#when will swing ent realize theyre only wasting time and losing money? free my boys you ugly cowards!
wildandsexyjacks · 4 years
Mocktails & (Not So) Useless Company Parties
Seungyoun + #11 from this holiday prompt list
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: alcohol consumption
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You love your job, you tell yourself over and over again, looking at your own reflection in the mirror of the ladies room. You do what you’ve always wanted to do, what you’re good at, what makes you happy. It pays extremely well too, so really no complaints there either. The real problem is your boss. The old cranky son of a bitch has no life of his own and for some reason, he believes you don’t need one too, which is why he’s making you stay in town for Christmas when in fact you should be back at home eating your mom’s cookies and drinking hot cocoa with tons of marshmallows.
This stupid event is not even that big of a deal, to be honest. It’s just a boring business award ceremony, filled with fancy-dressed people from the entertainment industry drinking mocktails (mocktails!!) and bragging about their achievements this year and YOU are what your boss has to brag about right now. You know your cooking show’s been pretty popular lately, with a lot of celebrities wanting to join in as guests and its rating points only going up every week, so it was obvious he’d want to show you off... But it’s Christmas. Your favorite holiday and you’re spending it in an expensive designer dress with uncomfortable heels, looking pretty and greeting people who don’t give one real fuck about your show or the story behind it, only its numbers.
While you stare in the mirror and hate everything, the giggly pair of girls who got in the bathroom right before you come out of their stalls, so you smile and wait for them to wash their hands and leave. As soon as they close the door, you take a silver flask from where you previously stashed it under the sink and pour it in your drink. After taking a sip, you put the flask back in it’s hiding spot and fix your hair one last time before exiting.
The moment Mr. Yang - executive producer of your show and close friends with the company CEO - said you’d be his date for the year-end events it became obvious you couldn’t be sober for this. However, the CEO’s wish to hold the party at his wife’s art gallery and the fact that she abominated alcohol had you mastering a plan to do it under everyone’s nose.
It was all going very well up until your third visit to the bathroom for refills. Someone storms inside without warning and catches you red-handed.
“Oh, sorry, this isn’t the-.” the guy frowns “Are you okay?”
It’s when you realize you’re probably a bit tipsier than originally intended. You look from him to the mirror again, taking in your reflection one more time: shoes discarded on the floor, flushed cheeks.... you’re obviously looking at least somewhat drunk. With your glass set on the sink and the open flask in your hands, there’s no point in trying to pretend this isn’t exactly what it looks like, so you just mumble a yeah and resume spiking your drink.
His brows furrow even more.
“Don’t you think this is a bit too...? Um, okay.” The man moves forward, grabs your arm and takes the flask from you, then smells it and instantly makes a face “Woah... Would you like some eggnog with your rum?”
You look him dead in the eye.
“This is the ladies’ room.”
“Well, I admit to my mistake.” He closes the flask, and puts it into the inner pocket of his blazer “But you don’t look too good right now so is there something I can help you with before I leave? It’s Y/N, right? You’re representing tvN so we’re both under CJ and it’d be bad form to leave you like this... I also happen to really like your show, even tried the pear risotto at home and no one died after eating.” You laugh, and he smiles, seemingly taking pride in that “Seriously, I’m a big fan.”
That’s funny because you’re looking at the Cho Seungyoun, a.k.a WOODZ, hip-hop and r&b star and variety show king. He looks ridiculously handsome in an all-black suit with his hair pushed back, which makes you vaguely embarrassed of your current state so you try to discreetly fix your appearance.
“You look beautiful, don’t worry, that’s not what I meant.” he leans against the marble sink and crosses his arms in front of his chest “What’s the matter? I mean why are you sneaking booze into a company event?”
You roll your eyes and mirror his posture, sighing.
“I don’t know what I’m doing here, my boss won’t even let me promote my show. I’m only allowed to greet people and smile while he does all the talking. This is so stupid, I should be on a plane to Toronto right now but I’m in this useless party wasting my time instead.”
Seungyoun rubs his chin, pondering his next move. After a while, he nods to himself and glances at you, arching an eyebrow.
“I can’t send you to Toronto but maybe I could help fix the other issue. How quickly can you sober up?” You shrug and bend down to put your shoes back on while he downs your drink, grimacing at the taste “Ugh, awful.” 
You laugh again while checking your make-up, then wash your hands and hold onto the arm he’s offering so you can both exit the bathroom.
And for the next couple of hours, Seungyoun does the absolute most, introducing you to everyone he knows and talking about your show with enthusiasm. He wasn’t lying when he said he was a fan, you notice. He talks in detail about the dishes and the guests from previous episodes and seems truly interested in what you have in store for the next season when you explain it to higher-ups from other CJ subsidiaries. 
It’s a blessing Seungyoun be so charismatic and funny because everyone is too busy falling in love with him to pay attention to the way you lean on him for balance and laugh just a little too much. By the time they start handing out the awards, you’re sober enough to go up on stage with Mr. Yang, who gives a quick speech thanking you and the staff - and you do the same. After that, you’re free for the rest of the night and Seungyoun makes good use of that, tapping your boss on the shoulder as soon as you get up from your seats when the ceremony ends.
“Excuse me, sir, can I borrow her for a moment?”
Busy talking to other executives, Mr. Yang waves his hand, barely looking at him, and you take that as a yes.
“Thanks for saving me.” you say as he offers his arm once again “I had a lot of fun tonight.”
“Don’t mention it. I know it’s hard to believe but I’m actually kind of shy so it was nice to have your company.” he pats your arm, glancing at you “Have you seen the paintings here? They’re pretty awesome.”
You shake your head no, so he takes you to the first open room he can find. The sign by the door says the exhibition is called FLOWERS ON A RIVER, a series of gongbi flower and bird paintings by a chinese artist named Chen Zhifo.
When you go inside, there’s no one else there, the guest using up all their time for networking instead of art appreciation. Seungyoun drags you to study a very long line of flower paintings hanging on the wall, reading their titles and descriptions out loud and making funny comments about the birds.
“You know,” he starts when you reach the last painting “I’ve never been invited to guest on your show even though we’re from the same company...”
He glances quickly at you, pouting and blinking several times, and it makes you laugh. Yes, you both come from sister companies but no one could call that a real connection. Not to mention you didn’t even know he could cook before earlier tonight, anyway.
“My boss picks the guests.” you shrug. “Sorry.”
“I see. Well then maybe I could cook you dinner at my place, say, later this week... and you could put in a good word for me with your boss or something...”
You look up at him, surprised. Maybe you’re still a little drunk, but you muster up the courage to take a step closer and ask him what’s on your mind.
“Are you trying to buy your way into my show or ask me on a date, Seungyoun?”
“Oh, I don’t care, whatever helps me see you again the fastest.” he leans down a little, bringing his face closer to yours while staring at your lips “Which one do you prefer?”
“I think right now I’m gonna go with the date and we can talk about work later.” you decide, wrapping your arms around his neck and standing on your tiptoes to meet him halfway for a kiss.
“Ho ho ho.” Seungyoun mumbles, smiling against your lips.
It’s Christmas and you’re in a stupid useless party, but now you don’t regret it anymore.
it’s still christmas where i live so..... happy holidays everyone 💜
also i��m a time management disaster so i missed seungwoo’s birthday because when do i finish anything on time right? but i WILL have the next ysay chapter finished before the weekend so wooseungdans stay tuned xx
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