#when i say all the wilkerson boys are definitely gay i MEAN it
scottsumrners · 2 years
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agaypanic · 8 months
I loved your Malcom x male reader story! Would it be possible for another? Maybe he’s a new neighbour or an exchange student from England or something? Go wild!
The New Neighbor (Malcolm Wilkerson X Male!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: When Malcolm sees a new family moving in next door, he’s ecstatic for a clean slate. But a clean slate isn’t the only thing Malcolm’s getting from you.
A/N: im sorry but i did in fact not go wild, this feels pretty bland tbh lmk if yall would want a second part, i just cant think of a way to continue this rn :/
It wasn’t every day you got a new neighbor. Most people wouldn’t think much of it; maybe send over some kind of baked goods if they were feeling nice.
But for the Wilkerson family, new neighbors meant new chances. They didn’t exactly have the best reputation in the neighborhood, mainly because of all the boys’ crazed antics. The family just had to make sure they got to the newcomers before anyone else in the neighborhood.
“Hi, can I help you?” You sounded exhausted, probably because you kept walking back and forth, unloading heavy ass boxes. Your parents were starting their new jobs today, but you didn’t start school until next Monday. So you decided to do a bit of unpacking when a boy about your age popped up on your lawn.
“I, uh, I was just coming back from school, and I noticed you weren’t there.” He scratched the back of his head, and you set down the box you were ready to carry inside. Realizing that what he said sounded a bit stalker-like, the boy adjusted his backpack straps and stood up slightly straighter. “Sorry, I don’t mean that in a weird way. I’m Malcolm, by the way. I’m your neighbor.” He pointed to your right, to a house and lawn that definitely stood out from the rest of the block.
“Oh! Yeah, I think I saw you and your brothers yesterday.” You walked down the lawn to get close enough to hold your hand out to Malcolm. “I’m Y/n. I’m starting school on Monday.”
He shook your hand, giving you a polite but somewhat nervous smile. Why he seemed nervous, you had no clue.
“Do you need, like, any help with this?” The two of you looked around your lawn. The movers your parents hired didn’t really care about putting the boxes in the rooms they were labeled for, or the house itself, for that matter. You were lucky it didn’t rain.
“If you don’t mind.”
Having Malcolm around turned out to be a lifesaver. He may have looked like a string bean, but you got the rest of the boxes in the house and in their respective rooms faster with him than you could have by yourself. Plus, he was able to unpack some of the stuff with you, which led to multiple conversations about different things that you apparently had in common.
“So why did you have to move?” Malcolm asked, flipping through one of your comic books.
“Parents got new jobs. Better pay, better school district, hopefully better people.”
“Did everyone at your old school suck?” You laughed lightly, sitting on your bed next to him. He closed the book, thumb between the pages to save his place, and looked at you.
“You could say that. Heard California’s more liberal than where we’re from, so there’s that, I guess.” You leaned back until your back hit the mattress, and Malcolm did the same. You both looked up at the ceiling.
“Why would that matter?” He asked. You took a deep inhale, and Malcolm panicked. “You don’t have to tell me. You know, if you don’t want to.”
“It’s fine.” You said before he could go into a fast-paced tangent. “It’s cool. Um, where I’m from, people aren’t really too fond of… They don’t like gay people that much.” There were a few beats of silence, and you panicked. What was wrong with you? You just met this guy, and here you were, telling him everything about your life.
“So… you’re gay?” Malcolm asked, fiddling with his flannel.
“Enough to not like me.” 
“Well, a lot of people don’t like me or my family. They think we’re kinda crazy or something.” You laughed. From your interactions so far, Malcolm seemed pretty normal. 
“I guess that if I get outcasted again, I have at least one person to hang out with.” You turned your head to see Malcolm already looking at you. You both smiled lightly at each other, as if in agreeance.
After a bit more chatting, you realized how late it was getting. You walked Malcolm out the front door and to the sidewalk. Before you could wave each other goodbye, you decided to bite the bullet.
“Hey, Malcolm?” He raised his brows, waiting for you to continue. You kicked invisible rocks, calming your growing nerves. Why you were nervous, you had no idea. “Do you wanna hang out sometime? You’re the only person I know right now, and you seem pretty cool.” Malcolm nodded almost immediately.
“Yeah, that sounds awesome! How does tomorrow sound? I can show you around town and stuff.” 
You grinned, nervousness washed away by Malcolm’s excitement.
“Sounds good to me. I can give you my number if you want; we can work out a time or something.” He nodded, so you held up a finger, signaling for him to stay and wait, and ran back into the house. You came out a few seconds later with a sharpie. “Roll up your sleeve.” Malcolm tilted his head questioningly but did it anyway. “Couldn’t find any paper.” You elaborated as you scribbled your number on his arm. You capped the marker and started to back away towards your house. “Text me.”
Malcolm in the Middle Taglist: @rattilol
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