixel woman. so blessed to have rolled her
jean: oh look my main. my first main at that! also my first five star i rolled with no effort whatsoever. what do i have to say, acting grand master just fucks ok? shes my go-to for climbing, running, and fanning out my elemental attacks. shes extremely fun and a staple character imo!
sucrose: i hate you. i hate you so fucking much. being a catalyst was enough but this bitch is so fucking useless... ive actually watched genshin players before say that shes a venti equivalent or better than him... i have no fucking comment. she does nothing, she dies everytime i pull her out, maybe i just dont know how to play with catalyst characters but she just sucks all of the fun out of fighting enemies for me. i hate you, please delete yourself <3
noelle: i would have created a similar rant for noelle before having played with her some more today. shes extremely helpful in the liyue region at least. everything geo, i go to this girl for. i feel guilty when i dont use her there since she breaks everything so easily and fights decently. i have a big four and it shows. anyways shes been very helpful so i wont say anything too bad about her. she is a little slow though whereas i enjoy more fast paced attacks and overall speedy characters
beidou: ah, my eyepatched queen. at first i didnt like her playstyle when i tried her out for the event but she grew to be a favorite go to. i have rolled 3 beidous by now in my career. highly unrecommended but at least i get to make progress on her constellation. (no xingqiu, i cry) nevertheless, i totally enjoy eletro characters so i feel very blessed to have her on board and paired with my beautiful one and only rosaria
xiangling: i have a very soft spot for her character wise. her story was entirely endearing and i think of her everytime i go to liyue to buy from her father. i was extremely excited to get my hands on a new pyro character as amber with her bow can be pretty limited as fighting goes. her attacks are swift and beautiful. i also enjoy goubas addition to the team. throughly a nice character, part of my big 4
barbara: youre entitled to love barbara if you love jean/rosaria. which i do love both entirely. so, yes. i REALLLYYYYY love her despite her catalyst weapon. her healing abilities make up for a majority of my hatred for catalyst characters. also i just believe that her hydro quality is very helpful when necessary. i would easily put her above kokomi.
lisa: love/hate relationship. i love her in the story with jean and her librarian whimsy but character-playability wise... i dont use her very often no, but when i do shes pretty fun. still i have my grief with catalystic characters. she dies too quickly but ive recently learned how to combine elements (i dont read the fucking instructions im sorry) anyways shes fine i guess but i can quickly say i hate her instead
kaeya: oh my pretty boy. pretty icy boy. if you knew how many times i have killed him during commissions, quest missions, the abyss... you would never let me main him ever again. i DO keep him out of my 4 BECAUSE of this. unless hes paired with rosaria, im fucking hopeless playing with him in hopes of doing cryo damage. its not like i dont like him!!! I FUCJING LOVE KAYEA ANSHHSJDJFJFJ ... but um yea i dont exactly know how to play with him so hes just my baby boy i keep stored away
amber: you are the one to hate! but i do not entirely hate you. i love your characterization, your design, BOBA????? pls, ok im sorry i dont hate her. shes my girl. i get excited everytime she pops up in the story. her bow attacks suck but at least shes useful for killing animals. i kill lots of birds with her. fowls are hard to come by ok??? anyways i love her even if i dont totally use her in battles
also the last character i got was sayu/xiangling 3 days ago so thats fun... (im stuck and i cant get another character, girl help)
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