#when inazuma comes out i might use jeans artifacts for traveller since i genuinely do want to use them again
kjclfaller · 3 years
One good thing about building Jean as a physical dps is that her artifacts aren't specific to her character alone. I can put them on someone else if I want to build them as physical.
#call it borrowing#i am a jean main but even so I've done everything i can with her already#i have her at friendship 10 - i have her summer skin - I've mained her for a really long time basically#lately I've been thinking about building kaeya as physical but it hasnt been easy#in the process of building kaeya i ended up building xinyan instead 🤠 she's fun to use tho so no complaints here#a lot of the pale flame and bloodstained artifacts rolled into def% so i thought hey i guess i can put them on xinyan#but yeah building other characters are hard#i commend players who can set up unique builds for each character they play with#okay but seriously Jean's current build (with her current weapon) is so good for kaeya and maybe even traveller#she has 2pc glad and 2pc bloodstained now with a physical cup#but with a few tweaks i can make it a 4pc glad set instead#both are good ngl the difference is minimal#when inazuma comes out i might use jeans artifacts for traveller since i genuinely do want to use them again#although i love jean i think sharing would be better for me + there's literally nothing else i can do with jean#i guess i can max her to lvl 90 if i want to but honestly it feels like a waste upgrading to lvl 90#her ascension gives healing bonus anyway which ... she already heals well i dont need more#her talents are also 7 7 7 but again it would be better for my mora and resources to not triple crown her#no matter how hard i try i will never be tuonto and that is okay#(but i swear if i get aquila favonia in the future i am going right back to building Jean again)#(you know since her current phys build kind of depends on the black sword)#jean is like a mom or older sibling lending her artifacts to other characters LMAO#I'll put them on kaeya until i get his namecard then we will see what to do with him#no matter how hard i try i will never be dish (kaeya main)#literally can only choose one this is disappointing#unless i can get godtier blizzard artifacts but thats definitely not gonna happen#kjcl talking
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