#when they arent allowed to go to the others' house they doordash the sick person food
mockingbirdshymn · 2 years
in honor of me being extremly sick (i am in so much pain) im making a nerriston headcanon thing about what they do when sick omggggg
when nerris is sick:
when nerris is sick, which is rare for her, it is BAD. theyre curled up in their bed, whining in pain. harrison and preston both do not know what the hell to do, but they try their best to help.
nerris' parents handle the basic stuff, soup and medicine and all that, so preston and harrison are mostly there for moral support. that, and to get things for nerris when their parents arent able to.
harrison and nerris end up bantering over what movie to watch, which is when preston picks a musical while the two are distracted. six, be more chill, hamilton, whatever he can find. at first, nerris and harrison don't like it one bit, but end up really enjoying whatever musical is on.
usually, they end up cuddling/sitting next to each other, and they all end up sick.
when preston is sick:
he is the most dramatic motherfucker in the world. you bet he's acting like a sick victorian child, talking about "seeing the light one final time". despite how everyone knows hes being dramatic, theres still a bit of worry for him.
he doesnt like soup. so its very difficult to feed him things he can keep down. nerris has resorted to feeding him saltines, which preston shows great disdain to but eats anyway.
harrison is the one who goes around the house searching for everything ever. he gets water, blankets, whatever. hes happy to help, though, and very thankful he isnt in the same room as preston- he isnt a fan of getting sick.
nerris and harrison have tried to find other ways to help preston feel better, but it usually ends up in some form of disaster. note to everyone: they cant cook.
when harrison is sick:
harrison is paranoid of getting people he knows sick, and his parents are equally as frightened, so he usually is told to stay in his room most of the time. his parents will bring him food and medicine when its very bad, but they spend even less time around harrison than normal.
his parents were very hesitant about letting nerris and preston come over at first, but eventually they let them. harrison was equally has hesitant, but nerris and preston were determined.
nerris isnt the best at comforting sick people, so she normally just sits and talks to harrison so he doesnt get bored. preston obsesses over comfort, despite harrison saying its fine.
harrison usually ends up playing video games with nerris and preston. his favorite two being pokemon or zelda. preston begs harrison to name all the pokemon he catches. this has led to various pokemon named "EvanHansen", "JD", etc.
once they played mariokart. never again.
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