#when those im supposed to trust and lean on for support have blatantly ignored my concerns! and then been wrong!!!!!
anxsity · 2 months
no offense but if someone says "have you tried..." followed by the most obvious shit i should be allowed to beat them to death
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ok so assuming somehow circumstances permitted, consider a scenario where the awakening trio finally opens up about their past. how do you think the royals react? does it change the dynamics between them @ all? i feel like it would @ least make the trio feel closer to them, like more comfortable going to them if they wanted to talk about any past-related issues (trauma, nightmares, etc.) Also i cant help thinking of odin just dramatically being like "well the enemy was approaching so I (1/2)
decided to cut the bridge and stay behind”/Niles and Leo: yOU WHAT/Laslow: no its ok I decided to stay behind with him I would never leave a friend to die alone/xandar: D: im sorry you wHAT? ALSO I think about that line from ur fic where odin is like “that was our second dragon” bc one of the trio def says that and everyone just :O idk I just feel like the sheer amount of horrible things that happened to the trio would be shocking even for the nohrian royals bc it IS a lot (2/2)
Anon, u and i are always on the same wavelength, so I’m warning u to buckle up now, because this is gonna be a long one.
I’m going to preface this by saying I don’t know how Owain and Inigo could have had that bridge experience if the Trio in FE14 is supposed to be the same as the kids you recruit in the main FE13 storyline. The bridge experience is specifically used for the FE13 DLC in an alternate reality where those kids never go back in time (i.e. those are a different timeline’s children). The Owain and Inigo we know in the main FE13 never had that experience, as if you do deploy them in that DLC, they will comment that this did happen in their world but things were never that bad and they never had to cut the bridge. The Trio in FE14 is pretty heavily implied to be from the main storyline.
And yet???? Odin still is afraid of bridges because of that event???? I think I asked that once and somebody said it could just be the trauma of watching his alternate self nearly die that’s affecting him because he realized how badly things could have gone. And that’s possible and probably the truth. But I don’t know for sure and I never will and I think about this a lot. (Selena and Laslow reference Harvest Scramble and Hot Spring DLC, so they’ve gotta be the main timeline kids who fought with Chrom)
For the sake of this answer, I’m going to pretend the Trio in FE14 is the same as FE13 but they did have that bridge experience first-hand. It’s not canon, I think, but it just makes everything easier to think about (for me).
Moving on, I think the only time the Trio would admit they were from another world would be after Anankos was defeated because it wouldn’t have to be so secret anymore (even though it’s also like?? technically illegal from an inter-dimensional standpoint, lmao). Straight up, after Anankos is defeated, I think the exhaustion and happiness would get to them, and I just think it’d be really funny for Selena, who was the strictest about keeping their status a secret, to be the one to let the truth slip. 
(I’m probably??? Gonna end up putting a lot of tiny snippets of things in here to expand on them more and here’s a super short, rushed one now:)
The dust settled. Corrin stood at the far end of the hall, chest heaving. The minion Selena had been battling had disappeared right as she swung. Now the rest of the army was picking themselves off the ground. 
Selena pressed the tip of her sword into the cracked floor and leaned on it. Gods, she was tired. But Anankos was gone. She could feel it in the air. She knew what defeating a dragon was like. The crackle, the energy, the shadow hanging on all their shoulders— it was gone. Anankos was gone. 
“Hell yeah,” she muttered to herself. There was dirt in her mouth, ew. “Killed another dragon. Did you see that, mom?”
There was no response from her mother, of course. She was dead and gone, and even when she wasn’t, she was still worlds away. 
Selena did get a response from someone else though. 
Something shift to her left. The sound of an ax hitting the ground. Selena turned. 
“What,” Camilla said flatly. 
And then Selena tries to cover up her tracks and only makes it worse and in the end, it doesn’t matter anymore, so the truth comes out. Laslow and Odin never let her live it down. 
I feel like the Nohrian royals (besides Elise) always kinda knew? On some level? That the Trio was Different. Because they’re not exactly subtle. (Not that their minds jumped to “inter-dimensional travel”, of course.)
Odin says stuff like “sometime in the past… or, strictly speaking, some time in the future…” and “Risen… uh, animals from my home.” Laslow, to Xander’s face, says, “Good luck finding me with a fake name and appearance.” He says that!!! I In their Supports!! To Xander’s Face!!!
(Xander: “wHAT”)
Like??? They’re not… good… about lying. They’re not absolutely terrible? But their cover-ups mostly seem to be changing the subject or going, “Uh, please ignore that.” These idiots. I love them. 
Selena is probably the best about it? In her Support with Corrin, when asked if she’s from Hoshido, she says, “When did I say I was from Hoshido […] I never said I was from Nohr either” (or at least something like that.) She’ll admit she’s not from either kingdom but she doesn’t say anything other than that. So she’s dropped the least amount of hints, probably. (There are probably more examples for all three of them but I can’t think of Supports besides the Nohrian’s rn.)
But they arrived together and fight together and they talk like they’ve known each other for years sometimes, and if Laslow and Odin have something going on, she absolutely does as well, so. Come on. 
The thing is the Nohrian Royals have to Suspect. They have to know the Trio is super hiding their past. They’re together all the time, and while Camilla/Leo/Xander may sometimes talk about their past, it has to get obvious over the years that the Trio doesn’t. At all. Niles actively tries to find shit out and can’t find anything, for goodness sake. 
But the Royals are pretty respectful about it? They don’t hound the Trio about their past and seem to love and trust them as they are anyway? But that is something they have to ignore, and when the Trio says something that blatantly can’t be ignored like “Risen” or “I have a fake name and face” they have to ask. Both out of curiosity and obligation because they are technically the lawmakers of the land and they can’t ignore everything. Just be semi-decent at pretending and Leo/Xander/Camilla will too.
Reactions/Changing Dynamics
Even if Selena spills the beans immediately after Anankos’ death, I don’t think they sit down and say everything right then and there. Everyone is tired. Things need to be done. I guarantee after Laslow and Odin hear Selena accidentally said some of the truth, they look at each other and go, “Yeah, I guess it’s fine now” and then they don’t say anything more until they get back into the Deeprealm that night. 
(Camilla+Leo+Xander is gonna get called the Royal Trio now because their names are too long.) The Royal Trio still trusts the Awakening Trio, obviously, but they have questions. And Anankos is defeated. Does that mean the war is over? Technically yes, technically no. Nothing is official yet. Lots of explaining to do. But the Awakening Trio has now obviously let loose this secret they were trying to keep secret and the danger is technically over and they always talked about leaving after the war is over, so—
So technically the Royals get a bit nervous. They hang around the A. Trio or request them to stay in their line of sight all afternoon, even when there’s other stuff to be doing, even when it’s easier to split up and clean up and take stock of things, and eventually the A. Trio does call them out on it (individually). They do their chores and after-battle prep and take care of the injured and the Royals listen to messengers and make plans on what to do now, what kind of treaties to make, and then when the evening comes, the A. Trio comes back just like they promised they would, looking antsy and tired and a little nervous and they all sit down in Corrin’s private quarters bc this is Top Secret stuff and Corrin has to listen anyway and then the A. Trio talks. 
They don’t go too in-depth about Grima. Not yet. 
But they talk about the Hidden Truths DLC and how human Anankos asked for their help. They talk about why they were disguised and why they couldn’t say anything about it and how they nearly went to Hoshido, only to find out they had to go to Nohr instead at the last moment and they only knew they were looking for a stolen child. 
(The fact they nearly went to Hoshido instead of Nohr makes Xander frown and Leo scowl and Camilla cling to Selena bit more, even though Hoshido and Nohr are still kinda newly friends now.)
“So do you look like this permanently now?” Leo asked, curious. “You said the human Anankos changed your appearance. Will that ever wear off?”
Selena, Laslow, and Odin all shared a look. Eventually Odin shrugged. 
“I’m not sure,” he said. “It hasn’t shown signs of waning yet. Dragon magic is quite strong. Even if we returned to our home world, who knows if our parents would even recognize us at first.”
The last part was a joke. Selena smacked him on the shoulder, and Odin winced. 
“Don’t say that,” she scolded. 
Odin glanced over to Laslow, looking sheepish. “Sorry.”
Laslow didn’t seem to notice.
“I suppose I have grown used to how I look,” Laslow mused. He absently touched his hair. “Though I look less like my mother than I once did…” He noticed Xander watching and flashed a smile. “Not that I mind very much anymore, milord. It’s all in the past now.”
Camilla brushed her fingertips against the end of Selena’s hair. “I’m afraid I can’t quite picture you as a blonde,” she said.
They don’t talk about Grima or their childhood or anything too personal at that meeting. It’s not relevant to the safety of anyone, after all. But later, when they’re alone and not so forced to talk, they might. 
“She died early on, I guess,” Selena said, not looking at Camilla at all. Her face was turned towards the window, but she didn’t seem to notice anything outside. “When the war started really picking up. She’d be gone for weeks and weeks. She was the absolute best.”
Camilla could see it now. Selena, tiny, waiting by the door for her hero mother to come home, day in and day out. A hopeful thing that eventually grew resentful.
Or maybe it wasn’t like that at all. Maybe Selena got tired of waiting early on. Maybe she dragged her father around the house and stomped around the yard and pretended not to care when a Pegasus Knight failed to appear from over the hill. 
“And then she didn’t come home,” Camilla guessed.
“And then she didn’t come home,” Selena echoed. “And I became the second-hand soldier in her place.”
Camilla pursed her lips. She wanted to scold Selena for talking about herself like that. But the mood was heavy and it was Camilla’s line of questioning that had brought them here in the first place, so she kept her opinions to herself. For now.
“She’d be proud of you,” Camilla said. 
Selena looked at her, face hard. “You’re not my mother.”
“No, I’m not,” Camilla agreed. She’d never had a mother who would be proud of her, and she didn’t want to be Selena’s. “But I love you dearly anyway.”
Selena’s face softened. The far away look left her eyes.
I think the Royals and Retainers respect each other a lot already and after several years of war they’re pretty appreciative of one another, but also there’s a new understanding that comes with “Oh, this was your life before we met.” There’s also a tiny bit of fear too, probably; the A. Trio has told them several times, “Hey, don’t be surprised if we leave when the war is over.” But it’s one thing to know it and another to Know it and suddenly it’s not just a nebulous leaving but “oh, there’s a whole other world and family and friends waiting for you somewhere else” too. And how they’d probably never see one another again if they left. 
“That first year was the worst,” Laslow said. “I talked about this with Odin once, and he agreed. We had never killed people before. It had never crossed our minds that we would have to.”
Xander nodded, digesting this. He couldn’t imagine a world where he’d never have to kill another human being for the safety of those he cared about. But, he supposed, if nearly all the humans were dead anyway, that wouldn’t be as much of a concern.
Laslow caught himself. He straightened and visibly brightened. Laslow wore false cheer like an ill-fitting skin.
“But enough about depressing topics,” he said. “Have you been to the tavern recently, my lord? Yesterday I saw the most beautiful—“
“Laslow,” Xander said sternly.
Laslow shut his mouth.
Xander thought carefully about what he wanted to say. 
“Laslow,” Xander said again. “You do not have to pretend anymore. I know this much already. You’ve lived through three wars now, beginning from your birth. You do not have to hide the pain that causes you.” He placed a hand on Laslow’s shoulder, and Laslow looked up at him, eyes wide. “I am here if you ever wish to speak about what’s on your mind.”
There was a pause.
“It’s not a pretty story,” Laslow said quietly. 
“Tell me anyway,” said Xander.
Laslow did. 
And yes, eventually they even talk about the bridge incident. It probably goes a thousand different ways, but in this world it goes like—
(hey, some vague suicidal talk tw in this scene, so feel free to skip)
“Why would you do that?” Leo asked, equal parts surprised and angry, and unable to keep the emotion out of his voice. “Cutting the bridge down, dooming yourself—
“This was before I met you,” Odin reminded him gently, sounding much too serious and not at all himself. “It was. Different, then.”
“Not so different that you couldn’t think of another way to solve the situation than cutting down the bridge,” Leo said, voice terse. Why was he so upset? Over something that had happened—or rather, hadn’t even happened—years ago. Leo’s heart skipped as though he were afraid. He’d told Odin and Niles to be careful with their lives a thousand times before. “So willing to martyr yourself. Like you didn’t even want to—”
“My lord,” Niles cut in.
Leo’s mouth shut with a click. He had figured it out just as Niles had, though not soon enough.
“I thought I would do something good and my friends would be safe, and then I would be done,” Odin said, looking at the floor. “I thought I wouldn’t have to deal with it anymore. And everyone else would be fine.”
That and a hundred other reasons, Leo guessed, but in the end they all seemed to come back to that one. To wanting to be finished with a dreadful world, even if doing so meant… disappearing.
Odin had been… what then? Fifteen?
“I am sorry,” Leo said, much more quietly, and he meant it. For a lot of things.
He was so grateful to have met Odin now. That they had both made it this far, across worlds of doubt. The thought blew Leo’s mind on some level, but he focused on the here and now.
Niles breathed in through his nose.
“I get it,” he said, looking right past Leo and to Odin. 
Odin looked at him as if he were wondering if Niles really did get it. 
Leo didn’t. Not really. He’d never been in a position or lived a life like that before. He wanted to try, though.
(Azura was nearly in the above scene but I cut her just for time’s sake. Let it be known she does think about Odin’s response when she asked if he was afraid of heights though.)
So they probably do Talk About Things and it’s Rough. But it’s good too, and the A. Trio is more open and comfortable with each other in public and also they connect with the Royal Trio (plus retainers) more personally now too that they can discuss things like this as well. Like. It’s not easy? They do have nightmares and trauma and there are some things the Nohrians can’t understand on the same level Selena/Laslow/Odin can understand with each other but they do try hard to be there and available to talk. And in a way, like Laslow says, it does feel like a different lifetime some days. 
Okay, so I feel like I’ve talked for 8,000 years and I don’t want to make you wait on a response, but I also feel like I’ve only been super general here, so. If there is anything you wanna expand on or focus on/question a bit more, definitely feel free to follow up! I have an exam tomorrow but this is probably all I’m gonna think about all day, tbh. (anon, u ask the Best questions)
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