#i guess i can max her to lvl 90 if i want to but honestly it feels like a waste upgrading to lvl 90
keep-on-trying 10 months
Hi! I saw your tags on the artifact post so I thought I'd answer :D
For Lyney, the new Hunter set is going to be his best set hands down simply because his HP state is always going to be changing and can keep up the crit stacks. It's basically 36% free crit rate and his ascension stat is crit rate (19% at lvl 80/90) so a maxed Lyney would have 52% crit rate all the time while active in battle. Since he's a mono Pyro character you're bringing Bennett as the healer probably so he's getting atk from him and he's getting loads of Pyro particles from other pyro teammates, so at that point after maybe 20% energy recharge the only stat Lyney needs is crit dmg with Hunter's Artifact set. That's his best use case anyway, if you want to use him with other elements for reactions then you'd need all the normal stats minus the crit rate. Honestly if any character can reliably change their HP state it's also their best just because of how much more crit dmg you're able to give them.
For Lynette... I'm not entirely sure, didn鈥檛 look to much into her, but for the most part how you'd use her is skill or burst than she's off-field till her cool-down is over so a 50% increase to her skill dmg is really nice. Especially since her skill does more dmg than her burst. Her burst is mostly just a taunt.
I hope this helps and that I didn't make it too confusing 馃槄
Hi! This was very helpful, thank you! So Hunters set farming for Lyney :D Gotta look into good Lynette sets still i guess.
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kjclfaller 3 years
One good thing about building Jean as a physical dps is that her artifacts aren't specific to her character alone. I can put them on someone else if I want to build them as physical.
#call it borrowing#i am a jean main but even so I've done everything i can with her already#i have her at friendship 10 - i have her summer skin - I've mained her for a really long time basically#lately I've been thinking about building kaeya as physical but it hasnt been easy#in the process of building kaeya i ended up building xinyan instead 馃 she's fun to use tho so no complaints here#a lot of the pale flame and bloodstained artifacts rolled into def% so i thought hey i guess i can put them on xinyan#but yeah building other characters are hard#i commend players who can set up unique builds for each character they play with#okay but seriously Jean's current build (with her current weapon) is so good for kaeya and maybe even traveller#she has 2pc glad and 2pc bloodstained now with a physical cup#but with a few tweaks i can make it a 4pc glad set instead#both are good ngl the difference is minimal#when inazuma comes out i might use jeans artifacts for traveller since i genuinely do want to use them again#although i love jean i think sharing would be better for me + there's literally nothing else i can do with jean#i guess i can max her to lvl 90 if i want to but honestly it feels like a waste upgrading to lvl 90#her ascension gives healing bonus anyway which ... she already heals well i dont need more#her talents are also 7 7 7 but again it would be better for my mora and resources to not triple crown her#no matter how hard i try i will never be tuonto and that is okay#(but i swear if i get aquila favonia in the future i am going right back to building Jean again)#(you know since her current phys build kind of depends on the black sword)#jean is like a mom or older sibling lending her artifacts to other characters LMAO#I'll put them on kaeya until i get his namecard then we will see what to do with him#no matter how hard i try i will never be dish (kaeya main)#literally can only choose one this is disappointing#unless i can get godtier blizzard artifacts but thats definitely not gonna happen#kjcl talking
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nemrut 4 years
Epic 7 Heroes: Holiday Yufine and Alencia
Two more heroes today. One of which I have usued rather extensively, the other a lot less.
First, let鈥檚 start with
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The gear on her is, obviously, not yet finished. I could have waited until I had the chest and helmet charms to finish levelling those two pieces, and the artifact, i guess, but that will take a while and while it would make her a bit better, it wouldn鈥檛 drastically change things.
Other than that, barring minor improvements and changes, I feel like that鈥檚 the type of gear I want to run her with. I also tried Speed and Hit sets but immunity feels safer and it worked out better with the gear. This way, I didn鈥檛 have to take gear from other heroes, lol. Which is something that one has to always keep in mind when building heroes which i feel is not always stated. The hero being geared right now is never the only hero you have and which gear you give that hero drastically depends on your other heroes and the gear on them. Holiday Yufine doesn鈥檛 need amazing stats to do her job, she only needs good enough and that is a bar that is more easily met than that of other heroes.
So, I gave her a solid chunk of health, solid def, decentish speed, meh effectiveness and some atk. Ideally, she would have around 100 effectiveness and I am still tinkering around with her, so she can stun and burn somewhat reliably. So, ideally, Holiday Yufine will go immediately after the enemy Basar, completely ruin his debuffs and CR push, boost your team and ruin the enemy combo. For that strict anti Basar effect, for which she was quite frankly made, I do feel she needs molas in her S2 which I was unwilling to do as of yet. I gave her 3 in order to reduce the CD on her S3 but that鈥檚 it and I am not sure I will any time soon.
Against non Basar teams, where the enemy has other CR pushers or even without and just some debuffers, Holiday Yufine鈥檚 job is, as I see it, cycle her turns as fast as she can, survive, and spam her S1 in order to aoe attack the enemy team and dish out as many burns and stuns as possible.
Burn dmg is based on the heroes atk stat, which is boosted by the Greater ATK buff she gives herself. I guess an ideal Holiday Yufine, with lvl 90 gear that rolled really well, she would have like 4k atk, 15k health, 100 efectiveness and 220ish speed. Possible to reach those stats even without lvl 90 gear but that鈥檚 a lot harder and as I said earlier, you also probably have heroes which need the good gear a lot more than Holiday Yufine because as far as I can tell atm, she is not really that outstanding outside of being a Basar counter.
I know some people use her with Junkyard Dog instead of her own artifact in order to get more burns but I dunno if more burns are worth not having an aoe stun. A bit more burn dmg is neat, but a stun is life saving and match altering.
The issue with her is, while she counters Basar really well, I have better heroes for the other stuff she does and in a lot of cases, Basar seems to be run in combination with Arbiter Vildred against whom Holiday Yufine can鈥檛 really do all that much. Team needs Singelica for that, I guess and I do not have her. It is a matter of speed tuning in that case, since Singelica needs to go after Holiday Yufine in order activate her anti revive aura.
Another danger is that some people have slower Basar鈥檚, so if you make your Holiday Yufine faster than the enemy Basar, she kinda only does a third of her job and it is impossible to know beforehand how fast any given enemy Basar is.
So yeah, solid enough unit and there is potential to do something with her but I will probably only use her occasionally and for now, not invest in her.
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Alencia on the other hand I use all the time in GW, Arena, RTA and even some farming instances. Her defense buff is great, her strip is great, her combo attack after a possible def break is great. She is overall a very strong unit, especially in the current meta. She strips all buffs of the enemy that has a 100% chance to land so it depends on the resistance of the enemy but even there, she seems to succeed way more than she fails.
That means she is great against units such as Diene, Krau, Maid Chloe, Vivian and other dangerous buffers. She is also great against SSB. The elemental advantage she has against water units means SSB won鈥檛 do that much dmg or plant her with that many debuffs, her counter gives Alencia more opportunities to active her S2 buff and the dual combo with a def break does a lot of dmg, especially against water units.
Mine does not have max molas but I do want to max her skills at one point. She is honestly worth it. The stats she wants are a bit over the place, and she wants a lot. Basically, she benefits from every stat except ATK. Her dmg is based on her health, so she wants a lot of that. She also wants crit chance and crit dmg in order to take advantage of her health dmg. She wants effectiveness for her def break and her strip. Being a bruiser who needs to take a few hits in order to activate her S2, she also benefits from a higher defense stat. She does need some speed and while she will never be super fast, she does need to go before your big dmg dealers in order to strip the enemy and apply def buff to your team. Effect resistence is always neat although obviously not a priority given a) how stats greedy she is overall and b) the enemy units that are serious debuffers all have an effectiveness score of over 100% and it is to my knowledge almost impossible to have high stats in everything on top of also having over 100% effect resistance.
Mine has solid health and crit dmg, some def and effectiveness and meh crit chance although since I run her mostly against blue units and maid chloe, she crits more than she misses. Still, in terms of gear, she is a WIP but my rolls with gear have been meh so will take a while to really make her good. She is good enough to use, though and she is fun to use.
I do not have her artifact but even if I had, I think I would still use Draco Plate. More crit dmg and taking less dmg from enemy is always good. ideally, she would also have an immunity set instead of the crit chance set but I just don鈥檛 have good immunity gear atm for her. Might try a crit dmg set with solid speed rolls, maybe that will work better, or health sets. We鈥檒l see. There are a lot of options with her. Good hero.
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