#when in need of something to cheer yourself up. draw a shitpost
salty-an-disco · 4 months
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swarmishstrangers · 7 months
Your blog, fics and headcanons always cheer me up! Your art is so neat too. Ive been lurking around here for a bit when I feel like I need my crops watered. Question, can I get headcannon of mallek x reader where the reader is an artist? somehow was able to accept commissions while on Alternia? I feel like the vibe of them just silently drawing and him coding in the background is super cute. What do you think?
AUGRHGAA TYYY!!!! I'm glad you like the art, writing, and headcanons! I've also definitely had the thoughts of Mallek being with an s/o who works a lot on computers for digital art stuff, mainly cause it sounds peaceful af.
Okay, so! Artist is a pretty loose term that could apply to a lot of things, but you specify them drawing here, so I'll go over Mallek x reader, both of them being either a traditional artist or a digital artist.
Traditional Artist:
🎨Starting with the traditional artist! Dunno if any of you consider yourselves to be fairly clean but either way if you were to stay over at his hive a lot and for convenience's sake, leave some of your art stuff at his place..it only adds to the chaos that his hive, "damn girl you live like this?" Idk! I just imagine all sorts of physical stuff traditional artist's use. Different types of paint and paintbrushes, charcoal, watercolors, colored pencils, paper, canvases, etc. Your art stuff adds a whole other thing to look at in his hive and honestly? He's here for it. He thinks art is cool. I mean..he can do tattoos, so of course he'd have some appreciation for a s/o who does artsy stuff. He also like those moments where he finds you just covered in your art supplies. Charcoal all over your arms and even smudged on your face for when you couldn't fight a itch and scratched at it, your hands and fingers smudged with paint or oil pastels...he just finds it incredibly charming.
🎨Oh also on the subject of paint uhh. May or may not be something you're comfortable with using considering that paint on Alternia is made from the blood of trolls. Depends whether or not you can get over that and just pretend it isn't to cope lmao. If you can just. Don't ask Amisia and Chahut about how getting the supplies for your paint went!
🎨Mallek would find it incredibly relaxing to listen to while he's fucking around with his husktops and many monitors. Normally he's one to either sit in quiet with nothing to play or maybe he'll have his playlist quietly playing whatever music or other things to listen to while he works on projects or contact people. Not to say it isn't still quiet while you both do your own things, but that's just the thing. It's quiet, not silent. Mallek finds he works the best when he knows that there's life going on around him. The sounds of his hands rapidly typing on his keyboard, the whirring of his husktop, sometimes you can hear him speak to someone that he's calling. You just further add on with your sounds of living, the sound of pencil sketching onto paper or canvas, the louder or softer sounds of you using oil pastels or charcoal, papers being moved, the adjusting of a canvas. It's all very comfortable to you both.
🎨You're each other's background sounds.
Digital Artist:
🖋️Being a digital artist is also so cool to Mallek, why wouldn't it be? It's tech shit! He can also help you try and traverse the different Alternian art programs. It's pretty new to him too since all he usually uses is the Alternian equivalent to Microsoft paint..and it's not super serious, just doodles, sketches, and shitposts stuff to destress. You got yourself a husktop, Amisia was jumping at the chance to help you look for digital art supplies (such as a tablet and stuff), and Mallek helped you get a hold of art programs for you to try out and decide what you like to use as your primary programs.
🖋️They're pretty much the same as Earth art programs in terms of it's functions. Though of course their interfaces can be different from program to program. Not everything works as it does on Earth? Certain shortcuts or tool locations are moved around or changed but it's pretty easy to figure out if you're experienced in digital art. And if you're stuck or can't figure something out your cool tech savvy matesprit can help you out. Mallek has his moments where he takes a break from what he's working on briefly to watch you draw...he always has to stifle a laugh when he sees you're absolutely struggling over there to do line art, having to undo do your stroke like 50 times before you get it. Like the previous one? He thinks it's cute and charming.
🖋️While you don't add a lot of new things to look at it in his hive, as you're working with more tech, it's still just as nice to listen to in the background he thinks. He can hear your fingers type out messages to friends or clients you're working with, the sound of your pen stroking against the tablet face, your mouse clicking here and then. There may not be as many sounds, but he finds it just as comforting, he likes to listen to the life around him after all.
As for the commission portion, thought it would be fun to get into this separately after talking about the respective art types! Being commissioned as an alien on the planet is certainly. Interesting. Which can be taken positively or otherwise.
Being an alien is your selling point to a lot of trolls online. It's where you got a huge chunk of your followers! Sure, they're very split on genuinely believing you are a real alien and those who think this is some kind of roleplay account or something but follow out of interest. Your commissions gather more interest from those who want a drawing from an alien! Real or not. Lots of odd are fun interactions.
For a traditional artist you could go the route of just, scanning your picture and posting it onto your socials and tag the trolls (or post it to the troll client privately). If you offer a shipement of the physical original drawing Mallek can help you out with getting a drone to drop it off for you so you don't have to go on a wild goose chase to find the troll client in this great wide troll world.
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thelittlestspider · 6 years
get to know the writer tag
tagged by @the-color-of-roseblood, @ghost-possum, and @thevajunglebook. thank you for tagging me and i’m sorry it took this long.
i’m bad at coming up with questions so i’m not going to do the 10 questions. but i am going to answer the questions that were listed. also this is an open tag, so anyone who wants to do it can do it.
rules: answer 10 questions, create 10 new questions, and then tag 10 people
from the-color-of-roseblood:
1) We always talk about favorites. What’s your least favorite book?
hmmm. one book i’ve always hated is the scarlett letter. we read it in school and it was awful.
2) Do you have a favorite place to write? What’s it like there?
i didn’t really have a favorite place to write until recently. a few months ago i finally got a desk and i’ve been in love with it ever since. 
very, very cluttered. there’s all kinds of stuff piled on it. on one side i’ve got soda cans, plastic bottles, my phone; the other side is junk food, my glasses case, a couple of necklaces. i have an old sugar plum fairie barbie on the top shelf that i tried to sell, that nobody wanted even though i had it for like $5 (i might post a picture of it later bc it’s super pretty).
3) Do you have any artistic endeavors other than writing? If not, what else would you most like to learn to do?
back before the writing bug really bit me, i used to draw all the time. now i barely ever draw unless i get really inspired. 
hmmm, i don’t know. maybe sign up for duolingo and learn other languages?? other than that i don’t know.
4) What’s your favorite holiday? Why? Have you ever written a story involving that holiday?
halloween is my favorite, followed closely by christmas just bc i love the tacky decorations and the music and the movies and pretty much everything about it. 
looool i have tried to write fics involving these holidays, but they never come out how i want them to and i’ve kind of given up on it. 
5) How do you fight writer’s block?
silly answer: drink so much caffeine i ascend to the astral plane to get advice from the writing gods.
actual answer: there’s not really an easy way to answer this. sometimes i see writing posts that are like, “you have to write every day!!” and i’m thinking y’know that’s not always possible. whether i’m out of inspiration/ideas, or i’m in a depression spiral, or i’m tired from work, or maybe i’m just not feeling that particular project. it’s not a sin to need a break from your wips, bc even though it’s happy work it’s still work. and there’s no shame in needing to take a breather to get yourself sorted out. 
on days when i’m ready to write, i do different things to get myself pumped up for my wips. i’ll make playlists, make aesthetic boards, sometimes i torture my mutuals with rambles about my ocs or tag them with little excerpts from the project. i really like making an aesthetic tag so i can go and look at all the pretty stuff that makes me think of the wip, so i can remind myself why i want to write it in the first place.
6) At what point in a WIP do you decide to send it to your first beta readers/reviewers?
probably not until i’m at least done with a second draft. the first draft needs to have all those plot holes filled, all those loose threads woven back together, characters need developing. showing a beta reader my first draft would be like taking a person to a room filled with beginning sketches of people where they’re still just shapes instead of having any defining features. 
7) What’s your greatest inspiration?
i don’t think i have one lol.
8) A lot of writers have certain things they like to describe - food, clothes, fights, party scenes. What’s your favorite thing to describe?
emotional scenes where characters talk about their problems and they hug and maybe even cry. i’m a terrible person.
9) What’s your approximate ratio of reading to writing? How do you find time for both? Do you do both on the same day, or split it up?
you’re going to judge me for this, but i haven’t been reading actual books lol. the last few months i’ve just been reading fanfic oneshots with like the occasional multichapter fic thrown in. my attention span has been terrible.
10) What books would you recommend to someone to get them into reading?
i think it depends on the person. what i might find compelling, someone else might find super boring. 
from ghost-possum:
1. What is your favorite book in a genre that you don’t tend to write? If you do fantasy/sci-fi, what’s your favorite romance? If you write literary, what’s your favorite paranormal YA?
i don’t really like writing stuff that doesn’t have some kind of paranormal element. so i guess i’d say my writing enemy that i like reading is real world drama. 
my favorite books that are like idk period pieces i guess?? are Anne of Green Gables and Pride and Prejudice. 
as for stuff that’s based in more recent times, there’s a ya series i really like called tiny pretty things that’s about a group of ballerinas competing against each other for spots for prima ballerina?? and there’s a lot of drama and backstabbing. it’s kind of a dark series. 
2. What book would you love to see turned into a movie or tv show? Any particular reasons why?
i can’t think of anything right now. maybe green angel by alice hoffman?
3. Have you ever written a character with a certain real-life person in mind. Was it someone you know in real life or someone famous?
some of my ocs were originally based off acquaintances, but as i kept writing them the characters changed so much that they became pretty much unrecognizable. 
4. If your latest WIP had a color scheme, what would it be?
paper heart would be red, orange, pink, and purple. the colors of a sunset with the threat of darkness falling over everything. 
5. What do you eat or drink while writing (if anything)?
s’mores poptarts if i’m too lazy to get up and fix myself something. chips. different sodas: cherry coke, sunkist, grape fanta. 
6. What do you do to restore your inspiration when you’re not writing?
watch movies/tv shows. listen to podcasts or music. look at cool pictures. 
7. Coffee, Tea, Booze, or ALL THREE?
coffee and booze. i’m not a big fan of tea. 
8. Who is your favorite visual artist?
uhhhh, does studio ghibli count? their artwork is so appealing to look at.
9. Do you have any other creative pursuits outside of writing? What are they?
maybe learning other languages??
10. What is your favorite trope, the one you will always fall for and never get enough of?
from thevajunglebook: 
1. Describe your WIP as a cross between two movies.
i’m trying to think of what paper heart would be, but i’m drawing a blank. this needs to be its own game where someone else guesses what movies your wip is the lovechild of.
2. What’s your favorite part of writing communities?
cheering on and also being cheered on during the writing process. getting to read all these wonderful stories written by wonderful people. knowing other people are suffering just as much as i am lol. 
3. If you could collaborate with any writer (whether friend or idol), who would it be and what would you work on together?
i am terrible at collaborating with other people lol. 
4. Do you prefer reading/writing standalones or series? 
i love reading series, but i’m not good at writing them lol. yet somehow i always end up writing series.
5. Who is your ultimate OC otp(+)?
canon: for the next three days verse it’s between leana/yvonne and jason/bella for otp status. my ot5 is carter/matteo/violet/tiffany/nina. 
for defect i’d say my otp is joe/alec. also ethan/noah later on down the line.
ot3: ned/alec/sage 
ot4: ned/alec/joe/ray.
au: joe/ned/carter
for the graveyard of the forgotten it’s definitely orrinaz/eliya/amnayel. 
6. If your OC(s) joined tumblr, what type of blog would they run?
i wish i could answer this question with the dedication it deserves. i feel like their blogs would have a lot of memes and shitposts with some aesthetic stuff thrown in. 
7. If you could write an adaptation of any story, which would it be?   
while i have zero desire to write an adaptation for a story, i’ve always liked the idea of a movie version of Green Angel by Alice Hoffman. mostly bc it’s surreal, a little weird, post apocalyptic, and it would just look really cool.
8. What common writing tips never work for you? And/or what uncommon advice do you swear by? 
anything that’s like, “if you don’t write everyday, you’re not a real writer!!” like chill dude. just bc i’m not cranking out 1,000 words a day like some lean, mean, writing machine doesn’t mean i’m not dedicated to what i’m doing. 
9. Do you research before, during, or after writing sessions? 
it depends. sometimes i get to a point in a fic where i’m like, “uh oh” and i go into a research spiral trying to find this one specific thing. thinking ah yes, this is the specific thing i need at this very moment that i probably could do without.
10. Have you had a writing epiphany that totally revamped your WIP?
if only. there were a few game changers in the next three days series that changed things for the better:
- the way carter and matteo first met lmao. 
- violet’s existence. 
- sage rescuing and then leaving violet and carter. 
- carter and nina’s bromance. 
- alec and carter, and also joe and matteo being siblings.
- tiffany seeing ghosts.
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