#when she has a class of thirty kids all struggling to absorb the content!!!
ace-and-ranty · 2 years
Just saw a Tumblr post that reminded of one of the teachers I most hated in high school. 
There was this one class. We were learning how to differentiate two grammatical concepts that are very similar in Portuguese. I was struggling with it, my friends were struggling, the whole class was struggling, because it was really hard, actually.
So, okay, at some point ---I don’t remember why--- my teacher addresses me specifically. And she is pointing to the two sentences in the white board, telling me Sentence A is Concept 1, and Sentence B is Concept 2. Even as she is explaining this, I can tell very clearly that it’s the other way around. It’s supposed to be A2 and B1. But again, this is material I’m struggling with. I am deeply non-confrontational and I was feeling very awkward being put on the spot, so I just agreed with her, thinking I will figure this out later, in private.
Only she doesn’t stop.
I agree with her. And agree with her. And she keeps repeating the explanation, to me, more forcefully. By that point I am just begging God for her to stop talking, and I don’t know why she’s being so forceful; I just said I got it, why won’t she stop explaining??
So finally she stops.
And she admits she was saying baloney. It is meant to be A2 and B1. She was lying to my face to try to get me to disagree with her, because I was too timid, and she wanted to teach me to speak up.
I would have thrown the woman out the window if we had any.
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revivalrp · 5 years
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You’ve inherited the Olympian’s WISDOM but also their SPITEFULNESS.
NAME: Theo Nikolaidis
AGE: Thirty-two
OCCUPATION: Middle School Music Teacher
PLACE OF BIRTH: Larissa, Greece 
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis Male & he/him
FACECLAIM: Garrett Hedlund
They can create, shape and manipulate visible light. Distance, energy mass and precision depend upon their knowledge, skill, and strength, and their power’s natural limits. They may be able to absorb light around them and make it nonexistent, to later use as a power for their source should there be no other sources. This power is affected by everything that all light is (refletive surfaces, transparent things, etc.), unless they are powerful/skilled enough to overcome these limits.
Theo was always a popular kid growing up. He made friends where ever he went and often with very little effort. He gathered friends like flies to honey and he loved it. Despite his large friend group it was no secret that he was closest to his sister ARTEMIS. Sure, they fought a lot, sometimes more than they actually talked, but it was always ARTEMIS that Theo went to first, no matter if the news was good or bad. Even in adulthood ARTEMIS knows things well before their parents.
Theo married his long time girlfriend when he was twenty-six years old. It was a big and beautiful affair and there was no question the couple was madly in love. They were married for a nearly six years but somewhere down the road it all went wrong. He’s spent the last couple months of his life trying to figure out what happened or figure out what he could have done differently, but he’s no closer than an answer now he was then. It ended in a messy divorce with bridges burned on every side. She took everything. The house. The car. The dog. He hasn’t seen or spoken to her since. He’ll never admit it, but he misses her sometimes. Single life was remarkably hard to adapt to again for him.
With nothing left to his name it was on a whim Theo returned to Larissa. He hadn’t been back since they’d moved away when he was eight. But he saw they were hiring and within the week he’d gotten the job. He spent every last penny he owned getting there and for a few weeks lived off the couch of old family friends at the behest of his parents. It wasn’t glamorous by any means, but it was something. He’s got his own place now. It’s small and a little smelly but it’s his.
Theo didn’t always want to be a teacher. When he first graduated from college his goal was to be one of the finest classical bass player there ever was. And he gave it the good old college try before deciding that the life of a starving artist wasn’t for him. He sort of fell into becoming a teacher by offering cello lessons to help pay the bills and before he quiet knew it was happening he was going back to school for teaching and applying for jobs at nearby schools. He loves every minute of it.
There is no teacher more invested in his students than Theo. He wants nothing but the best for them and goes above and beyond to make sure they’re having fun in his class. Don’t like the instrument you picked? Don’t worry, Theo has spares of everything so you can find something new. Music is something to be shared and a skill that can only be taught to the willing.
While school keeps him busy Theo still finds time to keep his own cello skills on point. He mostly keeps to local concerts and productions but he’s been known to travel around Europe to play in more professional sort of gigs. He isn’t famous by any stretch of the imagination but he’s not quite a nobody either.
Theo is an eternal optimist, always trying to look on the bright side of life. He doesn’t see a lot of use in being negative about things, especially when you still have the ability to change things. He can be a little intense about it too, something that’s gotten him in trouble all his life. Sure, life can bring him down too, but he tries not to let that happen.
Theo has only been in Larissa for a short while. And while he’s made plenty of friends he’s struggled trying to find any sort of connection to his old home town.
Theo is a dog person and if he could he’d probably own a whole pack of dogs.
Theo is a morning person. He goes to bed early and likes to get up with the sun and a fresh cup of coffee.
Theo will never admit it, but he’s always been deeply afraid of the dark. Even now he has little night lights plugged in all around the house.
Theo can play every instrument he puts his hand on with varying degrees of skill. But he is best at cello, violin, piano, and flute.
Theo has only told ARTEMIS of his new found abilities and no one else. They feel very personal to him and the last thing he wants is to become someone’s science experiment.
Theo learned about his powers accidentally. A late night storm had knocked out the power and in the darkness of the night his finger started glowing. It flickered, it flashed, and then it was gone. It took him a week to figure out how to make it happen again. It took him the rest of the month to figure out the rest. And he’s still learning and still trying to tell himself he’s not going crazy.
Theo’s control over his powers is still a little limited. He can manifest light into blinding streams of light that can range from doing almost nothing to melting metal. It depends on how much effort he puts into it. He’s accidentally lit a few trees on fire and seared a few holes into trash cans. He’s getting better with it but if he loses concentration he can lose control. His distance isn’t great (nor his aiming) but he’s getting better and better every day.
Theo hasn’t practiced much with this ability, it’s a more recent discovery, but with a great force of effort he can leech the light from his corner of a room. It’s exhausting and keeping it up for longer than a few seconds can knock Theo off his feet. He’s tried it exactly three times and is quiet content to not explore it further.
Darkness can really hamper Theo’s abilities. If there isn’t enough light around he can’t gather strong enough power to do more than faintly glow. He’s always been afraid of the dark but now he has an aversion to it all together. He’s never subjected himself to near total darkness and he has no desire to ever do such a thing.
Prolonged use of his powers tends to make Theo pretty tired. His stamina is way better than it was three months ago but asking him to maintain a searing beam for longer than a five minutes is asking a lot.
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