#when silas first showed up i was both a) VERY confused and b) ready to assume it was some spiritual shit
sycamoretower · 2 years
(since this blog is just for my thoughts and i pretty much don’t expect anyone to follow it: i think it would have been very easy for me to ignore any signs of being a system that i had (which i did not notice as signs until i was 19) considering both a spiritual background and my general habit of dismissing things that i experience in my brain as “just things that happen” . like yeah just would not have questioned the fact there was a 2,000+ year old .... being talking to me while i prepared dilly bars or something?? (or was it just putting cones away... idk i was at work)
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adiabolikpastel · 5 years
Is it too much to ask A - Z for Kanaye and Yukio? I’m soooo sorry
ABC Fluffy Ask
Okay so this is a looooong one! B / C / E are all answered here all ready.  I will be doing them both separate - hopefully that makes it a little shorter? All of them are under the cut ~ enjoy and thank you! 
Note: Q is confusing to me - so I will not answer that one. If anyone understands it, and wants to ask it again with the explanation - please do. 
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A - Well… I mean… Yukio is a horny mess sooo… Other than that! Yukio really likes just spending time with Silas. Doing anything really, so long as he’s around. Sure Yukio might complain that he is bored, but really so long as Silas is around he is happy. Typically Yukio will just chill with Silas at his place, watch him play video games, or try to play one himself - badly i might add. 
D - Oof… ummm… just together. Yukio is not one for planning ahead. So really he just sees Silas staying with him forever and that’s about it. That thought is actually really scary to him, that the future might take Silas away. So he tends to not think about it.
F- Yes he is. Honestly fights are more like… Yukio stepping too far, pissing Silas off and then him begging to be back in his good graces. I mean like, if they do fight and both parties are upset, Yukio and Silas both are pretty bad at staying mad, when it comes to one another. 
G- OF COURSE NOT! Yukio does not think for a moment of what Silas does for him. At least not at the start. It takes him a while to slowly start to care more about Silas’ feelings and how uncomfortable it makes him. 
H - He’s not… really honest. There is plenty of things that Yukio keeps to himself, but he doesn’t do it to be cruel. Yukio is bad at dealing with his own emotions, so it’s easier for him to ignore things than talk about them. 
I - Aw. Boy does he every~ Silas is Yukio’s saving grace. He grows so much and becomes a better person because of him. Where Silas helps Yukio become more empathetic, Yukio helps Silas toughen up. There are many other ways the two of them change one another, but that’s a story for another time. 
J - You really gotta ask? He gets hellaciously upset over small things. Heck, over video games. Yukio is a very insecure person, so if Silas isn’t giving him attention, he’s annoyed. It takes him a very long time to get used to the idea of Silas having ‘friends’ who ‘spend time’ with him. Yukio is known to show up at Silas’ house, and crash anything he was doing with his friends. There is also the unhealthy way of going on a rampage… but yea.
K - What do you think~? Their first kiss huh… that’s a fun thought. It was probably forced on Silas. Yukio was probably a bit drunk off of some blood and smooshed himself into Silas. (Rinna and I will need to talk this over~)
L - Ha! Okay, so.. if you mean the first time he said ‘i love you’ that was on their first meeting? You can read that her: When Yukio met Silas. But if you mean like, when he meant it? Probably a while into their relationship, like a good while, after some fights and some deep conversations. 
M - Aw~ Yes he does! He wants to be with Silas forever, and if that means getting married sure! So, I do not think they would officially have a ceremony - that just doesn’t seem like their style. Rinna and I did just talk about this cute - and I mean cute- moment of them basically proposing to one another. And~ Silas is the one who proposes! 
N - He calls him Silas-kun, consistently. I don’t really see him doing nicknames. 
O - He’s not very different - just very obsessive. His life revolves around Silas. So yes, it is obvious, because that’s literally all he talks about. 
P - YES YES YES! Yukio is a big social media celebrity so he tells the world. He has a trending hashtag that is specifically flooded with photos of him and Silas. He is very affectionate in public as well, despite Silas’ discomfort. 
R - Not very, unless it’s sexual. Well - hold on now… Yukio will get Silas random things. Like bring him human snacks when he visits, or buy him something he is wanting while they are out. Yukio would do anything to make him happy, not that he would always do it right. 
S - I suppose? The two of them do not really have big goals? If Silas wants to do something, Yukio is all for it - so .. Yea?
T - Typically he does, but I think with Silas he is content with just being around him. I believe they both would fall into a cute routine in life, and be perfectly happy with that. 
U - Not at first. It took Yukio a long time to get there actually. He believes he knows Silas, but it actually takes him a long time to get there. 
V - It’s literally his world. Yukio does not feel strong connections to his family. He does not make friends. He honestly feels that SIlas is all he has. He would do anything to keep him. 
W - Since both boys are social media junkies they give each other shout outs all the time on their respected pages. 
X - He is the most affectionate. Kisses, hugs, cuddles, butt touches; Yukio is the master of them all. 
Y - Badly. He will send Silas a million text, calls, facetimes, pokes, anything to get his attention. 
Z - Any length. He would die for him, kills for him, kill him… Im sorry this was a fluff right lol! 
☆+ ゚ .+ .゚.゚。 ゚ 。. +゚ 。゚.゚。☆*。。 . 。 o .。゚。.o。* 。 .。
A - Kanaye is happy going out with Isabella. He isn’t a shut in, so going out with her is what he prefers. He spends enough time at work, rather than out with her. 
D - Marriage. Kids. The Kingdom. Whole 9 yards. 
F- He is easy to forgive. They have disagreements, but these two do not fight. Kanaye is big on communication, so he will talk any issue out. 
G- To some level I am sure he does, but he does not voice it. I am sure he realizes the massive weight he puts on Isabella for all he wants to accomplish, but at the same time, his dreams are unwavering. He is one of those people that is not giving us his dream. 
H - He is honest to a fault. Tells Isabella everything. He may not always word things correctly, but he will always tell her what is he feelings, thinking, his past, anything. 
I - Yes she has. Kanaye never saw himself being with someone he actually loved. He always assumed he would marry for power, cheat on his wife, and just be king with a queen who meant little to him. 
J - Not really? He does get jealous, but he is not obvious about it. He does not like anyone checking her out or hitting on her, but he is classy. A simple display of affection on her, or glare at the other party does the trick. 
K - Yes - he has had a lot of practice. You can read their first kiss here: You Get It. 
L - You can also read this in : You Get It
M - Of course, he must to become a true King. I am not sure how he would propose - but I feel like Yuko and I have talked about this? Their marriage is the absolute cutest. Hopefully we can post more about this, or feel free to send ask about it! 
N - He calls her Isabella, the full name. every time. Except when he is drunk…
O - It is literally obvious to everyone but him. Others can see it in his face. 
P - He does not deny being in one - but he is not telling the world. He has a professional appearance to maintain, and expects Isabella to respect that. 
R - A sweet boy~ He will do candle light dinners, bring her flowers, chocolates, rose petal baths; all kind of things. 
S -To an extent. If it gets in the way of his- than he isn’t really. Kanaye is very driven for himself, and as shitty as that is to say, if Isabella had a conflicting goal he would not be about that. 
T - Routines are life. He is more than happy to go out on dates, but he enjoys scheduled events. 
U - Very much so. He really loves learning things about her. 
V - It’s very important. I believe that as the relationship goes on, he would sacrifice his dreams for her. 
W - Kanaye will often ask Spencer for video of her, without her knowing 
X - In private, he loves to be affectionate with her. 
Y - He will text her often, though she is a dirty girl and will really tease him. 
Z - Sure, I mean.. he does something pretty big for her and their relationship. 
Silas belongs to @spellboundsonnet
Isabella belongs to @pureblood-prey
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