#when im trying to be weird and gross on purpose i need to clarify what im being weird and gross about lest people think im going
blurrymango · 8 months
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When I look at her. The faggotry leaves my body. And my only desire. Is Asian women.
She is not thicc but she's a trained soldier or whatever so she could still crush my head between her thighs. Thank ffuck for that.
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bitch-out · 4 years
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OKAY i know you didn’t ask for a full length fic but... i couldnt help myself. here it is: 
Four times Alex saw signs that the world was changing to become more accepting of people like him, and the one time he actually realized it.
After finishing practice for the night, the band walked into Julie’s house. Luke immediately walked into the kitchen, wanting to see what meal her dad was whipping up. His obsession with watching lifers eat was starting to get a little concerning. Reggie followed after him, wanting to hang out with Julie’s dad. That was also a little concerning.
Julie plopped down on the couch next to her little brother, Carlos, who was watching a TV show that she didn’t recognize. Alex hopped over the couch and took a seat next to her, looking at the screen intently.
“What is he watching?” Alex asked, reclining into the couch.
Julie shrugged in response. “I’m not sure…”
Carlos looked over to her with a questioning expression. “Huh?” Oh crap. She needed to stop talking to the boys while other people were around. It made her look absolutely bonkers.  
“…what you’re watching! I’m not sure what you’re watching.” She said quickly, trying to avoid any awkwardness. “What is it?”
He seemed to buy it, letting her weirdness go. “Oh, I’m watching this new show. I forget what it’s called. It’s about this girl who accidentally gets musical superpowers after getting stuck by lightning.”
“Cool,” she answered, settling into the couch. She and Alex watched for a few minutes before looking at each other in confusion. They had absolutely no idea what was going on in the show. They looked at the screen as the main character sighed dramatically, slamming her door while running out of her house. “I’m lost. What’s happening? Why is she so mad?” Julie asked.
Carlos rolled his eyes. “She’s in a fight with her dads right now because they won’t let her go to this big party. Now shhh! It’s getting juicy!”
Luke’s eyes went wide as the scene switched to the main characters dads, who were sharing a tender moment while discussing their child. Two dads? On television? Without it being played off as a joke? He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the screen.
Julie looked at him inquisitively, noticing his surprised expression. She raised an eyebrow.
“I see.” A soft smile settled on his face. “Cool.” He bit his lip and leaned back.
“Cool.” She agreed. She almost said something, but then decided it would be better for her to wait for him to tell her.
“People watching in 2020 is way better than people watching in the 90’s.” Reggie stated as they walked through downtown LA. They were killing time while Julie was at school. They passed a man in a superhero costume who was taking pictures with tourists.
“I know right?” Luke agreed. “I love looking over people’s shoulder and watching what they’re doing on those… high tech cellphone things.”
“Smartphones,” Alex offered.
“Smartphones, right.”
Reggie ran over to a middle aged guy in a suit sitting on a bench who was looking intently at his phone. “Look at this guy! He’s looking at an article called ‘How to tell if you have foot fungus’.” He wrinkled his nose. “Gross. You might wanna get that checked out, buddy,” patting his shoulder, his hand passing right through.
Luke looked around for someone else to observe. “Okay see the one over there in the blue striped shirt eating a chili dog?” He pointed over to his left to a man walking away from a hot dog stand.  
The man went to take a bite out of his chili dog but dripped it all down the front of his shirt. “Oooooh…. Missed his mouth on that one,” Luke said, cringing.
“That’s nasty,” Alex chimed in.
A guy who looked to be around their age speed walked past them, looking down. He brushed his shaggy blonde hair out of his face as he grinned down at his phone. He was obviously walking with a purpose.
“This guy is hustling! Cmon!” Reggie grinned, jogging after him. Luke and Alex ran over to catch up, all three of them following in pursuit. They all looked over his shoulder to read his text messages. He was texting someone he had named “babe <3” in his contacts.
Can’t wait to see u, his text read, im right around the corner
Reggie whistled. “His girlfriend’s probably a complete hottie if he’s that excited to see her-”
As they turned the corner, the blonde stranger they were following put his phone away as he caught sight of someone. He broke into a run and bear hugged the person, wrapping his arms around them and lifting them off the ground. As he pulled away, it was revealed that the person he was hugging was a brunette guy around the same age as them.
The brunette murmured something, his lips quirking into a smirk. The blonde teen let out a laugh, then pulled him into a kiss.
Alex nearly gasped in surprise, looking around to notice that… not a singular person was looking over. Everyone was just going about their day as normal. No glares, no sneers, not even a scoff.
It felt like the breath was sucked out of his lungs. Was this… normal? The couple broke apart and joined hands, continuing down the street. Alex couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. No one had even batted an eyelash at the public display of affection.
To him, it hadn’t been that long ago since 1995. When even looking at someone for too long would get you called a slur. When his own father would call him a-
“Alex? You good?” He was broken out of his thoughts by Luke looking over at him concernedly.
Alex opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by someone else.
“There you guys are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”
They turned around in tandem to see Julie standing there, her eyes sparkling. And they continued with their day, moment forgotten.
Alex found himself once again alone with Julie, hanging out with her in her room. He was the only member of the band she would let hang out with her in here, which filled him with an odd sort of pride.
They were currently listening to one of her Spotify playlists. Julie was doing homework on her bed and Alex was tapping his drumsticks on his knee, following the beat of the song they were listening to. He was getting into the groove of the song “This song has a good beat!” he exclaimed. “What is this?”
She grinned at him. “It’s called ‘Girls like Girls’ by Hayley Kiyoko!” She stood up on her bed, dropping her homework and singing into an imaginary microphone as the chorus hit. She belted at the top of her lungs, “Girls like girls like boys do, nothing new~” She laughed as she flopped back onto her bed.
He gaped at her, surprised that she was treating it with such nonchalance. In the 90’s, this would have been music you listened to at 2 am when your parents were asleep. “Is this a… popular song?” he asked.
“Yeah, I mean it’s from like 2015 so it’s basically ancient but it’s still pretty popular.” She turned back to her homework and picked up her pen. “I think the music video has like over 100 million hits on YouTube or something like that.”
His jaw dropped even further “100 million?”
The timer on her phone went off. The words BAND PRACTICE blared across the screen with the chime of her ringtone. “I’ll show it to you later! But we have to go to rehearsal right now.”
He shook his head and followed her out of the room.
As both his friends were pulled away by girls saucily dancing in feathered blue outfits, Alex stood awkwardly like a fish out of water. Covington slid up to him with a sly smirk on his face. “Come now. You can’t be the only one not dancing.”
“No, I… I know.” Alex sputtered. “I’m just…” Not into dancing with girls? No, he couldn’t just say that. He didn’t want to cause a scene. He pointed over his shoulder. “I’m looking for Willie,” he finished lamely.
Covington seemed to read him like an open book. He smiled and gestured with open palms. “Dante! Fuego!” Two handsome men slid up to either side of him. “Meet Alex.” The linked arms with him.
Alex looked at them, surprised. How did he know? Is this like a theater thing? Or… “You’re welcome,” Covington smirked, ducking down. Is this normal here…?
His thoughts were cut off as he was lifted up over Covington’s head and pulled into a fast-paced dance.
“Slow down Willie!” Alex shouted, running after his brunette friend as he skated through lifers and tore down the street.
Willie laughed and hopped off his board, picking it up off the ground. He waited for Alex to catch up with him “Relax, we’re almost here…”
Alex was too busy catching his breath to realize they were in the middle of a giant crowd. Lifers walked through them every few seconds like it was nothing “Wh-What is this?” Alex asked, looking around. Everyone was wearing colorful clothing and most were wearing some kind of glitter.
The skater laughed and grabbed his hand, pulling him toward the street. “We’re skating the floats, dude.” He pointed at the bright floats that were parading down the street.
Was this some kind of festival or something? Alex wondered. “Why is everything so… colorful?”
Willie looked at him like he was missing something obvious. “It’s June. Pride month.” Alex didn’t know what that was. He looked around, trying to figure it out. “You’ve never seen a pride parade before?” Willie questioned. Then, he realized. “Right. Right, you’re a 90’s ghost. I keep forgetting about that.” He slapped his forehead.
Then, he realized what this was. Alex turned to his right and saw two women kissing. A couple of guys his age were holding hands right next to him. Signs as far as the eye could see read ‘here and queer’ and ‘all you need is love’ and ‘love is love’ and countless other sayings. His breath stuttered in his chest “This is…”
“I know. Pretty cool, right?” Willie asked, sounding pretty nonchalant. He was scouting out the floats, focused on his task.
“And this is all for…” Alex hesitated, “For gay people?”
“All LGBTQ+ people, technically, but yeah dude.” Willie clarified. He grinned, his eyes set on a float just down the road. He found the perfect route.
“So it really is different now, huh?” Alex asked, his voice cracking slightly. Willie looked back in alarm, not realizing how much this was impacting the drummer beside him. A tear rolled down his cheek, but his smile could not be bigger. Alex continued, “Like I had hoped it was, and there’s been some signs, but this is…” He covered his mouth to hide a sob.
Willie walked over to his side, dropping his skateboard and taking his hand gently. “Yeah, Alex. It’s different. Better. Not perfect, but... a lot better.” He squeezed his hand.
“It’s amazing.” Alex said, wiping the tears from his eyes with his sleeve and grinning. He let out a laugh as a drag queen passed by and waved at the crowd, blowing kisses.
The skater couldn’t take his eyes off of Alex. He was absolutely glowing, basking in the atmosphere of the parade. “You know what? Let’s forget the skating.” Willie decided, taking his skateboard from the side of the street and tucking it in an alley.
“Huh?” Alex was confused. Willie wanted to... not go skating?
“It’s time to get your pride on, Alex.”
Together, they spent the rest of the day exploring every area of pride, ducking through crowds and sneaking onto floats. There was even one point where they ran through a huge glitter cannon, getting absolutely covered in glitter.
After it was all done, Willie teleported back to Julie’s house with him to drop him off.
“That was the most fun I’ve ever had.” Alex admitted, his smile seemed to be permanently glued to his face.
“Me too. I’ve been to tons of pride parades, but none of them were as fun as this one.” Willie admitted.
“Really? What was different about this one? Was it the glitter cannon? It was probably the glitter cannon-”
“It was you, Alex.” The skater said quietly, brushing a couple stray pieces of glitter off of the taller boy’s cheek.
“Oh,” Alex breathed, looking down at Willie. His heart was racing a mile a minute. He hadn’t realized they were standing so close together.
Willie hesitated for a moment. Was this the moment? He didn’t want to rush Alex. He was probably overwhelmed enough after experiencing his first pride. He smiled up at the blonde and patted him on the shoulder. “Goodnight, Alex.” He stepped away and turned to leave.
He was just about to teleport when he heard “Wait!”
Willie turned around Alex kissed him.
He stiffened at first, surprised. Before he could respond, Alex pulled away and looked at him in panic.
“I’m so sorry, I thought-”
Willie grabbed him by the lapels and dragged him down, kissing him heatedly. Alex responded with enthusiasm, wrapping his arms around his waist.
“ABOUT TIME!” someone hollered from behind him.
They broke away to see Luke and Reggie beaming. They both ran over and hugged them both in a group hug. “We thought you two would never figure it out.” Luke said, causing Reggie to laugh. 
“Happy pride, Alex”. Willie murmured, squished up against his side. And Alex couldn’t have been happier.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. im sorry i just noticed the "her butt looks like an upside down heart" panel (which is already gross lmao i hate him) literally just looks like a ball sack 💀 like what is this??? kids read this??
2. FHGSKDFDS i love the ppl who are like 'well the art sucks anyway that could explain why the pay is so bad' like?? 😭
3.  Smythe's treatment of the Minthe story is so bizarre. Minthe is a low-ranking nymph, Persephone is among the most important gods, a child of Zeus. The idea that Minthe is a genuine threat to someone like Persephone and cheering for her demise is so odd, it's like claiming that mortal Semele could ever have the upper hand in a rivalry with Hera, the queen of gods. The power imbalance is insane and it's weird that this is hailed as a yass queen moment for her, like Minthe ever stood a chance
From OP: To clarify, the assistant would have to do 20 panels for a week (from what was stated). However, it definitely has to be done before a week since it has to be ready by Sunday. With the pay of $450 USD total, that’s $22.50 per panel. I think the assistant would spend 30 - 45 min  per panel if RS is hiring someone who can do it fast.
I’m iffy on the payment but I still need to clarify because I feel some of these asks have some misleading information or misinterpreted the post in this next section.
4. im sorry but rachel going "i work 150 hours a week on LO!" is such bullshit lmao. girl if youre spending that much time on it why does it look that bad then? also if it takes that much work then the ppl should be paid MORE for it, not under min wage like she's trying 💀 also thats basically admitting shes fine with subpar and even bad work when its like ... girl just take a few months off, the terminally online persona aint working.
5. rachel doubling down saying each LO ep is 60 panels and how she spends 150+ hrs on it a week is so like ... ma'am you know that makes you look worse, right?? especially bc we know damn well shes not doing all this extra stuff she claims (lettering, backgrounds, shading, inking, panelling, etc) so like??? is she just admitting she's bad at time management??? bc if she actually (or rlly her team) spend that much time a week on an ep and it still looks like That after all of it... 🤡
6. you know what the nastiest part is about this pay discourse? rachel is purposely ONLY posting this on her social media instead of through actual artist scouting, because she knows theyd laugh at how much work shes demanding for such little pay, but her fans would do anything to "be friends" with her, so they wont question her or her actions. this is so shady of her to do.
7. rachel should prove the haters wrong and actually do the art instead of having five other people who get no character sheets and only sketches to work off of and paying damn near nothing for it, that'll show em.
8. tbh the most insidious part about rachel scamming her fans out of work is that we know not only will they not get a cent out of the FP money, but eventually she'll put them in a print book, meaning she'll be making even MORE money off their work, while they don't get a cent from it. more so, unlike other comics with actual backgrounds, VFX, lettering, etc, lineart and flats are the ONLY thing that goes into LO, so they are quite literally doing all her work. i'm disappointed by unsurprised.
From OP: You know, that’s actually a really good point. Especially if they aren’t going to be a long term artist.
9. the amount of LO stans defending how badly rachel is paying and then going "id work for free just to brag i worked with her!" is so??? bad??? just because you like LO does not mean you should let her pay so low or even get free work out of you, bc at the end of the day SHE is getting all the fp money, the merch sales, and eventually she'll put that underpriced work in a book and make even more money off of it while you get nothing out of it. shes banking off "for exposure" instead of actual pay.
10. rachel deleting her tweet showing shes shit at paying for labor only she benefits from and being roasted in the QRTS about it ... name a more iconic duo than her and her easily bruised ego, ill wait.
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im just gonna fuck u up ALL for hades AND idk uhhh kiki sure that's prolly ur hardest one lmao have fun w that
wow man 
A = Aftercare Hades is honestly...not the best at cuddling. He can, but around the uh... 5 minute...10 minute MAX mark, he starts feeling sticky and gross and he’s like ok i need 2 go shower or something this is terrible brb, 
B = Body part Hades knows he is an attractive person. He thinks he looks AMAZING. Fave part? All of them. On Belle, I mean, he loves her for her mind first i have to clarify this before i go on to say boobs he really-- likes them ok i 
C = CumGross. Cum is sticky and gross and he’d rather not deal with it. Plus of condoms man-- get all that cum in one place. 
D = Dirty Secret Uhhhhhhhhh gosh so many probably in terms of what he wants to do to Belle. He definitely wants to go down on her. He probably has imagined her going down on him. hades makes me uncomfortable
E = Experience Hades only had a few ish partners before Belle. He only rly ever had nondescript sex, usually quickies. He faked like #makinglove if it got him a room 2 sleep in ahhahF = Favourite Position Uh he’s fucked a lot from behind that’s as good one he has maximum control G = Goofy: Hades has the potential to be goofy. He has...never been goofy before during sex. I think he and Belle exchanged some cute silly words a few times mostly to break the tension or make Belle feel at ease. I’d love to see his goofier sideH = Hair: Hades keeps himself immaculately trimmed (doesn’t shave but-- trimmed). Very well groomed.  I = Intimacy: With Belle, he is very intimate. He likes looking in her eyes and stuff, very much wants to make sure she is taken care of. J = Jack Off Hades rly isn’t into masturbating tbh. He’d have to get a real itch to do it, otherwise, he just ignores it bc he has that gr8 level of control and sex has never been a big part of his life. 
sides u try being a 14 year old masturbating while there r ghosts in ur shower see how far that gets uK = KinkUh idk if Hades is educated enough in the wacky world of sex to have many ‘kinks.’ Like, besides maybe wanting to change it up with Belle and do more oral lmao I don’t think he’s that wild of a guy. Again, he rly is demisexual-- sex is not a big part of his life/concerns. L = Location A shower is nice bc clean up and sex all in one!  M = Motivation Mostly for intimacy purposes. If Belle wants to do it? Idk. When he’s feeling all soft and vulnerable lmao
N = NO Uh well Hades is like so pragmatic he could do honestly anything if asked tbh? I don’t think he has any moral qualms. If Belle wants to be slapped a’ight. Dress up as a beast? (heheh) A’ight. O = Oral Hades likes the idea of giving Belle oral bc he takes pleasure from giving pleasure it makes him feel #powerfulP = Pace answeredQ = Quickie answeredR = RiskansweredS = Stamina Hades has relatively good stamina. Probably bounce back in a half hour and bc he showers after sex, he isn’t one to fall asleep. He could go again. T = Toy Not yet!!! Toys would honestly make him real amused at first, but ok if his partner wants... U = Unfair Hades would LOVE teasing Belle. He’s actually more playful than u’d think and I think that’s why the idea of going down on her is so appealing ehheV = Volume Not noisy at all. He does a couple deep grunts u know that kinda thing. But rly he has amazing self control and he can be entirely silent if needed. W = Wild Card gosh uh-- Hades has given a bloke a handjob once and pickpocketed him after. look, he and seph needed 2 eat seph did tarot readings and hades gave handjobs, 
X = X-RayHades is about 6.5, sort of sleeender. It’s a leftie bc he’s a leftie hehe Y = Yearning I wanna say he’s kind of neutral here for the most part. When he realized he was in love with Belle and like-- makes out with her and stuff, he does wanna #getiton but sex rly is never at the forefront of his mind. He’s just as satisfied cuddling on the couch, doing a crossword. Z = ZZZNope! Not until he cleans himSELF 
A = Aftercare KIKI IS A VIRGIN i imagine she’ll be cuddly tho? 
B = Body part KIKI IS A VIRGIN uh she rly loves her legs tbh loves wearing heels and being EVEN TALLER she’s never been self conscious about her height. 
C = CumKIKI IS A VIRGIN weirdly enough i feel like she’d be fascinated by cum i feel like a weirdo saying that 
D = Dirty Secret KIKI IS A VIRGIN kiki has had sex dreams and she’s always like uh that was weird, in the morning. 
E = Experience KIKI IS A VIRGINF = Favourite Position KIKI IS A VIRGING = Goofy: KIKI IS A VIRGINH = Hair: KIKI IS A VIRGIN but she! doesn’t really save down there at all! I mean does some trimming and stuff but she’s got a nice lil bushI = Intimacy: KIKI IS A VIRGIN but i feel like she’ll be pretty romantic. Kiki has always been kinda demisexual tbh so if she does have sex, the emotional connection needs 2 be thereJ = Jack Off this one makes me really uncomfortable... i mean... i dunno i feel like she hasn’t done it much she’s rly so stressed and barely thinks about sex and when she gets in her depressive funks she just sleeps all the time and barely has energy to like feed herself so she’s probably done it a bit when she was younger. not so much nOW 
K = KinkKIKI IS A VIRGINL = Location KIKI IS A VIRGIN uh she...on her broom sure M = Motivation Romance and intimacy!!
N = NO Kiki will not want to hURT herself i know that up front ahaha. O = Oral KIKI IS A VIRGIN  idk ppl tbh i sorta feel like she’d like giving oral P = Pace KIKI IS A VIRGIN she likes 2 go fast on her broom so WHO KNOWSQ = Quickie KIKI IS A VIRGIN i mean she could get down for that she’d probably think it’s kinda funny like teehee R = RiskKIKI IS A VIRGIN and tbh she’d be really unsure. she’d need instructions. like she’d need her partner to walk thru it and maybe to watch porn of whatever they were trying to help her visualize and understand ahaha she’s a total -claw so S = Stamina KIKI IS A VIRGIN but honestly she’d probably have great stamina T = Toy KIKI IS A VIRGIN  broomstick U = Unfair KIKI IS A VIRGIN i could totally see her teasing her partner a lot. Like lil handjobs and stuff under tables and inappropriate places, she’d get a lot of enjoyment from making someone else pleasured + happy ughV = Volume KIKI IS A VIRGIN uhhhh she’s really practiced at crying quietly to herself so jiji wont hear so. . . W = Wild Card one of her sex dreams was about MAUI why not she follows him on insta and thinks he’s really cute,,, 
X = X-Rayummmm kiki has a nice dark, lush bush as stated befoooore. uhhh kiki hasn’t really looked at her own vagina much honestly and tbh i have not looked at enough differences in vaginas to really visualize this Y = YearningKiki kinda yearns for a relationship in a way like-- she doesn’t think about it much, but when she does it def bums her out and she feels lonely and watches kdramas and other rom coms in her bed alone ahah. She doesn’t really yearn for the sex part as much as she does someone who will...love her and believe in her and make her feel special, since she’s always feel so not special :/ Z = ZZZtbh i think she’d be the type to get energized from sex like the energizer bunny like WAHOO TIME TO GO AGAIN/DO SPELLS/RIDE ON MY BROOM 
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